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Science in Grade 3

Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes

To come

Physical Science: Materials and Structures

Rating Scale
Sample Task: Build a Bridge for a Hot Wheels Car

Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets

Rating Scale
Sample Task: Ask Questions of Aboriginal Elders
Life Science
To come
Physical Science
Prescribed Learning Outcomes
The BC performance standards for Grade 3 Physical Science reflect the following
prescribed learning outcomes from Grade 3 of the Science K to 7 Integrated Resource
Package (2005).

Processes and Skills of Science

It is expected that students will:
• ask questions that foster investigations and explorations relevant to the content
• measure objects and events

Physical Science: Materials and Structures

It is expected that students will:
• describe shapes that are part of natural and human-built structures (e.g., domes,
arches, pyramids)
• compare the effects of different materials, shapes, and forces on the strength
and stability of different structures
• conduct investigations into ways to improve the strength and stability of
DRAFT Rating Scale: Grade 3 Physical Science
Aspect Not Yet Within Expectations Meets Expectations
(Minimal Level)
Skills and • needs support to use appropriate skills • is able to use some appropriate skills
Processes and processes and processes
• observing • with support, may be able to ask some • if prompted, is able to ask questions
• communicating simple questions that they know the that make some connection to the
(sharing) answers to, these are often not related topic, may be simple, vague, or very
• communicating to topic concrete
(recording) • needs support in order to make • measures in way modeled,
• classifying measurements; often makes no measurements may be inaccurate,
• interpreting attempt to record inconsistent or incomplete
observations • needs support to record information on • if prompted, able to record some
• making a template or chart simple information on a template or
inferences chart
• questioning
• measuring and
Attitudes and • demonstrates little or no interest in • demonstrates some interest in
Dispositions science activities science activities, topics or
• has a positive • lacks tendency to consider any phenomena
attitude towards alternatives, explore views, generate • considers one plan or idea rather than
science multiple options exploring other views, or generate
• demonstrates • usually does not see the science in multiple options
the habits of situations or use science to make • with prompting, may see the science
mind of science sense of their world in a situation, or attempt to use
• recognizes and science to explain something in their
uses science world
Making • may not be able to articulate • with prompting, makes some
Connections connections between task and connections between task and
• connections to personal experience and/or prior personal experience and/or prior
personal learning, but may understand learning of some science concepts;
experience and connections that are explained and connections may be simple or vague
prior knowledge examples given • may not be able to give examples of
• connections • has difficulty understanding the connections between scientific
among science, connections between scientific knowledge and technology but may
technology, knowledge and practical applications understand some examples given
society, and the
Knowledge and • needs support to identify basic shapes • identifies some basic shapes typically
Understanding of in structures, and prompting to apply used in structures and applies them to
Science them to own projects own projects
Concepts • may focus efforts on selecting materials • makes some comparisons of the
for strength and ignore other factors effects of some different materials,
• may give up on own structure if it lacks shapes, and forces on the strength
strength or stability and stability of structures
• may rely on trial and error to improve
strength and stability or own
Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

• uses appropriate skills and processes • uses appropriate skills and processes
• asks logical questions relevant to the effectively in a variety of situations
content that can be investigated and • poses thoughtful and insightful
explored questions, may suggest how they can
• measures and objects and events be investigated or explored
using appropriate units, may be some • measures and records objects and
inaccuracies or omissions events accurately, completely, and in
• is able to record information on a appropriate units, may independently
template or chart, may be some errors develop appropriate templates or
or omissions charts

• demonstrates an active interest in • demonstrates a sustained interest

science activities and wonder about the and curiosity in the world and in
world learning science
• if prompted, will consider alternatives, • independently considers alternatives,
explore views, generate multiple explores views, and generates
options options
• often sees the science in a situation • recognizes science in a wide range of
and sometimes uses science to make situations and often attempts to use
sense of their world science to make sense of their world

• makes some connections between task • makes detailed and relevant

and personal experience and/or prior connections between task and
learning of science concepts personal experience and/ or prior
• if prompted, can give examples of learning of science concepts; able to
connections between scientific give personal examples
knowledge and technology • recognizes and explains how
technological progress and inventions
are a result of scientific knowledge;
able to give detailed examples

• identifies most of the basic shapes • identifies many shapes used in

typically used in structures and applies structures and applies them to own
them to own projects projects in unique ways
• is able to make accurate comparisons • makes accurate generalizations about
of the effects of some different the effects of different materials,
materials, shapes, and forces on the shapes, and forces on the strength
strength and stability of structures and stability of structures
• is able to modify the design of own • modifies the design of own structures
structures to improves strength and in ways that greatly increase strength
stability and stability, design may be
Chart for Planning or Observation: Grade 3 Physical Science
Aspect Fully Meets Expectations

Skills and • uses appropriate skills and processes

Processes • asks logical questions relevant to the
• observing content that can be investigated and
• communicating explored
(sharing) • measures and objects and events
• communicating using appropriate units, may be some
(recording) inaccuracies or omissions
• classifying • is able to record information on a
• interpreting template or chart, may be some errors
observations or omissions
• making
• questioning
• measuring and
Attitudes and • demonstrates an active interest in
Dispositions science activities and wonder about the
• has a positive world
attitude towards • if prompted, will consider alternatives,
science explore views, generate multiple
• demonstrates options
the habits of • often sees the science in a situation
mind of science and sometimes uses science to make
• recognizes and sense of their world
uses science
Making • makes some connections between task
Connections and personal experience and/or prior
• connections to learning of science concepts
personal • if prompted, can give examples of
experience and connections between scientific
prior knowledge knowledge and technology
• connections
among science,
society, and the
Knowledge and • identifies most of the basic shapes
Understanding of typically used in structures and applies
Science them to own projects
Concepts • is able to make accurate comparisons
of the effects of some different
materials, shapes, and forces on the
strength and stability of structures
• is able to modify the design of own
structures to improves strength and
Sample Task: Build a Bridge for a Hot Wheels Car
During a study of structures, students were asked to build bridges and test their

Learning Outcomes

Processes and Skills of Science

It is expected that students will:
• measure objects and events

Physical Science: Materials and Structures

It is expected that students will:
• compare the effects of different materials, shapes, and forces on the strength
and stability of different structures
• conduct investigations into ways to improve the strength and stability of

Students were provided with two blocks, one sheet of paper and a Hot Wheels car.
They were asked to construct a bridge that would support the weight of the car. They
worked in pairs to design and build a bridge, test it, and suggest modifications and

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
This student lacked engagement with the task and did not persevere with process of
testing and modifying his design.

• needs support making measurements and comparisons

• lack of interest in task
• has difficulty making connections between science concepts and practical
applications such as building bridges, playing with toys
• did not modify his structure, was not interested in improving its strength

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
This student lacks confidence and relied heavily on her partner to complete the task.

• needs measuring to be modeled

• able to record some information on the provided template
• only considers one plan/way of designing her bridge
• makes limited connections to background scientific knowledge
• utilizes only one technique (folding/doubling of paper) to strengthen her structure

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
This student persevered with the task and considered alternative techniques.

• measures events accurately

• able to record information on a template
• demonstrates an interest in science
• considers alternatives and different options for constructing her bridge
• makes some connections between personal experiences and science concepts
• able to modify her bridge to improve its strength and stability

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
This student is naturally inquisitive, particularly about science, and transferred what he
was learning at school about structures to his play-based constructions at home. The
student orally explained his reasoning and design changes but his recording skills were

• accurately measures and records objects and events

• demonstrates a passion for construction and science in general
• works independently and perseveres as he considers alternative designs and
• makes relevant connections between the task and his science knowledge as well
as to other science construction tasks done in class
• identifies the triangle as a strong shape and utilized it in his design
• modifies his own structures to increase strength and stability
Earth and Space Science
Prescribed Learning Outcomes
The BC performance standards for Grade 3 Earth and Space Science reflect the
following prescribed learning outcomes from Grade 3 of the Science K to 7 Integrated
Resource Package (2005).

Processes and Skills of Science

It is expected that students will:
• ask questions that foster investigations and explorations relevant to the content
• measure objects and events

Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets

It is expected that students will:
• describe characteristics and movements of objects in our solar system
• compare familiar constellations in seasonal skies
• demonstrate awareness of the special significance of celestial objects for
Aboriginal peoples
DRAFT Rating Scale: Grade 3 Earth and Space Science
Aspect Not Yet Within Expectations Meets Expectations
(Minimal Level)
Skills and • needs support to use appropriate skills • is able to use some appropriate skills
Processes and processes and processes
• observing • with support, may be able to ask some • if prompted, is able to ask questions
• communicating simple questions that they know the that make some connection to the
(sharing) answers to, these are often not related topic, may be simple, vague, or very
• communicating to topic concrete
(recording) • needs support in order to make • measures in way modeled,
• classifying measurements; often makes no measurements may be inaccurate,
• interpreting attempt to record inconsistent or incomplete
observations • needs support to record information on • if prompted, able to record some
• making a template or chart simple information on a template or
inferences chart
• questioning
• measuring and
Attitudes and • demonstrates little or no interest in • demonstrates some interest in
Dispositions science activities science activities, topics or
• has a positive • lacks tendency to consider any phenomena
attitude towards alternatives, explore views, generate • considers one plan or idea rather than
science multiple options exploring other views, or generate
• demonstrates • usually does not see the science in multiple options
the habits of situations or use science to make • with prompting, may see the science
mind of science sense of their world in a situation, or attempt to use
• recognizes and science to explain something in their
uses science world
Making • may not be able to articulate • with prompting, makes some
Connections connections between task and connections between task and
• connections to personal experience and/or prior personal experience and/or prior
personal learning, but may understand learning of some science concepts;
experience and connections that are explained and connections may be simple or vague
prior knowledge examples given • may not be able to give examples of
• connections • has difficulty understanding the connections between scientific
among science, connections between scientific knowledge and technology but may
technology, knowledge and practical applications understand some examples given
society, and the
Knowledge and • needs support to make a basic drawing • is able to draw a diagram of the solar
Understanding of of the solar system system that includes the sun and
Science • may not understand that the Sun is a planets, may be omissions
Concepts star or distinguish between planets and • may not understand that the Sun is a
stars star
• is able to identify a common and easily • is able to identify a common and
seen constellation in the night sky easily seen constellations in the night
• is able to identify the celestial objects in sky
an Aboriginal story • is able to identify how an Aboriginal
story explains something about a
celestial object
Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

• uses appropriate skills and processes • uses appropriate skills and processes
• asks logical questions relevant to the effectively in a variety of situations
content that can be investigated and • poses thoughtful and insightful
explored questions, may suggest how they can
• measures and objects and events be investigated or explored
using appropriate units, may be some • measures and records objects and
inaccuracies or omissions events accurately, completely, and in
• is able to record information on a appropriate units, may independently
template or chart, may be some errors develop appropriate templates or
or omissions charts

• demonstrates an active interest in • demonstrates a sustained interest

science activities and wonder about the and curiosity in the world and in
world learning science
• if prompted, will consider alternatives, • independently considers alternatives,
explore views, generate multiple explores views, and generates
options options
• often sees the science in a situation • recognizes science in a wide range of
and sometimes uses science to make situations and often attempts to use
sense of their world science to make sense of their world

• makes some connections between task • makes detailed and relevant

and personal experience and/or prior connections between task and
learning of science concepts personal experience and/ or prior
• if prompted, can give examples of learning of science concepts; able to
connections between scientific give personal examples
knowledge and technology • recognizes and explains how
technological progress and inventions
are a result of scientific knowledge;
able to give detailed examples

• is able to draw a diagram of the solar • is able to draw a detailed map of the
system that includes the sun and solar system that includes asteroids,
planets comets, moons, etc, and explain
• identifies the Sun as a star different orbits; may worry about scale
• is able to identify a couple of common of drawing
and easily seen constellations in the • is able to identify several
night sky constellations in the night sky and can
• identifies examples of the cultural identify seasonal changes in their
significance attached to celestial position
objects in Aboriginal stories
Chart for Planning or Observation: Grade 3 Earth and Space Science
Aspect Fully Meets Expectations

Skills and • uses appropriate skills and processes

Processes • asks logical questions relevant to the
• observing content that can be investigated and
• communicating explored
(sharing) • measures and objects and events
• communicating using appropriate units, may be some
(recording) inaccuracies or omissions
• classifying • is able to record information on a
• interpreting template or chart, may be some errors
observations or omissions
• making
• questioning
• measuring and
Attitudes and • demonstrates an active interest in
Dispositions science activities and wonder about the
• has a positive world
attitude towards • if prompted, will consider alternatives,
science explore views, generate multiple
• demonstrates options
the habits of • often sees the science in a situation
mind of science and sometimes uses science to make
• recognizes and sense of their world
uses science
Making • makes some connections between task
Connections and personal experience and/or prior
• connections to learning of science concepts
personal • if prompted, can give examples of
experience and connections between scientific
prior knowledge knowledge and technology
• connections
among science,
society, and the
Knowledge and • is able to draw a diagram of the solar
Understanding of system that includes the sun and
Science planets
Concepts • identifies the Sun as a star
• is able to identify a couple of common
and easily seen constellations in the
night sky
• identifies examples of the cultural
significance attached to celestial
objects in Aboriginal stories
Sample Task: Ask Questions of Aboriginal Elders
This task was a culmination of an ongoing science study of space with a focus on the
sun, moon and stars. A teacher who would be visiting an Aboriginal community visited
the class and took the students’ questions with her for elders and educators to respond

Learning Outcomes

Processes and Skills of Science

It is expected that students will:
• ask questions that foster investigations and explorations relevant to the content

Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets

It is expected that students will:
• demonstrate awareness of the special significance of celestial objects for
Aboriginal peoples

The students brainstormed how they used the sun, moon and starts to help them and
what importance they had to them. The students reviewed important aspects of
Aboriginal culture and beliefs that they had been introduced to. The students were
asked to create questions for First Nations elders to answer so that we could better
understand the special significance of celestial objects, both traditionally and currently.

Many students wrote their questions in letter format as the questions were being taken
to elders to read.

The responses to the questions were shared with the class at a later time and many
powerful connections were made.

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
The student was able to complete the task with adult support and prompting.

• needs adult support to pose questions

• demonstrates an interest in the task
• has difficulty making connections between his background knowledge and prior
learning about space and the task of asking questions
• demonstrates some misconceptions about science content
• shares some knowledge of Aboriginal culture but had difficulty connecting to the

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
The student was able to complete the task with some adult and peer support. This
student has a designation as ESL level 2.

• bases her questions on her peer’s questions

• demonstrates an interest in the task
• makes limited connections between her background knowledge and prior
learning about space and the task of asking questions
• demonstrates some misconceptions about who Aboriginal peoples were, even
with multiple examples and questions

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
The student was able to complete the task independently and confidently shared his
questions with his peers.

• asks logical questions, connected to his understanding of Aboriginal culture

• demonstrates enthusiasm for the task, and was genuinely interested in the
potential of finding out answers to his questions
• makes some connections between his background knowledge and prior learning
about the science of space and the task of asking questions
• shares some knowledge of Aboriginal culture and was very aware and interested
in the role of elders within an Aboriginal community

Skills and Processes

Attitudes and Dispositions

Making Connections

Knowledge & Understanding

of Science Concepts

Teacher’s Observations
This student made connections between culture and science and was able to create
complex questions independently. The student’s fine motor skills (printing) are weak, so
the teacher re-wrote his questions so that they could be shared with others.

• asks thoughtful and insightful questions with the purpose of writing for an elder
• uses different types/levels of questions
• is very curious about science and has vast background knowledge around
science concepts and vocabulary
• makes relevant connections and connects science to the world around him
• thorough understanding of relevant science concepts
• strong understanding of significance of Aboriginal peoples within a Canadian
• connects the significance of celestial objects in his own life as he thought of
questions to ask the elders

1. Do you have special names for the sun and the moon?
2. Do you use the moon to tell days?
3. What is the most useful – the sun, the moon, or the stars?
4. Do you have sun celebrations?

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