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Wylie Drei Elschen N.


11 – Peace

Discipline is Not the Only Path

The article, “Why Creating a Culture of Discipline is the Path to Greatness”, written by Brent
Gleeson talks about the importance of discipline in achieving our goals. The writer stated that it
takes discipline and accountability for changes and success to be fulfilled. He talked about his
experience in the Navy as his example to give testimony to his claim that in order to be successful,
bad habits should be cut and discipline should be adopted as a habit instead.

First of all, the main idea of the article written was clearly stated. He emphasized on discipline
which was made clear by the author’s constant mention. He even enlisted reasons by categories
to monitor possible things that may detract us from achieving greatness and fulfilling our mission.
Second, I commend the author’s sentence structure because it leaves an emotional and personal
imprint on the reader. Single sentences that the author included like “It can’t.” and “They have
discipline.” will catch the eyes of the readers and will be able to reflect with these words.
Furthermore, he provided enough supporting details and explanation to persuade the reader.

With all this, the article’s weakness outweighs the strengths because overall, the article can be
seen as quite offensive to some since he used discriminating words in the third to the last
paragraph. I also found the article to be lengthy and unnecessary information were included. The
author also imposes his views upon the readers too much and it comes off as stern and
aggressive. No clear conclusion was written in the article which is a vital part for an essay since
this is where he was supposed to sum up his article and restate his claim or thesis statement.

To conclude the critique, I personally did not like the article. Although the author did make good
points in some parts and he was also able to emotionally capture the reader with his sentence
structures, he came off to me as too aggressive and imposing with his views. I also found the
usage of words as offensive and inappropriate. I would suggest the author to be more cautious
next time and to take into account the possible readers of his article.

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