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Hey guys! Welcome to my guide on Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger! My name is Solgaleo aka
George! Now, not many people play Aurelion Sol at all. I’m one of the few people that have
dedicated myself to him, and I’m going to share with you what I know and what you should do to
make yourself a good Aurelion Sol! The star dragon is a battle mage whose objective relies on
roaming, positioning and experience on him. Practicing him makes perfect.

I’ll be going through a short summary of why I play Aurelion Sol myself, the standard setups you
want to play him with, every mid lane matchup (no niche picks like Lucian mid), Playing the
game as him in every phase and finally Tips/Tricks, Combos and a FAQ section!

Why Aurelion Sol? 

The main reasons why I play Aurelion Sol are #1: Because he’s a space dragon. Say that again,
he is a “space dragon”. I think that’s downright one of the most badass traits you can have.
Aside from my bias of loving dragons and dinosaurs since I was a kid, Aurelion Sol is definitely
one of the most eye appealing champions to look at.

Going to reason #2: He is single handedly one of the most fun champions I have ever played in
my time playing League of Legends. I got mastery level 5 in the 1st day of playing Aurelion Sol
(more like in the span of the 1st 24 hours he was released. Yes that was also 25 wins or so),
from this, you could tell I was dedicated to this champion. 1 year later he is my most played by a
large margin.

Finally, reason #3: I was inspired by my friends to keep playing him after they saw how good I
was on him. After those 25 wins or so, I barely died, I got all the kills, and got a Pentakill. They
saw potential in me, therefore they pushed me to use him in Dynamic Queue (I know, I know), I
got Diamond in that season and here I am finishing in Diamond 1 in season 7.
Runes and Summoners 
With the Runes Reforged; there has been multiple added playstyles with the addition of them. I
will show my personal favourite page, and the other possible keystones.

Phase Rush + Inspiration 1 (My preferred):

Phase Rush + Inspiration 2 (Vs. Assassins):

Phase Rush + Resolve (Vs Assassins/Endgame):

Glacial Augment + Sorcery (Popular amongst Sol mains, not recommended):

The best Keystone to take on Aurelion Sol has to be Phase Rush. With the synergy it provides,
it’s almost as if Stormraider’s was never removed. However it is a lot less powerful early game,
you now have slow resistance still. But, it is much better later on in the game at a whopping
45% bonus movespeed. With that in mind, Aurelion Sol can proc Phase Rush off his stars
alone, meaning it is very easy to activate this keystone.

The second rune in the Sorcery Tree is a contest between 2, them being Nullifying Orb and
Nimbus Cloak. Vs AP Matchups you want to take Nullifying Orb, as it is a free mini hexdrinker
on a 60 second cooldown, it is most certainly nullifying your chances of dying to these mages.
Nimbus Cloak you want to take vs other mid lane matchups such as Talon/Zed/Yasuo and more
that can get inside your orbit in the later stages, it will be much more effective than null orb for
you to be able to get away from the assassin in hand (even if they’re AP).

The third rune in the Sorcery Tree is no contest, Celerity is what you want. The bonus
movespeed you are missing from the old Runes are packed here, yes you are missing 0.5% but
extra movespeed is converted to AP, which means your E movespeed and the next rune
Waterwalking adds to this bonus.

Waterwalking as mentioned above is the last rune you want to take, this is because it
synergises so well with your playstyle as a whole. Gathering Storm is good, however
Waterwalking gives you bonus AP and Move Speed in the river, which is insane for a roamer
like Aurelion Sol.

Inspiration 1: These two runes are my new preferred and for good reason; Minion dematerialiser
gives you the priority in lane which you need (by using them on cannon minions), you also use
one on a caster creep as well as a melee creep. This boosts your damage towards all three
types of minion (except super minions) and help you shove quicker and easier. Time water tonic
is exceedingly good in the early game as it bolsters your corrupting potion EVEN MORE than
Dark Seal would. As a bonus, it even gives you move speed while you’re using it, making roams
more efficient. Although the nerfs made it have a cooldown, it’s still very valued.

Inspiration 2: I take this vs Assassins, it is almost compulsory to take the free stopwatch for
obvious reasons. Then the Futures Market rune allows you to buy your early items quicker, and
obtain later items just as quick. You are able to get the responsible resistance items (Cloth
Armor, Null Magic Mantle) on the 1st back as well. If you are willing to risk Magical Footwear, I
personally don’t, but it gives 10 extra Movespeed if you want it.

Resolve: When you are wanting more HP, this is the tree to go, I have played with this one more
than the inspiration tree vs Assassins and it does the job. The armour/magic resist you were
missing in the runes before are in this tree, under Conditioning.
The last set of runes I will go on about is Glacial Augment, a lot of Aurelion Sol mains are taking
this in synergy with GLP (Yes some still do this). The Auto attacks slow early game which is one
of ASol’s key points in the game, but in my opinion, it is not needed.

Summoner spells 

That list is primarily one I follow. Ignite is my go to summoner for 90% of matches, Ghost if I
need to kite more often in fights/if I need the extra damage, Cleanse vs Elise and a follow up,
and then Exhaust vs Champs that require damage nullification. (i.e. Zed)

Barrier and Heal are options, but I rarely take them since I learnt to Exhaust, I find that 100
times better for my playstyle. Take them if you wish, but I’m not a fan of them anymore.

Teleport should NOT be used, simply because you will only manage to use it once. And should
NEVER be the 2nd to react to any fight.

Skill Order 

I look to max W 1st but at level 8, instead of pointing Q, I put an extra point in E. This is because
the E range from lvl 1 doubles at lvl 2, so it's nice to get that extra range. Putting a point in R
when you can and maxing Q after putting a 2nd point in E.
General Build 
Sol’s build is normally the same throughout all matchups, with minor changes in between each

To start, every game you play requires a Corrupting Potion. This is because you can spam
these in lane when pushing, replenishing your mana to push more and heal yourself. This is
then followed up by a Dark Seal at your 1st back to bolster your Corruption Potion stats. After
Dark Seal, get Tier 1 Boots.

Next up is your RoA, and in every matchup, you go for the Catalyst portion, as the passive/stats
are much better than the Blasting Wand. You should ALWAYS look to finish your RoA ASAP.
Tier 2 boots before the second item, which is Rylais. After it, the next item should be either
Morellonomicon vs squishy team comps, then vs tanky team comps you want Liandry’s.. The
fourth item should be a Rabadon’s. As you can really start being a threat once you finish the
hat, it makes up for the missing AP you don’t get as a standard mage. If needed, a Void Staff
can be built before it. Finish up your build with what you see fit towards the team comps!
In this section I rate each viable mid lane champion (nothing like Lucian mid) from Easy - Hard,
then give an explanation of how to play vs them in lane, whether you can/should roam and how
to play teamfights around the champion. (Take note that they are my opinions) (Everything in
Magenta ​is written by another Sol main)

Ahri ​- ​Medium
Ahri is not a threat to you at all pre-6, so you just shove her in and look for roams as early as
possible, however, she IS a threat post 6 because of her ult. It gets harder to play vs her as an
inexperienced Sol as she can get inside of your orbit with ease, dodge her Charm and you will
kill her, get hit by it you will die most likely. Once you have MR it shouldn't be too hard as you
outscale her at every point. Pick her off in fights as she tries to assassinate your carries,
exhaust her as she charms someone or starts ulting. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

Akali​ - ​Medium
Akali, reworked and remade into an assassin that is heavily punishing, should you make the
incorrect decisions. Pre-6 you’re just fine, she can’t do much, throwing a Q is all she’s got for the
first few minutes of the game (but be careful of E), you can really exploit this buy beating her
down with your W, Q and Autos. Then comes level 6, you want to stay FAR away from her
(where appropriate) to stop yourself from getting all inned. If you’re unsure where she is in the
shroud, she may as well be on top of you, be careful, she is a threat post lane phase, keep your
toes on the ground for this matchup! Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 2.

Anivia​ - ​Medium
Anivia is personally one of my most hated matchups, a good Anivia can REALLY rough up your
day, her gank set up and damage output is INSANE.. post 6. Before 6, you want to shove her in
as frequently as possible and roam as much as you can, she CANNOT follow you without TP. At
6 she just matches your shove and gives you a run for your money with how much damage she
can pump out. Focus her in teamfights as she is a HUGE teamfight threat over 1 area, and you
should be fine. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

Annie ​- ​Medium
I've seen many struggle vs Annie but i've gotten used to it. You should just shove and roam as
much as you can, if you see her walk up to you with her stun; it is most likely you are getting
ganked. If she steps up without it (less than 3 stacks), you can go for a trade and Q her with 2
W procs. You burst faster than her at all points in the game should you dodge the stun, exhaust
her if you feel necessary vs her because she does still do a lot of dmg. She is a menace in
teamfights with Tibbers, this AOE can be annoying, but once she’s used it, you can kill her
easily.Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ (She bursts faster imo but has a way shorter range
than your burst which is the reason she is a Medium not a hard matchup, also in endgame you
usually survive her burst)

Azir ​- ​Easy
Through my time of playing vs Azir, it's been awkward, because some know what they're doing
in lane and can poke you down and outtrade you, however, he cannot kill you if you play it right,
as much of fancy Shurima Shuffle's he can do, you simply have more burst In your kit for him.
He will outscale you in fights, but is SUPER vulnerable to a combo from you. Try and roam as
much as you can. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ (Azir is sometimes an annoying matchup
because I can't seem to kill him due to his mobility and he has brutal gank setup. Due to this I
personally would even put him Medium or vs a good Azir even Hard)

Brand ​- ​Easy
I haven't played vs much Brand's but all 4 times I have I've managed to stop him from doing
anything, he does have reliable waveclear but by the time he's killed the minions, you've killed
their bot lane. So make sure to roam whenever you can, aswell as stay in minions if you plan to
fight him as the E Q can catch you out, so stay in minions. You outscale him heavily in the later
game, although he has a LARGE teamfight presence. Be careful of that and full combo if you
need to. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ (Brand’s 6 Item spike is on fire and better than sols 6
item spike so he is a LIT Hyper Endgame champ. Other than that he is pretty much strong early
(Level 6) in fights where he loses a lot of momentum later and then get’s his strength back with
6 items compared to other champs in his class)

Cassiopeia ​- ​Medium
Against Cassiopeia, when you walk forward to push, she looks to E you. You will get outtraded
because it's guaranteed damage (unless you are experienced with Sol and you hit your stars,
go ahead and try), just try and shove and roam vs her, when it comes to fighting her, you want
to move as much as possible to dodge Q procs, you can damage her without facing her, this is
the best way to deal with her, OR, you can predict her R, you can Q her as she ults you and it
will be a similar stun length, you are naturally tankier with Catalyst, so you can kill her with your
R aswell. She likes to use a lot of mana, work your trades around that. Cassiopeia's later game
is weaker than earlier points in the game, even if she has 6 items, you can burst her before she
can press E, just full combo if she's fed and she dies. You have a much stronger teamfight
presence. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ (I would add that if you know you are going to get
hit by her Q just instantly run for your life as if she procs her Phase Rush she will be able to
chase you down and out damage you at the same time so prevent her getting Phase Rush if
you know she will be able to proc it)

Corki ​- ​Medium
Corki is a hard matchup for me, I’m not 100% sure on how to deal with him. He likes to keep you
in lane, but you shouldn’t have a problem laning against him as he can miss his Q most of the
time. You can’t roam much as he just contests the shove easily, maybe not early on, but
definitely around level 4. He likes to act as an ADC in teamfights, so just blow him up when you
see the chance. Can be tricky if he buys Maw however. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ ​(Corki
doesn't even remotely outscale sol as he is only good early and ok mid. His endgame is only ok
with good consistent damage and ok burst compared to sol who even hasn't the best endgame.
Also you have tons of kill pressure if you proc Phase Rush and he pushed you in as you can run
his w distance with ease. His roaming also sucks vs sol as a good sol pushes out always and as
soon as you hear that siren you just go to the lane he is most likely going to visit. Once he
commits there it’s his death sentence as you are there with way more consistent damage and
general damage. In lane he doesn’t even remotely compare to sol’s push. His W sucks for
pushing, his e isn’t great either and his Q is ok at best)

Diana​ - ​Medium
I haven't played vs much Diana either, but I have managed to beat all of them, she is really
easy to poke out pre 6, and she doesn't have reliable waveclear that early on, therefore you can
look for roams. Post 6 is an issue, she can get inside your stars and cancel them aswell. As she
ults and E's, ult her away and chain with Q and exhaust if needed. She has a lot of surprising
burst. You are a better teamfighter, but she can delete your ADC. So peel for them by stunning
her and exhausting aswell. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration.​ ​(She is pretty much the same as
Akali just easier and with less jumps so you shouldn’t Diana)

Ekko ​- ​Hard
Ekko is considered hard because of his overall kit. He is quite formidable because his Q slows
you, then he blinks forward with his E, followed by his move speed bonus which allows him to
get away with a free trade. Trades with him become difficult because of his passive more than
any other of his abilities. If he is at critical health he can just R, BUT WATCH HIS TRAIL, he will
look to use it to all in you again... He can dodge all your abilities with his R. At level 9 he can
start Qing a wave and it dies in a single cast, so use the time before this to shove him in and
roam. He can counter your ganks with a well timed TP (he normally takes this) so be prepared
for him to react to you top or bot. His main goal will be to split push, so look for teamfights where
he can't join and you should be fine. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 2.

Fizz ​- ​Hard
With Fizz, it is very important you shove him in and watch his levels, he gets powerspikes very
often and can kill you if you don't work around the waves. He won't all in you if you're in a stack
of minions. If he hits 6, he can kill you with ease, even under tower if you're not careful. Exhaust
is CRUCIAL to use as he lands the fish, as his burst is massively cut. You can then ult him back
(assuming he already E'd on you) to stop him from killing you further. He can waveclear once he
has some points in E. So he can then follow you after that. His counter ganks are strong with R,
and not so strong without, focus him in teamfights if you don't want him to assassinate
everyone. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 2.​ (​ Fizz is very fishy in the sense that you can’t use all
your spells early to block a bit of damage but rather you have to take that damage and then use
your disengage because else he will just kill you by jumping over ult)

Galio ​- ​Easy
I've played vs Galio a few times when he became a mid pick, it was no challenge beating him
as he was so susceptible to poke and damage from me, however, his set up for ganks are really
good. You can prevent this by staying further back and/or dodging his E, do so and you will be
fine. He can also follow your roams really well, as he has nice waveclear. His teamfights are
more oriented towards tanking damage for his team, you don’t need to focus him in later fights,
but rather watch out for his CC. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

Gangplank​ - ​Easy
Gangplank doesn't offer much damage at all early on, maybe he will Q you twice or so, BUT he
will not be able to outtrade you at any point of the early game, shove him in as he has no
reliable waveclear (barrels do no damage early) so shove in and look for roams, you have
minimal kill pressure in lane because of his oranges, so ask for a gank to chain cc him. He can
follow up your roam with an R himself however. He also outscales you immensely, doing more
damage overall than you in a teamfight (should he land barrels). Try and exhaust him if he
comes into range and kill him. Take Phase Rush +Inspiration 1.
Heimerdinger ​- ​Easy
As Heimerdinger sets up his turrets, you can start taking them out, he cannot keep them up and
you can shove him in really well early game. He can set up a gank with Ult E so be careful of
that. He also cannot follow your roams at all. In teamfights he is nothing more than a nuisance
when behind. Take Phase Rush +Inspiration 1.

Jayce -​ Hard
Jayce is a rather annoying matchup. He can and WILL outtrade you at all points in the lane, his
obnoxious ranged poke and melee all in make him a task for Sol. However, Jayce cannot
contest the shove early on. So you can freely push him in, but as the waves meet in the middle,
he can all in you when you activate W (if he doesn't he is a bad Jayce and he will lose the
trade), and you will 9 times out of 10 lose the trade. His teamfighting is decent compared to
most champions, he can EQ from afar and poke your team, you can out damage him in a
teamfight, but don't be surprised if he wipes out one or 2 if he is already ahead.Take Phase
Rush + Inspiration 2.

Karthus ​- ​Easy
Karthus will always try and hit you out of minions for extra damage, you're too fast for him, so
you get free shoves every time, he can only reliably follow up a gank with his R, but even then,
the damage is done. Once he missteps in lane you can punish and kill him easily. In teamfights,
look out for his positioning, if its close to your team, ult him away to minimise his passive's use.
Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ ​(An amazing Karthus can outdamage you early though so try
and always dodge his Q or else you might be BONED ← Please add that joke to your guide xD)

Kassadin ​- ​HARD
Kassadin is theoretically Sol's hardest matchup. 2 abilities in his kit directly counter Sol, them
being the Q (which stops channels, and your passive is a channel) and the R, which is in
essence a gapcloser/dash to get inside your orbit. As Sol, you want to make sure he is nowhere
near you when pushing early, or catching you out (he can kill you). If you are brave enough to
pick Sol into him, or have been picked into, this is how you beat him: Walk in the middle of the
minion wave WITHOUT YOUR W ON (not only does this waste your mana since he can stop
you, but he will also be inclined to Q you anyway.) in this case you will not be punished as such
for turning your W on, AFTER he Q's you, turn your W on and push the wave, if he doesn't Q
you, then that's ok, because your passive will push for you. When you shove in the 3 waves,
you want go back and look for roams, YOU DO NOT WANT TO LANE VS HIM. Shove in
coming waves and instantly look for roams, help your jungler invade, get someone ahead. This
way you aren't the only issue for their team, and you can beat Kassadin using your own team.
However should he engage on you in lane, R him away and stun him, he can stick onto you
very easily. Kassadin also outscales you HEAVILY. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.
(Endgame he can’t one shot you anymore and he takes a lot longer to kill you and getting rid of
him is not all too hard as your burst combo triggers your Phase Rush. Laning pre 6 vs him is
pretty easy even as long as you keep that trick in mind so I wouldn’t say that you don’t want to
lane vs him after 3 waves.)

Karma ​- ​Medium
I’ve only ever played vs Karma once in my time playing Sol, nevertheless, you will sometimes
lane vs her. She can Mantra Q the wave level 1, and try to contest the shove, but she can’t
because you shove way too fast. Also, if she decides to Mantra Q you, then you get the free
shove. Trading with her is somewhat hard due to her shields and snare, as she can easily get
inside your orbit, it’s a nightmare for newer Sol players, an experienced one should have no
issues in lane with her. Look to roam as well, since she can’t follow relatively well without TP.
Come teamfights, she will have MUCH more presence in them, as she can shield the entire
team. You have to either kill her or the carries before shields are applied. Take Phase Rush +
Inspiration 1.

Katarina​ - ​Hard
Katarina is borderline medium/hard for me because I'm so used to playing vs her. She cannot
contest your early game push, but come level 3, she can kill you very easily, STAY AWAY
FROM HER DAGGERS. When she hits level 6 she will want to all in you again, you can either R
where she lands to stop her ult, or simply Q her to stop her. You can roam relatively easily, just
be careful since she can follow you well. Exhaust her when you feel necessary, don't hold onto
it. She can do a LOT of dmg in short amounts of time, you outscale in fights. However she can
assassinate you, so be careful of that. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ ​(Also if she engages
you near a turret with a Q -> jump on you ult her into turret BEFORE she catches her W on you.
That way she loses that w damage and can’t jump out of turret range anymore. The timing is
very tight but when done correctly the reward is usually a summoner or a kill)

Kayle ​- ​Easy
I've played vs Kayle once. And she almost won the game because she HEAVILY outscales you.
But nevertheless, she is weaker than you in lane, therefore you can punish her and roam, she
can't follow you at all. Watch out for her R at 6 though, save stun for that duration of her R and
you will kill her. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

LeBlanc ​- ​Medium
LeBlanc has been reverted. And boy, It brings nightmares back to me, she’s a HUGE threat in
lane as she can answer you in every trade possible. There is however, one thing that stops her
from completely dominating the game, and that is her waveclear, she doesn’t have it anymore
as they’ve forced it back onto her W, her main damage tool. Do ​not ​underestimate her as she
can do a lot of burst damage. Until you get RoA, you should be tanky enough to not get oneshot
by her, judging that you never gave her kills. Due to her waveclearing being sub par, you can
take the opportunity to shove and roam if she wastes W. Look out for her later game, she’s one
of the best champions for pick potential! Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

Lissandra ​- ​Easy
Lissandra can bully you in lane, but you should bully her more as you shove faster, she can't
follow you when you roam. In teamfights she becomes a MONSTER, she has enough damage
in her kit to chunk/kill your backline, exhaust timing is CRITICAL if you want to survive
Lissandra's teamfight potential. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ (Also try and always stay
away from her in teamfights while you are near the frontline as her ulting you may destroy you)

Lux ​- ​Easy
Lux should not kill you at ANY point in this lane. If you position yourself to the side and start
shoving, she either has to E the minions or try and E you, and if she E's you, you've already won
the lane. You also should never get tagged by Q, as you are too fast for her. As well as if she
wastes her Q on the minion wave, or simply misses it, it should allow you to pretty much run her
down. However later on, she can catch you off-guard and one-shot you, if you have built no MR.
Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

Malzahar ​- ​Medium
If Malz is good, he will start E and contest the shove. If he is bad, he will Q you and waste mana
on getting shoved in anyway, you can poke him and remove his shield more or less all the time.
His ult is lethal if you are getting ganked, because this means certain death. If you sense you
are getting ganked, back up and farm under tower. Roam as much as you can so you get your
team ahead early on. In teamfights, Malzahar looks to lock down 1 person, and you have 2
ways of stopping him, do so and he will be useless in the rest of the fight. Take Phase Rush +
Inspiration 1.​ (Post 6 don’t get too close to malzahar while his minions are near you. Ult is pretty
much only lethal for Sol if the minions are not spawned right before he ults you)

Orianna​ - ​MEDIUM
Orianna is a really obnoxious champion, as she has waveclear, damage and good roam
potential with ghost. The matchup theoretically is a 60/40 in favour of Sol, once you get tankier
with ROA and a null magic, this makes it so that even if she hits her ult you will just punish her
later on for using it on you. The first 13 minutes or so are completely in your favour, giving you
every chance to roam. Eventually when she finishes Ludens she will look to outrade you,
however you too long ranged for her even with her ball, throw a Q and you’ll force her to walk
away. WATCH HER BALL AT ALL TIMES OF THE GAME. It's KEY to know when she has
pressed Q or not so you can go in for a trade or not. One of the easiest ways as Orianna is to R
flash Sol, but she can't do this if you flash aswell. Orianna has REALLY strong teamfight
presence with her R, try not to get caught by it and you will win the teamfight if she misses this.
A good Orianna can make your life hell, a bad one you just win. Almost too easy to outplay if
you pay attention to where her ball is. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.​ (Her waveclear is not
all too great. It’s good but not good enough to counter Sol. Also her nerfed Q and E make it
even easier)

Ryze ​- ​Easy
The annoying thing about Ryze is that he has great gank set up. He can be really obnoxious to
trade with because of his passive shield and can run away with Phase Rush, should you stun
him, as of now, you should win the trade. He can follow your roams as he has decent waveclear
and can follow with ult, but you are the MUCH better teamfighter because you have more AoE.
(Seraphs monkaS). Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

Swain​ - ​Medium
Swain’s rework took him to new heights, and new lows. Sol can exploit one of them, and that is
lack of instant wave clear, his new Q, W and E are what it takes to remove a wave. Swain can
catch you with his E though, so be careful of that, it’s fairly slow moving and can only root you
from the behind. His Ult turns the tides in teamfights, so you must be careful of that, exhaust
and stun him where appropriate to stop him from getting close to you or your teammates, he’s
normally played Top from what I see but in the event he’s mid, dodge E, shove, roam. Take
Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.
Syndra​ - ​MEDIUM
Syndra is a skillshot based champion, and your movespeed as a whole makes it hard for her to
hit you, a good Syndra will stun you as you press W to push/not waste the E on the wave, a
good Sol will dodge clockwise/anticlockwise, making her skillshots miss while still damaging her
with stars, her strongest part is her combo, which is why you need to dodge the majority of the
Q's and W's, exhaust her as she presses R, if you don't do this, you most likely die. You are
able to trade with a Syndra so long as you get MR, otherwise you are punished more heavily if
you are hit by her skills. She has HUGE teamfight potential with the ability to eliminate an ADC
or you. You have to be prepared to exhaust or kill her during a fight, a good combo can delete
her just as well. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1​.(Also her E alone can get very annoying as it
pushes you back slightly if you are in your W range which deactivates your stars so don’t expect
to kill one if her e is not already on cd)

Taliyah ​- ​Easy
This is an interesting matchup, both of you have the same goal. Shove in and roam to sidelanes
to get them ahead. Therefore there is a stalemate in the priority. You shove faster at level 1, and
post then, you are equal. If you see her off on the side, you can follow her, but she can also
follow you. If she wants to fight, 9 times out of 10 you win the matchup 1v1 because you are
faster, you have more burst, and you can exhaust her. By the time teamfights come, just kill her
everytime she mispostions. She still does a lot of damage, so be careful of that. Take Phase
Rush + Inspiration 1.​ (Also her Level 1 damage can kill sol if you are very reckless in mage
matchups early so be careful of that. Also noting what summoners she took can help. If she has
Ignite then she will probably want to kill you Level 1 or Level 3)

Talon ​- ​Hard
Talon is able to get mid priority on you, which you want, make sure you're ready to start shoving
in ASAP. When you shove him in the 2​nd​ time round, he will hit level 2 and most likely look to
WQ or QW you, take this trade and he will regret it when you Q him after, at 6, he will look to all
in you, if you suspect he will Q R, just ult him and chain with stun, he CAN kill you. Talon is just
as good a roamer as you, he can eventually match your shove and follow you to wherever you
lead off to, as with most other assassins, his teamfight is lacking, you are better than him in
teamfights should you not get caught by him. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 2.
Twisted Fate​ - ​Easy
TF can be annoying in lane with his stun card, this leads to ganks, however, you can also trade
back with your own stun and a few W procs. He can waveclear once he levels up more.
Therefore you can roam early on and not get punished for it. Post 6, you can be followed, BUT,
you can throw a stun to where he is landing (should he land visible to you) and normally he dies
from this. Peel your backline in fights vs TF as he can almost oneshot your ADC. Take Phase
Rush + Inspiration 1.

Veigar ​- ​Medium
I've gotten used to playing vs Veigar so I find it easy. But again, a new Sol player will struggle.
When he wants to win a trade, he will put his cage down, and a bad Sol will lose the trade/get
stunned and combo'd. Move around in his E, then you cannot get stunned/hurt by his abilities.
When he tries to ult you, exhaust him as you see the projectile, because you won't die in this
case, and kill him. In teamfights, you NEED to catch him out otherwise your team will all die to
him alone. Exhaust when you can and full combo him. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.

Vel'Koz ​- ​Easy
Vel'Koz is rather easy, but can be annoying. When he uses E to clear minions you can run at
him with stun and outtrade him. Be careful at post 6 because he can burst you down and kill you
with his R. You can still stop it using Q or R, but you should exhaust and run. He has reliable
waveclear (but a long CD) so you can roam, but expect him to follow. He does HUGE damage
in teamfights, but is really immobile, so if you catch him, he is dead. Take Phase Rush +
Inspiration 1.

Viktor ​- ​Medium
I have beaten Viktors, and I have lost to Viktors. He can match your shove once he completes
his 1​st​ upgrade, but you should be bullying him way before this, starve his CS count by shoving
him in and roaming, once he completes his item, he can 1v1 you with ease. His R cancels your
stars, his Q gives him movespeed and he can also slow you. So be careful of him, and exhaust
with full combo, and he should die. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 1.
Vladimir ​- ​Easy
Vlad has really short range for a mage, but he has a lot of sustain so he can stay in lane for
ages, but he cannot waveclear well early on. He is also very safe so don't try to kill him without
secure confidence, roam as much as possible and get your team to help you with him.
Executioners is key vs him as a team, so ask your ADC to buy one. Take Phase Rush +
Inspiration 1.

Xerath ​- ​Easy
Xerath is in my opinion Sol's easiest lane. He is immobile, his only safety in his kit is a skillshot,
and you win the extended trades. You are too fast for him so you dodge the stun and stun him
instead and win the trade. Roam to ruin his teams day, he can only ult from afar, so he can't
reliably follow you. In teamfights, you want to focus him, as he can kill your backline by poking
them constantly, you can kill him easily because he is so immobile. Take Phase Rush +
Inspiration 1.​ ​(His e has ok speed so if he positions like he should further away from you, you
have to run straight at him which makes landing it not too hard for a good Xerath. You have to
dodge it or else it is a big block though and if it hits you don’t expect to get anything vs him)

Yasuo ​- ​Hard
Yasuo is a funny one. He is hard to deal with as a new Sol, but as you get better at Sol, the
easier this matchup becomes. Yasuo's that start Q are a free lane, just shove them in, Yasuo's
that start E however, is an entirely different story. You have to give up priority for that time being
and farm safely, otherwise you take bad trades and you don't really want that. During the rest of
the lane. You will most likely be forced to stay mid because his ability to take towers are among
the best in the game, and you REALLY cannot afford to give up mid tower so early. But what
you can do is force a gank on him, he can get caught in the middle of trying to EQ you, just use
your ult on him to slow him, wait for windwall to Q him, it blocks it. Should you be in the position
to get ulted, you can ult him under tower after he lands from his ult. He outscales you every
time, so make sure to stay away from him later on. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 2.

Zed ​- ​Hard
Zed is (inherently in my opinion) a skill matchup. Early lane is easy, he can't do much to stop
you from pushing, Level 3 you have to be careful, because he can poke you and then all in you
after successful poke. Dodge the WQE's and you will be fine. Roam when he is shoved in and
get your teammates ahead, post 6 it becomes more of a mountain, in fact, it's more of a post
Youmuus, this matchup becomes more difficult, if he presses R and Q E, you die. BUT, you can
stop this, if you R as he lands from his, you can chain this into Q and run away for free. A good
Zed will use his W before he ults to switch to his W shadow, rather than landing in his R
position. A BETTER Zed will throw his W behind you before ulting to stop you from flashing
towards your tower, run away from Zed entirely or flash in a different direction. This however
rarely happens, if it does, just flash out. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOT USE R OTHER THAN
THIS (in lane) otherwise, you will die to Zed. You are a MUCH better teamfighter than him, he
does have a lot of dmg, but you should have done enough damage for him to not carry his
team. 9 times out of 10 an inexperienced Sol will lose. Take Phase Rush + Inspiration 2.​ (Due to
his insane burst once he finishes duskblade he is a matchup to hate… That had to be ZED
(read that as said))

Ziggs​ - ​Easy
Ziggs is a really easy one because he can only damage you with skillshots, you are too fast for
him, you have more burst early game, but he can waveclear really well with Q and E. He can
also follow your roams really well with his ult. But in the 1v1 you win all times because of
exhaust and a stun. You shouldn't step on his mines at all, otherwise he can kill you. Ziggs has
large presence in teamfights and can blow up the backline if you aren't careful. Look to kill him
when you can to avoid heavy damage to your team. Take Phase Rush +Inspiration 1.​ (Against
him you can even take ghost a lot of the time. The only spell that is annoying from him is his W
which deactivates your stars. That however is easy to dodge so you should be able to avoid the
BOMBASTIC problem of losing your W)

Zoe​ - ​Medium
Zoe is an interesting one, because you’d expect her RNG to play a factor in the early laning, in
this case she doesn’t, since you’re always pushing, she can’t do much to stop it. As for her early
game, it should be relatively easy to get successful roams off, but be careful of her gank setup.
Post 6 it gets a lot harder, it becomes more difficult to hit her overall as her R dodges literally
everything in your book. Her roams are also pretty good. If her RNG spoils her an active item
such as Redemption you’ll want to avoid trying to fight her for the duration (as well as other
summoners and actives), be careful of how you use YOUR summoners as well as she takes
them. If you have lock down for her then she is really easy to kill with your combo. Take Phase
Rush + Inspiration 1.
Playing the game 

The Early Game: You’ve landed in Summoner’s Rift, and you’ve summoned Aurelion Sol. This
is how you’re going to play the early game as him. Level 1 you buy Corrupting Potion and rush
to mid lane. Position yourself so you are READY to push the wave, if you don’t do this, you lose
mid lane priority and you shouldn’t have picked Sol if you want to AFK level 1. As soon as the
1st minions come in, auto attack the 1st 2 minions that come into the lane so you don’t need to
waste more mana than you need to on the 1st shove. After this, you position yourself to the side
and activate your W to push in the remaining minions. If the enemy decides to poke you, I tend
to let them, because they’re losing minions as it is, wasting their abilities on me, and not the

As they are shoved in, look to ward the enemy raptors, this gives VITAL information for your
team. As you know whether the jungler has done their raptors or not, if they started it then you
know they’re on their buff OR are still doing the camp. Go back mid lane and shove in the
second wave, you should ALWAYS hit level 2 first, look for free poke with the stun if you catch
your laner out of position. Shove in the 3rd wave and look to go back. You should now have a
Dark Seal and the enemy wave should come back to your tower, you may miss one minion,
nevertheless, shove them in again and look for an early roam. If you see a potential gank, go for
it. ​Always look to gank where your jungler is, as in this case it makes it so that if the
enemy jungler or mid laner countergank, it is a 4v4 at worst case scenario.​​ You won’t get
punished because the enemy is still farming under their tower at this point. If your gank was
unsuccessful or couldn’t find an opportunity to gank, then keep shoving your enemy/get vision at
the worst case. You now should be looking to roam at every wave, see one? Go for it, the
enemy will react quicker than last time though, but slow enough for you to make an impact.

At Level 6 you unlock more catch potential. Roam with your jungler like last time and look to kill
the enemy bot laner or top laner, or even a kill on your mid laner. If you can find the enemy
jungler, depending on who it is, you can kill them with your ultimate up. Rinse and repeat until
an objective (tower) has been taken.

The Mid Game: ​From here on out it is more macro based rather than micro, so I can’t
really put this to my full knowledge of what you should do. ​When the 1st tower of the game
has been taken, the enemy or your team, look to group mid to siege the opposite tower, this can
cause poke wars and can spark a fight. Position yourself well in fights and use Rylais to catch
people off guard and stun them. Use your ult to disengage if you need to or use it to force kills
by slowing them. You should be using your large AOE presence to make people give up other
objectives. Taking Dragons when you need them. Keep shoving waves back, make sure you
have wards around as you don’t want to get caught. From here on out, look to catch people with
Rylai's to make your life killing people 10 times easier.
If you were the one to take the 1st tower, and not any side lanes, look to roam towards either
side lane (whichever looks unhealthier) and then take that tower. Make sure you are with your
jungler doing this, otherwise if the enemy team reacts, it can be nasty for you.

The Late Game: For the late game (should you get here) you have more than enough damage
to be a HUGE threat to the enemy team in teamfights. I tend to look for fights in the jungle
primarily, because of your large AOE presence. The enemy might start focusing you as you are
putting out large amounts of damage, normally for me they don’t notice that I’m killing them in
two stars. Use your ult for heavy burst damage on their backline/pushing people away from you.
Look for large stuns if you want to engage a fight, use at your own risk.

As a side note, WATCH THIS VIDEO: ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VhpC2fzXis

Combos, Tips/Tricks, FAQ and Acknowledgements. 

Combos you can do: ​https://youtu.be/vCiiC6dis3E​ Credit to KazoBurg on this one!

Tips and Tricks​:

The SolSec is as it sounds, a Dragon flashing behind you to push someone back. I’ve only ever
been in the situation to do it once. And my natural instincts told me to do it. But you basically
press R in one direction, then flash behind them. (As seen in the video)

When you are dueling with Sol, you sometimes need to contract the stars, while contracting they
still do the same amount of damage as if they were expanded until fully contracted. Use this to
your advantage

When you select a destination with your E, press Q on that same location to start creating a
large stun, this can be used to force objectives, fights and zoning. Don’t try and click on the
map, the Q works where your cursor is pointed.

Movespeed is more important than damage for Aurelion Sol, hence why I take so much move
speed in my setup. More movespeed equates to MORE damage with the way his W works. Huhi
explains it well in the “Pocket Pick” video.

Q: IS SOL JUNGLE VIABLE?!?!!!?!?!?!?!

A: No. I get asked this way too often, but nevertheless, Sol Jungle WAS a thing. But since the
nerf last season, it is no longer viable. Therefore he is really bad at clearing camps and can also
get counter jungled really easily. You pick this with intent of working? You’re trolling.


A: No. Again, you pick this with intent of it working, you’re trolling. The damage is high, yes, he
can compete with the likes of Zyra/Brand, but enjoy getting poked by the ADC and Supp. You
will die very often, aka you’re trolling.

Q: Who can I watch to learn more?

A: I advise always plan ahea. He is a high Challenger Sol main who plays him really well. When
Quantum Fizzics (Sweaty ASol) starts streaming again, you can go to him aswell. Huhi is also
brilliant on him.

Q: Do you like the skin?

A: I prefer to use the Classic, looks more clean compared to Ashen Lord. The skin itself is sick.

Q: How can I follow you?

A: You can follow my builds/playstyle on my op.gg, internet too bad for streaming:

Q: Why should I follow what you say? You’re low Diamond!!!

A: Tilt happens and it’s part of my playstyle, this guide was written when I was in my prime
(number 1 EUW), so I can always refer to it when I’m very tilted/lacking in skill.


A: Yes. It’s bad. Never use it.


A: Dodge or Ban. There is literally nothing you can do vs that broken champion. For a short
summary here rather than in the matchups section, she is literally more useful than you for the
entire game, has more damage, and can stomp you in lane accordingly.

Q: What about Ryalis 1st? Where is that?

A: To put it short, I genuinely think this option is absolutely terrible. Although Quantum Fizzics
does it, and some Koreans do it, the maths and the stats you get from Rylais 1st compared to
RoA is a landslide, you surrender TWO runes for it to work. Which for me is a waste of a slot.
Play it if you wish, just don’t be surprised if it doesn’t go well. 

KazoBurg: I am a Diamond 5 Sol main/one trick who provided some more insight on a few
matchups and provided the combo guide. Additionally some major puns have been done by me

Sansorik: I helped make sure the wording for the matchups was readable.

Lala: ez edits XD

Joey for removing ego

All pictures associated with Riot Games: League of Legends. Also OP.GG.

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