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> Enhancing the role and responsibility of service providers in a REIT framework for better
operational oversight and increasing transparency of the product


, The task force consists of representatives of the SECP, three stock exchanges and the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, principally representing minority shareholders, institutional
investors, nominees of professional accountinq bodies and other stakeholders.

)0> It will consider establishing a permanent platform for dialogue and cooperation on minority
shareholder issues.

).> This will offer a unique opportunity to diverse stakeholders, including minority shareholders,
representatives. of different companies, experts on minority shareholder issues and
representatives of government organisations to come together in a spirit- of cooperation and
constructive endeavour to address some of the key issues that challenge minority shareholders.

Conclusion and recommendations

).> The automation is the key to public facilitation and it should remain in focus, he said, adding that
being the public face of the SECP, the CROs playa key role.
r The efforts of the CROs in implementing the SECP's reform agenda, vowing to make the conference
an annual feature.
).> Sharing ideas and !<nowledge on elevating the role of the registrar, both as a regulator and
facilitator. It provided a useful forum for interaction, planning and devising future strategy for registrars'
working at the SECP front end offices, Company Registration Offices (CROs).
,. Focused on the interaction among registrars, defining their roles, celebrating success and planning to
work towards future. The second day focused on the implementation of an action plan and sharing of
knowledge to achieve collective success and coordination among the registrars, the statement said .
., During the conference, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis of the
registrars' function was performed, on the basis of which an action plan was devised and responsibilities
were assigned for its implementation.
,. The registrars working across the country on their contribution to the development of the corporate
sector and its sizeable growth. Sharing his expectations for the conference, he said that it is an
important step in the essential process of interactive cooperation among regulators and a tool to better
understand the practical problems enabling the SECP to respond quickly with the best possible solutions,
the statement said.
,. Executive director ofCorporatization and Compliance Department should presented the performance
review, targets with a special focus on moving towards a paperless environment and analysis of
operational matters to find possible solutions. Other discussion areas were best international practices,
coordination among the registrars and other departments of the ~ECP.


., www.secp.gove.pk.com
).> express tribune
, www.stc.stock.commission okland data
,.. infopedia.com
,. Statements of state bank of Pakistan
,.. Relevant text book of tax and information
» Relevant text book of AIOU
);> Personal observations and experiences with class fellows and teacher

" Classroom work and experiences with the guidance's of resources books


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