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ROBOTICS Fundamental Concepts and Analysis ASHITAVA GHOSAL cr Indian Institute of Science Bengalore OXFORD i Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University of Oxford. 'e furthers the Universty’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, ‘and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trademark of (Oxford University Pres in the UK and in certain other counties Pubiished in India by Oxford University Press "YMCA Library Building 1 Jal Singh Road, New Delhi 110001, India © Oxford University Press 2006 “The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted First published 2006 Ninth impression 2013 All rights reserved. No pact ofthis publication may be reproduce, stored in 2 retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the Prior permission in writing of Oxford Univezsty Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprogesphics ‘ights orgamization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outsige the scape ofthe above should be sent to the Rigbis Department, Onforl University Press, at the ‘address above ‘You must not circulate this book in any other form snd you must impose this same condition om any acquirer TSHNA3: 9780195679913 ISBN-10: 61956729133 ‘Typeset ip Times Roman by Archetype, New Delhi 110063 Printed in India by Ram Printograph, Dethi 110081 ‘Third-party website addresses mentioned in this book are provided by Oxford University Pres in good falth and for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the material contained therein. i | | } i i | : | i i Aruna Ghosal and In memory of Satya Brata Ghosat ————— Preface —_ ‘The subject of robotics has fascinated many engineers, scientists, and the general public. This is perhaps due to the desire of humans to create ‘tuman-like’ machines that can perform tasks that humans do not like to perform or cannot do them efficiently at a stretch. Although major efforts are underway across the world towards creating intelligent robots capable of performing at the behest of humans, the goal is far from being achieved. The field of robotics itself is fairly new—the word ‘robot’ was coined only in the 1920s and the first patent obtained on a robot was only about 50 years back. Inthe past two and half decades, however, the field of robotics has witnessed an explosive activity in terms of research and application in areas ranging from factory environments to outer space and, recently, to new areas such as homes, robotic surgery, and micro-electromechanical systems. Robotics is a vast and interdisciplinary field that incorporates concepts, and topics from mathematics, physics, and various branches of engineering and computer science. Study courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, ‘and computer science ental topics such as kinematics, dynamics, control, planning, sensing, intelligence, locomotion, design, and applications of robots. This book covers the topics of kinematics, dynamics, and control ‘of robot manipulators in detail. Ibis an attempt to provide a more updated view of the available tools and techniques for kinematic, dynamic, and control system modelling and analyses of various kinds of robot ‘manipulators. It provides unified treatment for the modelling and analysis of serial, parallel, and hybrid manipulators. This textbook introduces the relatively advanced topic of modelling and analysis of ‘exible manipulators, wherein the rigidity assumption in links and joints of typical robot manipulators is relaxed. The textbook also introduces ‘modelling and analysis of wheeled mobile robots capable of traversing flat or uneven terrains where the notion of non-holonomic constraints at the wheel-ground contact points is used.

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