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Practical Approach to Peripheral

25 Neuropathy
M Rajasekaran

KEY WORDS Table 2: Etiology of Neuropathic Disorders

Practical approach, neuropathy, causes, evaluation.
Peripheral neuropathy occurs as a component of several Dysmetabolic states
common and many rare diseases. It is heterogeneous Diabetes mellitus
in etiology, diverse in pathology, and varied in
Neuropathy related to renal disease
severity. Peripheral neuropathy is often overlooked,
underestimated and not evaluated in day to day practice. Vitamin deficiency states (ex. Vitamin B12
The prevalence of neuropathy is well studied in patients
with diabetes mellitus in most of the studies and other Primary amyloidosis
causes of neuropathies are not well documented. The Immune-mediated
overall prevalence of neuropathy in south Indian diabetic Guillain-Barre Syndrome
population is 19.1%. A practical approach is therefore Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
necessary to identify and manage neuropathies in clinical polyneuropathy (CIDP)
practice. Though there are lot of algorithmic approaches, Vasculitis
this article gives a simple bedside assessment for Infectious
peripheral neuropathic symptoms. Herpes zoster
A discussion of neuropathic disorders encompasses those Leprosy, Lyme, HIV, and Sarcoid related
diseases that affect the neuron’s cell body, neuronopathies, Cancer related
and those affecting the peripheral process, peripheral Lymphoma, myeloma, carcinoma related
neuropathies. Paraneoplastic subacute sensory neuronopathy
Neuronopathies can be further subdivided into those that Drugs or toxins
affect only the anterior horn cells, or motor neuron disease, Chemotheraphy induced
and those involving only the sensory neurons, also called Other drugs
sensory neuronopathies or ganglionopathies. Peripheral Heavy metals and industrial toxins
neuropathies can be broadly subdivided into those that
Mechanical /Compressive
primarily affect myelin, or myelinopathies, and those that
affect the axon, or axonopathies. Each of these pathologic Radiculopathy
categories has distinct clinical and electrophysiologic Mononeuropathy
features which allow the clinician to place a patient’s Unknown etiology
disease into one of these groups. Therefore, the goals in Cryptogenic sensory and sensorimotor neuropathy
the approach to a neuropathic disorder is to determine : Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
1. Where the lesion is? (Table 1) II. HEREDITARY
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy
2. What is the cause of the lesion? (Table 2).
(Charcot- Marie – Tooth disease)
3. What is the possible therapy? Hereditory neuropathy with predisposition to pressure
The final goal in approaching the patient with a palsies
neuropathic disorder is to determine whether or not Familia! Brachial plexopathy
Familial amyloidosis
Table 1: Pathologic Classification of Neuropathic Disorders Porphyria
1. Neuronopathies (pure sensory or pure motor) : Other rare peripheral neuropathies
(Fabry’s, metachromatic eukodystrophy,adrenolen
Sensory neuronopathies (ganglionopathies)
kodystrophy, Refsum’s disease etc.)
Motor neuronopathies (motor neuron disease) Motor neuron disease
2. Peripheral neuropathies (usually sensorimotor): Spinal muscular atrophy
Myelinopathies Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Axonopathies X- linked bulbospinal muscular atrophy
Table 3 Table 5: Peripheral Neuropathies With Autonomic Nervous
1. What systems are involved? System Involvement
- Motor, sensory, autonomic, or mixed Diabetes mellitus
2. What is the distribution of weakness ? Amyloidosis (familial and acquired)

- Only distal Vs proximal and distal Guillain – Barre syndrome

Vincristine induced
- Focal / asymmetric Vs symmetric
3. What is the nature of the sensory involvement ?
HIV – related autonomic neuropathy
- pain / burning,or stabbing
- proprioceptive loss-joint position and vibration Table 6: Neuropathic Disorders that Produce Asymmetric/

Focal Weakness
4. Is there evidence UMN involvement? Motor Neuron disease
- without sensory loss Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- with sensory loss Radiculopathy – cervical or lumbosacral
5. What is the temporal evolution ? Plexopathy – brachial or lumbosacral
- Acute (days to 4 weeks) Mononeuropathy multiplex due to:
- Subacute (4 to 8 weeks) Vasculitis
- Chronic (> 8 weeks) Lyme disease
- Preceding events, drugs, toxins Sarcoid
6. Is there evidence for a hereditary neuropathy? Leprosy
- Family history of neuropathy HIV infection
- Lack of sensory symptoms despite sensory signs Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure
Table 4: Neuropathic Disorders That May Have Only Motors Entrapment mononeuropathies
Symptoms At Presentation
Median neuropathy
Motor neuron disease
Ulnar neuropathy
Lead intoxication
Peroneal neuropathy
Acute porphyria
Guillian- Barre Syndrome The first step in this approach is to ask six key questions
Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy* based on the patients symptoms and signs (Table 3):
CIDP* 1. What systems are involved?

therapy is possible, and if so, what the course of therapy It is important to determine if the patients symptoms
should be. Even if a specific therapy is not available, a and signs are pure motor, pure sensory, or both.
management plan should be developed. These final two If the patients has only weakness without any
steps are often frustrating as it is not always possible evidence of sensory loss, a motor neuronopathy, or
to determine the cause or alter the natural history of motor neuron disease, is the most likely diagnosis
neuropathic disorders. (Table 4).

In order to accomplish the goal of determining the site and *Usually has sensory signs on examination
cause of the lesion, and if possible, a therapy, the clinician Some peripheral neuropathies are associated with
gathers information from the history, the neurologic significant autonomic nervous system dysfunction (Table
examination and various laboratory studies. While 5).
gathering this information, six key questions are asked.
From the answer to these six key questions, the patient is Inquire if the patient has fainting spells or orthostatic
placed into 9 different phenotype patterns. Therefore, it is light headedness, sweating abnormalities or any bowel,
the 3-6-9 step clinical approach to neuropathy: bladder, or sexual dysfunction. These features suggest the
presence of autonomic involvement.
3 goals – 6 key questions- 9 phenotypic patterns.
2. What is the distribution of weakness?
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE HISTORY AND The distribution of the patient’s weakness is crucial
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION for an accurate diagnosis and In this regard two
– Six Key Questions questions should be asked: (1) Is the weakness
distal only or is it both proximal and distal? And
Table 7: Peripheral Neuropathies That Are Often Associated Table 8: Causes of Sensory Neuronopathy (Ganglionopathy)
With Pain Cancer (Paraneoplastic)
Cryptogenic sensory or sensorimotor neuropathy Sjogran’s syndrome
Diabetes mellitus Idiopathic sensory neuronpathy
Vasculitis Cisplatinum and other analogues
Guillain – Barre syndrome Vitamin B6 toxicity
Amyloidosis HIV – related sensory neuronopathy
Toxic (arsenic, thallium)
HIV related distal symmetrical polyneuropathy The cryptogenic sensory polyneuropathy (CSPN) and
neuropathy due to diabetes are the most common
Fabry’s disease

neuropathies that are associated with severe pain

peripheral nerve vasculitis and Guillain- Barre Syndrome
(2) is the weakness symmetric or focal, asymmetric. (GBS) are important to recognize because these disorders
The finding of weakness in both proximal and are treatable. The pain in vasculitic neuropathy is
distal muscle groups in a symmetric fashion is generally distal and asymmetric in the most severely
the hallmark for acquired immune demyelinating involved extremity. Some patients with GBS have severe
polyneuropathies, both the acute (GBS) and the back pain associated with symmetric numbness and
chronic form (CIDP) paresthesias in the extremities. Another painful form of
Asymmetry or focal nature of the weakness is also a diabetic neuropathy is lumbosacral radiculoplexopathy
feature that can narrow the diagnostic possibilities (Table (also known as diabetic amyotrophy), in which patients
6). may present with the abrupt onset of back, hip or thigh
pain that may precede weakness by days or weeks.
Some neuropathic disorder may present with unilateral
leg weakness. If sensory symptoms and sign are absent, If the neurologic examination reveals a asymmetric
patient presents with painless foot drop evolving over loss of proprioception with significant vibration loss
weeks or months, Motor neuron disease is the leading and normal strength consider a sensory neuro-nopathy
diagnostic possibility. if a patient present with subacute (i.e.,ganglionopathy). The various causes of sensory
or acute sensory and motor symptoms of one leg, neuronopathy are as follows (Table 8):
lumbosacral radiculopathies, plexopathies, vasculitis, The modalitities of light touch, pain sensation, vibration
and compressive mononeuropathy need to be considered. and proprioception should be assessed in all four limbs in
if the clinical manifestations are pure motor weakness a patient with a peripheral neuropathy.
in one arm or hand, motor neuron disease is probably
the leading consideration. If sensory symptoms are also 4. Is there evidence of upper motor neuron
present, cervical radiculopathy, brachial plexopathy, or a involvement?
mononeuropathy are likely. Leprosy often presents with In patients with symptoms of signs suggestive of
asymmetric sensory or sensorimotor features, and one lower motor neuron pathology without sensory
needs to have a high index of suspicion for this disorder. loss, the presence of concomitant upper motor
The importance of finding symmetric proximal and distal neuron signs is the hallmark of amyotrophic lateral
weakness in a patient who presents with both motor and sclerosis.
sensory symptoms identifies the patients who may have
a treatable acquired demyelinating neuropathic disorder. On the other hand, if the patient presents with
If a patient with both symmetric sensory and motor symmetric distal sensory symptoms and signs
findings has weakness involving only the distal lower and suggestive of a distal sensory neuropathy, but
upper extremities, reflects a primary axonal peripheral there is additional evidence of symmetric upper
neuropathy and is much less likely to represent a treatable motor involvement, the physician should consider
entity. a disorder such as combined system degeneration
with neuropathy. The most common cause for
3. What is the nature of the sensory involvement? this pattern is B12 deficiency HIV infection, severe
It is important to determine if the patient has loss of hepatic disease, adrenomyeloneuropathy.
sensation (numbness), altered sensation (tingling), 5. What is the temporal evolution?
or pain. Sometimes patient may find it difficult
to distinguish between uncomfortable tingling Does the disease have an acute (days to 4 weeks),
sensations (dysesthesias) and pain. Neuropathic subacute (4 to 8 weeks), or chronic (greater than
pain be burning, dull and poorly localized 8 weeks) course? Is the course monophasic,
(protopathic pain), or sharp and lancinating progressive, or relapsing? Neuropathies with acute
(epicritic pain). If severe pain is one of the patients and subacute presentations include GBS, vasculitis,
symptoms, certain peripheral neuropathies should and diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexopathy.
be considered (Table 7). A relapsing course can be present in CIDP and
porphyria. Inquire about preceding or concurrent 133
Table 9: Nine Patterns of Neuropathic Disorders
infections, associated medical conditions, drug use
Pattern1: Symmetric proximal and distal weakness with including over-the-counter vitamin preparations
sensory loss (B6), alcohol, and dietary habits.
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (GBS and 6. Is there evidence for a hereditary neuropathy?
In patients with a chronic, very slowly progressive
Pattern 2: Symmetric distal weakness with sensory loss distal weakness over many years, with very little
metabolic disorders, Hereditary toxins Drugs, in the way of sensory symptoms, pay particular
attention to the family history and inquire about
Pattern 3: Asymmetric distal weakness with sensory foot deformities in immediate relatives. episodes
loss of recurrent compressive mononeuropathies may
indicate an underlying hereditary predisposition to

Multiple nerves- vasculitis
pressure palsies. One must look carefully at the feet
Single nerves/regions- compressive mononeuropathy for arch and toe abnormalities (high or flat arches,
and radiculopathy hammer toes scoliosis
Pattern 4: Asymmetric distal weakness without sensory PATTERN RECOGNITION APPROACH OF NEUROPATHIC
motor neuron disease – with upper motor neuron After answering the six key questions obtained from
findings the history and neurologic examination outlined above,
one can classify neuropathic disorders into several
Multifocal motor neuropathy – without upper motor
patterns based on sensory and motor involvement and
neuron findings
distribution of signs (Table 9). A final diagnosis is arrived
Pattern 5: Asymmetric proximal and distal weakness at by utilizing other clues such as the temporal course,
with sensory loss presence of other disease states, and family history and
information from lab tests and electrophysiology.
Polyradiculopathy or plexopathy due to diabetes
mellitus, Electrophysiology, an extension of the clinical
examination and nerve and muscle biosy, punch biopsy
Meningeal carcinomatosis
of the skin adds to the information derived from the
Pattern 6 : Symmetric sensory loss without weakness above mentioned approach and helpful in planning
treatment. Even then the etiology eludes in more than
Cryptogenic sensory polyneuropathy (CSPN), 1/3rd of patients presenting with peripheral neuropathy in
metabolic (diabetes and others) drugs, toxins the best of centers.
Pattern 7: Symmetric sensory loss and distal areflexia
with upper motor neuron findings REFERENCES
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