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N007 - Stichting Samay ( Bolivia): A pine plantation in

the Bolivian Andes?

Made by: Jesper, Wouter, Ralph And Tobias.

Welcome to our PoA this is short voor Plan of approach. In this document you can
find the assignment, the deliverables and our planning of how we go through this
project. We got this assignment from World School, World School is a
organisation who helps small schools. Because for small and remote schools or
businesses it is difficult to build and maintain a social network of clients and
experts on their own. And that’s where World school helps, they help these little
schools or businesses by taking their assignments and giving them to schools.
And we got one of these assignments.

Problem Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….5
Role Distribution…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...7
Process and completion….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….9

Large-scale deforestation of the Bolivian highlands began with the advent
of the mining industry in the late 18th century and continued through to the mid
twentieth century. Although train engines and ore smelters were converted to oil
and coal in the 1920s, and kerosene began to replace wood as a fuel at
that time (West, 1987), nearly 200 years of heavy deforestation, followed by over-
grazing as rangelands were heavily stocked to utilize primary succession
(West, 1987), resulted in much environmental damage.

As a result, fuel wood is very limited and animal wastes are used for this
purpose rather than as desperately needed fertilizers. Agricultural lands are
cultivated for three years and then followed for twelve, during which time they
are also heavily grazed. Such management is not conducive to soil conservation.
Soil infertility and loss due to wind and water erosion, as well as to overgrazing,
has become a serious concern in recent years (W. Baker, pers.
comm.). (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1005873008532; Agroforestry
in the Bolivian Altiplano: evaluation of tree species and greenhouse growth of
wheat on soils treated with tree leaves).

Due to the effects of climate change (changing precipitation patterns,

extreme weather, changes in minimum and maximum temperatures), these
problems are amplified.

What does World School ask from us:

We are looking for solutions to these issues and are working on the
following projects in the Bolivian Andes:

1. agroforestry (combining tree cultivation with agriculture and livestock


2. production and planting of trees.

Samay Foundation
The Samay Foundation focuses on projects that are at the cutting edge of
poverty reduction and environmental applications. Typical projects include
agroforestry, reforestation, education and solar lamps. They mostly work in the
higher parts of Bolivia.
The foundation was founded in 2002. In the early years they have realized a
series of social projects. Nowadays, however, they focus on projects that are on
the cutting edge of poverty reduction and environmental applications. The
Samay Foundation has a 4-member board, some volunteers, including local
Bolivians, who lives in the Netherlands and they especially have an extensive
network of collaborators and partnerships in Bolivia. Themes they deal with
include poverty, erosion, reforestation and climate change.

The Samay Foundation aims to:

- Promote sustainable development cooperation at national and international
-To stimulate a better environment and greater environmental awareness at
national and international level.

The work area of the foundation is:

-Bolivia and other countries with less prosperous economic and social
development in their relationship with the Netherlands and Europe.

Problem Analysis
Large-scale deforestation of the Bolivian highlands began with the advent
of the mining industry in the late 18th century and continued through to the mid
twentieth century. Although train engines and ore smelters were converted to oil
and coal in the 1920s, and kerosene began to replace wood as a fuel at
that time (West, 1987), nearly 200 years of heavy deforestation, followed by over-
grazing as rangelands were heavily stocked to utilize primary succession
(West, 1987), resulted in much environmental damage.

As a result, fuel wood is very limited and animal wastes are used for this
purpose rather than as desperately needed fertilizers. Agricultural lands are
cultivated for three years and then followed for twelve, during which time they
are also heavily grazed. Such management is not conducive to soil conservation.
Soil infertility and loss due to wind and water erosion, as well as to overgrazing,
has become a serious concern in recent years (W. Baker, pers.
comm.). (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1005873008532; Agroforestry
in the Bolivian Altiplano: evaluation of tree species and greenhouse growth of
wheat on soils treated with tree leaves).

Due to the effects of climate change (changing precipitation patterns,

extreme weather, changes in minimum and maximum temperatures), these
problems are amplified.

What are we going to do:

We are going to investigate this problem and we are going to look for
solutions for placing a pine plantation.

(1.1) Planning: The leader of our group has made a plan so that we always know
what to do.
(1.2) Logbook: The logbook is that we can keep track of how much we have done
in that day and whether we have achieved our goals.
(2.1) P.O.A: The POA ensures that we know exactly what to do. It then involves
devising and performing the deliverables. You have to write this down in advance
because it may happen that you have forgotten something.
(2.2) P.O.R: In the Deliverables you can see all the requirements of the
assignment / end product.
(3.1) Investigations: A lot of research is done on existing products and how we
can set up our own digital design.
(3.2) web research: Search the internet for sources about our project.
(4.1) Create assignment: Create an assignment that makes the whole
assignment clear.
(5.1) Cliënt feedback: Show the progression to the client and handle feedback.
(5.2) Report: Making a good report of all the Investigations.
(6.1) Final assignment: Deliver final assignment to the client.
(6.2) Final presentation: Finally, we make the final presentation. The final
presentation gives a brief overview of what we have done in the coming period. It
is clear, clear, tight and not too complicated because the people who view the
presentation must be able to understand it.

Role Distribution
Name Role E-mailadress Student Number

Ralph Team worker 115700@leerling.calandlyceum.nl 115700


Jesper Document 115627@leerling.calandlyceum.nl 115627

Ackers manager

Wouter Controller 115675@leerling.calandlyceum.nl 115675


Tobías Project leader and 115704@leerling.calandlyceum.nl 115704

van der planner

Group worker: Ensures stable cooperation. Any conflicts are taken care of by the
team worker and will come between the parties to resolve the situation. If the
team worker sees that a group member is too little / too involved in the project,
the team worker will try to rectify this.

Document manager: The document manager ensures the retention and

maintenance of the documents. Furthermore, individual documents are combined
into a complete document and all documents will be handed in neatly by the
document manager.

Driver: The driver motivates and directs the group. He supports the other group

Project leader: ensures a connection between the client and the group members.
The project manager manages the group with the help of the planning.

Planner: The planner knows what has to happen every week. Is aware of any
changes and notes the process of the group.


Process and Completion
Every week we have discuss about our project and other subjects such as: our
effort, our motivation and contact with our client. We also look back on the things
we finished and we check those things for mistakes and other improvements.
These meetings are really nice to have, because we check everything and that’s
how we keep up with the schedule.

The go/no go moments are not yet mentioned by the teachers. However we can
already discuss this with our client.

Our deadline for our final report is on the 19th of december. We also have a
Technasium Parade. We present our project to our parents and our clients in this
parade. This parade will take place on the 12th of december, we also want to
invite our client to this parade. The exact time of the parade hasn’t been set. We
will inform our client about the exact time as soon as we know it.

● denknasium
● assignment
● worldschool
● stichting samay
● gapminder


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