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Province, China. Published by Science Press USA pp 318-322.[Type the document title]

Diversity Phytoplankton as Bioindicators of Water Quality in Saminaka

Reservoir, Northern-Nigeria
(1Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria;
2Division of Agricultural Colleges, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria)

Abstract: A small reservoir constructed in 1975 for domestic and agricultural water supply was studied for 12 months which covered six months of wet season

(May to October 2008) and dry season November 2008 to April 2009). Phytoplankton and water samples were collected and analysed using standard methods

at three sampling stations. Number of Phytoplankton species and class abundance showed the order

Bacillariophyceae>Cholorophyceae>Cyanophyceae>Euglenophyceae. The physico-chemical characteristics (Nitrate-Nitrogen, Phosphate-phosphorus, Total

Hardness, Total Alkalinity, Electrical Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, biochemical Oxygen Demand and Seechi disc Transparency) of the water in the

reservoirs showed significant relationship with phytoplankton abundance. Shannon-Weiner diversity index showed that species diversity was higher in the dry

season than the wet season, the number of individuals was also higher in the dry season. The presence of organic pollution indicators Euglena

gracillisandOscillatoriasp and a bloom of cyanotoxin producing Microcystisaeruginosais a warning sign of the deteriorating condition of the water quality in

the reservoir. The concentrations of NO3-N and PO4-P were high enough to stimulate phytoplankton growth. Conservatory measures need to be enforced to

reduce the rate of siltation and further pollution of the reservoir arising from the human activities in the catchment of the Saminaka reservoir.

Keywords: phytoplankton; reservoir; water quality

1 Introduction
The droughts of the 1960s in Nigeria led to the construction of a number of small reservoirs to reduce the impact of any further
occurrence on drinking water supply and irrigation. The Saminaka reservoir was constructed in 1975 to provide portable drinking
water to the catchment communities but its location downstream a major human settlement has led to its rapid siltation and sewage
from such communities greatly impair the water quality. Phytoplankton are microscopic plants containing chlorophyll A, that float
or swim on the upper sufaces of water or are suspended in the water column, where they are dependant on sunlight for
photosynthesis[1]. In addition to light and oxygen they require basic inorganic nutrients such as phosphates, nitrates and silicates in
the case of diatoms[2]. They require carbon in the form of carbondioxide andare primary producers in the aquatic environment serving
as food for zooplankton and fish[3]. Phytoplankton growth and periodicity are known to be limited by physical and chemical
variations. Phytoplankton are a concern in water supplies and reservoirs, some algae such as Microcystis, Anabaena, Anabaenopsis,
Aphanizomenon, Cylindrospermopsis are known to produce toxins. A bloom of species belonging to any one or more of the above
genera may result in high risk to health, as they have been reported to accumulate in some aquatic organisms in the Mediterranean
regions[4-5]. They can also alter taste and cause odor problems, water discoloration, or form large mats that can intefere with boating,
swimming, and fishing[6].
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Study area
Saminaka reservoir is located inLere Local Governmentof Kaduna State. Kaduna State is located in the northern guinea
savannah vegetative zone of Nigeria and has a tropical continental climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. Three sampling stations
were studied in thereservoir based on the diffrent activities in the catchment during the wet season(May to October 2008) and dry
season(November, 2008 to April 2009).
2.2 Phytoplankton Collection
Phytoplankton was collected using a conicalshape plankton net of 20 cm diameter with a 50 ml collection vial attached to it [7].
Samples were collected at three sampling points. Phytoplankton was identified by consulting texts by [8] and Perry [1].

*Corresponding author: yahuzatanimu@gmail.com.

Province, China. Published by Science Press USA pp 318-322.[Type the document title]

2.3 Physico-chemical Characteristics

Physico-chemical characteristics of water were analyzed once a month from May 2008 to April 2009. Surface water temperature
was measured in situ using a mercury thermometer. pH and Electrical Conductivity were measured using HANNA instrument
(pH/Electrical Conductivity/Temperature meter model 210). Total Hardness, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD), Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N) and Phosphate-phosphorus (PO4-P) were determined by methods described by [9].
2.4 Statistical Analysis
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between physicochemical characteristics
andphytoplakton abundance. Seasonal abundance and diversity was compared using PAST (Paleontological Statistics) ver.1.81.
3 Results
Mean monthly Air Temperature in Saminakareservoir ranged between 25℃ and 36.67℃ with mean ± SE of (30.96±0.97)℃
.The mean ± SE of Surface water temperature was (26.19±1.07)℃. Secchi Disc Transparency values ranged from 4.36 to 19.33cm,
with a mean ± Standard Error of (7.29±2.19)cm.The highest observed pH value was 8.21 and lowest was 6.46 during the study
period.The mean±SE Electrical of Conductivity (EC) observed was 128.07± 40.00S/cm.Dissolved Oxygen (DO) varied between
9.1mg/L to 3.52mg/L with a mean±SE of (6.16± 0.53)mg/L. Biochemical OxygenDemand (BOD) values ranged from 0.37 mg/L to
5.57mg/L with a mean±SE of (2.60± 0.50)mg/L.The mean ± SE of Alkalinity observed was (4.29± 0.31)mg/L while was (1.46± 0.30)
mg/L.Nitrate-nitrogen concentration a highest value of 0.16 mg/L and lowest of 0.02mg/L while phosphate-phosphorus
concentration, had a highest concentration of 0.76mg/L and lowest of 0.04mg/L (Table 1).

Table 1Physico-chemical characteristics of the water in Saminaka reservoir

Months Water Transpa- pH EC/ DO/ BOD/ Alkalinity/ Hardness/ N03-N/ P04-P/
Temp/℃ rency/ cm (µScm-1) (mgL-1) (mgL-1) (mgL-1) (mgL-1) (mgL-1) (mgL-1)
May 30 8.17 7.5 93.8 5.82 4.55 7.7 1.07 0.13 0.56
Jun 28 0 8.21 106.33 4.5 1.2 6.03 1.1 0.08 0.49
Jul 22.33 19.33 6.75 42 3.6 1.08 2.43 1 0.02 0.76
Aug 27.33 15.33 6.46 51.77 5.33 2.23 2.43 4.53 0.07 0
Sep 23.67 4.36 6.82 39.9 3.52 2.13 3.37 1.1 0.07 0.65
Oct 29 0 7.1 62.97 7.1 0.49 4.87 1.53 0.14 0.59
Nov 20 0 7.38 60.6 7.65 3.15 4.4 1.6 0.05 0.54
Dec 21 0 7.36 97.23 6.55 1.98 7.87 1.9 0.03 0.04
Jan 24.67 16 7.55 12.33 4.9 0.37 9.33 0.83 0.08 0.3
Feb 28.33 15.67 7.8 180.6 9.1 4.1 13.17 0.97 0.11 0.59
Mar 29 0 7.93 293.33 8.53 5.57 14.8 1.4 0.16 0.06
Apr 31 8.67 7.05 496 7.27 4.43 4.8 0.43 0.11 0.1
Mean±SE 26.19±1.07 7.29±2.19 7.33±0.15 128.07±40.00 6.16±0.53 2.61±0.50 6.77±1.16 1.46±0.30 0.01± 0.01 0.39± 0.08

Phytoplankton divisions and species observed are shown on Table 2.

In Bacillariophyta a higher number of Taxa (23), individuals (1652), Shannon (2.5) and dominance (0.87) in the dry season than
in the wet season (16, 864, 2.11 and 0.83 respectively). Dominance was higher in the wet season (0.17) than the dry season.
For the chlorophyta, the number of Taxa (23), number of individuals (436) Shannon Index (2.48) and Simpson Index (0.87) observed
in the dry season were higher than that observed in the wet season (16,813, 2.11 and 0.83 respectively). Dominance in the wet season
(0.17) was higher than that of the dry season (0.13).
The number of individuals (464), Shannon Index (0.97) and Simpson index (0.56) observed for the Cyanophyta during the dry
season was higher than that observed in the wet season (236, 0.81 and 0.41 respectively), dominance was higher in the wet season
(0.38) than dry season (0.24). The only exception was that the number of taxa observed in both seasons was equal (5).
Province, China. Published by Science Press USA pp 318-322.[Type the document title]

In the Euglenophyta, a taxon comprising of eight (8) individuals was observed in the wet season which is lower than the two
taxa and 76 individuals observed in the dry season. For the dry season, dominance was 0.64, Shannon Index 0.55 and Simpson Index
0.36 (Table 3).

Table 2 Phytoplanktonspecies observed in Saminaka reservoir

Actinocyclussp Meridionsp Scenedesmusspp Cosmariumspp Oscillatoriaspp Euglena gracilis
Amphora sp Naviculaspp Oedegoniumspp Coelastrumsp Saccconemasp Phacusspp
Chaetocerosspp Neidiumsp Ulothrixspp Pediastrum simplex Rivulariaspp
Coconeissp Nitzchiaspp Crucigeniasp Mougeotiaspp Ticodesmiumspp
Coscinodiscusspp Pinnulariaspp Haematococcussp Gleocystissp Microcystisspp
Cyclotellasp Pleurosigmasp Ulothrixspp Polyedriopsissp Spirulinamjor
Cymatopleuraspp Pseudonitzchiasp Docidiumsp Merismopedia elegance
Cymbellaspp Rhizosoleniasp Staurastumspp
Denticula elegance Rhopalodiasp Closteriumspp
Diatomellaspp Stephanodiscussp Tetraedronsp
Fragillariaspp Surirellaovalis Micrasteriassp
Gomphonemaspp Synedulnara Euastrumspp
Gyrosigmasp Terpsinoeamericana Ankistrodesmusspp

Table 3 Seasonal diversity profile of phytoplankton divisions in Saminaka reservoir

Taxa Diversity Index Wet Season Dry Season
Bacillariophyta Taxa S 16 23
Individuals 864 1652
Dominance 0.17 0.13
Shannon H 2.11 2.48
Evenness e^H/S 0.5969 0.5165
Simpson indx 0.83 0.87
Chlorophyta Taxa S 16 23
Individuals 813 436
Dominance 0.17 0.13
Shannon H 2.11 2.48
Evenness e^H/S 0.38 0.7664
Simpson indx 0.83 0.87
Cyanophyta Taxa S 5 5
Individuals 236 464
Dominance 0.59 0.44
Shannon H 0.81 0.97
Evenness e^H/S 0.42 0.36
Simpson indx 0.41 0.56
Euglenophyta Taxa S 1 2
Individuals 8 76
Dominance 1 0.64
Shannon H 0 0.55
Province, China. Published by Science Press USA pp 318-322.[Type the document title]

Evenness e^H/S 1 0.5

Simpson indx 0 0.36

Dissolved oxygen showed significant positive with Amphora sp(r = 0.46), Melosirasp (r = 0.50), Fragillariasp (r = 0.65),
Sirurellasp(r = 0.45), Ankistrodesmussp(r = 0.41), Coelastrumsp (r = 0.40), Gleocystissp (r = 0.41), Oscillatoriasp (r = 0.51),
Microcystissp(r = 0.42) and Spirulinasp (r = 0.50). It showed significant negative correlation with Coscinodiscussp (r = -0.48),
Cymatopleurasp(r = -0.45) and Gomphonemasp (r = -0.58).
Biochemical oxygen demand showed significant positive correlation with Amphora sp (r = 0.46), Coconeissp (r = 0.44),
Fragillariasp (r = 0.65), Sirurellasp (r = 0.45), Scenedesmussp (r = 0.65), Closteriumsp (r = 0.47), Ankistrodesmussp (r = 0.71),
Pediastrumsp (r = 0.66), Mougeotiasp (r = 0.52), Gleocystissp (r = 0.57), Oscillatoriasp (r = 0.73), Microcystissp (r = 0.49) and
Merismopediasp (r = 0.52). It showed significant negative correlation with Actinocyclussp (r = -0.41), Coscinodiscussp (r = -0.65)
and Diatomellasp (r = -0.41).
Alkalinity showed significant positive correlation with Coconeissp (r = 0.67), Fragillariasp (r = 0.66), Gyrosigmasp (r = 0.60),
Scenedesmussp (r = 0.60), Ankistrodesmussp(r = 0.89), Coelastrumsp (r = 0.47), Pediastrumsp (r = 0.52), Gleocystissp (r = 0.63)
Microcystissp (r = 0.64) and Spirulinasp (r = 0.50).
Secchi disc transparency showed significant positive correlation Coscinodiscussp (r = 0.42) Haematococcussp (r = 0.54),
Ulothrixsp(r = 0.60), and Phacussp (r = 0.46). It showed significant negative correlation Naviculasp (r = -0.44) and Microsystissp (r
= -0.40).
pH showed significant positive correlation with Coconeissp (r = 0.40), Scenedesmussp (r = 0.44), Oedogoniumsp (r = 0.56)
Crucigeniasp (r = 0.54), Ankistrodesmussp(r = 0.44), and Coelastrumsp(r = 0.46). It showed significant negative correlation with
Docidiumsp (r = -0.53).
Electrical conductivity showed significant positive correlation with Fragillariasp (r = 0.48), Meridionsp (r = 0.81), Neidiumsp
(r = 0.80), Sirurellasp(r = 0.48) and Euastrumsp(r = 0.81). It showed significant negative correlation with Coscinodiscussp(r = -0.41)
Alkalinity showed significant positive correlation with Coconeissp (r = 0.67), Fragillariasp (r = 0.66), Gyrosigmasp (r = 0.60),
Scenedesmussp (r = 0.60), Ankistrodesmussp(r = 0.89), Coelastrumsp (r = 0.47), Pediastrumsp (r = 0.52), Gleocystissp (r = 0.63)
Microcystissp (r = 0.64) and Spirulinasp (r = 0.50).
4 Discussion
Bacillariophytawas the dominant flora of theSaminaka reservoir, the dominance of Bacillariophyta over other divisions is
associated with well-mixed waters[10], high pollution, and Electrical Conductivity[11-12].
The higher abundance of all divisions of phytoplankton in the reservoirs could be as a result of concentration of nutrients
(nitrates and phosphates) in the water during perods of extensive dry season. The increase in abundance of the Cyanophyta and
Euglenophyta in the dry season is an indication of the higher trophic status of the reservoir during the season. These divisions are
indicators of organic pollution organic. The reservoir receives sewage from a number of a number of canals from the human
settlement along its catchment.
The differences in number of Taxa and number of individuals, Dominance, Shannon-Weiner diversity index (Shannon-H) and
Evenness between seasons may be due differences in temperatures and pH as different phytoplankton divisions obtain nutrition at
different pH and temperatures.
The observed significant positive correlation between DO and the abundance of some phytoplankton species may be due to the
fact that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis, therefore an increase in phytoplankton abundance comes with a resultant increase
in DO concentration. The observed significant negative correlation between DO and the abundance of some other phytoplankton
species may be due to the reason that increased abundance of phytoplankton may result in increased utilization of DO during
The observed significant positive correlation between BOD and phytoplankton abundance may be due to the reason that
increased BOD is an indication of increased nutrient load, nutrients are also a vital requirement for phytoplankton growth.
Province, China. Published by Science Press USA pp 318-322.[Type the document title]

Conversely the observed significant negative correlation between BOD and the abundance of some phytoplankton species may be
due to the reason that increased organic pollution may lead to the death of phytoplankton species that cannot withstand such levels of
The observed significant positive correlation between EC and Hardness with some species of phytoplankton may be due to the
fact that increase in conducting ions which include nutrients and essential elements are required for metabolic processes of
phytoplankton. The observed significant negative correlation between EC and Hardness with some other phytoplankton species may
be due to the fact that increased abundance may also result in increased uptake of these ions.
The significant positive correlation observed between nutrient load and phytoplankton abundance may be due to the reason that
increased nutrient concentrations leads to a resultant increase in phytoplankton abundance. The observed significant negative
correlation between nutrient load and the abundance of some other phytoplankton species may due to the reason that an increase in
the phytoplankton abundance may lead to increased utilization of such nutrients by these phytoplankton species.
A significant positive correlation between Transparency and abundance of some phytoplankton species was observed. Increased
Transparency increases the intensity of solar radiation that can be captured by phytoplankton, hence increased photosynthesis and
other metabolic activities with a subsequent increase in population density of phytoplankton. On the other hand, an increase in the
abundance of some other phytoplankton species may reduce transparency and consequently a negative correlation between the
abundance of such phytoplankton species with transparency.
5 Conclusion
Phytoplankton diversity and abundance is a very important tool in the monitoring of the seasonal changes in the Saminaka
reservoir, showing its deteriorating condition during the dry season. This could be a viable tool both for long term and community
based monitoring putting into consideration of its inexpensive nature and ease to collect data.

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