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Similes compare things that are similar in some ways.

as agile as a monkey as alike as two peas

as angry as a wasp as bashful as a schoolgirl
as big as a whale as blind as a bat
as brave as a lion as busy as a bee
as cheap as dirt as cold as ice
as cool as cucumber as deep as the sea
as devoted as a mother as dry as bone
as easy as ABC as faithful as a dog
as fat as a pig as feeble as a child
as fierce as a lion as gentle as a dove
as graceful as a swan as green as grass
as happy as a lark as hard as iron
as helpless as a baby as hungry as a wolf
as lazy as a toad as light as a feather
as loud as thunder as mischievous as a kitten
as proud as a peacook a quick as lightning
as red as a roe as round as a ball
as sharp as a needle as silent as a grave
as slow as a snail/tortoise as steady as a rock
as stubborn as a mule as sweet as honey
as tall as a giant as thin as a rake
as tough as leather as ugly as toad
as useful as a cow as warm as wool
as white as snow as wise as an owl
as wide as the ocean as quiet as a mouse


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