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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template

Counting naming number 1 to 100

Sonequa Brewley
Kindergarten/ Math

Common Core Standards:

K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens.

Lesson Summary:

Count to 100 by ones and by tens. Using objects to better represent the sets (by tens) that they will be

Estimated Duration:

This lesson should take close to 60 minutes. Once counting to 100 and then again showing the sets by ten.
Another round of counting will be necessary until the child had understood that they can count to 100 by
ones and tens. Time can be broken in two sets. Giving the child an added activity to connect the two lessons


The challenge I anticipate is the student getting frustrated. This is okay as it may be their first time counting
to 100. Songs and other activities will be placed within this lesson plan to ensure that they can understand
there are many ways to count to 100, other than the obvious. In the connected avtivites of counting to 100
they would have accomplished at least one giving them the satisfaction that they can count to 100. This is a
way to get them excited to count to 100 in the way that first frustrated them.

Instructional Procedures:

Smart board: Interactive Splat Number Game

As students are arriving to school, this can be an opener and self-taught. How it works: You chose the
number range you would like to count to. 1-10. Five large dots would show up. And they clap, Splat, a large
splat comes to the board covering up an unknown amount of dots. Once the children find out how many dots
are covered up, a tap on the screen reveals behind the splat the number of dots missing. This helps the
children recognize the numbers between that range. This activity will take approx. 30 minutes.
Transitioning to the next activity once all our children have shown up. A YouTube song.


This YouTube video will be used on the carpet to introduce counting to 100. While it’s fun, the kids can
dance along and sing to the song. This activity will take approx. 5 minutes.

Transitioning from the song there will be three tables with counters to help the children count to 100.

Table 1:
Playdough Mats: these are my favorites
Laminated mats and playdough will be at this table. For example the mat number 30-40 will have a monkey
hanging from a tree and the ten frame below. In each frame there is a faint number represented. The child
must roll a piece of dough and place it in that ten frame saying each number in the cardinal. A rolled ball is
recommended not required.
This can be a 15 minute activity.

Table 2:
Chrome tablets
This table will have chrome tables open to Khan Academy Kindergarten number to 100
Here the child will see a range of numbers and must find the missing number. Khan Academy website is
current in all its standards for Kindergarten. It tracks the child’s process for later assessment.
This can be a 15 minute activity.

Table 3: Which is really not a table

The smartboard, because I love this tool of interaction so much

This website helps students count to 100 interactively. They can touch the words as the children on the
screen counts with them. Either by ones or by tens. The students will be able to correspond the word ten as
they say the word ten.
This can be a 15 minute activity.

This can be an introduction the day before. I can ask the children to count with me to 100. Here I can assess
them as we end the day. Also this will let them know what we will be doing the next day.

Scoring Guidelines:
This includes a checkoff list. Over the days that I repeat this assignment I can score the students on how well
they remember their numbers. If they cannot remember how to count from 1 to 100 then piecing the numbers
could help. For example, I can ask the student to start at 20 and count to 30. If this is accomplished I can ask
a larger range of numbers like 40 to 50.

As quizzes are not “normal” in kindergarten. I would each day take a group of tens and score their process
on that. Take home sheets can go home and recorded when returned back to school.

Scoring Guidelines:
The scoring guidelines will be 0 – not on track, 1- further assessment is needed and 2 – on track.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Depending on how that child learns, more support can be given.
Although technology is a great wave in the schools, some children are more hands on learning.
Counters can be placed for them to physically see the numbers build to 100. Laminated word cards can
be added to that task.
Base-tens are very helpful in showing students how one can become one hundred.

Khan Academy: this tracks their process. It’s something that parents can also see and explains in detail how
to help them further learn in the topic.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Kahn Academy login for parents to use at home with instructions on what they learned that day and how to
Sheets can go home discussing what parents can do to help children remember number names and count
Interdisciplinary Connections
-no connections within Kindergarten

Materials and Resources:

For teachers Chrome tablets, smartboard, playdoh, counting mats, assessment folder for each child
to take notes in,

For students Chrome tablets, smartboard, playdoh, counting mats,

Key Vocabulary
Count, hundred, by tens, by ones, cardinal,

Additional Notes

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