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Three-parameter optical fiber sensor based

on a tilted fiber Bragg grating

Nélia J. Alberto,1,* Carlos A. Marques,2 João L. Pinto,1 and Rogério N. Nogueira2

Instituto de Nanoestruturas, Nanomodelação e Nanofabricação e Departamento de Física,
Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicações—Pólo de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
*Corresponding author: nelia@ua.pt

Received 7 July 2010; revised 29 September 2010; accepted 1 October 2010;

posted 4 October 2010 (Doc. ID 131275); published 27 October 2010

A three-parameter optical sensor based on a tilted fiber Bragg grating is proposed. Through the mon-
itoring of the wavelength shift of the core mode resonance and the ghost mode resonance, it is possible to
discriminate strain and temperature. In addition, the refractive index can be determined by calculating
the normalized transmission spectrum area. With the current approach, resolutions of up to 5:7 × 10−4 ,
4 με, and 3:1 °C were achieved, for refractive index, strain, and temperature, respectively. The developed
sensor can be an important tool in several areas of engineering, namely, biomedical, biological, and
environmental sensing. © 2010 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 060.2310, 060.2370, 060.3735.

1. Introduction and the possibility of remote measurements in

The monitoring of physical, chemical, and biological real time.
parameters is of relevant importance in numerous Based on this technology, several schemes have
areas, including structural health monitoring [1], de- been proposed for individual measurement of RI,
tection of soil and water contaminants [2], biorecogni- temperature, and strain. Some allow the simulta-
tion of analytes [3], and biomedical applications [4]. neous measurement of two of these parameters,
The refractive index (RI) is one of the most impor- namely, strain/temperature [8,9] and temperature/
tant parameters to be measured, since it can provide RI [10]. A methodology used to discern temperature
information about the presence/absence of certain and strain based on the core and ghost modes mon-
substances [5], the cure process of materials [6], itoring has been reported in [8], however, no RI
and clinical diagnosis [7]. However, due to the hetero- measurements were studied.
geneity and complexity of the analyzed media, it is We propose a multiparameter sensor for simulta-
also essential to investigate others parameters, such neous measurement of strain, temperature, and RI.
as temperature and strain. The device is based on a single 8° tilted fiber Bragg
The monitoring systems should be, apart from grating (TFBG) and the sensing mechanism relies
other requirements, chemically inert, immune to elec- on monitoring the core mode and ghost mode wave-
length shift for discrimination of temperature and
tromagnetic interferences and harsh environments,
strain. The two modes present different sensitivities
and minimally invasive. Fiber optic technology, due
to temperature and practically equal sensitivity to
to its characteristics, is an excellent alternative. In
strain. The RI is determined by computation of the
addition to these features, fiber optics still presents
transmission spectrum area of the grating. An ap-
low weight, compact size, multiplexing capabilities,
proach for the measurement of the RI, with no addi-
tional parameter, based on the envelope area of the
0003-6935/10/316085-07$15.00/0 cladding mode resonances, has been reported by
© 2010 Optical Society of America Laffont and Ferdinand [11]. However, it depends on

1 November 2010 / Vol. 49, No. 31 / APPLIED OPTICS 6085

a complex algorithm for determination of the lower
and upper envelope curves.
To the authors’ knowledge, this work is the first to
report a sensor for simultaneous measurement of
strain, temperature, and RI. Moreover, compared
with other multiparameter sensing systems, the con-
figuration proposed does not involve special
materials [12,13] and/or complex grating fabrication
techniques [10,14].

2. Theory of TFBGs
TFBGs are short period gratings in which the modu-
lation of the RI is purposely tilted with respect to the
longitudinal axis of the fiber, in order to enhance the Fig. 2. Transmission spectrum of a TFBG with 15 mm of length
coupling of light between the forward-propagating and an 8° tilt angle.
core mode and the backward-propagating cladding
modes (Fig. 1) [15]. hydrogenation process that occurred at a pressure
The wavelengths of the Bragg reflection λB and the of 150 bars, during two weeks, in order to enhance
cladding mode resonances λiclad are determined by the its photosensitivity.
phase matching condition and can be expressed as In the grating writing process, the phase mask was
tilted in the perpendicular plane to the incident laser
2neff Λ
λB ¼ ; ð1Þ beam. The resulting TFBG has a length and a tilt of
cos θ 15 mm and 8°, respectively. Gratings with different
inclinations were previously tested. For small angles,
ðnieff ;core þ nieff ;clad ÞΛ the RI sensor sensitivity was decreasing. However, for
λiclad ¼ ; ð2Þ
cos θ larger angles, the responses of the core mode and the
ghost mode for strain and temperature were similar,
where neff , nieff ;core , and nieff ;clad are the effective in- and it became impossible to discriminate both effects
dices of the core mode at λB , the core mode, and in the total wavelength shift. Thus, 8° is the resulting
the ith cladding mode at λiclad , respectively. The grat- angle of an optimization process. After the writing
ing period Λg along the axis of the fiber is given by process, the TFBG was subjected to annealing at
Λg ¼ Λ= cos θ, where θ is the tilt angle. 80 °C, for 24 h, to remove the residual hydrogen.
The backward-propagating cladding modes at- The TFBG transmission spectra were recorded
tenuate rapidly and are not observed in the reflection with a wavelength resolution of 4:1 pm and a trans-
spectrum. Instead, they are observed in the trans- mission spectrum resolution of 0:02 dB, using an
mission spectrum as numerous resonances. Figure 2 optical network analyzer (ONA).
shows the transmission spectrum characteristic of The experimental setup used to characterize the
a TFBG. TFBG sensor is shown in Fig. 3. The fiber was placed
As it can be seen, it has the core mode resonance, inside a cylindrical tube. The tube has a needle at each
several cladding mode resonances, and, between end through which the fiber is pulled; see Fig. 3. The
them, the ghost mode resonance. This mode consists two sides of the fiber were anchored, one to a fixed
in a group of strongly guided cladding modes with block and the other to a block mounted on a linear
low interaction with the cladding boundary, located translation stage. The whole assembly was placed in-
at wavelengths below the core mode. side a climatic chamber. All the tests were accom-
plished under controlled strain and temperature
3. Experimental Setup
The sensor was written in a standard single mode The immersion liquids used in the experiments
photosensitive fiber (FiberCore PS1250/1500), with were aqueous glycerin solutions at different concen-
a 248 nm KrF excimer laser, using the phase mask trations, providing a RI range from 1.332 to 1.467.
technique. The fiber was previously subjected to a The nominal RI (nD ) of the solutions was measured
at a wavelength of 590 nm, using a commercial Abbe
refractometer with a resolution of around 10−3 . We

Fig. 1. (Color online) Schematic diagram of a TFBG where θ is the

tilt angle and Λg is the grating period. Fig. 3. Experimental setup for the sensor characterization.

6086 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 49, No. 31 / 1 November 2010

also used a set of calibrated oils from Cargille La- Zλf
boratories, whose refractive indices were specified Area ¼ T linear ðλÞdλ; ð3Þ
for several wavelengths and temperatures.

4. TFBG Characterization where λi and λf are the limits of the wavelength range
analyzed, which, in this case, are 1495.500 and
A. RI Sensitivity 1558:000 nm, respectively. T linear ðλÞ is the transmis-
The RI sensitivity was determined by immersing the sion spectrum in linear scale. The Area is then nor-
malized, using as a reference the area obtained when
grating in the aqueous glycerin solutions and keep-
the grating was immersed in the solution with a RI
ing constant the temperature and strain at 20 °C and
equal to 1.332 (Arearef ).
294 με, respectively. In Fig. 5, the normalized area (Areanorm ) of the
The transmission spectrum of the 8° TFBG is transmission spectra is depicted as a function of
shown in Fig. 4, with the grating immersed in three the outer RI. The best fit for the Areanorm , when
different solutions. As the surrounding RI changes, the RI changes from 1.332 to 1.467, is a fifth-order
the coupling characteristics of the cladding modes polynomial. A linear approximation can be adjusted
and consequently the TFBG transmission spectrum in a reduced RI range. For instance, considering only
also change. A smoothing of the spectrum is observed the RI range of 1.361–1.418, the RI can be calculated
until only two resonances remain, namely, the core from
mode and the ghost mode. The wavelengths of these
two modes are unaffected within the resolution used RI ¼ −0:1854Areanorm þ 1:5379: ð4Þ
in the measurements.
The progressive decrease of the cladding mode re- Through the error propagation analysis, it is possible
sonance strength with the increasing RI is due to the to determine the error associated with the RI mea-
change of the outer RI toward nieff ;clad . In this process, surement (ΔRI). This is given by the slope error
the ith cladding mode becomes weakly guided, redu- (Δm) and the normalized area error (ΔAreanorm ),
cing its resonance amplitude. When the RI equals the according to
nieff ;clad , the cladding mode is no longer guided into sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the fiber, becoming a radiated mode; a smoothing  2  
∂RI ∂RI 2
of the spectrum is observed. In this way, it is possible ΔRI ¼ ΔArea2norm þ Δm2 :
∂Areanorm ∂m
to correlate the total power of the guided modes in
the fiber with the outer RI. ð5Þ
As was mentioned above, the RI measurement
relies on the determination of the transmission spec- The area error is the product between the minimum
trum area (Area) and is given by wavelength step (4:1 pm) and the minimum power
step of the measurement equipment (100:02 dB=10 ). As
the results presented were normalized, ΔAreanorm is
given by ΔArea=Arearef. Thus, an error of 2:4 × 10−3
is obtained. This is an expected result, since an Abbe
refractometer with 1 × 10−3 resolution was used as a
reference. If only the ΔAreanorm is considered, the ex-
pected resolution is 2 × 10−5. To demonstrate that the
RI resolution can be enhanced if a better RI reference
is used, a Cargille oil, whose RI is known to within a

Fig. 4. Transmission spectrum of the 8° TFBG for three glycerin Fig. 5. Variation of the normalized area of the transmission
solutions with different RIs. spectra as a function of the RI.

1 November 2010 / Vol. 49, No. 31 / APPLIED OPTICS 6087

resolution of 1 × 10−4 (RI ¼ 1:4240 at 20 °C) was
tested. By varying the temperature in small steps,
small RI variations were obtained. The thermo-optic
coefficient (∂n=∂T) of the liquid is −0:000403 C−1. The
results can be seen in Fig. 6 and, using Eq. (5), a RI
resolution of 5:7 × 10−4 is obtained, demonstrating
that the main source of error was due to the measure-
ment method used as reference.
B. Strain and Temperature Sensitivity
When a TFBG is subjected to axial strain, Δε, and
temperature changes, ΔT, the wavelength shift for
the core mode and cladding modes, ΔλB and Δλiclad ,
can be written by

ΔλB ¼ kcore;ε Δε þ kcore;T ΔT; ð6Þ

Δλiclad ¼ kiclad;ε Δε þ kiclad;T ΔT; ð7Þ

where Fig. 7. Transmission spectrum of the 8° TFBG for three different

strain values.
2neff ∂Λ 2Λ ∂neff
kcore;ε ¼ þ ;
cos θ ∂ε cos θ ∂ε permissible and the resolution used in the
2Λ ∂neff 2neff ∂Λ measurements.
kcore;T ¼ þ ; To calculate the strain TFBG sensitivity, the grat-
cos θ ∂T cos θ ∂T
ðnieff ;core þ nieff ;clad Þ ∂Λ ing was subjected to strain ranging between 0 and
kiclad;ε ¼ 1464 με. It was applied using the translation stage.
cos θ ∂ε During the experiment, the grating was immersed
Λ ∂ðneff ;core þ neff ;clad Þ
i i
in a glycerin solution with RI equal to 1.382 at 20 °C.
þ ; Figure 7 shows the TFBG transmission spectrum
cos θ ∂ε
for three different strain values. A translation of the
Λ ∂ðneff ;core þ neff ;clad Þ
i i
kiclad;T ¼ full spectrum for higher wavelengths is observed as
cos θ ∂T the strain increases, while the Areanorm is unaffected,
neff ;core þ neff ;clad ∂Λ
i i
as can be confirmed with the results of the Fig. 8.
þ : Areanorm was calculated using a moving window,
cos θ ∂T
which followed the wavelength translation of the
In both expressions, the wavelength shift due to the resonance modes.
strain and temperature effects are given in the first The wavelength shift experienced by the core mode
and second terms, respectively. and the ghost mode as a function of the applied strain
According to Eqs. (6) and (7), the core mode reso- is depicted in Fig. 8. The core mode and ghost
nance and cladding mode resonances have different mode wavelength varies linearly and with the same
sensitivities to strain and temperature variations. amplitude with the applied strain. The sensitivities
However, in the case of strain, this discrepancy can calculated were 1:030  0:001 pm=με for both modes.
be neglected, considering the maximum strain

Fig. 8. Strain sensitivity of the TFBG and normalized area of the

Fig. 6. Normalized area as a function of RI of the Cargille oil. spectrum.

6088 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 49, No. 31 / 1 November 2010

Fig. 10. Characterization of the TFBG to RI at two different

plished based on the principles discussed

previously in Section 4.
The RI is determined by monitoring the normal-
ized area of the transmission spectrum. In this
Fig. 9. Transmission spectra of the TFBG for three different experimental work, the area obtained with the grat-
temperatures. ing immersed in water was used as reference. In the
cases of strain and temperature, the wavelength
shift of the core mode and the ghost mode were mea-
The minimum strain variation that can be detected sured. The sensing mechanism is based on the fact
is 4 με. that the modes have different sensitivities to tem-
The thermal characterization of the TFBG was ac- perature and sensitivities that can be considered
complished by immersing the grating in a glycerin equal to strain.
solution with RI equal to 1.427 at 294 με, and with In a practical situation, it is necessary to discrimi-
the temperature varying from 20 °C to 70 °C in nate the contribution of each parameter on the total
10 °C steps. The variations in the transmission spec- wavelength shift experienced by the core mode and
trum caused by the temperature changes can be the ghost mode. To that, a matrix system can be
observed in Fig. 9. constructed:
Two alterations can be noticed in the transmission     
spectra. First, there is a redshift in the wavelength of Δλcore kcore;ε kcore;T Δε
¼ : ð8Þ
the spectra as temperature increases; it is caused by Δλiclad i i
kclad;ε kclad;T ΔT
the changes in the grating period and in the effective
RI of the different modes. The other variation is in The strain and thermal sensitivity coefficients were
the spectrum area, which is due to the RI change of calculated previously. The ith cladding mode anal-
the glycerin solution. To investigate if there is any yzed was the ghost mode. Thus, the variation of
influence of the temperature in the spectrum area the two parameters, Δε and ΔT, can be determined
apart from the contribution of the RI changes, the by the following relationship:
TFBG was characterized to RI, at 20 °C and 40 °C,    −1  
using a set of Cargille oils. The results are presented Δε 0:0010 0:0085 Δλcore
¼ : ð9Þ
in Fig. 10 and no modification is observed, demon- ΔT 0:0010 0:0098 Δλiclad
strating the insensitivity of the spectrum area to this
parameter. The thermal sensitivity of the core mode
and ghost mode is shown in Fig. 11.
As temperature increases, a linear wavelength
shift is observed for the two modes. However, the am-
plitude is different, as expected from Eqs. (6) and (7),
being more accentuated in the case of the ghost
mode. The sensitivities calculated were 8:5 
0:1 pm=°C and 9:8  0:1 pm, for the core mode and
the ghost mode, respectively. The resolution obtained
is around 0:5 °C for each mode.

5. Multiparameter Sensor
The simultaneous measurement of strain, tempera- Fig. 11. Temperature sensitivity of the core mode and the ghost
ture, and RI, using a single TFBG can be accom- mode.

1 November 2010 / Vol. 49, No. 31 / APPLIED OPTICS 6089

Table 1. Simultaneous Measurements of Temperature, The individual resolution values achieved were
Strain, and RI and Deviation between Experimental and
Theoretical Values
5:7 × 10−4 , 4 με, and 0:5 °C, for RI, strain, and tem-
perature, respectively. Theoretically, the device may
Values detect variations of 2 × 10−5 ; nevertheless, due to the
Theoretical Experimental Error RI reference limitation, it was not possible to confirm
this value.
1.362 1.367 5 × 10−3
20 °C 22:8 °C 14%
The multiparameter sensor was tested in a labora-
732 με 667 με 8.9% tory, and the maximum error achieved was 10.6% for
1.446 1.437 9 × 10−3 strain and 14% for temperature. The difference ob-
40 °C 38:2 °C 4.5% tained in the case of RI was 7 × 10−3, which can be
1220 με 1350 με 10.6% explained with the RI reference resolution used. It
1.391 1.384 7 × 10−3 is expected that the real RI error in a multipara-
60 °C 64:1 °C 6.8% meter analysis is around 10−4 .
488 με 438 με 10.2%
The proposed sensor can be a useful tool in
many different applications, such as control of cure
processes of materials, biological and environmental
The current sensor allows the measurement of RI sensing, and structural health monitoring, where the
and strain with 5:7 × 10−4 and 4 με, respectively. As analysis of these three parameters is important.
was also mentioned, the RI measurement resolution
could probably go down to 2 × 10−5 if a better refer- The authors acknowledge the support received
ence method were used. The temperature measure- from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portu-
ment is obtained from the wavelength difference gal, through research grant SFRH/BD/30551/2006
between the core and the ghost modes; therefore, and by the projects PTDC/EEA-TEL/66840/2006
the temperature resolution will be 3:1 °C, assuming and PTDC/CTM/101538/2008.
a wavelength resolution of 4:1 pm.
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