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1. Why do you think criminal activities, drug trade cannot be eradicated by the Government?

- The International Trade in illegal drugs is multi billion industry. Attempts to eradicate it
have been going on for decades. The results are absolutely unconvincing. Masses of people
have died, but illegal substances are still available in all of the worlds major cities. The war
on drug trade has not gone well. During the last few years, the criminal activities through
out the world has increase. According to whitaker, The organized criminals have corrupted
a large section of Bureaucracy charge with investigating the criminal activities and taking
legal action. This situation has further complicated the whole issue. Example is all about
the corruption happened on the BOC Bureau of Customs under the Department of finance.
In this Department, there are individual who designated to check every transaction
happened but the crime activities continuously happening with in the Department. This was
happened because the crimes are not duly and timely checked. The terrorist and the
criminals have no nation and geographical area. Their activities are spread through out the
Globe. Criminal activities and drug trade cannot be eradicated by the Government because
policy implementators are not forcibly implementing policies that will discipline every
officials who against the law. Public administration was lack in checking various types of
criminal activities and it is helpless in facing the growing activities of criminals both
national and international levels.

1. What are the proofs that there is a good and bad effect of Globalization?
- It gives access to a larger market – through Globalization countries and companies have
access to a bigger consumer base. Instead of only selling products in their country. A
business can expand to other regions boosting sales and in the process making more money.

- It provides cheaper good for consumer – a lot of companies are moving to areas where their
cost of production is low. They inturn, offer cheaper products because they are not
expensive to make hence lover prices for consumers.

- It leads to better economies - with an increase number of investors looking for investment
opportunities around the Globe, country economies will benefit where ever they invest.
Through globalization economies of different countries are becoming more connected to
one another since they depend on each other for trade.

 Bad effect of Globalization

- It causes environment Damage – Globalization has lead to increase production for business
inorder to meet global demand. It means more natural resources are used and this can be
used up before they are regenerated leading to a negative impact to the environment.

- It causes fluctuation of prices – increase competition means that business with the best
prices win. Due to competition prices are always fluctuating.

- Job insecurity – it provides a double edged sword when it comes to jobs. It creates jobs for
people in developing countries who provide cheaper manufacturing jobs.
1. How did Globalization change the life of Filipinos? Give examples.
- Due to Globalization some one can easily communicate and sell products. The large of
globalization is largely attributed to major changes in the telecommunication and
transportation industries. It allows for goods to be made and sold all over the world. It is
also about cultural aspect, through it, different cultures meet and people get to know and
understand the various ways of life and accept them. As a student, I really feel the effect
of globalization in my daily life, it allows me to make every transaction more faster than a
normal time through using computers by connecting internet, using transportation,
Education through learning and it seems all about everything I made because it makes
myself more competitive to make everything. Through Globalization we better damn good
to our job. We can able to speak multiple language because we are more replaceable than
we think.

3. As a whole, is Globalization good or bad in the overall life of Filipinos?

- Globalization has it’s good side and bad as well. It’s good for it brings people and business
together through the international exchange of money ideas and culture yet some critics
say’s it adversely affects develop countries from an economic standpoint, Globalization is
typically defined as the increase in the global trade of goods, services capital and
technology. It’s core benefits is the comparative advantage that is the ability of one country
to produce good or services at a lover opportunity cost than other countries. Hence, the bad
side of globalization is all about the new risk and uncertainties brought about by high
degree of integration. Now it face unstandable and unpredictable demand and business
opportunities and their products become quickly commodities. Leaving them with no
pricing power and under constant pressure by new competitors than undetermined
profitability. Globalization is still good for me because it allow us to more competitive in
all aspect of our life that leads us to uplift our living standard.

1. Can you measure Globalization?

- Interpreting measures of globalization is a tricky business small countries will always come
on top they have to be global to survive. Economic globalization is measured by the actual
flows of trade, foreign direct investment and portfolio investment, as well as the restriction
applying to this flows. Social globalization is expressed as the spread of ideas, information,
images and people. It is estimated by personal contact through telephone, international
letters. Information flows like internet users, television ownership, trade in news papers,
political globalization is characterized by the degree of political cooperation. It is measured
by the number of embassies, membership of international organizations and number of
international treaties signed. Therefore, we can able to measure globalization through
economic, social and political levels.

2. Do you think Globalization will reduce or increase poverty gap?

- Globalization has helped to bring about unprecedented improvement in the living
conditions of many of the word’s poorest people. Global integration is crucial for the
recovery of countries. Globalization must therefore not be seen as a threat to welfare but
rather as an opportunity to achieve higher economic growth and incomes. It is pricely
during the recent period of increase globalization of the world economy that poverty rates
and global income inequality have most diminished. Globalization can definitely reduce or
increase poverty gap for it is the solution for under develop and poor countries. In a broad
sense, it is the process that increase the movement of people, culture, technology and
information across the world.

3. Could Globalization have happened without the Internet?

- Globalization cannot successfully exist without Internet because it seen by some socio
economic commentators as a major driving force in creating a unified global community.
Internet has an impact on media most of the news networks were local or national prior to
the internet revolution, and only a few companies, such broadcast in other countries.
Anywhere in the world is updated as event occur. It has also an impact on business. The
Internet and Globalization have radically changed the business world. It has enable
companies to improve their competitive edge and increase productivity. For me
globalization still exist without internet but can you imagine the world without using
telecommunication like before? It seems everything is hard to made. No improvement will
be happened with in a short period of time. When you want to make transact with others,
you need to spend days for the transaction.

4. How would your life be different if Globalization hadn’t happened?

- With out globalization, the world will become a close system means that we would never
know what was going on to other countries. No sharing of inventions and discoveries. We
would not have affluent countries colonizing poorer countries because affluent countries
would not know about the natural resources found in the poorer countries. I don’t seem to
imagine a better world with out globalization. With out globalization, we would not be as
advanced with out technologies and communication as we are today. Poverty and
unemployment would be a global problem. Globalization has created the world that makes
us easier to be connected and share ideas.

5. Do you think it’s possible to ignore Globalization?

- Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of
world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and
telecommunications infrastructure. The term Globalization has been in increasing use. It is
not possible to ignore it because we need it in our daily lives inorder to make our country
more developed. If we ignore Globalization nothing will be happened to us because
globalization has more positive effects to people that its negative impact. It is supposedly
the key solution to countries under developed and poverty.

6. How has Globalization affected your life?

- Globalization affects every aspects of an individuals life including religion, food, transport,
language, music and clothing. It affects each individual differently however, depending on
a diverse number of factors such as location, education and income. Globalization affects
me personally by making me advance in computer by the use if internet. It allows me to
know what happens entire the world through media and it makes everything easier in daily
7. Political globalization and it’s effect on the world.
- Politics is universal and dynamic activity. Political activity can be divided into National
politics and International politics. There are so many patterns of interactions between
national politics of states and international relations. In the present globalized world every
political system has been influenced by the International environment. IR is an
unpredictable realm of turbulent processes and events that catch the expert and masses by
surprise in international relations IR we can see imergence of various new global issues on
world politics.

8. Give the types of Globalization and its impact on the world.

- Political globalization – refers to the amount of political co-operation that exist between
different countries. This lies in with the belief that “umbrella” global organizations are
better place than individual states to prevent conflict.
- Economic globalization – refers to the interconnectedness of economies through trade and
the exchange of resources. National economies influence each other. This is clearly
evidence by global recession.
- Social globalization - refers to the sharing of ideas and information between and through
different countries. In today’s world, the internet and social media is at that heart of this
good social globalization could include internationally popular firms, book and tv series.

9. Describe the social as well as cultural indicators/manifestation of globalization.

- Cultural indicators- relate to changes that occur overtime from a cultural perspective
example; the decline of Taonga river species is an indicator of a problem. Cultural
indicators are important because scientific indicators don’t reflect the cultural perspective.
- Social indicator- are numerical measures that describe the well-being of individuals or
communities. Indicators are comprised of one variable or several components combined
into an index. They are used to describe and evaluate community well being of social,
economic and psychological welfare.

10. How has globalization impacted the world’s political realm.

- Global politics concerned with the relations between different actors in the world.

11. How is democratization and globalization related? Base your essay on developing economies.
- The relationship is neither nor characterized by structural rigidities. It then analyzes the
relationship between market economy and political democracy in a national context to
show that it is interactive, so that such an approach is useful for an understanding of the
international context. In sum, the relationship between globalization and democracy is
dialectical and does not conform to ideological caricatures. Globalization has also
witnessed the spread of political democracy across countries in developing worlds and in
the transition economies. It focuses on substantial policy and academic debate.
Democracies are more likely to have close market and vise versa.

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