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My self-summary

A Central Washington USA MAN of 10,000books_in_Knowledge_Gentlemanly/Noteworthy-ish


In my own way, I am MUCH more advanced as a human than this page will hold, although I am
simple as well.

I have room for One Woman in my life. I am knowledge/mystical/experience driven in life.

One may ask, What is the point/aim of this page? I am intending on finding the one person that
is and will always stay the Lifetime, within physical reaching distance and/or within physical
eyesight's reach and never allow her/our life experiences any other way. Whatever experiences
there are to endeavor and navigate threw life's moments, she and I would stay secure in the fact
of, Togetherness. I'm looking for the one woman that no matter what physical room, space and
environment I reside she experiences every single moment in life "with" this Togetherness, side
by side/hand in hand/Heart to heart/the greatest depth's of sincerity TO the greater depth's of
sincerity/Lovingness to Lovingness.

I Value

Meaningful over Modesty in regular daily life.

Spirituality In Love Longstanding over Amusing pursuit's to find "A" workable relationship.

Generational pursuits over Consumerism.

Extraordinary over "Usage".

Experience's in Life over "the over-stimulated by technology experience"

Originality over Chasing Trend's for Social Commonalty's

I AM HIGHLY EVOLVED, in my own personal space/sense/context.

Body Language/Gesturing Momentum: as interaction format within communication & aiming

toward tranformative experience as a full extra layer in communicative usefulness.

I Like

A Person that can not only Regulate yet also Control then "Set" a vast number of her own her
own "Quotient's" IQ, EQ ect.... and maybe once in a while in other's as well.

A Person that is well with a FULL Lifestyle of hypnotic/mesmerism/higher forms of influence as a

main way to interact with the rest of the world.

Wholesomeness, Honor and aesthetic surrounding/beauty counts 60-80% of the time in life as a
livable bonus. "including within"

I enjoy a person that has good ability to meditate "actual meditate"/build vast inner strength's or
energy/has a true fortitude to her Womanhood.

I admire a Woman that has a "way" with

molding/shaping/remaking/mending/hypnotizing/magnetically influencing, Persona along with
personality in her self, other's and within group's: wielding her very presence and as she
measures her very footsteps in life.

I enjoy a idea in vow orientation/context to my very words echoing in life.

The Physical Process Itself of Psychological Frame""beyond simple NLP" and my personal fav the
Philosophy Frame as a daily relationship team practicing formulation process within the personal
environment and it's INFLUENCER'S/actual result's/timeline/eventfulness/each "subject's"
responsiveness as a un-spellbound(mundane/profound/extension of "physical input") to the and
as the main factor to ones Personal Environment the driving force to this personal
daily way relationship interaction and "engaging" with the outside world. The one goal-full & the
one ideal "Home Base"/The Relationship as the core influencer control mechanism/mechanical
functional response/instinct to the instinctive psychological reasons of each individual and 'the
whole' & in interacting itself to the environment "aka" outside world.

I like a Transformative Conversation styling Skill/'s nestled in Womanliness & to honor her
Womanhood. "aka a woman that can change a situation/person with a small talk on a .... vast

The masterful-toolset & Higher Level's within the realm of "Conversation-

styling/tactic's/techniques" are Attractive qualities for Womanliness, in my very Being.

"Composing Human's" in context of acquaintance's/lightly contacted, unique personal

connection's. All as ones personal work of humanoidal walking/eating/breathing/goal bearing
embodied artwork, as custom crated/crafted human-art.

(Personal Environment Preference to daily life context, as well as, actual physical actions Within
One's Lifetime


"not fond of trans/sex-change/gender_bending

NOT WELCOME!, gay/Queer/ECT...


IncestNOT-WECOME! "even in it's forms of belief's"

Diseased/sickly/poly/orgy/threesome/swinger/unicorn People





even to my very sight, EVER.

I am vehemently, not fond of crime, drugs and alcoholism.)

( I am a NO BAGGAGE HUMAN! I wouldn't !E V E R! EVEN CONSIDER entertaining the thought of

speaking to a former interest/AT A DISTANCE. NE V E R:) I ACCEPT THE SAME TREATMENT,

I am IN FULL! A ANTI NUDIST ACTIVITY HUMAN! "if one get"s naked in public/in front of your
friend's/ect ever... )

In mindfulness I Meditate, enjoy Philosophy in life as action, "Energy Work", Mesmerism,

Hypnosis and believe in a demigod lifestyle as a meditation and elevated since of awareness/self
actualization and simple pathway technique to my path in life AS A WAY OF LIFE/approach
(refined and sophisticated AS THE CONTEXT).

I am here for a wife with good/right intentions.


There is a old term used in novels, "skin tight" I don't like this word I like the word Natural in the
natural human context. I am very intune with the humanity side of person/dynamics of
persona/experiences as personal Human life, in a vast sense and everyday as well. :)

I have been noted for my 'soulful mystical energy feats' and 'One Line' abilities with effectiveness
in these skill's.

My "energy work" skills ARE NOT AVERAGE. What does this mean, one may ask? I have been
known to darken a sun lit room all the while Illuminate my person. It has been witnessed within
my knowings to weld the weather/nature itself many many times over, even with lightning
strikes and storms. I can bend minds and hearts at will. Simply put, I meditate, "Actually
Meditate" as a philosophic action, "in a way". My May.

Are you one happy with this? One must be able to like these experiences "With Me".

... Still here?



I fervor very strong/serious with my persona although depthfully innate a harmoniously tranquil,
very softhearted and very human depth to my core.

I'm over-timing the "god's" so to speak.

I'd like to explore the fine artfulness in life from time to time, A variety of well timed/planed
Personification's with matching "micro ecological environment" in terms of small/short-term
feats come to mind. Sprinkled with a touch of mesmerism/hypnosis "w/good & clean styling".

Personification in terms of "Higher Personification" beyond the actors regular term.

I have achieved more feats of mind power and mysticism than most fairy-tail book collections. I
have walked on water made the lame walk and emitted flames in my hands from my mind power
Itself with witnesses. YES, Witnessed feats. I hold many keys to these things.

Lets start with one of my real life experiences in a short sentence form.

In mindfulness I will clarify foremost a few popular concepts, "I personally keep a positive way
round-about me in context" I NEVER "want/see/or speak" to a ex, I am loyal in every way. I
do/don't alow in my beliefs and world or simply aim to fully involve/disinvolve my self with, just
for a good heartfelt start. I don't believe in religious practice in general. My way with religion is in
good study, ponderative, meditative as a part in my life as the full context of religion in my view. I
meditate and believe in a dimigod lifestyle as a meditation and elevated since of awareness/self
actualization and simple pathway technique to place my EVERY footstep down to my path in life
AS A WAY OF LIFE/approach (refined and sophisticated AS THE CONTEXT). Not in terms of a since
of god hood practice, grandeur and leastly delusion. I don't believe in the word Faith. "Any
concept of blindness is a fools game to me and faith being a higher spiritual concept of blindness
makes my disappointment emotion rise for our humanity sake, as a whole and personal
emotion. I do believe in the ideas in good effective causation. I don't believe in
forgiveness/redemption/ absolution in almost every form. I believe Philosophy is a divine
physical practice for humans to be used by humanity. All in all I choose my terminology in life to
believe(involve my focus/life) in way very selectively. I like knowledge in mystical wielding of
forces "unseen variety". I love Mesmerism, Hypnosis and Brainwashing in terms of real life real
world USABLE techniques.

I am one to have knowledge and willingness in effort to my Physical Form as a whole. As humans
we choose how good we look beyond agefulness and looks born with in the normality. Our
physical tones, textures, bone structures, actual shape and physical attractiveness is a refineable
choice ALWAYS.

A woman with the beauty of thy good womb to start, a good dress and power unmatched is a
plus for me.

"If you have great skill in these topics you are beautiful to me".

Mesmerism, Hypnosis and Brainwashing in terms of real life real world USABLE
techniques/Visual example 1

Mesmerism, Hypnosis and Brainwashing in terms of real life real world USABLE
techniques/Visual example 2


A Good Hypnosis "Lights Out" example, in my world.


I exists at this level of influence and need THE SAME in a match to keep. Influence, as a word, is
one of my favorites in life.

I am fond of a simple 10 house rule lifestyle I devised although I am flexible.

I keep my sheets clean and my social interaction in terms of acquaintance, close friends ect..

Honestly I don't have room in my world for many accept to spend time with One, to keep a
lifetime and make the "fam". I need one person to spend time with decently, this is it.
Dignified/refined dinner parties are to my liking for social interaction, although I am a person
that is solitary minded yet skillful in presentational social purposes.

I helped head a large expo company in college.

I'd like to secure my person to spend the rest of my life with and start a Manor Home or More
custom "self" build project to the likability of all, within mystical fair to factor a encyclopedia or
two. To me sculpting a house is a easy way to add a historical note to one's lifetime/footsteps.
I like the idea of Intrigue "the real life Intrigue" "if you are very effective in this, I like you
already". I do believe something very spiritual happened that "Started It All". I believe in the
PROFOUND that transcends beyond the lower formlessness called "empowerment". Profound to
me is a every moment way of speaking ones every word/action/un-actions and arranging ones
way of being as a whole, as one arranges the human life the right-way. "Aka It's the
powerful/dynamic refined way to live and present ones self to the world and influence your life
in one sentence flat".

I believe in self love, self enlightenment and insightful wise awareness/self actualization as ones

In most context I have always been this way and these things will NEVER change. Living by the
vow, in ones every word, is a amazing idea to me_as well. :)

I have molded and forged my antomonity/mind-body connection, to have full control in my

physical actions & thew the practice in martial arts and the refining aspects in a amazing way
that transcends to all areas/activities in my life so my body/mindfulness works WITH my will.
Even, for the love.

I prefer to accept the right love in the way it arrives. I have green/ AND hazel eyes with "full lips
usually". I VALUE Lady/woman with Mesmerism/ Entrancing/ Hypnosis (Instant "lights out",
social, ect..) HIGH SKILL with a sharp/well read mind. Dynamic. & Descent. Turns my heart
quickened. Miss, In my mid twenties I embered direction in my personal path with my life-long
experience needs based in a philosophy practice of my own design, a actual Physiological Action.
Framed just right�.

As a GOAL, I wanted a powerful personal Philosophy of my own with a manual, A Actual Personal
Philosophy. ✅ I have Earned and Own this in life now.

As a GOAL, I wanted to unmass my self as a acceptable knowledgeable man, so I made a list in

every important knowledge I'd ever want to learn. Then extenuated reading 10,000 books. I Own
and have Earned this Rite now✅.
This is only a shimmering glimpse of my pre age 40 footsteps in life. I have a few other valued
goals checked off✅ my personal list and have a experience to tell. I masquerade a smile at a
thought, hypnotizing/mesmerizing mysteriously. I'm Alluring Intriguing in my quality touched
with Illumination"hint" https://youtu.be/rmC8q2UhI5U?t=2m46s , then measure my footsteps
to the demigods as a lifestyle with a realistic approach. https://youtu.be/nfk7YZJtmeo?t=1m
https://youtu.be/o_dbhidRtWk?t=1m6s Take a reasonable courtship situation or "Courtship
Sitting" and even on a bench I have The epervesent vast Gentleman Quality that mysteriously
embers this Art. I am lightly practiced in The Art of Courtship although Masterful in the
Interaction Design in my comfort zone. I am willing to go all out courtship or normal regular
companion. A wight your own Gospel, live your own Myth with your every footstep in life FULLY
STRAIGHT fashioned person. In my daily world I take the evaluation of humanity
personal/sacred/& seriously with a hands on approach as part of my life My mindset concludes
effectiveness of my Will in Heaven using the device of our very footsteps from the ground of the
earth, placing each footprint upon the sands each moment in time. I tend to Measure details in
life for a decade is good in my mindset. I like the Idea in being off grid, the deep mountains, yet I
like a touch of large city civilization in me to express my sophisticated side. I like fresh springs,
clean streams, homemade food and making my own power & I love a good entendre
conversation with my strong tea .

For heartfelt reassurance I am not just a character, I am a real person with real experiences. My
focus in the mystical has made many extraordinary even real paranormal experiences of my
making, a usual skillful action in my way of life over the usual and I have enough of these
experiences to fill a good book or two, "to say the least". I grew up around my uncles Army Town
"His Army Town" making my childhood a blast and full of "War Time Talk" with a actual
Noteworthy/Gentleman Military Officer and many good veterans in war. This is only a hint to my
starting points in a few choice experiences.


I swam to the center of a large lake

Faced my first 6 on 1 hand to hand ,to protect, for the first time, and "Winning mind you". ( I was
trained for physical safety from day one although I have a philosophical dislike in violence in
general). Although to my relatives I earned a view of stoutness in character and a individual look
at a "Individual live War Room Opps, as one childhood congratulations from a Man of War".
Built my own tree fort after this was complete I built a addition onto my parents home with the
almost no help in doing so.

I reveled in expert knife training from the best of the best & received my first
"Blessing/endowment of energy in combat and/or life",gaining a secret or two.

Learned a expert level of survival skills.

I learned to work physically smart by this age, in my community.

I enjoyed 3 year of piano lessons also speedreading "as one well read word, mind you:)"

I also endured the task of memorizing full ancient scriptural as two chaparral text's at this age.
This was a young part of my memorization and spiritual training.

I also enjoyed tinkering with electronics for fun.

FROM 13 TO 17

I smoked tobacco as my R &R "relaxation/recreation time"

I received the "energy empowerment" a FULL samurai blessing from a actual Soke/head of a
ancient samurai family line. Took me 6 month to out earn his twin sons!

I played a select few show's in a Rock Band on the drums "with many of my best army town
house parties, around", with artist's that played with around 10 years of experience in their
@16.5 I started my 12 plus year experiment into the martial arts. This was my timing for a true
start into the Mystical depths of this world. "meditation, telepathy, telekinesis, ect.. and actual
experiences and my first sight's of spiritual mid level experts"

FROM 17 TO 26.5

IT was up and down with college and finding my adult manner although my feats in physical
manifestations with the welding my mind power/spirit/soul awareness actualization were many,
frequent and extraordinary from time to time.

I count this time in life as the time I earned my Magical/Mystical Rite earned, as well as
experimenting in hypnosis, brainwashing and entrancement.

I studied my first 500 plus books in Philosophy as well as martial art with extra effort from age 17
to 26plus.

I did my first facial shape shifting at times during this stage in life as well.

by age 26.5 I many times "Took On" upwards 10 to 15 in Hand to Hand with med to medium
heavy contact winning every time, as a normal and a extra to martial arts practice.

This was ONLY my start and I'd say get to know me to know more than I put into this

I'm soulfully energetic, serious, dynamically mystical, practical, positively truthful, valorously
loyal even monogamously and believe in living life. I speak mainly English also a little Portuguese,
Spanish and very little Korean and Japanese I've stepped into rainbows repeatedly and have
faced mighty black bear's, one grizzly bear and mountain lion's as they roared at me face to face,
man to man. I have many good recollections of inner strength and mystical experience to speak
of, from my amazing life. I enjoy my time amonghst a sea of flowers and above the clouds with
magic stones naturally beneath my feet on my mountain. A match for myself must share a
interest in congruent honesty, monogamy, loyalty, compassion with a focus in spirituality,
mastery of life its self, mind power and spiritual topics and most of all LOVE. Can I make
horsderves then DJ dance in the club? Y, Yes I CAN! As long its not wild :) I can also sit-in on the
drums for a song with a rock band? Yes, MAM :) I'm a gentlemanly type person in the truest
sense, in context I've read my 10,000 books. My "way" vastly overshadows what I can express
about my self on this page. If all else, I offer warm and friendly feelings freely. I enjoy doing
energy healing, crystal healing, breath work and singing bowls. I smoke tobacco from a section of
a hammer used in building log homes. In my daily life I am reserved enough to be mystical, down
to earth, grounded and sharp. I'm a sculptor, adventure, wield the energy of nature without the
need to hunt animals, I can change your life for the better in the twinkle of a eye. Live the
deepest happiness!!!! Life as a higher state of being!!!! Auspicious Timing!!!! Enlightened mind
power!!!! I'm a pro at astrology and expertly read people. Ive lived a amazing life thous far. I
enjoy the idea of the mystical energy & substance that miracles & impossibilities are made of. I
walk with magic keys of all my past lives. I remember them! Well most of the time;) QUOTES
FROM MY OWN LIFE and ideas to live by. "I breathe what I want into existence...every moment
from the time I rise in the morning, until it's time to unlock my next magical key as I sleep" :by
Me " this is a beautiful world ,your backyard,neighborhood or town is not the same as the rest of
this magical world. Live Original Beauty, its an art and measure every moment." :by Me "while
you sleep is the best time to read the greatest of all magical books...used skillfully, dream time
holds a magical key, to wisdom and enlightenment we all possess" :by Me ENLIGHTENMENT
"Measure not in terms of how well you know yourself...instead....measure the hidden depths of
your inner self you have yet to find" :by Me "guide the universe by your actions, words and
thoughts with a long lasting essence that echos the sweet song of your life" :by Me "one day you
will be the ancestral spirit your birth-line looks to for help & wisdom" :by Me "look through the
glimmering of a stone and find the world of tomorrow" :by Me " the trees, shadows & rocks on
the ground often make symbols.....they tell a message, teaching & hint to lost lessons in history
when magic is founded in what is strong and true" :by Me I trek my 4x4 threw paths less
traveled. Living closer nature, working towards building a mystical home, growing my own food
& being original. My days include experiences that are molded in a "freeing higher state of
being" as the fabric of my life. Impossible is not in my vocabulary. Inner stability, Clear objectives,
Knowledge is power, Fulfillment Is Key, Enlightened Mind Power and Strength Of Soul are all
evident and are all key terms for my daily life. I enjoy making: talismans, mystical energy,
divination , reading ancient scrolls, mystical designs, fixing and building things. I make time to
make mystically endowed art/sculpture buildings,sustain full enlightenment and live in a way
that my every moment makes my heart sing to the heavens. I enjoy Making Panorama
Manifestation, telepathic, telekinetic, spiritually transformational, dream time book
reading/dream walking, divinatory,intuitive/divinatory guided road tripping & travel, using
sacredly synchronistic timing "this includes intuitive/divinatory/astrology/numerology",
meditation techniques, manifestation/distance energy work "via positive meditation , crystal
grids, mystical tools & monuments". I make soulful awareness and inner transformation a every
moment way of life. I am a purposeful man, I believe we as humans have a choice to live life,
each day with great meaning. I am spiritually a earthy person. I use the natural divine part of the
self and the human part of the divine, the least visible part of a personal metaphor that is
mystical and controls the visible world. I am a soulful mystic. For me this includes the psychic and
metaphysical ETC. My spiritual walk ("religious walk") is of "Nature Energy" or the "practical" and
“natural,” and the very least idealistic or “supernatural,” force undeniable one can actually see
work in the world in a more physical form. I believe the link to the direct connection to the
divine comes from within secrets of the soul(within). All 'n' all, I aim to discover the keys to the
mysteries of life and simply want some one to walk next to on a awakened path. I enjoy
divination. I am a astrologer numerologist, gaze seeing stones. I'm too conscious to be crazy or
need "good therapy treatment", although I have successfully played the part of therapist and life
coach. Do you feel the magical soul power within and have a enlightened mind power
unmatched? Does the wind speak her secrets to you, in the world that no eyes can see? THAN
my mind and steer straight. I went to sea captain school. I live something freer and more
beautiful than a 9to5. I have the fortitude and mindset to arrive anywhere in the world, for a
lengthy stay. I enjoy the City and Wilderness of the mountains and enjoy them equally.
Compassion, kindness, truth & honor all have strong meaning to me.

What I'm doing with my life

Current goal

The act of meditation/partaking in higher forms of Human Interaction & molding personal
environment's as a sophisticated art/masterfully pre-prescribing the moments in life/with a
share of Intregue/and in my personal life experience's have storybook level as a quality, and
good experience's to one day tell. My lifestyle aim's and work's as one

of many expidiental level's in my world, as part of my self actualization as part of a greater social
acumen/socialization result within my lifestyle.I like the idea of setting aside and saving the
social selection in life for inclusive selection within relationship, for relationship AND FOREMOST
within the formatting for distinctful quality UNTO the Relationship.

I am aim to own mastery "in one form or another" of persona/presonafication practice/process

as a skill within THE lovingness Itself. MY CHOSEN/PRESCRIBED LIFESTYLE WORKS AS A entendre,
LIFE FORMATTED/LIFESTYLE, formed/built IN Solid LAYERED building block of far reaching
interaction and is currently more "local/REGULAR" level LIFE. I am a man of many skill's as well, I
envigor this Ideal fortably as my set of "rarity and sometimes under used" HUGE set of irregular
skill's turns always useful to designing/building/constructing and fixing almost anything on earth.
Many of these are skill's are reserved for the very short practice session's now. I aim to master
the short nature walk for Gem's. 30k short walk's in the nature is the practice to own. I may soon
cultivate, here to gain form valued oils by the tank for good keeping. I have the skill and goal to
carve a Manor Home/Castle encyclopedia worthy in magical symbolic embellishment and the
accented 'vision of one woman'.

Making my visions to bring new thing for the world.

1 Focus in spiritually fulfilling

2 Honesty/Sincerity

3 Good Mature Decisions

4 Workable Communication Entendre with the details in my life.

5 Keeping a eye for True Friendship.

6 Holding the path to live out goals.

7 Appreciation/Kindness
8 Intelligence/wisdom

Observing and pondering community/town influence philosophically and 50person Village's.

Rounding up the things needed to hand build my vortex house of solid stone blocks with a
timber framed top.

Building a beautiful life that every detail is positive in the mystical side of life.

Digging threw thousands of ancient scrolls & books to find "The Key".

For personal time I am researching royal advice books in terms of personal power and monarchal
training manuals, If I can find a good manual :)

All encompassed by making my best/every goal a reality.

{ Writhing a my notes for my Household Generational Manual on Life Itself.}

All wrapped up in Goodness With the Admorativeness in LOVE .pEdit


I'm really good at


This is the list, its long, so here it goes.

Concept Build's

Making natural handsomeness happen in the morning time.

Stone Sculpture/Jewelry

Manifesting/Sacred Synchronicity

Cooking a 5 star meal @ home

Goals/Action Plans

Generating Magic Signals and Sigils from a astrology natal


Gazing Crystals / Divination

Rock Hunting
Creating something useful or beautiful out of nothing

Carpentry, Pluming, Heating, Electrical

Small Engine Repair

Building/Designing off the grid solutions

Making Cappuccinos and lattes

Creating Crystal Furniture

Creating Positive Paranormal Phenomena

Making Chocolates

Reading Ancient Magical Scrolls

Making Telekinesis Wands

The science of human excellence

Screen printing
making meditation Tools


Reading Body Language



The Mysteries of Life

Making Log Homes








Feng Shui

Interior Design

Web Design


Book Binding

Green Building



Ancient history

To give the living love that makes life when shape molding extraordinarily beautiful parts in
existence that's worthy as a written story.

Carving something beautiful in stone or wood that will shimmer in the sun for a thousand

My Traits

The first thing people notice about me

My green/hazel eyes within the Stillness of The Deep and full lips.

My aura/persona

I am enthused by original people.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

Ive read thousands of nonfiction books ♡. I always read to learn, my favorites would be a
exhausting list, here are a few.

Some Favorite books:

The Professional Chef

Garde Manger

Mastering the art and craft of Baking and Pastry

Professional Cooking for Canadian Chefs

Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair

Don Casey's Complete Sailboat Maintenance Manual

All books by Dōgen Zenji 道元禅師

坐禪儀 has turned all life's challenges in to clear perception & KI

Tao Te Ching,


Anything by Joey Yap for example, Bazi Destiny Code.

Blackwell:Ancient Greek Divination,

Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered,

Binding Words Textual Amulets in the Middle Ages,

The Curious Lore of Precious Stones by George Frederick Kunz,

Taoist books by Mantak Chia,

The Golden Bough, Sir James George Frazer

The Magic of Jewels and Charms,

Tibetan Tantric Charms and Amulets,

Hapkido by Marc Tedeschi,

The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment,

Twenty Steps to Power, Influence, and Control Over People by H. W. Gabriel

Cards Of Your Destiny,

Mastery by Greene,

Osho Book of Secrets &

Yogi Publication Society 12+book

All are books I frequent.

This year I read more mechanical, homesteading & ancient scrolls/tablets than

Fun note: After reading my 10,000 Book's, I imagine, Snow White is "Still" a
Fun, Scary and Meaningful metaphor & I LOVE from my early years.

I like food although I don't eat pork.

Favorite Topics

This is the list, its long, so here it goes

Fulfilling my dreams & goals

Doing my part with life coaching

Stone Sculpture/Jewelry

Manifesting/Sacred Synchronicity

Cooking a 5 star meal @ home

Action Plans

Generating Magic Signals and Sigils from a astrology natal chart

Gazing Crystals / Divination

Rock Hunting

Creating something useful or beautiful out of nothing

Carpentry, Pluming, Heating, Electrical

Small Engine Repair

Building/Designing off the grid solutions

Making Cappuccinos and lattes

Creating Crystal Furniture

Creating Positive Paranormal Phenomena

Making Chocolates

Reading Ancient Magical Scrolls

Making Telekinesis Wands

The science of human excellence

Screen printing

making meditation Tools



Reading Body Language



The Mysteries of Life

Making Log Homes









Feng Shui

Interior Design

Web Design

Book Binding

Green Building



Ancient history


I don't like to watch TV or play video games, yet like a good movie.

I enjoy documentaries.

I don't have actual movie favorites. i LIKED JUPITER ASCENDING.

I enjoy a excellent quality home theater experience and music played on a

quality home sound system.

I like a great variety of music My father was a classical guitarist and a jazz
pianist. In turn I love live classical guitar and jazz it brings fond
childhood memories.

I also like rock :) https://youtu.be/LnaC-D3ZqVE

My choice in a good jazz song in which I endeavored responsive singing's in my

earliest years.


Six things I could never do without

1 Truth/Communication in positive balance

2 Purpose/Awareness of the soul as a MYSTIC

3 inner light/Enlightened Mind Power, plus A Actual Intrigue.

4 Intelligence/Knowledge?Wisdom/a Healthy Strong_Masculine_Nature

5 ♡A Magnificent Courtship"♡ ________ _______ The "Sacred Sitting" within is

to the comparative to the "Philosophers Sacred Sitting" aka "Philosophers
Sacred Read",although sacred transformation is the paired sitting experience,
once one is within/interact's beyond the vast depth initial access-point ot
the courtship. As a team effort, heart in every formulated
instinct/reaction/tone/overtone/body_language/shared visualization/ linguistic
affirmation conversational style/hypnotic gesture&advance to greater
depths_in_height's/interactivness/masterful psychologically attractiveness
WRAPPED within the Love, using technique's in the OVER TONE Personification OF
"COURTSHIP PERSONA" ITSELF, WITHIN the lovingness itself, is a fav of mine.

Tip:If you/your extended family holds a Princess Level/leadership training

manual I may feel more in my comfort zone, adding bonus point's.
6 -----------------------------? there is always one more.pEdit


I spend a lot of time thinking about

A certain Prescribed statement:

"swiper no swiping Please"

Life Goals/Action Plan

Holding a transformative level of awareness, perception & measurement within




The inner workings of "the part of Life", I plan to build next.

The details in freshly achieving a clear walk-in, then philosophically "One

Line" a whole country without a Directive or Psy-Ops/Tech WITH aCTUAL

My next never seen hypnosis/trance technique WITH aCTUAL Intrigue


Rare Info in life♡.

Secret Books♡.



Everything Long Lasting Generational ♡. "my idea in the first step in a demigod
mentality calculated in Ones footsteps."


rental property

Experience greater heights in my vibration, health, enlightenment, fulfillment &


Working on my dreams & goals.

Building something.

Learning something new.

Sculpting some magic with my soul.

Exploring & experiencing the magic of the world along the way.

Sailing the world.

Experiencing the magical depths and messages in nature.

Have I inspired or lived a ADVANCED example in my footsteps in life that added

more awareness/healing to the unlimited quality & potential in all I encounter day to
day .

Life is lived in terms of moments not days weeks or years moments.

Measuring my legacy this very moment?

Positively anchoring the right Metonymy as Euphoria in the moment for a helpful
tool and SETTING STONE to depthfullness while Conversating.

"&to the mind's of others still small voice/thought's"

The cognitive systems of systematizing/synthesizing and the cognitive building blocks

of personal environmental conditions influence with the model/response
framing/overall goal planing process of detailing the building block's of life
events/time lined experience's/willing/goalful inspired/singleblind-"Servitude within
Subject/household of Subject's/perpetual lever control factor to processes/behavior
and eventfulness prescribed Protical as a Tool Set/as a toolset to easing Energy
work/flow, " personality trait builder argumental-factor's/augmentedness in chosen
"key" framing, placement's/"Subject" placement & to the personal environment &
goalful perpetuation of aim's.

I like this Idea un-to the social acquaintance in socialization. Conditionalize "your
way": the facets in framework inner working's INDIVIDUALLY master each
detail/boundary of eventfulness towards 'your' RESULT for perpetual smooth
interaction. Formulate the habit format. Anchor the "over the top" request-ability
factor to meaningfulness leaver/or the persons PREMADE meaningfulness
button's/leaver according to the mastery over the emotional/eventfulness habit cycle.




personality type / lifespan stage/'s


personality type / lifespan stage/'s

mile stone of a result


milestone of result

Perpetuating enthralling every MOMENT of great height's in Happiness


every physical reality as the entire lifespan/entire lifetime chosen form of true
Fulfillment Happiness

Wright a song with Combined true & tearful "Musical Note & In actual "result
formulated" fashioning, built entirely in Philosophical True ONE LINE's as lyric's, that
would partake one in a transformative life spin for a month.


"two_&more layers of expanding/contagious_orientated, in PHYSICAL RESULTS" from

One Short Conversation FLAT. TO A GOAL, that puts a person in a
transformative/positive "Life Spin" to their very depth's as determined action/'s for
years. AS A COMUNICATION TECHNIQUE to the Tool Box of life


Living Archetype

The custom built metonymic living archetype, full embodied LIVING/physical action
idem or organization/of a viable/working/physical existence as the actual "living,
walking, talking, breathing, DOING 'and sometimes' a spring board of a eventfulness"
as the Living Archetype, itself. "the Living Totem built of many actual Living
Archetype's is a grand Idea as well "

Ordering one is the lowest format of obtaining a Living Archetype. and gaining one
threw forced servitude employees/reproachable personal vow situation's/buy ect...
this is just a elementary level.

Building one threw your own personal solitary effort is Low-Mid Level.

The true Living Archetype is in the Arrangement of existence threw the BIRTHING
FORMATION in a almost indirect manor, by building the environment/situation's in
life itself. These environment's/situation's in life 'to your every detail' Build then,
hand/exhibit the Living Archetype for the sight of Ones Living Archetype/experience
of it/existence to humanities experience. Layers of meaningfulness and function unto
longevity are bonus/worthwhile. Although, having the ArchetypeSymbol is artifact
unto the Living Archetype & just a simple reminding physical statement.

"and very very much different to my personal Lamen Talisman."pEdit


On a typical Friday night I am

I am Reading, In Meditation, Designing or Building something & waiting for the right
lady to show up in my life.pEdit


The most private thing I'm willing to admit

I've read my 10,000 books.

Actual Courtship done in a extra ordinary format/flow is a springboard-catalyst to
Greater deepening the depthful Height's for evolving the level of existence of every
day reality when Courtship is done well.

I can naturally make handsomeness happen from deep within :)

I enjoy a good campfire & drum circle as well.

The personification process itself within the realm of full lovingness and being "In
Love", as a vast sculpt-able Love Texture enveloping the very social environment/air
one breaths is a attribute I soulfully ember for, with the right woman, owning a
womanly power unto her very being. I like it hypnotic/mesmeristic & magnetic/ware
time itself almost stands still as a Way Of Interaction, in a outstanding dress/outfit.

& within a place/location/as well as sculpted "home" ware "magical moment's" are a
natural extraordinary spring board of congruent occurrences vivaciously pronounced
in quality & layer's in multi-meaningfulness , therefor the making a true "Magical
Moment's" Place/Location, is even the more "Top's", in my eye's.

I don't "joggle" the seat/bed when sitting....


..."the site should add this to the 'question's tab'....


cement/2X8'S ect..IT'S A TEMPORARY SHACK OF A SHELTER and is paper thin easy to



I am a actual Person level Human for/unto my Humanity, capital P and a F U L L

personality/functional-real Persona, With a Extra Measure In my ENERGY side. I am a
man of physical proof in this fassett in whom, I am. This is INTENDED, vast in
philosophical IN CONTEXT and only a snipit of a term to a whole life measurement
styling, within life's sightliness to REAL/ACTUAL Footstep's in life's sand's of time.
AND. On a good day & from a very early age I SKILLFULLY weld full invigored
massive miracles and resnonate within/as a Demigod Level Human .... On a Regular
mundane/bad day I am regular Person.

(Note, I am not a numeral percentage of a personality level human, with a

percentage growth rate likely to ONLY REACH TOWARDS being a mere 100%
"personality level human".)

I may "essentially" add a well crafted flavorful SCENT in 'body sectors' according to....

your-likability/mood/astrological calculation.

I feel my favorite Every day 'reg' Sensation may very well be a Mix. Combine the
Violinist "Shake" and the raw emotion of unacknowledged drop as one steps over a
"one step of stair's" or curb "mis-stepping" without the fear factor, adding a slight
body-leaningness while in physical 'morphed' movement's & mid-motion.pEdit


You should message me if


World will be better a place!

I do have to say, I intend to communicate to Only single individuals within the


You know how to mold extraordinary moments in time like a pro.

You have a Mystic side of Life.


With my footsteps, I believe in the depth of generational goals and I make a point to
wright a good word or two. The ample opportunity for good love starts with just a
kind word, Yes and a smile in the heart that remained to fulfill the dreams With the
hidden depths of inner actualization.

I patently await what many dignified person of refinement.

You should not message me if :

1) Your a conformist- find whats real in this world. I wont pretend there are not,
excellent methods of gaining massive amounts life wisdom.
2) "Unsightly Intention" is a big factor in life.

3) If this is a "out of your league" in your day to day life.

4) Drink to much, do drugs, hurt people from time to time, or hate kids

"ps: TIP! A good conversation starter example 'tell me your idea/research/technique

for a sacred/Quality/transformational/skin beautifying Bath' for your Person and
possibility one for a man for handsome results."

Age 22 to 40 welcome only.pEdit


Currently reading:

I am amidst a good "batch" of book's/textbook's right now. "a batch is around 10 to

300 book's, usually, & to my liking.

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