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Why Are We Not A Denomination?

Jeffersonville, Indiana, 58-0927

136 In 1933 when the Lord, when we was having meetings over here where that Church
of Christ is standing now, the old Masonic home, the vision of the Lord came to me up
here and predicted that, Germany would rise up and have put that Maginot Line there.
Many of you remember. And how they'd be all fortified in there, and the Americans
would take a great beating right there at that line. It also said what would take place,
and about Roosevelt and them things, how he would run and make that fourth term.
Perfectly, just exactly the way it come to pass. And also said that cars would keep
getting more like an egg, until the last days they'd be just in the shape of an egg.

Now, I said, "It'll come to pass that those cars will not be run by a steering wheel; it'll be
something another run." It's them cars they're bringing out right now, remote control, for
safety. Correct. You won't be able to enter into a city then, a twenty-mile zone, you can
just go twenty mile. You can't hit another car, because it's remote control. See, it's going
like that right now.

And I said, "Remember, in that day, before the end time comes, before the end time
comes, that a WOMAN... Now, you all keep this wrote down. There'll be a great
powerful WOMAN raise up, either be President, or dictator, or some great
powerful WOMAN in this United States. And she'll sink under the influence of
women. Now, you remember; that's THUS SAITH THE LORD."

137 See, and she's wrong. And what is it given away to? Let me tell you. Be spiritual;
let's open up, look. Why is it doing that? To give the CATHOLIC church a place to come
in. See? You worship these movies stars and all these other different things out here.
Remember the sermon I preached (Margie, you remember it.) years ago on the--the
invasion of the United States and overthrow the American Government?

„În ziua aceea, înainte să vină vremea sfârşitului, o femeie... Păstraţi acest lucru în scris. În Statele Unite
se va ridica o femeie puternică, va fi ori preşedinte, sau dictator, sau o femeie puternică. SUA va intra sub
influenţa femeilor. Reţineţi – este AŞA VORBEŞTE DOMNUL.” (De ce nu suntem un cult? WMB)

From That Time, Klamath Falls, OR, Saturday, 60-0716

E-92 And so, this... I... I won't have time in this meeting to tell you. In 1933, this is a woman’s
nation. It's the number thirteen. It appears in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation: thirteen stars,
thirteen stripes, thirteen... Everything's a thirteen. Everything is a woman. And remember, THUS
SAITH THE LORD there will be a woman rule before the end time. She'll either be President,
Vice President, or it'll be the catholic church as a woman. I've seen her: A great woman, the
nation bowed to her. It'll be one before the end time. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Write it down
and find out, you young people. See if it happens. If it isn't, I'm a false prophet.

Lamb And Dove, Yakima WA Friday, 60-0805

E-30 You remember, I predicted that in 1933. And it will be that way too. For I saw a vision
before the end time, that great and powerful thing stood up in the United States, and she
become as stubbles. So then, it's going to happen. I said, "Automobiles will--come like the
shape of an egg." You know what a '33 car looked like. And I said, "There'll even be traveling on
the road, they won't even have to guide it." They've already got that out; I seen it here not long
ago. It'll be controlled by electronics like, or by a magnetic post, to cut their speed and so forth,
and raise their speed. They can't hit against one another and so forth. And I've got that wrote in
a book since 1933. And it'll be that way; we're coming to it now. We're right in it, because the
Holy Spirit is the One that leads the church, and warns us of dangers that is to come.

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