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252 Electronics


(3) Examples : Quartz, calacite, mica, diamond etc.
Semiconductor electronics (4) They have well defined facets or faces.
(5) They are ordered at short range as well as at
long range.
(6) They are anisotropic, i.e. the physical properties
like elastic modulii, thermal conductivity, electrical
conductivity, refractive index have different values in
different direction.
(7) They have sharp melting point.
(8) Bond strengths are identical throughout the
(9) These are considered as true solids.
(10) An important property of crystals is their
Solids symmetry.
It is a state of matter which has a definite shape Amorphous or glassy solids
and a definite volume. The characteristic properties of
(1) These solids have no definite external
the solid depends upon the nature of forces acting
geometrical form.
between their constituent particles (i.e. ions, atoms or
molecules). Solids are divided into two categories. (2) Ions, atoms or molecules of these solids are not
arranged in a definite fashion.
Crystalline solids
(1) These solids have definite external geometrical
(2) Ions, atoms or molecules of these solid are
arranged in a definite fashion in all it’s three dimensions.

(3) Example : Rubber, plastic, paraffin wax, cement

(4) They do not possess definite facets or faces.
253 Electronics
(5) These have short range order, and there is no long (5) Crystallographic axis : The lines drawn
range order. parallel to the lines of intersection of the faces of the
(6) They are isotropic. unit cell are called crystallographic axis.

(7) They do not have a sharp melting point. All the crystals on the basis of the shape of their
unit cells, have been divided into seven crystal systems
(8) Bond strengths vary. as shown in the following table.
(9) These are considered as pseudo-solids or super Table 27.1 : Different crystal systems
cooled liquids.
System Lattice Angle Examples
(10) Amorphous solids do not have any symmetry. constan betwee
Terms Related with Crystal Structure ts n lattice
(1) Crystal lattice : It is a geometrical ts
arrangement of points in space where if atoms or Cubic
molecules of a solid are placed, we obtain an actual
crystal structure of the solid.
(2) Basis : The c atoms or molecules attached with
 a =b= == Diamond,
 lattice point in a crystal structure is called the c NaCl, Li,
= 90o
basis of crystal astructure. Ag, Cu,
b NH4Cl, Pb
Number of lattices etc.

c a =bc == White tin,
Basis containing two different = 90o NiSO4 etc.
  ions
 a

Number of lattices

Crystal structure
 Unit cell : Is defined as that volume of the
 (3) a bc == HgCl2,
solid from which the entire crystal structure can be = 90o KNO3,
a gallium etc.
b by the translational repetition in three
dimensions. The length of three sides of a unit cell (3D)
are called primitives or lattice constant they are Number of lattices
denoted by a, b, c
 Monoclinic

  a
 a bc  =  = KclO3,
c 

b  90o and  FeSO4 etc.
 c  90o
  3D unit
 2D unit cell
b cell Fig. 27.1
(4) Primitive cell : A primitive cell is a minimum
Number of lattices
volume unit cell or the simple unit cell with particles
only at the corners is a primitive unit cell and other
types of unit cells are called non-primitive unit cells. Triclinic
There is only one lattice point per primitive cell.

  c a bc  K2Cr2O7,

b a
Electronics 254
90o CuSO4 etc. In general, if the same appearance of a crystal is

repeated on rotating through an angle , around
Number of lattices
an imaginary axis, the axis is called an n-fold axis.
Rhombo-hedral or Table 27.2 : A cubical crystal possesses in all
Trigonal 13 axis
of symmetry

a =b= == Calcite, As, Axis of four-fold Axis of three-fold Axis of two-fold
c  90o Sb, Bi etc. symmetry = 3 symmetry = 4 symmetry = 6
a (Because of six (Because of (Because of
  faces) eight corners) twelve edges)
c  b

Number of lattices

a =bc  =  = Zn, Cd, Ni
90o and  etc. (4) Elements of symmetry : The total number of
= 120o
  b planes, axes and centre of symmetry possessed by a
a 
crystal are termed as elements of symmetry. A cubic
Number of lattices crystal possesses a total of 23 elements of symmetry.
Planes of symmetry  (3  6)  9 ,
Different Types of Symmetry in Cubic Lattices
Axes of symmetry  (3  4  6)  13 ,
(1) Centre of symmetry : An imaginary point
within the crystal such that any line drawn through it Centre of symmetry = 1.
intersects the surface of the crystal at equal distances Total number of symmetry elements = 23
in both directions.
More About Cubic Crystals
(1) Different lattice in cubic crystals : There are
three lattice in the cubic system.
Fig. (i) The simple cubic (sc) lattice.
(ii) The body-centered cubic (bcc).
(2) Plane of symmetry : It is an imaginary plane
which passes through the centre of a crystal and divides (iii) The face-centered cubic (fcc).
sc bcc fcc
it into two equal portions such that one part is exactly
the mirror image of the other.

(A) (B) (C)

(2) Atomic radius 27.4
: The half of the distance
(A) Rectangular (B) Diagonal
plane of between two atoms in contact is defined as atomic
plane of
symmetry Fig. 27.3 symmetry radius.
A cubical crystal possesses six diagonal plane of
symmetry and three rectangular plane of symmetry. D C
r r
(3) Axis of symmetry : It is an imaginary straight r r a
line about which, if the crystal is rotated, it will present a
r r a
the same appearance more than once during the a C
r r
complete revolution. a
A a B
A a B
r fcc unit cell
bcc unit cell
sc unit cell
r = a/2

255 Electronics
a3 / 6 
Thus P.F.    0.52= 52%
a3 6
(3) Atoms per unit cell : An atom located at the
corner of a unit cell of a lattice is shared equally by 3
(ii) For bcc : P.F.   68%
eight other unit cells in the three dimensional lattice. 8
Therefore, each unit cell has 1/8th share of an atom at its
each corner. Similarly, a face of the unit cell is common 
(iii) For fcc : P.F.   74%
to the two unit cells in the lattice. Therefore, each unit 3 2
cell has 1/2 share of an atom at its each face. The atom
(6) Density of unit cell : Density of unit cell
located at the centre of the unit cell belongs completely
to the unit cell. Massof theunitcell nA nA
  
Let Nc, Nb and Nf be the number of atoms at the Volumeof theunitcell NV Na3
corners, centre and face of the unit cell respectively. where n = Number of atoms in unit cell (For sc
Therefore the number of atoms per unit cell is given by lattice n = 1, for bcc lattice n = 2, for fcc lattice n =
Nf 4), A = atomic weight, N = Avogadro’s number, V =
N  Nb   Volume of the unit cell.
2 8
(7) Bond length : The distance between two
(i) In sc lattice : N b  0, N f  0, N c  8 so nearest atoms in a unit cell of a crystal is defined as
N 1 bond length.
(i) In a sc lattice : Bond length = a (ii) In a bcc
(ii) In bcc lattice : N b  1, N f  0, N c  8 so
N2 3a
lattice : Bond length  (iii) In a fcc lattice : Bond
(iii) In fcc lattice : N b  0, N f  6, N c  8 so
N4 length 
(4) Co-ordination number : It is defined as the
number of nearest neighbours that an atom has in a Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) Structure
unit cell. It depends upon structure.
The HCP structure also maximizes the packing
(i) Simple cubic structure : Each atom has two fraction
neighbours along X-axis, two along Y-axis and two along
Z-axis so co-ordination number = 6.
(ii) Face-centred cubic structure: Every corner
atom has four neighbours in each of the three planes
XY, YZ, and ZX so co-ordination number = 12
(iii) Body-centred cubic structure: The atom of the
body of the cell has eight neighbours at eight corner of
the unit cell so co-ordination number = 8.
(5) Atomic packing fraction (or packing factor a
or relative packing density)
(A) (B)
The atomic packing fraction indicates how close the Fig. 27.6
atoms are packed together in the given crystal structure (1) a b c
or the ratio of the volume occupied by atoms in a unit (2) Number of atoms per unit cell = 6
cell in a crystal and the volume of unit cell is defined as
(3) The volume of the hexagonal cell = 3 2 a3
(i) For sc crystal : Volume occupied by the atom in
(4) The packing fraction 
 2
4 3 a3
the unit cell  r  . Volume of the unit cell (5) Coordination number = 12
3 6
(6) Magnesium is a special example of HCP lattice
 a3 structure.
Bonding Forces in Crystals
Electronics 256
The properties of a solid are mainly determined by crystals have anisotropic behaviour i.e. their physical
the type of bonding that exists between the atoms. properties (like mechanical strength, refractive index,
According to bonding in crystals they are classified into thermal and electrical conductivity) are different along
following types. different directions. The small sized single crystals are
(1) Ionic crystal : This type of bonding is formed called mono-crystals.
due to transfer of electrons between atoms and
(2) Poly-crystals : A poly-crystal is the aggregate
consequent attraction between them.
of the monocrystals whose well developed faces are
(i) In NaCl crystal, the electron of Na atom is joined together so that it has isotropic properties.
transferred to chlorine atom. In this way Na atom Ceramics are the important illustrations of the poly-
changes in to Na+ ion and Cl atom changes into Cl– ion.
crystalline solids.
(ii) Cause of binding is electrostatic force between
positive and negative ion. (3) Liquid crystals : The organic crystalline solid
which on heating, to a certain temperature range
(iii) These crystal are usually hard, brittle and
becomes fluid like but its molecules remain oriented in a
possesses high melting and boiling point.
particular directions, showing that they retain their
(iv) These are bad conductor of electricity. anisotropic properties, is called liquid crystal. These
(v) Common example are NaCl, CsCl, LiF etc. crystals are used in a liquid crystal displays (L.C.D.)
(2) Covalent crystal : Covalent bonding is formed which are commonly used in electronic watches, clocks
by sharing of electrons of opposite spins between two and micro-calculators etc.
Energy Bands
(i) The conductivity of these solids rise with rise in
temperature. This theory is based on the Pauli exclusion principle.
(ii) These crystal posses high melting point. In isolated atom the valence electrons can exist only
in one of the allowed orbitals each of a sharply defined
(iii) Bonding between H2, Cl2 molecules Ge, Si,
Quartz, diamond etc. are common example of covalent energy called energy levels. But when two atoms are
bonding brought nearer to each other, there are alterations in
energy levels and they spread in the form of bands.
(3) Metallic bonds : This type of bonding is formed Actual separation of
due to attraction of valence (free) electrons with the atoms in the crystal
positive ion cores
(i) Their conductivity decreases with rise of
(ii) When visible light falls on a metallic crystal, the
electrons of atom absorb visible light, so they are
opaque to visible light. However some orbital electrons
absorb energy and reach in excited state. They then
return to their normal states, remitting light of same
frequency. O r0 r
Common examples are Na, Li, K, Cs, Au, Hg etc. Fig. 27.7 Origin of energy bands in a
(4) Vander waal's crystal : These crystal consists Energy bands are ofsolid
following types
of neutral atoms or molecules bonded together in solid
(1) Valence band : The energy band formed by a
phase by weak, short range attractive forces called
vander Waal's forces. series of energy levels containing valence electrons is
known as valence band. At 0 K, the electrons fills the
(i) This bonding is weakest and occurs in solid CO2,
energy levels in valence band starting from lowest one.
methane, paraffin, ice, etc.
(i) This band is always filled with electrons.
(ii) They are normally insulator, they are soft, easily
compressible and posses low melting point. (ii) This is the band of maximum energy.
(5) Hydrogen bonding : Hydrogen bonding is due (iii) Electrons are not capable of gaining energy from
to permanent dipole interaction. external electric field.
(i) This bond is stronger than vander Waal's bond (iv) No flow of current due to electrons present in
but much weaker than ionic and covalent bond. this band.
(ii) They possesses low melting point. (v) The highest energy level which can be occupied
(iii) Common examples are H2O, HF etc. by an electron in valence band at 0 K is called fermi
Single, Poly and Liquid Crystals
(2) Conduction band : The higher energy level
(1) Single crystal : The crystals in which the band is called the conduction band.
periodicity of the pattern extends throughout the piece
(i) It is also called empty band of minimum energy.
of the crystal are known as single crystals. Single
257 Electronics
(ii) This band is partially filled by the electrons. of
(iii) In this band the electrons can gain energy from resistance
external electric field. Effect of Decreases — Increases
(iv) The electrons in the conduction band are called re on
the free electrons. They are able to move any where conductivi
within the volume of the solid. ty
(v) Current flows due to such electrons. Effect of Increases — Decreases
(3) Forbidden energy gap (Eg) : Energy gap re on
between conduction band and valence band resistance
E g  (C.B.)min  (V.B.)max Examples Cu, Ag, Au, Wood, Ge, Si, Ga, As
Na, Pt, Hg plastic, etc.
etc. mica,
C.B. diamond,
min. glass etc.
Eg Electron 1029/m3 — Ge ~ 1019 /m3
max density Si ~ 1016 /m3
V.B. .
Holes in Semiconductors
Fig. 27.8
(1) When an electron is removed from a covalent
(i) No free electron is present in forbidden energy
gap. bond, it leaves a vacancy behind. An electron from a
neighbouring atom can move into this vacancy, leaving
(ii) Width of forbidden energy gap depends upon the
the neighbour with a vacancy. In this way the vacancy
nature of substance.
formed is called hole (or cotter), and can travel through
(iii) As temperature increases (), forbidden energy the material and serve as an additional current carriers.
gap decreases () very slightly.
(2) A hole is considered as a seat of positive
Table 27.3 : Types of solid
charge, having magnitude of charge equal to that of an
Properti Conductors Insulators Semiconducto electron.
es rs
(3) Holes acts as virtual charge, although there is
Electrical 102 to 108 10– 8 Ʊ/m 10– 5 to 100 Ʊ/m
conductivi Ʊ/m no physical charge on it.
(4) Effective mass of hole is more than electron.
Resistivity 10–2 to 10–8 - 108 -m 105 to 100 -m
m (negligible) (5) Mobility of hole is less than electron.
Band C.B.
structure C.B. Intrinsic Semiconductors
Eg (large) Eg (small) (1) A pure semiconductor is called intrinsic
semiconductor. It has thermally generated current
V.B. V.B. carriers
(2) They have four electrons in the outermost orbit
Energy Zero or very Very large; Ge  0.7 eV of atom and atoms are held together by covalent bond
gap (Eg) small for
Si  1.1 eV
diamond it (3) Free electrons and holes both are charge
is 6 eV GaAs 1.3 eV
carriers and ne (in C.B.)  nh (in V.B.)
GaF2  2.8 eV
Current Free electrons –– Free electrons (4) The drift velocity of electrons (ve ) is greater
carriers and holes
than that of holes (vh )
Condition V.B. and C.B. V.B. – V.B. –
of V.B. are completely somewhat (5) For them fermi energy level lies at the centre of
and C.B. completely filled empty the C.B. and V.B.
at filled or C.B. C.B. – C.B. – (6) In pure semiconductor, impurity must be less
ordinary is some what completely somewhat filled
temperatu empty than 1 in 108 parts of semiconductor.
(7) In intrinsic semiconductor
Temperatu Positive Zero Negative
re co-
Electronics 258

ne(o)  nh(o)  ni ; where ne(o)  Electron density in number density of electron in conduction band or the
number density of holes in valence band in a pure
conduction band, nh  Hole density in V.B., ni  semiconductor then nenh  ni2 (mass action law)
Density of intrinsic carriers.
(11) Extrinsic semiconductors are of two types
(8) The fraction of electrons of valance band present
(i) N-type semiconductor (ii) P-type semiconductor
in conduction band is given by f  e E g / kT ; where Eg =
N-Type Semiconductor
Fermi energy or k = Boltzmann's constant and T =
Absolute temperature These are obtained by adding a small amount of
pentavalent impurity to a pure sample of semiconductor
(9) Because of less number of charge carriers at
room temperature, intrinsic semiconductors have low
conductivity so they have no practical use.
(10) Number of electrons reaching from valence Intrinsic N-type
S.C. S.C.
band to conduction band 3 / 2  Eg / 2kT
n  AT e Pentavalent
Extrinsic Semiconductor
(1) An impure semiconductor is called extrinsic 27.10
semiconductor Ge Ge Ge

(2) When pure semiconductor material is mixed with Donor

small amounts of certain specific impurities with
valency different from that of the parent material, the
Ge As Ge
number of mobile electrons/holes drastically changes.
The process of addition of impurity is called doping.

Intrinsic Extrinsic Ge Ge Ge
S.C. S.C.

Fig. Fig.
27.9 27.11 – electrons
(1) Majority charge carriers
(3) Pentavalent impurities : The elements whose
atom has five valance electrons are called pentavalent Minority charge carriers – holes
impurities e.g. As, P, Sb etc. These impurities are also (2) ne >> nh; ie >> ih
called donor impurities because they donate extra free
(3) Conductivity   ne e e
(4) N-type semiconductor is electrically neutral (not
(4) Trivalent impurities : The elements whose negatively charged)
each atom has three valance electrons are called
(5) Impurity is called Donar impurity because one
trivalent impurities e.g. In, Ga, Al, B, etc. These
impurity atom generate one electron.
impurities are also called acceptor impurities as they
accept electron. (6) Donor energy level lies just below the
conduction band.
(5) The compounds of trivalent and pentavalent Conduction
elements also behaves like semiconductors e.g. GaAs, band
EF Ed 
InSb, In P, GaP etc. Donor levels
Eg  1 eV 0.01eV
(6) The number of atoms of impurity element is
about 1 in 108 atoms of the semiconductor. Valence
(7) In extrinsic semiconductors ne  nh Fig. 27.12
Intrinsic P-type
(8) In extrinsic semiconductors fermi level shifts S.C. S.C.
towards valence or conduction energy bands. P-Type Semiconductor
(9) Their conductivity is high and they are used for These are obtained by adding a small amount of
practical purposes. trivalent impurity to a pure sample of semiconductor
(10) In a doped extrinsic semiconductor, the (Ge).

number density of e of the conduction band (ne) and
the number density of holes in the valence band (nh)
differs from that in a pure semiconductor. If ni is the

Fig. 27.13
259 Electronics
Silicon Intrinsic 7  1015 7  1015
Ge Ge Ge tor
Silicon doped N-type 5  1022 1  109
with semiconduc
phosphorus tor
Ge As Ge (1 part in 106)
Silicon doped P-type 1  109 5  1022
Valence with semiconduc
electrons aluminium (1 tor
part in 106
Ge Ge Ge

Conductivity of Semiconductor
(1) Majority charge carriers – holes (1) In intrinsic semiconductors ne = nh. Both electron
Minority charge carriers – electrons and holes contributes in current conduction.
(2) nh >> ne; ih >> ie (2) When some potential difference is applied across
(3) Conductivity   nh h e a piece of intrinsic semiconductor current flows in it due
(4) P-type semiconductor is also electrically neutral to both electron and holes i.e. i = ie + ih 
(not positively charged) i  eA[neve  nhvh ]
(5) Impurity is called Acceptor impurity.
(6) Acceptor energy level lies just above the valence e– hole
band V
Eg  1 eV Acceptor Fig. 27.15
EF levels Ea 
Valence 0.01eV J i
(3) As we know    . Hence conductivity
band E AE
Fig. 27.14 of semiconductor
Density of Charge Carriers   e[ne  e  nh h ] ; where ve = drift velocity of
Due to thermal collisions, an electron can take up or electron, vh = drift velocity of holes, E = Applied electric
release energy. Thus, occasionally a valence electron
ve v
takes up energy and the bond is broken. The electron field e   mobility of electron and  h  h 
goes to the conduction band and a hole is created. And E E
occasionally, an electron from the conduction band mobility of holes
loses some energy, comes to the valence band and fills (4) Motion of electrons in the conduction band and
up a hole. Thus, new electron-hole pairs are formed as of holes the valence band under the action of electric
well as old electron-hole disappear. A steady-state field is shown below
situation is reached and the number of electron-hole
pairs takes a nearly constant value. For silicon at room E Conduction Conduction band
temperature (300 K), the number of these pairs is about electron
7  1015 m3. For germanium, this number is about 6  – –
1019 /m3.
Eg Hole Band gap
Table 27. 4 : Densities of charge carriers
Material Type Density of Density – + – + – Valancy band
conduction of holes
electrons (m– (m–3) – – – – –
) 
Electric field E
Copper Conductor 9  1028 0

Fig. 27.16
Electronics 260
So the barrier electric field
(5) At absolute zero temperature (0 K) conduction V 0.5
band of semiconductor is completely empty i.e.  = 0. E   5  105 V / m
d 106
Hence the semiconductor behaves as an insulator.
(3) Some important graphs
P-N Junction Diode
Potential Charge
When a P-type semiconductor is suitably joined to density
an N-type semiconductor, then resulting arrangement is
called P-N junction or P-N junction diode +

P-N Junction –
Distanc distanc
P N e e
P N Electric
Anode Cathod
e field
27.17 Distance
(1) Depletion region : On account of difference
in concentration of charge carrier in the two sections of Fig. 27.19
P-N junction, the electrons from N-region diffuse through (4) Diffusion and drift current : Because of
the junction into P-region and the hole from P region concentration difference holes/electron try to diffuse
diffuse into N-region. from their side to other side. Only those holes/electrons
crosses the junction, which have high kinetic energy.
Due to diffusion, neutrality of both N and P-type
This diffusion results in an electric current from the P-
semiconductor is disturbed, a layer of negative charged
side to the N-side known as diffusion current (idf)
ions appear near the junction in the P-crystal and a
layer of positive ions appears near the junction in N- As electron hole pair (because of thermal
crystal. This layer is called depletion layer collisions) are continuously created in the depletion
– +
region. There is a regular flow of electrons towards the
VB N-side and of holes towards the P-side. This makes a
current from the N-side to the P-side. This current is
called the drift current (idr).

Depletion layer It means the way of connecting emf source to P-N
junction diode. It is of following two types
Fig. 27.18
(i) The thickness of depletion layer is 1 micron = (1) Forward biasing : Positive terminal of the
10 m. battery is connected to the P-crystal and negative
terminal of the battery is connected to N-crystal
1 E
(ii) Width of depletion layer  – +
(iii) Depletion is directly proportional to
(iv) The P-N junction diode is equivalent to
capacitor in which the depletion layer acts as a P N
dielectric. + –
(2) Potential barrier : The potential difference Fig. 27.20
created across the P-N junction due to the diffusion of (i) In forward biasing width of depletion layer
electron and holes is called potential barrier. decreases
For Ge VB  0.3V and for silicon VB  0.7V (ii) In forward biasing resistance offered RForward 
10 - 25
On the average the potential barrier in P-N
junction is ~ 0.5 V and the width of depletion region ~ (iii) Forward bias opposes the potential barrier and
10–6m. for V > VB a forward current is set up across the
261 Electronics
(iv) The current is given by i  is(eeV / kT  1) ;
Reverse Breakdown
If the reverse biased voltage is too high, then
is  Saturation current, In the exponent e = 1.6 
breakdown of P-N junction diode occurs. It is of following
10-19 C, two types
k = Boltzmann's constant (1) Zener breakdown : When reverse bias is
(v) Cut-in (Knee) voltage : The voltage at which the increased the electric field across the junction also
current starts to increase rapidily. For Ge it is 0.3 V and increases. At some stage the electric field becomes so
high that it breaks the covalent bonds creating electron,
for Si it is 0.7 V.
hole pairs. Thus a large number of carriers are
(vi) df – diffusion generated. This causes a large current to flow. This
Forward current in

dr – drift mechanism is known as Zener breakdown.

(2) Avalanche breakdown : At high reverse
voltage, due to high electric field, the minority charge
carriers, while crossing the junction acquires very high
velocities. These by collision breaks down the covalent

bonds, generating more carriers. A chain reaction is

established, giving rise to high current. This mechanism
P N is called avalanche breakdown.
(2) Reverse biasing : Positive terminal of I the Special Purpose Diodes
battery is connected to the N-crystal and negative
Inet (1) Zener diode : It is a highly doped p-n junction
Knee to P-crystal
terminal of the battery is connected E
– voltage
+ Forward which is not damaged by high reverse current. It can
Eb voltage operate continuously, without being damaged in the
Fig. 27.21 region of reverse background voltage. In the forward
bias, the zener diode acts as ordinary diode. It can be
used as voltage regulator

– + d voltage
IL Load Regulated
Fig. RL voltage
(i) In reverse biasing27.22
width of depletion layer (B) Symbol of
increases (A) Zener diode as a voltage zener diode
(ii) In reverse biasing resistance offered RReverse  Fig. 27.24
105 (2) Light emitting diode (LED : Specially
designed diodes, which give out light radiations when
(iii) Reverse bias supports the potential barrier and
forward biases. LED’S are made of GaAsp, Gap etc.
no current flows across the junction due to the diffusion
of the majority carriers. These are forward biased P-N-junctions which emits
spontaneous radiation.
(A very small reverse currents may exist in the N
circuit due to the drifting of minority carriers across the
junction) Fig. 27.25
(iv) Break down voltage : Reverse voltage at which (3) Photo diode: Photodiode is a special type of
break down of semiconductor occurs. For Ge it is 25 V photo-detector. Suppose an optical photons of
frequency  is incident on a semiconductor, such that its
and for Si it is 35 V.
energy is greater than the band gap of the
(v) Reverse semiconductor (i.e. h > Eg) This photon will excite an
voltage electron from the valence band to the conduction band
Break Reverse current leaving a vacancy or hole in the valence band.
Idf Which obviously increase the conductivity of the
Idr semiconductor. Therefore, by measuring the change in
Inet the conductance (or resistance) of the semiconductor,
one can measure the intensity of the optical signal.
Fig. 27.23
Electronics 262
1/ 2
Iac  Irms  

r     1 = 1.21
Idc  Idc  
Fig. 27.26
 
(4) Solar cells : It is based on the photovoltic (vii) Peak inverse voltage (PIV) : The maximum
effect. One of the semiconductor region is made so thin reverse biased voltage that can be applied before
that the light incident on it reaches the P-N-junction and commoncement of Zener region is called the PIV. When
gets absorbed. It converts solar energy into electrical diode is not conducting PIV across it = V0
(viii) Efficiency : It is given by
Fig. Pout 40.6
27.27 %   100
P-N Junction Diode as a Rectifier Pin rf
Rectifier is a circuit which converts ac to RL
unidirectional pulsating output. In other words it
If RL >> rf then  = 40.6%
converts ac to dc. It is of following two types
If RL = rf then  = 20.3%
(1) Half wave rectifier : When the P-N junction
diode rectifies half of the ac wave, it is called half wave Irms 
rectifier (ix) Form factor =   1.57
Idc 2
output (x) The ripple frequency () for half wave rectifier is
Input RL
ac same as that of ac.
(2) Full wave rectifier : It rectifies both halves of
ac input signal. D
V or I 1

ac signal + + V0 or I0 RL
– –
O/P (dc)
V or I
Output D2
dc signal + + V0 or I0
Fig. 27.28 ac signal + +

– –
(i) During positive half cycle
Diode forward biased Output
D1 D2 D1 D2
Output signal obtained dc signal

(ii) During negative half cycle Fluctuating dc

Diode reverse biased Fig. 27.29
Output signal not obtained (i) During positive half cycle
(iii) Output voltage is obtained across the load Diode : D1 forward biased
resistance RL. It is not constant but pulsating (mixture of
ac and dc) in nature . D2 reverse biased

(iv) Average output in one cycle Output signal obtained due to D1

I0 V0 V0
Idc  and Vdc  ; I0  (ii) During negative half cycle
  rf  RL
Diode : D1 reverse biased
(rf = forward biased resistance) D2 forward biased

I0 V Output signal obtained due to D2

(v) r.m.s. output : Irms  , Vrms  0 only
2 2
(iii) Fluctuating dc Filter constant dc.
(vi) The ratio of the effective alternating component
of the output voltage or current to the dc component is (iv) Output voltage is obtained across the load
known as ripple factor. resistance RL. It is not constant but pulsating in nature.
263 Electronics
2V0 2I (6) Junction transistor are of two types :
(v) Average output : Vav  , Iav  0 (i) NPN transistor : It is formed by sandwiching a
 
thin layer of P-type semiconductor between two N-type
V0 I0 semiconductors
(vi) r.m.s. output : Vrms  , Irms 
2 2 E N P N C E C

(vii) Ripple factor : r = 0.48 = 48%

(viii) Ripple frequency : The ripple frequency of full B
wave rectifier = 2  (Frequency of input ac) Fig. 27.31 B

(ix) Peak inverse voltage (PIV) : It's value is 2V0 In NPN transistor electrons are majority charge
carriers and flow from emitter to base.
81.2 (ii) PNP transistor : It is formed by sandwiching a
% 
(x) Efficiency : r for rf << RL ,   81.2% thin layer of N-type semiconductor between two P-type
1 f semiconductor

(3) Full wave bridge rectifier : Four diodes D1, D2,

D3 and D4 are used in the circuit. B
During positive half cycle D1 and D3 are forward Fig. B
biased and D2 and D4 are reverse biased 27.32

During negative half cycle D2 and D4 are forward In PNP transistor holes are majority charge carriers
biased and D1 and D3 are reverse biased and flow from emitter to base.
In the symbols of both NPN and PNP transistor,
D1 D4
arrow indicates the direction of conventional current.
ac –
suppl Working of Transistor
y Vout
D2 D3 RL (1) There are four possible ways of biasing the two
+ P-N junctions (emitter junction and collector junction) of
ac signal + + (i) Active mode : Also known as linear mode

(ii) Saturation mode : Maximum collector current
Output flows and transistor acts as a closed switch from
dc signal collector to emitter terminals.
D2 D3 D4 D1 D3 (iii) Cut-off mode : Denotes operation like an open
switch where only leakage current flows.
Fig. 27.30
Transistor (iv) Inverse mode : The emitter and collector are inter
(1) The name of this electronic device is derived
from it's fundamental action transfer resistor. Table 27.5 : Different modes of operation of a
(2) Transistor does not need any heater or hot transistor
filament, transistor is small in size and light in weight. Operating Emitter base Collector base
(3) Transistor in general is known as bipolar junction mode bias bias
transistor. Active Forward Reverse
(4) Transistor is a current operated device. Saturation forward Forward
(5) It consists of three main regions Cut off Reverse Reverse
(i) Emitter (E) : It provides majority charge carriers Inverse Reverse Forward
by which current flows in the transistor. Therefore the
emitter semiconductor is heavily doped. (2) A transistor is mostly used in the active region of
(ii) Base (B) : The based region is lightly doped and operation i.e. emitter base junction is forward biased
thin. and collector base junction is reverse biased.
(iii) Collector (C) : The size of collector region is
larger than the two other regions.
Electronics 264
(3) From the operation of junction transistor it is With small increase in emitter-base voltage VEB, the
found that when the current in emitter circuit changes. emitter current Ie increases rapidly due to small input
There is corresponding change in collector current. resistance.
(4) In each state of the transistor there is an input (v) Input characteristics : If VCB = constant, curve
port and an output port. In general each electrical between Ie and VEB is known as input characteristics. It is
quantity (V or I) obtained at the output is controlled by also known as emitter characteristics
the input.
Table 27.6 : Circuit diagram of PNP/NPN transistor
NPN – transistor PNP – transistor

N P N P N P VCB = – 10
Ib Ie Ib
Ie (mA) VCB = – 20 VCB = 0
Ib Ib
– – V
mA A mA mA A mA Input characteristics of NPN transistor are also
– + +
similar to the above figure but Ie and VEB both are
VEB VCB VEB VCB negative and VCB is positive.
VEB (in volt)
Dynamic input resistance of a transistor is given by
Ie Ic Ie Ic  VEB  Fig. 27.34
Ri   
 { Ri is of the order
 Ie  VCB  constant

Ib Ib of 100 }
(vi) Output characteristics : Taking the emitter
current ie constant, the curve drawn between IC and VCB
are known as output characteristics of CB configuration.
5% emitter electron 5% emitter holes combine
combine with the holes in with the electrons in the Ic (mA)
the base region resulting in base region resulting in Ie = 40 mA
small base current. small base current. Ie = 30 mA
Remaining 95% electrons Remaining 95% holes enter Ie = 20 mA
enter the collector region. the collector region. Ie = 10 mA
Ie > Ic , and Ie = Ib + Ic Ie > Ic , and Ie = Ib + Ic Ie = 0 mA

Transistor Configurations
A transistor can be connected in a circuit in the VCB (in
following three different configurations. volt)
Fig. 27.35
Common base (CB), Common emitter (CE) and
Common collector (CC) configuration.  V 
Dynamic output resistance Ro  
CB 
(1) CB configurations : Base is common to both i 
 C i
e  constant
emitter and collector .
PNP (2) CE configurations : Emitter is common to both
Ie Ic
base and collector.
+ The graphs between voltages and currents when
– RL emitter of a transistor is common to input and output
Ib VCB =
– circuits are known as CE characteristics of a transistor.
VEB = input output
+ C Ic
Ib B

Fig. 27.33 + RL
Ie VCE =
(i) Input current = Ie (ii) Input voltage = VEB –
VEB = input output
(iii) Output voltage = VCB (iv) Output current = IC +

265 Electronics
Input characteristics : Input characteristic curve
is drawn between base current Ib and emitter base
voltage VEB, at constant collector emitter voltage VCE.

An n-channel FET consists of a block of N-type

material with contacts at each end together with a strip
of P-type material on one side that is called the gate.
When connected as shown, electrons move from the
source terminal to the drain terminal through the N-type
VCE=0 channel. the PN junction is given a reverse bias, and as
100 a result both the N and P materials near the junction are
80 VCE=5V depleted on charge carriers. The higher the reverse
60 potential on the gate, the larger the depleted region in
Ib (A)
the channel and the fewer the electrons available to
40  V 
Dynamic input Ri   BE  carry the current. Thus the gate voltage controls the
20 resistance I 
 B V
CE  constant
channel current. Very little current passes through the
0 gate circuit owing to the reverse bias, and the result is
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Output characteristics : Variation of collector an extremely high input impedance. FET is uni-polar.
VBE (volt)
current IC with VCE can be noticed for VCE between 0 to 1
V only. The value of VCE up 27.37
to which the IC changes with Transistor as an Amplifier
VCE is called knee voltage. The transistor are operated in A device which increases the amplitude of the input
the region above knee voltage. signal is called amplifier.

70 IB=300 A
60 IB=250 A er
50 IB=200 A Input signal Output amplified
40 IB=150 A signal
Ic (mA)
30 IB=100 A Fig.
20 IB=50 A 27.40
The transistor can be used as an amplifier in the
10 IB=0 mA
following three configuration
0 5 10 15 20 (i) CB amplifier (ii) CE amplifier (iii) CC amplifier
VCE (volt) (1) NPN transistor as CB amplifier
Fig. 27.38
 VCE  ie ic
Dynamic output resistance R0   
 E
 IC
C –
 I B  constant i C RL
Inpu B
~ VCB +
Field-Effect Transistor t ib
sign VCC VCC
The low input impedance of the junction transistor is al VEE ic –
a handicap in certain applications. In addition, it is
– +
difficult to incorporate large numbers of them in an
Fig. 27.41
integrated circuit and they consume relatively large (i) ie  ib  iC ; ib = 5% of ie and iC = 95% of ie
amounts of power. The field-effect transistor (FET) lacks
these disadvantages and is widely used today although (ii) VEE < VCC
slower in operation than junction transistors. (iii) Net collector voltage VCB = VCC – iCRL
Input P-type gate When the input signal (signal to be amplified) is fed
signal Depletion to the emitter base circuit, it will change the emitter
– region
Drain voltage and hence emitter current. This in turn will
+ change the collector current (ic). This will vary the

– +
Fig. 27.39 channel
Electronics 266
collector voltage VCB. This variation of VCB will appear as (iii) Voltage gain :
an amplified output. Vo
Av    ac  Resistance
(iv) Input and output signals are in same phase Vi
(2) NPN transistor as CE amplifier Po 2
(iv) Powergain   ac  Resistance


C ic (v) Trans conductance (gm) : The ratio of the change
ie B in collector current to the change in emitter base
RL ic
VCE voltage is called trans conductance. i.e. gm  .
~ Ie + VEB
sign VBB – AV
al Also gm  ; RL = Load resistance
+ – ic

Fig. (3) Relation between  and  :   or
(i) ie  ib  iC ; ib = 5% of ie and iC = 95% of ie 1 

(ii) VCC > VBB  
1 
(iii) Net collector voltage VCE = VCC – iCRL
Transistor as an Oscillator
(iv) Input and output signals are 180° out of phase.
(1) It is defined as a circuit which generates an ac
Different Gains in CE/CB Amplifiers output signal without any externally applied input
(1) Transistor as CB amplifier
Audio frequency oscillators generates signals of
(i) ac current gain
frequencies ranging from a few Hz to 20 kHz and radio
current(ic )
Smallchangein collector frequency oscillators have a range from few kHz to MHz.
 ac 
current(ie )
Smallchangein collector (2) In an oscillator the frequency, waveform, and
magnitude of ac power generated is controlled by circuit
VB (constant) itself.
(ii) dc current gain (3) An oscillator may be considered as amplifier
ic ) which provides it's own input signal.
 dc(or )  (4) The essential of a transistor oscillator are
Emittercurrent(ie )
(i) Tank circuit : Parallel combination of L and C.
valve of dc lies between 0.95 to 0.99
1 1
(iii) Voltage gain This network resonates at a frequency  0  .
2 LC
Vo )
Changein outputvoltage( (ii) Amplifier : It receives dc power from the
Av 
Changein inputvoltage(Vi ) battery and converts into ac power.
The amplifier increases the strength of oscillations.
 Av = ac  Resistance gain
(iv) (iii) Feed back circuit : This circuit supplies a part
of the collector energy to the tank circuit.
Po )
Changein outputpower(
Pc )
Changein inputpower( Amplifier Out put

 Powergain  ac  Resistance
(2) Transistor as CE amplifier
LC network
 i 
(i) ac current gain  ac   c  VCE = constant Fig.
 ib  27.43
L' common-emitter NPN oscillator is shown in
(5) A basic
i the figure.
(ii) dc current gain  dc  c C
ib B

Fig. 27.44
267 Electronics

Input  50 to 200  1 to 2  150 – 800

resistance (Ri)  low k k high
Output  1 – 2 k  50 k  k low
resistance high medium
Current gain 0.8 – 0.9 low 20 – 200 20 – 200
high high
A tank circuit (L-C circuit) is connected in the base-
Voltage gain Medium High Low
emitter circuit, in which the capacitance C is kept
variable. By changing C oscillations of a desired Power gain Medium High Low
frequency can be obtained. An inductance coil L' Phase Zero 180 o
connected in the collector-emitter circuit is coupled to difference
coil L. between
input and
On completion of the circuit electrical oscillations
are developed in the tank circuit. The circuit amplifies voltages
these oscillations. A part of the amplifies signal in the
Used as current Power Voltage
collector circuit is fed back in the base circuit by the
amplifier for
coupling between L and L'. Due to this feed back
amplitude of oscillation builds up till power dissipation
in the oscillatory circuit becomes equal to power fed-
back. In this state the amplitude of oscillations becomes Digital Electronics

The oscillations can be transferred to an external

circuit by mutual induction in a coil connected in that

(6) Need for positive feedback : The oscillations

are damped due to the presence of some inherent
electrical resistance in the circuit. Consequently, the
amplitude of oscillations decreases rapidly and the
oscillations ultimately stop. Such oscillations are of little
practical importance. In order to obtain oscillations of
constant amplitude, we make an arrangement for Decimal and Binary Number System
regenerative or positive feedback from the output (1) Decimal number system : In a decimal
circuit to the input circuit so that the losses in the circuit number system, we have ten digits i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
can be compensated. 7, 8, 9.
A A decimal number system has a base of ten (10)

e.g. 1971 = 1000 + 900 + 70 + 1

= 1  103 + 9  102 + 7  101 + 1  100


LSD = Least significant digit

Fig. 27.45
MSD = Most significant digit
Table 27.7: Comparison between CB, CE and CC
amplifier (2) Binary number system : A number system
which has only two digits i.e. 0 (Low) and 1 (High) is
Characterist Amplifier known as binary system. The base of binary number
system is 2.
Electronics 268
(i) Each digit in binary system is known as a bit and
a group of bits is known as a byte.
(ii) The electrical circuit which operates only in
these two state i.e. 1 (On or High) and 0 (i.e. Off or Low) (2) Digital voltage signal : The signal which has
are known as digital circuits. only two values. i.e. either a constant high value of
Table 27. 8 : Different names for the digital signals voltage or zero value is called digital voltage signal

State Code 1 0 +V
On Off
Up Down O
Close Open
Excited Unexcited Fig. 27.47
Name for the State
True False Boolean Algebra
Pulse No pulse (1) In Boolean algebra only two states of variables
(0 and 1) are allowed.
High Low
(2) The variables (A, B, C ….) of Boolean Algebra are
Yes No subjected to three operations.
(i) OR Operation : Represented by (+) sign
(3) Decimal to binary conversion
(i) Divide the given decimal number by 2 and the A
successive quotients by 2 till the quotient becomes
(ii) The sequence of remainders obtained during B
divisions gives the binary equivalent of decimal number.
(iii) the most significant digit (or bit) of the binary
Fig. 27.48
number so obtained is the last remainder and the least Boolean expression Y = A + B
significant digit (or bit) is the first remainder obtained
during the division. When switch A or B is closed – Bulb glows
For Example : Binary equivalence of 61 (ii) AND Operation : Represented by (·) sign
2 61 Remaind Boolean expression Y = A · B
When switches A and B both are closed – Bulb glows
2 30 1 LSD
2 15 0
2 7 1
2 3 1
2 1 1
Fig. 27.49
0 1 MSD
 (61)10 = (111101)2 (iii) NOT Operation : Represented by bar over the
(4) Binary to decimal conversion : The least variables
significant digit in the binary number is the coefficient Boolean expression Y  A
of 2 with power zero. As we move towards the left side
of LSD, the power of 2 goes on increasing.
For Example : (11111100101)2 = 1  210 + 1  29
+ 1  28 + 1  27 + 1  26 + 1  25 + 0  24 + 0  23 + 1 A
 22 + 0  21 + 1  20 = 2021 +

Voltage Signal
(1) Analogue voltage signal : The signal which
represents the continuous variation of voltage with time A OFF  Lamp ON
A ON  Contact at T is
is known as analogue voltage signal broken
 Lamp OFF
+ V0 Fig. 27.50
V (3) Basic Boolean postulates and laws

– V0

Fig. 27.46
269 Electronics
(i) Boolean Postulates : 0 + A = A, 1 · A = A,
1 + A = 1, 0 · A = 0,
A A 1
(ii) Identity law : A + A = A, A·A=A
(iii) Negation law : A  A
(iv) Commutative law : A + B = B + A, A · B = B · A
(v) Associative law : (A+B) + C = A + (B+C),
(i) A = 0, B = 0
(A · B) · C = A · (B · C)
Both diodes D1 and D2 do not conduct and hence Y
(vi) Distributive law : A · (B+C) = A · B + A · C =0
(A + B) · (A + C) = A + BC
(ii) A = 0, B = 1
(vii) Absorption laws : A + A·B = A, A · (A + B) = A
D1 = Does not conducts, D2 = Conducts, hence Y =
A · (A  B)  A · B 1
(viii) Boolean identities : A AB  A B , (iii) A = 1, B = 0

A(A  B)  AB , D1 = Conducts, D2 = Does not conduct, hence Y = 1

(iv) A = 1, B = 1
A  BC  (A  B)(A  C) ,
Both D1 and D2 conducts, hence Y = 1
(A  B)· (A  C)  AC  AB
(4) Truth table for 'OR' gate
(ix) De Morgan’s theorem : It states that the
complement of the whole sum is equal to the product of
individual complements and vice versa i.e. 0 0 0

A  B  A  B and A  B  A  B 0 1 1
1 0 1
Logic Gates and Truth Table
1 1 1
(1) Logic gate : The digital circuit that can be
analysed with the help of Boolean algebra is called logic The 'AND' Gate
gate or logic circuit. A logic gate has two or more inputs
(1) It has two inputs (A and B) and only one output
but only one output.
There are primarily three logic gates namely the OR
(2) Boolean expression is Y = A · B is read as " Y
gate, the AND gate and the NOT gate. equals A AND B"
(2) Truth table : The operation of a logic gate or A
circuit can be represented in a table which contains all B
possible inputs and their corresponding outputs is called
Fig. 27.53 : Logical symbol of AND gate
the truth table. To write the truth table we use binary
digits 1 and 0. (3) Realization of AND gate

The 'OR' Gate D1

(1) It has two inputs (A and B) and only one output
(2) Boolean expression is Y = A + B and is read as V R
"Y equals A OR B" B
A 0
Fig. 27.54
Fig. 27.51 : Logical symbol of OR gate
(i) A = 0, B = 0
(3) Realization of OR gate


Fig. 27.52
Electronics 270
The voltage supply through R is forward biasing
diodes D1 and D2 (offers low resistance) the voltage V
would drop across R

The output voltage at Y = the voltage across diode


(ii) A = 0, B = 1

D1 = conducts, D2 = Not Conducts

(4) Truth table for NOT gate :
the out voltage at Y= The voltage across the diode
(D1) =0 A Y A
(iii) A = 1, B = 0 0 1

D1 = Conducts, D2 = Not conducts 1 0

the out voltage at Y= The voltage across the diode

(D2) =0 Combination of Logic Gates
iv) A = 1, B = 1 (1) The ‘NAND’ gate : From ‘AND’ and ‘NOT’ gate

None of the diode conducts Y = A ·B

the out voltage at Y= Battery voltage =1 B
(4) Truth table for 'AND' gate
A B Y=A.B  Y
0 0 0
0 1 0 Fig. 27.57
1 0 0 Boolean expression and truth table : Y  A  B
1 1 1
A B Y = A  B Y
The 'NOT' Gate
0 0 0 1
(1) It has only one input and only one output. 0 1 0 1
(2) Boolean expression is Y  A and is read as “y 1 0 0 1
equals not A” 1 1 1 0

A Y (2) The ‘NOR’ gate : From ‘OR’ and ‘NOT’ gate

A Y = A + B
Fig 27.55 : Logical symbol of NOT gate
(3) Realization of NOT gate : The transistor is so B
biased that the collector voltage VCC = V (Voltage
corresponding to 1 state)
The resistors R and R1 are so chosen that if the input  Y
is low i.e. O, the transistor is in the cut off and hence
the voltage appearing at the output will be the same as Fig. 27.58
applied V. Hence Y = V (or state 1)
Boolean expression and truth table : Y  A  B
If the input is high, the transistor current is in
saturation and the net voltage at the output Y is 0 (in A B Y = A + B Y
state 0)
0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0
A R1

Fig. 27.56
271 Electronics
(3) The ‘XOR’ gate : From ‘NOT’, ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ (i) When both the inputs (A and B) of the NAND gate
gate. Known as exclusive OR gate. are joined together then it works as the NOT gate.
The logic gate which gives high output (i.e., 1) if
either input A or input B but not both are high (i.e. 1) is
called exclusive OR gate or the XOR gate. Fig. 27.61

It may be noted that if both the inputs of the XOR (ii) Truth table and logic symbol
gate are high, then the output is low (i.e., 0).
Input Output
A Y '  A.B A=B Y
0 1
1 0

(2) Construction of the ‘AND’ gate from the

A ‘NAND’ gate
B (i) When the output of the NAND gate is given to the
B Y ' '  A.B input of the NOT gate (made from the NAND gate), then
the resultant logic gate works as the AND gate
 Y A Y
Fig. 27.59 Fig. 27.62
Boolean expression and truth table : Y = A  B =
(ii) Truth table and logic symbol
A B  AB
A B Y Y
A B Y 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 0
(4) The exclusive nor (XNOR) gate
(3) Construction of the ‘OR’ gate by the
‘NAND’ gate

A (i) When the outputs of two NOT gates (obtained

Y from the NAND gate) is given to the inputs of the NAND
B gate, the resultant logic gate works as the OR gate
 Y
Fig. 27.60
Boolean expression : Y = A  B = A B  AB
Logic Gates Using 'NAND' Gate B
The NAND gate is the building block of the digital
electronics. All the logic gates like the OR, the AND and Fig. 27.63
the NOT can be constructed from the NAND gates. (ii) Truth table and logic symbol
(1) Construction of the ‘NOT’ gate from the
‘NAND’ gate
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
Electronics 272

1 0 0 1 1 (iii) Field emission

1 1 0 0 1 (iv) Secondary emission
Thermionic Emission
Valve Electronics (1) The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from a
metal surface by the application of heat is called
thermionic emission and emitted electrons are called
thermions and current flowing is called thermion
(2) Thermions have different velocities.
(3) This was discovered by Edison
(4) Richardson – Dushman equation for current
density (i.e. electric current emitted per unit area of
metal surface) is given as
qV 11600V
Electron Emission from Metal  
J  AT 2e W0 / kT  AT 2e kT  AT 2e T

(1) Free electron in metal experiences a barrier on

where A = emission constant = 12 104 amp/ m2-
surface due to attractive Coulombian force.
K2 , k = Boltzmann’s constant, T = Absolute temp and
(2) When kinetic energy of electron becomes W0 = work function.
greater than barrier potential energy (or binding energy (5) The number of thermions emitted per second
Eb ) then electron can come out of the surface of per unit area (J) depends upon following :

metal. (i) J  T 2 (ii) J  eW0

(3) Fermi energy (Ef) : Is the maximum possible Table 27.9: Types of thermionic emitters
energy possessed by free electron in metal at 0K
temperature Directly heated emitter Indirectly heated
(i) In this energy level, probability of finding electron
is 50%. Plate
(ii) This is a reference level and it is different for
different metals. e– e–
(4) Threshold energy (or work function W0) : Is
the minimum energy required to take out an
Cathod Filament
Cathod Filament
e e
from the surface of metal. Also W0 = Eb – Ef
Cathode is directly heated Cathode is indirectly
by passing current. heated.
Eb level Thermionic current is less. Thermionic current is more.
Fermi Energy consumption and Energy consumption and
Ef energy life is small. life is more.
W0 = Eb – Ef energy Vacuum Tubes and Thermionic Valves
Fig. 27.64 materials (1) Those tubes in which electrons flows in vacuum
Work function for different
are called vacuum tubes.
(W0)Pure tungsten = 4.5 eV
(2) These are also called valves because current
(W0)Throated tungsten = 2.6 eV flow in them is unidirectional.
(W0)Oxide coated tungsten = 1 eV (3) Vacuum in vacuum tubes prevents the emission
W0 of secondary electrons and burning of heated filament
(which will happen if we use air in place of vacuum)
(5) Four processes of electron emission from a metal (4) Every vacuum tube necessarily contains two
are electrodes out of which one is always electron emitter
(cathode) and another one is electron collector (anode
(i) Thermionic emission Fig. 27.65
or plate).
(ii) Photoelectric emission
273 Electronics
(5) Depending upon the number of electrodes used
the vacuum tubes are named as diode, triode, tetrode,
The curve is not linear hence diode valve is a non-
pentode…. respectively, if the number of electrodes ohmic device.
used are 2, 3, 4, 5….. respectively.
(1) Space charge limited region (SCLR) : In this
Diode Valve region current is space charge limited current.

Heater Also i p  Vp3 / 2  i p  kVp3 / 2 ; where k is a

Anode (P) (K) constant depending on metal as well as on the shape
and area of the cathode. This is called child’s law.
(2) Linear region (LR) : In this region i p  Vp

e (3) Saturated region (SR) or temperature
limited region (TLR) : In this part, the current is
Filament independent of potential difference applied between the
cathode and anode.
Base pins i p  f(Vp ) , i p  f (Temperature)
(A) Diode valve (B) Symbol
The saturation current follows Richardson Dushman
Fig. 27.66 equation i.e. i  AST 2e 0 / kT ; Here

(1) Inventor : Fleming 4 mek2

A = Emission constant =
amp/ m2  k2
(2) Principle : Thermionic emission h
(3) Number of electrodes : Two
S = Area of emitter in m2 ; T = Absolute
(4) Working : When plate potential ( Vp ) is temperature in K
positive, plate current ( i p ) flows in the circuit (because 0 =Work function of metal in Joule; k =Boltzmann
some emitted electrons reaches to plate). If + Vp constant

increases i p also increases and finally becomes The small increase in i p after saturation stage due
maximum (saturation). to field emission is known as Shottkey effect.
iP (4) Diode resistance
(i) Static plate resistance or dc plate resistance :
P Vp
+ Rp  .
VPP ip
VP Rh –
(ii) Dynamic or ac plate resistance : If at constant
F F filament current, a small change ∆VP in the plate
potential produces a small change i p in the plate
Fig. 27.67 current, then the ratio Vp / i p is called the dynamic
resistance, or the ‘plate resistance’ of the diode
(5) Space charge : If Vp is zero or negative, then Vp
electrons collect around the plate as a cloud which is rp  .
called space charge. space charge decreases the i p
emission of electrons from the cathode.
(iii) In SCLR : rp  R p , (iv) In TLR : R p  rp
Characteristic Curves of a Diode
and rp   .
A graph represents the variation of i p with Vp at (5) Uses of diode valve
a given filament current ( i f ) is known as characteristic (i) As a rectifier (ii) As a detector
curve. (iii) As a transmitter (iv) As a
ip C
T2 Diode Valve as a Rectifier
(mA) D T1
Rectifier is a device which converts ac into dc
Stopping (1) Half wave rectifier : The circuit of half wave
potential A LR TLR or
rectifier is shown below. In the first half cycle of ac input
Fig. 27.68
Electronics 274
the diode conducts and in the second half cycle it does
not conducts. Thus half of the input cycle appear as
D1 voltage
~ VOut (i) The average or dc output values are
2V0 2i0
Vd.c.  and id.c. 
t  
(A) Half wave rectifier (B) Output signal (ii) It is a mixture of ac and dc
Fig. 27.69 (iii) The r.m.s. values of the half wave output are
given by
(i) Output voltage is not constant but pulsating in
nature. V0 i0
Vrms  and irms 
(ii) It is a mixture of ac and dc. 2 2
(iii) The dc values of the half wave output are given 2
  
by (iv) Ripple factor r    .
 2 2   1  0.48  48%
 
V0 i
Vd.c.  and id.c.  0 (v) Efficiency of half wave rectifier is given by
 
Pd.c. 81.2
(iv) The r.m.s. values of the half wave output are   100%  %
given by Pa.c. rp
V0 i RL
Vrms  and irms  0
2 2 The maximum efficiency (for RL >> rp) = 81.2%

(v) The ratio of the effective alternating component irms Vrms 

to the direct component of the output voltage or current (vii) Form factor     1.11
id.c. Vd.c. 2 2
is called ripple factor
(viii) Ripple frequency = Double of frequency of input
2 2
ia.c. i    ac = 2
r   rms   1     1  1.21  121% .
id.c.  id.c.   2 Filter Circuit
(vi) Efficiency of half wave rectifier is given by Filter circuits smooth out the fluctuations in
amplitude of ac ripple of the output voltage obtained
Pd.c. 40.6 from a rectifier.
  100%  %
Pa.c. rp (i) Filter circuit consists of capacitors or/ and choke
RL coils.
(ii) A capacitor offers a high resistance to low
The maximum efficiency (for RL >> rp) = 40.6%
frequency ac ripple (infinite resistance to dc) and a low
irms Vrms  resistance to high frequency ac ripple. Therefore, it is
(vii) Form factor     1.57 always used as a shunt to the load.
id.c. Vd.c. 2
(iii) A choke coil offers high resistance to high
(viii) Ripple frequency = Frequency of input ac =  frequency ac, and almost zero resistance to dc. It is used
(2) Full wave rectifier : It consist of two diodes D1 in series.
and D2 . They conducts alternately during positive and (iv)  - Filter is best for ripple control.
negative half cycle of input ac and a unidirectional (or
dc) current flows in output (v) For voltage regulation choke input filter (L-filter)
1 F is best.
Control Cathode (K)
grid (G)
Output voltage Triode Valve
+ V0 Output Anode (P)
~ Glass
voltage P
D1 D2 D1 D2
D2 t
(A) Full wave rectifier (B) Output signal
Fig. 27.70 Base pins
(B) Symbol
(A) Triode valve

Fig. 27.71
275 Electronics
The valve of VG for which the plate current becomes
zero is known as the cut off voltage. For a given Vp , it

is given by VG   .

Characteristics of Triode
The triode characteristics can be obtained under
two sets of condition as
Static characteristics and dynamic characteristics
(1) Inventor : Dr. Lee De Forest
(1) Static characteristics : Graphical
(2) Principle : Thermionic emission representation of Vp or Vg and ip without any load
(3) Number of electrodes : It consists of three (i) Static plate characteristic curve : Graphical
electrodes. representation of ip and VP at constant Vg .
(i) Filament (F) : It emits electron on heating.
(ii) Plate or anode (P) : It collect the electrons. Vg = 0 – 2V – 4V

(iii) Control grid : It is a third electrode, also known

as control grid, which controls the electrons going from
cathode to plate. As a result grid controls the plate
current. It is kept near the cathode with low negative
potential. VP
When grid is given positive potential then plate Fig. 27.73
current increases but in this case triode cannot be used
(ii) Static mutual characteristics curve :
for amplifier and therefore grid is normally not given
Graphical representation of iP and VG when VP is kept
positive potential.
When grid is given negative potential then plate
current decreases but in this case grid controls plate ip VP=120V
current most effectively. VP=100V
(4) Working : Plate of triode valve is always kept at
positive potential w.r.t. cathode. The potential of plate is
more than that of grid.

 Vg  Vg  Vg O
3 2 1
Fig. 27.74

(iii) Constant current characteristic curve :
– VPP Graphical representation between Vp and Vg when ip is
1 Vp
Fig. 27.72

The variation of plate potential affects the plate

3/ 2
 Vp 
current as follows ip  k  VG   ; where  =
  
Amplification factor of triode valve, k = Constant of triode
Fig. 27.75
Electronics 276
(2) Dynamic characteristics : The curve plotted voltage remaining constant. That is,
between ip, Vp and Vg when the triode contains load in Vp
the plate circuit are called dynamics characteristics of rp  , VG  constant
i p
Vg=0 – 2V
(i) Load line : Voltage drop ipRL across load RL
which decreases the plate potential will be less then the  BC 
rp   
supply voltage.  AB 
iP A

1 V B
Plate voltage Vp = Vpp – ipRL  ip  Vp  pp C
This equation represents a straight line on the static Fig. 27.77
plate characteristics, joining the points ( Vpp , 0) on plate (ii) It is expressed in kilo ohms (K). Typically, it
voltage axis and (0, Vpp / RL ) on plate current axis. ranges from 8K to 40K. The rp can be determined
from plate characteristics. It represents the reciprocal of
This line known as load line. the slope of the plate characteristic curve.
ip (iii) If the distance between plate and cathode is
Vg=0 – 2V – 4V
increased the rp increases. The value of rp is infinity in
 VPP  B
 0,  the state of cut off bias or saturation state.
 RL  (2) Mutual conductance (or trans conductance)
(i) It is defined as the ratio of small change in plate
VP current (i p ) to the corresponding small change in
O (VPP, 0)
grid potential (Vg ) when plate potential Vp is kept
Fig. 27.76
 ip 
(a) Points at which load line cuts the plate
constant i.e. gm  AC 
gm   Vg ip
characteristic curves are called operating points.  BC  Vp is constant
A VP =100 V
1 dip
(b) The slope of load line AB  
dVp RL ip
(c) In graph, OA  Vpp  intercept of load line on VP C
axis and OB  Vpp / RL  intercept of load line on i p iG O

axis. Fig. 27.78

(d) Static plate characteristic + load line

Dynamic plate
(ii) The value of gm is equal to the slope of mutual
characteristics of triode.
Static mutual characteristic + load line (iii) The value of gm depends upon the separation
Dynamic mutual between grid and cathode. The smaller is this
characteristic separation, the larger is the value of gm and vice versa.
(iv) In the saturation state, the value of i p  0 ,
Constants of Triode Valve
gm  0
(1) Plate or dynamic resistance (rP)
(3) Amplification factor ( ) : It is defined as the
(i) The slope of plate characteristic curve is equal to
ratio of change in plate potential (Vp ) to produce
1 certain change in plate current (i p ) to the change in
grid potential (Vg ) for the same change in plate
or It is the ratio of small change in plate voltage to  V 
the change in plate current produced by it, the grid 
current (i p ) i.e.    
p 
; negative
V 
 g  I p  a constant

sign indicates that Vp and Vg are in opposite phase.

277 Electronics
(i) Amplification factor depends upon the distance (4) The linear portion of the mutual characteristic
between plate and cathode (dpk), plate and grid (dpg) with maximum slope is chosen for amplification without
and grid and cathode(dgk). distortion. i (mA) P
i.e.   dpg  dpk 
Linear part
(ii) The value of  is greater than one. Outpu
(iii) Amplification factor is unitless and t
dimensionless. – Vgg
O Vg
(4) Relation between triode constants : The
triode constants are not independent of each other. – Vgg– Vi – Vgg+Vi
They are related by the relation   rp  gm

The rp and gm depends on ip in the following Input

manner Fig. 27.81

rp  i p 1/ 3 , gm  ip1 / 3 ,  does not depend on (i) For the positive half cycle of input voltage (Vi) :
i p. Vg becomes less negative, so iP increases

Above three constants may be determined from any (ii) For the negative half cycle of input voltage (Vi) :
one set of characteristic curves. i Vg becomes more negative, so ip decreases
V  VP 2 (iii) The phase difference between the output signal
rp  P1 , A VP2
and input signal is 180° (or )
I PA  I PB ipA
(5) Voltage amplification
I  I PB C ipB
gm  PA , B ip
VG1  VG 2
V  VP 2 Triode Output
   P1 Fig. 27.79 RL VO
VG 2  VG1 –Vi

Triode as an Amplifiers
Fig. 27. 82 : Equivalent circuit of triode amplifier
Amplifier is a device by which the amplitude of
Current through the load resistance is given by
variation of ac signal voltage / current/ power can be
increased Vi
ip  
(1) The signal to be amplified (Vi) is applied in the rp  RL
grid circuit and amplified output is obtained from the
plate circuit  Vi RL
 V0  ipRL   Voltage gain
rp  RL
G RL Vo V0 RL
voltage  
Vi C
Vi rp  RL
– +
RL 
Vgg RL K Vpp A 
+ – Numerically rp  RL rp
Fig. 27.80
(i) If RL =   A will be maximum and Amax = 
(2) The voltage at grid is the sum of signal Vi and
Vg  Vgg  Vi (Practically A < )
grid bias Vgg.
(3) Small change in grid voltage results in a large 
(ii) If rp = RL  A =
change in plate current so results in a large change in 2
voltage across RL (V0  ipRL  V0  ipRL )
Electronics 278
(iii) Power at load resistance P  ipV0  ip RL as the plates of the capacitors and depletion layer as
the dielectric medium.
Condition for maximum power RL = rp
 The mobility of electron is two-three times the
2 mobility of holes. Therefore NPN devices are fast and
 Vi  2
 Vi 2
 Pmax     RL  hence preferred.
 
 RL  RL  4RL
 If Eg ~
– 0 eV, the material is good conductor or
metal and if Eg ~
– 1 eV, the material is a
semiconductor. If Eg ~
– 6 eV then the material is an
 A P-N junction or diode acts like a valve or voltage
 The most efficient packing of atoms in cubic controlled switch. When forward biased, it acts like
lattice structure occurs for fcc. ON switch. When reverse biased, it acts like an OFF
 The lattice for NaCl crystal is fcc. switch.
 The space lattice of diamond is fcc. (The diamond  The current due to minority carriers in the
structure may be viewed as two fcc structures junction diode is independent of the applied voltage.
displaced from each other by one quarter of a body It only depends upon the temperature of the diode.
 Voltage obtained from a diode rectifier is a
 Carbon, silicon, germanium, tin can crystallize in mixture of alternating and direct voltage.
the diamond structure.
 Cross sectional area of base is very large as
 At room temperature  Ge   Si compared to emitter. Cross sectional area of collector
is less than base but greater than emitter.
 (ni )Ge ~
 2.4  1019 / m3 and
 C.C (common collector) amplifier is called power
amplifier or current booster or emitter follower.
(ni )Si ~
 1.5  1016 / m3  Devices like tunnel diode, tetrode and thyrisisters
have negative resistance.
 In a transistor circuit the reverse bias is high as
compared to the forward bias. So that it may exert a  Transistor provides good power amplification
large attractive force on the charge carriers to enter when they are use in CE configuration.
the collector region.  MOSFETS : In a MOSFET, a type of three-terminal
 Ge is more sensitive to heat since it's forbidden transistor, a potential applied to the gate terminal G
energy gap is smaller than that of silicon. Electrons controls the internal flow of electrons from the source
from the valence band of Ge requires less energy to terminal S to the drain terminal D. Commonly, a
move from the valence band to conduction band. MOSFET is operated only in its ON (conducting) or
 Both N-type as well as P-type semiconductor are OFF (not conducting condition. Installed by the
thousands and millions on silicon wafers (chips) to
form integrated circuits, MOSFETs form the basis for
 Semiconductor devices are current control
computer hardware.
 When a PN junction is forward biased, it can emit
 The semiconductor devices are temperature light, hence can serve as a light-emitting diode (LED).
sensitive devices.
c hc
 The electric field setup across the potential The wavelength of the emitted light is   
f Eg
barrier is of the order of 3  105 V/m for Ge and 7 
105 V/m for Si.  The fermi energy of a given material is the energy
 An ideal junction diode when forward biased of a quantum state that has the probability 0.5 of
offers zero resistance. Voltage drop across such a being occupied by an electron.
junction diode is zero. In reverse biased diode offers  Number of conduction electrons per unit volume
infinite resistance and voltage drop across it is equal
to voltage applied. (Material'
s density)

 A P-N junction diode can be considered to be (MolarmassM)/N A
equivalent to a capacitor with P and N regions acting
(NA = Avogadro's number = 6.02  1023 /mol)
279 Electronics
 The occupancy probability P(E) : Electrical (c) Dipolar (d) Ionic
conduction of a metal depends on the probability that 2. For a crystal system, a = b = c,  =  =   90o,
if an energy level is available at energy E, is it the system is [BHU 2000]
actually occupied by an electron. (a) Tetragonal system (b) Cubic system
(c) Orthorhombic system (d) Rhombohedral
the expression for occupancy probability P(E) is given
3. Biaxial crystal among the following is [Pb. CET
1 1998]
P(E)  ; (a) Calcite (b) Quartz
Fermi-Dirac statistics  E  EF 
exp  1 (c) Selenite (d) Tourmaline
 kT  4. The temperature coefficient of resistance of a
EF=Fermi energy conductor is
 A good emitter should have low work function, [AFMC 1998]
high melting point, high working temperature, high (a) Positive always (b) Negative always
electrical and mechanical strength. (c) Zero (d) Infinite
 When triode amplifier are in series, total voltage 5. Potassium has a bcc structure with nearest
gain neighbour distance 4.525 Å. Its molecular weight
A = A1 A2 A3 .......... is 39. Its density in kg/m3 is
[DCE 1997]
 When two triode valve are in parallel
T.V.-1 (a) 900 (b) 494
1 1 1 (c) 602 (d) 802
Total plate resistance  
rp rp1 rp T.V.-2 6. The expected energy of the electrons at absolute
zero is called [RPET 1996]
Total mutual conductance Gm  gm1  gm2 (a) Fermi energy (b) Emission energy

Total amplification factor  = GmRp (c) Work function (d) Potential energy
7. In a triclinic crystal system
RL [EAMCET (Med.) 1995]
Voltage amplification A
rp  RL (a) a b c ,      (b) a b  c,
   
 NOR gate is a universal gate because it can be
used to perform the basic logic function, AND, OR and (c) a b c ,     (d) a  b  c,
NOT.    
 Output in Ex-OR gate is '1' only when inputs are 8. Metallic solids are always opaque because [AFMC
different. 1994]
(a) Solids effect the incident light
 If both inputs of NAND gate are shorted then it
will become 'NOT gate (b) Incident light is readily absorbed by the free
electron in a metal
– (c) Incident light is scattered by solid molecules
NOT (d) Energy band traps the incident light
gate 9. In which of the following ionic bond is present
[EAMCET (Med.)
(a) NaCl (b) Ar
(c) Si (d) Ge
10. Which of the following materials is non crystalline
Solids and Crystals [CBSE PMT 1993]

1. The nature of binding for a crystal with alternate (a) Copper (b) Sodium chloride
and evenly spaced positive and negative ions is (c) Wood (d) Diamond
[CBSE PMT 2000]
(a) Covalent (b) Metallic

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