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mended, Chapter II-2, FSS & FTP CODE, State in details

functional requirements of Structural Fire Protection

P (Fire Test Procedures)

S (Fire Safety Systems)

d horizonal zones by thermal and structural boundries

m the remainder of ship by thermal and structural boundries

nd as amended, Chapter III & LSA Code

y Enclosed Lifeboat Survival Craft to include the following:
initions * Basic launch behavior
p length * Launching ramp angle for the free-fall certification height

the lower end of ramp (before release), the longer the accelerating of boat
s down about the lower end of ramp once CG passes the ramp end + sketch2
d by boat weight at CG & the ramp end reaction force)

ng with a constant angular speed, once leaving the ramp till touching water
to the opposite direction when entering water + sketch3
d by boat weight at CG & the generated buoyancy at CB)

b) Compliance with all TELB criteria

s‫ركاب‬ b) Positive headway after launching & water entry

1) Safety must be considered in all stages; design, construction
Explain in detail the external and internal factors affect saf
_ management
_ flag adminstrations
_ship design
_ship maintanance
_saftey equipment
_international regulations

the hull must be strong enough to bear the stresses by the cargo
it must provide a stable platform in all conditions
navigations should be accurate to combat hazards like flooding and
communication should be provided to call for help
when all above fails , crew should be able to abandon ship and serv

2) Ships go ahead with many international requirements to prov

State these requirements

_ pollution
_ navigation
_ lifesaving appliances
_ special measures to enhance saftey
_ radio comunications
_ construction & subdivision
_ strenght
_ carriage of cargo
_ dangerous goods
_ fire protection

3) Explain where the Safety Requirements are in the Statutory

of the International Convention for the Safety Of Life At S
1) Chapter II-1
* Structure * Subdivision * Machinery
* Construction * Stability * Electrical In
2) Chapter II-2
* Fire Protection * FTP (Fire Test Procedures)
* Fire Detection * FSS (Fire Safety Systems)
* Fire Extinction
3) Chapter III
* Life-saving Appliances
* Life-saving Arrangements
* Life-saving Code
3) Chapter IV
* Safety of Communication
3) Chapter V
* Safety of Navigation

4) SOLAS 1974 Convention and as amended, Chapter II-2, FSS

the Contains Requirements for the functional requirements of
2) Chapter II-2
* Fire Protection * FTP (Fire Test Procedures)
* Fire Detection * FSS (Fire Safety Systems)
* Fire Extinction

_ division of the ship into vertical and horizonal zones by thermal and
_ separation of accommodation from the remainder of ship by therm
_ reduce using of combustible materials
_ extinction of any fire
_ protection ways of escape and fire fighting access

5) - SOLAS 1974 Convention and as amended, Chapter II

Describe & Explain a totally Enclosed Lifeboat Surviv
* Free-fall life boat definitions * Basic lau
* Required launching ramp length * Launchin

definitions :
the free fall certification height
launching ramp
launching ramp angle

Basic launch behavior

1) The farther the CG from the lower end of ramp (be
2) The boat accelerates down when released
3) The boat tends to rotates down about the lower end
(Due to the couple formed by boat weight at CG & t

4) The boat continues rotating with a constant angular

5) The boat tends to rotate to the opposite direction
(Due to the couple formed by boat weight at CG & t

* Design Requirements
1) Must have
a) Structural Strength b) Compliance with al
2) Must provide
a) Protection for occupants‫ركاب‬ b) Positive headwa

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