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Numele si prenumele elevului: Data susţinerii testului:


Limba engleză
Clasa a IX- a
Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
Superman is a direct result of writer and co-creator Jerry Siegel`s inability to get girls when he was a
young man. As a high school student, he once explained, “I had crushes on several attractive girls who
either didn`t know I existed or didn`t care I existed. It occurred to me: What if I was real terrific? What if I
had something special going for me, like jumping over buildings or throwing cars around? Then maybe
they would notice me.”
Siegel and Joe Shuster, the other creator, named their character after movie actors Clark Gable and Kent
Taylor, and named his hometown after the Fritz Lang science fiction movie Metropolis. Lois Lane was
inspired by a woman named Lois Amster, whom Shuster had a crash on when he was in school.
Superman never married Lois Lane -but Shuster, who modelled Clark Kent after himself, eventually
married Joanne Carter, the woman he had hired to model for Lois Lane.
1. Find words or expressions in the text that have the same or similar meaning to (20 points):

2. Answer the following questions according to the text (15 points).

a. Who created Superman?
b. Did girls like Siegel when he was at school? Why?
c. Who inspired the name of Clark Kent?

3. Choose the correct modal verbs. (15 points)

a. I might/can pass the exam. I`m not sure.
b. She`s very intelligent but she doesn`t get very good marks. She mustn`t/can`t be working very
c. The man looks very important. He must/can be the head teacher.
4. Choose the most appropriate words underlined: (20p)

1. I haven’t decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second-hand one. But I think
about it / I’m thinking about it.
2. All right, you try to fix the television! But I hope / I’m hoping you know what you’re
3. Every year I visit / I’m visiting Britain to improve my English.
4. I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what do you do / are
you doing in the afternoons?
5. I sell / I am selling this car. Do you want to buy it?

PARTEA a II a (30p) Write 80 words about this topic: Do you like Superman adventures? Which
is your comic hero?

Limba engleză
Clasa a IX- a


• Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem. Nu se acordă
fractiuni de punct.
• Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat pentru
test la 10.
1.Find words or expressions in the text that have the same or similar meaning to (20 points):
Perhaps: maybe
Finally: eventually
Film: movie
Incapability inability:
Maker: creator
5*4= 20p
2. Answer the following questions according to the text (15 points).
a. Who created Superman?
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman.
b. Did girls like Siegel when he was at school? Why?
Girls didn`t like Siegel when he was at school because he was not popular.
c. Who inspired the name of Clark Kent?
Movie actors Clark Gable and Kent Taylor inspired the name of Clark Kent.
3. Choose the correct modal verbs. (15 points)
a. might
b. can`t
c. must
4. Choose the most appropriate words underlined: (20p)
1. I`m thinking
2. I hope
3. I visit
4. do you do
5. I am selling
PARTEA a II a (20p)
Write 80 words about this topic: Do you like Superman adventures? Which is your comic hero?
Marking Scheme

task achievement &

original input 10 p
relevance of ideas to topic 4p
organization 6p
organization / layout 3p
cohesion and coherence 2p
length constraint 1p

language accuracy and 6p

variety 5p
correct use of grammar 1p
accurate spelling and

register and vocabulary 4p

appropriate register and
range of vocabulary

Competente 3.2 Sa extraga 4.4 sa descrie in

corespunzatoare elemente scris o persoana/
nivelurilor esentiale dintr-un un obiect/ un loc
taxonomice text functional pe baza unui plan
Teme/ simplu dat sau a unor
intrebari de
Concepte- cheie
Unitati tematic

Cultura si civilizatie: 20, 15 20

personaje si fapte celebre
Verbul 15
verbe modale

Verbul 20
timpuri: present simple/
present continuous

TOTAL 35 35 20

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