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Reflection 3:

In task 3 I have to focus on the learning environment and I will focus on the organization of the classroom.
I have to understand why the classroom is organized as an area and what the function for each area.

Starting by the classroom organization I notice that the classroom organization facilitates the movement
during the activity because the classroom is divided into areas. For example, a reading area, a science
area, library area. so these areas keep the classroom organized, the teacher and the students can move
on the classroom easily. Also, in each classroom there is a place for the materials and only teachers and
assistants can bring the materials from this place and students are not allowed to bring the materials. In
addition, The areas in the classroom encourage the learners because each area is equipped with
equipment that encourages students to learn.

Overall, this task gave me the ability to learn more about how the classroom organization help the
teachers and encourage the students to learn. I think each classroom should be equipped in a way that
helps students learn and encourage them to come to the school.

The idea of learners being ‘active’ learners. Discuss how the classroom organization facilitates activities
for learners. Give examples of activities you observed and the way in which the classroom organization
makes these activities accessible. Consider ease of movement within the learning environment.

the classroom organization facilitates the movement during the activity because the classroom is divided
into areas. For example, a reading area, a science area, library area.

How and where are materials stored in the classroom? Do the children/learners need to be able to get
and put materials away? In the classroom there are a place for the materials, just the teachers and
assistants can bring the materials.

Where does the teacher have her table/papers/materials?

Are there areas that encourage independent learning? Give some examples. Why are these areas
important? The areas in the classroom encourage the learners and this area important because this area
keeps the classroom organized.

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