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a eee eee aaa NE NEW EDITION cand frightening, a book that excites and disorientates, a book wil intimations of the sublime. Art in Theory is such a book. An indispensable source book.’ Arlis News-Sheet Since it was first published in 1992, this book has become one of the leading anthologies of art theoretical texts in the English speaking world. This expanded edition includes the fuits of recent fesearch, invelving a considerable amount of newly translated ‘material irom the entire period, together with additional texts from the last decades of the twentieth century. The features that made the first edition so successful have been retained: «The volume provides comprehensive representation of the theories which underpinned developments inthe visual arts during the twentieth century; As well os writings by arists, the anthology includes texts by cries, philosophers, politicians and literary figures; «The content is clearly structured into eight broadly chronological sections, stating with the legacy of symbolism and concluding wih contemporary debates abou the postmodern; «The editors provide individual introductions to each of the 371 anthologized texts, 1900 -2000 An Anthology ‘Material new to this expanded edition includes texts on African art, is Satie sessed Wotl Wor Pamecacin doses cys reid of Changing Ideas by texts on gender, on installation and performance art, and on the increasing globalization of cule. Charles Harrison is Emeritus Professor of the History and Theory cof Art atthe Open University. He is the author of several books on modern art criticism and theory. Paul Wood is Senior Lecturer in Art History atthe Open University. ‘ He is coediter, with Charles Haxrson and Jason Gaiger, of Artin Edited by Theory 1648-1815 (2001) and Artin Theory 1815-1900 (1998) eel Harrison Charles Harrison Printed in the United Kingdom i, & e ; Wood & Paul Wood poe ae _JIMIMN esses | l| li HEDBIR rte Blackwell eee 1 Desert oO 0 Publishing Art in Theory 1900-2000 An Anthology of Changing Ideas Edited by Charles Harrison and Paul Wood D arse D ridishing Irdroduction selection and editor] matter © 192, 2008 by Charles Harrison and Paul Wood 350 Main Sra Malden MA 0216-5020, USA ‘9600 Geningten Road, Olerd OX42D0, UK 550 Swanston treat, Cavo,Vieloris 355, Australi ‘The ight of Charles Harizon and Pal Wood tobe dense ae Authors ofthe Btoral matali {his Wor hasbeen asserted in acondance with the UK Copynight, Design nd Patents Ac 1968, ‘Allright reserved. No pst ofthis publication may be reproduced stored in a reseval pstm,or ‘tansited, in any fon by any ena, lero wether photocopying, eroding oF others, except as permed by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 158, without the prior emission of th publisher. ‘Artin Thay 190-1990 ft published 192 ‘Bit published in USA 1998 [New edition (Artin Tery 1800-200 ist published 2003 1 am Litrary of Congress Cataloging in Pabaton Date ‘Artin theory, 1900-2000 an anthology af changing eas / edited by Chales Harison and Paul Wood. —2nd ed vce Actin theory, 190-196, 195, Ince isogreptilreeencer and no ISBN 978-091-2707 (i tk pape) BBN 97840-61-227083 bk: alk paper) 1. Art Modem—twentsth century Pesophy. I Harson, Charles, 142- 1 Wed Paul 1909- TE At in theory, 100-1980. Nstso.azier 20m 709 ended 2002018690 Acatslogue record for thi le sv from the British Library. ‘Setin 105 0n 125 pt Ebuhacdt ‘by Kolam Information Services Pot 1d, Pondicheny, nda Plnted and bound in the United Kingdom. by] iteasional, Padstow, Corll The publisher's policy isto uso pomnanont papa from mils that ope sustainable forestry policy, sn whieh haa een manfactued from pulp proceed using asd fee and semantary chlorinesee practices. Furthermore, the publisher ensures tha the et paper and cover acd ued have met, Erepiable ontronmentl aecedtation snd For further information on Blachvell Publishing, visit our website: sw blaclnellpsbshing corn Summary of Contents | The Legacy of Symbolism ‘A Classicism and Originality 1s B Expression and the Primitive 59 Il The Idea of the Modern World ‘A Modernity 132 B Cubism 184 Il Rationalization and Transformation ‘A Neo-Classicism and the Call to Order 26 B Dissent and Disorder 250 CC Abstraction and Form 276 D Uiilicy and Construction 333 IV Freedom, Responsibility and Power ‘A The Modern as Fdeal 362 B Realism as Figuration 402 C Realism as Critique 442 D Modernism as Critique 506 V_ The Individual and the Social ‘A The American Avant-Garde 562 B Individualism in Europe 595 C Are and Society 640 Vi The Moment of Modernism ‘A Art and Modern Life 693 B Modernist Art 762 Vil Institutions and Objections ‘A Objecthood and Reductivism, 818 B Attitudes to Form 868 € Political Aspects 913 D Critical Revisions 4 VIIl_ Ideas of the Postmodern {A The Critique of Originality 1018 B Figures of Difference 1087 C The Condition of History n7

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