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October 25, 2018

Listening Activity


TEAM MEMBERS: Ordaz González Aleksa

Silva Estrada Nilda Patricia



1.- Who are the protagonist of the video?

2.- What did Mussolini fascism want to achieve?

3.- What year Italy Colonized Libya

4.- In which year Mussolini became prime minister?

5.- With what treaty Germany lost territory and army?

6.- In what year President Hindenburg made Hitler Chancellor?

7.- How was the situation in Italy after firts word war?
October 25, 2018

8.- What happened in Manchuria?

9.- Which were the allied countries?

10.- What were your objectives?


1.- This war could bring about the social climate needed to overthrow
and bring about the socialist revolution everywhere.

2.- “That’s all well and good. Mr. Mussolini, but what kind of haircut am I giving
you? Let’s go whit “.

3.- “Make me prime minister, or i´ll make me prime minister” and the king said:
“”you and what army?” “Fair enough”.

4.-… To walk into de pick out any German they wanted and
spank the hell out of them.

5.- …Mean that when a small, angry man with a silly moustache came along
and said that he could fix everything, the love it.


1.- What do you think about the Mussolini fascism?

2.- What would you have done if you had lived in that time?
October 25, 2018


 Fascism/Noun
a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by
dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong
regimentation of society and of the economy. Fascismo.

 Megalomaniac/Noun
an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or the belief that you
are very much more important and powerful than you really are.

 Racially superior/noun
supremacism - the belief that some particular group or race is superior to
all others; "white supremacism". Raza superior.

 Lebensraum/Noun
The territory which a group, state, or nation believes is needed for its
natural development
German, literally 'living space (originally with reference to Germany).
Espacio vital

 Trade unions/ Noun

An organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or
profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.

 Political party/Noun
an organized group of people, often with common views, who come
together to contest elections and hold power in the government. The
party agrees on some proposed policies and programmes, with a view to
promoting the collective good or furthering their supporters' interests.
Partido político

 Minister/Noun
a head of a government department. Ministro

 Nation/Noun
A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or
language, inhabiting a particular state or territory. Nación

 Demilitarise/ Verb
Remove troops and military installations from a territory, generally in
obedience to an international agreement. Desmiltarizar

 Patriotic/Adjetive
devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

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