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(a) While the student is inhaling and exhaling on my counts, I will be
assessing the student informally, checking to make sure they understood
my direction, and is breathing properly. Specifically I will be looking for
shallow breaths that move the shoulders, and growing tummies that
indicate proper use of the diaphragm.
(b) I will also be assessing mouth shape to either comment on during this
class, or use what I observe to plan my next lesson.

Formal Assessment: score: 9/10

(a) T/F A good breath comes from the diaphragm. (1) true
(b) T/F A good breath raises your shoulders. (1) false
(c) T/F A good posture consists of having a flat back against the back of the
chair. (1) false
(d) T/F A person with good posture has their feet flat on the floor. (1) true
(e) T/F A person should always set their body, and then bring the
mouthpiece to their face without moving their head to meet the
mouthpiece. (1) true
(f) The student can point to their diaphragm (1) yes
(g) The student can buzz 2 different pitches. (4)
a. The student is using “M&M mean face” check!
b. The mouthpiece is center, and head is not leading forward or away
from the mouthpiece check!
c. The student can buzz a pitch check!
d. The student can buzz more than one pitch. Unable


Breathing engaged diaphrm. Very sensitive with air flow. Let’s work power breathing.

Posture was good with feet flat and fanny front.
2 distint pitches were there. Embouchure: lips appareed to over flow over mouth
piece. Lets work on emboucher, and with power breathing distinct pitches should be
easier. The actual tone was pour.

Bb major scale: needs to look at fingerings. Played half notes. Could not stick with
given tempo. Could only reach La. Overall tone was accemtaple. Reaching upper
octave will require more air, so power breathing again.

Country Walk #20 p. 8 cont.
A+ on rhythm.
Whilst playing, student stuck with given rhythm. All partials were correct.
Relatively played in tune with self.
Sydney Seed
Lesson Plan


(a) Student will learn how to breathe correctly
(b) Student will demonstrate that they understand where a good breath
comes from in a 4 count breathing exercise that I lead.
(c) The teacher will introduce good posture to the student
(d) Students will learn the basic brass embouchure (m&m mean face)
(e) Student will learn and then demonstrate proper mouthpiece placement.
(f) Student will buzz two different pitches


(a) Student will sit down in their seat and be prompted to dangle over and
breathe deeply. They will be asked to feel and notice where their breath
is coming from.
(b) Student will then be introduced to good posture: sit on edge of seat with
feet flat on floor with upright back “sitting proud”. Student will be asked
to indicate where they felt their “good breath” coming from.
(c) I will indicate to them where their diaphragm is, and then they will be
asked to place their hand on their diaphragm to feel their “good breath”.
(d) Student will be told that musicians like confident full breaths that come
from the diaphragms, and not shallow “I don’t know” breaths that move
the shoulders.
(e) Student will be prompted to place one hand on their diaphragm and one
hand on their shoulder while they breathe in and out for 4 beats on my
(f) Teacher will explain “M&M mean face” which sets the student’s mouth to
a basic brass playing embouchure.
(g) Teacher will trick the student into warming up their lips by imitating a
dump truck and lawnmower.
(h) Teacher will place mouthpiece on student’s M&M mean face embouchure
and prompt the student to feel where the mouthpiece sits on their face.
The teacher will then remove the mouthpiece, and place it for a second
time on the student.
(i) The student will be asked to place the mouthpiece correctly on their face
(j) The student will be asked to buzz, and the teacher will work with the
student trying different approaches until the student succeeds.

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