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Positional disorder enhancement of exciton dissociation

at donor/acceptor interface
M. Koehlera兲
Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná,
Brazil and Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
M. C. Santos and M. G. E. da Luzb兲
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
共Received 19 August 2005; accepted 13 January 2006; published online 1 March 2006兲
We investigate the dissociation of a Coulomb bounded electron-hole geminate pair at a disordered
donor/acceptor 共D-A兲 heterojunction by extending a previous proposal in the literature 关Arkhipov et
al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4605 共2003兲兴 and using Monte Carlo simulations. We show that the
presence of a layer of randomly distributed dipoles at the D-A interface creates both a potential well
that confines the hole and a repulsive barrier that prevents the geminate pair recombination, even
when the effective mass of the hole is around the electron rest mass. Our calculations depend
strongly on the heterojunction morphology. However, contrary to what is generally believed, we find
that the disorder in the position of the dipoles along the D-A interface axis enhances the pair
dissociation. Inhomogeneities in the acceptor concentration at the heterojunction can then create
highly efficient centers for exciton dissociation. The model explains recent experimental results for
organic D-A heterojunctions and has important consequences on the design of organic photovoltaic
devices. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2174118兴

I. INTRODUCTION available for carriers hopping in a rigid cubic heterojunction

could assist the pair dissociation.8 However, generally the
The electron-hole pair separation at semiconductor het-
models in the literature do not properly consider the impor-
erojunctions is a key factor underlying the physics of photo-
voltaic devices.1–3 For instance, one of the possible strategies tant aspect of the heterojunction positional disorder on exci-
to enhance device efficiency is to engineer the heterojunction ton dissociation.
morphology on molecular scales to control the charge trans- A sound proposal suggests that the efficient charge sepa-
fer 共CT兲.4–6 For so, it is necessary to better understand the ration at the D-A interface is due to a repulsive potential
exact mechanisms involved in such process, which is what barrier, which separates the electron and hole.9,14 The prox-
recently has motivated many theoretical works as in Refs. 2 imity of a trapped electron in a nearby acceptor molecule and
and 7–9, just to cite a few. partial positive charges of dark dipoles at the D-A interface
The above observations are particularly true for can produce a potential well that confines the on-chain hole.
polymer/electron-acceptor systems, which allow the fabrica- The cage effect would then increase the hole’s ground state
tion of low-cost efficient organic devices,10 reaching external energy, decreasing the energy required to escape from the
quantum efficiencies as high as 75%.11 However, among Coulomb attraction. The idea of a dipolar layer at the
other factors further optimization depends on determining polymer/acceptor interface is confirmed by experimental re-
the role played by structural disorder at the polymer/acceptor sults 共see Ref. 9 and references therein兲. Also, their existence
interface to the CT. This is a question still waiting for a in molecularly doped polymers is supported by some univer-
definitive answer. sal properties of charge mobility.17
In the first step of the CT, a short geminate pair of car- Such model, however, has two basic approximations: 共i兲
riers is formed, with the electron trapped at the acceptor it considers the contribution of only two dark dipoles regu-
共e.g., fullerene兲 and the hole localized in an adjacent donor larly spaced at each side of the short geminate pair to the
共e.g., a conjugated segment兲.9,12 Considering the low dielec- potential energy and 共ii兲 it assumes alignment of the polymer
tric constant of materials such as conjugated polymers, the chain to the heterojunction. From these assumptions, a repul-
electrostatic attraction between the two carriers must be sive potential barrier that prevents geminate recombination
strong with a binding energy considerably larger than kT. and stabilizes the geminate pair is established only when the
Nevertheless, the pair separation probability into free charges effective mass of the hole along the donor chain is meff
is approximately 100%.11,13 Different studies have addressed Ⰶ me,15 with me the rest mass of the electron. A so small
this surprisingly high carrier separation efficiency at organic effective mass is rather unlikely given the narrow bandwidth
donor/acceptor 共D-A兲 junctions.9,14–16 For instance, it was characteristic of disordered organic materials.15
shown that a random distribution of energy of localized sites In this contribution we calculate, from Monte Carlo
simulations, the potential barrier produced by an array of
Electronic mail: koehler@fisica.ufpr.br many dipole moments randomly distributed around average
Electronic mail: luz@fisica.ufpr.br positions at each side of the short geminate pair. In contrast

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053702-2 Koehler, Santos, and da Luz J. Appl. Phys. 99, 053702 共2006兲

the dn’s are, in fact, given by truncated Gaussians of Lx = a

− d, see Fig. 1. At the same token, the ␦n’s cannot be larger
than the width c separating the first and second donor chains,
i.e., outside the heterojunction region. Thus, they are also
given by truncated Gaussians, for which we set Ly = 2 / 3
⫻ 2c.
The presence of the dipoles restricts the geminate pair
motion along the x direction. The potential energy of the
on-chain short geminate hole, E p共x兲, results from the electro-
static interactions with the trapped electron at the acceptor
and with the dipoles of partial charge q␣, so E p共x兲
= 共q2 / 4␲⑀⑀0兲关−共x2 + b2兲−1/2 + ␣兺nFn共x兲兴, with
1 1
Fn = − . 共1兲
冑共dn − x兲 2
+ ␦2n 冑共dn − x兲 2
+ 共b − ␦n兲2
E p共x兲 is a potential well for the geminate pair hole, as one
FIG. 1. Schematic illustration of the 共a兲 optical excitation, 共b兲 interface
can find from the second order expansion E p共x兲
⬇ 共q2 / 4␲⑀⑀0兲共l1x2 + l2x + l3兲, for 关f n共u兲 ⬅ 1 / 冑d2n + 共␦n − u兲2兴,
electron-hole dissociation, and 共c兲 free electron 共hole兲 at the acceptor 共do-
nor兲 layer in a donor/acceptor system. In detail the short geminate pair at the
donor/acceptor heterojunction. The dipole random positions are drawn from
1 ␣
Gaussians of truncated width L and variance ␴2. l1 = + 兺 3d2n关f 5n共0兲 − f 5n共b兲兴 + f 3n共b兲 − f 3n共0兲,
2b3 2 n
to what was previously believed, we show that structural
disorder along the heterojunction can be an important factor l2 = ␣ 兺 dn关f 3n共0兲 − f 3n共b兲兴,
to help the short geminate pair dissociation. Under certain n
conditions, this kind of structural disorder can favor pair sta-
bilization even for meff ⬇ me. Further, the model explains 1
l3 = − + ␣ 兺 f n共0兲 − f n共b兲. 共2兲
why the short circuit current observed in some D-A photo- b n
voltaic devices with a disordered donor layer is higher when
compared to the short circuit current measured in similar Using the coordinate transformation z = x + l2 / 共2l1兲, the
devices but with an ordered donor layer of the same potential energy 共2兲 is cast as the harmonic potential E p
polymer.18 ⬇ 共q2 / 4␲⑀⑀0兲l1兵z2 + 关l3 / l1 − l22 / 共4l21兲兴其. The hole ground state
energy at chain 1, E共1兲, is the sum of the kinetic and mini-
mum potential energies of zero-point oscillations,9 which
from the previous expression reads
The problem we discuss is schematically depicted in Fig.
1. After the optical excitation of the donor, Fig. 1共a兲, an
exciton can diffuse toward the heterojunction, forming there
E共1兲 =
冉 l2
l3 − 2 +

冊 冑 q2
l1 , 共3兲

a short geminate pair of charge carriers, Fig. 1共b兲. Then, with meff the on-chain carrier effective mass. Following simi-
energetic balance favors the pair dissociation, resulting in a lar calculations, the ground state energy for the hole at chain
free electron 共hole兲 at the acceptor 共donor兲 material, Fig. 2 is

冉 冊 冑
1共c兲. We shall address the transfer mechanisms in step 共b兲.
For so, we follow closely Ref. 9 and show that a potential q2 p2 ប q2
E共2兲 = p3 − 2 + p1 , 共4兲
barrier separating the electron and hole at the donor/acceptor 4␲⑀⑀0 4p1 2 4␲⑀⑀0meff
interface is mediated by the dipole layer at the D-A hetero-
where p1, p2, and p3 are written in the same way than, re-
junction, see Fig. 1.
spectively, l1, l2, and l3, by making the substitution b → b
For the locations of the dipoles and the geminate pair we
+ c and f n共0兲 → f n共c兲.
take as reference the positive charges. The distance between
the donor’s first 共1兲 and second 共2兲 chains is c. The short
geminate pair is on the origin of the xy plane. b is the sepa-
ration between the charges of each dipole and also of the An important quantity is ⌬E = E共1兲 − E共2兲, the difference
electron-hole geminate pair. Along the x axis 共y axis兲 the of the chains 共1兲 and 共2兲 hole energies. For each specific set
dipole labeled n = ± 1 , ± 2 , ¼ , ± N is located at dn共␦n兲. Fur- of positions for the dark dipoles at the donor/acceptor inter-
thermore, due to structural disorder of the donor chain, we face, we have a certain value for E共1兲 − E共2兲, resulting from
assume that dn 共␦n兲 is a random variable obtained from a Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we calcu-
Gaussian distribution centered at x = na 共y = 0兲 and of stan- late an effective ⌬E, obtained from averaging over many
dard deviation ␴x 共␴y兲. Adjacent dipoles feel an electrostatic disordered configurations for the dipole locations. Then, we
repulsion when very close to each other. To model it in a analyze when ⌬E ⬎ 0, which favors the pair dissociation
simple way we just assume a forbidden region of width d since it indicates the presence of a repulsive potential barrier
between successive dipoles 关situation in 共b兲 of Fig. 1兴. So, helping the hole diffusion to the second chain 关chain 共2兲 in

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053702-3 Koehler, Santos, and da Luz J. Appl. Phys. 99, 053702 共2006兲

FIG. 3. The dependence of ⌬E on the disorder ␴x in the x direction for some


FIG. 2. ⌬E as functions of 共a兲 the number of dipoles N at each side of the

short geminate pair and 共b兲 the forbidden region width d. bination becomes stronger for higher acceptor concentra-
tions. This result confirms recent measurements showing that
the yield of charge carrier photogeneration increases dra-
Fig. 1兴 of the donor layer and preventing the pair recombi- matically with the acceptor concentration.9,21 Also, it indi-
nation 关the hole returning to chain 共1兲兴. We should observe cates that the leading factors for the geminate pair separation
that ⌬E can be associated with the average pair dissociation change at lower and higher electron acceptor
probability through the hopping rate of the hole from chains concentrations.12
共1兲 and 共2兲 and from chain 共1兲 to the donor layer 共recombi- In Fig. 3 we plot ⌬E as a function of the disorder pa-
nation兲. These rates obey the detailed balance and may be rameter in the x direction, ␴x, for different values of ␴y. ⌬E
calculated from the energy using the Miller-Abrahams rela- increases with increasing disorder in the x direction but de-
tion or a polaronic rate. However, such analysis is outside the creases with increasing disorder in the y direction. Since the
scope of the present work. parameter ␴y is related to the microscopical degree of rough-
We set a = 0.5 nm, b = c = 0.6 nm, ␣ = 0.4, and make av- ness of the interface, one concludes that the pair dissociation
erages over 104 ⫻ 104 configurations of the positions dn and is less efficient in rough heterojunctions, as expected. When
␦n. Always, unless otherwise explicitly mentioned, we as- ␴x Ⰷ a − d, the truncated Gaussian distribution tends to a
sume meff / me = 0.5, d = 0.1a, and N = 10 共this value for N square distribution. Then, ⌬E becomes independent on ␴x
guarantees, in all the examples, saturation of the dipoles con- and saturates.
tribution, see below兲. The above results can be easily understood by noticing
For ␴x = 2␴y = 0.2 nm we show in Fig. 2 ⌬E as a function that any displacement of the dipoles in the y direction de-
of the number of dipoles N and of the forbidden width d. creases the potential well in which the on-chain hole is con-
From Fig. 2共a兲 we see that larger N’s lower the hole confin- fined, diminishing the cage effect. On the other hand, dis-
ing potential well, decreasing ⌬E. However, the interaction placements in the x direction can either increase or decrease
of these additional charges with the on-chain hole decreases the potential well. If the dipole is displaced towards the ger-
fast with the distance from the geminate pair. Thus, ⌬E starts minate pair, the potential energy of the hole increases dra-
to saturate for N ⬇ 5. Considering a ⬇ 0.5 nm, the conjuga- matically, intensifying the cage effect. Those configurations
tion segment in which the hole is located must have a mini- in which this kind of displacement occurs overweight, pro-
mum length around 1 nm, which is compatible with the di- ducing a higher energy for the hole in chain 共1兲 compared to
ameter of small conjugated molecules used as donors in a completely ordered system.
photovoltaic devices.19 Hence, the results in Fig. 2共a兲 suggest Our findings demonstrate that the morphology of the in-
that the zero-point oscillations of the hole can explain the terface separating the donor and the electron acceptor has
high collecting efficiency observed in some D-A junctions indeed a strong influence on exciton separation. But it is not
consisting of small weight molecules once a dipole layer is true that any disorder at the interface is counterproductive.
formed at the interface.20 We should mention that the inabil- Two important consequences for device optimization are 共i兲
ity to explain such high efficiency was pointed out15 as a the smoothness of the donor/acceptor interface is crucial for
great weakness of the original model of Ref. 9. Regarding a higher efficiency and 共ii兲 inhomogeneities on the acceptor
Fig. 2共b兲, we observe that a larger d represents a stronger distribution near the heterojunction will increase the zero-
repulsion between adjacent dark dipoles and a smaller range point oscillations and can create highly efficient exciton dis-
of variation around the dipole mean positions. Therefore, the sociation centers.
effect of increasing d is the same as decreasing ␴x, i.e., the Figure 3 explains recent measurements performed in
barrier for the geminate pair recombination lowers with d. poly共3-4⬘-共1⬙ , 4⬙ , 7⬙-trioxaoctyl兲phenyl兲thiophene 共PEOPT兲
From Fig. 2 one sees that ⌬E saturates very fast with N upon addition of 关6,6兴-phenyl C61 butyric acid metyl ester
compared to a more slow variation with respect to d. Due to 共PCBM兲, an acceptor molecule. PEOPT is a conjugated poly-
the larger number of dipoles occupying the same volume of mer that exhibits two different phases with well-defined
space in the vicinities of the short geminate pair for increas- order/disorder character on one-and-the-same material.18 It
ing concentration of electron acceptors, d becomes smaller. was observed that the lifetime of photoexcited charge carrier
So, the potential barrier preventing the electron-hole recom- in ordered PEOPT/PCBM is considerably shorter than that in

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053702-4 Koehler, Santos, and da Luz J. Appl. Phys. 99, 053702 共2006兲

posites fabricated from an ordered phase of the same poly-

mer, 共ii兲 the higher short circuit current in photovoltaic de-
vices fabricated with disordered PEOPT/PCBM junctions
compared to devices using ordered PEOPT/PCBM junctions,
and 共iii兲 the increase of the exciton dissociation yield with
the acceptor concentration.
Finally, we mention that variations in the interactions of
the chain ␲ orbitals with the random environment may also
create further energy differences between chains 共1兲 and 共2兲,
a factor not considered in the present calculations. This effect
FIG. 4. ⌬E as a function of the effective mass of the on-chain hole for the
parameters. can influence the average pair dissociation probability and
will be addressed in a future work.
disordered PEOPT/PCBM composites. Therefore, charge ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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