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International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2018; 20: 75–83

Speech therapy in adolescents with Down syndrome: In pursuit of

communication as a fundamental human right


School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, McGill University, Montreal, Canada and 2Down Syndrome
Research Foundation, Vancouver, Canada

Purpose: The achievement of speech intelligibility by persons with Down syndrome facilitates their participation in society.
Denial of speech therapy services by virtue of low cognitive skills is a violation of their fundamental human rights as
proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in general and in Article 19 in particular. Here, we describe the
differential response of an adolescent with Down syndrome to three speech therapy interventions and demonstrate the use
of a single subject randomisation design to identify effective treatments for children with complex communication disorders.
Method: Over six weeks, 18 speech therapy sessions were provided with treatment conditions randomly assigned to targets
and sessions within weeks, specifically comparing auditory-motor integration prepractice and phonological planning
prepractice to a control condition that included no prepractice. All treatments involved high intensity practice of nonsense
word targets paired with tangible referents.
Result: A measure of generalisation from taught words to untaught real words in phrases revealed superior learning in the
auditory-motor integration condition.
Conclusion: The intervention outcomes may serve to justify the provision of appropriate supports to persons with Down
syndrome so that they may achieve their full potential to receive information and express themselves.

Keywords: Down syndrome; speech sound disorder; speech therapy; single subject randomisation design; Article 19;
Universal Declaration of Human Rights; United Nations; speech-language pathology; intervention

Introduction removing barriers to full participation in society, and

providing reasonable accommodations to ensure
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
freedom of expression and access to information.
(United Nations, 1948) explicitly avoids placing
Persons with intellectual disabilities face many
rights in a hierarchy – each is inalienable, that is,
challenges in the exercise of their right to free
must not be denied to any person. At the same time
expression. More specifically, persons with Down
it is recognised that some rights empower others:
Article 19, guaranteeing freedom of expression and syndrome experience persistent delays in language
free access to information, is fundamental to the development with expressive abilities being signifi-
realisation of the other rights accorded by the cantly more delayed than receptive abilities (Grieco,
declaration. La Rue Lewy (2012) describes how Pulsifer, Seligsohn, Skotko, & Schwartz, 2015).
recent interpretations of Article 19 reveal ‘‘freedom Severe difficulties with morphosyntax and speech
of speech and communication as a human right and intelligibility can persist into adulthood. In order to
as a way to fight against all forms of discrimination, achieve their full communicative potential, persons
be they based on race, religion, ethnic group, gender with Down syndrome will require interventions to
or different physical capabilities’’ (pp. 57–58). remediate their specific speech and language dis-
Accordingly, the Convention on the Rights of abilities, access to alternative and augmentative
Persons with Disabilities introduced specific provi- forms of communication when necessary, and rea-
sions to remedy disadvantages in the exercise of sonable accommodations that permit access to
Article 19 rights (Article 19, 2016). These include information and effective communication. With
not discriminating against individuals on the basis of appropriate supports individuals with Down syn-
disability so that they may enjoy equal opportunity, drome can achieve full participation in society, but

Correspondence: Susan Rvachew, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, McGill University, 2001 McGill College Avenue, 8th Floor, Montréal,
H3A 1G1 Québec, Canada. Email: susan.rvachew@mcgill.ca
ISSN 1754-9507 print/ISSN 1754-9515 online ß 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.
DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2018.1392605
76 S. Rvachew & M. Folden

surveys of their families indicate service provision is have been proscribed by the National Joint
typically inadequate. Committee for the Communication Needs of
A Canadian survey revealed that one-third of Persons With Severe Disabilities (2002) which
children with disabilities struggled to obtain special states that services must be based on ‘‘individual
education services and 60% did not obtain speech– student needs’’. The type and intensity of services
language pathology services (Statistics Canada, provided may continue to reflect biases about the
2003), according to parent report. Furthermore, learning potential of individuals with severe disabil-
parents of children with cognitive disabilities were ities nonetheless. In this paper, we present a unique
much less likely to believe that their children were research design that permits an objective determin-
being challenged to their full potential in school, ation of individual responses to individual therapy
compared to parents whose children have physical approaches or intervention targets.
disabilities or no disabilities. A survey of Canadian In the current study, we implemented a single
adults with disabilities revealed barriers to higher subject randomisation design with a single adoles-
educational attainment, specifically poor access to cent with Down syndrome to determine response to
supports such as tutors and digital technologies as speech therapy. Resources for the remediation of
well as school exclusion or bullying. The employ- speech and language disabilities in persons with
ment rate for adults with a developmental disability Down syndrome are limited in the public and private
was the lowest of any disability type at only 22% (for sectors and the profiles of strengths and needs
US data specific to Down syndrome, see Kumin & among this population are heterogeneous. SLPs
Schoenbrodt, 2016). require tools for deciding how best to target their
Families in the UK also reported significant interventions, choose treatment approaches and
difficulties obtaining needed supports for their organise service delivery components. The ability
children with Down syndrome in school, with to conduct short-term experiments with specific
access to speech and language therapy being a cases could support decision making tailored to the
particular concern. Only 58% were scheduled to learning potential of each individual with Down
receive a speech and language service, the frequency syndrome.
of entitlement to that service was not usually Speech production accuracy was chosen as the
specified, and the service was provided by a target of this trial as it is the foundation of speech
speech–language pathologist (SLP) in only 14% of intelligibility (Shriberg & Kwiatkowski, 1982), iden-
cases (Down’s Syndrome Association, 2004). tified as a major concern by parents of 937 persons
Surveys of SLPs further reveal inadequate levels of with Down syndrome (Kumin, 2006). Poor speech
service provision (Meyer, Theodoros, & Hickson, production accuracy is sometimes attributed to
2017), a tendency to treat language over speech structural impairments in Down syndrome but the
intelligibility and insufficient intensity of service. severity of the speech problem is more directly
In the Down’s Syndrome Association (2004) related to difficulties with speech motor control,
report, parents also indicated distress about discrim- complicated by concomitant hypotonia (Kent &
inatory attitudes by school personnel including SLPs Vorperian, 2013; Rupela, Velleman, &
who sometimes discouraged parents from seeking Andrianopoulos, 2016). Given this profile, one of
private speech and language therapy. Young children the treatment conditions assessed in this study
with Down syndrome may be deemed ‘‘not ready’’ addressed motor planning, using sensory-motor
for speech therapy if they are unable to imitate procedures designed to improve auditory-motor
speech; however, speech imitation can emerge as an integration. Speech errors produced by persons
outcome of vocal play therapy that provides the child with Down syndrome have also been described as
with the prerequisite internal model of the vocal atypical and inconsistent (Dodd & Thompson,
system (Dethorne, Johnson, Walder, & Mahurin- 2001), suggesting difficulties with phonological
Smith, 2009; Rvachew & Brosseau-Lapré, 2018). memory and planning (Rvachew & Matthews,
Older children may be considered poor candidates 2017a). Difficulties with verbal working memory
for speech therapy due to cognitive limits on are characteristic of Down syndrome (Grieco et al.,
language learning, but research shows that receptive 2015) leading to the recommendation that interven-
vocabulary growth can exceed cognitive growth tions for the treatment of expressive language
given appropriate environmental inputs to children disabilities employ visual cues as a specific accom-
with Down syndrome (Chapman & Hesketh, 2001). modation (Chapman & Hesketh, 2001; Chapman
In adolescence, speech–language services may be et al., 2002). Therefore, the second intervention to
curtailed due to assumptions about a presumed be used in this trial involved procedures shown
critical period for language development; however, effective for improving speech impairment second-
Chapman, Hesketh, and Kistler, (2002) demon- ary to phonological memory and planning problems
strated that expressive language learning continues (Crosbie, Holm, & Dodd, 2005). It was expected
into adolescence and recommend continued services that a statistically significant effect would be
during this period for young people with Down observed over a six-week treatment interval, indicat-
syndrome. These forms of ‘‘cognitive referencing’’ ing superior learning in one or both experimental
Adolescents with Down syndrome 77

conditions relative to a control intervention, and that Kaufman, 2004); Peabody Picture Vocabulary
learning would be maintained over a three month Test-III (PPVT; Dunn & Dunn, 1997); Maximum
follow-up interval. Performance Tasks (MPTs; Rvachew, Hodge, and
Ohberg, 2005); Syllable Repetition Task (SRT;
Lohmeier & Shriberg, 2011; Shriberg et al., 2009).
The results of these assessments are presented in
The method section is organised in accordance with Table I and were interpreted in view of the frame-
the SCRIBE statement (Tate et al., 2016) for work presented in Rvachew and Matthew (2017a).
describing behavioural intervention trials in a single The case history and parent interview revealed a
participant (i.e. research design, participant, meas- history of multiple therapies including occupational
ures, interventions and treatment fidelity, and therapy, massage therapy, physiotherapy and
finally, analysis strategy). speech–language therapy directed at language skills
and use of an augmentative and alternative commu-
Research design nication device. His mother also reported a past
A single subject randomisation design is a form of history of pressure equalisation (PE) tubes and
single case research in which sessions are randomly ongoing difficulties with swallowing. The speech
allocated to treatment conditions within subjects assessment, as revealed by the DEAP and free
(Edgington & Onghena, 2007; Rvachew & speech samples, revealed a severe speech disorder
Matthews, 2017b). Sessions were randomly allo- and poor speech intelligibility as well as stuttering
cated to the three treatment conditions within (common in Down syndrome, Kent & Vorperian,
weeks. The participant was scheduled to receive 18 2013). Error patterns included consonant and syl-
one-hour treatment sessions, each occurring on a lable harmony and the insertion of extraneous
separate day, three sessions per week, over a six-week syllables (e.g., shark /Sa‘k/ ! [ka‘k], zebra /zib\@/ !
period. Research Randomiser software (Urbaniak & [ææææ], umbrella /ˆmb\el@/ ! [ˆb@l@l@did@],
Plous, 2013) was used to randomly assign the [ˆmb@b@b@æææ@]). Inconsistency within words, oral/
treatment sessions to treatment conditions by gen- nasal, voicing and vowel confusions were observed,
erating six sets of three numbers in different inde- along with disrupted transitions between segments
pendent orders. Furthermore, treatment conditions and syllables and poor coordination of multiple
were randomly assigned to one of three different articulators (e.g. jump /d¡Zˆmp/ ! [map], [bap]).
treatment goals, so that ultimately he received six Although his phonetic repertoire included
sessions of treatment for each treatment goal [p,b,t,d,k,m,n,f,v,l,j], none of these sounds were
remediated with a different treatment approach. mastered.
The first author allocated the treatments to sessions Verbal and nonverbal intelligence were signifi-
and goals while blind to the participant’s assessment cantly delayed with nonverbal skills advanced rela-
profile and uninvolved in the intervention. One tive to verbal skills. Oral motor skills were also
experiment is described here in abbreviated form. delayed: specifically, he had difficulty producing
The reader is strongly encouraged to consult Folden combinations of nonspeech movements and was
(2016) for further details about the choice and unable to produce trisyllable sequences; simple
implementation of the experiment treatments and movements and monosyllable repetition were rela-
for details regarding two additional replications of tively less impaired. The Syllable Repetition Task
this experiment. yielded scores in the ranges typical of respondents
with apraxia of speech in the areas encoding,
Participant memory and transcoding (Shriberg, Lohmeier,
Strand, & Jakielski, 2012).
The male participant identified as TASC-DS35,
aged 15.08 years, was recruited via referrals from Treatment goals and speech production
local SLPs, after obtaining approval from the probes
Institutional Review Board of the Faculty of
Medicine at McGill University and informed con- The intake assessment provided data for the selec-
sent from his parents. A written case history and tion of treatment production goals through a quick
interview with his mother confirmed that he met the multilinear analysis as described in Rvachew and
inclusion criteria of Down syndrome, severe speech Brosseau-Lapré (2018). Three goals were selected
sound disorder and behavioural maturity to cooper- using strengths to supports needs (in other words,
ate with the intense treatment schedule. targeting known segments in new word shapes and
Subsequently, TASC-DS35 attended the laboratory new segments or features in familiar word shapes).
clinic at McGill University for direct assessments This process resulted in three goals: (1) suppress
that included: Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation consonant and vowel harmony in two syllable words;
and Phonology (DEAP; Dodd, Zhu, Crosbie, Holm, (2) stabilise major sound classes in syllable onset
and Ozanne, 2006); free speech sample; Kaufman (i.e. stop [+consonantal] vs. glide [+sonorant] vs.
Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT; Kaufman & liquid [+consonantal][+sonorant]) and (3) establish
78 S. Rvachew & M. Folden

Table I. Pretreatment and follow-up formal assessment scores.

Assessment Score Pretreatment Follow-up
DEAP Percent consonants correct 22 38
Percent vowels correct 75 86
Percent phonemes correct 41 56
Oral motor score 30 –
Word inconsistency (%) 52 60
Free speech sample Mean length of utterance 2.0 1.63
Percent consonants correct 42 50
Percent vowels correct 67 78
KBIT Verbal IQ (SS) 40 –
Nonverbal IQ (SS) 58 –
PPVT Standard score 40 –
Age equivalent 3;06 –
MPTs Phonation duration (sec) 6.35 –
Monosyllable repetition/sec 3.85 –
Trisyllable repetition/sec Unable –
SRT Competency score 26.00 –
Encoding score 33.33 –
Memory score 47.68 –
Transcoding score 38.89 –
Items with additions 11 –
Note. DEAP, Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology; KBIT, Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test; PPVT,
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; MPT, Maximum Performance Test; SRT, Syllable Repetition Task; SS, standard

consistent production of /f/. For each goal, five target next treatment session to assess maintenance of
words were selected to be thematically congruent learning over a short interval. All probes were
with a specific play routine. The play routines administered via imitation using a live voice elicit-
included the names of nonsense words to name ation procedure and recorded using Sony HDR-
characters, constructed to fit the phonological goal XR150 camera mounted on a tripod and a Zoom H2
while not inviting interference from misarticulated Recorder, placed 53–71 cm from the participant,
known words in TASC-DS35’s lexicon. Additional and set to 4-way stereo recording.
words were selected or created to be congruent with
the phonological target and theme so as to support Intervention
phrase level practice. The three sets of five target The structure of every session was identical regard-
words, including nouns, verbs and adjectives, were less of the randomly assigned treatment condition, as
as follows: [tæmdAU], [bundeI], [pAgtAg], [dAUnˆp], follows: (1) introduce session activities using a visual
[pinˆt] (Goal 1, monster routine, phonological schedule, (2) record 10-item next day probe, (3)
memory condition); [wit], [lut], [d˘t], [wAQ@], prepractice of target words, (4) high intensity prac-
[jAd] (Goal 2, alien flower routine, auditory-motor tice, (5) record 10-item same day probe, (6) family
integration condition) and, [pˆf], [fæp], [wUf], debrief. Prepractice and practice activities were each
[fuwi], [fud] (Goal 3, dog routine, control scheduled to last 20 min. The remaining activities
condition). required an additional 20 min altogether. The
Learning of the specific targets was tracked by accompanying family member observed the sessions
coding treatment performance from video record- through a two-way mirror. Under typical circum-
ings of each treatment session. However, the pri- stances, home practice and functional words would
mary outcome was generalisation of learning from be chosen as targets and we would advise this for
the taught words to untaught real words, measured most clinical applications of these procedures.
with probes that consisted of short phrases con- However, in this experiment, home practice was
structed of real words that mirrored the taught discouraged and the target words and play routines
phonological structures (e.g. Goal 1: toy bag, onset themselves were designed so that spontaneous prac-
Cs and Vs expected to be correct; Goal 2: you go, tice of specific target words was unlikely to occur.
glide and stop manner expected to be matched; Goal This exceptional restriction allowed us to be sure
3: two feet, segment /f/ expected to be correct). For that improvements in speech accuracy and differ-
each goal a pool of 30 probe items was constructed; ences across conditions could be attributed to the
from each pool 12 sets of 10 were selected to form experimental procedures.
six same day probes and six next day probes, each
one containing a unique set of items. Same day Prepractice procedures
probes were administered at the end of the session Prepractice is implemented to ensure that the
during which the goal was targeted in therapy to learner is capable of producing the target words
assess immediate generalisation from the taught and has strategies to maintain a high level of correct
target words to the real word probes. Next day production during the practice portion of the treat-
probes were administered at the beginning of the ment session. Prepractice occurs at a relatively slow
Adolescents with Down syndrome 79

pace and knowledge of performance feedback is possible to encourage self-monitoring; in the phono-
provided as needed (specifically in the form of verbal logical memory condition, the use of visual cues was
descriptions of the participant’s articulatory ges- encouraged to support spontaneous generation of
tures). During auditory-motor integration sessions, phonological plans; in the control condition, the
the procedures were designed to ensure that TASC- feedback schedule was fixed at 60% of trials,
DS35 had a strong auditory-phonetic representation congruent with the principles of motor learning
of the target words that was linked to the semantic (Maas et al., 2008; Maas, Butalla, & Farinella,
and articulatory representations of the words. These 2012).
procedures were also designed to ensure that he
could effectively use information provided in audio- Treatment fidelity
visual models to improve production and that he Treatment sessions were conducted by a student
could integrate and use somatosensory and auditory clinician with supervision from the trial coordinator,
feedback of his own productions in relation to this an ASHA certified speech–language pathologist,
knowledge of the target to monitor and correct his both of whom received three days of training in
own productions, specifically auditory bombard- trial procedures prior to implementation. Lesson
ment, error detection and focussed stimulation (as plans were reviewed by the trial coordinator prior to
described in detail in Chapters 9 and 10 of Rvachew each session to ensure congruence with the trial
& Brosseau-Lapré, 2018). During phonological protocol. All session videos were coded for compli-
memory and planning sessions, the procedures ance by the second author for inclusion of mandated
were designed to support the independent construc- procedures, by randomly allocated condition, using
tion of phonological plans for the production of each a checklist. Treatment fidelity was 100% for the
target word. Specifically he was taught to associate phonological planning prepractice sessions (meaning
visual cues with the articulatory gestures for each that all expected procedures were used during all six
phoneme in the target word. Using segmentation sessions) but only 73% during the auditory-motor
and chaining techniques, he was taught to produce integration prepractice sessions because activities
the target words without the provision of an audi- targeting self-monitoring were often omitted due to
tory-visual model, using the visual cues when the difficulties TASC-DS35 was having detecting
necessary (as described in more detail in Chapter errors in the clinician’s speech. During the practice
11 of Rvachew & Brosseau-Lapré with respect to the portion of each session, the expectation of at least
procedures for implementing the Core Vocabulary 100 practice trials was generally achieved on average
Approach). During control sessions, no prepractice but not during every session as shown in Table II.
procedures were employed; rather activities that did The cumulative treatment intensity varied among
not involve speech practice were conducted during treatment conditions with total practice trials being
this segment of the session. 588 in the auditory motor integration condition, 678
in the control condition and 726 in the phonological
Practice procedures memory condition. The clinician did not succeed in
Regardless of the assigned prepractice condition, the maintaining practice performance at the challenge
goal of the practice session was to encourage high point, as shown in Table II, where it can be seen that
intensity practice – aiming for at least 100 practice TASC-DS35 performed below 80% correct during
trials – at the highest level of complexity possible all sessions.
while maintaining accuracy ‘‘at the challenge point’’.
In keeping with the challenge point framework Analysis strategy
(Guadagnoli & Lee, 2004; Rvachew & Brosseau-
Lapré, 2018) practice performance must be neither Same day and next day probe scores were tran-
too high nor too low for optimum learning. scribed and scored out of 10 points. The probes
Specifically, if responding fell below 4/5 correct were transcribed by two independent transcribers
responses, practice components were adjusted to with graduate level training in phonetic transcrip-
make the task easier; when responding rose above tion, using PHON (Rose & McWhinney, 2016) to
this level, practice components were adjusted to ensure blind transcriptions by multiple coders. Inter-
make the task more difficult. Adjustable practice rater agreement for the narrow transcription of
components included target complexity (e.g. single probes was 86% for vowels, and 85% for conson-
word vs. phrase), pre-trial support (e.g. imitative ants. The inter-scorer agreement for probe item
model vs. question prompt), stimulus variability correctness was 97.7%. Probe scores were submitted
(blocked vs. random presentation) or feedback to a nonparametric randomisation test of the null
schedule (e.g., after every trial vs. after a block of hypothesis which is that the probe scores are
five trials). Some aspects of the practice components independent of the treatment that was allocated for
were unique to the randomised treatment condition any given session. This kind of statistical test is
as follows: in the auditory-motor integration condi- performed using only the data obtained in the
tion, auditory-visual models were provided fre- randomised single case experiment – the obtained
quently and feedback was delayed as much as data points are permuted repeatedly to represent all
80 S. Rvachew & M. Folden

Table II. Total practice trials, percent correct trials, same day (SD) probe scores and next day (ND) probe scores by
session and treatment condition.
Session Practice trials Probe scores
Number Condition Total % Correct SD ND
1 Control 106 46.23% 0 0
2 PMP 95 23.16% 1 3
3 AMI 61 21.31% 3 3
4 AMI 90 50.00% 5 5
5 Control 90 52.22% 1 0
6 PMP 106 49.06% 2 4
7 PMP 108 44.44% 2 2
8 Control 95 68.42% 2 2
9 AMI 88 43.18% 7 5
10 AMI 113 40.71% 5 4
11 PMP 129 50.39% 1 1
12 Control 137 47.45% 2 3
13 AMI 119 75.63% 3 5
14 PMP 128 57.03% 0 4
15 Control 123 60.16% 5 5
16 Control 126 73.81% 2 3
17 PMP 162 34.57% 4 1
18 AMI 117 50.43% 4 4
Mean Control 113 58.05% 2.00 2.17
Mean PMP 121 43.11% 1.67 2.50
Mean AMI 98 46.88% 4.50 4.33
Note. PMP, phonological memory and planning prepractice; AMI, auditory-motor integration prepractice.

possible allocations of treatment conditions to not reach the goal of 80% correct in any treatment
obtained probe scores; the test statistic is recalcu- condition. Nonetheless, learning occurred as illu-
lated for each possible allocation yielding a test strated in Figure 1 that shows the mean and
distribution against which to evaluate the signifi- standard error of these probe scores along with the
cance of the obtained statistic (in this experiment, follow-up probe scores, recorded 84 days following
the test distribution is (3!)6 ¼ 66 ¼ 46,656, F the end of the treatment trial. A significant treatment
statistics). effect was obtained for the same day probes, as
determined by resampling (F ¼ 5.71, p¼ 0.035,
1000 samples). Mean scores on next day probes
Results show the same pattern of respondings but were not
The results by session are presented in Table II significantly different due to greater variability
which shows the number of practice trials, the within and across conditions (F ¼ 4.15, p ¼ 0.056,
number of correctly produced practice trials, the 1000 samples). Effect sizes (dz for matched samples)
same day probe score and the next day probe score were calculated to compare pairs of treatment
for each session as a function of randomly allocated conditions (Lakens, 2013). When comparing probe
treatment condition. The next day probe scores are scores in the auditory motor integration condition to
shown adjacent to the session for the associated the control condition, the effect size was large for
treatment goal, rather than the ‘‘next day’’ session both same day probes (dz ¼ 1.03) and next day
during which the probe was recorded. TASC-DS35 probes (dz ¼ 1.18). When comparing probe scores in
did not progress beyond the word level with the the auditory motor integration condition to the
target words in any condition, although the com- phonological memory and planning condition, the
plexity of practice was generally more complex in the effect size was large for both same day probes
auditory-motor integration sessions (three sessions (dz ¼ 1.65) and next day probes (dz ¼ 1.38). When
involving drill-play activities targeting whole words comparing probe scores in the phonological memory
in a delayed imitation or spontaneous word context) and planning condition to the control condition, the
when compared to the control and phonological effect size was small for both same day probes
memory and planning sessions during which drill (dz ¼ 0.13) and next day probes (dz ¼ 0.13). The
activities targeted direct imitation of part-words or follow-up assessment showed that gains were main-
whole words. These differences in practice context tained for major sound class contrasts in the audi-
explain the variation in number of practice trials by tory-motor integration condition and that
condition because practice intensity is typically improvements continued over this interval for the
higher during simple drill than drill-play activities. production of multisyllabic words with reduced
Despite these differences in achievement across consonant and vowel harmony. Quick multilinear
conditions, the overall impression is that TASC- analysis of the repeat DEAP results also revealed
DS35 was struggling to master all three treatment improvements even where perfect accuracy was not
goals, given that accuracy during practice trials did achieved: the major class contrasts were better
Adolescents with Down syndrome 81

Figure 1. Mean scores (with standard errors) shown for same day (left patterned bars) and next day probes (middle white bars) by
randomly assigned treatment condition and treatment goal. Total score on probes recorded during the follow-up assessment was also shown
(right patterned bars). AMI, auditory-motor integration prepractice condition; CTL, no prepractice control condition; PMP, phonological
memory and planning prepractice condition.

maintained (e.g. elefant /el@f@nt/ ! [eæ@b@l@] at intelligibility as reported by his parents and study
intake, but [alel@vIt] at follow-up), and consonant staff. The findings of this experiment support the
and syllable harmony were reduced (e.g. this /ôIs/ ! claim made by Chapman et al. (2002) that learning
[gIk] at intake, [dIs9] at follow-up). continues through adolescence in DS. For public
service providers, deciding whether to continue
targeting speech intelligibility at this intensity will
Discussion require an ongoing value judgment – the decision
One adolescent with Down syndrome received three cannot be made on the basis of this evidence alone,
interventions, with a schedule of one session per without further reflection. However, future decisions
week for six weeks, provided concurrently with about this young man’s treatment program can be
randomised order of conditions within weeks. The made with clear information about his learning
intention of these interventions was to improve the potential in the area of speech accuracy.
participant’s speech sound accuracy to foster greater Customising therapy to the individual’s profile of
speech intelligibility, thereby facilitating increased strengths and impairments is crucial in a heteroge-
success in communication and improved enjoyment neous population that infrequently receives treat-
of his right to free expression. ment: in adolescents with Down syndrome there is
Statistically significant improvements in speech no known blanket approach that can effectively
sound accuracy were achieved, as measured by same remediate speech impairments.
day generalisation probes. The treatment condition McDaniel and Yoder (2016) discuss the import-
designed to remediate his specific underlying impair- ance of collaborations among researchers and clin-
ments in motor planning yielded the best result. icians for developing precision speech–language
Although a statistically significant result was not services for children with Down syndrome. The
obtained for next day probes, there is evidence that single subject randomisation design we describe in
the interventions facilitated his participation in this report is a useful tool for such collaborations as
activities of daily living; specifically, many individ- it provides high quality research evidence while
uals who interacted with him on a daily basis supporting clinical decision making for individual
observed improvements in his ability to communi- patients. By pursuing the realisation of freedom of
cate verbally with family members, peers and sup- communication and access to information through
port staff. Although TASC-DS35 did not master speech therapy, clinicians hope to empower their
the goals taught during the six-week intervention, clients with developmental disabilities so that they
generalisation from taught to untaught words was can achieve other fundamental human rights such as
observed with maintenance over a three-month those pertaining to education, employment, dignity
interval. Furthermore, the effect size was large and and security (United Nations, 1948). In light of this
clinically significant, given the discernable impact on perspective, evidence that adolescents with Down
82 S. Rvachew & M. Folden

syndrome can indeed make gains towards effective individual’s response to different treatment condi-
communication supports the idea that continued tions as a support for decision making about
access and therapy for this population is warranted. treatment targets, approaches or service delivery
models. If we are to properly commit to the
Limitations realisation of Article 19 rights for persons with
Down syndrome much greater efforts must be made
The primary limitation of this study is that a single
to enhance their communication skills in the verbal
experiment was conducted with this adolescent,
and nonverbal domains.
exploring only the relative effectiveness of different
treatment approaches with respect to short-term
changes in speech accuracy. For example, objective Acknowledgements
measures of speech intelligibility were not obtained
We thank the family that participated in the research
and the study does not reveal the intensity of
project. We are also grateful for the assistance of
treatment required to obtain functional improve-
students and research assistants including Lizzie
ments in speech communication. The study was not
Carolan, Omar Obregozo Zalava, Melanie Orellana,
designed to directly explore the relationship between
Pegah Athari and Alexandre Herbay.
improvements in speech accuracy and the functional
outcomes that are ultimately the goal of speech
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for improving speech accuracy for a specific client. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
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