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Vibration Analysis as Related to Price and Time in the Forecasting of Major Tops and Bottoms

The following pages will analyze three different time periods that all have a common 17 year
cycle structure. The 17 year cycle structure was identified by L. Peter Cogani. The 17 year cycle
structure has been further analyzed by Bradley F. Cowanii. The periods that will be analyzed are
the 1897-1914, the 1932-1949 and the current 2002-2019 time period. All three periods have a
common cycle structure as shown below and visually seen on page two.
The major tops and bottoms in this structure have shown to be mathematically related in
price and time. The common mathematical relationship of these tops and bottoms in price and
time are proven in the following pages as detailed in the 1897-1914 and 1932-1949 time
periods. These mathematical principles are then presented for the current 2002-2019 time
period along with future price and time forecasts.
The following pages illustrate analysis that will be repeated for the 1897-1914 and 1932-1949
time periods and then also for the 2002-2019 period. There will be two main vibration principles
presented for forecasting Price, Previous Cycle Vibration and In-Line Vibration. The Price
Vibration methods work together and are a dual relationship to one another and they have been
shown to be a requirement for Price to complete. The Previous Cycle Vibration will have in order
of time, 1. Vibration (100%-75%), 2. Price Top (138%) or Bottom (150%) and 3. Origin (0% Price).
The In-Line Vibration will have in order of Time, 1. Origin (0%), 2. Vibration (100%-75%) and 3.
Price Top (138%) or Bottom (150%).
In addition, Time will be analyzed proving the mathematical structure that has shown to
determine the major tops and bottoms. Repeating illustrations will show the fundamentals of
the Time Structure as a relationship to the Price Vibration methods as discussed above. The time
structure that is generated at these vibration points sync together to project future turning
points. A central element that is collinear in time is the Previous Cycle Vibration 100% time line
and In-Line Vibration 0% time line. Together time Extensions from two different cycles will
produce a common extension point in time where they are collinear. This collinear time
extension will be shown to have produced the major turnings points in the DJIA.

17 Year Cycle Structure

1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3
1897-1914 17 Year Cycle

1932-1949 17 Year Cycle

2002-2019 17 Year Cycle

Determining the 1903 Low in Price using the Previous Cycle Vibration
Step 2:
Locate the
start of the
cycle, 138%
for the High
in Price.
Step 3: Locate the target, 0%
for the Low in Price.

Step 1: Locate the 100%-75%

Price Vibration (vertical) in the
previous cycle.

Determining in Time the 1907 Low Using the Previous Cycle Vibration

Step 1: Set as 0% Time Step 2: Set the target of the Step 3: Project in Time
(Horizontal) at the present cycle which is the start (horizontal) 250%.
100%-75% Price of the next cycle, 0% for the
Vibration in the previous Low in Price, but for now as
cycle. 100% in Time.

The top chart analyzes the Price (vertical) Movement. The 1903 Low can be forecasted in Price by finding
the 100%-75% Price Vibration, then using the 138% retracement to locate the Price High and then
determining the price target at the 0% retracement.
The bottom chart adds vertical time lines and analyzes Time (horizontal) movement. The 1907 Low can be
determined in part by finding the 100%-75% Price Vibration and setting this to 0% in Time, then find the
0% price target (1903 low) as shown in the top chart and setting this to 100% in Time and then projecting
in time 250%. It will be shown why the 250% determines the 1907 low.
Step 1:
Locate the
100%-75% Determining the 1906 High using the Previous Cycle Vibration
Vibration Step 3: Locate the target, 0%
(vertical) in for the High in Price.
the previous

Step 2: Locate the start of the

present cycle, 150% for the
Low in Price.

Determining the In-Line (Dual) Vibration with 138% Price Projection

Step 3: Locate then the target

of the present cycle which is
the start of the next cycle,
138% for the High in Price.

Step 2: Locate the 100%-75%

Step 1: Locate the Origin of vibration in Price.
the cycle, 0% in Price Low.

Determining in Time the 1907 Low Using the In-Line Cycle Vibration Step 3: Project in
Time (horizontal)

Step 1: Set
the 0% Time
at the Origin
of the In-Line
Price Cycle Step 2: Set the 100% Time at the
0%. 100%-75% vibration in Price.
Comparison of Both Cycle Charts and Determining in Time the 1907 Low

Step 1: The 100%

Time projection Step 2: 250% Time Projections
from the Previous originating from different cycle
Cycle vibration is vibration time periods (red is from
collinear with the Previous Cycle vibration, p.3 and
0% Time blue is from In-Line Cycle
projection from vibration, p. 4) are Collinear in
the In-Line Time Time both at the 1907 Low.

There is a phenomena taking place for these time cycles as shown above, 100% and 0% alignment in Time
will determine the 1907 Low at a common 250% extension in Time.
Step 1:
Locate the Determining the 1938 Low in Price Using the Previous Cycle Vibration
75% Price Step 2: Locate the start of the
Vibration present cycle, 138% for the
(vertical) High in Price.
in the

Step 3: Locate the target, 0%

for the Low in Price.

Determining in Time the 1942 Low Using the Previous Cycle Vibration

Step 3:
Project in
Step 1: Set as 0% Time (horizontal)
(Horizontal) at the 100%-75% Step 2: Set the target of the present cycle 300%.
Price Vibration in the previous which is the start of the next cycle, 0% for the
cycle. Low in Price, but for now as 100% in Time.

The top chart analyzes the Price (vertical) Movement. The 1938 Low can be forecasted in Price by finding
the 100%-75% Price Vibration and then using the 138% retracement to locate the Price High and then
determining the price target at the 0% retracement.
The bottom chart analyzes the Time (horizontal) Movement. The 1942 Low can be determined in part by
finding the 100%-75% Price Vibration and setting this to 0% in Time, then find the 0% price target (1938
low) as shown in the top chart and setting this to 100% in Time and then projecting in time 300%. It will be
shown why the 300% determines the 1942 low
. Determining the 1939 High Using the Previous Cycle Vibration
Step 1:
Locate the Step 3: Locate then the target
100%-75% of the present cycle which is
Price the start of the next cycle,
Vibration 0% for the High in Price.
(vertical) in
the previous

Step 2: Locate the start of the

present cycle, 150% for the
Low in Price.

Determining the In-Line (Dual) Vibration with 138% Price Projection

Step 3: Project in
Price at the 138%
Price Level.

Step 2: Locate the 100%-75%

vibration in Price.
Step 1: Locate the start of
the cycle, 0% in Price Low

Determining in Time the 1942 Low Using the In-Line Cycle Vibration
Step 2: Set the
100% Time at
the 100%-75%
vibration in

Step 1: Set
the 0% Time
at the Origin
of the In-Line
Cycle 0%. Step 3: Project in
Time (horizontal)
The 100%
from the
Previous Comparison of Both Cycle Charts and Determining in Time the 1942 Low
vibration is
collinear with
the 0% Time
from the In-
Line Time

300% Time Projections from

originating from different cycle
vibration time periods (red is from
Previous Cycle vibration and blue
is from In-Line Cycle vibration)
are Collinear in Time both at the
1942 Low.

There is a phenomena taking place for these time cycles as shown above, the 100% and 0% alignment in
Time will determine the 1942 Low at a common 300% extension in Time.
Determining the 2009 Low in Price using the Previous Cycle Vibration
Step 1:
Locate the
100%-75% Step 2: Locate the start of the
Price present cycle, 138% for the
Vibration High in Price.
(vertical) in
the previous

Step 3: Locate then the

target of the present
cycle which is the start
of the next cycle, 0%
for the Low in Price.

Forecasting in Time the June 2013 Low Using the Previous Cycle Vibration

Step 3: Project in Time

(horizontal) 250%.

Step 1: Set as 0% Time

Step 2: Set the target of the
(Horizontal) at the
present cycle which is the start
100%-75% Price
of the next cycle, 0% for the
Vibration in the previous
Low in Price, but for now as
100% in Time.
The top chart analyzes the Price (vertical) Movement. The 2009 Low can be forecasted in Price by finding
the 100%-75% Price Vibration and then using the 138% retracement to locate the Price High and then
determining the price target at the 0% retracement.
The bottom chart analyzes the Time (horizontal) Movement. The 2013 Low can be determined in part by
finding the 100%-75% Price Vibration and setting this to 0% in Time, then find the 0% price target (2009
low) as shown in the top chart and setting this to 100% in Time and then projecting in time 250%. It will be
shown why the 250% should determine the June 2013 low on page 11.
Step 1: Forecasting the 2011 High Using the Previous Cycle Vibration
Locate the
100%- Step 3: Locate then the target,
75% Price 0% for the High in Price,
Vibration forecasted 2011 High of
(vertical) ~11,640.
in the
Step 2: Locate the start of the
present cycle, 150% for the
Low in Price.

Forecasting the In-Line (Dual) Vibration with 138% Price Projection Step 3: Project in
Price at the 138%
Price Level,
forecasted 2011
Price High of

Step 2: Locate the 100%-75%

vibration in Price, forecasted
Step 1: Locate the start of taking place ~11/2010.
the cycle, 0% in Price Low
(vertical), the March 2009

Forecasting in Time the 2013 Low Using the In-Line Cycle Vibration
Step 3: Project in
Time (horizontal)

Step 1: Set
the 0% Time
at the Origin
of the In-Line
Cycle 0%.

Step 2: Set the 100% Time at the

100%-75% vibration in Price.
Comparison of Both Cycle Charts and Forecasting in Time the 2013 Low

The 100% Time projection from the

Previous Cycle vibration is collinear with
the 0% Time projection from the In-Line
Time projection.

250% Time Projections from

originating from different cycle
vibration time periods (red is from
Previous Cycle vibration and blue
is from In-Line Cycle vibration)
are Collinear in Time both at the
forecasted June 2013 Low.

There is a phenomena taking place for these time cycles as shown above, the 100% and 0% alignment in
Time should determine the 2013 Low at a common extension in Time, that being 250%.
Calculating in Time the 2011 High
The 100% Time projection from the
Previous Cycle vibration is collinear with
the 0% Time projection from the In-Line
Time projection.

300% Time Projections originating

from different cycle vibration time
periods (red is from Previous Cycle
vibration and blue is from In-Line
Cycle vibration) are both Collinear
in Time at the Q3 2011 High.

There is a phenomena taking place for these time cycles as shown above, the 100% and 0% alignment in
Time should determine the Q3 2011 High at a common extension in Time, that being 300%.
Step 1: Set as 0% Time Step 2: Set the target, 0% for
(Horizontal) at the 100%-75% the Low in Price, but for now
Price Vibration in the previous Calculating in Time the 1946 High as 100% in Time.

Step 3: Locate then the target

of the present cycle which is
the start of the next cycle, 0%
for the Low in Price.

Step 3: 250% Time Projections

from originating from different
cycle vibration time periods (red is
from Previous Cycle vibration and
blue is from In-Line Cycle
vibration) are Collinear in Time
both at the June 1946 High.

Step 1: Set
the 0% Time
at the Origin
of the In-Line
Cycle 0%. Step 2: Set the 100% Time at the
100%-75% vibration in Price.
Step 1: Set as 0% Time Calculating in Time the 2017 High Step 2: Set the target of the
(Horizontal) at the 100%-75% present cycle which is the start
Price Vibration in the previous of the next cycle, 0% for the
cycle, forecasted November Low in Price, but for now as
2010. 100% in Time, this is the
forecasted June 2013 Low.

Step 3: 250% Time Projections

from originating from different
cycle vibration time periods (red is
from Previous Cycle vibration and
blue is from In-Line Cycle
vibration) are Collinear in Time
both at the forecasted Q1 2017

Step 1: Set the

0% Time at the
Origin of the In-
Line Cycle 0%. Step 2: Set the 100% Time at the
This is the for 100%-75% vibration in Price.
forecasted June
2013 Low.
DJIA Forecast 2010-2017

DJIA Projection Line Forecast in

Price & Time
Q3 2011 High

June/July 2010 High Q1 2017 High


June 2013 Low

November 2010 Low


The chart above, based on previous illustrations, forecasts in Price & Time the DJIA. As
time continues, using the mathematical relationships outlined, the Forecast can be
updated to best match the actual Price & Time values.
“The Bible says that where two or three are gathered together, there God will be to own
and to bless. Since God created the world, the Holy Trinity has been the greatest power
and it is referred to many times in the Bible as Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and on this
mundane sphere we know that happiness comes to husband, wife and child. The Bible
says that one cannot do much alone, that there is need of two together, and that a
threefold chord is not easily broken.”iii

“You will want to understand more about the Bible. Then read the Bible three times and
you will know why it is the greatest book ever written. It contains the key to the process
by which you may know all there is to know and get all that you need to supply your
demands and desires. You will appreciate why Solomon said, ‘Wisdom is the principal
thing: therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding.’ The future will
become an open book. You will know that by following the laws laid down in the Bible,
man’s last great enemy, Death, will be overcome and will understand why Jesus rose on
the third day and rested on the seventh day.”iv

“He studied the Bible day and night, worked on his plans for the future and continued his
investigation of science, for he believed that the Bible was the key to the process by
which man may know all there is to know. He realized that by studying it he might be
able to forecast the future and benefit himself thereby.”v

The 155° Angle In the 17 Year Cycle Structure

The following pages will analyze the 1897-1914, the 1932-1949 and the current
2002-2019 time period. All three periods have a common cycle structure as shown below
and visually seen on page two. When time and price are scaled to 30:5 and also by factors
of 10 the 155° angle drawn from Highs and Lows has to shown to intersect price at the
next previous major cycle turning point. When used together with the time projections
presented in the previous section, both Time and Price can be forecasted for the major
turning points in the 17 year cycle structure.
1897-1914 17 Year Cycle

Step 2: Locate the intersection

of the first ellipse and the 1901
High. This is equivalent to the
2007 High

Step 1: Locate the origin of the

first ellipse at the 1903 low.
This is equivalent to the 2009
1897-1914 17 Year Cycle

Step 1: Locate the origin of the second ellipse at

the intersection of the 1906 high in price of the
next cycle (equivalent to the forecasted 2011 High)
and the arc of the first ellipse.

Step 2: Locate the intersection

of the second ellipse at the
1903 low. This is equivalent to
the 2009 Low.
1897-1914 17 Year Cycle

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line through the 1906

High. This is equivalent to the 2011 forecasted
High. Then draw a line at 155° off of the
horizontal line and thru the 1906 High. This line
has shown to intersect the 1907 Low. This is
equivalent to the 2013 forecasted low.

155 °
1897-1914 17 Year Cycle

Step 2: Locate the intersection

of the third ellipse and the Step 1: Locate the origin of the third ellipse at the
forecasted 1906 High (also intersection of the 1907 Low in price of the next
intersection of the center of the cycle (equivalent forecasted 2013 Low).
second ellipse). This is
equivalent to the 2011
forecasted High.
1897-1914 17 Year Cycle

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line through the 1907

Low. This is equivalent to the 2013 forecasted
Low. Then draw a line at 155° off of the horizontal
line and thru the 1907 low. This line has shown to
intercept the next cycle High. This is equivalent to
the 2017 forecasted High.

155 °
1932-1949 17 Year Cycle

Step 2: Locate the intersection

of the ellipse and the 1937
high. This is equivalent to the
2007 High

Step 1: Locate the origin of the

first ellipse at the 1938 low.
This is equivalent to the 2009
1932-1949 17 Year Cycle

Step 1: Locate the origin of the second ellipse at

the intersection of the 1939 high in price (on
vertical line in time and equivalent to the
forecasted 2011 High) and the arc of the first

Step 2: Locate the intersection

of the second ellipse at the
1937 high. This is equivalent
to the 2007 High.
1932-1949 17 Year Cycle

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line through the 1939

High (center of second ellipse). This is equivalent
to the 2011 forecasted High. Then draw a line at
155° off of the horizontal line and thru the 1939
High (center of second ellipse). This line has
shown to intersect the 1942 Low. This is
equivalent to the 2013 forecasted low.

155 °
1932-1949 17 Year Cycle

Step 2: Locate the intersection

of the third ellipse and the Step 1: Locate the origin of the third ellipse at the
1939 High (intersection of the 1942 Low in price of the next cycle (equivalent
center of the second ellipse). forecasted 2013 Low).
This is equivalent to the 2011
forecasted High.
1932-1949 17 Year Cycle

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line through the 1939

Low. This is equivalent to the 2013 forecasted
Low. Then draw a line at 155° off of the horizontal
line and thru the 1939 Low. This line has shown to
intersect the next cycle High. This is equivalent to
the 2017 forecasted High.

155 °
Copyright © 2010 by Nicholas D. Savino

This is not trading or investment advice. This is strictly for educational purposes only.
The author is not a licensed investment advisor or broker. This is not a solicitation to buy
securities. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Seek
your own professional advice upon investing.

2/20/10 Rev_B. Modified charts on p. 13 and added quotations by W.D. Gann on p. 17.

3/14/10 Rev_C Modified .pdf.

10/17/10 Rev D Added The 155° Angle In the 17 Year Cycle Structure.

L. Peter Cogan, The Rhythmic Cycles of Optimism and Pessimism, William-Frederick Press. New York,
Bradley F. Cowan, Pentagonal Time Cycle Theory. Bradley F. Cowan, 2009.
W.D. Gann, Tunnel Thru the Air or Looking Back from 1940. Financial Guardian Publishing Co. New
York, 1927, pp. 272-273
W.D. Gann, Tunnel Thru the Air or Looking Back from 1940. Financial Guardian Publishing Co. New
York, 1927, Forward.
W.D. Gann, Tunnel Thru the Air or Looking Back from 1940. Financial Guardian Publishing Co. New
York, 1927, p. 50.

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