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Yoga Overview

What is Yoga?

Yoga offers children a space to engage in play, creativity while learning the fundamental yogic
techniques for mind-body connection.The regular practice of yoga allows children to switch gears and
get to learn more about themselves while learning relaxation and breathing methods as well as the
concept of mind-body connection and mindfulness through yoga using play, games and group
activities. We combine several therapeutic methods and yoga combines poses (Asana) with use of
aromatherapy to enhance and promote relaxation and self-awareness.

What benefits does our program have for kids?

This workshop will allow your child to

● Use this time as a way to tune out of constant usage of electronic devices
● Promote and increase concentration
● Practice Mindfulness through breathing and meditation
● Make friends and connect with other children in an open and non competitive environment

Week 1: Yoga Fundamental Poses


Padma Asana (Lotus Pose)

Promotes proper sitting alignment and with the erect spine, deep relaxation and meditation is easy and
effortless in this pose

1.Tadasana (Mountain pose)- Standing Series

This pose improves posture, stretches the entire body: legs, arms spine, chest and abdomen.
Tadasana supports children in harmonizing body and mind as well as help to increase height.

2.Cat-Cow Pose (Warm up)

This spine warming pose allows for the full stretching and strengthening of the abdominal and core
muscles. One of the greatest advantage to this pose is that it opens up the lungs and chest and
enables proper breathing.
3. Adhomukha Svanasa (Downward facing Dog)

Downdog tones the arm, leg and thigh muscles, calms the nervous system and stretches the entire
back, leg and arm muscles.

4. Warrior 1

This warrior pose balancines the body weight evenly, opens up the chest up for full length breathing
capacity as well and tone and strengthen the gluteus and hamstring muscles.

5. Savasana
This is the final pose in all yoga lessons and promotes deep relaxation and mind-body connection
through guided rhythmic breathing

Week 2: Series: Arm balances and Spine Strengheners


Padma Asana (Lotus Pose)

Promotes proper sitting alignment and with the erect spine, deep relaxation and meditation is easy and
effortless in this pose

1.Tadasana (Mountain pose)- Standing Series

This pose improves posture, stretches the entire body: legs, arms spine, chest and abdomen.
Tadasana supports children in harmonizing body and mind as well as help to increase height.

2.Cat-Cow Pose (Warm up)

This spine warming pose allows for the full stretching and strengthening of the abdominal and core
muscles. One of the greatest advantage to this pose is that it opens up the lungs and chest and
enables proper breathing.

3. Palankasana (Side Plank)

Strengthen the arm, leg and core muscles especially the oblique muscles

4. Bakasana (Crow Pose)

Promotes focus and concentration build and strengthen wrists and arms muscles

5. Malasana (Frog Pose)

Promotes healthy digestion, elimination and strengthens ankles, groins and back

5. Savasana
This is the final pose in all yoga lessons and promotes deep relaxation and mind-body connection
through guided rhythmic breathing

Week 3: Warrior Poses


Padma Asana (Lotus Pose)

Promotes proper sitting alignment and with the erect spine, deep relaxation and meditation is easy and
effortless in this pose

1.Tadasana (Mountain pose)- Standing Series

This pose improves posture, stretches the entire body: legs, arms spine, chest and abdomen.
Tadasana supports children in harmonizing body and mind as well as help to increase height.

2.Cat-Cow Pose (Warm up)

This spine warming pose allows for the full stretching and strengthening of the abdominal and core
muscles. One of the greatest advantage to this pose is that it opens up the lungs and chest and
enables proper breathing.

4. Warrior Poses
Promotes balance, proper spine alignment and core strength

,5. Savasana

This is the final pose in all yoga lessons and promotes deep relaxation and mind-body connection
through guided rhythmic breathing

Happy Frebrurary and Namaste

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