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Given Decision table logic and asked for output

2)Property mode for ordered list-value list

3)property mode for unordered list-value group (but this option is not given in the
options so i have selected value list of this also)

4)where can we reference data transform-flow action

5)flow contains one or more start shapes-false

6)given two fieldls like (pycaseworkerId and pxcase....) and asked which need to
optimezed-no need of optimation for both

thumb rule: if the property start with px,py ,pz ,then those properties does not
require optimation for reporting

7)1) ------------reference ----------------, which reference ---------------, which

reference rulesets
a. operatorID, access group, application rules
b. access group, application rules, operatorID
c. application rules, operatorID, access group
d. access group, operatorID, application rules
ANS: a

8)Auto-Complete can use same source list as of Dropdown - true

9)they have given some shapes and asked "in which shape we use decision tree"-
decision shape

10)Which of the following should be done to check that a property is greater than
a) delcare the property as decimal and create an edit validate rule to check if
greater than zero.
b) delcare the property as decimal and create an validate rule to check if greater
than zero.
c) delcare the property as integer and create an edit validate rule to check if
greater than zero.
d) Use a Validate rule to check if it is numeric and greater than zero.

answer: d( i am not sure of this answer)

11)Which is the best to cache data from external system.-data page

12)given four statements and aksed "which statements need subcase creation".

13)Which is true about specifiction(they have given 6 options and need to choose 3)

14)PAssed Deadline is measured from -end of the deadline

15)An SLA is defined as below .What would be the value of urgency after5 days of no
Default Urgency - 10
Initial Urgenct - 0
Goal - 1 day -10
Deadline - 3 days - 15
Past Deadline - 1 day - 10
Repeating past deadline - 3 times
Ans : b

16.Which control is used to display some dynamic content as list

a.Dynamic Select
b.auto control
d.auto complete
Ans :c(not sure on this.i thougt both c and d are corect)

17..What is the best way to show an error message when a user inputs some wrong
data and submits.
a.Createa msg rule and associate with a validate rule.
b.Add a custom error msg to edit validate rule.
c.Create a error message on validate rule.
d.Have a seperate layout for error msg and show based on a condition
Ans : a

18.there are two cases named caseTypeOne and caseTypeTwo.A flow Action is applied
to "ABC-Case-Work".Which is true from following
a)both case can access flow action
b)only caseTypeOnce can access
c)only caseTypeTwo can Access
d)none can Acces

19.Which to rule to use for the following case.(Choose 2)
Retun Grade A for 91-100
Return Grade B for 71-90
Return Grade C for others

a.Data Table
b.Decision Tree
c.Decision Table.

Ans : b,c

20..An assignment can be routed to (Choose 2)

a.Single operator
b.Multiple operators
c.Access Group.
d.Work Basket
Ans : a,d

21.If a score is greater than 80 return grade A,if the score is greter than 60
return grade and Otherwise return grade C.

Which is the LEAST preferrable rule to execute this.

a)Decision table
b)decisin tree
c)when rule
d)data table
ans : i answered as C

22.What arethe 2 correspondence Types.

c.Voice Mail.

Ans : a,b

23..What are the steps you follow when u initially draft a UI.(Choose 2)

a.Create Decision rules.

b.Create dummy UI
c.Create instructhions on Assignment shape.
d.Create Flow Actions

Ans : i answered b and c

24.What is the true about Ruleset.(choose two)

a.Organise rules
b.manage rule together.
c.Used for easy deployment and migration to different server.
d.Configure Applications.
Ans : i answered a and c

25. What is true about declare expressions (choose two)

26. Which is true about sample data in document wizard?

27.what is the main thing of a specification along with description.

a. --
b. SME

Ans. subject matter expert(SME)

28.Relation between customer and address is 1-1 then what will be adress mode
a. page
b. page list
c. page group
d. value group
Ans. a (same question can be asked by changing the relatin to 1-n)

29.They have given four statements and asked which statement requires subcase

30.Which is purpose of Resolution stage-to visually represent where case can be


31.Purpose of Guardails( choose3)

32.can section be embedded with in other section-true

33.Which is about work partties(choose two)

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