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The 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia

Semarang, 24-27 September 2018

Natural Frequency, Displacement, and Particle Motion Analysis For Bridge

Strength Evaluation: A Case Study From Kalasan, Central Java, Indonesia

Febrian Nur Fadhli1*, Luthfan Kin Gumandar1

1Geophysics, Physics Department, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
*Corresponding author’s email: febrian.nur.f@mail.ugm.ac.id

Abstract. One of the transportation infrastructure that gives effect in the development is bridge. Tulung
bridge is one of the bridge in Kalasan, Central Java which is very often passed by vehicles. Considering
that the survey area is included in the zone of frequent earthquake, so it is also prone of land shufting that
at any time could lead to the collapse of the bridge. So we determined natural frequency, displacement, and
particle motion to analyze the bridge strength. We deployed 3 points of measurement on the 40 m bridge
in our survey area. We used time series data that recorded from particle velocity of three components with
45 minutes duration, 100 Hz of the sampling frequency, and set the 10 dB gain to get the optimal
microseismic waves. We obtained the average of bridge natural frequency is 2.81 Hz, displacement of the
bridge is 0.025 mm, and the particle motion is dominated by E-W direction. As a result, Tulung bridge
declared to meet the standard of deflection values but did not meet the standard for natural frequency values,
in accordance to Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) so this needs to be followed up further.

Keywords: Natural Frequency, Displacement, Particle Motion

1. Introduction
Along the development and progress of the era, transportation becomes a very important thing in daily
activities. This is because transportation could be a supporting medium of economy, social, politic, and
culture life. Therefore, infrastructure procurement to support transportation need to be realized in order
to support development activities. One of the transportation infrastructure that gives effect in the
development is bridge.
The special region of Yogyakarta itself has done a lot of bridge construction that is useful to smooth out
transportation, one of them is Tulung Bridge that located in Kalasan, Central Java. Considering that
Yogyakarta region is included in the zone of frequent earthquake, so it is also prone of land shifting that
at any time could lead to the collapse of the bridge.
Every bridge must have its natural frequency and deflection. Based on Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)
for bridge, the natural frequency calculated for vibration in the upper building of the flexed bridge must
be greater than 3 Hz and if the flexed bridge vibration has a natural frequency calculated less than 3 Hz,
the maximum static deflection bridge with 1.0 kN load should be less than 2 mm [1].
Geophysics as one of the science sector that learn about geotechnics can be used to evaluate the strength
of the bridge. One of the geophysical method that can be used to measure bulding performance is
microseismic method by doing microtremor analysis to determine the natural frequency of a building
and the soil beneath it, displacement, and the particle motion to determine the vulnerability of bridge to
We deployed three points of measurement on the 40 m bridge which include both ends of the bridge an
also the center point of the bridge, with 20 m spacing between one point to another. We used time series
data that recorded from particle velocity of three components with 45 minutes duration for each point
and 100 Hz of the sampling frequency. We set the 10 dB gain to get the optimal microseismic waves.

2. Methodology
In this research, we used Seismometer Lennartz type LE-3D/20s components with 0.05 Hz of natural
frequency and 50 Hz of upper frequency. Seismometer is connected with a data logger to digitalize the
data and recording it with a software called DATAQ.
We obtained three data signal components that consist of horizontal (northing, easting) and vertical
component for each measurement point. Raw data from DATAQ software is a time-series data of
particle movement velocity when the bridge vibrates. Data were processed with GEOPSY software to
obtain the direction of bridge particle motion [4]. While to get the natural frequency of the bridge, raw
data were processed with GEOPSY by windowing and cutting data that contained of noise. Spectral
analysis was used with FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) thus resulting frequency-series graph. From the
graph, the frequency value with the largest amplitude is the dominant frequency (natural frequency of
the bridge). For the determination of displacement, we processed raw data with Microsoft Excel by
integrating it. Displacement analysis based on the sensor of seismometer that works by capturing particle
movement velocity with a maximum transducer coefficient of 1000 V/m/s.

Figure 1. Deflection due to bridge vibration

3. Results and Discussion

From the result of horizontal and vertical spectral component for each measurement point (Figure 2a,
2b, and 2c) we obtained the resultant of natural frequency 2.79 Hz, 2.79 Hz, and 2.85 Hz. It means, the
average of bridge natural frequency is 2.81 Hz. Based on Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) for steel
bridge type with little sidewalk, so Tulung Bridge is included in the category under SNI, where the
natural frequency value of bridge based on minimum SNI is 3 Hz. Furthermore, when looking backward,
the 2006 Jogja earthquake had almost the same frequency as the natural frequency of the bridge, e.g. 2
Hz [3]. This is very dangerous if in the future there is an earthquake with a greater frequency. It is feared
that the frequency of earthquakes with the same bridge frequency will result in resonance and can knock
down the bridge. Therefore, it is necessary to revitalize the bridge to strengthen the Tulung Bridge and
increase the natural frequency of the bridge in order to have a value above the SNI and in anticipation
in case of future earthquakes [2]. From the result of vertical component displacement analysis at each
point (Figure 3a, 3b, and 2c). Maximum displacement of 0.025 mm is obtained. Based on (Figure 1),
the amount of deflection or displacement for the bridge with a length of 40 meters is 15 mm. that is, the
maximum displacement of Tulung Bridge is far above the SNI standard. Thus, very little possibility of
damage caused by vibrations caused by the activity of vehicles or other over the bridge. From the results
of particle motion analysis (Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c), the direction of particle motion when vibrating
varies at each point of measurement. When considered more detail, it can be determined direction of
dominant particle motion, which is parallel to the bridge or East-West trending. That is, Tulung Bridge
has a fairly good balance because it has a direction of motion of particles parallel to the direction of
vehicle activity through it.

Overall, Tulung bridge can be said safe to pass the vehicle but still not meet the SNI for the great natural
frequency. This should be followed up considering that Tulung Bridge has a function that is vital enough
for many people. The follow up is to strengthen the bridge natural frequency up to 3 Hz. In accordance
with the spring equation on the bridge, for it can be increased the rigidity of the system by tightening
the bridge bolts of 1.3 times from the initial firmness. It can also be done reconstruction to increase the
thickness of the bridge so that the natural frequency increases.
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. Spectral Analysis results. (a) First Point, West Side of The Bridge (b) Second Point, Center
of The Bridge (c) Third Point, East Side of The Bridge

Figure 3. Displacement results. (a) First Point, West Side of The Bridge (b) Second Point, Center of
The Bridge (c) Third Point, East Side of The Bridge (From Above Left to Below)
Figure 4. Particle Motion Direction results. (a) First Point, West Side of The Bridge (b) Second
Point, Center of The Bridge (c) Third Point, East Side of The Bridge (From Above to Below)

4. Conclusions
The average natural frequency of Tulung Bridge is 2.81 Hz, displacement or deflection is 0.025 mm,
and the direction of particle motion is dominated by East-West direction. In accordance with the SNI,
Tulung bridge declared to meet the standard for deflection values but did not meet the standard for
natural frequency values, so this needs to be followed up.

We express our gratitude for the opportunity given to participate in the Geofisika Lingkungan Project.
Beside that, so many thanks for Mr. Wahyudi as the lecturer at Universitas Gadjah Mada and as a
supervisor in this research, also for Dobrak Tirani, M. Nurrahman, dan M. Syahdan A. S. that was help
and support us for this research.

[1] Badan Standardisasi Nasional. (2016). Pembebanan Untuk Jembatan. Jakarta
[2] Bahri, S dan Wulandari, V., (2012). Analisis Mikrotremor Untuk Evaluasi Kekuatan Bangunan Studi
Kasus Gedung Perpustakaan ITS. Surabaya: Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu
Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

[3] Budi, W dan Juwita, N., (2016). Analisis Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) dan Intensitas
Gempabumi Berdasarkan Data Gempabumi Terasa Tahun 1981-2014 di Kabupaten Bantul
Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, Stasiun Geofisika

[4] © Lennartz electronic GmbH. 2016. LE-xD Seismometer Family. Document Number: 990-0073

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