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Eve Robotics 

Eve AIO ​User Manual 

Document Updated: July 14, 2018 

Thank you for purchasing ​Eve AIO​! 

Installation Requirements 
● .NET Framework 4.7.1 ​is required in order to use Eve AIO 

Download Link:​ ​https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/thank-you/net471 

Note​: Enabling ​.NET Framework 4.5.1​ that is preinstalled on servers is not sufficient. ​.NET Framework 

4.7.1​ needs to be installed and enabled. If your server does not allow the installation of ​.NET Framework 

4.7.1 ​then you need to install W

​ indows Server 2012 R2 Update 1​.  

Download Link:​  


● To ensure successful checkouts, please download the ​x64, ​and ​x86 version​​ of 
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013  
Download Link:​ ​https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 
Note:​ For more information and help with the ​Visual C++ ​download go here: 
● When installing turn off anti-viruses and other firewall programs to allow the 
installation. Before starting up Eve AIO make sure that you make an exception for 
the Eve AIO directory folder in your anti-virus not just the .exe.  
Note:​ If you do not windows will remove Eve AIO from your system as it thinks it is a trojan. 

● The Eve AIO installer will create a desktop icon 
● The complete program folder is located at ​C:\EVE\EveAIO 
● The bot executable file in that folder is ​EveAIO.exe 
● Open the bot and you will be prompted to paste in your license key 
● After entering your key you will first see the task dashboard as your home screen 
● The text buttons highlighted function as named 


● Clicking the profiles tab brings you to this screen 

● To get started click the ​add profiles ​button in the top left set of buttons 

● After saving profile information your profile will populate in a spreadsheet-style 
● You can also ​edit​, ​delete,​ ​duplicate​, ​import​,​ export,​ ​ ​and manage ​privacy​,​ groups,​  
and​ logins 
​ llow you to put profiles into one large profile 
● Groups a
● Name your profile something identifiable to you 
● Fill in shipping and billing information (most sites require that they are the same) 
● One checkout per site will ensure that your tasks only checks out once 
● Privacy​ ​section​:  
○ If you have a Privacy.com account, Eve AIO will integrate with it so you can 
create new cards and assign existing ones to profiles you are creating or 
○ To use this feature, start by clicking the Privacy button on the top right of 
the profiles tab.  
○ Enter your Privacy account login details  
○ Then toggle the white switch button on  
○ Eve will access your account and populate the pane with all your existing 
○ You can now instantly create additional cards at the bottom of the screen 
without needing to manually visit your ​Privacy account 

Profile groups 
● Profiles groups allow users to group profiles into logical units  
● These are used by Quick task feature when more than 1 task is created 
● Profile groups window is accessible from Profiles tab by clicking on the 
appropriate button. 

● Once clicked, a simple window will open allowing you to ​create,​ ​update,​ ​remove 
● The Last column provides information about how many profiles are in the group 

● Default profile – profile (or profile group, read below) to be used. Profile groups 
start with * prefix 
● Default proxy list – proxy list to be used 
● Retry delay – retry delay settings 
● Autopaste clipboard – turn on if you want Eve to autopaste the link from clipboard 
in the quick task window 
● Note that Size is kept as random 
● Profiles list now shows the group info as well: 

● Click the ​Notifications t​ ab button to navigate to the notifications screen if you 
want to set up notifications for task success 
● The three available services here are ​Twitter​, ​Slack,​ ​Discord,​ and T
​ wilio​ (for SMS 
text messages) 
● You will need API keys from your chosen service to integrate 
● If ​Twitter​ or ​Slack​ integration is something you desire, we will assume you 
already know the ropes for this – but will offer any assistance needed in our 
● Multiple notification services can be used simultaneously 

● Twilio: 
○ not a free service but it is cheap, they will give you a $15 credit in your 
account when you sign up – which should last you quite a while.  
○ The Twilio site can be a little confusing to navigate the first time you log in 
so let us help you get what you need from there: 
○ Twilio Account SID​ will be right on your console dashboard. If not, click on 
the Settings tab 
○ Auth Token​ should be underneath your SID number, you must click the 
eye symbol in order to see and copy it. This goes in the ​Token​ field on Eve 
○ Twilio Phone Number​ is something they will assign you under the Getting 
Started tab. Make sure the one they give you allows SMS! If not, click again 
to be assigned a different one and keep doing it until they give you one 
with SMS. This number goes in the Number from field on Eve AIO 
○ Number to​ on Eve AIO is simply your cell number; where you want the 
notifications to go. 
● For a walk-through on the ​Twilio setup​: 
● Discord notifications: 
○ Create your own discord server 
○ At the top left of your server where your server name is click the "down" 
arrow to access server settings 
○ Select server settings 
○ On the left select WebHooks 
○ Hit the "Create Webhook" button 
○ Name the webhook whatever you'd like and choose a channel to which 
you would want the checkout message to be sent to 
○ On the bottom of the EDIT WEBHOOK page there is your WebHook URL, 
copy that and hit save(ex.) 
○ From the url you will need the Webhook ID which is the set of numbers 
after https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/ in the example url above. ex.) 
○ From the same url you will also need the Webhook token which is the long 
set of characters after the Webhook ID. ex.) 
○ Go to Eve AIO select the notifications tab and enable Discord notifications 
○ Under "Type" double click the box and select ATC 
○ Copy/Paste the Webhook ID into Webhook ID (in Eve) 
○ Copy/Paste the Webhook token into Webhook token (in Eve) 
○ For message I put "Checked out "#product_title#" size #size# for 
#profile_name# on #website#, #img#" (Without Quotations) 
○ To receive notifications on checkouts make sure the "notify" box is 
checked on the bottom of the task creator (should be checked by default) 
○ To test, hit send test message in the notifications tab on the bottom left 
● Slack notifications: 
○ Make a ​Slack account​ and c​ reate​ a new workspace 
○ On the bottom left where it says "​Apps,"​ click ​Apps and search+install 
"Incoming WebHooks" 
○ Once installed click add configuration 
○ Where it says "​Post to Channel​" click the "​create a new channel​" text, 
name it "​checkouts​" and click "​create channel​" 
○ Click the green "​Add Incoming WebHooks Integration​" button 
○ Scroll all the way down and click "​Save Settings.​ " Do not close this page 
○ In Eve AIO go to​ notifications tab​ and select ​#slack 
○ Double click the box under "​Type​" and select ​ATC 
○ From the Incoming WebHooks configuration page, copy/paste the 
"​WebHook URL​" into "​Hook​" (In Eve) 
○ From the Incoming WebHooks configuration page copy/paste your 
"​Customize Name"​ into "​Username"​ (In Eve) 
○ From the Incoming WebHooks configuration page copy/paste your "​Post to 
Channel​" name into "​Channel​" (In Eve) 
○ For message I put "Checked out "#product_title#" size #size# for 
#profile_name# on #website#, #img#" (Without Quotations) 
○ To receive notifications on checkouts make sure the "notify" box is 
checked on the bottom of the task creator (on by default) 
○ To test, hit send test message in the notifications tab on the bottom left 
● The ​Type​ field on the far left on Eve AIO allows you to choose the type of 
notification: ​ATC​ (added to cart), C
​ heckout​, or ​Restock 
● You can also customize the notification message in the ​Message​ field 
● Pay attention to the code syntax under ​Available shortcuts​ on the right for using 
active variables such as the website, profile used, time of event, size, and your 
order number 

Captcha Tools & Settings 
● Click the ​Captcha​ tab button to navigate to the ​Captcha Tools & Settings Tab.​  

● The bottom section of this screen is for your usual captcha solving services  
● Purchase API keys from these services, paste them in here, check the balances 
frequently, and top them up as needed before all major releases  
● When the bot encounters a captcha during checkout, it will automatically request 
a solution from these services when valid API keys are loaded here 
● Captcha Harvester h
​ as been removed as it serves almost no purpose in many 
circumstances and only causes more confusion to users. 
● Disolve: 
○ S
​ upported by Eve AIO and can be setup in seconds 
○ To set up, follow the guide in the Disolve’s Discord to setup Disolve 
○ Once setup simply copy/paste your API key into the Disolve section in the 
Captcha Settings 
○ Copy/paste the IP found in the Disolve’s Discord in #setup 
○ When creating tasks ensure that you enable advanced captcha settings 
and input the value “1” into Disolve. 
● Manual captcha solver​ can and should be used when you are present or not 
present for a hyped release 
○ Can be used even while you have third party solvers running 
○ It is especially useful for Supreme, as it includes features which give you 
a good chance to bypass their captcha.  
○ You will notice that there are 7 M
​ anual captcha solvers 
○ You can enable each of them by clicking on the ​enable​ slider 
○ Once enabled, you can open the solver by clicking ​Manual Captcha Solver 
1 ​through ​Manual Captcha Solver 7 d
​ epending on how many you enabled 
○ By enabling multiple solvers you will be able to login into multiple gmails 
○ This allows for multiple one-click auto captchas to be used 
○ The solver will receive a captcha from the solver that lends it first 
○ To “reset” your solver you can click the ​Clear Cache​ button 
○ You will also notice that there are proxy lists to choose from This is 
because if you have to many solvers your solvers will get banned, so make 
sure to use proxies if you are using multiple solvers. 
○ Upon opening the ​manual captcha solver​ window you will not see anything 
here until a captcha is encountered, which needs to be solved in order to 
complete a checkout. When that happens, solve it!  
○ Auto-click captcha is automatically enabled 

○ Now, to increase your chances (especially on Supreme) you should have 
this open and, a few minutes prior to the drop, open the captcha bypass 
tools by clicking the Browser button at the top 
○ A new window will open with three tabs 
○ To give yourself the best chances, use all three tabs:  
■ Log into a gmail account 
■ Start watching a Youtube video 
■ Load the website URL you are botting at ​(not necessary just a 
■ With just a little luck you will get an invisible ​“one-click” captcha 
that requires no puzzle solution 
■ The a
​ uto-click captcha function​ is enabled by default in Eve AIO.   
● Captcha token pools s​ ection at the bottom of the captcha tools & settings screen 
shows how many tokens the harvester currently has stored for you in real time, 
including any manually solved tokens.  
Note:​ Supreme checks timestamps on captcha tokens so the harvester is useless, Shopify tokens can also 
not be harvested. 

● Click the Proxies tab button to navigate to the proxies settings screen 

● Proxies are organized into lists in Eve AIO  
● This way you can use specific proxy lists with individual tasks 
● Each list can be set to rotate through randomly or linearly 
● Random will choose a random proxy for each request  
● Linear will go through your list in order, 1 by 1 for each request and will start the list 
over after reaching the end 
● To add a new proxy list, click the ​+​ symbol on the top left. The ​Add / edit proxy list 
window will appear. 
● Hover the mouse over the buttons to see their functions 
● You can add a new list by importing from a text file ​or​ by pasting from your 
● User:Password and IP-Authenticated proxies are both supported 
● Give each list a name before saving it with the button on the bottom right 
● The bottom of this window also features a ​proxy tester 
● Check which proxies you want to test, or use the button on the top right to select 
them all. Input an URL to test on and put a timeout time (10 seconds). Use the 
black arrow on the top middle to start the test 
​ utton at the bottom. This will test an individual 
● You will also notice the ​Chrome b
proxy using google chrome to the inputted URL 
● You can stop the test before it finishes with the black square button 
● The ​Status column​ will return an ​“Alive or Dead​” status for each proxy and also 
report a speed 
● Remove any which do not meet with your approval by using the ​Delete button​ on 
your keyboard, and save the list when you are happy with it 

● Hover your mouse over the buttons on the top of the task dashboard to reveal 
their functions. 
● To add a new task, click the ​+​ symbol on the top left, the ​Add / edit task window 
will appear. 

● Name the new task something identifiable to you 

● Choose the site-type from the Platform drop-down list 
● Select a profile and proxy list from the dropdown lists. 
● Some task settings are specific to the platform selected. Others are universal to all 
Task type settings​ are universal and include: 
○ Direct link: I​ f you have a product page link, you can use the direct link task 
○ You will not be able to enter keywords when using a direct link 
○ In this case paste the product link in the ​Direct link field 
○ Keywords​ will be prompted for the homepage link of the site (or a 
collection page to search), except for Supreme or predefined sites 
○ Shopify sites use the homepage URL – it should always start with https 
and you should omit www 
● Positive keywords​: Enter keywords that must match words in the product title on 
the product page when it appears. 
○ One set of keywords per line 
○ Combine multiple words on the same line with spaces, not symbols 
○ When multiple words are on the same line, they all must match the product 
title on the site 
○ Here is an example of how keywords might look for Kith Off-White Just 
Global Black Hoodie: 

● As you can see, there are three lines of keywords here 
● If the bot cannot find a product that contains just, global, hoodie, and black, then it 
will move to the second line and try to match all of the words on that line 
● Upper or lower case does not matter, just the words 
● The order of the words in the product title does not matter, as long as they are all 
contained in it 
● Negative keywords:​ Enter keywords that must not appear in the product title on 
the purchase page when it appears 
● One set of keywords per line 
● Combine multiple words with spaces, not symbols. For example:  
● Last 25 Products only t​ his feature ensures that the task searches only the last 25 
products added to the site 
General settings​ for tasks are universal and include: 
● Sizing: ​ Enter a number, a word such as medium, or a letter such as M 
○ Words or numbers should match the way sizes are listed on the desired 
○ You can choose to have the bot choose a random available size  
○ You can also choose to attempt to cart a certain size first, and if not 
available then choose a random available size by entering a size and 
checking pick random if not available (this feature works well, and does not 
slow the bot down at all -- so don’t be afraid to use it!) 
○ If you want to search a size within a certain range enter it in the sizing box 
like this: 9#9.5#10#10.5#11, this will search for sizes within the range from 
size 9 to 11 
​ here is an option in Eve AIO to use paypal as a checkout option. 
● Paypal: T
○ To do so on certain sites you simply select the paypal checkout option and 
save the task 
○ After doing so right click on the task and open the browser and proceed to 
login into paypal 
○ Paypal should refresh every 5 minutes to prevent you from logging out 
○ You must be active to complete the checkout 
● Price check:​ This allows an additional layer of security to prevent purchasing the 
wrong item when using keywords 
○ Set a price range here and the bot will only purchase the item if the price is 
within the specified range (this feature also works well, and does not slow 
the bot down at all -- so don’t be afraid to use it!) 
○ Use the retail price of the item 
○ Use the currency the website is using (DO NOT CONVERT) 
○ Does not include tax or shipping 
● Retry Delay:​ How fast to keep checking an URL for live stock or keyword matches 
○ By setting a delay here you can help avoid IP bans, soft or otherwise 
○ This setting uses milliseconds, so 2000 = 2 seconds (which, by the way, is 
a good setting for most scheduled releases) 
○ You can set either a static number or a range that will be used randomly 
● Retry on error:​ box should be left checked unless you are just testing a link 
● Notify box:​ needs to be checked to use any notifications settings you have set up 
(checked by default) 
● Captcha requests:​ Put a number here for requesting captcha solutions from the 
third party captcha services you have API keys saved for on the Captcha tools & 
settings tab 
○ These requests do not transmit until the task has carted 
○ To receive a solution as quickly as possible, you need a reasonably high 
number here 
○ Recommend 5, if you are not using a third party solver use 0 
○ The requests will be distributed randomly between your activated services 
if you have more than one set 
○ You can use the manual captcha solver in conjunction with Captcha 
○ Example setups can be found in the ​#botsetup s​ ection of the Eve AIO 
○ If you are only using manual solver you can leave this at 0. 
● Multicart: ​is a feature in which it allows you to cart multiple items which ends up 
saving you money on shipping 
○ To do so simply create a “Parent” task and the “Child” task 
○ The parent task is the item you want the most 
○ The child task is the set of items you want along with your prioritized item 
○ When setting up, simply create a parent task with the item you want the 
most, and create another task with the other item you would like 
○ Under the multicart dropdown option in the task creator select your parent 
○ When you run both tasks it should checkout with both items in one order. 
● Watch task:​ feature will use one parent task to watch over several other tasks 
○ Once the parent tasks finds the product it will start the other tasks which in 
the end save proxies 
● Checkout delay​: To mimic human behavior and/or avoid mysterious card declines 
at Supreme 
● Checkout delay can be input here, which tells the bot how long to wait after 
carting before attempting checkout 
● This setting uses milliseconds, so 2000 = 2 seconds (which is a good setting for 
many tasks) 
● It is not necessary to use this for any platform other than Supreme 
Advanced settings f​ or tasks are universal and include: 
● Local IP checkout:​ if you wish to cart with a proxy and then check out on your 
system IP for whatever reason 
○ Such as a rumor that orders may cancel from faraway IP locations 
● Mass create:​ Put a number in here to automatically create X duplicates of this 
task upon saving it (which can then be edited individually if needed) 
● Advanced captcha settings:​ Use this instead of the Captcha requests field above 
to specify a specific number of requests to each service you have API keys loaded 
○ This way you have control over the percentage distribution instead of the 
requests being distributed randomly between them 
● Login settings:​ for tasks is an available feature for sites that require accounts (so, 
not Supreme) 
○ Toggle the switch button on, and then enter your username and password 
○ The bot has been programmed to recognize some Shopify sites which 
require account logins, such as Blends, and will prevent you from 
mistakenly attempting guest checkouts there 
○ Let us know if more need to be added. We got your back wherever we can 
Shopify-specific settings​ for tasks include: 
● Predefined Sites:​ New to the bot is the ability to simplify your setup by using the 
predefined sites from the dropdown menu after choosing the Shopify platform 
○ Choosing a predefined site and starting the predefined tasks 5-10 minutes 
prior to the release will allow you to bypass the queue and captcha if either 
is present upon release 
○ It also removes some settings and chooses optimal settings for you for 
each predefined site 
○ More predefined sites will be added as time goes on. 
​ se Predefined Sites whenever possible! 
Note: U
● Checkout Links:​ (Currently does not work) Also new to the bot is the checkout 
link dropdown menu 
○ When you choose a predefined site from the list, checkout links become 
available from the dropdown menu 
○ During a live drop, checkout links will become available for the product that 
is releasing as users checkout 
○ Using these links will help on restocks by skipping a few steps and for live 
drops as well 
● Checkout (method):​ Keep this set to credit card (automatic) unless you want to try 
to check out manually with Paypal in a web browser window 
○ In that case, select Paypal here 
○ But understand the process will be slower and risks a cart-jack 
○ Right-click on the task and open the browser 
○ Login into paypal 
○ Once the bot has carted the item you will be prompted to finish checkout 
Supreme-specific settings​ for tasks include: 
● Group (Task type):​ This is for the product category on keyword tasks; Jackets, 
T-Shirts, New, etc 
○ Once keywords is selected for the task type, you can set this from a 
dropdown menu 
○ New is a good category to choose for copping on the original drop 
Thursday mornings 
● Color:​ This is an additional keyword field specifically for the item color 
○ Please note it must match the color description Supreme uses 
○ If exact is chosen then the item color must exactly what you inputted 
○ If you are unsure about the item color but you know it may contain the 
color red you would input red and select the contains option, this 
checkouts the item that contains the color you want 
● Multicart:​ This feature allows you to attempt to piggyback the order onto another 
already-created task, which you choose from the Parent task dropdown menu 
here. It will tie up that other task and prevent it from checking out until this item is 
added to the cart, so it’s risky 
● Solve Captcha Option: ​When checked task will request for a captcha to solve, 
unchecked will try to “bypass” captcha. 
● Region:​ Select USA, EU, or JP 
○ Be aware that your profiles must have the same billing and shipping 
addresses on all Supreme site locations 
● Automation (browserless vs. browser):​ This is a choice between using two 
different technologies 
○ Sometimes browser extensions outcook the GUI bots on Supreme 
○ When you designate your task as browser here, Eve AIO will emulate a 
browser extension bot 
○ You will then also need to provide a ​gmail account login details​ in the 
fields below, which will become available after toggling the browser option 
○ Upon saving the task, a browser window will open where you will need to 
manually log into that same gmail account – at which point you can close 
the browser window and be set 
○ The bot will then log into your gmail account each time it starts a browser 
○ Browser tasks require manual captcha solving​ – but if you use the 
captcha bypass tools,​ you should get the “invisible captchas” that solve in 
one click 
● Image Picker ​this kind of task is meant for when Supreme changes and messes 
with their keywords 
○ The task looks differently on the dashboard 
○ Notice the “tools” tab at the top 
○ From there it allows you to open a special Supreme window called Image 
○ It loads the products from the New category along with the "Image picker" 
supreme tasks 
○ You can pick product and task and click "ASSIGN AND START" 
○ It will replace the picked task for a direct link task and start immediately 
Note:​ ​browserless or browser​ tasks can be used with ​manual captcha solving​ and the captcha bypass 
tools for Supreme. 
● Other platform-specific settings​ will no doubt be added as we support additional 
sites. But they will all follow the pattern established in the above settings, so will 
be intuitive to use once you get a little experience with the software. 
● Save your task​ using the ​Save button​ on the bottom right 
● It will then populate the task dashboard home screen 
● If you used the ​mass create​ feature, however many duplicates of this task you 
chose to create will appear as well 

Quick task 
● Quick task allows creating and starting task(s) extremely fast, so it is ideal for 
surprise drops or anytime the user wasn’t ready 
● Quick task window is accessible either by clicking the yellow lighting icon on the 
dashboard or hitting F1 key anywhere within the bot 


Quick task settings 

● Before Quick task usage, user has to set up basic settings for the tasks 
● For this purpose, new Quick task settings were added to the Settings screen 


Creating a quick task 
● As mentioned above, Quick task window is accessible by hitting F1 key or by 
clicking on the Lighting button from within the dashboard 

● Link – either manually pasted by user or automatically pasted from clipboard (if 
turned on) 
● Number of tasks – amount of tasks that will be created 
Note: I​ f you picked a specific profile in the quick task settings, this will be used for all tasks created. 
If you picked a profile group, profiles from specified group will be linneary assigned to created tasks. 

Remote Quick Task Monitor 

● The Eve Remote Quick Task Feature will allow you to create and start tasks 
● To set up first download the and update the latest version of Eve AIO 
● The Remote Quick Task feature uses the settings stored in the Quick Task 
settings found in the Settings tab, so be sure to set your preferences and options 
● Along with this you will need a chrome extension which will send the link to your 
Eve AIO (download link: 
1424/EveAIORemoteTask.zip/​ ) can also be found in #announcements of Eve AIO 
● To set up the extension in your Chrome Browser 
○ Download and unzip the folder to your disk (right click the zipped folder 
and click unzip) 
○ Open the Chrome Extensions Page 
○ Turn on Developers mode (switch on top right) 
○ Click Load unpacked button and load the unzipped extension 
● Once setup, you will see the extension in the top right corner of your browser 
● Right click the extension and click options 
● Input your key/pin into the provided boxes and click save 

● Saved tasks are organized into ​groups (by platform)​ on the ​task dashboard 
● You can use the ​up/down arrows​ next to the task groups to close or expand 
them, so that only the tasks you currently want to work with display on the screen 
● Click on a ​task row​ to work with it 
● It will highlight in gray 
● You can then ​delete​ that task with either the ​delete button​ on your keyboard or 
the ​Delete tasks button​ at the top of the task dashboard 
● To ​edit, delete, start, stop, or export​ the highlighted task, use the designated 
buttons at the top of the task dashboard 
● To highlight multiple tasks:  
○ First click on a single row so it highlights, then hold down the Shift key on 
your keyboard and click on a task at the far end of the range you want to 
work with 
○ They will then all highlight 
○ If your mouse will not click the row at the far end of your desired range, use 
the down arrow on your keyboard to reach that row 
○ Hold the Shift key down 
○ Then click it with your mouse 
● Once a range of tasks are highlighted you can: ​Start / Stop​ tasks, ​Schedule 
Start​ and ​Schedule Stop​ times, ​Duplicate​ tasks, ​Delete​ tasks, and ​Edit​ individual 
● Shopify Smart Schedule f​ or this schedule your tasks for drop time (enabled by 
○ The tasks will start 5 minutes prior to scheduled drop time and will bypass 
○ It will then go to sleep and start up again from 0-60 seconds prior to drop 
depending on what time you put in settings 
○ Put the retry delay you desire as your proxies should not get banned when 
the task goes to sleep 
​ ill change all links of desired site to the one you desire 
● Mass Link Change w
(useful for surprise early links) 
● Mass edit tasks​ when you have a range highlighted, for things like​ task​ ​type, 
direct link, keywords, color, profile, proxy list, sizing, price check, login, ATC 
method, Checkout, Captcha settings and retry delay 
○ Highlight a group of tasks and then choose the ​Mass edit tasks button​ up 
top on the task dashboard 
○ The ​Mass edit window​ will appear 
○ Toggle the switch for the setting you wish to mass edit, and change the 
○ All selected tasks will be changed for this specific setting upon clicking 
Save in the bottom right of this window 
○ You can even do this while the tasks are running 

Operation Logs 
● The operation log scrolls fast 
● If it is too fast for your eyes, use the Pause button or uncheck the auto scroll 
option up top 
● You should have it set to clear frequently, so probably won’t need to clear the log, 
but can do so while evaluating the running tasks to display fresh data 
● What you are looking for here are ​error messages​ of various types 
● Not all error messages are something to be concerned over, though 
● The log reports what it encounters at the target location 
● Oftentimes an error message is a reflection of the current webpage state. 
● Connection errors​ are important 
● If your proxies are failing, you may get a 403 code error message, or messages 
that your connections are being “closed unexpectedly.” 
● If your URL is bad, you will get different kinds of error messages 
● It may take some experience using the software to get a feel for when the log 
messages indicate problems 
● Always check the URL yourself in these cases 

Common Errors  
● Payment error -​ this usually means that the item you were going is out of stock 
(99% of the time), although there may be occasions where it does not 
● Billing error ​- this usually is because of something wrong in your checkout profile 
or the item could have gone out of stock, ensure that you’ve inputted the correct 
information with a valid address, also ensure that you are botting a site that ships 
to you 
● Shipping error ​- make sure your profile has a valid address, not a made up one 
● Error starting task - request cancelled -​ this usually means your proxies are bad 
or that you need a quick restart 
● Website 400 errors -​ these vary and mean many different things, for example 403 
means you are IP banned, more can be found here: 
● Website 500 errors​ - this usually means that the website is down, more info can 
also be found in the link above 
● Stuck on “Waiting for Restock” ​- this is a common issue and can be because of a 
simple mistake or an Eve bug that it hard to fix, solution include: 
○ Solution 1 -​  
■ The product you want may not be in the last 25 products, toggle this 
option off and the deep search option as well 
○ Solution 2 ​- 
■ After creating/editing tasks restart Eve or your server 
■ Right click on the windows task bar at the bottom 
■ Click Task Manager 
■ End/kill the Eve.aio task 
■ Start up Eve and run as normal 
● Eve Update issues ​- there may be updates where you have issues upon installing 
here are home solutions: 
○ Solution 1 -​  
■ Close out Eve 
■ Run wyupdate found in EVE folder as admin 
■ After wyupdate has finished start up Eve 
● Eve cannot open/license key issues ​- these issues as of recent are common here 
are some solutions: 
○ Solution 1 -​  
■ Open the task manager  
■ End/kill the Eve aio process 
■ Sometimes there is an instance of Eve running that causes this issue 
○ Solution 2 ​- 
■ Reset key with link given in commands in #chat 
○ Solution 3 ​-  
■ Delete the license.key file in the EVE folder 
■ Input your key once again 
○ Solution 4 ​- 
■ Check the timezone, clock and date of the system running the 
○ Solution 5 ​- 
■ Check if there is a firewall blocking Eve from connecting to the 
license server 

Success Monitor 
● The success monitor screen will light up with product images when products are 
carted, and show which links were used 
● It will also display fairly accurate indications of whether the item was successfully 
checked out or not 
● This information will also be sent via your notifications settings if you are using 
that feature 
● Paypal task will show success but that does not mean you checked out, you need 
to finish payment in paypal browser 
​ here will be time where you will ​ATC​ but the ​Checkout​ column has a ​“?”​ check your bank account 
Note: T
and/or email for confirmation. 



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