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Exception Handling In Java

Parag Shah
Adaptive Software Solutions

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz

 Why is Exception Handling important
 How errors and exceptional conditions
 were handled in C.
 Approach to Exception handling in Java

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Exception Classes
 Exceptions are objects

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Exceptions – Under The Hoods
 What happens when an Exception is

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Dealing With an Exception

 Catching the Exception
 – The try - catch block
 – Single catch (see SimpleException.java)
 – Multiple catch (see SimpleExceptions.java)
 – Using both parent & subclass in catch clause
 – Always catch the appropriate Exception
– Termination vs Resumption of program

 Propagating the Exception (see ThrowingAndPropagating.java)
 Exception chaining (see ExceptionChaining.java)
Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Throwing Exceptions

 Creating and throwing an Exception

 The throws clause
 Choosing the Exception to throw

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Creating Custom Exceptions
(see MyException.java)

 When do we need to create custom Exceptions

 Extend an Exception class
 Extend Exception

 Extend a subclass of Exception

 Override constructors
 The name says it all

 Approaches to Exception creation
  Using a generic Exception with different messages
  Using different Exception classes
 Adding additional objects to the Exception

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Exception Specification
Methods which throw an Exception must
 define them using the throws clause
 Runtime Exceptions need not be defined
 using the throws clause
 java.lang.Exception API

 Standard Java Exceptions

 Using Exception in overriden methods
(will not allow)
Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Runtime Exceptions
(see RuntimeExceptionExample.java)

 Runtime Exceptions are special

 Runtime Exceptions in Java
 When to use Runtime Exceptions

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The finally clause
(see Finally.java)

The finally is used to perform cleanup

 after an Exception is thrown
 When is finally called

 The lost Exception

 Finally without a catch

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Best Practices with Exceptions
 Do not catch an Exception if you cannot deal with it

 Always use finally to perform clean up activities

 Name custom Exceptions appropriately

 Add appropriate messages to Exceptions

 Do not throw too many Exceptions from a method
 Use Wrappers where necessary

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Exceptions are used for improved error
 recovery
 Using Exceptions appropriately will result
 in robust programs
 Revisit Exception API

Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz
Where to Get More Information

 Thinking In Java – chapter on “Error Handling With Exceptions”
 Google: Java exception best best practices 
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Adaptive Software Solutions: http://www.adaptivesoftware.biz

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