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Chapter 12

Report and Presentation Technique

1. Purpose of Report Preparation

Research report is a process of setting and grouping information on an
activity based on facts through the efforts of researchers in processing and
analyzing objects or topics of research systematically and objectively to solve a
problem or test a hypothesis so that it is made a general principal and theory.
So based on the purpose of report preparation, research can be classified into
basic research and applied research. Where the purpose of the preparation basic
research is for the development of science where research is generally carried
out in the academic environment. While the applied research report aims to
solve practical problems faced by certain institutions or organizations that are
generally carried out in a governmental environment or an organization
engaged in business.
So, the purpose of the preparation of the research report is to inform the
ideas or results of research that has been carried out to the wider community to
provide benefits to readers and society in general, and also as a solution to a
problem that cannot be solved previously
2. Writing Format (according to the format of writing and thesis evaluation
from the Faculty of Economy and Business Udayana University Revised
Edition 2017)
1) Type and size of paper. Using HVS paper that have weight 80 gram, size
A4, white color with the logo of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Udayana University. Using the hard cover for outer cover. The paper used
is buffalo paperboard with orange color. Each chapter is bordered with
light yellow doorslag paper
2) Typing
a. Paper margin. Typing the thesis must use a computer with margins:
top: 4, left: 4 cm, bottom: 3, right: 3 cm.
b. Typing Method. The fonts used in this thesis is Times New Roman
with black color. On the cover page, thesis title, writing (student name
and number), institution name (Faculty of Economics and Business,
Udayana University, Denpasar) and the year of the thesis are written
symmetrically using capital letters, bold, and font size 14, except for
writing (name and number students) use font size 12. The typing rules
on the title page are almost the same as the typing rules on the cover
page, except at the bottom there are additional explanatory sentences
(This thesis was written to fulfill some requirements to get a
Bachelor of Economics degree at the Faculty of Economics and
Business, Udayana University, Denpasar) using font size 12. The
font size used in the authorization page, originality statement, preface,
abstract, table of contents, list of tables, list of images, and attachment
size of letter 12, except the table or image is used in font size 11.
c. Space. The title of the thesis and chapter title are typed with a distance
of 1 space if more than one line, the distance between the chapter and
the chapter title are 2 spaces, the distance between one row and the
next row is 2 spaces, the distance between the chapter headings and
the first text written or between the chapter headings and sub chapter
headings are 3 spaces, the distance between the sub chapter heading
with the first line of text is 2 spaces, the distance between the text and
the next sub chapter heading is 3 spaces, the distance between the text
with the table title, graphic image, diagram is 3 spaces. The new
paragraph is typed from the sixth character from the left margin of the
text, the distance between one paragraph and the other paragraph is 2
spaces. Chapters and headers always start with a new page.
d. Chapters and Sub Chapters. Chapters and sub chapter titles are
written in the middle of the top part of the new page with capital
letters. The sub chapter is written from the left side of the paper with a
capital letter at the beginning of each word, except conjunctions. If the
sub-chapter is still divided into several sub-sections, then the section is
written on the left with capital letters only in the first letter of the first
3) Numbering
a. Page. The beginning of the thesis from the title page to the abstract is
numbered with small Roman numerals placed on the symmetrical
bottom of the left and right edges. The contents and end of the thesis,
starting from the introduction to the attachment are numbered pages
with Arabic numerals, whose numbers are connected. The page
number is placed at the bottom symmetric from left to right.
b. Tables, Images, Attachments and Equations / formulas / models.
All tables, images, and attachments contained in the thesis are given
serial numbers with Arabic numerals according to the chapter number,
unless the attachment starts with number 1. All equation/ formulas/
models in form of mathematical formula, statistic and other are
numbered with Arabic numbers in parentheses at the right edge
4) Table and Figure
a. Table. The table number followed by the title is left aligned above the
table without ending the dot. Tables and table titles are written in
capital letters at the beginning of each word except conjunctions and
prepositions. Writing distance table with more than one row table
name is used one space.
b. Figure. The image number followed by the title is placed
symmetrically above the image without ending the dot. The writing of
the image and the title of the image use capital letters at the beginning
of each word except the conjunctions and prepositions. If the title of
the image is more than one line, use one space. Images may not be
5) References and Quotes
a. References from textbooks References are written directly in
textbooks, and can be written in several ways. One source of quote
with one author (Sumarsan, 2017: 50), two sources of quotes with
different authors (Tuanakotta, 2011: 16; Agung, 2007: 21), two
sources of quotes with the same author (Agung, 2017: 23, 2017 : 19),
if the publication year is the same (Agung, 2017a: 15, 2017b: 26).
Quotation sources originating from the work of an institution should
mention the acronym of the institution concerned, for example (IAI,
2017: 10)
b. References from journal. The regulatory body plays an important role
in improving LPD performance ( Wahyudi dan Damayanti, 2015)
c. Quote. Quotations are usually written in one space, the left and right
indents are preceded and ended with quotation mark.
6) Language. The language used is the standard Indonesian language with
regard to the spelling rules that has been perfected
7) Writing the name of the author on the reference list. The author's name
on the reference list is arranged alphabetically. If the author is more than
one, the ones listed alphabetically are the names of the first author.
8) Abstract typing. Abstracts are given titles, student names, and NIM. The
spacing in typing is one space, the distance between the abstract title and
the first abstract text is four spaces. the distance between one paragraph to
another is one and a half spaces. The abstract length is no more than 250
words (1 page) and keywords 3 to 5 words are italicized.
9) Other things. Type a comma and dot in each sentence directly behind the
word, without distance. Typing the next word after comma or dot is done
with a distance of one character.
3. Types of Report
a. Monographs Report
Monograph is a scientific writing in the form of a book whose the
discussion only on one topic/ thing in a field o author competency. Some
things that need to be considered if the research report is made in the form
of a monograph:
1. The report must contain the process of activities as a whole by
expressing all the techniques and experiences gained during
conducting research.
2. Writing reports must be in accordance with the target group of
report readers.
3. Reports must explain what actually happened at each level of
4. If experiences or discoveries that are not related to the objectives of
the activity are obtained, let the findings not be discarded, because
there is a possibility that the findings can be key words in giving
meaning to other activities in the future.
5. In the report, failures and limitations must be delivered in addition
to the success obtained.
6. Before writing a research report, it is first necessary to make a
report outline and then the outline is developed into a detailed
7. The research report must be divided into chapters, or sections, sub-
sections with dense titles, so that the reader can more easily choose
the material relevant to them.
b. Scientific Articles
Scientific articles are scientific writing that published in scientific
journal/ scientific magazines with procedures for writing that follow
scientific guidelines or convention that has been agreed. Reports in the
form of scientific articles must be focused on single objective research
problems, so attachments, preface, and table of contents are not included
in the report. Scientific articles need to contain the design, processing of
data and analysis in a shorter form. The researcher can point to the foot
note, that more detailed procedures, designs and analyzes can be seen in
the full report of the research (monograph report). The pattern of writing
footnotes or how to write references from scientific journals still do not
have a form of agreement, so the format of scientific article writing must
be adjusted to the format used by the journal in question.
c. Summary Report
The summary report is directed at the main findings only, without
including the design and method used in conducting the research. The
summary research report is made around five pages. In the beginning there
must be a brief statement about the importance of the research, the
problems studied, and the scope of discussion. Then conclusions and
recommendations are suggested by the findings that support it. In a
concise report, the use of technical terms is avoided.
d. Report for Management or Policy Maker
Research reports submitted to management or policy makers are due
to the research compiled by the report regarding the implications needed in
policy making and also do research sponsored by certain agencies who
want to make a diagnosis of the situation or in order to conduct an
evaluation of an activity program. Reports aimed at policy making must
have their own form. Reports made do not need to be in full form, because
policy makers do not need such reports.. Research reports for management
or policy makers usually consist of two parts, namely:
 A description of the background of the research, the problems that
arise, the purpose of the study in accordance with the proposed
research, and a summary of the finding with recommendations
 Details of the conduct of research, sources of information,
procedures used and recommendations. Technical matters can be
attached to the second part of the report achieved properly.
4. Writing Guidelines (according to the guideline of writing and thesis
evaluation from Faculty of Economy and Business Udayana University
Revised Edition 2017)

1) Front page / cover / leather thesis.The front page / cover / skin of the
thesis must contain: (i) the title of the thesis (written in capital letters); (ii)
the symbol of Udayana University with a diameter of 4 cm; (iii) author
(student name and number); (iv) Faculty of Economics and Business,
Udayana University, Denpasar and thesis year (written symmetrically with
capital letters).
2) Title page. This page contains the same thing as the front page / cover /
skin thesis, with additional sentences indicating that the thesis was
submitted to fulfill some requirements to achieve a Bachelor of Economics
3) Approval page and thesis approval. This page contains the title of the
thesis, the name of the student, the NIM, the statement about the
endorsement of the thesis that has been tested by the testing team and
approved by the supervisor and known by the Chair of the Study Program,
and each of them affixes his signature
4) Statement of originality. This page contains a statement about the
originality of the thesis and the affirmation that the thesis is made not the
plagiarism of the work of others.
5) Preface. The preface contains a statement of gratitude to all parties who
helped smooth the writing of this thesis until it reached an approved form.
6) Abstract. Thesis abstract (maximum 1 page or about 250 words) is a
summary concise of all the main points contained in the thesis, including:
(1) Title
(2) Name and student NIM
(3) Abstract contents include:
a) Background, problems, and research objectives
b) Research methods
c) Research results and conclusions d) Implications of the results of the
(4) Keywords, 3 (three) to 5 (five) words
7) List of contents of the thesis. The table of contents must be prepared in
accordance with the numbering of the contents of the thesis. An example
of a table of contents can be seen in Appendix 27.
8) List of Tables, List of Figures and List of Attachments. Examples of
these lists can be seen in Appendices 28a, 28b, and 28c.
9) Introduction chapter. This chapter contains the background of the
problem, the formulation of research problems, the purpose and usefulness
of the research, and the systematics of writing.
10) Literature review, conceptual framework, and research hypothesis. In
this chapter, the theoretical basis is examined, the concepts used, and the
results of previous studies are needed to answer the research problems that
will be discussed in the thesis.
11) Research methods. (1) Research design. This sub describes the suitable
approach used to get the answer to the problem and the purpose of the
study. (2) Location or scope of the research area. In this sub, it is explained
about the scientific reasons for choosing the location or scope of the
research area.(3) Research object. At this point explained about the main
study material in the thesis.(4) Identification of variables. This point
explains in detail all the research variables used in the thesis.(5) Variable
operational definitions. At this point, we explain the operational
definitions of variables concerning how these variables are measured.(6)
Population, sample and sampling method. At this point it is first explained
about the research population, then later about the research sample, which
concerns the sample size, then explain the method of determining the
sample.(7) Types and sources of data. In this point all types of data that are
used in the study are described, both the type of data according to its
nature and according to the source.(8) Data collection methods. Data
collection methods in general consist of observation methods, interviews /
interviews and questionnaires / questionnaires, and in-depth interviews.(9)
Research Instruments (reliability test and validity test). The research
instrument in general describes in detail the research instruments used in
the study. This section explains the methods and results of testing
instruments. (10) Data analysis techniques. In this point detailed data
analysis techniques are used.
12) Results of research and discussion. The title of this chapter can also be
modified according to the material discussed in this chapter.
13) Conclusions and suggestions. This chapter presents conclusions obtained
from the results of the discussion in accordance with the objectives of the
14) List of references. A reference list is a list that contains all references
referenced in the thesis.
15) Appendix. This attachment contains everything that is not included in the
text because if it is inserted it will disturb the reader's concentration.

5. Presentation Technique
5.1 Definition
Presentations is as an activity of delivering information to the public
through an oration, either directly (face to face) or through the media. The
presentation has two (2) objectives, namely:
1) An informative presentation, aimed at introducing new things to the
public. This presentation is aimed more at audience’s aspects of
cognition. This process is better known as socialization.
2) Persuasive presentation, aimed at influencing attitudes and behavior
of the audience as presenter wants.
In communication, there are five (5) elements that must be considered.
The five elements are as follows:
a) Presenter
b) Content
c) Delivery channel medium
d) Receiver
e) Feedback
5.2 Communication Law
In order for communication to work effectively it is necessary to
understand about The 5 Inevitable Laws of Effective Communication,
namely REACH as follows:
a. Respect, respect is the first law in communicating with others.
b. Empathy, empathy is our ability to put ourselves in situations or
conditions faced by other people.
c. Audible, can be heard or understood well
d. Clarity, the clarity of the message to be delivered so as not to confuse
the recipient of the message
e. Humble, can be interpreted as an attitude of humility. This attitude is
an element that is related to the first law, namely building respect for
the person given the message.
5.3 Preparation
The most important thing in the preparation of presentations is to build
confidence and control our fear and emotions, sound quality, language and
words used, and non-verbal communication, namely eye contact, facial
expressions, physical appearance, tone of voice, movement body, clothing
and accessories used will have a considerable effect or influence on the
delivery of messages. In communication, several principles need to be held,
especially in mental preparation, as follows:
a. Speaking in public is not very stressful.
b. We don't need to be perfect, smart or brilliant people to appear in
c. Prepare 2-3 talking points / questions, because the audience will be
difficult to remember more than three things at a time.
d. We must have clear and directed goals and objectives.
e. We don't need to consider ourselves to be a public speaker.
f. We don't need to be able to fully control the entire audience
g. We must remember that most attendees want us to succeed in
presenting or delivering our messages.
Some other important things that need to be prepared are as follows:
1. Duration, namely the length of a presentation.
2. Analysis of audiences, namely recognizing communicants
3. Presentation planning, namely how to organize messages and information
to be delivered. The example begins with the problem and ends with the
delivery of the best solution.
4. Use of visual aids, namely with the principle of easy reading, emphasis
and clarity, and simple.
5. Some tools that can be used include blackboards, Flip Charts, Overhead
projectors, Slide projectors, LCD projectors
Some considerations in delivering presentations:
1. Verbal communication, related to the use of the right language, voice, and
speed in delivering presentations by considering the audience's capacity.
2. Non-verbal communication, non-verbal appearance aspects need attention.
Eye contact, facial expression, posture, and body movements as much as
possible support the presentation process

Nazir, Mohhamad. 2014. Metode Penelitian. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia

Research Methodology

Report and Presentation Technique

Group: 4





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