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Grommor Vocobulory §ong

:r3:o n Potch's sword s Puppet, strings, plrote, Donce, puppei donce

: .,;r sword, treosure, beit,
: : :-e doclor s coot. treosure chest, eorrinq
--eJ re the clown's shoes.

BLI\4 1

-. ¡venled the poper clp Lnventor, calculotor rod o, CrozU nveftors

-,..! -e d dn t nvenl the steom invent, compoct disc
r,- t ¡.t. -.- _'o n
microwove oven,
electric tlght butb,
rernote control

BLN,4 2 ond 3

Did theu buu o sweoter? Wife, husbond, son Big, blg fomiliesl
Yes theu d d. / No, theu doughier, grondporents,
d id n't. ount, uncle, cous n
D d he / she hove o brother?
Yes, he / she did.
No, he / she didn't.
D d Uou get up ol5 o'clock
thls morning?

lvhere d d theu put the first Detectlve, steot, cotch, We ore detectivesl
ci,Je? thief - thieves investigote,
,lhen d d he steol the clue, witness, jo I


,. -a- .',rs ihe snow storm? Hurricone, thunder ond Weother worninos
,',':': .',ate t¡e ftoods? Llghtning, fLood, storm,
,.:': :-a if,cres On the tornodo, snow storm,
f 'l::' heot wove, drought
..: ,:r: N^ ll¡^
," 3:3_ :
,"riri .'. ss ¡31 1c i-e door?
Grommor Vocobulory Song
KoU is the fostest. Fostest, siowest, neorest, Whot lwontl
Which is the highest worsi, highest, best, widest,
mountoln? furthest

BLN/ 5 ond 6

The chocoLote coke is the Dongerous, enormous, The most beoutifut princess
most deticious wondelul, terrifuing, ln the world
dellcious, ofi.tozing,
successfu[, mog]col

WhU do people go to the Fur, ivoru, destrou, tusk, We ore onimoLs!

zoo? endongered, horn, extinct,
Becouse theU wont to see hunt
o n imols.

BLI\,l 7

Who ploUS the double boss? Keuboord, doubte boss l\love to the beofl
B.J. does. cUmbots, gultor, soxophone,
drums, trornbone, viotin

BL]\,4 8
. Listen ond point.
the sentences.


This is q pirqtq's

Pirolps Wgqr- hig___
M s-o.Ld

This ls o hond

H e, wg qr--g-q.___. o v-9¡
his pontg.. _._,


; Write the sentences in exercise l.

Reod the sentences.
--- Drow Coptoin Potch's possessions.


Coptain Patch's sword is s¡lver.

Coptoin Potch's bett is btue.
Coptoin Patch's earring is gold.
Captoin Potch's boots ore btock.
Coptoin Potch's porrot is on his shoulder.
Captain Patch's hat is purple.

ldenti[y Coptoin Potch's possessions. Write the sentences.


- :.) l, a-:.l:


q) ,-1

Motch the people with It's the doctor's coot.
iheir possessions. They're fie clown's shoes.


Write sentences obout the pictures in exercise l.


,, Describe three things you con see ,€D

in the clossroom. Ask your friends ;r¡V7
--, r. \!:
to guess whose things you're describing.
It's blue ond red.
It's Annie's sweoterl

''errrl Boo\l*
a I ffiffiffiW Donce,puppet,doncet

Donce, puppet, doncel Yeohl

Donce, puppet, donce! Yeoh ! Donce
with me!
Pull the blue strings,
His feet begin to topl
Pull the red strings,

\ Look! His honds begin to clopl

-ñ Pull the green strings,
I lr
,¡ .&i Wow! His heod begins to risel
Pull the oronge strings,
And he opens his eyesl

Pull the brown strings,

His legs begin to wolk!
Pull the yellow strings,
.:, Look! His mouth begins to tolk!
{,} Pull the purple strings,
i i.j

The puppet's orms begin to movel

Pull the groy strings,
And his body sto rts to groove!

Reod the song in exercise I . Drow the missing strings ond color them.

Wriie obout the puppet's strings.

TheU make the puppet's feet tap. t.he blu¿ st.rinos

TheU make the puppet's eues open.

TheU rnoke the puppet's heod rise.
,j, Reod qbout ".. the hisfory of puppets.
_- Reod ihe text obout puppets.
'iocodU knows who creoted puppets but we know theg existed
over 2000 geors ogo. There ore four tUpes of puppet, the glove
cuppet. the string puppet, the rod puppet and the shodow
puppet. The most common puppets ore glove puppets ond string
puppets. Hundreds of geors ogo, peopte used puppets to tett
educotionoL stories and legends. The ltot¡ons invented clown
puppets thot told comic stories. Theg mode peopte tough.

ln the 20th centurU, books ond tetevision mocje puppets verg fomous ond verg
poputor. One of the most fomous string puppet stories is ,pinocchio'. Geppetto wos o
poor tou moker. Pinocchio wos Geppetto's fovorite tou. He loved him veru much.
Pinocchio wonted to become o reot bog, but he hod one probtem. He told ties. EverU
time he totd o [ie, Pinocchio's nose grew longer. pinocchio hod monU odventures.
Finoltg, he lecrned not to tett ties ond beccme o reot boU.

Answer the questions obout the text in exercise L

Whot ore the different tUpes of puppet?

What ore the most common tUpes of puppet?

Whg did peopte use puppets hundreds of Ueors ago?

Whot mode puppets fomous in the 2oth centurU?

Who was Geppetto?

Whot wos Pinocchio's problem?

ú WnWe sboert ,.o your fqvorite puppet.
Reod the questions in the writing help box. Answer the questions.

Which is Uour fovorite puppet?

Whot k¡nd of puppet is it?
Where does Uour fovorite puppet oppeor? On tetevision? ln o book?
Whot speciot things con Uour fovorite puppet do?
Whot does gour fovorite puppet look like?

, j Write obout your fovorite puppet.

MU f ovorite puppet is

is o gtove / string puppe:

oppeors on tetevis¡on / in o bc:,

lvlU f ovorite puppet con

Mg f ovorite puppet is


Listen ond circle T (True) or F (Folse).
:^' :ro l'/org Fiddle hod o lot of moneg. T F

l.'o'- ,.ronted to buU o speciot present for Tom. T F

puppet hod broken str¡ngs. T F

lVorg sotd her cor to lluU speciot strings for the puppet. T F

Tom sotd his puppet to buU o sitver brush for lvlorU. T F

_. Rewrite the sentences from the story in exercise l,

using the possessive 's.

The nome of the mon wos Tom Fiddte.

The hoir of MorU wcs long ond veru beoutifut.

The fovorite possession of Tom wos the puppet of his grondfother.

Morg sotd her hoir to bug speciol strings for the puppet of Tom.

, Tell the story of Tom ond Mory Fiddle. Use the pictures to help you.


%rr[ '.
10 Boo\ §o\o
É fslt qbout
"". pirotes.
Drow whot is in the pirotes' treosure chest.

Tolk obout the pirotes in exercise


Whot is i+ / ore ¡hey? Whot color ore ihe pirote's boots?

li's o / They're . .. The coptoin pirote is toller thon the
The thin pirote hos o sword. other piroles.
I con see ... The pirotes' ship is lorge ond bro*n.
How mony ... ore there?

:i : '

Podres de Fomilio:
_t I
Eiercicio 1. Pido ol niño que leo los polobros y dibuie
uno líneo de codo uno o lo ilustroción correspondiente.
Eiercicio 2. Expliquele que debe leer los orociones y
onolor lqs letros indicodos poro poder descifror el
nombre del piroto. Cuondo lo toreo esié terminodo,
por fovor pongo su firmo y lo fecho en el circulo de

Motch the words to the pictures.


str ngs




treo su re chest


eorr ng

Complete the puzzle ond find the pirote's nome.

I fn" first letter in trecsure .. hest

ln )-/
rhe secoro .etter
3 r1eri,rnr",,",.i"fr - -- l-
4 thefirsl terre.in ¿&gtl. ! _

5 The second 1"u", in

@ -E
6 rhe third tetter in P€ Coptoin
goo¡ 1t§c
Podres de Fomilio:

Pido ol niño que mire los ilustrqciones. Explíquele que debe escribir los orociones y dibuior los obietos
que folton. Lo primero oroción sirve de eiemplo. Cuondo lo toreo esté ierminodo, por fovor pongo su
firmo y lo fecho en el círculo de verificoción.


.-, Write the sentences ond drow the missing pictures.


It's the pirote's parrot.

2 /¿'\.¿"

3 Theg're the teocher's books.

5 TheU're the bolJ's po nts.

¡oo¡ 1o§q
Podres de Fomllio:
E:erclcio l. Pido oL niño que leo lo historio sobre Tom Ring.
Elercicio 2. Explíquele que debe miror los ilustrociones, leer los orociones y encerror en un circulo \%
c respuesio correcio. Cuondo lo toreo esté terminodo, por fovor pongo su firmo y lo fecho en el
: i.c L,; o de verilicoción.
:'ercicio 3. Hogo que corrijo los orociones folsos.

Reod the story obout Tom Ring.

tvlonU Ueors ago, there wos o Uoung circus boU. The name of the Uoung circus boU
wos Tom Rinq. The circus of Tom Bing wos veru fomous. The tent of the c rcus
wcrs red ond white. The flog of the tent wos b g wlth o lon on lt.

flp pp!p! fon¡_El_lg wos o monkeu coLted Sp ke. The hot of Splke wos smo[1.

(Irue) or F (Folse).
-. Look ot the pictures. Circle T
It's the !Joung circus bog s -:-: ailF

It's Tom R in q's hou se

fiffi] It's the tent's f tog.


w It's Tom Rlnq s dog

@l It's Tom R ng s hol.

, Correct the folse sentences in exercise 2.

i goo¡ losc'

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