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Wh#t H#ppens When You Quit Porn, #nd How To Be#t

Your Porn Addiction For Good - The NoPMO Journey

Youth #nd porn

In our youth we don't de.l with this .ddiction, we usu.lly don't find
out .bout pornogr.phy until the .ge of ten to fourteen, would be my
guess. I found out .bout porn when I w.s .round .ge twelve, through
one of my friends, during . sleep over; sounds weird, I know. As we
enter our teen.ge ye.rs, we st.rt to experiment with m.ny different
forms of .ddictions, .nd it ch.nges from gener.tion to gener.tion.
Porn is huge on the .ddiction sc.le bec.use it is .n .ddiction th.t
every teen.ger goes through, whether m.le or fem.le. It is so e.sy to
get c.ught up in this .ddiction bec.use .ccess to technology is f.irly
.v.il.ble to everyone, it's just . click .w.y.
And I wonder .t times, why is it so e.sy to .ccess porn? And how
come we don't h.ve .ny w.rnings .bout the .ffects of porn on the
br.in? Well, there .re plenty of websites th.t expose the truth, .nd
studies .re out there re.dy to be re.d, but we just don't t.ke the
initi.tive to re.d them.... well bec.use we don't know we're .ddicted.
If you're w.tching porn more th.n once . d.y th.t's .ddiction right
there. And in my opinion, .ny .mount of porn is too much.

Wh#t h#ppens in the br#in

The effects of porn on your br.in won't be notic.ble right .w.y, but
continuously w.tch porn for two to six months .nd you will st.rt to
feel the neg.tive effects. After long-term us.ge, porn will st.rt to
.ffect your thinking p.tterns, your ple.sure levels, .nd your will
A simple di.gr.m for this is: you w.tch porn - output of dop.mine -
ple.sure is felt through dop.mine .nd org.sm - .ssoci.tion is
cre.ted through observ.tion .nd rele.se of oxytocin. This is wh.t
h.ppens during your f.p to porn experience, .nd if you're doing it
multiple times eventu.lly your dop.mine levels don't re.ch the s.me
pe.k, bec.use too much dop.mine c.n d.m.ge the dop.mine
receptors, .nd you need more dop.mine to feel "h.ppy". This c.uses
depression bec.use .ctivities th.t used to be exciting, such .s
t.lking to friends .ren't outputting enough dop.mine, .nd motiv.tion
for life dies out.

Guilty ple#sure
The other horrible outcome of f.pping to porn is th.t you feel guilty
.fter eng.ging in this .ctivity, bec.use you consciously know th.t
wh.t you just did w.s p.thetic, .nd is fucked up, but you just tend to
ignore th.t f.ct or try to justify it. And this cre.tes . psychologic.l
re-wiring of your thinking p.tterns. Firstly you're lying to yourself, .nd
secondly - this usu.lly h.ppens .fter you find out .bout porn
.ddiction, is th.t you will st.rt to feel guilt .round f.pping to porn.
And even though you still will eng.ge in PMO bec.use it's not so e.sy
to quit, you will st.rt to feel .nxious bec.use you know th.t wh.t you
.re doing is tot.lly wrong .nd you should not be doing it. It's just like
. little kid, e.ting the cookies out of the j.r when he knows th.t his
p.rents look down upon this beh.viour, .nd so they might not even
notice the cookies .re gone, but the child will feel .nxious .round
them bec.use he knows he h.s done something wrong. And yes, if
we lived in . society where everyone .ccepted pornogr.phy, then
guilt wouldn't be .n issue. But, we live in . society where even the
topic of porn is ostr.cised, so you should underst.nd why w.tching
porn will m.ke you feel guilt.
Here is . more in-depth video expl.ining this: H.rv.rd Scientist
Expl.ins wh.t Porn does to your Br.in
Front.l lobe (your will power)
If we keep on giving-in to this .ddiction, we will tr.in ourselves to be
consciously we.k. And this will .ffect our front.l lobe, which is
responsible for m.king decisions, from little decisions, to big
decisions. After some period of time things like not e.ting th.t burger
nor drinking th.t sod. pop will not be . choice .ny longer, it will be
.n .utom.tic un-willful .ction.

Here is # list of dr#wb#cks of m#sturb#ting to Pornogr#phy in

G. Dop.mine overlo.d

H. Associ.tion of sexu.l hormones to computer screen

I. We.k will (Decisions b.sed on h.bit r.ther th.n conscious


U. Women seen .s objects

V. Low libido

W. Sh.me, Anxiety, Depression

X. Suicide

I don't w.nt to exp.nd much more on how b.d porn is on your

over.ll-self, bec.use YOU KNOW... It's fucking detrement.l to your
being. So let me help you find . w.y out, .nd this w.y you c.n slowly
but progressively overcome this piece of shit .ddiction.

The w#y out

As for the st.rt, you h.ve to be honest with yourself .nd look .t your
life from . third-person perspective.
How b.d is you .ctu.l .ddiction to porn? And wh.t type of effects is
porn h.ving on your f.mily life, soci.l life, .nd success?
For some people it might not h.ve such . neg.tive effect, .nd this is
prob.bly bec.use they h.ve . st.ble job, m.ybe they h.ve . re.lly
good f.mily life, r.ised well by their p.rents, .nd h.ve . little soci.l
circle. But for those who don't h.ve their life together yet, .nd .re
just st.rting out in the world, well th.t's . different story. I see this
very often with friends of mine, .nd just people in gener.l - who .re
now entering their college ye.rs. They .re .nxious .nd depressed
.bout the future .nd they h.ve no clue th.t one m.jor f.ctor th.t
c.uses this is their porn consumption. So re.lly t.ke . step b.ck .nd
view your life from . logic.l point-of-view. How b.d is it?

Here #re # few question you c#n #sk yourself:

How is the sh.me .nd guilt I feel from w.tching pornogr.phy
.ffecting my inter.ctions with f.mily members, friends .nd
How is this .nxiety .nd I .m feeling limiting my decisions, from
.ctivities like going to the grocery store to t.king on bigger
ende.vours like st.rting . business?
How h.ve I been objectifying women bec.use of my misconceptions
of them just being sex objects, .nd how is this .ffecting my
development of rel.tionships with women?

Outcome of quitting porn questions:

Wh.t little .ctivities would I enjoy . lot more if porn w.s out of my
life, .nd my br.in were to neutr.lise the dop.mine receptors?
How c.n I use to powerful energy th.t I receive from my semen to do
something p.ssion.te .nd improve my life?
Wh.t would I be .ble to do if this terrible .nxiety .nd s.dness were
to not interrupt my decisions no longer?

These .re just . few of the b.sic questions you c.n .sk yourself, .nd
which in-turn you should .nswer, but most won't bec.use of l.ziness.
And if you do .nswer these th.n pin the sheet th.t you .nswered
them on your w.ll, or just keep them .s . reminder for the future so
you c.n go b.ck to the re.sons if you're feeling like giving up. These
should .nswer the fund.ment.l questions th.t need .nswering, .nd
they should help you figure out your why for quitting. And once you
h.ve re.lised th.t this is why I should quit you will h.ve more of .n
initi.tive to do so.

Setting yourself up for success

Whether it's productivity or just quitting . b.d h.bit, it is .lw.ys
sm.rt to set yourself up for success. This is why you need some sort
of prep.r.tion. When I beg.n my NoPMO journey I f.iled over .nd
over .g.in, .nd one things I re.lised very quickly w.s th.t
prep.r.tion is key.

How do you prep#re?

First we need to figure out wh.t it is th.t is .llowing the f.ilure to
occur. Most likely it is the e.se of .ccess to pornogr.phy, let's st.rt
with th.t. You h.ve your phone on you .ll the time, when you're in the
b.throom, when you're in bed, .nd when you're feeling "off". So the
solution is to get porn blockers. Here .re my recommend.tions:
For .ll .pplic.tions:
This softw.re c.n be downlo.ded on .ny device, .nd it blocks
photos, videos .nd explicit sites. The best one I found.
For phone:
Delete you other browser on your phone .nd just get this, it will block
.ll explicit content.
Either get K9 for your l.ptop or delete you browser .nd get . S.fe
Browser, otherwise I promise you - you will f.il. There is going to be
th.t one d.y where you're just like "fuck, I need some porn" .nd
th.t's where your downf.ll will begin. And your phone? S.me thing,
delete Chrome, delete Firefox, .nd get . S.fe Browser, or the K9 .pp.
Th.t's how you set yourself up for success.

The withdr#w#ls
Since you're just st.rting out on this rebellious .ct, you will h.ve
urges to f.p to porn like . cr.zy m.n. It h.ppened to me, .nd it will
h.ppen to you. You will be up .t night trying to get .round these
blockers bec.use your hormones will be .ll over the pl.ce. And wh.t
do I s.y to this? Just f.p! Don't w.tch .ny porn, but f.p, the
withdr.w.ls will l.st .round two weeks to . month, so m.ke it e.sy
for yourself .nd f.p until you c.n control your emotions.

Here comes the power

You m.de it! You're . month or two in, .nd h.ven't w.tched .ny porn
since. Good job! This is where things will st.rt to get more exciting.
And obviously . full recovery will not h.ppen within . few months, it
might t.ke . ye.r or so, but you will st.rt to notice sm.ll ch.nges.
Your energy levels will incre.se bec.use your testosterone levels
h.ve incre.sed, you view on the world will ch.nge bec.use you no
longer h.ve .nything to feel sh.meful .bout, .nd you will feel good
.bout yourself bec.use you be.t .n .ddiction.
I think for me the first ch.nge th.t I noticed w.s th.t my energy
levels incre.sed v.stly. I tried to keep the f.pping to . minimum of
once . week, or less, .nd since I still h.d .ll the semen inside my
nuts .nd my testosterone levels were high, I h.d .n .bund.nce of
energy. And we could deb.te whether semen retention benefits you
or not, but if . little sperm c.n cre.te . life form, I think it h.s
signific.nce; plus semen cont.ins proteins .nd vit.mins.
When the energy comes, you need to find .n outlet to rele.se it,
bec.use if you're keeping .ll th.t inside, you will st.rt to feel . bit of
tension. I recommend exercise. And you see how nicely one feeds
into the other. Now you h.ve . lot of energy .nd you need to use it,
.nd therefore exercise is the perfect positive solution. You don't need
to go cr.zy with the exercise, but just m.ke sure you do something
.ctive everyd.y, .nd I'd recommend m.rti.l .rts, running, climbing
trees, something th.t is high intensity.

It only gets better

One big ch.nge th.t you will st.rt to notice .fter . month or two of
quitting porn is th.t you will w.nt to meet .nd soci.lise with your
friends more often. I think this is p.rtly due to the f.ct th.t you need
to s.tisfy those dop.mine receptors, .nd soci.lising is the perfect
w.y. Porn w.s the one thing th.t g.ve you inst.nt s.tisf.ction, .nd .
sense of connection, so you need to repl.ce this h.bit with .nother
one. And .s time goes on your biology will t.ke over .nd will motiv.te
you to go out .nd seek for women bec.use no longer do you just get
pussy inst.ntly. This drive for sex will be visible through the eyes, the
w.y you w.lk, .nd through your voc.l projection; .s your voice
should deepen (h.ppens to me every time).
In . gener.l sense, once porn is out of your life, things c.n only
improve. Slowly but surely. You h.ve to trust in the process .nd keep
going, don't give up bec.use you feel like "it's not working" when
you're only .t the second week. Common, don't lie to yourself. You
know this h.s benefits, .nd you've seen plenty of videos of other
people's experiences, so don't bullshit yourself.

F.pping to porn is . terrible .nd disgusting h.bit, .nd we .re not
informed of the neg.tive effects it h.s on our society .nd on e.ch
individu.l p.rticip.ting in the .ct. By now you should underst.nd th.t
porn will fuck you psychologic.lly .nd physiologic.lly, there is
nothing "good" .bout porn consumption. Quitting porn is essenti.l to
your well being, it will nuetr.lize your body bec.use now you .re not
tricking your biology through inst.nt s.tisf.ction, which your biology
c.n not discern from re.lity. And this will reset the system of your
body .nd will put you in . st.te where you c.n function from .
neutr.l st.ndpoint.
The benefits of NoPMO will come, but p.tience is key! There will be
times when you feel "off" .nd you just w.nt some rele.se but this is
why your prep.r.tion is key .nd why porn blockers .re essenti.l to
setup .he.d of time. It will only get e.sier with time. At the beginning,
it will feel like your whole body is .g.inst you, but you must just push
through the feelings .nd re.lise th.t you're .re doing this for YOU.
And if you w.nt to continue living your life with .nxiety .nd dullness -
well th.n go .he.d. But ch.nge h.ppens when you push p.st th.t
shitty resist.nce, th.t's when . new l.yer of you is born, .nd you c.n
never experience this if you're living through the s.me h.bits .nd
s.me perspectives.

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