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Tuberculosis Treatment and Drug Regimens

Giovanni Sotgiu1, Rosella Centis2, Lia D’ambrosio2, and Giovanni Battista Migliori2
Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Statistics Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University
of Sassari, Research, Medical Education and Professional Development Unit, AOU Sassari 07100, Italy
World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases,
Fondazione S. Maugeri, Care and Research Institute, Tradate 21049, Italy
Correspondence: gbmigliori@fsm.it

Tuberculosis is an airborne infectious disease treated with combination therapeutic regi-

mens. Adherence to long-term antituberculosis therapy is crucial for maintaining adequate
blood drug level. The emergence and spread of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
strains are mainly favored by the inadequate medical management of the patients. The
therapeutic approach for drug-resistant tuberculosis is cumbersome, because of the poor,
expensive, less-effective, and toxic alternatives to the first-line drugs. New antituberculosis
drugs (bedaquiline and delamanid) have been recently approved by the health authorities,
but they cannot represent the definitive solution to the clinical management of drug-resistant
tuberculosis forms, particularly in intermediate economy settings where the prevalence of
drug resistance is high (China, India, and former Soviet Union countries). New research and
development activities are urgently needed. Public health policies are required to preserve
the new and old therapeutic options.

M tuberculosis, however, significantly complicated


edical treatment of tuberculosis, together

the clinical and public health management of the
with correct diagnosis, represents a cor-nerstone patients and of their contacts.
in the management and control of tu-berculosis.
It is relevant from a clinical and pub-lic health Currently, clinicians and public health spe-
perspective, as tuberculosis is a serious cialists are facing daily problems related to the
contagious airborne disease. prescription of less effective and toxic second-
Antibiotic treatment, reducing the bacterial line drugs, with frequent pharmacological in-
load in the lungs, can be helpful to reduce the teractions with antiretroviral drugs or medi-
probability of transmission, along with other cines used to treat other comorbidities.
public health measures, such as isolation and
cough etiquette.
The dramatic change of the epidemiological
scenario during the last two decades, as a con-
sequence of the increased incidence of the tu- Tuberculosis is an ancient disease; nevertheless,
berculosis/HIV (human immunodeficiency vi- effective drugs were not available for centuries.
rus) coinfection and of drug-resistant forms of The preantibiotic therapy was initially repre-

Editors: Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Eric J. Rubin, and Alimuddin Zumla

Additional Perspectives on Tuberculosis available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org
Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi:
10.1101/cshperspect.a017822 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a017822

G. Sotgiu et al.

sented by isolation in sanatoria to reduce the Table 1. Antituberculosis drugs

probability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Drug Mean daily dosage
trans-mission to healthy contacts, with rest, Isoniazid 5 mg/kg
adequate nutrition, and sunlight exposure; then, Rifampicin 10 mg/kg
the sur-gical approach represented the gold Ethambutol 15 – 25 mg/kg
standard, after Carlo Forlanini’s discovery of the Pyrazinamide 30 – 40 mg/kg
benefi-cial effects of the artificially induced Streptomycin 15 – 20 mg/kg
pneumo-thorax in 1927 (Rosenblatt 1973; Sakula Amikacin 15 – 20 mg/kg
1983; Dheda and Migliori 2012). Kanamycin 15 – 20 mg/kg
Capreomycin 15 – 20 mg/kg
Only after the discovery of the etiological
Ofloxacin 800 mg
agent by Robert Koch in 1882 and the identifi-
Ciprofloxacin 1000 mg
cation of the antibacterial activity of penicillin Gatifloxacin 400 mg
by Alexander Fleming did new experimental Moxifloxacin 400 mg
activities focused on the evaluation of the effi- Levofloxacin 1000 mg
cacy of natural and chemical compounds in Ethionamide 15 – 20 mg/kg
animals start (Goldsworthy and McFarlane Prothionamide 15 – 20 mg/kg
2002; Daniel 2006). Cycloserine 500 – 1000 mg
The first experimental evidence of the po- Para-aminosalicylic 150 mg/kg
tential efficacy of new antituberculosis drugs acid
was obtained in 1940 when a dapsone-deri- Linezolid 600 mg
vative compound, known as promin, was ad- Clofazimine 200 – 300 mg
Amoxicillin/ 875/125 mg BID or
ministered to a sample of guinea pigs. However,
clavulanate 500/125 mg TID
that sulfonamide was never given to humans
Clarithromycin 1000 mg
(Barry 1964; World Health Organization 2004; Terizidone 600 – 900 mg
Migliori et al. 2011; Sotgiu et al. 2013). Thiacetazone 150 mg
A different destiny awaited streptomycin, a Thioridazine 75 mg
natural substance isolated from Streptomyces Bedaquiline 400 mg (for 2 wk)
griseus, which proved its efficacy in animals 200 mg TIW (for 22 wk)
and then in humans. In 1944, Schatz and Waks- Delamanid 200 mg
man stated that the drug could be prescribed for BID, twice a day; TID, thrice a day; TIW, thrice a week.
the treatment of tuberculosis as a consequence of
its bactericidal activity. In 1946, the United
Kingdom Medical Research Council Tuberculo-
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zid was proposed. Sir John Crofton with the

sis Unit showed its short-term 6-mo efficacy in “Edinburgh method,” characterized by the pre-
terms of mortality reduction (i.e., from 27% to scription of at least two drugs, showed the
7%). However, after 5 yr, no differences were effi-cacy of the combination therapy (Crofton
found between those exposed and not exposed to 1960, 1969, 2006; Fox et al. 1999; World
streptomycin as a consequence of the acquired Health Orga-nization 2004; Migliori et al.
antibiotic resistance (Table 1) (Schatz et al. 2011; Sotgiu et al. 2013).
1944; Hinshaw and Feldman 1945; Wassersug In 1954, pyrazinamide was discovered, but at
1946; Fox et al. 1954, 1999; World Health the prescribed dosages, the rate of hepatic
Organiza-tion 2004). toxicity was significantly high. Ethambutol and
Four years later, the discovery of streptomy- rifampicin were introduced in 1961 and 1963,
cin, a new synthetic drug, called para-aminosal- respectively. The duration of therapy var-ied
icylic acid (PAS), was presented as an alternative from 1 to 2 yr. In 1970, trials on regimens
drug for the treatment of tuberculosis. including rifampicin showed good results with a
Following the poor results of the mono- therapy of 9 mo, whereas in 1974, the inclu-sion
therapy, in 1952, the first regimen based on the of rifampicin and pyrazinamide at low dos-ages
combination of streptomycin, PAS, and isonia- demonstrated the efficacy of a 6-mo treat-

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Tuberculosis Therapy

ment (East African/British Medical Research gence of resistant strains, it is necessary to

Council 1974; Sensi 1983; Fox et al. 1999; pre-scribe at least two effective drugs.
Mi-gliori et al. 2011; Sotgiu et al. 2013). Duration of drug exposure is different ac-
The Madras study started in India in 1956. cording to the susceptibility of the isolated
It showed the efficacy of the ambulatory treat- strains. In general, two different steps in the
ment and the crucial role of the directly ob- treatment of tuberculosis can be recognized—
served treatment for the improvement of the initial (or bactericidal) phase and continuation
patient’s adherence (Table 2) (Dawson et al. (or sterilizing) phase. During the first step of
1966; Migliori et al. 2011; Sotgiu et al. 2013). treatment, mycobacteria with a high replication
On the basis of the microbiological charac- rate are killed, and, consequently, with the his-
teristics of M. tuberculosis (i.e., slow growth tological pulmonary restoration and the reduc-
and dormancy of some of the bacilli belonging to tion of the inflammation process, symptoms and
the bacterial population), numerous scientific clinical signs resolve (clinical recovery). From a
con-tributions showed the efficacy of a long- public health perspective, this phase is crucial
term and multidrug therapeutic approach to because the treated patient becomes
obtain a bacteriological eradication in pulmonary noninfectious and the probability of selection of
and extrapulmonary sites. drug-resistant strains decreases (it is directly
Other factors can contribute to the success- correlated to the fast-growing bacteria). The
ful outcome of the antituberculosis therapy, in- continuation phase is oriented to the elimina-tion
cluding the chemical features of the infection of semidormant bacteria, whose size is sig-
site. An adequate combination of effective drugs nificantly reduced if compared with that at the
can reduce the probability of failure, re-lapse, beginning of the antituberculosis therapy; this
and selection of resistant strains. To achieve quantitative feature, related to the low replica-
those clinical and public health out-comes, it is tion rate, is associated with a low probability of
necessary to prescribe antitubercu-losis drugs emergence of drug-resistant mycobacteria. In
with an adequate dosage, for a spe-cific time of cases of drug-susceptible tuberculosis, two po-
exposure, and whose efficacy has been proved in tent medicines are sufficient (e.g., isoniazid and
in vitro tests (i.e., drug-suscept-ibility testing). In rifampicin) in this phase. On the other hand, the
particular, to avoid the emer- regimen prescribed during the initial phase is
more complex: two bactericidal drugs (isoni-azid
with streptomycin or rifampicin), etham-butol to
Table 2. Historical steps of the antituberculosis
treatment inhibit monoresistant strains and to reduce the
mycobacterial burden, and pyrazina-mide, whose
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Year Historical step

action is mainly focused to the semidormant
1940 Use of promin in guinea pigs mycobacteria. The intensive phase has a duration
1944 – 1946 Discovery of streptomycin of 4 mo, whereas the ster-ilizing phase has a
1948 Discovery of para-aminosalicylic acid duration of 2 mo.
1952 Streptomycin þ para-aminosalicylic
On this basis, the choice of the antitu-
acid þ isoniazid
1954 Discovery of pyrazinamide berculosis drugs in the different phases is not
1956 Madras study random but is based on the epidemiology (e.g.,
1961 Discovery of ethambutol resistance rate in a specific setting, probability of
1963 Discovery of rifampicin having been infected by a contact with drug-
1970 9-mo rifampicin-containing regimens resistant tuberculosis) and on the specificity of
1974 6-mo rifampicin- and pyrazinamide- action of the antituberculosis drugs. The anti-
containing regimens tuberculosis drug armamentarium is character-
2012 Food and Drug Administration ized by molecules with two main different
approval of bedaquiline mechanisms of action—bactericidal effect and
2013 Approval of delamanid by European
sterilizing effect. The first one is crucial in the
Regulatory authorities
intensive phase and allows a relevant reduction

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G. Sotgiu et al.

of the bacterial load; the indirect consequence ing ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and
of this activity is the reduction of the rifampicin. Only isoniazid and rifampicin are
probabili-ty of selecting drug-resistant strains. prescribed during the 4-mo continuation
The most important drugs prescribed for that phase.
aim are isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampicin, Patients should take drugs daily to obtain a
and strep-tomycin. The sterilizing activity is clinical and a microbiological cure; however,
relevant in the initial phase and in the during the second phase of treatment, thrice
continuation phase, but primarily in the per week is allowed, but, in that case,
continuation phase because it is oriented to adherence is crucial to avoid reduction of the
kill mycobacteria in a dormancy state. drugs’ blood level and, consequently, the risk
Antituberculosis drugs deemed helpful in this of emergence of drugs’ resistances.
phase are pyrazinamide and rifampicin. As mentioned above, a higher efficacy of
These general principles are accepted world- antituberculosis regimens longer than 6 mo for
wide, and the standardized regimens recom- individuals both with and without HIV in-fection
mended by the World Health Organization in its was not shown; a different scenario has been
guidelines have their roots in this biological found in the treatment of the latent tuber-culosis
rationale (World Health Organization 2004; infection, in which the duration of the treatment
Migliori et al. 2011; Sotgiu et al. 2013). is longer in HIV-infected patients.
The World Health Organization classified Microbiological monitoring of the efficacy
antituberculosis drugs into five classes follow- of the prescribed regimen is mandatory; spu-
ing several criteria, among them their efficacy tum smear and culture conversion should be
and their chemical characteristics. The drugs evaluated, particularly at the end of the inten-
usually prescribed for the drug-susceptible tu- sive and continuation phases of treatment.
berculosis are included in the first class, where- Previously treated cases (i.e., previous
as the drugs with unclear efficacy are included in course of antituberculosis drugs for .1 mo)
the fifth class. In particular, the following drugs should be managed differently. To prescribe an
are integrated in the first class: ethambu-tol, effective regimen tailored on the phenotypic
isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and rifampicin. The profile of the mycobacterial isolates, a rapid and
second class includes amikacin, capreomy-cin, conventional drug-susceptibility testing is re-
kanamycin, and streptomycin; old- and new- quired before the initiation of therapy. It is cru-
generation fluoroquinolones are included in the cial to monitor the potential adverse events to
third class. The antituberculosis drugs in the avoid the interruption of the prescribed therapy
fourth class are cycloserine, ethionamide, para- (Table 3).
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aminosalicylic acid, prothionamide, teri-zidone, The World Health Organization recom-

and thioacetazone. The fifth class en-compasses mends the prescription of an empiric regimen
amoxicillin/clavulanate, clarithro-mycin, for those who are identified as relapsers or de-
clofazimine, imipenem, and linezolid (World faulters, in case of a low multidrug resistance
Health Organization 2010). prevalence—ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazina-
mide, rifampicin, and streptomycin in the in-
tensive phase, followed by ethambutol, isonia-
zid, pyrazinamide, and rifampicin for 30 d; the
last 5-mo phase is characterized by
ethambutol, isoniazid, and rifampicin, for a
Individuals diagnosed with a pulmonary form total duration of 8 mo (Table 4).
of tuberculosis, not exposed to antituberculo- It was clearly shown that the 6-mo regimen
sis drugs for .1 mo (i.e., “new cases” of tuber- is practically 100% effective; after a follow-up
culosis), have to be treated for 6 mo. During period of 2 yr, the relapse rate can range from
the 2-mo intensive phase, patients should be 0% to 7%. Intermittent regimens proved a sim-
administered a combined regimen includ- ilar efficacy, with a slightly higher relapse rate at

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Tuberculosis Therapy

Table 3. Main adverse events of the same as those prescribed for the pulmonary
antituberculosis drugs
forms. Severe extrapulmonary disease, charac-
Drug Adverse event terized by the neurological, abdominal, bilateral
Isoniazid Peripheral neuropathy pleural, pericardial, bone, or joint or systemic
Linezolid involvement, needs four drugs in the intensive
Bedaquiline Liver dysfunction phase and sometimes a treatment duration of 9
Isoniazid mo (e.g., in case of neurological involvement).
Para-aminosalicylic In case of relevant inflammation, the prescrip-
acid tion of steroids is recommended. However, the
Pyrazinamide prognosis strictly depends on the precocity of the
administration of the antituberculosis drugs
Amikacin Skin rash
(World Health Organization 2004).
Isoniazid kanamycin
Thiacetazone The clinical and public health management of
Bedaquiline Arthromyalgia drug-resistant tuberculosis is complicated. The
Pyrazinamide therapeutic approach, as well as the prognosis,
is significantly associated with the resistance
Amikacin Renal dysfunction
pattern (Falzon et al. 2011; World Health
Orga-nization 2011b).
Streptomycin It has been clearly shown that the multidrug
Amikacin Vestibular and auditory resistance (i.e., the resistance in vitro to at least
Capreomycin dysfunction isoniazid and rifampicin) could represent a
Kanamycin relevant clinical issue because of the poorest
Streptomycin therapeutic armamentarium. The so-called sec-
Amoxicillin/ Gastrointestinal disorders ond- and third-line antituberculosis drugs are less
clavulanate efficacious, more toxic, and more expensive than
Bedaquiline the first-line drugs.
It is straightforward that the adequate treat-
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ment of drug-resistant tuberculosis can prevent
Fluoroquinolones the emergence of new serious drug-resistant
Linezolid forms, which could have a worst prognosis and
Prothionamide less alternative therapeutic options.
Para-aminosalicylic Furthermore, another relevant feature of an
acid adequate and early treatment is the low proba-
Terizidone bility of transmission of drug-resistant myco-
Thiacetazone bacterial strains in a specific setting, such as a
Cycloserine Psychosis hospital or a community.
Nevertheless, to obtain a clinical and a mi-
crobiological cure, it is mandatory to treat in-
dividuals for a long period because of the les-
ser effectiveness of the second- and third-line
2 and 5 yr and a lower proportion of adverse drugs. The prolonged exposure to medicines,
events (World Health Organization 2004). characterized by a poor safety and tolerability
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is a pauciba- profile, reduces the adherence of the patient.
cillary disease, and therapeutic regimens are the This pathogenetic step could be crucial for the

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G. Sotgiu et al.
Table 4. Recommended antituberculosis regimens from World Health Organization
New tuberculosis cases Previously treated tuberculosis cases

Intensive phase Continuation phase Probability of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Medium or low (relapse, default)

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Duration Duration
Drugs (mo) Drugs (mo) High (failure) Drugs (duration, mo) Drugs (duration, mo) Drugs (duration, mo)
Ethambutol Isoniazid 2 Isoniazid 4 Empirical multi- Ethambutol Ethambutol Ethambutol Isoniazid
Pyrazinamide Rifampicin drug-resistant Isoniazid Isoniazid Rifampicin (5)
Rifampicin tuberculosis Pyrazinamide Pyrazinamide
a b c
Ethambutol Isoniazid 2 Ethambutol 4 regimen Rifampicin Rifampicin (1)
Pyrazinamide Isoniazid Streptomycin (2)
Rifampicin Rifampicin
Only for noncavitary, smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis or for extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In tuberculosis meningitis, streptomycin is suggested.
bLevel of isoniazid resistance among new is elevated and in vitro isoniazid-susceptibility testing is not available.
Changed once drug-susceptibility testing results are available.
Tuberculosis Therapy

emergence of new drug-resistant mycobacterial ethionamide and new-generation fluoroquino-

strains and their spread in the community. lones are the preferred medicines. Furthermore,
One of the most important points in the monthly monitoring of the culture conversion is
management of the drug-resistant strains is the relevant to assess the efficacy of the prescribed
prescription of an efficacious drug regimen, therapy (World Health Organization 2008).
which should be based on the results of the drug- New therapeutic options have been pro-
susceptibility testing. The current avail-ability of posed in recent years for the management of
rapid molecular tests, which can assess the the drug-resistant mycobacterial strains,
resistances of mycobacterial strains to iso-niazid includ-ing new molecules and drugs
and rifampicin, can allow the admini-stration of prescribed for other diseases.
an early tailored antituberculosis regimen. In Several drugs, approved for infectious dis-
particular, the World Health Orga-nization eases other than tuberculosis, showed in vitro
recently approved an automated nucleic acid and in vivo antimycobacterial activity; among
amplification test to diagnose tuberculo-sis them, imipenem-cilastatin, linezolid, and mer-
disease and to assess mycobacterial resistance to openem-clavulanate have had a relevant role
rifampicin (Xpert MTB/RIF System). The rapid in individuals with drug-resistant tuberculosis
identification of a multidrug-resistant case can in the last few years. The new molecules
allow an immediate prescription of an empiric recently approved or in the last clinical trial
and specific antituberculosis drug regi-men. This phases are bedaquiline (a new diarylquinoline,
molecular method might avoid the previous-ly called TMC 207), delamanid (
administration of an inappropriate treatment and, previously called OPC-67683), sutezolid
consequently, indirectly favor the clinical (PNU 100480), and PA-824.
recovery of patients and the reduction of their Bedaquiline and delamanid have recently
infectiousness (World Health Organization received a marketing approval. Bedaquiline-
2011a). containing regimens increase by 12 times the
The World Health Organization suggests probability of culture conversion in multi-drug-
the prescription of at least four active drugs resistant tuberculosis cases and prevent the
dur-ing the intensive phase. In particular, the emergence of further resistances to the drugs
back-bone of the administered regimen should included in the backbone regimens. It reduces
in-clude pyrazinamide, one of the injectable the time to culture conversion in the first 6 mo of
second-line drugs (amikacin, capreomycin, or exposure (hazard ratio: 2.3). The safety and
kanamycin), a new-generation fluoroquino- tolerability profile is good if compared with
lone, ethionamide (or prothionamide), and cy- other antituberculosis drugs (i.e., acne, bilateral
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closerine (or PAS). Other drugs should be pre- hearing impairment, extremity and noncardiac
scribed in case of resistances to one or more of chest pain). However, the frequency of nausea
the backbone drugs. The duration of the first was significantly higher during some clinical
phase of the treatment should depend on the trials if compared with that in the control group
culture conversion, but it should last at least 8 (Diacon et al. 2009, 2012a,b, 2013; Willyard
mo, whereas the duration of the second phase 2012; Mahajan 2013; World Health Organiza-
should be longer than 20 mo. tion 2013b).
The World Health Organization guidelines Delamanid-containing regimens showed a
issued in 2011 (WHO 2011b) showed significant short- and long-term efficacy in terms of cul-ture
differences if compared with those issued in conversion. The positive microbiological
2008; in particular, the suggested duration of the features are associated with the relevant im-
intensive phase is longer (i.e., 8 vs. 6 mo), as provement of a strong epidemiological indica-
well as the total duration of therapy (i.e., at least tor-like mortality; the proportion of individuals
20 mo). If feasible, pyrazinamide should be who died after a 6-mo exposure to delamanid
added up to a backbone regimen of four second- was 1% versus 8% in those not exposed or with a
line antituberculosis drugs, in which short-term exposure. The percentage

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G. Sotgiu et al.

of individuals who culture-converted at 2 mo in vitro and in a few cases, and its efficacy needs
was about 45% versus nearly 30% in the con- to be proved in experimental, controlled studies
trol group. The most important adverse event (Forgacs et al. 2009; Huang et al. 2012;
that occurred in patients exposed to this novel Vilche`ze and Jacobs 2012). New experimental
nitroimidazole was QT prolongation, although clinical trials are needed to assess the clinical
not associated to relevant cardiac events (Di- profile of the new therapeutic options (Grosset et
acon et al. 2011; Gler et al. 2012; Skripconoka al. 2012; Pontali et al. 2013).
et al. 2013). The management of individuals with mul-
Other new promising drugs are currently being tidrug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV infec-tion
tested in the phase II and III clinical trials. In requires the involvement of tuberculosis/ HIV
particular, sutezolid, belonging to the same specialists. Anti-HIV drugs should be pre-
chemical family of linezolid, showed its ability in scribed within 8 mo from the first admini-
the reduction of the colony forming units (Shaw stration of the antituberculosis drugs. The pill
and Barbachyn 2011; Wallis et al. 2012). The early burden is relevant and the adherence of the pa-
bactericidal activity showed by PA-824, a new tients can be significantly affected; furthermore,
nitroimidazo-oxazine, was superior to that of the toxicity linked to the pharmacological in-
bedaquiline in the first clinical trials (Diacon et al. teractions can contribute to reduce the compli-
2012a,b; Migliori and Sotgiu 2012). ance of the patients. In particular, the severity of
Antibiotics licensed for bacterial infections the hepatic, gastrointestinal, hematological, re-
other than tuberculosis proved their efficacy in nal, and central and peripheral nervous system
the treatment of the multidrug-resistant and toxicity could interrupt the treatment (Table 5).
extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis cases. A recent systematic review, enrolling 217
Linezolid is efficacious but is characterized pa-tients, whose CD4 cell counts were ,200 mL
by several hematological side effects (anemia in the majority of cases, showed that individu-als
and/or leucopenia and/or thrombocytopenia), exposed to antiretrovirals were more likely to
peripheral nervous system problems, and gastro- survive (hazard ratio of 0.38) and have a lon-ger
intestinal toxicity. However, it has been proved median time to death (i.e., 37 mo vs. 11 mo
that the therapeutic monitoring of its blood lev- among those not exposed to antiretrovirals).
els (TDM) can allow a dosage adjustment, fol- Furthermore, the prescription of antiretroviral
lowed by the reduction of the probability of drugs was associated with a higher probability of
occurrence of adverse events. Several pharmaco- cure (hazard ratio, 3.4). It was proved that the
kinetic studies showed that a 600-mg dosage has level of immunodeficiency and the mycobac-
the best cost/benefit ratio. TDM was helpful in terial resistance pattern do not influence the
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understanding the best dosage to be adminis- above-mentioned risks (Arentz et al. 2012).
tered to patients on the basis of the blood drug The concomitant prescription of anti-HIV
concentration. It was clear that a daily dosage of and antituberculosis drugs does not depend on
1200 mg is toxic if compared with a 600-mg the severity of the immunodeficiency and then
dosage. On the other hand, a 300-mg daily dos- on the CD4 cell counts.
age is less efficacious (Migliori et al. 2009;
Sotgiu et al. 2009, 2012; Alffenaar et al. 2010;
Koh et al. 2012; Srivastava et al. 2013).
Meropenem-clavulanate and cotrimoxazole
showed their efficacy in some observational The efficacy of the combination regimens de-
studies. The former favored sputum smear and scribed above will determine, in addition to
culture conversion in .80% of the multidrug- bacteriological conversion, a subjective im-
resistant tuberculosis cases (88% and 84%, provement of the patient’s clinical conditions.
respectively, in a case-control study) and was The latter feature may anticipate the microbio-
associated with an optimal safety profile (De logical conversion and could be paradoxically
Lorenzo et al. 2013). The latter was evaluated dangerous from an individual and a public

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Tuberculosis Therapy

Table 5. Main adverse events of the antituberculosis drugs and of the antiretrovirals
Antituberculosis drugs Antiretroviral drugs Adverse event
Isoniazid Didanosine Peripheral neuropathy
Linezolid Stavudine
Bedaquiline Efavirenz Liver dysfunction
Isoniazid Etravirine
Para-aminosalicylic acid Maraviroc
Pyrazinamide Nevirapine
Rifampicin Ritonavir/protease
Amikacin Abacavir Skin rash
Amoxicillin/clavulanate Efavirenz
Fluoroquinolones Etravirine
Isoniazid kanamycin Nevirapine
Bedaquiline - Arthromyalgia
Amikacin Indinavir Renal dysfuction
Capreomycin Tenofovir
Amikacin - Vestibular and auditory dysfunction
Amoxicillin/clavulanate Didanosine Gastrointestinal disorders
Bedaquiline clarithromycin Protease inhibitors
Clofazimine Stavudine
Ethionamide fluoroquinolones Zidovudine
Para-aminosalicylic acid
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Cycloserine fluoroquinolones terizidone Efavirenz Psychosis
Data modified from Arentz et al. 2012.

health perspective; patients feeling better observation avoids all the problems associated
might decide to interrupt their treatment. with self-administration, including compli-
Several approaches have been proposed to ance with the dosages and time of administra-
increase patient’s adherence. One of the most tion affecting the pharmacokinetic curve of the
important is the so-called DOT (i.e., directly drugs. In addition, DOT allows rapid man-
observed therapy). The patient takes the pre- agement of adverse events related to the drug
scribed therapy in the presence of a health-care intake.
worker ( physician or nurse), a social work-er, or Another important tool to enhance adher-
another person involved in agreement with the ence is represented by the fixed-dose combina-
local tuberculosis program. The direct tion of the antituberculosis drugs. They were

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G. Sotgiu et al.

introduced in clinical practice at the end of the The World Health Organization estimates
1980s, and several advantages were immediately that a suboptimal proportion of multidrug-re-
recognized: easy management for the national sistant cases is presently diagnosed and treated.
tuberculosis program and for health staff not In 2010, 48% of the detected multidrug-re-sistant
fully familiar with antituberculosis drugs and tuberculosis cases were successfully treat-ed.
reduced probability of emergence of drug re- Only 34 countries obtained a treatment suc-cess
sistances because of the improved patient’s rate 75% (World Health Organization 2013a).
adherence. The main disadvantages, intrinsi- Even in tuberculosis reference centers, the
cally related to the fixed dose, are the risk of a proportion of treatment success in multi-drug-
nonadequate blood level (rare, and limited to resistant cases does not exceed 50%.
patients characterized by a poor intestinal ab- Although the adherence, efficacy, safety,
sorption or by a rapid metabolism) and the dif- and tolerability profile of the newly available
ficulty in attributing an adverse event to a spe- drugs (delamanid and bedaquiline, in
cific drug. particular) ap-pear to be promising, we cannot
Another strategic therapeutic approach to predict, as of today, their long-term efficacy
improve adherence is represented by the inter- and the afford-ability of their use in resource-
mittent regimens, whose efficacy was shown limited settings. Further research efforts are
in 1964 in Chennai, India. Antituberculosis necessary to identify the potentialities of the
drugs are administered at intervals of .1 d. The new drugs and to un-derstand better how to
re-lapse rate is 8% after a follow-up of 2 yr use them in combina-tion regimens.
(World Health Organization 2004). These new regimens are ideally able to treat
An important role to increase adherence can tuberculosis sustained by both drug-susceptible
be played by incentives and enablers (money, and drug-resistant strains without interfering
food, incentives for transportation, etc.), par- with antiretroviral drugs, thus allowing a more
ticularly in resource-limited countries. Poor pa- effective approach against HIV-infected cases.
tients living in rural areas can lose their job and The new approach adopted to test different
their daily salary because of the medical visits in drug combinations in parallel can improve the
far urban settings. National tuberculosis pro- current situation, giving new insights in a
grams should identify the geographical areas or short-er period of time.
the social groups where these nonmedical New research and development activities
interventions could be crucial in improving ad- are requested, along with a preservation of the
herence (Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical current therapeutic options. Training and edu-
Assistance 2009). cational activities focused on the rationale use
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Last but not least, when health education is of the antituberculosis drugs are necessary to
adequately provided by health services to the avoid the dramatic increase of the drug-
patients and their families, adherence tends to resistant forms.
improve. National and local public health programs
should issue guidance, based on the local epi-
demiology, to prevent inappropriate manage-
ment of the new and old antibiotics, as to ensure
The current therapeutic management of drug- that all cases of tuberculosis diagnosed and cor-
susceptible and drug-resistant strains needs to be rectly treated, complete their treatment. The risk
further improved. The available regimens are is to loose the new drugs in much less than the
characterized by a relevant pill burden, long du- time necessary to develop them.
ration, variable efficacy, safety, and tolerability.
The overall treatment success rate is below the
recommended World Health Organization pro- REFERENCES
portion of 85%, and, consequently, the drug Alffenaar JW, van Altena R, Harmelink IM, Filguera P,
resistance level increases. Molenaar E, Wessels AM, van Soolingen D, Kosterink

10 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a017822

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