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Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (4): 291-305

REVIEW ARTICLE 0312-5963/07/0004-0291/$44.95/0

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Pharmacokinetic Characteristics of
Antimicrobials and Optimal
Treatment of Urosepsis
Florian M.E. Wagenlehner,1 Wolfgang Weidner1 and Kurt G. Naber2
1 Urologic Clinic, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany
2 Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
1. Epidemiology of Urosepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
2. Definition and Clinical Manifestation of Urosepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
3. Pathophysiology of Urosepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
3.1 Cytokines as Markers of the Septic Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.2 Procalcitonin is a Potential Marker of Sepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
4. Pathophysiological Conditions Altering Renal Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
5. Treatment of Urosepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
5.1 Adjunctive Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
5.2 Control of the Complicating Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
5.3 Antibacterial Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
5.3.1 General Principles of Antibacterial Therapy in Patients with Urosepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
5.3.2 Parameters for Antibacterial Treatment in Urosepsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
5.4 Fluoroquinolone Clinical Trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
6. Relationship between Renal Excretion and Bactericidal Titres of Different Fluoroquinolones . . . . . . 300
7. Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
8. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

Abstract Urosepsis accounts for approximately 25% of all sepsis cases and may develop
from a community-acquired or nosocomial urinary tract infection (UTI). Never-
theless, the underlying UTI is almost exclusively a complicated one with involve-
ment of the parenchymatous urogenital organs (e.g. kidneys, prostate) and mostly
associated with any kind of obstructive uropathy. If urosepsis originates from a
nosocomial infection, a broad spectrum of Gram-negative and Gram-positive
pathogens have to be expected, which are often multiresistant.
In urosepsis, as in other types of sepsis, the severity of sepsis depends mostly
upon the host response. The treatment of urosepsis follows the generally accepted
rules of the ‘Surviving Sepsis’ campaign guidelines. Early normalisation of blood
pressure and early adequate empirical antibacterial therapy with optimised dosing
are equally important to meet the requirements of early goal-directed therapy. In
most cases of urosepsis, early control of the infectious focus is possible and as
important. Optimal supportive measures need to follow the early phase of resusci-
tation. To lower mortality from urosepsis, an optimal interdisciplinary approach
between intensive care, anti-infective therapy and urology is essential, assisted by
easy access to the necessary laboratory and imaging diagnostic procedures.
292 Wagenlehner et al.

Although most antibacterials achieve high urinary concentrations, there are

several unique features of complicated UTI, and thus urosepsis, that influence the
activity of antibacterial substances: (i) renal pharmacokinetics differ in unilateral
and bilateral renal impairment and in unilateral and bilateral renal obstruction;
(ii) variations in pH may influence the activity of certain antibacterials; and
(iii) biofilm infection is frequently found under these conditions, which may
increase the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the antibacterials at the
site of infection by several hundred folds. Assessment of antibacterial pharmaco-
dynamic properties in such situations should take into account not only the MIC as
determined in vitro and the plasma concentrations of the free (unbound) drug,
which are the guiding principles for many infections, but also the actual renal
excretion and urinary bactericidal activity of the antibacterial substance. In the
treatment of urosepsis, it is important to achieve optimal exposure to antibacterials
both in plasma and in the urinary tract. The role of drugs with low renal excretion
rates is therefore limited.
Since urosepsis quite often originates from catheter-associated UTI and uro-
logical interventions, optimal catheter care and optimal strategies to prevent
nosocomial UTI may be able to reduce the frequency of urosepsis.

1. Epidemiology of Urosepsis lations[7] or in patients with inadequate manage-

ment. The bacterial spectrum in urosepsis may con-
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can manifest as sist of 50% Escherichia coli, 15% Proteus spp., 15%
bacteriuria with limited clinical symptoms, sepsis or Enterobacter and Klebsiella spp., 5% Pseudomonas
severe sepsis, depending on localised or systemic aeruginosa and 15% Gram-positive organisms, ac-
extension. cording to different surveillance studies.[8] If host
In 20–30% of all patients with sepsis, the infec- defence is impaired, less virulent organisms such as
tious focus is localised in the urogenital tract.[1,2] enterococci or P. aeruginosa may also cause urosep-
Frequent causes of urosepsis are obstructive diseas- sis.
es of the urinary tract, such as ureteral stones, anom-
Unfortunately, the published resistance rates
alies, stenosis or tumour. Urosepsis may occur after
have not been determined specifically in patients
operations in the urogenital tract or after infections
with urosepsis, but instead have been determined
of the parenchymatous organs.
mainly in patients with complicated/nosocomial
Severe sepsis has a reported mortality rate rang-
ing from 20% to 42%.[3] Most severe sepsis reported UTIs. However, there is no reason to believe that
in the literature is related to pulmonary (50%) or isolates causing urosepsis would be less resistant.
abdominal infections (24%), with UTIs accounting The resistance patterns found in adults with compli-
for approximately 5%.[4] Sepsis is more common in cated/nosocomial UTIs also encompass an increas-
men than in women.[3] In recent years, the incidence ing number of resistant and multiresistant patho-
of sepsis has increased[3,5] but the associated mortal- gens. Resistance against the quinolones in E. coli,
ity rate has decreased, suggesting improved man- for example, is rapidly rising to alarming levels
agement of patients.[3,5] In an evaluation of patients worldwide, making this class of drugs increasingly
with sepsis, it was shown that those with a designat- inappropriate for empirical treatment of severe sep-
ed urinary source of sepsis had a significantly lower sis with a suspected source in the urinary tract.[9,10]
baseline risk of death (30%) than patients with other To guide adequate empirical antibacterial therapy in
causes of sepsis (54%).[6] Urosepsis may, however, urosepsis, the local susceptibility profile of compli-
result in high mortality rates in special patient popu- cated UTIs must constantly be evaluated.

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Optimisation of Urosepsis Treatment 293

2. Definition and Clinical Manifestation and radiological features, and laboratory data such
of Urosepsis as bacteriuria and leukocyturia. The following defi-
nitions apply (table I):
In urosepsis, as in other types of sepsis, the • Sepsis is a systemic response to infection. The
severity of sepsis depends mostly upon the host symptoms of systemic inflammatory response
response. Urosepsis predominantly depends on local syndrome (SIRS), which were initially consid-
factors, such as urinary tract calculi, obstruction at ered to be ‘mandatory’ for the diagnosis of sep-
any level in the urinary tract, congenital uropathies, sis,[11,13] are now considered to be alerting symp-
neurogenic bladder disorders or endoscopic ma- toms.[12] Many other clinical or biological symp-
noeuvres. Patients who are more likely to develop toms must be considered.
urosepsis include elderly patients, diabetics, immu- • Severe sepsis is sepsis associated with organ
nosuppressed patients such as transplant recipients, dysfunction.
patients receiving cancer chemotherapy or corticos- • Septic shock is persistence of hypoperfusion or
teroids, and patients with acquired immunodeficien- hypotension despite fluid resuscitation.
cy syndrome. However, all patients can be affected • Refractory septic shock is defined by absence of
by bacterial species capable of inducing inflamma- a response to therapy.
tion within the urinary tract.
For therapeutic purposes, the diagnostic criteria 3. Pathophysiology of Urosepsis
of sepsis should identify patients at an early stage of
the syndrome, prompting urologists and intensive Microorganisms reach the urinary tract by way of
care specialists to search for and treat infection, the ascending, haematogenous or lymphatic routes.
apply appropriate therapy, and monitor for organ For urosepsis to be established, the pathogens have
failure and other complications. In the case of to reach the bloodstream. The risk of bacteraemia is
urosepsis, the clinical evidence of UTI is based on increased in severe UTIs, such as pyelonephritis and
the symptoms, physical examination, sonographic acute bacterial prostatitis, and is facilitated by ob-

Table I. Clinical diagnostic criteria of sepsis and septic shock[11,12]

Disorder Definition
Infection Presence of organisms in a normally sterile site that is usually, but not necessarily, accompanied
by an inflammatory host response
Bacteraemia Bacteria present in the blood as confirmed by culture. May be transient
Systemic inflammatory response Response to a wide variety of clinical insults, which can be infectious, as in sepsis, but may be
syndrome non-infectious in aetiology (e.g. burns, pancreatitis). This systemic response is manifested by two
or more of the following conditions:
temperature >38°C or <36°C
heart rate >90 beats/min
respiratory rate >20 breaths/min or PaCO2 <32mm Hg (<4.3 kPa)
white blood count >12 000 cells/mm3 or <4000 cells/mm3 or ≥10% immature (band) forms
Sepsis Activation of the inflammatory process due to infection
Hypotension Systolic blood pressure <90mm Hg or reduction of >40mm Hg from baseline in the absence of
other causes of hypotension
Severe sepsis Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, hypoperfusion or hypotension. Hypoperfusion and
perfusion abnormalities may include but are not limited to lactic acidosis, oliguria or acute
alteration of mental status
Septic shock Sepsis with hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation along with the presence of perfusion
abnormalities that may include but are not limited to lactic acidosis, oliguria, or acute alteration in
mental status. Patients who are receiving inotropic or vasopressor agents may not be hypotensive
at the time when perfusion abnormalities are measured
Refractory septic shock Septic shock that lasts >1h and does not respond to fluid administration or pharmacological
PaCO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood.

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294 Wagenlehner et al.

struction. SIRS is then triggered: an initially pro- 3.2 Procalcitonin is a Potential Marker
inflammatory reaction, activated by mediators such of Sepsis
as bacterial toxins, is accompanied by a counter-
regulatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome Procalcitonin is the propeptide of calcitonin but
(CARS). Pro-inflammatory cytokines from stimu- is devoid of hormonal activity. Normally, pro-
lated macrophages (e.g. tumour necrosis factor calcitonin levels are undetectable in healthy
[TNF]-α, interleukin [IL]-1 and IL-6) damage organ humans. During severe generalised infections (bac-
function, directly or indirectly, via secondary terial, parasitic and fungal) with systemic manifesta-
mediators. Inducible nitric oxide synthetase causes tions, procalcitonin levels may rise to >100 ng/mL.
loss of vessel tone in arterioles and venules of the In contrast, during severe viral infections or inflam-
matory reactions of non-infectious origin, pro-
systemic circulation and thus leads to low systemic
calcitonin levels show only a moderate increase or
vascular resistance and venous pooling of the in-
no increase. The exact site of procalcitonin produc-
travasal volume. The mean arterial blood pressure
tion during sepsis is not known. Procalcitonin moni-
falls. In the pulmonary circulation, pulmonary vas-
toring may be useful in patients who are likely to
cular resistance may rise because of lowered left
develop SIRS of infectious origin. High pro-
ventricular compliance and consecutive dilatation.
calcitonin levels, or an abrupt increase in pro-
Besides increased capillary permeability, rheologic
calcitonin levels in these patients, should prompt a
disturbances and arteriovenous shunts, which di- search for the source of infection. Procalcitonin may
minish organ perfusion, inflammatory mediators be useful in differentiating between infectious and
such as TNFα, nitric oxide, endotoxin or IL-1 can non-infectious causes of a severe inflammatory sta-
damage cells directly by interfering with oxidative tus.[18]
cellular metabolism.[14]
4. Pathophysiological Conditions
3.1 Cytokines as Markers of the Altering Renal Function
Septic Response
Impairment of renal function can be acute or
chronic, or unilateral or bilateral. Postrenal obstruc-
Cytokines are heavily involved in the pathogene- tion is one of the most frequent causes of urosepsis
sis of sepsis syndrome. They are peptides that regu- in urological cases. In this instance, the obstruction
late the amplitude and duration of the host inflam- is the cause of the sepsis on one side and severely
matory response. They are released from various influences the pharmacokinetics of drugs such as
cells, including monocytes, macrophages and endo- antibacterials in the urinary tract on the other side. In
thelial cells, in response to various infectious stimuli this context, the pharmacokinetics of drugs at the
such as peptidoglycans or lipopolysaccharides bind- affected site are also significantly influenced by
ing to Toll-like receptors 2 or 4.[15-17] When they total renal function and thus by the function of the
become bound to specific receptors on other cells, contralateral kidney. Furthermore, the pharmacoki-
cytokines change their behaviour in the inflammato- netics of a drug in the kidney are influenced by the
ry response. The complex balance between pro- and arterial plasma concentration, the renal plasma con-
anti-inflammatory responses is modified in severe centration, the renal tissue concentration and the
sepsis. An immunodepressive phase follows the ini- urine concentration. The renal tissue concentration
tial pro-inflammatory mechanism. Other cytokines, is complex and is a function of renal blood flow,
such as interleukins, are involved. TNF-9 pt, IL-1, glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and reabsorp-
IL-6 and IL-8 are cytokines that are associated with tion, pyelovenous- and lymphous backflow, and the
sepsis. A genetic predisposition probably explains number of intact nephrons. The renal tissue concen-
the unfavourable outcome of sepsis in certain pa- tration of a drug is therefore difficult to assess;
tients. The mechanisms of organ failure and death in representative concentrations have been investigat-
patients with sepsis remain only partially under- ed, and one of those could be the concentrations in
stood.[4] the renal lymph which might resemble interstitial

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Optimisation of Urosepsis Treatment 295

concentrations.[19] Renal lymph concentrations in phase is not seen in bilateral ureteral obstruction,
unobstructed normal kidneys and unobstructed but which leads to a progressive rise in ureteral pressure
infected kidneys have been determined for a variety despite a decrease in renal blood flow. The single
of β-lactam antibacterials, aminoglycosides and ni- nephron glomerular filtration rate declines in unilat-
trofurantoin. Concentrations in the renal lymph were eral and bilateral ureteral occlusion, which is secon-
generally lower than the corresponding arterial plas- dary to an increase in afferent arteriolar resistance in
ma concentrations, which suggests that there is no unilateral occlusion and secondary to a rise in in-
concentration effect in the renal interstitial space.[20] tratubular pressure in bilateral occlusion.[23] These
In acute total unilateral ureteral obstruction, how- differences between unilateral and bilateral obstruc-
ever, there is still some glomerular filtration and tion are most probably due to substances that accu-
renal plasma flow present. In an experimental study mulate in bilateral obstruction or unilateral obstruc-
in dogs,[19] it was shown that the glomerular filtra- tion of a solitary kidney but do not accumulate in
tion rate and the effective renal plasma flow in the unilateral obstruction with a functioning contralater-
obstructed kidney in the first hours decreased to an al kidney. One important factor of these changes is
average of 14% and 12%, respectively, compared the atrial natriuretic peptide that plays an important
with the unobstructed kidney. The persisting turno- role in renal homeostasis.[23]
ver of urine is due primarily to pyelovenous back- The urinary concentrations of most antibacterials
flow and also, but less importantly, due to drainage are usually much higher than the plasma concentra-
into the hilar lymph. The concentrations of a clear- tions. Most aminoglycosides, tetracyclines and sul-
ance substance such as certain antibacterials in the fonamides are excreted exclusively by glomerular
renal hilar lymph are higher than the corresponding filtration; most β-lactams and quinolones addition-
arterial plasma concentrations in the acute phase of ally undergo tubular secretion and reabsorption.
unilateral obstruction (from the first hours to the Apart from renal clearance, protein binding, ex-
first week) and become equal to the arterial plasma trarenal excretion and metabolism are also impor-
concentrations in chronic obstructive disease (long- tant for urinary concentration.
er than 1 week).[21] Mathematical models were calculated for an an-
The glomerular filtration rate is influenced by the tibacterial substance with glomerular filtration and
balance of inward and outward pressures at the extrarenal elimination (trimethoprim) and one with
glomerular arterioles and Bowman’s capsule. In- exclusive renal elimination (cephalexin) in the case
ward forces are significantly increased with pos- of unilateral and bilateral renal impairment and in
trenal obstruction and are the cause of a reduced the case of acute and chronic unilateral obstruction
filtration rate.[19,22] An increasing number of neph- in conjunction with normal and differently impaired
rons will cease filtering if the ureteral pressure ex- contralateral renal function.[24] The following results
ceeds one-third of the mean blood pressure. Acute can be summarised:
unilateral occlusion of a ureter results in a character- 1. In the case of severe unilateral renal insufficiency
istic triphasic relationship between renal blood flow (glomerular filtration 1 mL/minute) but normal con-
and ureteral pressure. The first phase, lasting ap- tralateral renal function (glomerular filtration
proximately 1.5 hours, shows a rise in both ureteral 60 mL/minute), the urinary antibacterial concentra-
pressure and renal blood flow, followed by a second tions of both kidneys are high, whereby the impaired
phase with a decline in renal blood flow and a kidney achieves half the urinary concentration of the
continued increase in ureteral pressure lasting from intact kidney.
approximately 1.5 to 5 hours, followed by a third 2. In the case of bilateral renal insufficiency, the
phase resulting in a further decline in renal blood urinary concentrations significantly decrease down
flow accompanied by a progressive decrease in ure- to plasma concentrations in the case of severe im-
teral pressure. Phase I is characterised by initial pairment (glomerular filtration 2 mL/minute). This
afferent arteriole vasodilatation followed by efferent difference in unilateral and bilateral renal insuffi-
arteriole vasoconstriction in phase II and afferent ciency can be explained by the intact-nephron theo-
arteriole vasoconstriction in phase III. This third ry. The single nephrons (e.g. the concentration abili-

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296 Wagenlehner et al.

ty) remain intact in the case of physiological prer- Recombinant activated protein C (drotrecogin α)
enal conditions. In bilateral renal insufficiency, is a new drug that has been approved for therapy of
there is an increased offer of solutes per nephron, severe sepsis. This expensive treatment has been
which results in diuresis with impaired powers of proven to be more effective in patients with more
concentration.[25] severe disease, as assessed by Acute Physiology and
3. In acute unilateral obstruction, the urinary con- Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores of
centrations of the obstructed kidney are almost as ≥25 or the presence of ≥2 organ dysfunctions.[32]
high as those of the normal unobstructed kidney, The best strategy has been summarised and grad-
which is also due to the maximal urinary concentra- ed according to a careful evidence-based methodol-
tion in acute obstruction. ogy in the recently published ‘Surviving Sepsis’
4. Even in chronic unilateral obstruction, rather high campaign guidelines.[33,34]
urinary concentrations are achieved depending on
the function of the contralateral kidney. 5.2 Control of the Complicating Factor

Drainage of any obstruction in the urinary tract

5. Treatment of Urosepsis and removal of foreign bodies, such as urinary cath-
eters or stones, may themselves cause resolution of
Effective treatment improves organ perfusion symptoms and lead to recovery. These are key com-
and eliminates the infectious focus. Treatment of ponents of the strategy. This condition is an absolute
urosepsis comprises three basic strategies: adjunc- emergency.[35]
tive measures, control or elimination of the compli-
cating factor and antimicrobial therapy.[26-28] All 5.3 Antibacterial Therapy
three strategies need to be started as early as possible
(e.g. within the first hour). 5.3.1 General Principles of Antibacterial Therapy in
Patients with Urosepsis
5.1 Adjunctive Measures Antibacterials are among the most important and
commonly prescribed drugs in the management of
Management of the fluid and electrolyte balance patients with severe infections.[36] Inappropriate use
is a crucial aspect of patient care in sepsis syndrome, of antibacterials may cause therapeutic failure in the
particularly when the clinical course is complicated individual patient and additionally may contribute
by shock. An early goal-directed therapy has been towards promoting the emergence of resistant
shown to reduce mortality.[28,29] Volaemic expan- pathogens, which might also readily spread in the
sion and vasopressor therapy have a considerable hospital setting.[37] It has been shown that cross-
impact on the outcome. Early intervention with ap- contamination and cross-infection are also frequent
propriate measures to maintain adequate tissue per- with UTIs.[38] Adequate initial antibacterial therapy
fusion and oxygen delivery by prompt institution of ensures an improved outcome in septic shock[39,40]
fluid therapy, stabilization of arterial pressure and and is also critical in severe UTI. Inappropriate
providing sufficient oxygen transport capacity are antibacterial therapy in community-acquired bacter-
highly effective and can be surveilled by the central aemia due to UTI in adults has been linked to a
venous oxygen saturation. higher mortality rate,[41] as has also been shown with
Hydrocortisone is useful in patients with relative other infections.[42,43] Empirical antibacterial ther-
insufficiency in the pituitary gland-adrenal cortex apy therefore needs to follow certain rules,[44] which
axis.[30] As yet, however, there has been no well may be based upon the expected bacterial spectrum,
designed, large study confirming the benefit of hy- the institutional specific resistance rates and the
drocortisone in severe sepsis. individual patient’s requirements. Initial empirical
Tight blood glucose control by administration of treatment should provide broad antibacterial cover-
insulin doses of up to 50 units/hour has been shown age and should later be adapted on the basis of
to be beneficial in critically ill patients after sur- culture results. To cover a broad spectrum, combina-
gery.[31] tion therapy may be applied.[45] If enterobacteria are

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Optimisation of Urosepsis Treatment 297

expected, a third-generation cephalosporin (e.g. cef- pyelonephritis and uncomplicated cystitis, there
triaxone or cefotaxime) can be used in combination is interstitial and intracellular invasion of the
with an aminoglycoside. In the case of Pseu- uropathogens.[50-53] The antibacterial concentrations
domonas spp., acylaminopenicillins (e.g. azlocillin), in tissue are dependent on the plasma concentra-
piperacillin in combination with a β-lactamase-in- tions, the specific tissue architecture, the pharma-
hibitor, a Pseudomonas-active cephalosporin (e.g. cokinetic parameters of the antibacterial drug (the
ceftazidime) or a carbapenem should be chosen.[26] charge and size of the molecule, protein binding, pH
In any case, microbiological sampling (urine, blood, in the infectious focus) and the distribution of the
tissue culture) prior to initiation of treatment is infection in the tissue (stroma, epithelium).
compulsory in order to tailor the initial empirical Moreover, biofilm infection plays a considerable
therapy according to laboratory results. Additional- role in urosepsis, not only in association with urina-
ly, the correct dosing and duration of therapy are ry catheters but also in scar tissue, stones, prostatitis
equally important. and the obstructed urinary tract.[54-57] For most
5.3.2 Parameters for Antibacterial Treatment uropathogens, the ability to form biofilms has been
in Urosepsis demonstrated.[58-64] Goto et al.[65,66] investigated kill-
Adequate treatment of UTI depends on the an- curves of P. aeruginosa in a biofilm-catheter infec-
tibacterial being able to inhibit the growth or kill tion model. β-lactam antibacterials (piperacillin,
bacteria that are present in the urinary tract. In any ceftazidime) were not able to eradicate the biofilm
infection of the kidney or bladder, a significant part cells, even when concentrations 128 times the mini-
of the bacteria (sometimes more than 106/mL) is mal bactericidal concentrations were administered.
also found free in the bladder lumen. Therefore, With fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levoflox-
high urinary excretion of the antibacterial is also acin), eradication was possible, but only in concen-
needed.[46-48] Accordingly, antibacterials that are trations that reached 32- to 64-fold the minimal
primarily eliminated via renal excretion and achieve bactericidal concentrations.[65,66] Therefore, in gen-
high urinary concentrations (100- to 1000-fold con- eral, high dosages of antibacterials need to be ap-
comitant serum concentrations) [e.g. ampicillin/ plied in conjunction with the attempt to eliminate
sulbactam, cefuroxime, gatifloxacin, levofloxacin] the biofilm and the biofilm-causing complicating
theoretically represent optimal choices for the treat- factor. If there is a chance to remove the biofilm, this
ment of UTIs. But besides favourable pharmacoki- should be done, e.g. by removing infected stones or
netics, an agent suitable for the treatment of severe catheters.
complicated UTI should also provide optimal phar- While pharmacodynamic studies in UTI are rela-
macodynamic properties at the site of infection, tively scarce, at least one recent study has docu-
i.e. urinary bactericidal activity. Thus, even for mented that therapeutic success following β-lactam
agents that are modestly eliminated by renal mecha- therapy depends on the time during which the anti-
nisms, high intrinsic potency (minimum inhibitory microbial concentration remains above the MIC
concentration [MIC]) against the most common (T>MIC). A recent data analysis by Frimodt-Møl-
uropathogens (e.g. ciprofloxacin), is also an impor- ler[47] reported that there was a significant correla-
tant consideration in antibacterial selection.[49] tion between the cumulative T>MIC in serum and
Agents whose antibacterial activity is compro- bacteriological cure, wherein a cumulative T>MIC
mised by changes in the urinary pH, such as fluoro- of 30 hours provided a maximal cure rate of
quinolones, should be administered in doses high 80–90%. The investigators postulated that the rea-
enough to compensate for the possible negative in- son why β-lactams have often not provided success-
fluence on activity by the urinary pH. ful outcomes in the treatment of UTIs compared
If the infection involves renal tissues or the pa- with other antibacterial classes is most likely im-
tient has urosepsis, adequate serum concentrations proper dosing (i.e. dose too low and infrequent
are necessary to produce high tissue concentrations, dosage interval).
thereby necessitating administration of high-dose For drugs with concentration-dependent time-kill
intravenous antibacterials. Even in uncomplicated activity, such as the aminoglycosides and the fluoro-

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298 Wagenlehner et al.

quinolones, a positive outcome appears to be more Blondeau,[69] compared the MPC results for
dependent on the maximum concentration (Cmax)/ ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and garenoxacin against
MIC or the area under the concentration-time curve clinical isolates of urinary tract pathogens (E. coli,
(AUC)/MIC ratio. While it remains unclear which Citrobacter freundii, E. cloacae, K. pneumoniae and
ratio is a better predictor of outcome, a high ratio is P. aeruginosa). The ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and
desirable in either case. The pharmacodynamics of garenoxacin MPC results in this study for E. coli,
ciprofloxacin were investigated in one animal model C. freundii, E. cloacae, K. pneumoniae and
UTI study in mice infected with E. coli.[47] While the P. aeruginosa, respectively, were 0.5, 1, 1, 1 and
data were limited to three points, there was an 4 mg/L; 1, 2, 4, 2 and 16 mg/L; and 1, 8, >8, 4 and
obvious correlation between reduced bacterial ≥32 mg/L. By comparison, the MIC required to
counts and the AUC/MIC ratio. Despite the paucity inhibit the growth of 90% of organisms (MIC90)
of pharmacodynamic data to guide therapy in UTIs, results ranged from ≤0.06 to 4 mg/L for the Enter-
it has been noted that among the available qui- obacteriaceae organisms and from 1 to 4 mg/L for
nolones, the Cmax/MIC in serum and AUC/MIC in P. aeruginosa. Therefore, MPC testing may provide
serum ratios are highest for ciprofloxacin against remarkably different results in some substances and
P. aeruginosa.[67] For other Gram-negative infec- bacterial strains that are tested. Incorporation of
tions, the pharmacodynamic properties of the availa- MPC strategies into current fluoroquinolone dosing
ble quinolone agents are more similar. This model in UTI represents a realistic approach for preventing
was unable to evaluate the aminoglycosides using the further selection of resistant organisms associat-
pharmacodynamic principles because these agents ed with UTIs.[69]
are characterised by high binding to the renal cor-
tex.[47] 5.4 Fluoroquinolone Clinical Trials
Further pharmacodynamic research is needed in A limited number of US and international clinical
order to determine the optimal dosages of all an- trials have been published and provide evidence to
tibacterials used to treat serious UTIs. Appropriate support the effectiveness of the fluoroquinolones in
dosing is especially important to minimise the de- the treatment of complicated and hospital-acquired
velopment of resistance and to maintain antibacteri- UTIs.[71-95] However, no clinical trials have assessed
al efficacy. For patients with serious UTIs, high- the fluoroquinolones specifically in urosepsis pa-
er than approved doses may be needed, especial- tients, using current diagnostic criteria. Moreover,
ly against difficult-to-treat pathogens such as the findings of these trials are often difficult to
P. aeruginosa.[49] For example, intravenous or oral compare or interpret because of differing or incom-
ciprofloxacin 750mg twice daily or levofloxacin plete definitions of the ‘complicated’ condition. Al-
500mg twice daily may be more appropriate than though these trials vary in their study design, many
conventional dosing.[68] support the use of fluoroquinolones in the treatment
In this respect, the mutant-prevention concentra- of serious/complicated UTIs; the most experience
tion (MPC) could be a suitable parameter for inclu- has been garnered with ciprofloxacin.[71-75,77-84]
sion in the selection of appropriate agents for diffi- The majority of the published trials of ciproflox-
cult-to-treat infections. The MPC is a novel suscep- acin in serious UTI employed the conventional
tibility parameter designed to minimise the selection twice-daily tablet,[71,77-83] while one recent prelimi-
of first-step resistant mutants present in large nary report demonstrated the effectiveness of a new
(≥1010 CFU/mL) or heterogeneous bacterial popu- once-daily extended-release tablet formulation.[84]
lations, and is a measurement distinct from MIC Three of these studies were conducted primarily in
testing.[69] Ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin have been Germany and used a relatively low dose of
tested by the MPC methodology and compared ciprofloxacin (250mg twice daily) but with good
against clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa.[70] outcomes.[80-82] The majority of these published
Ciprofloxacin was substantially less likely to select clinical trials of oral ciprofloxacin revealed excel-
for quinolone resistance in P. aeruginosa than was lent bacteriological (>84%) and clinical cure rates
levofloxacin. In a separate report, Hansen and (>90%). As expected, all of these trials demonstrat-

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (4)
Optimisation of Urosepsis Treatment 299

ed that ciprofloxacin was at least equivalent to a P. aeruginosa). All five ciprofloxacin-treated pa-
comparator regimen (e.g. ofloxacin, gatifloxacin). tients with a baseline P. aeruginosa infection
In general, ciprofloxacin was effective for serious achieved bacteriological eradication; no evaluable
UTIs due to P. aeruginosa. gatifloxacin-treated patient was infected with a
One study[71] demonstrated that ciprofloxacin pseudomonal strain. Clinical success at the test-of-
was significantly bacteriologically superior to a cure (4–11 days post-therapy) exceeded 90% in both
comparator agent in a population with long-term treatment groups for those with complicated UTIs.
bladder catheterisation. Fang et al.[71] demonstrated Excluding indeterminate responses, the clinical cure
a superior bacteriological response at the early fol- rate at long-term follow-up was slightly lower: 83%
low-up visit (5–9 days post-therapy) with ciproflox- for ciprofloxacin versus 86% for gatifloxacin. This
acin 500 mg twice daily compared with the aminog- contemporary study demonstrates the continued ef-
lycoside regimen (p = 0.0005). The response rates ficacy of fluoroquinolones for treatment of serious
were similar between the two treatment groups at UTIs, including ciprofloxacin’s efficacy against
the long-term follow-up visit (28–30 days post-ther- P. aeruginosa.
apy). In this trial, 75% of P. aeruginosa isolates Mombelli et al.[75] investigated the efficacy of
were eradicated at short-term follow-up by both the oral ciprofloxacin (500mg twice daily) versus intra-
ciprofloxacin and aminoglycoside regimens, al- venous ciprofloxacin (200mg twice daily) as empiri-
though there was a high rate of recurrence in both cal therapy for 141 patients with community-ac-
treatment groups. While ciprofloxacin provided quired and nosocomial complicated UTIs or severe
short-term superiority, recurrence was high in both pyelonephritis. Only patients with severe sepsis (de-
treatment groups, likely due to the presence of bi- fined as the presence of infection-related organ dys-
ofilms and the fact that catheters could not be re- function) were excluded. Resistance to ciproflox-
moved from these patients. These findings stress the acin was found for 11 baseline organisms (8%),
difficulty of treating patients who have permanent including five Enterococcus spp. and one each of
indwelling urinary catheters. P. aeruginosa, E. coli, Enterobacter spp., Staphylo-
Cox et al.[83] recently evaluated the efficacy of coccus aureus, coagulase negative staphylococci,
ciprofloxacin (500mg twice daily) versus gatiflox- and Candida albicans. This study found that empiri-
acin (400mg once daily) for 7–10 days in 288 adult cal oral ciprofloxacin was bacteriologically and
patients with complicated UTI. Approximately one- clinically as effective as intravenous ciprofloxacin
third of patients had more than one ‘complicating’ for management of serious UTIs, including bacter-
factor (e.g. impaired bladder emptying) at study aemia, in patients without severe sepsis, obstruction
entry. E. coli and K. pneumoniae were the predomi- or renal foci of suppuration. The rates of bacterio-
nant causative baseline pathogens for almost two- logical failure or unsatisfactory clinical response
thirds of patients. As in many clinical trials, patients were extremely low (2% and 3%, respectively, for
whose pretreatment pathogen was resistant to either intravenous administration vs 3% and 4%, respec-
drug therapy were excluded from the efficacy- tively, for oral administration). Importantly, no in-
evaluable population. Bacteriological and clinical fection-related deaths occurred, and no patient had
outcomes were comparable between the two treat- to be switched early from empirical to alternative
ments. At the test of cure visit (5–9 days post- therapy because of clinical worsening. However,
therapy), the overall bacteriological eradication of treatment was ultimately altered following the avail-
organisms was 90% for ciprofloxacin versus 100% ability of susceptibility findings in 7% of patients
for gatifloxacin. The lower rate of eradication in the randomised to intravenous ciprofloxacin versus
ciprofloxacin group was largely due to several per- 14% of oral ciprofloxacin recipients (p = 0.31).
sistent Enterococcus faecalis organisms. The rates There are several unique aspects/findings of this
of superinfections were comparable between the trial: (i) the enrolled patients had serious UTIs,
two treatments (one with ciprofloxacin vs two including 53 patients with proven bacteraemia; (ii)
with gatifloxacin) and were typically due to qui- males constituted >40% of the study population and
nolone-resistant bacteria (Alcaligenes faecalis and nosocomial acquisition was reported for 23%; and

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (4)
300 Wagenlehner et al.

Table II. Mean single-dose pharmacokinetic parameters of different fluoroquinolones at relatively high dosages
Fluoroquinolone Dose Route of Cmax t1/2 (h) Mean urinary AUC36h Reference
(mg) administration (mg/L) excretion (%) (μg • h/mL)
Ciprofloxacin XR 1000 Oral 3.3 8.2 41 19.5 99
Levofloxacin 500 Oral 6.2 6.4 80 47.8 99
Gatifloxacin 400 Oral 3.4 6.5 81 33.3 100
Gemifloxacin 800 Oral 4.3 8.0 39 31.4 103,104
Moxifloxacin 400 Oral 4.3 9.1 20 39.3a 96
Trovafloxacinb 200 Intravenous 2.3 12.3 10 29.2 105
a AUC∞.
b Alatrofloxacin.
AUC36h = area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 36 hours; AUC∞ = AUC from time zero to infinity; Cmax = maximum
concentration; t1/2 = elimination half-life; XR = extended release.

(iii) patients with resistant organisms were not auto- Selected pharmacokinetic studies of fluoroqui-
matically excluded. It is also noteworthy that the nolones used at relatively high dosages are shown in
majority of ciprofloxacin resistance was against table II. The UBTs of these fluoroquinolones have
Gram-positive organisms and that, despite this, most been investigated.[98-102] Although these studies are
patients had an adequate initial clinical and bacterio- not directly comparable, they emphasise the impor-
logical response. In fact, the clinical response to tance of special urinary parameters such as the UBT
ciprofloxacin was satisfactory in six of seven pa- for the assessment of antibacterial substances suita-
tients with ciprofloxacin-resistant pathogens, in- ble for the treatment of UTI.
cluding two episodes of bacteraemia. Although this In a randomised cross-over study in 12 volun-
study was not large, it provides compelling evidence teers, single oral doses of extended-release
that both intravenous and oral ciprofloxacin are ef- ciprofloxacin 1000mg versus levofloxacin 500mg
fective in the initial treatment of patients with seri- were compared to assess UBTs.[102] UBTs were
ous UTIs, including nosocomially acquired infec- determined for eight strains with the following
tions. MICs (mg/L) for ciprofloxacin/levofloxacin: E. coli
ATCC 25922 (0.008/0.03), K. pneumoniae (0.008/
6. Relationship between Renal Excretion 0.03), P. mirabilis (0.03/0.06), E. coli [nalidixic acid
and Bactericidal Titres of resistant] (0.125/0.25), P. aeruginosa (0.5/2),
Different Fluoroquinolones S. saprophyticus (0.25/0.25), S. aureus (0.125/
In many infections, antibacterial susceptibility 0.125), E. faecalis (1/1). The areas under the UBT-
levels are often gauged relative to what antibacterial time curve within the first 24 hours showed statisti-
concentration is achievable in the blood. In the cally significant differences only for P. mirabilis in
treatment of complicated UTI, however, the urinary favour of extended-release ciprofloxacin, and for
concentrations – or, more precisely, the urinary an- S. aureus and S. saprophyticus in favour of lev-
tibacterial activity – are more important. Fluoroqui- ofloxacin. Because levofloxacin shows double the
nolones differ in their pharmacokinetic properties[96] excretion rate of ciprofloxacin (levofloxacin ap-
and antibacterial activity.[97] The urinary concentra- proximately 80%, ciprofloxacin approximately
tion has to be considered and correlated with the 40%),[99] double the dose of ciprofloxacin is neces-
respective antibacterial activities. This can be done, sary to achieve urinary activity (UBTs) comparable
for example, in an ex vivo model by determining the to that achieved with levofloxacin.
urinary bactericidal titres (UBTs). In this model, the Another randomised cross-over study in 12 vol-
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters unteers compared single oral doses of gatifloxacin
of an antibacterial in urine are linked together. Vari- 400mg and ciprofloxacin 500mg.[100] Again, ga-
ous fluoroquinolones have thus been compared with tifloxacin showed double the excretion rate of
each other. ciprofloxacin (gatifloxacin approximately 80%,

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (4)
Optimisation of Urosepsis Treatment 301

ciprofloxacin approximately 40%). UBTs were de- In clinical studies, newer fluoroquinolones were
termined for 10 strains with the following MICs compared with ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily as a
(mg/L) for gatifloxacin/ciprofloxacin: E. coli ATCC standard treatment in the oral treatment of compli-
25922 (0.008/0.008), E. coli 523 (0.06/0.06), cated UTI. Whereas levofloxacin 250mg once dai-
K. pneumoniae (0.03/0.016), P. mirabilis (0.125/ ly[106] and gatifloxacin 400mg once daily[107] (both
0.016), P. aeruginosa (1/0.125), E. faecalis 60 (0.5/ of which are excreted into the urine at a rate of about
1) and E. faecalis 55 (8/32), S. aureus (0.03/0.125) 80%) showed clinical and microbiological results
and S. saprophyticus (0.125/0.25). The areas under equivalent to those achieved with ciprofloxacin,
the UBT-time curve calculated for 120 hours equivalence could not be achieved when moxiflox-
showed generally superior results for gatifloxacin acin 400mg once daily (urinary excretion 20%)[108]
compared with ciprofloxacin, with the exception or gemifloxacin 320mg once daily (urinary excre-
of Proteus and Pseudomonas spp. Therefore, the tion 30%)[109] were compared with ciprofloxacin.
inferior urinary excretion rate of ciprofloxacin (half All four newer fluoroquinolones showed almost
that of gatifloxacin) is levelled out only in those complete bioavailability after oral administration,
species where the pharmacodynamic advantage of with subsequent good corresponding plasma con-
ciprofloxacin is 8-fold higher than that of gatiflox- centrations. The lower urinary concentrations, and
acin (MIC). hence lower urinary antibacterial activity, of mox-
ifloxacin and gemifloxacin had the consequence that
A different cross-over study in volunteers com- these two compounds did not achieve approval for
pared single oral doses of levofloxacin 250mg, ga- treatment of complicated UTI by the regulatory bod-
tifloxacin 400mg, moxifloxacin 400mg and ies.
trovafloxacin 200mg.[101] Urinary concentrations
Therefore the ex vivo studies assessing urinary
were highest with gatifloxacin followed by
bactericidal activity proved to be relevant to the
levofloxacin, moxifloxacin and trovafloxacin. Uri-
prediction of results in clinical studies.
nary bactericidal activity was determined against
levofloxacin-susceptible and moderately-suscepti- In severe UTI, adequate initial antibacterial ther-
ble strains with the following MICs: E. coli (0.125 apy is critical,[41] therefore empirical treatment
and 4 mg/L), K. pneumoniae (0.125 and 4 mg/L), needs to cover also moderately susceptible bacteria.
P. aeruginosa (0.5 and 4 mg/L) and E. faecalis (0.25 Pea et al.[68] assessed the urinary pharmacokinetics
and 4 mg/L). Gatifloxacin and levofloxacin exhibit- and theoretical pharmacodynamics of levofloxacin
ed prolonged urinary bactericidal activity (≥6 hours) in intensive care unit (ICU) patients treated with
against all study isolates, whereas moxifloxacin 500mg intravenously twice daily. Using this high
dosage, urinary concentrations were maintained at
failed to show prolonged urinary bactericidal activi-
least 50-fold higher than the MIC90 of most sensi-
ty against both Pseudomonas strains, and trovaflox-
tive uropathogens during the overall dosing interval
acin failed to show this activity against all moderate-
in ICU patients with normal renal function. The
ly susceptible strains, with the exception of E. fae-
investigators concluded that considering the major
pharmacodynamic determinants of the concentra-
Therefore those fluoroquinolones with very lim- tion-dependent bactericidal activity of levofloxacin
ited urinary excretion (<40%) [moxifloxacin, as applicable at the urinary level (Cmax/MIC >12.2
trovafloxacin] showed inferior results in this ex vivo and/or AUC24/MIC >125 hours), this high dosage
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic study design. regimen may ensure optimal exposure for the treat-
Fluoroquinolones with intermediate urinary excre- ment of catheter-related and severe lower UTIs not
tion rates (ciprofloxacin) showed comparable results only against sensitive microorganisms, but probably
only in those strains where the MICs are favourable also whenever microorganisms that are usually con-
in comparison with highly excreted fluoroqui- sidered as intermediate susceptible or resistant to
nolones (levofloxacin, gatifloxacin). Otherwise, the levofloxacin may be involved. The resistance levels
administered daily dose needs to be increased ac- of fluoroquinolones against uropathogens, however,
cordingly. are constantly rising to levels where fluoroqui-

© 2007 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Clin Pharmacokinet 2007; 46 (4)
302 Wagenlehner et al.

nolones may no longer be considered for empirical The recent ‘Surviving Sepsis’ campaign led to the
treatment of UTIs.[9,10] Therefore, in the treatment of formation of guidelines aimed at reducing mortality
severe UTIs, high dosages should generally be by 25% in the next few years. Early recognition of
mandatory. the symptoms may decrease mortality through time-
ly treatment of urinary tract disorders, e.g. obstruc-
7. Prevention tion, urolithiasis. Adequate life-support measures
and appropriate antibacterial treatment, including
Septic shock is the most frequent cause of death
optimized dosing, provide the best conditions for
in patients hospitalised for both community-ac-
improving patients’ survival. Prevention of sepsis
quired and nosocomial infection (20–40%). Sepsis
syndrome is dependent on good practice to avoid
initiates the cascade that progresses to severe sepsis
nosocomial infections and use of antibacterial pro-
and then septic shock in a clinical continuum. Pre-
phylaxis and therapy in a prudent and well accepted
vention of urosepsis can mainly be achieved by
preventing nosocomial UTI.[110] The most effective
methods to prevent nosocomial urosepsis are basi-
cally the same as those used to prevent other
nosocomial infections: No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepara-
• Isolation of all patients infected with multi-resis- tion of this review. The authors have no conflicts of interest
that are directly relevant to the content of this review.
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