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Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2013;6(9):1791-1798

www.ijcep.com /ISSN:1936-2625/IJCEP1307024

Original Article
Expression of dishevelled gene in Hirschsprung’s
Dong Chen1, Jie Mi1, Mei Wu1, Weilin Wang1, Hong Gao2
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Liaoning, China; 2Key
Laboratory of Pediatric Congenital Malformations, Ministry of Public Health, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical
University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
Received July 15, 2013; Accepted July 25, 2013; Epub August 15, 2013; Published September 1, 2013

Abstract: Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is a congenital disorder of the enteric nervous system and is character-
ized by an absence of enteric ganglion cells in terminal regions of the gut during development. Dishevelled (DVL)
protein is a cytoplasmic protein which plays pivotal roles in the embryonic development. In this study, we explore the
cause of HSCR by studying the expression of DVL-1 and DVL-3 genes and their proteins in the aganglionic segment
and the ganglionic segment of colon in HSCR patients. Materials and Methods: Specimen of aganglionic segment
and ganglionic segment of colon in 50 cases of HSCR patients. Expression levels of mRNA and proteins of DVL-1
and DVL-3 were confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR), western blot and immunohistochemistry stain-
ing between the aganglionic segment and the ganglionic segment of colon in HSCR patients. Results: The mRNA
expression of DVL-1 and DVL-3 were 2.06 fold and 3.12 fold in the aganglionic segment colon tissues compared
to the ganglionic segment, respectively. Similarly, the proteins expression of DVL-1 and DVL-3 were higher (39.71
± 4.53 vs and 53.90 ± 6.79 vs) in the aganglionic segment colon tissues than in the ganglionic segment (15.01 ±
2.66 and 20.13 ± 3.63) by western blot. Besides, immunohistochemical staining showed that DVL-1 and DVL-3 have
a significant increase in mucous and submucous layers from aganglionic colon segments compared with ganglionic
segments. Conclusion: The study showed an association of DVL-1 and DVL-3 with HSCR, it may play an important
role in the pathogenesis of HSCR.

Keywords: Hirschsprung’s disease, dishevelled-1 and dishevelled-3, gene and protein, expression

Introduction derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) [4], and sex

determining region Y-box 10 (SOX10) [6], which
Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR), which is also play important roles in the formation of ENS,
called aganglionosis, is a congenital disorder of have been identified in HSCR patients.
the enteric nervous system (ENS) and is char-
acterized by the absence of intestinal ganglion Wnt signaling pathway plays a critical role in a
cells in myenteric and submucosal plexuses [1]. vast array of biological process, including cell
Its incidence is approximately 1/5,000 human proliferation, tumorigenesis and embryonic
live births, and has a male preponderance of development [7, 8]. The present study suggests
4:1 [2]. Aganglionosis is owing to the disorder of that HSCR disease is closely related with Wnt
the ENS in which ganglion cells fail to innervate signaling pathway. It has been demonstrated
the lower gastrointestinal tract during embry- that the mutation or abnormal expression of
onic development. At present, the cause of the WNT8b may result in the occurrence of
HSCR still remains unclear, but there is a com- HSCR [9]. The dishevelled (DVL) protein is a
mon understanding that HSCR is a complex dis- cytoplasmic protein which plays pivotal roles in
ease influenced by multiple genetic and envi- the embryonic development, cell differentiation
ronmental factors. Up to now, mutations in ret and tumor formation [10-12]. And it is a critical
proto-oncogene (RET) [3, 4], endothelin recep- mediating site in the Wnt signaling pathway
tor B (EDNRB) [5], endothelin 3 (EDN3) [5], glial [13]. However, whether DVL protein has rela-
Expression of DVL in HSCR

tionship with HSCR disease has not been iden- primers was constructed by the cDNA Chi
tified. At present, three homologous DVL genes sequence of DVL-3, Whose production was 102
have been identified in human beings, respec- bp. These three pairs of primers were synthe-
tively DVL-1, DVL-2 and DVL-3. DVL-2 is mainly sized and purified by Shanghai Biological
related to cell proliferation and tumorigenesis Engineering Company. The three pairs of prim-
[10], while DVL-1 and DVL-3 are more tend to ers were as following: Human β-actin, sense: 5’
neural formation and embryonic development AGA GCT ACG AGC TGC CTG AC 3’, antisense: 5’
[14, 15]. So in this study, we aim to explore the AGC ACT GTG TTG GCG TAC AG 3’; Human DVL-
cause of HSCR by studying the expression of 1, sense: 5’ GCT GAC GGT GAA GAG TGA C 3’,
DVL-1 and DVL-3 in the colon segment tissues antisense: 5’ GCA TTG GCG ATG GTG AT 3’;
of HSCR patients through qRT-PCR, western Human DVL-3, sense: 5’ CGC AAG TAT GCC AGC
blot and immunohistochemical staining. AAC 3’, antisense: 5’ GCA GAG GTC ACC GAA
GAT 3’.
Materials and methods
RNA extraction, reverse transcription and
Patients and specimens quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR)
This study was approved by Ethics Committee Approximate 100 mg tissues from the agangli-
of China Medical University (Ethical Number: onic and ganglionic intestines were used for
2013 PS07K). Colon tissues were obtained total RNA extraction using RNA extraction
from 50 pairs patients (41 males and 9 females) reagent TRIZOL (Invitrogen Life Technologies),
with pathologically confirmed HSCR pre- or according to manufacturer’s instructions. The
post-operatively at Shengjing Hospital of China harvested RNA was diluted to a concentration
Medical University. Age ranged from 0.5 to 4.5 of 1 µg/µl, aliquoted and stored at -80 temper-
years old with an average of 1.5-years. ature. For cDNA synthesis, two reagent kits
Aganglionic colon segment tissues and gangli- were used (One Step PrimeScript® mRNA cDNA
onic colon segment tissues were collected Synthesis Kit, PrimeScript® RT reagent Kit,
respectively and identified by pathological H&E Takara Biotechnology Co.).
staining. Each tissue specimen was divided
into two pieces, one piece was frozen at -80°C The qRT-PCR was performed with a 12.5 µl
for molecular analysis, the other piece was reaction system in triplicate for each specimen
fixed in 10% neutral-formalin and embedded in the presence of SYBR green PCR Master mix
with paraffin. (Takara Biotechnology Co.) in a Lightcycler
(Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Co.). The
Reagents and instruments
housekeeping gene β-actin (Takara, DR3783)
Polyclonal anti-DVL-1 (Sigma-Aldrich® Co.) and was used as an endogenous control. The reac-
anti-DVL-3 (BioVision Incorporated). Biotin tion program was: 5 min pre-denaturation at
streptavidin detection system for immunohisto- 95°C and 40 cycles of 5 s of denaturation at
chemical staining, and DAB-0031/1031 kit 95°C, 30 s of annealing at 55°C (for DVL-1) or
were purchased from Fuzhou Maixin Biotech- 53°C (for DVL-3). After the termination of PCR,
nology Development Co. The PrimeScript RT the production was analyzed by the Lightcycler
reagent kit was purchased from Takara system automatically. The amplification pro-
Biotechnology (Dalian) Co. And the electropho- cess was followed by a melting curve analysis
resis apparatus was Bio-Rad. The mixed SYBR and CT value was recorded. The average CT
green kit of Takara Biotechnology was made for value was the extreme CT value of the sample.
qRT-PCR with a Light Cycle480 (Roche, Basel, For these genes, one cycle change in CT corre-
Switzerland) instrument. sponded to a 2.1 ± 0.2 (SEM) change in RNA
dilution. The expression difference of the gene
Design and synthesis of primers was calculated by the 2-∆∆ct method [16].

Human β-actin was taken as an internal control Hematoxylin and eosin staining and immuno-
with the production of 317 base pair (bp). There histochemical staining
were three side chains. A pair of primers was
constructed by the cDNA Chi sequence of DVL- Diagnosis of HSCR was based on hematoxylin
1. Its production was 108 bp. Another pair of and eosin (H&E) staining of ganglion cells. It is

1792 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2013;6(9):1791-1798

Expression of DVL in HSCR

Figure 1. Photomicrographs of aganglionic and ganglionic intestine by H&E. A: Ganglionic colon segment tissue (the
arrow shows the ganglionic cells). B: Aganglionic colon segment tissue (the arrow shows fibrous tissue of hyperpla-
sia where the ganglionic cell disappears). A and B: × 400 (the bar = 50 μm).

confirmed by the review of surgical pathological washing with PBS, nuclei were counterstained
reports from resections following each biopsy with Hematoxylin. The negative control was
diagnosis of HSCR whether the diagnosis was performed by equivalent PBS instead of rabbit
correct or not. Aganglionic segment and gangli- anti-DVL-1 or DVL-3. Brown and yellow deposi-
onic segment were obtained according to H&E tion represented a positive reaction. Density
staining (Figure 1). And the segments were and distribution were observed under a light
fixed in 10% neutral-formalin and embedded in microscope. The density of the positively
paraffin. stained area was calculated at × 400 magnifi-
cation as the sum of the areas occupied by the
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on positively stained area of the tissues. Images
5 µm sections obtained from formalin-fixed, were taken and the area of staining in each
paraffin embedded blocks using Biotin strepta- image was calculated by a NISE Elements Basic
vidin complex method. Tissue sections were Research (version 2.30, Kawasaki, Kanagawa,
deparaffinized in xylene (3 times, 20 minutes Japan) analysis system. The immunohisto-
each) and gradually rehydrated with ethanol chemical stained slides were independently
(100%, 90%, 80%, 70%) and distilled water (2 reviewed by two pathological researchers.
minutes). Washing was then performed by PBS
for 5 minutes. After blocking endogenous per- Western blot
oxidase by the treatment of hydrogen peroxide
(3% H2O2, for 15 minutes), the sections were Approximate 50 mg colon tissue specimen was
incubated at 100°C for 10 minutes in 0.01 minced to small pieces using surgical scissors
mol/L citrate buffer (pH = 6) as an antigen and sonicated in protein lysis buffer, followed
retrieval step. After washing with PBS (5 min- by centrifugation (13,000 rpm) for 15 minutes
utes) the sections were incubated with 10% at 4°C. The protein concentration was mea-
normal goat serum for 30 minutes. The sec- sured by the Bradford method, and specimens
tions were subsequently incubated with prima- were adjusted to the same protein concentra-
ry anti-DVL-1 (1:3000 dilution, Polyclonal rabbit tion, aliquoted and stored at -80°C. Samples
anti-DVL-1, Sigma-Aldrich® Co. Catalog Number containing equal amounts of protein (50 µg)
D3570) and DVL-3 (1:3000 dilution, Polyclonal were separated by sodium-dodecyl sulfate poly-
rabbit anti-DVL-3, BioVision Incorporated, acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) on
Catalog Number 3684R-100) overnight at 4°C. a 10% gel, and then electro-transferred onto
The sections were then washed in PBS and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes
incubated with anti-rabbit IgG–peroxidase anti- (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). Blots were
body for 20 minutes at 37°C, washed by PBS. blocked with 5% skim milk for 1h at 37°C, fol-
The final reaction product was stained with lowed by incubation with the following primary
diaminobenzidine (DAB). After 10 minutes polyclonal antibodies: anti-DVL1 (1:1000,

1793 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2013;6(9):1791-1798

Expression of DVL in HSCR

Table 1. The relative quantity of DVL-1 mRNA in two segments

DVL-1 β-actin times of gene
segment ∆Ct ∆∆Ct
average Ct value average Ct value (compared to normal segment)
normal 24.95 ± 1.48 23.94 ± 1.95 1.01 0 1
aganglionic 24.03 ± 1.38 24.06 ± 1.80 -0.03 -1.04 2.06

Table 2. The relative quantity of DVL-3 mRNA in two segments

DVL-3 β-actin times of gene
segment ∆Ct ∆∆Ct
average Ct value average Ct value (compared to normal segment)
normal 24.13 ± 1.55 23.94 ± 1.95 0.19 0 1
aganglionic 22.61 ± 1.61 24.06 ± 1.80 -1.45 -1.64 3.12

Figure 2. Expression of DVL-1 detected by immunohistochemistry in aganglionic and ganglionic colon segment tis-
sue. The brown yellow depositions in aganglionic segment were far more rich and widespread in submucosa, while
those in the ganglionic segment were punctiform. A: Ganglionic colon segment tissue. B: Aganglionic colon segment
tissue. A and B: × 400 (the bar = 50 μm).

Sigma-Aldrich biotechnology Co.) and anti- pare the expression level of DVL-1 and DVL-3
DVL3 (1:1000, BioVision Incorporated.) over- between aganglionic colon segments and gan-
night at 4°C. The following day, the blots were glionic colon segments. All results were
washed, and then incubated with horse anti- expressed as means ± standard deviation
rabbit secondary antibody (1:2000 dilution; (S.D.), where P values less than 0.05 were con-
Maixin Biotechnology, Fuzhou, China) for 90 sidered statistically significant.
minutes at 37°C and detected by an enhanced
chemiluminescence (ECL, Pierce Biotechnology, Results
Rockford, IL, USA). The grayscale values of the
DVL-1 and DVL-3 bands were normalized to the qRT-PCR analysis
values of the corresponding β-actin band to
determine the expression level of the protein. The OD value of RNA calculated by A260/A280
The experiments were repeated 3 times was from 1.8 to 2.0. In the course of the qRT-
independently. PCR, the amplification curve was received by
fluorescent threshold and cycle, a fair reproduc-
Statistical analysis ibility of each sample and basically coincident
efficacy amplification were demonstrable. It
The Statistical Program for Social Sciences, was showed that the mRNA levels of DVL-1 and
version 13.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL), was used for DVL-3 were 2.06 fold and 3.12 fold higher in
statistical analysis. A t test was used to com- aganglionic colon segment tissues than those

1794 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2013;6(9):1791-1798

Expression of DVL in HSCR

Figure 3. Expression of DVL-3 detected by immunohistochemistry in aganglionic and ganglionic colon segment tis-
sue. The brown yellow depositions in aganglionic segment were widespread and reticulodromous in submucosa,
while those in the ganglionic segment were rather light. A: Ganglionic colon segment tissue. B: aganglionic colon
segment tissue. A and B: × 400 (the bar = 50 μm).

Table 3. The distribution of DVL-1 and DVL-3 in while the plexus wasn’t colored in the gangli-
two segments (percentage of staining area to onic colon segment (Figure 4).
whole area %, means ± SD)
Western blot analysis
Content Aganglionic segment Normal segment
DVL-1 0.2659 ± 0.0065* 0.0461 ± 0.0067 The expressions of DVL-1 and DVL-3 proteins
DVL-3 0.2551 ± 0.0103* 0.0381 ± 0.0082 were evaluated by western blotting with specif-
: P<0.05 vs normal segment. ic antibodies in the same group of 50 HSCR
patients. Consistent with the results of qRT-
PCR, significant increases of DVL-1 and DVL-3
in ganglionic colon segment tissues by the qRT- were detected in aganglionic colon segments
PCR (n = 50, P < 0.03; n = 50, P < 0.03), respec- compared to the matched ganglionic colon seg-
tively (Tables 1 and 2). ments (Figure 5). The protein levels of DVL-1
and DVL-3 were 39.71 ± 4.53 and 53.90 ± 6.79
Immunohistochemical staining results
in the aganglionic colon segment, respectively,
The aganglionic and ganglionic colon segments whose values were much higher than those
were first defined by the absence of the focal measured in the ganglionic colon segment
colon ganglion cells through H&E staining (15.01 ± 2.66 and 20.13 ± 3.63, respectively,
(Figure 1). The positive reaction mainly located P < 0.05).
in the mucous layer and submucous layer of Discussion
colon segment. The brown yellow depositions
in the aganglionic colon segment tissues were HSCR disease is the most common congenital
far more rich and widespread in submucosa, gut motility disorder, occurs in 1:5,000 live
and were reticulodromous in the circular mus- births and is characterized by an absence of
cular layer; while those in the ganglionic colon enteric neurons in terminal regions of the gut
segment tissues were punctiform. DVL-1 and [2], leading to tonic contraction of the affected
DVL-3 immunoreactivity showed the tendency segment, intestinal obstruction and massive
of regional increase from ganglionic colon seg- distension of the proximal bowel (megacolon).
ment to aganglionic colon segment (Figures 2 As we all know that the onset of HSCR is closely
and 3) with significant deviation (Table 3). related with the maldevelopment of the ENS
Besides, immunohistochemical staining was and involves a series of complicated process
also found that fibrous tissue of hyperplasia including the distortion of ganglion cell devel-
between the inner circular and outer longitudi- opment at different stages [17, 18]. By far,
nal muscle layer in the aganglionic colon seg- many genes are reported to be involved in the
ment could be stained dark yellow by DVL-3, etiology of HSCR. The mechanism of motility

1795 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2013;6(9):1791-1798

Expression of DVL in HSCR

Figure 4. Fibrous tissue of hyperplasia in the aganglionic segment was stained dark yellow by DVL-3, while the
plexus wasn’t colored in the ganglionic segment. A: Ganglionic colon segment tissue. B: Aganglionic colon segment
tissue. A and B: × 400 (the bar = 50 μm).

Figure 5. The expression of DVL-1 and DVL-3 proteins. Lines 1 and 3: the DVL-1 and DVL-3 proteins of the ganglionic
segment. Lines 2 and 4: the DVL-1 and DVL-3 proteins of the aganglionic segment.

dysfunction in HSCR is still unclear although were higher than those in ganglionic colon seg-
colonic motility dysfunction is a main manifes- ments (Tables 1 and 2), and the differences
tation. Despite certain achievements have were statistically significant (P < 0.03). The
been made in identifying some of the genetic same protein expression results were further
basis of HSCR disease, the cause of HSCR confirmed that significant increase of DVL-1
remains unclear. and DVL-3 were detected in aganglionic colon
segments compared to the ganglionic colon
Furthermore, for HSCR patients, persistent segments.
postoperative disturbances in bowel motility
even after the operation are one of the major The diagnosis of HSCR remains a challenge for
problems, whose underlying pathomechanism both the clinician and the pathologist. The most
remains unclear, too. In this study, we used important question is how best to make a dif-
qRT-PCR, immunohistochemical staining and ferential diagnosis between HSCR and other
western blot based molecular biology study to similar diseases such as intestinal neuronal
investigate the differential expressions in dysplasia B (IND B). For histologic diagnosis of
mRNA and protein levels between the agangli- HSCR, it is necessary to see the ganglion cells
onic and ganglionic of colon tissues from HSCR by serial sections in formalin-fixed tissue and
patients in order to get more information about use frozen section for acetylcholine esterase
bowel motility disturbance. We analyzed the enzyme histochemistry [19]. However, difficul-
aganglionic and ganglionic colon segment tis- ties often arise in situations, such as identify-
sues derived from 50 patients with sporadic ing ganglion cells with confidence, especially in
HSCR and found that both the expressions of neonates. Several methods were used in the
DVL-1 and DVL-3 in aganglionic colon segments past years to identify ganglion cells, but few of

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Expression of DVL in HSCR

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