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Disc Contents © IPA, 2006 - 1st Annual Convention Proceedings, 1972

First Annual Convention, June 1972



The business in which an oil company like The underlying implication of a formal
Pertamina is engaged starts from searching programming approach is to describe the
and producing crudes, processing, transporting economic or business processes under consider-
and ends with the distributing of oil products. ation in mathematical laguage - much the
The crudes may come from own fields, same as the physicist employs mathematical
import or from shares obtained by contract expressions to describe natural phenomena.
of work and production sharing. These crudes Consequently we can take advantage of the
may in fact be processed to provide the analytical power of mathematical techniques
requirement of domestic demand for petroleum combined with the capabilities of modern,
products o r exported to obtain foreign highspeed computing machines.
currency. The first step in a mathematical programm-
There are a number of refineries in different ing procedure is t o define the quantifiable
geographical locations, which may receive and factors which are pertinent to the functioning
process these crudes. of the business system under consideration.
Within each refinery there are alternative This definition implies, in particular, specifica-
processing routes, to obtain the finished tion of those factors which are, o r might be,
products of certain slate in such a way that considered controllable and those factors
the subsequent transportation to all distributi- which are not.
on terminah contributes to the over-all objec- The former are called variables, while the
tives of the business. latter may be daignated as parameters or
The structure of the fields of responsibility is coefficients.
divided into three major technical functions The next step is formulating the appropriate
production, transportation and refining. These mathematical expressions which represent the
functions work “in series” along the flow inter relationships of these variables and
path of the crudes. This necessarily entails parameters. Such formulations, reflecting the
strong interdependence of the different functi- interdependence of the actual operations as
ons, since the output of one function serves well as the various limitations imposed on the
as an input to the next. At the same time, activity of the business, represent in effect, a
however, each major function or activity is mathematical model of the business system.
composed of parallel elements - for instance Such a model, describing the technology, the
5 refineries are operating “side by side” to economics, the physical and even policy
serve and satisfy the demand of the same restrictions contained in the business system
market. These combined aspects, functional consists essentially of a set of simultaneous
interdependence and choice of alternatives, equations and inequalities. The ultimate step
lead naturally to the notion of “allocation” in mathematical programming is the deter-
and ”optimization”. mination of what is called the optimum
The notion of optimization arises from the solution t o fhe set of model equations and
fact that the different alternative routes entail inequalities. This implies finding numerical
costs which are in general different. values for all the controllable variables in
It is not sufficient to assign activity levels or such a manner as to satisfy the interrelations
allocate funds merely to ensure a feasible and limitations characterizing the business
plan. Rather, the ultimate objective is to
allocate funds or resources t o maximize the *) Perusaham Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi
aver-all profitability of the integrated business. Negara (Pertamna)
system, while at the same time maximizing boxes. For instance, equations of type 1 list
profits, or minimizing costs, or some other the quantities of crude production from the
objective. In as much as each of thevariables various oil-fields and state that these quantities
employed in the model formulation serves of crudes are transferred to the transportation
to designate a specific operation or level of activity. Equations of type 2 describe the
activity, the mathematical solution provides distribution of crudes between direct sales and
a direct description of an optimum operating refinery allocations. Equations of type 3 and
plan. 4 define the relationships between crude
allocations to the refineries and the resulting
RESTRICTION OF USE OF THE OUTCOME slates of finished products, i.e. gasoline,
OF MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMING kerosene and fuel. These relations, greatly
simplified for purposes of this example, corres-
It should have t o be understood, however, pond to a description of refinery yields, based
that mathematical programming does not offer on the consideration of certain yield coeffici-
the equivalent of an automatic decision making ents, ag, ak af, bg, . . . etc.
In particular, the establishment of criteria The final set of relations required t o com-
IS to what is actually best for a business plete the description of the flow of crudes and
enterprise is altogether beyond the realm of products throughout thc system is illustrated
mathematics. Steering the course of a business by expressions 5, 6 and 7, which represent
enterprise requires the consideration and the demand conditions. These conditions
weighing of intangible factors, which have to relating the amounts of crudes and products
be evaluated by intuition, judgement and generated by the system to the external
experience. Mathematical programming should demands are particularly significant since they
be viewed essentially as a helpful supplement actually dictate the behavior of the entire
to judgement and intuition. The help that it system.
can provide stems from its ability to deal Aside from the statements of balance or
efficiently with a vast body of information equality, the description of the business system
and to deal systematically with great number also requires a representation of the various
of alternatives and restrictions characterizing limitations imposed upon or existing within
the functioning of a complex business system. the system
ILLUSTRATION OF MODEL FORMU- These limitations, pertaining to the many
LATION practical considerations which can only be
To illustrate the formulation of a model, stated in a somewhat indefinite form, are
let us take an integrated oil company's mathematically expressed by means of ine-
operation whose function is producing and qualities (shown in broken-line boxes in ex-
processing crude and despatching ail products hibit I).
to sales terminals. The relations of type 1 serve t o show that
To simplify the illustation, suppose the the amount of crude taken from each oillfield
company is only dealing with two types of cannot exceed the production capacities K1,
crudes : €ight and heavy ; with 3 classesof K2, . . . . . K5 of respective fields.
products : gasoline, kerosene and fuel, to Relation 2 expresses the fact that the total
be despatched t o only one terminal. The amount of crude sent through the pipeline
company has furthermore 2 refineries and has to the sales terminals cannot exceed the
also a running contract to supply crudes t o pipeline capacity K6.
an outside party. The company has also a com-
mitment to supply fixed quantities of pro- Expessions 3 and 4 serve t o show that the
ducts, which may also be supplied from refinery throughput cannot exceed the maxi-
outside purchase in w e its own refined mum capacity K7 and Kg of refinery A and
products fall short of demand. The way in B resp. Relation 5 may represent a policy
which the variables can be devised t o obtain stipulation, in which product imports must
a basic description of this business system is not exceed Kg,K10 and K11 for resp. gasoline,
showninExhibits I and 11. kerosene and fuel.
The description consists h t of all of a To complete the picture, the flow of cash
series of balance equations, which link one (costs & revenue) associated with each
activity of the system t o the next. These activity must also be represented mathematic-
balance equations are shown inside full-line ally. This can be accomplished by conddering

r T

_- ~ LlTY
- X reprelents VARIABLES
- ali other Idlers n p n s c n t
K, K,, c a pi cily or other phyricil Iimllr
$ 7 yield coeft l a i l g h t crude
“I af yeld melt for+wavy c r d e
OL Dh demands IorIighI and heaycruoer
4 3, Df demand5 fGr gasoline kerosene 2nd luel
Exhibit I
Variables :

Quantities of crude production f r o m ) heavy x1, x2, x3

various o i l f i e l d s ) light x4, x5

Heavy crudes transported t o gathering s t a t i o n X6

Light crudes transported t o gathering s t a t i o n x7
Heavy crudes a l l o c a t e d t o r e f i n e r i e s A and B X8, X9
Light crudes a l l o c a t e d t o r e f i n e r i e s A and B x10, x11
Heavy crudes a l l o c a t e d t o outside s a l e s x12.
Light crudes a l l o c a t e d t o outside sales X13
Q u a n t i t i e s of gasoline produced a t r e f i n e r i e s A and B X14, X15
Q u a n t i t i e s of kerosene produced a t refs. A and B X16, X17
Q u a n t i t i e s of i n d u s t r i a l f u e l produced a t refs.A and B X18, x19.
Q u a n t i t i e s of imported g a s o l i n e x20.
Quantities of imported kerosene x2 1
Q u a n t i t i e s of imported i n d u s t r i a l f u e l x22.

Parameters :

Maximum production capacity of o i l f i e l d s K1, K2, K3, KLI, K5,

Maximum p i p e l i n e capacity K6.
Maximum processing capacity of r e f i n e r y A K7.
Maximum processing capacity of r e f i n e r y B K8.
Maximum q u a n t i t i e s of imported g a s o l i n e , K9, K l O , Kl1.
Kerosene and i n d u s t r i a l f u e l (supposed t o represent po-
l i c y matter K9, K 1 0 , K11.
Maximum committed q u a n t i t i e s of crudes f o r outside
sales DL, DH*
Supply commitment of gasoline, kerosene and i n d u s t r i a l

fuel DG, DK, D ~ ’

Yields of gasoline, kerosene and i n d u s t r i a l f u e l o f
heavy crudes proceseed i n r e f i n e r y A ag, ak’ af’
Yields of g a s o l i n e , kerosene and i n d u s t r i a l f u e l of hea-
vy crudes processed i n r e f e n i r y B bg’ bk’ b f .
Yields of g a s o l i n e , kerosene and i n d u s t r i a l f u e l Qf light
crudes processed i n r e f i n e r y A
dg’Bk’ 04f.
Yields of g a s o l i n e , kerosene and i n d u s t r i a l f u e l of l i g h t
crudes processed i n r e f i n e r y B
P g ’ pk, pf.
Exhibit I1

appropriate unit-cost and unit-revenue Foeffi- relatiop which describe the physical operation
cients which enable us to express the expen- of the.system.
ditures and revenues of each activityin!ems
of the corresponding operational variable?.
For instance, it may cost c1 dollars to produce APPLICATION TO INDONESIAN OIL - LO.
one barrel of heavy crude from oil field No. 1. GISTICS
Accordingly, the expenditure associated with
the production of X1 barrels from this oil Mathematical programming techniques have
field will be ~ 1 x 1 while
, the expenditure been applied to solve the optimization of oil
corresponding to the production of heavy logistics in Indonesia.
crude from oil field No. 2 will be ~ 2 x 2 . The over-all picture of the problem is shown
Similarly, the expenditures associated with in exhibit 111. A map showing the locatcon
the transportation of crudes to the central of oil-fields, refineries and distribution ter-
gathering station will be c6x6 for the heavy minals is contained in exhibit IV.
crudes, c7X7 for the light crudes, etc. The crude production distribution, refining
The revenue corresponding to the sale of X12 capacity distribution and the product demand
barrels of heavy crude will be r12X12, that distribution are shown in exhibit V
corresponding to the sale of X i 4 barrels of
gasoline will be ‘14x14 etc. DISTRIBUTION TERMINALS
In general, we can see that when the cost
and revenue coefficients are known, the cash The petroleum fuel products consumed in
flow picture of the business system is readily Indonesia consist of aviation gasoline and
obtained by simple algebraic summation of ‘turbine fuel, motor gasoline, kerosene, auto-
the successive expenditures and revenues motive diesel oil, industrial and marine diesel
associated with each activity. fuel, underboiler and marine fuel oil.
Thus the total outgoing cash flow for the These products are distributed by tankers
system would be described by the following and lighters through 3 1 terminals for further
expression: inland distribution.
About 213 of all the products are consumed
z c = ClXl + c2x2 + . . . . . . . + c22x22. in Java and mainly supplied through Djakarta,
Tjilatjap, Semarang and Surabaja. From these
The expression Zc is usually referred t o as terminals products are distributed further
the “cost function” or more generally, the mostly by road tank lorries and railway;
“objective function”. It descfibes the parti-
cular objective - in the above case, the total REFINERIES
costs - in terms of which the operation of
the system is to be studied. Various other There are refineries in 8 locations with total
econamic criteria or objectives for the business capacity of approx. 430 MBCD, mainly situat-
system can be studied and formulated. For ad in Sumatra (80%) and Kalimantan (17%).
instance, if we want to consider gross profits
rather than costs, we would define a profit Pangkalan Brandan, Tjepu and Wonokromo
function as follows : refineries are of local significance only, and
are further excluded from the model.
Dumai refinery consists of one topping
unit of 100,000 bpsd. Because of the proximi-
This profit function is obtained simply by ty to the Minas field, the refinery is assumed
multiplying all the volumes of crudes and t o process only Minas crude. A Catalytic
products sold by the corresponding unit reforming unit is now under construction
fevenues, r, and then substracting the previous- (to be completed mid 73). Before the comple-
ly defined cost function Zc. tion of this plant, straight-run naphtha of low
Determining the best plan of action or the octane number, should havk to be disposed.of
“optimum solution” for an integrated business as chemical feedstock or sent to Pladju for
system consists of finding a set of values for octane improvement.
all the variables so as to maximize - or t o S. Pakning refinery. At present this has a
minimize - the objective funqtion while at topping unit of 30,000 bpsd which cuts. the
the same time satisfying all the structural crude only into 2 fractions, d u l l a t e and






Exhibit I11

96.9 80.2 21. I

0.2 2.3 66.9

3. KALIMANTAN 2.4 17.5 3.8

4. SULAWESI - 5.2


6 . MALUKU /lRlAN 8. 0.5 I. 3

-1 843 MBCD 4 3 0 MBCD 143 MBCD

Y ld quarter '71

Exhibit V

residue. After the completion of expansion This refinery consists essentl-alfy of primary
(completed end 1972), the unit will be able processing umts unlike Pladju and S. Gerong-
to process 50,000 bpsd and make several As far as choice of processing route is concern-
fractions i.e, naphtha, kerosene and gasoil ed it is more or less fixed. Crude oil allocati-
cuts. ons, which in practice have no appreciable
Also because of the proximity with the Minas degree of freedom, will determine a certain
Crude source and because of contractual product spectrum.
commitments, this refinery is assumed to F.Balikpapan also has a paraffin wax plant.
process only Minas crude.
The 5 above refinenes are taken up in the
corporatemodel, which starts from allocating
Pladju refinery, has 4 crude distilling units crude and ends with the product distribution.
with a total capacity of 110,000 bpsd, which Optimization is done in the context of this.
can be run independently on several crudes. integrated model.
Naphtha, kerosene, gasoil and residue obtained
from several crudes can either be mixed or
segregated, depending on the proparfie8 of CRUDES & FEEDSTOCKS
these fractions or on t he wbsequent PFO~~SS-
ing of these fractions. Crudes in Indonesia at present are mainly
produced onshore by Caltex (CPI), Stanvac
Low octane naphtha can be reformed (PTSI) and Pertamina. Off-shore crude pro-
(thermally) t o improve the knocking quality. duction has only recently started.
Low octane naphtha can also be extracted to Through “contract of work‘’ and production
make aromatic rich fraction by the Edeleanu sharing” with foreign companies, the govern-
process- with a good knocking quality. This ment/Pertamina obtained a share a€ the pro-
same Edeleanu process is also used to extract duced crudes. From old fields in South
the aromatic constituents from kerosene Sumatra and in East and South Kalimantan
fraction t o improve the burning quality. Pertamina produces crude oil.
Residue can either be cracked (thermally) The crudes obtained by the government/
t o produce more gasoline and fuel oil Pestamina can either be processed, exported
components, or processed in a high vacuum o r exchanged with other crudes. The govern-
unit t o obtain more gasoil and fuel oil ment/Pertamina can also import either crudes,
components. intermediate products or finished products
The light-ends are processed in separate units in satisfying the needs for petroleum products.
t o produce gasoline polymer and L. Alkylate,
either for aviation gasoline or motor gasoline. The policy of the government and the
The choice of processing routes for such international market of oil have the greatest
refinery with this kind of configuration will effect on the choice of the above alternatives.
be dictated by the product slate requirement Rantau crudes, which is produced in North
and processing cost. Sumaba, are mostly exported. A small part is
processed in Pangkalan Brandan for local
Sungai Gerong Refinery has 3 crude pipe consumption. There is also the possibility of
stills with a total capacity of 80,000 bpsd, sending Rantau crude t o Pladju for processing.
which can also be run independently on several South Palembang, Djambi paraffinic, Djam-
crudes. This refinery is provided with both bi asphaltic and central Palembang crudes are
thermal and catalytic cracking units. Light produced in Pertamina‘s South Sumatra field.
ends are also processed t o make polymer Actually there is the alterqative t o export
gasoline and L. Alkylate. Besides, it also has a these crudes, but in this model these crudes
paraffin wax plant. are assumed to be processed in Radju refinery.
Together with Pladju, which is under the Lirik and Talang Akar Pendopo crudes are
same management, S u n p i Gerong refinery produced by Stanvac (PTSI). These crudes,
provides a flexible combination in serving which are obtained by the government/Per-
the domestic market. tamina through contract of work and by
Balikpapan refinery has 3 crude distilling exchange, can be prpcessed in Pladju and
unitswith a total capacity 6f 75,000 bpsd, S. Gerong. Tandjung, Warukin, Sembodja/
which can also be run on several crudes Sanga-sanea crudes are produced from south
independently. It has a high vacuum unit and and Pertamna‘s E a t Kajimsratan field. These
a paraffin wax plant. crudes are processed in Balikpapan.

Minas crude is produced by Caltex" The agiven set of operating costs and technoloBcai
government obtains part of this crude ky parameters (e.g. yield coefficients, handling
contract of work. Unlike other crude^ the and processing capacity). Because forecasts are
available quantity is much greater, so tha? the in generai obscured by uncertainties, in
allocation of this crude is open to Iiumai, particular involving product demands, the
S. Pakning, Pladju, S. Gerong and Balikpapan availabihty of crude and prices, mathematical
refinery. programming techniques can be used to
explore the effects of a certain range of
TRANSPORTATION variability of conditions.
The cost coefficients in the objective Such an exercise can support the insight
function associated with transport are unit of the business to take the best decision to
freight costs for each relevant route, for which prepare the execution of the operation for
the effects of drafts and turn-itrounds have the period studied.
been considered. A second useful application is to seek the
The criteria used in the transportation aspect economic interpretation of restrictions and
of the model, is just to aim at the best way policies. Plant capacity or specification of
crude and product distribution should be proddcts may form restriction of the system,
effected. and have economic repercussions.
Certain policies may also have a similar
THE USES OF THE RESULTS effect. If this is the case, a proposal for
improvement could be worked-out.
The basic use of mathematical programming
techniques on Indonesian oil-logistics is to The technique can also assist in making
determine the best possible schedule Qf sensitivity analysis, e.g. effect of price changes
operation for coming periods based on fore- of products or processing costs on overall
casts of a fixed set of conditions, i.e., a operating cost can be work-out numerically.
certain demand for petroleum products and So the management is informed on the
the minimization of costs as objective, with critical variables of the system.


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