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Fuel 81 (2002) 927±933


The rheodynamics and combustion of coal±water mixtures q

A.P. Burdukov, V.I. Popov, V.G. Tomilov, V.D. Fedosenko*
The Institute of Thermophysics (Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science), Lavrentyev Ave. 1, Novosibirsk-90, 630090 Russia
Received 15 September 2000; revised 16 November 2000; accepted 2 January 2001; available online 31 July 2001

Investigation methods for characteristics of movement along the tubes, combustion dynamics and gasi®cation of separate drops were
developed for the coal±water mixtures (CWM). The following parameters were determined on the basis of laser heating: thermometric,
pyrometric and concentration dynamics of single-drop combustion, complete combustion times, duration of temperature phases of combus-
tion, as well as the moment and temperature of ignition. Information on the combustion mass velocity and gasi®cation products was also
obtained using laser heating. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Rheology; Coal±water mixtures; Combustion

1. Introduction usage is restricted by insuf®cient knowledge of mechanisms

and other factors governing its transportation, ignition
The coal±water mixture (CWM) is a new kind of fuel conditions, and gasi®cation.
suitable both for large and industrial power plants [1]. The
practical interest in this kind of fuel is due to its techno-
logical and economical aspects: fuel deposits are usually far 2. Rheological properties of CWMs
away from the consumption sites. A CWM has several
advantages in comparison with regular micronized coal The solid fraction in our experiments with CWMs was
fuel: these ¯uidized reactive mixtures can be transported prepared from different types of coal: the anthracite graded
over long distances through pipelines, safety requirements as ASS (1±13 mm from Gorlovka deposit, Novosibirsk
are met, and burning of this fuel yields less contaminants Ð region) Ð the slow-reactive but high-calori®c component;
oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, etc. Expensive heavy oil can be fast-reactive coal with the D-grade from Kuznetsk deposit,
substituted by CWM fuel. and lignite from Kansk-Achinsk and East-Siberia deposits.
Nowadays CWMs are used in different industrial coun- The main physical and chemical characteristics of these
tries. Russia also has positive experience in production, coals are summarized in Table 1. The ASS anthracite and
transportation and combustion of CWMs. After being lignite coals were crushed in a laboratory mill. The
prepared by Ugleprovod in Belovo, a CWM was supplied powdered Kuznetsk coal …Rx90 ˆ 27%; Rx200 ˆ 4%† was
through a 298-km long pipeline to the Heat power station sampled from random sites within the hammer mill volume
No. 5 in Novosibirsk. The solid fraction (62%) is the coal at the Novosibirsk Heat Station No. 5. Using a regular
from Inskaya mine in Belovo city (Kuznetsk deposit). The procedure [2,3], the mixture with the following composition
dispersed media is water (37%), and the rest 1% is a plas- was obtained: 0±68 mm (62%); 68±100 mm (15%); 100±
ti®cizer Ð sulfate salts of naphthalene-formaldehyde with 160 mm (15%); 160±200 mm (4%); 200±315 mm (4%).
surfactant properties (the admixture C-3). The solid phase of This composition is very close to that used for pipeline
the CWM has a grain size in the range 20±350 mm. The transportation from Belovo to Novosibirsk.
technology speci®cation for the CWM supplied to boilers The `dry coal' composition was 60%, and the percentage
dictated the level of viscosity at about 800 centipoise. of water in the mixture was 40% …pH ˆ 11:5 after ash
Regardless of the listed advantages of CWM, its wide removal). There was no plasti®cizer in the mixture.
The problem of the mixture sedimentation stability,
* Corresponding author. Fax: 17-3832-34-34-80.
hydraulic transportation and its pulverization requires infor-
E-mail address: fedos@itp.nsc.ru (V.D. Fedosenko). mation about its ¯uidity properties and time stability. These
Published ®rst on the web via Fuel®rst.comÐhttp://www.fuel®rst.com parameters were investigated in the automatic regime on the
0016-2361/02/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0016-236 1(01)00009-6
928 A.P. Burdukov et al. / Fuel 81 (2002) 927±933

Table 1
Content and thermotechnical parameters of the operating part of the solid fuel

No. Coal sample Ash content Moisture Net calori®c value Sulfur (%) Volatile matter
(% dry) (% as received) (cal g 21) (% daf)

1 Lignite (grade BMSS) 7±10 35±38 3650 0.6 46.5

2 Hard-coal (grade ASS) 18 10 5770 0.3 5
3 Hard brown coal (grade D) 10 16.6 5250 0.3 39
4 X brown coal (grade B3P) 22 23 4020 0.9 43
5 T brown coal (grade D, DG) 19.4 6 5550 0.4 45
6 B brown coal (grade B2) 15 36 3410 0.5 43

rotation viscosimeter Rheotest-2. Experiments (Fig. 1) were where w 0 is the ¯uidity at t ! 0; u the coef®cient of the
performed for the share velocity of D ˆ 5.4±48.6 s 21 …t ˆ structural instability of CWM; and w ˆ t21 …dWx =dr† is its
208C†: The prepared CWM (used as the reserved fuel) has a ¯uidity. Here dWx =dr ; D:
reasonable operational viscosity h ˆ 1:5 Pa s at D ˆ From the balance of surface forces having an effect upon
48:6 s21 : Fig. 2 con®rms that viscosity of a CWM is stable an elementary cylinder in a pipeline …Dppr 2 ˆ 2pr tL†; we
for the studied time interval. obtain the following distribution of the shear stress over the
Our experiments on CWM rheology were performed cross-section:
without a plasti®cizer. However, our test on the effect of a
t=tw ˆ r=R ; j; …2†
regular C-3 admixture on resistance to sedimentation
demonstrated that this 1% admixture (from the whole where r is the current diameter of the pipe; t w the wall shear
solid amount) makes sedimentation of the solids three stress (with pressure drop Dp, tube diameter R and the tube
times longer under the condition of natural convection. length L and the pressure drop Dp ˆ p 1 2 p2 occurs).
Under the condition of uniform forced convection, the effect From Eqs. (1) and (2) we can make up the formula for the
of the admixture on sedimentation time was insigni®cant. average velocity of CWM in a pipeline
However, the effect of low media-affecting admixtures on Z1
CWM long-distance transportation requires a special study. kwl ˆ 2 Wx j dj ˆ 0:25w 0 Rtw 1 0:2Rut2w : …3†
This is due to hydrodynamic maldistribution, which may
occur both along the pipe and across it. The expression for dimensionless ¯ow velocity is as

3. Hydraulic transportation of CWMs Wx 1 2 j 2 1 …2=3†…u=w0 †tw …1 2 j 3 †

vˆ ˆ2 : …4†
kwl 1 1 …4=5†…u=w0 †tw
Experimental data plotted in Fig. 1 reveals a reverse rela- Pro®les of ¯ow velocities in a round tube are shown in Fig. 3
tionship between the viscosity h ˆ t=D (plotted here as (calculated from formula (4)). In contrast to ordinary liquids
¯uidity w ˆ h21 † and the shear stress. For the most impor- with u ˆ 0 (water, glycerin, oil), the pro®les for CWM ¯ow
tant range for the share stress, we have the following ratio: are more ®lled up and the velocity gradients near the wall
w ˆ w0 1 ut; …1† are higher. For considerable values of a utw =w0 ratio, the
deformation rates in the core ¯ow are low, so the CWM

Fig. 1. Rheological properties of CWM: C-CWM prepared from the D-

grade coal (Kuznetsk deposit); CA-CWM prepared from the mixture of Fig. 2. CWM's viscosity vs. time and shear velocity D, s 21 (tixotropic
high-reactive D-grade coal (Kuznetsk) and 5% of low-reactive ASS- properties): ÐBÐ 5.4 s 21; ÐXÐ 9.0; ÐOÐ 16.2; ÐPÐ 24.3;
grade coal. ÐVÐ 48.6.
A.P. Burdukov et al. / Fuel 81 (2002) 927±933 929

resistance. This is caused by a higher ¯uidity of CWM near

the wall. Fluidity increases with dissipation of CWM
structure and successive orientation of solid asymmetrical
particles along the streamlines due to the action of shear
velocity gradient.

4. Technique for investigation of CWM combustion

The difference between the scale of a furnaces and the

size of dispersed fuel drops is enormous. Therefore, the
main information about CWM combustion and gasi®cation
(ignition temperature, time of water evaporation from a
drop, complete gasi®cation time, diameter of pulverized
drops) can be obtained from a single drop study.
Fig. 3. Velocity pro®les for a CWM pumped through a round tube depend- To ignite a small amount of fuel, several methods of
ing on the structural-mechanical factor ut w/w 0.
heating are available (ohmic heating, plasma, spark
discharge, etc.). None of them allows us to trace the real
¯ows through the most part of the cross-section with undis-
dynamic of combustion for a wide temperature range (espe-
turbed structure.
cially, at the beginning). The plasma and spark method are
Structural changes in the medium (out of the ¯ow core)
inconvenient because of a direct contact between the drop
cause a nonlinear dependency between the pressure drop
and ambient medium. The ohmic heating is limited with its
and the ¯ow rate of a CWM (see formula (3)). Thus, the
temperature (below 12008C). It is also hard to study the
change in the pressure drop along the pipeline makes ambig-
initial stage of combustion by this method because the
uous effect on the ¯ow rate, as well as on its heat and mass
time of drop delivering to the speci®c place in the furnace
transfer, for instance between the tube and soil, and in the
is about the time of the initial processes (heating-up, water
tube-shell heat exchangers for CWM heaters.
evaporation and evaporation of volatile components). In our
Regarding formula (3), the expression for the drag coef®-
experiments, the heating of an immovable CWM drop
cient of CWM ¯ow in a round tube takes the form
begins when the laser shutter is open. Unlike the ohmic
"  # technique, the laser heating method allows experiments to
8tw 5 128 b0 0:5
zˆ ˆ 11 21 ; …5† be performed at higher temperatures and to study the
rkwl2 b0 5 Re0 dynamics of combustion [4] and gasi®cation of small fuel
drops, providing automatic analysis of the temperature,
where b0 ˆ …u=w0 †rkwl2 and Re0 ˆ w0 rkwld: photoelectric characteristics and gas composition.
For a certain CWM, characterized by structural parameter The experimental setup (Fig. 5) includes the CO2-
b 0 and for a given pipeline capacity, one can calculate the laser (wavelength ˆ 10.6 mm, N , 25 W) with water-
required pressure drop. cooling. The adjusted and partially collimated beam
Calculation data from formula (5) are shown in Fig. 4. It passes through optical lens made from BaF2. Laser
is obvious that structuring of CWM media reduces the ¯ow radiation falls upon the drop hemisphere at the thermo-
couple junction. The power of laser radiation can be
varied due to a longitudinal shift (transfocal shift) of
optic lens, and due to admissible current drift at the
high-voltage laser source. Since the light beam diameter
is one order larger than the drop diameter, the unused
portion of radiation is re¯ected by a copper spherical
mirror at the opposite side of the hemisphere. There-
fore, the amount of light energy at both hemispheres of
the drop must be the same. This may be achieved by
accurate calculation (of the focus distance) and position-
ing of the thermocouple junction point. To reduce heat
losses through the thermocouple wires, a 2 mm section
was positioned nearby the junction along the beam axis.
The thermocouple (Pt±Pt with 10% Rh) was manufac-
tured from a wire with the diameter of 100 mm. The
Fig. 4. CWM ¯ow in a round tube. The resistance coef®cient as a function junction diameter did not exceed 120 mm. The test on
of the Reynolds number Re0 ˆ w0 r kwld and parameter b0 ˆ …u=w0 †r kwl2 : heating and cooling time revealed that the thermocouple
930 A.P. Burdukov et al. / Fuel 81 (2002) 927±933

Therefore, the color-technique measured temperature is

the following:

C2 …l21
2 2 l1 †
Tˆ : …7†
ln…Il1 =Il2 † 1 5ln…l1 =l2 † 2 ln…1l1 =1l2 †

We see from formula (7) that for the calculation of T we

need information about two wavelengths for which
measurement was carried out, and data about the selectivity
of the emitting source. There are two variants. If the photo-
Fig. 5. The general scheme of the setup for fuel drop combustion and data detectors with narrow-band ®lters perceive light energy at a
speci®c wavelength, the problem in the calculation of T
reduces to calculation of drop emissivity for the two wave-
time constant is less than the time scale of combustion lengths.
phases Ð it was about 0.25 s. The thermocouple was If our photodetectors obtain energy of light at an
®xed at a collet hemispheric hinge to provide easy unknown wavelength (wide-band spectrum), then the algo-
®tting to the beam. Two visible-light photodiodes rithm of calculation of temperature T must include calibra-
were placed close to each other in order to register tion of photodetectors over the wavelength. This calculation
radiation from the same angle. was based on Wien's law with assumption of blackbody
This way we were able to measure both thermometric emission at two speci®c temperatures.
(contact) and pyrometric (color) temperatures [5]. Unlike It was mentioned above that according to Eq. (7), the
for the ®rst approach, the radiation technique for tempera- crucial point of calculation of the true temperature from
ture measuring has less inertia, so the temperature±time the measured color temperature (Tc) is our prior knowledge
pattern of combustion stages (combustion of volatile about emissivity of the medium at two wavelengths l 1 and
components and coke residues) and data about combustion l 2. In our experiments, this problem was solved by ®nding
mass rate are obtained in detail. However, it is better to use the value of ln1l1 =1l2 from thermometric measurements in
thermocouples for measurements at the initial stage of drop the temperature equilibrium range with the assumption of
heating, when the radiation spectrum is in the infrared 1l1 and 1l2 being independent of temperature. Another
region. For this temperature range, there was no combustion assumption was about steady elementary content of the
yet, so this thin Pt±Pt/Rh thermocouple is suitable for emitting substance.
measuring of thermal disturbances. These two supplementary methods (thermometric and
A crucial point in pyrometric analysis is measurement pyrometric), for studying the combustion dynamics of a
of absorptivity of the emitting medium during com- small fuel drop with the following computer processing,
bustion. For this method, it can be obtained from algo- allow us to study in detail the temporal combustion
rithmic solution of the reverse problem for the phases (for a wide range of fast processes) and to deter-
absorptivity parameter (slag after combustion) relative mine the mass of fuel burning per time unit and per
to the equilibrium temperature (thermometric techni- surface unit.
que). In this case, we assume that optical properties To determine this parameter, we can write down the heat
of the slag and the burning drop are identical; another balance of a burning immovable …Re ! 0† particle in air
assumption is that absorptivity of all phases of burning with a one-side radiation into the ambient medium.
medium has only slight temperature dependence. Thus, For a small particle, we have Bio's criterion Bi ˆ
in our experiments the slag residue absorptivity is used ak d=2l , 1; Fourier's criterion Fo ˆ atp =d2 q 1: Here a,
for studying the previous combustion stages in the visible l , tp ; d are the temperature conductivity, heat conductivity,
spectrum. total burnout time, and the particle diameter, correspond-
There exist methods for fuel drop temperature through the ingly. That is, we can assume that the temperature gradient
measurement of blackbody radiation. These methods use a across the particle is small (external heat and mass transfer)
simpli®ed Planck's law for the energy distribution of that and the change in internal energy due to nonstationary
body. This simpli®ed relationship (Wien's displacement effects is negligible.
law) for a visible radiation range and the temperature Our experiments (Fig. 6) demonstrated that a carbon
T , 3000 K takes the form particle burns in air mainly up to CO2. Since molecular
weights of air and CO2 are close, we may write down the
I…l; T† ˆ 1l exp…2C2 =lT†: …6† Lewis criterion as Le ˆ D=a , 1: Therefore, the similarity
l5 between the temperature and concentration ®elds takes
where l is the wavelength; 1l the absorptivity coef®cient; place in the outer combustion zone. Therefore, these condi-
C1, C2 the Planck's constants; and T is the true temperature tions Re ! 0; Fo q 1; Bi , 1; Le , 1; with all the
of the body. mentioned assumptions concerning emissivity coef®cients
A.P. Burdukov et al. / Fuel 81 (2002) 927±933 931

5. Measurement results

In our experiments on fuel combustion in air at the stan-

dard pressure, we measured the drop temperature and the
emission intensity from it. As for water±vapor-gasi®cation,
the outlet was obtained from CO and CO2 measuring by a
gas analyzer. The result of this study was the in¯uence of the
droplet size, content and temperature on dynamics of
combustion and gasi®cation. The existence time of a fuel
drop, gasi®cation time, ignition temperature, and combus-
tion rate were determined. We also cleared out the relative
role of every combustion phase (heating, water evaporation
Fig. 6. Dynamics of concentration during combustion of a CWM drop …d ˆ from the CWM, combustion of volatile components and of
1:5 mm†: The mixture of D-grade coal from Kuznetsk deposit and 5% of coke residue).
ASS-grade coal.
Fig. 7 presents the dynamics of combustion of a single
CWM drop with measuring of the thermometric and color
of the burning particle and slag, give us the opportunity to temperatures. The thermocouple (Tt) and photometric (I)
write down the following heat balance equation: measurement lines are supplementary. The initial stages
(drop heating and water evaporation) cannot be detected
mc Q ˆ ak …T 2 T0 † 1 Es 0 …T 4 2 Tsl4 †; …8† by the photodiode. It measures the radiation intensity
from particles at high temperatures (combustion of vola-
where Q is the total heat release per mass unit (fuel calori®c tile components and coke). The thermocouple measures
value); mc the fuel surface consumption rate (mass ¯ux or the temperature within the particle, but the photo sensor
combustion rate); a k the convective heat transfer coef®cient operates from the moment of ignition of volatile
(from the particle to air); E the emissivity coef®cient for a components.
burning particle (or slag) and s 0 is the Stephan±Boltzmann The zone 4 in Fig. 7 is characterized by nonstationary
constant. Temperatures T, T0, Tsl correspond to the experi- discharge of volatile components, by decrease in the fuel
mental values of the temperature of the particle, ambient mass and by repulsion of the oxidizer from the combustion
media, and the equilibrium temperature of the slag particle. surface. This causes a decrease in emission at the stage
The procedure of temperature and radiation intensity before the coke burning, which is related to depletion of
measurements is as follows. First, the laser beam shutter volatile components. Due to water evaporation and release
is closed. The fuel drop is being put to the thermocouple of volatile components from the drop, the rest of particle
edge. The drop diameter is measured with a microscope. conglomerate gain a high-developed inner surface. This big
Then the drop is heated from the moment when the PC surface facilitates the fuel oxidation resulting in temperature
gives a signal to open the beam shutter. The laser beam growth and increase in emission, which can be detected by
heats the drop up to the temperature determined by the the photo sensor.
experimental conditions. This experimental technique was applied to drops of
Fig. 5 presents the scheme for combustion of a single fuel different diameters (d ˆ 400±2000 mm) and temperatures
drop in different media with various aerodynamic and in the range T ˆ 600±14008C (Fig. 8). Experimental data
temperature conditions. The drop may be swept with hot were plotted in coordinates r…d 2 d0 †=t ˆ f …t† (Fig. 9).
gas or vapor, etc. Here d0 is the thermocouple junction diameter, r the
In our experiments on gasi®cation the volatile compo- CWM density, and t is the drop existence time until
nents together with overheated water vapor were sucked complete burnout of the coke residue. This time is deter-
into the primary converter (a gas analyzer developed by mined by a sharp drop of the photometric curve to the initial
the Institute of Thermophysics). Then the ¯ow passes a level. This moment almost coincides with stabilization of
mechanical ®lter and vapor absorber (a ®lter with silicogel). the temperature±time curve (coke has burnout). The value
The water vapor begins to blow over the drop only after the r…d 2 d0 †=t can be considered as the effective mass rate of
shutter is opened. The vapor stream was uniform over its fuel drop combustion. One can see that at the same tempera-
cross-section, the super®cial velocity was W ˆ 0:1 m s 21 ; ture, the combustion mass rate is higher for the drop than for
and Reynolds number Re , 5. a dried particle of the CWM.
The data processing was carried out through the scheme: This phenomenon can be connected with the reaction of
a signal from primary transformers (thermocouple-photo- carbon with vapor decomposition products (besides
diode-gas analyzer) ! ampli®er ! ACD ! computer oxygen), and with highly developed oxidation surface
! printer. All data were read with a frequency of 25 Hz because of microbursts development of combustion (due
from the computer and treated by the software with output to intensive water evaporation).
to the display and printer. Naturally, the total combustion time depends on the
932 A.P. Burdukov et al. / Fuel 81 (2002) 927±933

Fig. 9. Generalization of the experimental data on CWM drop combustion

Fig. 7. Combustion dynamics for a CWM drop …d ˆ 1:5 mm† from vs. equilibrium combustion temperature. 1-CWM without drying; 2-CWM
measurement of the thermometric (Tt) and color temperatures (Tc). 0±1 after drying (by laser beam).
dropheating, 1±2 water evaporation, 2±3 volatile extraction, 3±4 volatile
combustion, 4±5 combustion of the coke residue.

energy ¯ux onto the drop (laser radiation) Ð that is, from
the furnace temperature. Experimental data in Fig. 10
demonstrate that the combustion time for CWMs is a
controllable parameter. It can be changed by mixing of a
high-calorie low-reactive coal (e.g. a ®ne fraction of anthra-
cite with grade ASS) with a low-calorie fast-reactive coal
(e.g. lignite).
Using the balance equation (10) and the experimental
data (see Fig. 7), we present the dynamic of fuel drop
combustion …Q < 30 £ 106 J kg21 † in Fig. 11. A sharp
peak in this graph corresponds to outcome of volatile
components while fuel is being heated. One can see that
this time interval is much less than the total time of mass
decrease due to combustion.
If we perform experiments on combustion of a small
drop under conditions of natural convection, we have the
following criteria: Re ! 0 Gr ˆ qbDtd 3 =n2 < 40; and Nu ˆ
ak d=2l < 2:5:
Our estimates of contribution from the convective and
mass terms reveal that they make up about 15% from the
radiative heat transfer.
For carbon particle combustion in air, the Stephan's ¯ux
for oxygen diffusion and corresponding reaction products is Fig. 10. CWM drop combustion time …d ˆ 1:5 mm† measured from the
ignition moment, as a function of ASS-coal percentage, lignite and

Fig. 8. CWM drop combustion time as a function of atomization diameter.

C 1 ASS 2 CWM prepared from D-grade coal 15% of ASS-grade coal.
C-CWM prepared from D-grade coal. Fig. 11. Dynamics of the CWM drop combustion rate.
A.P. Burdukov et al. / Fuel 81 (2002) 927±933 933

Fig. 13. Gasi®cation time for coal particles and CWM drops made up of
Fig. 12. Temperature and concentration evolution for CWM gasi®cation different lignite vs. diameter; tv is the vapor temperature; td the gasi®cation
(D-grade coal from Kuznetsk); tv is the vapor temperature and td is the temperature and X, T, B are the ®rst letter of the coal names (see Table 1).
gasi®cation temperature.
main stages of combustion and burnout velocity at different
negligible [6]. Therefore, we do not account it in heat stages.
For several sorts of coal the content of volatile
components may be as high as 40%. Their heat-induced 6. Conclusions
emanation takes away some heat from the particle.
1. CWMs for power production are media with rheology
Unfortunately, the physical properties of multicomponent
properties. Their pipeline transportation is governed by
volatile matter are usually unknown. So we can only esti- rheodynamic parameters, which depend on the media
mate this heat loss. However, experimental curves (Figs. 7 structural aspects and external effects.
and 11) demonstrate that the durability of combustion of
2. We developed the technique for investigation of combus-
volatile components is only a small percentage of the total
tion (or gasi®cation) kinetics of a single fuel drop. It is
combustion time.
based on simultaneous measuring of the thermometric
The mass of burnout coal during the volatile components
and color temperatures with the analysis of the gaseous
discharge and their combustion can be calculated from the
products composition. These complex measurements
known percentage of them in the coal and the combustion
give us the total combustion time, duration of different
time chart. stages of the process (heating, evaporation, combustion
Typical time charts for primary data on temperature and of volatile components and coke residue), as well as the
concentration of CO for water±vapor gasi®cation are
combustion mass ¯ow rate.
presented in Fig. 12. The gasi®cation time was determined
3. The CWM combustion time can be controlled through
from the moment when the concentration curve comes to the
adding of fast-reactive fuel to slow-reactive fuel.
initial level.
4. Combustion of a CWM drop is a multistage process. The
In contrast to combustion process, temperature curves for
speci®city of this process is water evaporation from the
water±vapor gasi®cation are monotone. Dramatic increase
drop. This makes a high porosity of the particle and
in gasi®cation rate occurs when the temperature achieves enhances the intensity of diffusion combustion.
the gasi®cation temperature, and then intensity of CO
release comes down.
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