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Comparison of 4 Cardiac Risk Calculators in

Predicting Postoperative Cardiac Complications After

Noncardiac Operations
Steven L. Cohn, MDa,b,*, and Nerea Fernandez Ros, MD, PhDc

The 2014 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Perioperative Guide-

lines suggest using the Revised Cardiac Risk Index, myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest,
or American College of Surgeons—National Surgical Quality Improvement Program cal-
culators for combined patient-surgical risk assessment. There are no published data comparing
their performance. This study compared these risk calculators and a reconstructed Revised
Cardiac Risk Index in predicting postoperative cardiac complications, both during hospi-
talization and 30 days after operation, in a patient cohort who underwent select surgical
procedures in various risk categories. Cardiac complications occurred in 14 of 663 pa-
tients (2.1%), of which 11 occurred during hospitalization. Only 3 of 663 patients (0.45%)
had a myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest. Because these calculators used different risk
factors, different outcomes, and different durations of observation, a true direct compari-
son is not possible. We found that all 4 risk calculators performed well in the setting they
were originally studied but were less accurate when applied in a different manner. In con-
clusion, all calculators were useful in defining low-risk patients in whom further cardiac
testing was unnecessary, and the myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest may be the most
reliable in selecting higher risk patients. © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J
Cardiol 2018;121:125–130)

Cardiovascular complications after noncardiac surgeries unaware of any published data comparing the performance
represent an important cause of postoperative morbidity and of all 4 scores in the same cohort.
mortality.1,2 Identifying high-risk patients has been an evolv-
ing topic in perioperative medicine since 1977 when Goldman Methods
et al3 published the first cardiac risk index to predict post-
We conducted a retrospective chart review of patients who
operative cardiac events. In 1999, Lee et al4 published a
underwent prespecified operations who were seen by a
Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI), which outperformed pre-
hospitalist in the UHealth Preoperative Assessment Center
vious risk indices becoming the “gold standard” tool. In 2013,
between September 2014 and June 2015. For each patient,
Davis et al5 further improved prediction using a 5-factor re-
we collected demographic data, co-morbidities, functional
constructed RCRI (R-RCRI). The 2014 American College of
status, and procedure-related data including type of surgery,
Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Guide-
procedure risk, and length of stay. The local institutional review
line on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and
board approved this retrospective analysis.
Management of Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery6 sug-
We calculated the scores and predicted risk for postop-
gested stratifying patients according to a combination of
erative cardiac complications according to 4 different tools:
surgical and clinical risk factors into low (<1%) or elevated
the RCRI, R-RCRI, MICA, and ACS-SRC. Table 1 summa-
risk (≥1%) for having postoperative major adverse cardiac
rizes the cardiac risk calculators used for this study.
events. They recommend using the RCRI or 2 newer tools
We searched for postoperative cardiovascular complica-
created from the National Surgical Quality Improvement
tions defined as myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, complete
Program (NSQIP) database—the myocardial infarction or
cardiac block, and pulmonary edema. Because of the differ-
cardiac arrest (MICA) calculator7 or the American College
ences in the outcomes measured in the original publications,
of Surgeons surgical risk calculator (ACS-SRC).8 We are
we calculated the composite cardiac complications (myocar-
dial infarction, cardiac arrest, complete heart block, and
pulmonary edema) occurring in-hospital (CC-IH) and within
30 days after surgery (CC-30day) and then only major cardiac
Division of Hospital Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of complications (myocardial infarction/cardiac arrest) within
Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida; bMedical Consultation
30 days after surgery (MCC-30day). We further analyzed
Service, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida; and cHospital Medi-
cine Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Clinica Universidad de
cardiac complications based on patient classification of low
Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. Manuscript received June 20, 2017; revised manu- or elevated risk according to the 2014 ACC/AHA guideline
script received and accepted September 19, 2017. cutoff of 1% for each of the tools.
See page 129 for disclosure information. We calculated the performance of these 4 cardiac risk tools
*Corresponding author: Tel: 305 243 1960; fax: 305 243 1538. using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (C-
E-mail address: scohn@med.miami.edu (S.L. Cohn). statistics), and compared them using a nonparametric method

0002-9149/$ - see front matter © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. www.ajconline.org
126 The American Journal of Cardiology (www.ajconline.org)

Table 1
Cardiac risk calculators
Revised Cardiac Risk Index4 MI or Cardiac Arrest Calculator (MICA)7 ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator (ACS-SRC)8
(MI/Cardiac Arrest, complete heart block, (MI/Cardiac Arrest within 30 days after surgery) (MI/Cardiac Arrest within 30 days after surgery)
pulmonary edema during admission)
High-risk surgery (3 categories) Type of surgery (21 categories) Surgical procedure (CPT codes)
Ischemic heart disease Age Age group
Congestive heart failure Functional status Functional status
Cerebrovascular disease ASA class ASA class
Renal insufficiency (Cr > 2 mg/dl) Renal insufficiency (Cr > 1.5 mg/dl) Acute renal failure
Diabetes treated with insulin Diabetes on oral meds or insulin
Reconstructed-RCRI5 Congestive heart failure
(MI/Cardiac Arrest, complete heart block, (<30 days)
pulmonary edema during admission)
High-risk surgery (3 categories) Dyspnea
Ischemic heart disease Smoker (within past year)
Congestive heart failure Severe COPD
Cerebrovascular disease Ventilator dependent
Renal insufficiency (GFR < 30 cc/min) Sepsis (within 48 hours)
Disseminated cancer
Hypertension requiring meds
Wound class
Steroid use (chronic)
Ascites (within 30 days)
BMI class

ACS-SRC = American College of Surgeons surgical risk calculator; ASA = American Society of Anesthesiology; BMI = body mass index; COPD = chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; MI = myocardial infarction; MICA = myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest; RCRI = Revised
Cardiac Risk Index; R-RCRI = Reconstructed Revised Cardiac Risk Index.

according to the technique by Hanley and McNeil.9 We com- our cohort were 1.06 ± 1.6, 1.66 ± 2.7, 0.19 ± 0.26, and
pared the performance of the 4 scores in patients who 0.33 ± 0.58, respectively. Composite cardiac complications
underwent low-risk procedures with those with an expected (myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, cardiac block, or pul-
length of stay ≥2 days, and analyzed differences in baseline monary edema) occurred in 14 of 663 patients (2.1%) within
characteristics and cardiac complications between these groups 30 days after surgery (CC-30day), of which 11 occurred during
using Fisher’s exact tests (qualitative variables) or Stu- surgical hospitalization (CC-IH). However, there were only
dent’s t test for independent samples (quantitative variables). 3 major cardiac complications (0.45%) (myocardial infarc-
SPSS version 22.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY) was used for tion and/or cardiac arrest) within 30 days after surgery
all statistical analyses. (MCC-30day).
Table 5 shows the C-statistics of the original publica-
tions and of our study for the different outcomes and for
different periods of time (in-hospital or 30 days after surgery).
There were 663 patients meeting the inclusion criteria. In our study, the C-statistics (95% confidence interval) for
Tables 2 and 3 summarize the patient and surgical charac- RCRI and R-RCRI showed good discrimination for cardiac
teristics. The number of patients classified as elevated risk complications as defined in the original publications with no
based on the 2014 ACC/AHA Guideline criteria differed from statistical difference between ROC curves. However, neither
one tool to another. The calculators classified 93% to 98% of these scores were predictive of MCC-30d. In contrast, the
of patients as low risk with corresponding overall complica- ROC curves predicting MCC-30d were discriminative for
tion rates of 0.3% to 1.2%, and classified 2% to 7% of patients MICA but not for ACS-SRC, and there were statistically sig-
as elevated risk with complication rates ranging from 2.1% nificant differences between these ROC curves.
to 23.1%. Fewer patients were classified as elevated risk pa- We analyzed a subgroup of patients with an expected length
tients by the MICA calculator (13 of 663) than for the other of stay <2 days (group A, n = 217) and compared the number
tools (47 of 663 for RCRI, 37 of 663 for R-RCRI, and 45 of cardiac events and the performance of the 4 cardiac risk
of 663 for ACS-SRC), but the incidence of cardiac events in scores with those with an expected length of stay ≥2 days
these patients was higher for MICA (23.1% of all cardiac (group B, n = 446). Group B patients had statistically sig-
events and 7.7% of major cardiac events). Regarding pa- nificantly more cardiac events during hospitalization (2.5%
tients classified as low risk by each of the calculators, the rates vs 0%, p = 0.02) and 30 days after surgery (2.9% vs 0.46%,
of major cardiac events 30 days after surgery were all below p = 0.04). They were older (64.3 years vs 53.7 years), had a
1% (Table 4 and Figure 1). higher prevalence of hypertension (59% vs 49%), and were
The mean scores ± SD (predicted % chance of having a less likely to have adequate functional status (78.9% vs 90.3%).
cardiac event) for RCRI, R-RCRI, MICA, and ACS-SRC in There was no difference in previous stroke, diabetes on any
Miscellaneous/Comparison of 4 Cardiac Risk Calculators 127

Table 2 A (C-statistics 0.58 and 0.57, respectively) and overesti-

Patient characteristics (n = 663) mated the risk of postoperative cardiac events, whereas in
Age (years, mean ± sd) 60.8 ± 14 group B, the C-statistics were similar to the overall cohort
Men 326 (49.2 %) for the same period of time (0.79 and 0.81, respectively). The
Race performance of MICA and ACS-SRC for predicting major
• Hispanic 193 (29.1 %) cardiac events within 30 days after surgery remained dis-
• White 376 (56.7 %) criminative (moderate to excellent) regardless of the group.
• Black 84 (12.7 %)
• Other 10 (1.5 %)
Smoker Discussion
• Never 345 (52 %)
• Former 258 (38.9 %) Because cardiovascular complications are among the most
• Current 60 (9.1 %) important causes of morbidity and mortality in patients who
Body Mass Index, mean ± sd (kg/m2) 29.7 ± 7.3 underwent noncardiac surgery, the development of tools to
Hypertension 370 (55.8 %) predict these events has been an active area of interest in
Creatinine (mg/dl), mean ± sd 0.98 ± 7.3 perioperative medicine. To our knowledge, this is the first study
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (ml/min/m2), mean ±sd 68.13 ± 18 comparing the simultaneous performance of the different cal-
Chronic kidney disease (GFR < 60 ml/min/m2) 77 (11.6 %) culators suggested by the 2014 ACC/AHA Guidelines.6 The
Creatinine >1.5 mg/dl) 41 (6.4%) original RCRI publication by Lee et al4 and the 5-factor
Diabetes mellitus
R-RCRI published by Davis et al5 evaluated patients aged ≥50
• No 547 (82.5 %)
• Oral treatment 85 (12.8 %)
years who underwent elective noncardiac surgery with an ex-
• Insulin 15 (2.3 %) pected length of stay ≥2 days, and defined postoperative cardiac
• Combo 16 (2.4 %) complications as myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, pul-
Prior stroke/Transient ischemic attack 26 (3.9 %) monary edema, or complete heart block occurring during the
Prior ischemic heart disease 74 (11.2 %) hospital stay. The 2 newer tools developed from the NSQIP
Heart failure 15 (2.3 %) database, MICA7 and ACS-SRC,8 predicted major cardiac
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on inhalers 33 (5 %) events defined as myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest within
Obstructive sleep apnea 84 (12.6 %) 30 days after surgery. Our results for the performance of each
Active cancer 330 (49.8 %) calculator are similar to those in the original publications
American Society of Anesthesiology classification
(Table 5). Although these tools performed well in predict-
•1 76 (11.5%)
•2 400 (60.3%)
ing the outcomes for which they were designed, they tended
• 3/4 187 (28.2%) to underestimate cardiac events in patients at elevated risk
Functional capacity ≥4 METABOLIC EQUIVALENTS 548 (82.7%) as per the ACC/AHA guidelines. Despite this, our data show
that most patients did well after surgery.
In the original publications, RCRI and R-RCRI rates for
Table 3 composite cardiac events were 2.5% and 2.1%, respec-
Type of surgery
tively. In the MICA and ACS-SRC studies, the rates for only
Otolaryngology (ENT) MI and cardiac arrest were 0.65% and 0.8%, respectively. Our
o Head and neck cancer 77 (11.6 %) results—1.7% for composite cardiac events in-hospital and
o Thyroid 53 (8.1 %) 0.45% for major cardiac events within 30 days after surgery—
o Sinus surgery 33 (5 %) are comparable with these results even though we included
patients with an expected length of stay <2 days.
o Total joint replacement 100 (15.1 %)
o Spine surgery 87 (13.1 %)
Because the definitions for outcomes and time frames used
Thoracic 73 (11 %) for developing these 4 risk calculators are different, a valid
Urologic direct comparison of outcomes among them is not possible.
o Kidney 50 (7.5 %) This study confirmed that the performance of RCRI and
o Radical prostatectomy 50 (7.5 %) R-RCRI was not different when predicting composite cardiac
o Radical cystectomy 31 (4.7 %) events in-hospital as in their original design. Regarding major
Breast 51 (7.7 %) cardiac events, the performance of MICA was very similar
Sleeve gastrectomy 58 (8.7 %) to ACS-SRC in the original publications,7,8 but in our cohort,
• Procedural risk* MICA performed somewhat better.
• High risk (>5%) 104 (15.7 %)
When the RCRI is used in a manner different from the way
• Intermediate risk (1–5%) 417 (62.9 %)
• Low risk (<1%) 142 (21.4 %)
it was derived (either to predict only major cardiac compli-
cations or for a 30-day postoperative observation period), it
* Note: 2007 guidelines listed 3 risk classes of procedures; 2014 guide- did not perform well and was not useful for predicting only
lines classified the combined patient and surgical risk as low (<1%) or elevated MI or cardiac arrest in our cohort (ROC 0.57). Other studies
(≥1%) risk. evaluating the RCRI in various populations also reported some-
what lower area under the curve ranging from 0.62 to 0.75.10
treatment, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, The RCRI performed worse than MICA (0.75 vs 0.87) when
or history of ischemic heart disease. applied to the original 2008 dataset from which the latter cal-
The performance of the RCRI and R-RCRI for predict- culator was derived, although the RCRI and MICA were
ing composite cardiac events was not discriminative in group comparable (C-statistics 0.9 and 0.85) in a study of patients
128 The American Journal of Cardiology (www.ajconline.org)

Table 4
Incidence of cardiac events in low or elevated risk groups as per 2014 ACC/AHA Guidelines
Low risk Elevated risk* Low risk Elevated risk* Low risk Elevated risk Low risk Elevated risk
n 663 616 47 626 37 650 13 618 45
All cardiac events 30-day 14 7 7 7 7 11 3 6 8
(2.1%) (1.1%) (14.9%) (1.1%) (18.9%) (1.7%) (23.1%) (0.97%) (17.8%)
All cardiac events in hospital 11 5 6 5 6 8 3 4 7
(1.65%) (0.8%) (12.8%) (0.8%) (16.2%) (1.2%) (23.1%) (0.6%) (15.6%)
Major cardiac events 30-day 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
(0.45%) (0.3%) (2.1%) (0.3%) (2.7%) (0.3%) (7.7%) (0.3%) (2.2%)

* Considering class I as low risk.

ACC/AHA = American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association; ACS-SRC = American College of Surgeons surgical risk calculator; MICA = myo-
cardial infarction or cardiac arrest; RCRI = Revised Cardiac Risk Index; R-RCRI = Reconstructed Revised Cardiac Risk Index.

A) Number of patients (%) with major cardiac events 30-day after surgery in low or
elevated (high) risk group according to different cardiac scores.

B) Number of patients (%) with any cardiac events during admission in low or high risk
group according to different cardiac scores.

ACS-SRC-American College of Surgeons surgical risk calculator, MICA-myocardial infarction or cardiac

arrest, RCRI-Revised Cardiac Risk Index, R-RCRI-reconstructed revised cardiac risk index
Figure 1. Postoperative cardiac complications based on predicted risk.

who underwent elective hip and knee surgery.11 Ausset et al12 expected length of stay <2 days whereas the RCRI overes-
applied the RCRI to their patient cohort who underwent hip timates risk in these patients, we suggest using these calculators
surgery to predict myocardial infarction, and its perfor- for this group of patients, particularly when the RCRI esti-
mance was suboptimal (ROC 0.59), which is similar to our mate is ≥1% and MICA or ACS-SRC estimates are <1%.
results. Because the MICA and ACS-SRC perform well in According to our results, all calculators were similar in
patients who underwent low-risk procedures or those with an classifying patients as low risk in whom further cardiac testing
Miscellaneous/Comparison of 4 Cardiac Risk Calculators 129

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