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English Summer in Davangere (ESD)

This May’2018, Leverage your learning of English to
take on the new academic year.

About this course

English Summer in Davangere (ESD) course is designed to enhance English language skills of the
students so that they can successfully deal with primary and secondary level English exams. The
course is divided into five strands: reading, writing, use of English, listening and speaking. It
draws on the expertise of the Cambridge University which is the world-leading institution in
English language instruction.
ESD course is at two levels: 5 % of the income from this course will go to
1. Foundation Tier
charity – for the food, medicine and education of
2. Higher Tier the orphan or economically poor students.

The course employs never-before-seen-in-Davangere methods and techniques to augment

learners’ English in an accelerated pace. Therefore, it is learning-based and activity-centred.

Each week of the ESD course will be generously strewn with a variety of engaging quizzes,
competitions and activities. These will not be straining but fair and fun to everyone as level
playing field will be provided to the learners of all capabilities from elementary to advanced.
The ESD also paves a profound pathway for the students to become confident communicators.

Some Attractions of ESD Course

vivid videos action-packed activities grammar games

engaging audios relishing literature student talk

Extra Emphasis on Writing

Research by the Cambridge University revealed that writing has always been an
area that requires special focus for those whose mother tongue is not English, and since
almost all the students are such, there are exciting writing projects in ESD Course.

Course Syllabus
Duration: 3 weeks - 1st May ’2018 - 23rd May’ 2018

Efforts: 80 hours – 4 hrs a day

What you will learn

By doing this course you will be able to:
English Summer in Davangere (ESD) Course Outline
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Foundation Tier:
 Narrate your experiences and incidents
 Exchange your ideas with peers
 Carry out a brief conversation involving seeking/giving information
 Enjoy reading a story, poem, a short write-up, a notice, poster etc
 Take dictation of simple sentences and to use common punctuation marks
 Write a short description of a person, thing or place – prepare a notice, or write a message
for someone
 Write a short composition based on pictures and movies
 Take part in group activity, role play and dramatization

Higher Tier:
 Understand the central idea and locate specific details in the text
 Use your critical/thinking faculty to read between the lines and go beyond the text
 Narrate simple experiences, describe objects and people, report events to peers
 Speak accurately with appropriate pauses and clear word/sentence stress to be intelligible
in familiar social contexts
 Write simple messages, invitations, short paragraphs, letters (formal and informal)
applications, simple narrative and descriptive pieces, etc.
 Use your proficiency in English to explore and study other areas of knowledge through print
and non-print media such as radio programmes, videos, movies etc.
 Undertake small projects on a regular basis

Syntactical Structures
Foundation Tier: Higher Tier:

At the Higher Tier, knowledge of syntax will

At the Foundation Tier, knowledge of syntax will remain a process of discovery combined with a
be seen mainly as a process of discovering uses conscious effort to explicitly understand and
and functions of items through exposure to name grammatical items. However, these will
spoken, written and multi-media inputs. not be taken out of contexts to be treated as
discrete teaching items.

 Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs  Determiners

 Tense forms  Passivisation
 Am, is, are, have, has  Linking words
 Articles  Adjectives (comparative and
 This, that, these, those (as determiners superlative forms)
and empty subjects)  Adverbs (place and types)
 Question words  Modal auxiliaries
 And, or, but  Tense forms
 Punctuation marks  Word order in sentence types
 Possessive adjectives  Clauses
 Prepositions  Reported speech

Final Exam
23rd May 2018, Wednesday

English Summer in Davangere (ESD) Course Outline

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