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Todd Zimmerman

Individualized Program Plan

Child Information
Child: Tyler Collin Age as of Sept. 1/0X: 14
Date of Birth: Nov, 11, 1998 Date I.P.P. Created: Nov 11, 2018
Parents: Peter and Lynda Collins. Phone #: 403 671 9999

Background information: Programming context

School/Program: Hillrest Secondary School Grade 9
Teacher delivering programming: Todd Zimmerman
Program Administrator: Schools LAT, Principle,
Additional IPP Team Members:Educational assistants, Language therapists, Lat,

Background Information: Parental input and involvement

Parents will be able to assist Tyler by helping him with his homework that he might
have not understood at home. Weekly responses to parents can be done to keep
them informed at the tasks that Tyler is doing at school throughout the week so that
they know what he is working on and when incase he misses assignments. Parents
already do actively help as well as being in touch with the support team at the school.

©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Tyler has some strengths in his acquired language and communication skills from
when he had two hearing aids. HE also has advanced cognitive abilities and parent
involvement. Tyler also has a skill in being a very social child. Tyler has also learned
coping skills to deal with his ailments that cause him difficulty.

Areas of Need
Tyler has issues with attention, concentration and impulsivity due to his ADHD. Tyler
also has issues with grammar fluency.

Medical Conditions that Impact Schooling

Tyler with his hearing difficulty can manage with his new cochlear devices. As long as
instruction is clear and written out incase he missed it he should not have any issues
that impact his schooling.

Assessment Data (Specialized Assessment Results)

Date Test Results
June 25, 2004 Summary of Children's Tyler is a charming five-
Resource Services year-old boy with a
Psychological Assessment profound hearing loss in
both ears. He wears
hearing aids that correct
his hearing to 25dB. He
receives regular tutoring
from an auditory verbal
therapist and benefits from
educational assistant
support in his classroom.
His teacher wears an FM
system to maximize his
ability to hear instructions.

Speech and Language

©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

April 21, 2005 Assessment Tyler's performance
revealed that he
experienced the most
difficulty following
instructions that exceeded
one directive, and those
that contained linguistic
concepts. He also
experienced difficulty
following instructions that
involved reasoning. He
was observed to
occasionally use the
effective strategy of
reauditorization, i.e.
repeating all or part of the
instruction that had been
presented to him.

Neurodevelopmental Tyler is a 13-year-old boy

Assessment with sensorineural hearing
January 26, 2012
loss bilaterally due to the
Phelps malformation of the
cochlear. He was referred
for a pre-operative
assessment in January
2012 as part of the
Cochlear Implant Program.

©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Current Level of Performance and Achievement
Tyler has high non verbal communication and high average verbal skills. He is advanced in
personal and daily living skills as well as well developed social skills that will help him
through his education.

Coordinated Support Services

Support staff is to work with Tyler to ensure that he learns to stay on task and keep
attention when required. The support staff is also to help him find objects to help focus
his attention; EG; fidget spinners, pencil tapping, or something that he finds
comforting to keep attention.

Tyler will keep working on trying to keep his balance. With support services he will be
able to get around the school for activities.

Instructional Accommodations and Strategies

Tyler is a bright boy but with his adhd he needs to continue to work on coping skills if one begins to fail.
He also needs to be sat near the front when there is an activity or video so he can clearly understand
the content being taught. Tyler is advanced in some areas and is very verbal and non verbal skills.
Testing can be done through written responses or through verbal.

©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Goal # 1
Long-term Goal: Improve language abilities and grammar.
Short Term Objective#1
By November 30th, Tyler is able to Increase his range of communication with an
assistant through speech and focus on grammatical skills.
Short Term Objective #2
By december 1st, Tyler is able to learn new strategies for following verbal

Short Term Objective #3

By February 26th, Tyler can Communicate at a higher level with his peers and correct
his own grammar

Accommodations and strategies to support this goal

- Tyler Is able to correct his own grammar with tools and books to help.
- Tyler is able to correct himself and monitor instructions given to him by a log

©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Goal # 2
Long-term Goal: Attention setting

Short Term Objective#1

On January 23rd Tyler is able keep on topic for more than a few minutes and does
not try to pull the conversation away with a joke or to something else that is off-topic.

Short Term Objective#2

By December 15th, Tyler is to be more attentive in class and keep focus.

Short Term Objective#3

By January 10th, Tyler is able to self direct his attention back to where it should be.

Accommodations and strategies to support this goal

- Attention is important for education and learning so tyler will be supported by
the instructor to pay attention through uses of hooks.
- Fidget spinner or other device to keep attentive during class.
- Reminders on desk and through paperwork to keep on working.

©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

Goal # 3
Long-term Goal: Active participation in classroom activities.

Short Term Objective#1

By December 20th, Tyler should be able to participate more in class.

Short Term Objective#2

By January 25th, Tyler is able to gain a higher body awareness, balance, and motion
in the classroom.

Short Term Objective#3

By June 20th Tyler is able to moderate himself to move into the proper seat in the
classroom to learn at the best of his abilities.

Accommodations and strategies to support this goal

- chosen group participation tasks
- Body awareness journal on how each day goes.
- Classroom awareness - orientation to the board.

©Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada (2006)

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