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DOI: 10.1002/cphc.


Electrostatics at the Origin of the Stability of Phosphate-Phosphate

Complexes Locked by Hydrogen Bonds
Ignasi Mata,[a] Ibon Alkorta,[b] Elies Molins,[a] and Enrique Espinosa*[c]

In the hierarchy of intermolecular interactions, ion–ion forces gregation takes place in oversaturated solutions prior to the
are at the topmost position, followed by ion–dipole and formation of the crystal nucleus.[10] Phosphate is also an impor-
dipole–dipole forces. The hydrogen bond (HB) is regarded as tant anion in biochemistry, being involved in processes of
the strongest dipole–dipole interaction,[1] being the strongest energy storage and transfer that requires overcoming electro-
intermolecular force between neutral systems and also playing static repulsion with the help of suitable cations.[11]
an important role in charged systems. Although there has The strength of IAHBs involving H2PO4 moieties is revealed
been some discussion in the past about the nature of intera- by the short H···O distances observed by neutron diffraction.
nionic hydrogen bonds (IAHBs),[2] experimental evidence sup- Thus, in the crystal structures of l-histidinium phosphate phos-
ports its classification as conventional HBs.[3] Moreover, the ten- phoric acid (LHP)[12] and l-argininium phosphate monohydrat-
dency of some ions to form hydrogen-bonded chains or sheets ed (LAP),[13] the shortest O···H intermolecular distance corre-
in solid state is exploited in crystal engineering for controlling sponds to an IAHB [1.420(1)  in LHP, 1.569(3)  in LAP], while
crystal packing and properties.[4] Hydrogen-bonded anionic as- the shortest distance in a non-IAHB is significantly larger
semblies found in the solid state have been detected in solu- [1.522(1)  in LHP, 1.592(4)  in LAP]. This result suggests that
tion,[5] indicating that, with the adequate environment (cations phosphate is well suited for the formation of anionic com-
or polar solvent) HBs can compensate ion–ion repulsion. Inter- plexes, similar to those already observed in larger anions.[8] In
anion and intercation HBs in the solid state often involve mole- order to establish the feasibility of these complexes, and to ex-
cules of biological and pharmaceutical interest,[6] suggesting plain how the interplay of HB and ionic forces allows their for-
that these interactions play a significant role in biochemical mation, we have undertaken a theoretical study of the
processes. (H2 PO4 )2 system in the gas phase.
Although stable hydrogen-bonded anion–anion or cation– The potential energy surface (PES) of this system was ex-
cation complexes in gas phase are, in general, dismissed, they plored by performing geometrical optimizations of (H2 PO4 )2
have been postulated from theoretical calculations[7] and de- with different orientations and symmetries (C2 or Cs) of the
tected by spectroscopy.[8] These clusters are energetically un- monomers. All the calculations converged to one of the seven
favorable (their interaction energy is positive, Ei > 0), but an en- hydrogen-bonded complexes (1–7) represented in Figure 1, ex-
ergetic barrier must be overcome before dissociation, which hibiting local PES minima with Ei > 0. In Figure 1, complexes
ensures their stability. These results suggest that, once formed are sorted by increasing Ei, showing that, as the number of
under the influence of a suitable environment, anion–anion IAHBs is larger and their H···O distances (dH···O) shorter, Ei is
and cation–cation interactions can present an intrinsic stability lower. This feature outlines the role of hydrogen bonding in
that would allow the complex to remain stable. compensating the ionic repulsion.
In aqueous solutions at physiological pH, phosphoric acid is In its simplest representation, an HB can be understood as
partly deprotonated, appearing as dihydrogen (H2 PO4 ) and hy- a Coulombic electrostatic interaction between the donor and
drogen (HPO2 4 ) phosphate. Dihydrogen phosphate is well acceptor charge distributions, each of them unaffected by the
known for its tendency to form strong IAHBs, to the point that other. This is an oversimplified model of the HB, as it ignores
hydrogen-bonded phosphate chains and sheets are used in important effects such as mutual polarization of the closed
crystal engineering for strengthening cohesive forces in the shells, and it is inadequate for an accurate description when
crystal.[9] Spectroscopy results demonstrate that phosphate ag- these closed shells present a significant overlap. Nevertheless,
this interpretation is on the basis of the analysis of the molecu-
[a] Dr. I. Mata, Prof. E. Molins lar electrostatic potential [f(r)],[14] which is routinely applied in
Institut de Cincia de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC) the study of intermolecular interactions.
Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra (Spain)
According to the topological analysis of f(r),[15] an anion is
[b] Prof. I. Alkorta
enclosed by a zero-flux surface of f(r), that is, a surface not
Instituto de Qumica Mdica (IQM-CSIC)
Juan de la Cierva 3, 28006 Madrid (Spain) crossed by any electric field line. This surface, henceforth the f
[c] Prof. E. Espinosa surface, has been proposed as a definition for the anion shape
Laboratoire de Cristallographie, Rsonance Magntique et Modlisation and size.[16] Applying the Gauss theorem to the volume en-
(UMR 7036), Universit de Lorraine, Facult des Sciences et Technologies, BP closed by the f surface, this region must present a zero net
charge, and therefore the 1(r) falling outside the f surface in-
Boulevard des Aiguillettes, 54506 Vandoeuvre-ls-Nancy (France)
E-mail: enrique.espinosa@crm2.uhp-nancy.fr tegrates to the net charge of the anion. As 1(r) within that
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under volume completely screens the positive charge of the nuclei,
http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cphc.201200068. another anion outside the f surface would be repelled by the

ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 1421 – 1424  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1421
Figure 2. Electric field lines in the plane defined by both OH groups in an
isolated H2 PO4 anion with Cs symmetry. Orange, red and black are for lines
starting at P, O and H nuclei, respectively. The P atom is out of the plane by
1.06 . The envelope of the volume filled by the field lines is the f surface.
Influence zones of H atoms are defined by the field lines converging at the
H nuclei. The shaded circle is the intersection with a sphere sharing the van
der Waals radius of oxygen (1.52 ), the center being 1.09  out of the
plane. This sphere approximately corresponds to the volume occupied by
the 1(r) of an O atom and is situated at the P···O and O···O distances ob-
served in 1 (3.15 and 2.81  respectively). The O atom 1(r) inside the shaded
area and enclosed by the f surface is attracted towards the phosphate.

Figure 1. Conformation of the seven stable (H2 PO4 )2 complexes, indicating

their HBs and dH···O distances. 1–7 are sorted by increasing Ei.

overall negative charge of the former. However, if part of the

1(r) corresponding to the approaching anion falls inside the
volume enclosed by the f surface, the concerned 1(r) would
experience an attractive force toward the nuclei enclosed
within the volume. The influence zone of an H atom belonging
to a hydrogen bonding donor is the fragment of the volume
filled by the electric field lines starting at the H nucleus.[17] The
1(r) inside the influence zone (whether belonging to the hy-
drogen or the acceptor) is attracted to the H nucleus.
In Figure 2, the f surface (the envelope of electric field lines)
and the influence zones of two hydrogens in an isolated
H2 PO4 with Cs symmetry can be visualized from the plot of the
electric field lines. A sphere representing the van der Waals
volume of the acceptor O atom at the geometry of the com-
plex 1 has been added (gray circle). The oxygen electrons,
which are expected to fill this sphere, fall partially inside the in-
fluence zones of the H atoms. Hence, in spite the overall nega-
tive charges of both anions, part of the acceptor 1(r) in the HB
region should be attracted toward the H nucleus.
The penetration of the acceptor 1(r) inside the influence
Figure 3. Electric field lines in complexes 1 (top panel, plane defined by one
zones of the donor can be also observed once the complex is
O atom and two H atoms in a bifurcated HB) and 2 (bottom panel, plane de-
formed. Indeed, superposing the atomic volumes calculated fined by the short HB). Color lines are defined in the caption of Figure 2.
from the topological analysis of 1(r)[18] with the influence Shaded region is the atomic volume of the acceptor oxygen. A is the part of
zones defined by the electric field lines (Figure 3), it is ob- the O atom volume inside the zone of influence of the H atoms of the
donor, where 1(r) is attracted toward the H nuclei. B is the part of the O
served that the atomic volume of the acceptor O atom pene-
atom outside the f surfaces of both donor and acceptor, where 1(r) is not
trates the H atoms influence zones in the donor. 1(r) in the in- attracted toward any nucleus. C is the part inside the volume enclosed by
tersection of the atomic volume and the influence zone is its own f surface, where interaction with its own nucleus prevails.

1422 www.chemphyschem.org  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 1421 – 1424
screened from the O nucleus by the remaining 1(r) of the O 1 and 6 (see the Supporting Information). Moreover, in the cal-
atom and is attracted toward the H nucleus in the HB donor, culated IAHBs, the delocalization index,[26] which is another in-
which behaves as the electrophilic site of the interaction. dicator of electron sharing derived from integration of the
At equilibrium, the forces at the nuclei, arising from their in- atomic volumes, follows the same dependency with dH···O than
teraction with the surrounding charge distribution, must be in HBs of neutral complexes (see the Supporting Information),
zero. In a stable configuration, a restoring force acts on the indicating that the negative charge of the anions has no signif-
nuclei when they move slightly from the equilibrium position. icant effect on this property of the H···O hydrogen bond.
Stability in complexes 1–7 takes place when enough 1(r) is The dissociation curves of 1–7 (Figure 4) have been calculat-
locked in the HB region to induce attractive forces when dH···O ed by increasing the P···P distance (dP···P) in small steps, mini-
increases. Thus, the stability of 1–7 can be explained by elec- mizing the rest of the geometry at each step. Starting at the
trostatic forces that arise when 1(r) of one phosphate interacts equilibrium configuration, Ei rises as dP···P increases because at-
with the electrophilic influence zone, limited by the f surface, tractive forces coming from the penetration of the acceptor
of the other. At larger distances there is not enough 1(r) inside 1(r) within the donor influence zone diminish in magnitude. At
the electrophilic zone, and repulsive ionic forces prevail. As the highest point of the energetic barrier there is a transition
a consequence of the fundamental interplay between the sta- state where the attractive force is lost because of the low 1(r)
bility of the complexes and their associated electrostatics, the contribution of the acceptor, avoiding enough charge to be
electrostatic interaction energy of the HBs, calculated[19] from locked in the bonding region. The discontinuities observed in
the integration of the electrostatic moments on the basins[20] some curves are a consequence of the electrostatic interaction,
of the interacting H···O atoms and summed over the HBs in inducing reorientations of the monomers that minimize ionic
each complex, presents a clear correlation with Ei (see the Sup- repulsion. Hence, when the IAHB is weak enough, this reorien-
porting Information). tation takes place, breaking the IAHB and decreasing Ei.
Additional stabilization is expected from the significant over-
lap of donor and acceptor closed shells, as the concomitant re-
organization of 1(r) results in a significant electron localization
in the HB region that confers to the interaction its partial cova-
lent (or, according to QTAIM terminology, shared) character.[21]
This electron localization is related to the early steps in the
transformation of the closed shell into a shared interaction[22]
and can be detected from the topological analysis of 1(r).
According to QTAIM, a bonding interaction is characterized
by a saddle conformation of 1(r) in the bonding region, ap-
pearing a concomitant saddle point called the bond critical
point (BCP). The ratio Cb = j Vb j /Gb (Vb and Gb being respective-
ly the electron potential and kinetic energy densities at BCP) is
a measure of the closed-shell or shared character of the HB,[22]
and therefore can be used as a measure of the partial covalent Figure 4. Interaction energy of 1–7 as a function of dP···P. Solid/dashed lines
character of the HB. While interactions with Cb < 1 and Cb > 2 are calculated by increasing/decreasing dP···P in small steps, starting at the
are of pure closed-shell and shared types, respectively, 1 < Cb < equilibrium conformation. Discontinuities on the curves correspond to
2 represents an interaction with an incipient shared character breaking or formation of HBs, implying reorientations of the complexes.

that is more important as Cb approaches 2. IAHBs in 1–7 at

equilibrium geometries present 0.99 < Cb < 1.10, while values On the other hand, when decreasing dP···P in small steps
expected from average Vb(dH···O) and Gb(dH···O) dependencies cal- while minimizing the geometry of the rest of the complex,
culated from a large set of H···O interactions[23] are bound to most of the complexes collapse into the curve associated to 1,
0.88 < Cb < 1.01 for the same range of dH···O distances. As which presents the lowest Ei value (Figure 4). The steps in
a result, Cb is systematically larger in 1–7 than the values ex- these curves can be explained in similar terms as those de-
pected from the average dependencies (only one IAHB exhibits scribed for the dissociation curves, although in this case dis-
Cb < 1), indicating that IAHBs in 1–7 share more charge than continuities are due to HB formation instead of HB breaking.
the average of H···O interactions at the same geometries. This The picture arising from Figure 4 suggests a PES dominated
excess of shared character agrees with the observation that by ionic repulsion at long dP···P and by Pauli repulsion, arising
the transition to a shared interaction is favored when the ac- from the large overlap of the closed shells, at very short dP···P.
ceptor presents very polar or ionic bonds,[24] which is the case In the range 3 9 dP···P 9 7 , attractive forces arising from hy-
of PO bonds.[25] Thus, the stability of the complexes is rein- drogen bonding induce a complex landscape of local minima
forced by the electron localization in the HB, which is favored connected by transition states that gives an intrinsic stability
by the electron polarization of the PO bond. A similar in- to (H2 PO4 )2. Accordingly, it can be assumed that, if ionic repul-
crease in Cb is observed in two neutral (H3PO4)2 complexes sion is overcome and a hydrogen-bonded complex is formed,
with interaction distances (dH···O = 1.610 and 2.017 ) close to the dimer can remain stable in spite of being energetically un-
those observed in 2 and 5 and geometries similar to those of favorable.

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Acknowledgements Park KS, 2011.
[21] I. Mata, E. Molins, I. Alkorta, E. Espinosa, J. Chem. Phys. 2009, 130,
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministries of Education [22] E. Espinosa, I. Alkorta, J. Elguero, E. Molins, J. Chem. Phys. 2002, 117,
(Grant CTQ2009-12520-C03-3 and CONSOLIDER CSD2007-00041) 5529 – 5542.
and Science and Innovation (Grant CTQ2009-13129-C02-2), the [23] I. Mata, I. Alkorta, E. Molins, E. Espinosa, Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 2442 –
Catalan Government (Grant PRC 2009SGR-203), and the Autono-
[24] I. Mata, E. Molins, I. Alkorta, E. Espinosa, J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115,
mous Community of Madrid (Grant MADRISOLAR2, S2009/PPQ- 12561 – 12571.
1533), I.M. thanks the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) for a JAE- [25] D. B. Chesnut, Heteroat. Chem. 2000, 11, 341 – 352.
Doc fellowship financed by the European Social Fund. M. J. L. [26] R. F. W. Bader, A. Streitwieser, A. Neuhaus, K. E. Laidig, P. Speers, J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 4959 – 4965.
Mills and P. L. A. Popelier are acknowledged for allowing us to
use the NYX program for computing the electrostatic interaction
Received: January 27, 2012
energies. Published online on March 7, 2012

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