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Loss of 'Complexity' and Aging

Potential Applications of Fractals and

Chaos Theory to Senescence
Lewis A. Lipsitz, MD, Ary L. Goldberger, MD

The concept of "complexity," derived from the field of nonlinear dynamics, can in nonlinear dynamics are fractals and
be adapted to measure the output of physiologic processes that generate chaos.
highly variable fluctuations resembling "chaos." We review data suggesting The term fractal is a structural (geo¬
that physiologic aging is associated with a generalized loss of such complex- metric) concept that applies to a wide
class of complex shapes that are not sim¬
ity in the dynamics of healthy organ system function and hypothesize that such
loss of complexity leads to an impaired ability to adapt to physiologic stress. ply lines, rectangles, or cubes.712 In¬
This hypothesis is supported by observations showing an age-related loss of stead, fractals are irregular, but their
irregularity has an underlying pattern.
complex variability in multiple physiologic processes including cardiovascular The key feature of this fractal pattern is
control, pulsatile hormone release, and electroencephalographic potentials. If called self-similarity. The more closely
further research supports this hypothesis, measures of complexity based on a fractal object is inspected the more
chaos theory and the related geometric concept of fractals may provide new structure is revealed. Furthermore, the
ways to monitor senescence and test the efficacy of specific interventions to details seen under magnification resem¬
modify the age-related decline in adaptive capacity. ble the outline of a larger structure (Fig
(JAMA. 1992;267:1806-1809) 2).10 Of physiologic interest is the fractal¬
like (self-similar) branching architecture
of many anatomies, including certain
HEALTHY physiologic function is char¬ sures with increasing age, as well as
acterized by a complex interaction of their dependence on factors such as ge¬
nerve networks, His-Purkinje fibers,
multiple control mechanisms that en¬ netic background, diet, and activity,5 gastrointestinal folds, and vascular
able an individual to adapt to the exi¬ severely limits their utility as universal systems.8,13
The term chaos describes an appar¬
gencies and unpredictable changes of markers of aging. Furthermore, the
ently unpredictable behavior that may
everyday life. The aging process appears evaluation of only mean changes in a arise from the internal feedback loops of
to be marked by a progressive impair¬ given variable over time (or in response certain nonlinear systems.7"12 Just as a
ment in these mechanisms, resulting in to a stimulus) ignores the dynamic na¬ fractal does not have a characteristic or
a loss of dynamic range in physiologic ture of physiologic processes (Fig l).6
function and, consequently, a reduced This article briefly reviews the con¬ single scale of length, a chaotic process
cepts of fractals and chaos derived from generates complex fluctuations that do
capacity to adapt to stress. not have a single or characteristic scale
A key question is how to quantitate the field of nonlinear dynamics and sug¬ of time. Instead, chaos produces a
physiologic aging. Previous investiga¬ gests how these concepts might provide "noisy-looking" signal that varies in an
tions have focused primarily on age-re¬ a new framework for understanding,
erratic and unpredictable fashion. A
lated declines in the mean value of dis¬ quantitating, and eventually modeling counterintuitive finding has been that
crete physiologic variables such as cre- physiologic aging. Since the basic sci¬ chaotic-like behavior characterizes the
atinine clearance,1 forced expiratory vol¬ ence discipline of nonlinear dynamics has
ume,2 nerve conduction velocity,3 and output of a number of different physi¬
only recently been applied to medicine ologic systems that have until now been
insulin sensitivity.4 However, the wide and physiology,711 much of the work in
interindividual variance of such mea- this area is necessarily preliminary. thought of as being relatively periodic.12
For example, Fig 1 shows that the
normal sinus rhythm heartbeat in a
From the Gerontology (Dr Lipsitz) and Cardiovascu- NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,
lar (Dr Goldberger) Divisions, Department of Medicine, healthy young subject at rest is not
Beth Israel Hospital; the Hebrew Rehabilitation Center
FRACTALS, AND CHAOS strictly regular but instead shows a
for Aged Research and Training Institute (Dr Lipsitz); As implied by its name, nonlinear dy¬ complex type of variability ("con¬
and the Division on Aging, Harvard Medical School (Dr namics studies systems, such as those in strained randomness") reminiscent of
Lipsitz), Boston, Mass.
Reprint requests to Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for physiology, in which output is not pro¬ chaos.9·12 One way of defining the
Aged, 1200 Centre St, Boston, MA 02131 (Dr Lipsitz). portional to input. Two central concepts complexity of a process, such as phys-

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Young Subject


Time, min

Old Subject

Fig 2.—An example of a computer-generated frac¬

tal structure, illustrating self-similarity on multiple
scales (adapted from West and Goldberger10).

will have only one frequency component.

For chaotic processes, the frequency
spectrum is quite broad, comprising a
-1- wide range of low-through-high frequen¬
4 cies. In general, more complex signals
Time, min have a broader frequency pattern. Con¬
versely, loss of complexity is usually
accompanied by a narrowing of the fre¬
Fig 1. —Heart rate time series for a 22-year-old female subject (top panel) and a 73-year-old male subject quency spectrum. (Compare a pure-tone
(bottom panel). The mean heart beats per minute for the young subject was 64.7; SD, 3.9; and approximate generator and a symphony orchestra.)
entropy, 1.09. The mean heart beats per minute for the old subject was 64.5; SD, 3.8; and approximate en¬ Typically, for physiologic processes, the
tropy, 0.48. Approximate entropy is a measure of "nonlinear complexity.'* Despite the nearly identical means loss of complexity is also characterized
and SDs of heart rate for the two time series, the "complexity" of the signal from the older subject is mark¬
edly reduced. by relative reduction in the high-fre¬
quency components and corresponding
increase in the relative contribution of
iologic control of heart rate, is the particular object fills. Intuitively, a rel¬ lower-frequency components.9·17 An ex¬
extent to which that process gener¬ atively sparse branching structure would ample is the selective loss of high-fre¬
ates aperiodic fluctuations that resem¬ appear to have a lower fractal dimen¬ quency auditory responsiveness with ag¬
ble nonlinear chaos. sion than that of a more complex, ing (presbycusis).18
"bushier" object. However, spectral analysis, a tech¬
Just as fractal structures cannot be nique based on linear mathematics, is of
characterized with conventional geomet¬ limited value in assessing the complex¬
PROCESSES BE MEASURED? ric measurements, complex, chaotic-like ity of nonlinear systems. Other, more
In view of observations that many behavior cannot be adequately measured direct measures of complexity have been
anatomic structures have a complex frac¬ with statistics based simply on mean recently devised based on concepts from
tal-like morphology and that physiologic and variance. As shown in Fig 1, it is chaos theory.6·14·15·19·20 One method of
processes show complex variability, it possible for two processes to have out¬ measuring the complexity of a process
is important to have measures that ad¬ puts with nearly identical means and uses the concept of the dimension of a
equately capture these nonlinear fea¬ variances but very different dynamics. nonlinear system. For complex systems,
tures. Conventional measurements such A number of techniques have been de¬ the dimension is related to the number
as length, area, and volume (with inte¬ vised that do allow physiologists and of dynamic variables required to repro¬
ger dimensions of one, two, and three, clinicians to measure the complexity of duce the output of that system. The
respectively) are not sufficient to char¬ biologic signals, independent of their higher the dimension, the greater the
acterize fractal structures. Fractal ob¬ mean and variance.14·15 number of variables and the more com¬
jects have noninteger dimensions be¬ One traditional approach is to mea¬ plex the signal. A strictly periodic pro¬
cause they show structure on multiple sure the frequency components of a sig¬ cess has a dimension of one (ie, only one
scales of length. Fractal structure can nal using standard Fourier analysis, variable is required).
be quantitated by computing a so-called which decomposes the signal into its con¬ Another way to measure complexity
fractal dimension.10 This measurement stituent frequencies.16·17 If the output is is to calculate the so-called entropy of
provides an index of how much space a perfectly periodic (ie, a sine wave), it the system.619 (The conceptual approach

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to senescence described herein differs
fundamentally from the intuitive view
that aging increases the degree of dis¬
order or thermodynamic entropy.21·22)
Nonlinear entropy (a concept only indi¬
rectly related to classical thermodynamic
entropy) is a measure of the amount of
information needed to predict the fu¬
ture state of the system. The more com¬
plex the dynamics are, the larger the
entropy and the less predictable the sys¬
tem. Recently, techniques have been
devised that allow approximations of
nonlinear dimension and entropy to be
performed on relatively short-term sam¬
ples of data, comprising, for example,
only 1000 points6·19 (Fig 1). These mea¬
surements permit comparison of data
sets from different individuals, as well
as examination of the effects of various
interventions on the complexity of a dy¬
namic system.20
Fig 3.—Age-related loss of fractal structure in the dendritic arbor of the giant pyramidal Betz cell of the mo¬
AGING AND LOSS OF COMPLEXITY Left, The complex, branching, fractal-like architecture of the dendritic arbor in a young adult man.
tor cortex.
We propose that aging can be defined Right, suggestion of the loss of "complexity" (fractal dimensionality) in the structure of the dendritic arbor
in a 65-year-old man (reprinted with permission from WB Saunders Co28).
by a progressive loss of complexity in
the dynamics of all physiologic systems.
This loss of complexity in physiologic Examples of Decreased Structural (Anatomic) and Functional (Physiologic) 'Complexity' in Advanced Age
function may be due mechanistically to Measure of Complexity Age Effect
(1) a loss or impairment of functional Anatomic structures Branching arbor Dendrite loss and reduced
Neuronal dendrites28 branching
components, and/or (2) altered nonlin¬
ear coupling between these components. Bone trabeculae42 Meshwork Trabecular loss, disconnection
For example, the age-related decline in Physiologic systems Dimension, entropy Decrease
Heart rate variability'6
heart rate variability discussed below is
Blood pressure variability2' Dimension, entropy Decrease
likely due to dropout of sinus node cells,23 Pulsatile thyrotropin release33 SD of interpulse Decrease
altered ß-adrenoceptor responsive¬ interval
ness,23 and an apparent reduction in Electroencephalographlc Range of frequencies Decrease
parasympathetic tone. "Together, these evoked potentials27 evoked
structural and functional changes reduce Auditory17 Range of audible frequencies High-frequency loss
the complexity of physiologic heart rate
control, impairing the aged individual's
ability to adapt to stresses such as hy¬
potension.24 sound, hyperventilation, and other sen¬ young ones,33 suggesting a less complex
This hypothesis relating aging to loss sory stimuli decline with age in animals pattern of hormonal secretion. This find¬
of complexity suggests new ways to mon¬ and humans.27 This loss of dynamic range ing reflects a narrowing of regulatory
itor the physiologic aging process based has been attributed to a decrease in neu¬ control of thyrotropin secretion, prob¬
on measurements such as nonlinear en¬ ron number, impaired cerebral energy ably due in part to alterations in dopa-
tropy described above, and to test the metabolism, reduced cerebral perfusion, minergic modulation of pulsatile thyroid-
efficacy of specific interventions (eg, ex¬ altered transmitter metabolism, and dis¬ stimulating hormone release.33
ercise or pharmacologie agents) that may rupted internal connections.27 With ag¬
modify the age-related decline in adap¬ Cardiovascular Function
ing, the branching pattern of Betz cells
tive capacity. Furthermore, physiologic in the frontal cortex, spiny cells in the Studies of heart rate variability using
models designed to simulate the aging caudate, and anterior horn cells in the traditional methods such as the ratio of
process should account for loss of com¬ spinal cord becomes less complex (Fig expiratory to inspiratory R-R inter¬
plexity in the dynamics or structure of ).28 Although actual measurements of vals,34"36 as well as spectral analysis,17·37·38
the system being studied. fractal dimensions ofanatomic structures consistently demonstrate a decline in
have been reported recently,15·29·30 heart rate variability with aging. Of note,
Neuroendocrine Function a decline in heart rate variability is a
changes with age have not yet been
Normal brain function produces ap¬ quantitated. marker of increased susceptibility to sud¬
parently chaotic electroencephalo- A loss of complexity in the regulation den death39·40 and mortality following
graphic (EEG) fluctuations with changes of anterior pituitary hormone secretion myocardial infarction.41 Using the mea¬
related to the state of consciousness.25 is also apparent in aging humans. Pul¬ surements of nonlinear entropy and di¬
The EEG frequencies of aging subjects satile release of growth hormone,31 mension described above, we have also
show a loss of low-voltage fast waves luteinizing hormone,32 and thyrotropin33 shown a reduction in the complexity of
and an increase in slow waves with dif¬ is attenuated with healthy aging. The heart rate and blood pressure variabil¬
fuse slow periodicity.26 Furthermore, the SD of the mean interval between thy¬ ity in healthy elderly subjects compared
latency, amplitude, and range of EEG rotropin pulses is smaller in healthy eld¬ with healthy young subjects.20
frequencies elicited in response to light, erly subjects compared with healthy Data for a number of different ana-

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tomic structures and physiologic sys¬ nescence can be more readily quanti- We hypothesize that physiologic aging
tems consistent with the hypothesized tated. Measurement of the degree to is characterized by a generalized loss of
loss of complexity with aging are sum¬ which an individual's adaptive capacity complexity in the dynamics of healthy
marized in the Table.16·17·20·27·28·42 is reduced by aging or disease may also organ system function. This dynamical
prove useful in predicting adverse ef¬ concept of aging is intended to stimulate
FUTURE DIRECTIONS fects of drugs, surgery, or other Stress¬ further analyses of continuously re¬
If these new dynamic measures of ors. The loss of physiologic complexity corded time series (Fig 1) as well as the
physiologic complexity are useful in in cardiac interbeat interval variability construction of nonlinear models of ba¬
quantitating the effects of normal ag¬ in sinus rhythm may have value in iden¬ sic mechanisms.
ing, various interventions may be tested tifying syncope patients at risk of sud¬
for their efficacy in preventing disease den death, determining the seriousness This study was supported by a Teaching Nursing
or modifying its progression. For ex¬ ofintermittent cardiac arrhythmias, pre¬ Home Award (AG04390) and a Claude Pepper
Geriatric Research and Training Center Grant
ample, measurements of the complexity dicting mortality following myocardial (AG08812) from the National Institute on Aging;
of EEG responses to cognitive tasks in infarction, and assessing the severity of and by awards from the National Heart, Lung, and
healthy aging and dementia may prove congestive heart failure.39"41,43 Blood Institute (ROl-HL-42172), the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NAG2-5
useful in distinguishing these conditions
and in testing the effect of specific drugs CONCLUSION 14), the G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charita¬
ble Foundation, and Colin Electronics Ltd. Dr
on cognitive function or behavior. If the Measures of complexity derived from Lipsitz is recipient of the Irving and Edyth S. Usen
complexity of heart rate and blood pres¬ the field of nonlinear dynamics (fractals and Family Chair in Geriatric Medicine at the He¬
brew Rehabilitation Center for Aged.
sure dynamics serve as biomarkers of and chaos theory) may help assess The authors are grateful to David Rigney, PhD,
cardiovascular aging, the effects of ex¬ age-related anatomic and physiologic for his helpful comments, and Paula Anderson for
ercise or nutrition on cardiovascular se- changes and possibly predict pathology. manuscript preparation.
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