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Final Term Chapter Quiz 01

Courtship and Marriage Patterns

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter corresponding to your best answer.

1. Which of the following is not true of the state of marriage and cohabitation in the Philippines?
A. Live-in arrangement or cohabitation is generally accepted as an alternative to marriage.
B. Common law or live-in type of marital arrangement is gaining acceptability.
C. There is now an increasing number of non-church/civil weddings.
D. None of the above.

2. Which of the following is true of modern dating patterns?

A. Boys are more prone to date in a group while girls have a greater inclination to go out on single dates.
B. Women are still not allowed to encourage a man or initiate a courtship.
C. Young people are still conservative and would not allow bold admission and wooing by women.
D. All of the above.

3. Which of the following is not one of the reasons why “live-in” arrangement is getting more common nowadays
among middle class circles?
A. There is a feeling of need for some sort of “trial marriage” or test period of living together before
making the final commitment of marriage vows.
B. Temporary arrangement is preferable with the belief that a formal marriage is unnecessary.
C. Marital relationship is suffocating especially when two parties do not love each other anymore.
D. None of the above.

4. Which of the following is true of the ways by which courtship is carried out?
A. Most courtship systems have elements of both parental and free choice of mates.
B. Parental influence is felt even in cultures where individual freedom of marital choice is the norm.
C. Courtship patterns actually differ only in the degree to which young people or their parents are socially
sanctioned to arrange marriages.
D. All of the above.

5. Which of the following is not one of the conditions that exempt marriage from securing a marriage license?
A. In case either or both parties are at the point of death.
B. If both parties have been living together for at least five years and without any legal impediment to
C. When both parties are to be married during times of disaster like natural calamities or war, insurgency,
or revolution.
D. Marriage among members of ethnic communities so long as it is solemnized according to their customs
and traditions.

6. Which of the following does not characterize engagement?

A. The young man and woman have developed greater involvement deeper attachments to each other.
B. Engagement provides an opportunity for couples to compare their values and interests and determine
their compatibility.
C. It increases young people’s ability to make a sensible choice of a partner with whom they can have a
more lasting relationship.
D. It is a period of interpersonal adjustment and shared planning.

1A | P a g e
7. Which of the following is not a possible motive for going steady?
A. The couples are absolutely certain that they are in love, so they like to date only each other.
B. It gives a sense of security for the couples have each other as ready partners.
C. It may be a proof of desirability, adding prestige to the person and boosting his ego.
D. None of the above.

8. Which of the following is the main motive why many couples nowadays resort to a form of cohabitation called
consensual marriage arrangement?
A. serving as a trial marriage
B. avoidance of the expense of a marriage ceremony
C. a practical and convenient substitute to marriage
D. presence of a legal impediment to marry

9. Which of the following is not an essential character of cohabitation/live-in relationship?

A. Not a relationship of two adults of the same sexes
B. Not married to each other either by ceremony or common law
C. Occupy the same dwelling for a long-range relationship or a short-time convenience
D. May or may not involve an intimate unrestricted sexual union

10. Which of the following is not a function of dating?

A. It establishes a stable and more lasting relationship between young men and women.
B. It provides pleasure, recreation, fellowship and fun among young men and women.
C. It helps in socialization and personality development of young people.
D. None of the above.

11. Which of the following is not true of courtship system across all cultures?
A. Every society has had some courtship system which precedes marriage.
B. Within the same society, the courtship system does not change across time and other changes.
C. What is standard and expected courtship behavior in one culture may not be acceptable in another.
D. Specific details of the courtship process vary widely from one society and time period to another.

12. Which of the following is a reason why some parents are opposed to their children going steady at an early
A. It limits the opportunity of contact with other members of the opposite sex especially for the girl.
B. It is quite difficult to “go back to circulation” when the relationship is broken.
C. It may have bad effects on the couples schooling and other early career preparations.
D. All of the above.

13. Which of the following is not a reason why many Filipinos are not in favor of cohabitation?
A. The sanctity of marriage is lost.
B. There is a risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexual disease.
C. It is immoral.
D. None of the above.

14. Which of the following is not true of the essential and formal requisites to a valid marriage?
A. at least 21 years of age
B. freely given consent
C. a valid marriage license
D. a marriage ceremony

15. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. The man picks up the woman and they go out for entertainment such as a movie or a party, or merely
for dinner and conversation.
B. The man is allowed to interact with the woman only with the presences of chaperones.
C. The man visits the house of the women and is entertained by his parents or family but not the woman
D. The man had to serve the family of the woman by fetching water and chopping firewood.

2A | P a g e
II. CROSSWORD PUZZLE: Determine the concepts and facts asked in the puzzle.

1. It is a stage in the modern courtship process where couples commit themselves to marriage at some future
2. It is the minimum age of contracting parties in marriage that does not anymore require parent’s consent or
3. It marks the end of courtship process.
4. It is a social process whereby unmarried people and/or their kinsmen interact for the purpose of mate
5. It is a criminal act which can be charged for a person who contracts another marriage in a culture/society
where divorced is not allowed.
6. It is a modern dating practice where a person may come to know and interact with a lot of members of the
opposite sex before finally being tied down to only one.
7. It is a way of acquainting young men and women in which they agree to be together at a designated place
and time.
8. It is a stage in the modern courtship process where couples decide to date each other exclusively.
9. It is a modern dating trend where young people meet without the need for formal introduction, invitation or
10. It is a sociological term for what is commonly known as “living-together” and “consensual union”.

1. A pg 132
2. A pg 127
3. C pg 131
4. A pg 125
5. C pg 130
6. C pg 129
7. D pg 128
8. B pg 131
9. A pg 131
10. D pg 128
11. B *
12. D pg 129
13. D pg 132
14. A pg. 130
15. D*

Crossword puzzle
1. Engagement pg. 129
2. 26???
3. Wedding pg. 129
4. Courtship pg. 125
5. Bigamy pg. 132

3A | P a g e
6. Circulation and playing the filedm pg. 127
7. Dating pg. 127
8. Going steady pg. 128
9. Liberation???
10. Cohabitation/Live in rel. Pg. 131

4A | P a g e

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