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UHF Radar Designed for Inshore Wave Watcher

and Ocean Power Application

Wei Shen (IEEE Student Member) Biyang Wenˆand Fan Ding
School of Electronic and Information, Wuhan University, 430079 Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.China
Email: bywen@whu.edu.cn

Abstract—this paper presents a remote sensing method for the be lowered into the sea because of the horrible weather
measurement of inshore wave energy, which can be used for the conditions[5], The assessment and recording of the wave
investigation of some regional coast for building wave power environment, and analysis of spectral data, in the proposed area
plants and monitoring the waves near dykes. It is designed to of the wave farm over as long a period as possible is essential
operate at UHF channel, and it is a portable and low power for (1) Predictions for energy capture and machine power
system, it can measure the movement of sea surface generation levels; (2) Identifying site specific design
simultaneously without probing into the water. The field test on parameters such as predominant swell direction and swell
the beach of Zhujiajian Island proved that the system can be window, extreme loading conditions and average site
used successfully.
conditions; (3) Analysis and prediction of seasonal variability
Keywords- UHF radar system; ocean power energy; wave farm.
of the wave environment with relevance to project construction
and project operation and maintenance. From the aspect of
engineering and security, normally the energy generators are
I. INTRODUCTION AND BLACKGROUD built not far away from the coast. In order to research and
monitor the inshore wave energy, the authors provide a remote
Wave power refers to the energy of ocean surface waves
sensing method to measure movement of waves.
and the capture of that energy to do useful work — including
electricity generation, desalination, and the pumping of water The short range UHF radar system (Short rang Ocean
(into reservoirs). Wave power is a form of renewable energy States Measurement and Analysis Radar: OSMAR-S) is
[1]. Wave power generation is not currently a widely employed successfully developed from HF Radar system by Radio
commercial technology until now. Engineers have come up Propagation Lab. of Wuhan University. HF radar is a
with a variety of schemes to harness the power of waves. technique to monitor sea state over the horizon, But HF radar
However, the wave power is sometimes so strong, that it could is usually not used to detect inshore waves. And a UHF radar
cause very serious damage to the equipments for the system named “Riversonde” is developed by CODAR Ltd.
investigation and power generators. The investigation of wave
and many field tests have been taken to measure river current
energy in some regional area is also an essential issue to
oceanic researchers. [6, 7]. A coherent UHF radar system was developed by C.
Randell for detection of small targets in high sea-states in
In a sea state, the energy density per unit area of gravity Canada [8]. In December 2006, an experiment of UHF radar
waves on the water surface is proportional to the wave height system was successfully accomplished on the bridge of
squared, according to linear wave theory:[2,3] Yangtze River by the authors [9], the experiment was to
1 measure the current velocity, but wave is not dominant on the
E= ρ gH m2 0 (1)
river, and some experiment was carried out on the Lake to
Where E is the mean wave energy density per unit study fresh water reflection of electromagnetic waves [10]. In
horizontal area (J/m2), the sum of kinetic and potential energy order to research sea wave reflection and measure the wave
density per unit horizontal area. The potential energy density is energy, we take an experiment on the beach of East China Sea.
equal to the kinetic energy [2], both contributing half to the
wave energy density E, as can be expected from the
equipartition theorem. The system adopts the Frequency Modulated Continuous
Waveform (FMCW) mechanism, utilizing the frequency and
Guçadoura Wave Park is the world's first commercial wave phase of echoes to get some kinds of parameters of surface sea
farm. It is located near Póvoa de Varzim north of Porto in state, such as velocity of surface sea current and wave height
Portugal The farm uses three Pelamis wave energy converters spectrum. The measurement does not require any sensors in the
to convert the motion of the ocean surface waves into water. It includes antennas and feeding systems, frequency
electricity. The farm was officially opened on the 23 generator, synchronization controller, receive channel, solid-
September 2008 by the Portuguese minister of the economy [4]. state transmitter, data acquisition and signal processing module.
Researchers are looking at the possibility of offshore wave Fig.1 gives the sketch of radar system.
power plants. In Scotland, Wavegen Company tried such a
project in 1995 but the structure was damaged before it could
Supported by NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) 60671039

978-1-4244-2487-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE

with a range resolution of 15m and a velocity resolution of
1.95cm/s, and the number of sweep periods can be configured
even more to calculate more reliable wave energy estimation.
Table I gives the specification of the system.
Specifications for Transceiver Specifications for Antennas
Freq. 305-315MHz Freq. 300-350MHz
Sweeping Band 10MHz Sort Yagi
Sweep time 25ms Type TDJ-350C
Transmitter Polarize Method Vertical
Gain >45dB Impedance 50Ÿ
Noise Figure 7.5dB Flat <2dB
Fig 1 Sketch of Water Wave Measurement
Receiver Gain 13dB
Based on theory of Crombie, the Bragg-resonant frequency Simin -95dBm Beaming width <30o
will be:
SFDR 60dBm Bandwidth 50MHz
Fb = 0.102 × f 0 = 0.102 × 310 = 1.796 Hz (2) Noise Figure 6.89dB VSWR <2

The Doppler bandwidth should be twice more than Bragg

frequency and the maximum Doppler shift frequency f d max [11] III. ),/(' EXPERIMENT ON THE ISLAND
of the echoes scattered by the fastest moving waves, the Small amplitude long (shallow water) waves all travel at
sampling rate for Doppler is set to Fs=40Hz. It means the radar the same speed in water of given depth h, but where the bottom
system finishes 40 sweep periods in one second. According to depth is changing, their direction of travel may change. More
the formula (3), ( λo is the wavelength of radio wave, vmax is generally, as waves more into shallow water their period
the maximum radial velocity of moving targets). And we can remains constant but phase velocity decreases and therefore the
calculate that vmax = 10m / s .It is enough for hydrological wave height increases. Hence, if a series of parallel-crested
waves approach at an angle to a straight shoreline over a
measurement inshore waves. smooth sea bottom which shoals gradually, they progressively
­ Fs = 2 f d max change direction as the end of the wave nearer to the shore; as a
° (3) result, the waves become parallel to the shore [13, 14].
® 2
° f d max = λ ⋅ vmax
¯ o

The signal processing flow is given in Figure 2, after the IF

signals is sampled, according to Doppler theory, the double
FFT algorithm can be used to produce a range and
Doppler(velocity) display of the radar target data, the first FFT
process is performed over a pulse repetition period to obtain
range cells [12]; which are the elements of a row of a matrix,
the second FFT is performed over several pulses of these data Fig 3 the sketch map of coast and wave features
to obtain target Doppler or velocity, which are several column
elements of the matrix. The result of the first FFT processed by So the wave front is parallel to the beach (as shown in Fig
DSP will send to Host by USB, and the data is accumulated for 3), the direction of inshore wave is definite, so narrow beam
the second FFT operation, this process is finished in the Host. antennas are use in the field test, and the pattern of transmit and
receive antennas are perpendicular to the beach line. The radar
system is located on the Beach of Zhujiajian Island East China
Sea. Fig.4 gives the picture of Yaji antenna, which is used as
transmit antenna, and the receive antenna is placed at the other
side of the Metal Net, the Net is used to obstruct the direct
wave from transmit antenna to receive antenna, which is
connected to the ground. The obstruction is not so ideal, but the
Fig 2: Radar echo signal processing flow system can work well in this way. Fig 4.b shows Google map
of test point, the points on this map indicates the position of
And according to the calculation of second FFT for velocity radar antennas. Point 1 is the location where the system tested
demodulation, the Number of sweep period should be on the beach, and Point 2 locates on a cliff, as we can see from
configured as N = 2n , we can set N = 1024, the whole time for the map, we can also see the Rip Current from the color of the
sampling is 25.6s. Based on the waveform parameters we Google photo.
designed, the system is operated at the frequency of 310 MHz
So after several days’ experiment on the beach we move the
radar system onto a cliff as indicated as Point 2 on the map Fig
4.b, where the test point is nearly 40 meters above sea level,
the wave under the cliff is different from the one on the beach.
Where there are no breaking waves generated by the shallower
and smoother bottom, the storm has gone and the sea surface
becomes relatively clam. So during the experiment on the cliff,
Fig 4.a Fig 4.b we didn’t get the echo like the spectrum in Fig 6.a. and here is
Fig 4 Picture and Map of the experiment the result of echo backscattered received by radar on the cliff
shown as Fig 7. The two wide lines are the positive and
IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS negative Bragg scatter energy, which represent the wave
Field experiment of the radar system on the beach of East energy move towards and away from radar respectively (wave
China Sea was conducted during Sept 2007. During that time, Phase velocity). And Fig 8 gives the spectrum of a certain
a big storm happens far away from the island, but the energy distance. The dashed line on the spectrum is Bragg frequency
of storm is spread in a way of swell and so on. So the energy in still water, the spectrum is quite different from the result
measured on Yangtze River by the same system, which gave
of waves is strong, and wave height of inshore wave nearly
1.5m, the echo spectrum is given as follow: The echo shape first order peaks [9], because the current is the dominant
spectrums are different when distance changes. The strong movement on the river surface other than wave, but the
moving breaking waves, which are near to the beach, give situation on sea surface is quite different. First order peaks and
strong backscatter of echo and the radar also gives the velocity second order peaks are sometimes mixed together, they can’t
distribution according to the Doppler shift frequency, the be distinguished well. There is a clear limitation to Barrick’s
theoretical calculation [15] of the second-order part of the
spectrum is given as follow:
spectrum which renders it inappropriate under highly sea state
and higher radar frequency [16], But surely we can use the
energy reflected from sea surface to estimate the roughness of
the sea surface, Fig 9 gives the statistic result of energy around
Bragg line changing with the time. Non-stop 24 hours (Sept 20,
2007) data sampling was finished, and the echo of a certain
distance (24th range cell) is selected for analysis. With the
stable measuring conditions, the reflection of backscatter
energy is proportional to the wave energy including potential
(Wave Height) and kinetic energy (Doppler Shift).

Fig 5. Range Doppler Echo Spectrum

Echo Spectrum
Echo Spectrum

Time:12/09/2007 09:23
90 Site: Zhujiajian Island Beach 55 Time:12/09/2007 09:23
Distance:300m Site: Zhujiajian Island
85 Distance: 600m
Relative Power/dB

Relative Power/dB


65 40


50 30

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency/Hz Frequency/Hz

Fig 6. a Fig 6 .b Fig 7 Range Doppler Echo Spectrum

Echo Spectrum
Fig 6 Echo spectrum of the test on the beach Time:20/09/2007 17:05:27
70 Site: Cliff of Zhujiajian Island
Distance: 420m
Fig 5 is the Spectrum of Range-Doppler, in which the 65

moving surf waves gives strong backscatter energy and the

Relative Power/dB

echo generated by rip current is also indicated on the spectrum.
Fig 6.a and b give the Doppler spectrum of the distance of 55

300m and 660m respectively. Fig 6.b shows the waves are 50

moving toward radar and Fig 5.c indicates the Rip current as 45

formerly described. 40
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
In order to study the inshore wave of different situation, Frequency/Hz

and also the output of transmitter is only nearly 2~3 W, the Fig 8 Echo spectrum of test on the cliff
transmit energy is not so strong to detect the wave far away.
BackScatter Energy of 24th Range cell [10] Ma, Z. G., et al., ‘UHF surface currents radar hardware system design’
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 15, No. 12,
Backscatter Energy
904–906, 2005.
[11] ZIJIE, Y., et al.: “Waveform Parameters Design for Sea State Detecting
HF Ground-Wave Radar”, J. Wuhan Univ. (Natural edn.), vol.47,
pp.528-531, May 2001.
Relative Power/dB

[12] W. Shicai et al,.’Waveform Analysis for HF Ground Wave Radar’,

J.Wuhan Univ.(Natural edn.),Vol 47,pp 519-527,May 2001
48 [13] S.Pond, G.L.Pickard, ’Introductory Dynamical oceanography’ 2nd
[14] Robert H. Stewart, ‘Introduction to Physical Oceanography’ September
44 2006 Edition Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M
[15] D.E.Barrick, ‘Remote Sensing of sea state by radar’ in ‘Remote Sensing
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
of the Troposhere’,ed V.E. Derr, Ch12, US Govt Printing Office:
Washington D.C.1972
Fig 9 Aptitude of the reflected echo of a certain distance [16] 0/+HURQDQG$35<7=‘9+) ocean surface radar measurements in
the Inlet Dynamics Initiative: Algarve (INDIA) Project’, 27th Int. Conf.
V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION On Coastal Eng., 339, 2000.
In this paper, the authors provide a remote sensing
method for measuring wave energy near the coast, which can
be used for investigating and monitoring for renewable wave
and tide energy exploitation. The backscatter reflected energy
can be used to estimate the roughness of the sea surface and
the movement of waves, and it can be used in all-weather
conditions. During the experiment, the detecting range was not
so far, because the power of transmitter was quite low and the
beam patterns of transmit and receive antennas were not
precisely controlled. By further research, the system can cover
larger region for wave energy investigation.
The authors would like thank CSC (China Scholarship
Council) and NSFC for funding and X.J.Huang, J.Yang, Z.L.
Lee for their work in the Lab.
[1] Willie D.Jones, ‘Ocean Power Catches a Wave’, IEEE Spectrum,
Volume 45, Number 7, July 08,2008 p11-12.
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[3] Goda, Y. ‘Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures’. World
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[4] Emily Ford. ‘Wave power scientist enthused by green energy’. The
Times. Retrieved on 2008-10-15.
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[6] Teague, C.C., Barrick, D.E.; Lilleboe, P., et al.: “Canal and river tests of
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Pages: 1288 - 1290 vol.3.
[7] Teague, C. C., et al., “Geometries for streamflow measurement using a
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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/OCEANS.2000.881819
[9] S. Wei, W. Biyang, ’UHF Radar System Tested on the Bridge of
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