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Subcommittee Report

October 19, 2010

 Definition
◦ A set of agreed upon steps/statements which
define how the team will accomplish an important

 Benefit
◦ Having clearly defined procedures for how the
board/superintendent team will conduct its
business can help increase efficiency and avoid
 Avoid confusion
 Clarify who, what, when
 Improve relationships by clarifying
 Sustain effective practice
 Ease transition of new members
 Describe specific behaviors with enough
detail to provide the same understanding by
 Be aligned with adopted policy
 Should be discussed and agreed upon by
team members
 Written and accessible to all team members
 Reviewed at least annually and revised, as
 The Board must agree as a team to do so
 Prioritize the team activities to be addressed
 Agree upon the best process & timeline
 When all or some team members either do
not know, are confused about, or do not
agree upon the accepted or appropriate
process to follow
 Give any new team members the opportunity
to become familiar with the procedures, ask
questions about them, and determine if there
may be a more effective or efficient way to
accomplish a process
 Once Operating Procedures are developed or
revised they should be shared with Staff and
Community – especially those that impact
their behavior
Board Source
Subcommittee Materials
Established Collected


•Missy Bender, Chair •Existing documentation

•Nancy Humphrey •Examples from other districts
•Carrolyn Moebius •Examples from training resources
List of 45
Procedures Procedures
Reviewed &
Developed and Drafted

July August, September, October

Meeting Dates:
July 9, Aug. 10, Aug. 24, Oct. 12
Category # of Date for Board Date for Board
Procedures Review Adoption
Communication 10 10/19/2010 12/7/2010

Meetings 12 10/19/2010 12/7/2010

Policy 3 10/19/2010 12/7/2010

Planning 6 11/16/2010 12/7/2010

Board Development 8 11/16/2010 12/7/2010

Personnel 6 11/16/2010 12/7/2010

1. Questions about the Agenda
2. Team member communication between meetings
3. Board member requests for information other than
agenda items
4. Board member contacts with campuses
5. Board member responses to community or
employee complaints
6. Board member communication with the media
7. Board member communication with the community
8. Email protocol
9. Board member communication with governmental
or legislative agencies
10. Board member speaking engagements
1. Preparation of the agenda
2. Board member preparation for meetings
3. Member participation during meetings / public forums
4. Member participation in discussion, debate, and voting
5. Member responses to inquiries about closed / executive
6. Participation by people other than the team members in
closed / executive sessions
7. Board reorganization / election of officers
8. Selection and operation of board liaisons
9. Selection and operation of community member liaisons
to district committees
10. Types of meetings
11. Preparation of annual Board calendar
12. Executive session attendance and confidentiality
1. Review of district policies
2. Development of district policies
3. Traditions of the Board
1. Printed Booklet 2. Downloadable file
3. Online access
Online access Downloadable file
 October

◦ Oct. 19 Work session
 Present Communications, Meetings, and Policy
◦ Incorporate work session feedback into procedures
 November
◦ Nov. 2 Regular meeting
 Staff will present report on Public Participation in (and

out) of Board Meetings. Board will comment and
provide direction to Staff.
◦ Nov. 16 Work session
 Present Board Development, Planning, and Personnel
procedures in addition to any revised procedures from
Oct. 19 work session
◦ Incorporate work session feedback into procedures
 December
◦ Dec. 7 Regular meeting

 Staff will present any policy modifications for
Board consideration
 Present all sections of revised procedures to
Board for formal adoption

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