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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

clinical therapeutics

Radiation Therapy for Early-Stage Breast

Cancer after Breast-Conserving Surgery
Thomas A. Buchholz, M.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette that includes a therapeutic recommendation. A discussion
of the clinical problem and the mechanism of benefit of this form of therapy follows. Major clinical studies,
the clinical use of this therapy, and potential adverse effects are reviewed. Relevant formal guidelines,
if they exist, are presented. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 45-year-old woman with a family history of postmenopausal breast cancer (in a

maternal aunt) discovers a mass in the upper outer quadrant of her left breast. A mam-
mogram reveals a spiculated density considered suspicious for cancer, and a core bi-
opsy of the lesion reveals a high-grade infiltrating ductal carcinoma that is negative
for estrogen and progesterone receptors and for HER2/neu. A lumpectomy and dis-
section of the sentinel lymph nodes are performed. Pathological evaluation reveals a
1.5-cm infiltrating ductal carcinoma with 3-mm disease-free surgical margins and
two negative sentinel lymph nodes. After undergoing 6 months of adjuvant chemo-
therapy, the patient is referred to a radiation oncologist, who recommends irradiation
of the left breast.

The Cl inic a l Probl em

Breast cancer remains the most common nondermatologic cancer among women From the Department of Radiation On-
cology, University of Texas M.D. Ander-
in the United States. In 2008, more than 250,000 new cases were expected to be di-
son Cancer Center, Houston. Address re-
agnosed, including 184,000 cases of invasive disease and 68,000 cases of in situ (non- print requests to Dr. Buchholz at the
invasive) disease.1,2 Risk factors for breast cancer include female sex, increasing age, Department of Radiation Oncology, Uni-
versity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
a family history of the disease, inherited germ-line mutations in tumor-suppressor
Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Unit 97,
genes (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2, and p53), nulliparity or late age at first pregnancy, regular Houston, TX 77030, or at tbuchhol@
alcohol use, and use of hormone-replacement therapy.1,3-8 mdanderson.org.
Although breast cancer remains the second most common cause of cancer-related
N Engl J Med 2009;360:63-70.
death among women, the annual rate of death from breast cancer has decreased Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society.
steadily since 1990.1,2 This decrease is thought to have resulted from improvements
in treatment and increased use of screening, resulting in early detection. Most women
in whom breast cancer is diagnosed in the United States will be cured. The National
Cancer Institute estimated that in 2004, approximately 2.4 million women with a
history of breast cancer were alive.1,9 The number was probably even higher in 2008.

Pathoph ysiol o gy a nd Effec t of Ther a py

Most breast cancers originate in ductal or lobular epithelial cells and are a conse-
quence of a series of genetic events that result in aberrant regulation of cell cycling,
inhibition of normal apoptotic responses, and development of the ability to invade
surrounding tissues and to form a blood supply (angiogenesis).10 Several genes and
signaling pathways have been implicated in the development of breast cancer, among
them germ-line or somatic mutations in tumor-suppressor genes (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2,
p53, and PTEN), disruptions in estrogen receptor–related signaling pathways, and
amplification or overexpression of proto-oncogenes such as HER2/neu.11

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Histologically, invasive breast cancer is defined tiguous regions of the breast.12,13 Consequently,
by the infiltration of malignant cells through the 30 to 40% of women who undergo successful sur-
ductal or lobular basement membrane (Fig. 1). The gical resection of the gross tumor mass, with
infiltrative nature of the disease and the complex, surgical margins negative for disease, will still
three-dimensional structure of the breast ductal have residual microscopic disease that if left un-
system often preclude accurate assessment of the treated can develop into recurrent disease.14,15
extent of the malignant process. Breast cancer can Radiation therapy has been shown to minimize
also be multifocal, appearing in different noncon- the risk of local recurrence after lumpectomy. Ra-

Tumor Tumor cell Normal
cell in in G0/G1 stromal
mitosis cell-cycle phase cell
Ductal Ionizing
epithelium radiation



Mitotic Unsuccessful Successful

catastrophic DNA DNA
Stroma death repair repair


Mammary Carcinoma




Reproductive Reproductive
cell death integrity maintained

Figure 1. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma and Biologic Effects of Radiation Therapy.

Panel A shows a cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. The carcinoma cells originated in the ductal epithelium and invad-
ed through O Rbasement
the F I G U R E membrane into the breast stroma. Panel B shows biologic effects of ionizing radiation on the tumor cells and

on a Draft
2 stromal 12/11/08
cell. Radiation damages double-strand DNA, resulting in catastrophic cell death for the tumor cell in mitosis. The
tumor cell
in a G0/G1 cell-cycle phase does not immediately die, but the lack of successful repair of the DNA injury and aberrant cell-
Fig # checkpoints
1 eventually lead to reproductive cell death. The normal cell is able to arrest the cell cycle and successfully repair the
DNA injury, thus maintaining its reproductive integrity.
64 SBL
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Clinical Ther apeutics

diation kills cells largely through the generation who received locoregional and systemic treatments
of free radicals, which deposit large amounts of has decreased to a rate of 0.5% per year.22-24
energy that cause single- and double-strand breaks
in the cell’s DNA. The biologic goal of radiation Cl inic a l Use
treatment is to kill tumor cells selectively, without
injuring normal tissue in the field. As a general Breast-conserving surgery was initially undertaken
rule, tumors are less able to repair DNA damage to minimize the physical and psychological con-
than are normal tissues and more frequently are sequences associated with removal of a breast.
in radiosensitive cell-cycle phases, such as mitosis. Efforts to combine breast-conserving surgery and
Division of the radiation dose into a number of breast irradiation evolved to address the concern
treatment fractions provides two important bio- that a less extensive surgical procedure would in-
logic advantages: it allows DNA repair to take crease the risk of local recurrence. The efficacy of
place within the normal tissues and allows pro- this approach was confirmed in the above-men-
liferating tumor cells to redistribute through the tioned trials, and the combination of breast-con-
cell cycle and move into the more radiosensitive serving surgery and irradiation is now accepted as
phases (Fig. 1). a locoregional treatment alternative to mastectomy
for women with early-stage breast cancer.
Cl inic a l E v idence Treatment of breast cancer ideally requires a
multidisciplinary approach. For most patients with
One of the first randomized studies conducted in invasive breast cancer, the recommended treat-
the United States to evaluate breast irradiation af- ment is surgical resection of the primary tumor
ter lumpectomy for early-stage invasive breast can- with assessment of axillary lymph nodes; adjuvant
cer began in the 1970s. The 20-year rate of local systemic treatment with chemotherapy, hormonal
recurrence was reduced from 39% without radia- therapy, or both; and adjuvant radiation therapy.
tion therapy to 14% with radiation therapy.14 The Sequential treatment with these approaches typ-
next generation of trials investigated whether ra- ically requires 9 months. The goal is to offer the
diation therapy could safely be omitted for selected highest probability of disease eradication and cure
patients with specific favorable treatment and dis- while simultaneously allowing a return to a nor-
ease characteristics. Unfortunately, most of these mal quality of life.
trials were unsuccessful in that radiation therapy Breast irradiation is indicated for most patients
continued to provide a significant benefit, both who undergo breast-conserving surgery for inva-
statistically and clinically.14,16-21 sive disease (Table 1). The one subgroup of pa-
A meta-analysis that was conducted by the tients for whom breast-conserving surgery with-
Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group out radiation can be considered an appropriate
investigating data from 7300 women enrolled in option is women who are at least 70 years of age
breast-conservation trials again confirmed that who are treated with surgery and hormonal thera-
breast irradiation substantially reduced the rates py for estrogen receptor–positive stage I breast
of local recurrence.15 This analysis also demon- cancer. In this cohort, the risk of local recurrence
strated that the use of radiation therapy decreased without radiation therapy is less than 10%.19,25,26
the 15-year risk of dying from breast cancer from Since some diseases, such as scleroderma and
31% to 26% for patients with negative lymph systemic lupus erythematosus, may increase the
nodes and from 55% to 48% for patients with risk of irradiation injury in normal tissue, patients
positive lymph nodes. This group also analyzed with these diseases are not ideal candidates for
findings from trials comparing breast-conserving breast irradiation.27 Radiation therapy should also
therapy with mastectomy and found that the two be avoided in patients who are pregnant, particu-
approaches provided equivalent disease-free and larly during the first trimester, when significant
overall survival.15 teratogenic effects from radiation are possible.28
The outcome for patients who are treated with Finally, breast irradiation should be avoided in
breast-conserving surgery has continued to im- patients with previous cancer histories who re-
prove, and the risk of local recurrence is now less ceived radiation therapy that included a portion of
than that reported in the initial clinical studies. the affected breast. For example, many survivors
For example, the probability of local recurrence for of Hodgkin’s disease underwent breast irradiation
patients with lymph node–negative breast cancer during treatment of mediastinal and axillary lymph

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Indications for Radiation Therapy and Treatment Volume after Breast-Conserving Surgery, According to
Disease Stage.

Disease Stage Indications for Radiation Therapy and Treatment Volume

Noninvasive breast cancer
Lobular carcinoma in situ Radiation therapy is not indicated.
Ductal carcinoma in situ Irradiation of the ipsilateral breast is indicated for all patients treated with
breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy), with the possible exception of
those with small foci of low-grade disease resected with wide disease-free
surgical margins.
Early-stage (T1–T2) invasive disease
Lymph-node–negative Irradiation of the ipsilateral breast is indicated for all patients treated with
breast-conserving surgery, with the possible exception of patients 70 years
of age or older who also receive adjuvant hormonal therapy.
Lymph-node–positive Irradiation of the ipsilateral breast is indicated for all patients treated with
breast-conserving surgery. Irradiation of regional undissected lymph nodes
is indicated for all patients with four or more positive lymph nodes and for
selected patients with one to three positive lymph nodes.

nodes. These considerations may influence the to include the targeted regions while avoiding nor-
decision to have breast-conserving surgery and mal structures, such as the heart and lungs. The
should be taken into account during planning of width, length, and depth of the treatment fields
the initial surgical therapy. are determined, and the optimal beam entrance
Radiation therapy typically begins 4 to 6 weeks angles are verified in the axial, coronal, and para­
after surgery or the completion of chemotherapy. sagittal planes. Optimal beam arrangements for
For patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery, breast treatment typically consist of two oppos-
the most common targeted volume is the entire ing beams that tangentially cross the ipsilateral
ipsilateral breast. Radiation therapy is also effec- anterior thorax and minimize the volume of lung
tive for treating regional lymph nodes that may in the field (Fig. 2).
contain microscopic disease; such treatment is Once the beam angles are determined, radia-
typically reserved for patients with lymph node– tion oncologists, dosimetrists, and physicists work
positive cancer. together to optimize the distribution of the radia-
The planning of radiation treatment begins tion dose within the three-dimensional treatment
with a simulation session. A custom-molded im- volume. The anatomic shape of the breast and
mobilization cradle is created for each patient, variations in tissue density within the field result
with the goal of ensuring consistent positioning in some areas within the breast receiving more
during the treatment sessions. Most commonly, than the prescribed dose (“hot spots”) and others
patients are supine with their torso angled up 10 less than the intended dose (“cold spots”). Treat-
to 15 degrees and the ipsilateral arm abducted 100 ment machines now allow for the modulation of
to 120 degrees and the shoulder externally rotat- beam intensity, which selectively blocks hot spots
ed (Fig. 2). Radioopaque wires are taped to the and supplements the dose to cold spots, resulting
skin to delineate the anatomic boundaries of the in more homogeneous radiation-dose distribu-
breast and the lumpectomy scar, and computed tions. Randomized trials have shown that these
tomographic (CT) simulation scans are obtained. advances improve the homogeneity of dose distri-
The radiation oncologist then identifies an isocen- butions and minimize side effects and injury to
ter, which is a point in the treatment field that normal tissue.29-31
serves as the center of the axis of rotation of the Once the treatment-planning process is com-
treatment machine. This point and other setup pleted (1 to 3 days after the simulation session),
indicators are then marked on the patient’s breast the daily treatments begin. Each day, the patient
with ink. is positioned in the cradle, the field measurements
The treatment fields are then designed on the are set, and positioning is checked with measure-
CT-simulation data set with the aid of virtual re- ment tools, external marking of the field borders
ality–type techniques. The goal of field design is on the skin, and weekly film verification. Patients

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Clinical Ther apeutics

are typically in the radiation-therapy room 15 min-

utes each day, during which the beam is on for Linear
3 to 5 minutes. Treatments are given Monday accelerator
through Friday, with weekends and holidays off.
The first 25 to 28 daily sessions treat the ipsilat-
eral breast to a dose of 45 to 50 Gy, after which the
treatment volume is reduced to the tumor-bed re-
gion and treatments are continued for an addi-
tional 10 to 16 Gy delivered over 1 week.
During the course of treatment, the patient sees
the radiation oncologist in clinic every week. These
brief visits allow the radiation oncologist to moni-
tor side effects, perform quality-assurance checks,
and answer questions. It is very uncommon for
patients to have an interruption in their radiation
therapy because of side effects. Breaks in the treat-
ment schedule should be avoided whenever possi- Patient
ble, because delays can adversely affect efficacy.
Radiation oncologists typically see patients in
follow-up 3 to 6 months after the completion of
therapy to ensure that any side effects have re-
solved. After the resolution of short-term effects
of treatment, long-term follow-up by a member of
the multidisciplinary breast-cancer team is indi-
cated to monitor for development of local recur-
rence or a new primary tumor in the breast.
The sophisticated techniques that are associ-
ated with optimal radiation therapy make such
treatments expensive. The costs associated with
a 6-week course of treatment can range from
$25,000 to $50,000, depending on the specifics of
the case.

A dv er se Effec t s

During radiation therapy, most patients have some

degree of treatment-related fatigue, which varies
in severity among patients. Many patients can
continue to work full-time during their course of Figure 2. Radiation Treatment of Cancer in the Left Breast.
radiation therapy, whereas treatment-associated Radiation treatments are given from linear accelerators and typically use
fatigue requires others to scale back their work C O Llateral
medial and OR FIG URE
opposed tangential fields that obliquely cross the anteri-
schedule. or chest wall.
Draft 2 Computed tomographic planning of treatment ensures that
the heart is outside the radiation field and the included lung volume is
The other common short-term reaction involves Author Buchholz
# 1 Each treatment plan is customized for the individual patient.
the skin within the irradiated volume, which Title
typically becomes dry and erythematous. This of- ME
ten leads to symptoms of pruritus and tender- der
DE to palpation and the skin remains hyperpig-
Artist SBL
ness. A temporary breakdown of the skin in the mented for 6 to 9 months after treatment but then
inframammary sulcus or axilla develops by the end returns
Figure has to
been normal.
redrawn and type has been reset
Please check carefully
of treatment in 25 to 30% of patients.30 When this The most common permanent effects on nor-
Issue date
occurs, new skin forms over the area of desqua- mal tissue are minor changes in the aesthetic ap-
mation within 5 to 10 days. Topical therapies have pearance of the breast resulting from volume loss,
not been shown to decrease the duration or se- fibrosis, or retraction at the tumor-bed site. Ap-
verity of desquamation.32 The breast remains ten- proximately 20 to 30% of patients who undergo

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy fected breast. Theoretically, treatment of a smaller
have less than a good or excellent aesthetic result volume of normal breast tissue should allow a
as a consequence of locoregional therapy.33-35 larger dose of radiation to be given with each frac-
The most serious potential late complications tion without risking a higher rate of complica-
of radiation therapy are injury to the lungs and tions in normal tissue. In the United States, this
heart and the risk of inducing secondary cancers, technique, called accelerated partial-breast irra-
such as sarcoma, lung cancer, and contralateral diation, has been delivered with double-plane or
breast cancer. Early studies of radiation therapy balloon-based radioactive implants and through
in patients with breast cancer demonstrated that conformal three-dimensional external-beam treat-
inclusion of the left ventricle in the high-dose re- ment. The most common treatment schedule in-
gion increased the long-term risk of death from volves 10 treatment sessions given over a 5-day
cardiovascular disease.15 For example, in one study, period. Some treatment centers are investigating
for patients who had undergone breast-conserving another approach that delivers the entire radiation
surgery and radiation therapy, the risk of death dose intraoperatively, during the surgical resection
from cardiovascular disease during 10 to 20 years of the primary tumor.
of follow-up was 6.4% for those treated for a can- Thousands of patients with early-stage breast
cer in the left breast, as compared with 3.6% for cancer have received accelerated partial-breast ir-
those treated for a cancer in the right breast.36 radiation as a component of breast-conserving
Improvements in radiation equipment and tech- therapy. However, this technique remains inves-
niques have helped reduce these risks.37 One way tigational until information on its long-term ef-
to avoid cardiac injury is to keep the heart out- ficacy and safety becomes available from clinical
side the treatment field, which can be done with trials. In the United States, a large phase 3, ran-
CT treatment planning. When the tumor bed is domized trial comparing accelerated partial-breast
in the lower quadrants of the left breast and thus irradiation with conventional whole-breast radia-
near the heart, therapy can be gated so that ra- tion is ongoing. A number of other trials compar-
diation is delivered only during periods of deep ing various partial-breast irradiation strategies
inspiration, when the diaphragm moves the heart with whole-breast irradiation are being conducted
in a medial and caudal direction relative to the left in other areas of the world.40
breast. Given the very low incidence of cardiac or
pulmonary complications after treatment with cur- Guidel ine s
rent techniques, routine monitoring for toxic ef-
fects is not recommended. Guidelines concerning the use of radiation ther-
Current techniques also minimize the small apy for breast cancer have been established by
carcinogenic risks associated with radiation ther- the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and
apy by reducing the volume of normal tissue within the American College of Radiology. Evidence from
the treatment fields and reducing the dose from phase 3 trials has led both organizations to rec-
scatter radiation to the contralateral breast.38 The ommend breast-conserving therapy with whole-
overall risk of a radiation-induced second cancer breast irradiation as an appropriate treatment
is approximately 1 to 2%.15 option for patients with early-stage disease.41,42
The one subgroup of patients who can be offered
A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y breast-conserving therapy without irradiation as
the standard of care are those who are at least 70
The protracted course of radiation therapy is in- years of age who have stage I, estrogen receptor–
convenient for patients, particularly for those who positive disease treated with adjuvant hormonal
have to travel a substantial distance for daily therapy.
treatment. To address this concern, investigators
in the United Kingdom and Canada have conduct- R ec om mendat ions
ed clinical trials comparing treatment over 3 weeks
rather than 5 weeks. Initial results of these trials, The patient described in the vignette is an excel-
which included mostly elderly patients with stage lent candidate for breast-conserving therapy, and
I disease, have been promising.35,39 I agree with the surgical choice of lumpectomy and
A second strategy to shorten the therapy course dissection of the sentinel lymph nodes. Approxi-
is to treat only the tumor-bed region of the af- mately 30% of patients with breast cancer have a

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Clinical Ther apeutics

family history of the disease, and having such a After the patient completes systemic therapy,
family history does not usually adversely affect the I would recommend that she undergo whole-breast
outcome of breast-conserving therapy.43,44 The pa- irradiation to a total dose of 50 Gy, delivered in
tient also has a biologically aggressive breast-can- 25 fractions over 5 weeks, followed by a “boost”
cer phenotype that lacks expression of the estro- dose to the tumor bed of 10 to 16 Gy, delivered in
gen and progesterone receptors and HER2/neu 5 to 8 fractions over 1 week. Particular care should
(“triple negative” disease). However, patients with be taken to keep the heart completely outside the
triple negative disease can still have an excellent radiation fields to minimize the risk of long-term
outcome with breast-conserving surgery and whole- cardiovascular effects. Dose homogeneity within
breast irradiation.45,46 the treatment field should be optimized by modu-
During the lumpectomy, the surgeon should lating the intensity of the radiation beams to
orient the specimen for pathological examination minimize skin reactions and optimize the cos-
and have the pathologist mark the specimen with metic outcome. With this therapeutic approach,
ink for a final assessment of the surgical margins. the patient has an excellent long-term progno-
Ideally, the surgery would also include the place- sis and should be expected to return quickly to
ment of radioopaque clips to mark the tumor bed her normal quality of life after completing the
to facilitate subsequent planning of radiation treatment.
therapy. I also agree with the use of adjuvant che-
Dr. Buchholz reports receiving consulting fees from Merck and
motherapy, because evidence from clinical trials GlaxoSmithKline and grant support from Merck. No other poten-
indicates that such therapy reduces the risk of dis- tial conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
tant metastasis.47

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