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Prepared by : Dr.

Muddasar Habib
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Engineering and
Technology, Peshawar.
 Many Chemical process involves heating of material.
 E.g. distillation, evaporation, drying, crystallization
 At absolute zero temp substance have zero heat
 Heat is form of energy.
 Unit is joules.
 The study of heat transfer required in designing the
plant efficiently and economically.
 In any heat transfer process, the heat energy can
only travel in one direction, hot to cold.

 Objects heated by the transfer cannot be heated

higher than that of the flame or heat source,
unless of course the object being heated ignites.
Sources of Heat
 Sun
 Hot interior of earth
 Chemical action : Burning of fuel,
Oxidation of food in body
 Mechanical energy of friction.
 Heat is produced by electrical energy.
 Heat energy is produced by a nuclear energy.
 Steam.
Heat transfer
Heat Transfer
There are three ways in which heat can be
transferred from one object to another:
•Conduction – when two objects are in physical
 T 
Q  kA t
 L 
k = thermal conductivity
Q = heat transferred
A = cross sectional area
t = duration of heat
transfer In a hot oven the air and
L = length the metal rack are at the
∆T = temperature difference same temperature, but
between two ends which one feels hotter and
Convection and Radiation
• Convection – when heat is carried by a moving fluid
Example: heat house with radiator
Gulf stream transports Heat from Caribbean to
• Radiation – when electromagnetic waves (radiation)
carry heat from one object to another.
Example: heat you feel when you are near a fire
Example: Heat from the sun
 The heat transfer occurs by transmission of momentum
of individual molecules.
 Here, no mixing occurs, so conduction is limited to
solids and to fluids.
 Heat transfer occur when there is a temp gradient.
 The molecules at the hot end vibrate more rapidly than
molecules at the cold end.
 This vibration is imparted to the neighboring molecules
which vibrate faster and hence heat up.
 There is no actual movement or flow of the material.
 The molecule vibrate in just one place, but there energy
is transmitted.
Conduction Of Heat
Through A Material
 CONDUCTION is the heat transfer to another
body or within a body by DIRECT CONTACT.
 As a solid wall is heated from one side, the
heat is carried from the hot surface to cooler
parts of the solid by conduction.
 The rate of heat transfer is simply the quantity
of heat imparted to the wall per unit time.
 Rate = driving force / resistance
 The driving force is the temp drop across the solid
 The greater the temp drop, the greater will be the rate of
 The flow of heat also depends on the conductivity of
materials through which it is flowing.
 Conduction of heat is faster through iron road than
wooden log.
 Resistance = thickness of surface (m)
mean proportionality constant (W/m.k) * area of the
surface (m2)
Fourier’s Law
 It states that the rate of heat flow through a uniform
material is proportional to the area and the temp
drop and inversely to the length of the path of flow.
 Rate of heat flow α Area (m2) * temp diff (∆t)
thickness (m)
 T 
q  KmA 
 L 
Where Km = mean proportionality constant, W/m.k.

Rate of heat transfer by conduction, Q/t through the

length, L across the cross-sectional area, A is given by
the following equation, where k is the thermal
conductivity and ΔT is the temperature difference
between the two ends.
Q kAT
 .
t L
SI Unit of Thermal Conductivity: J/(s · m · C°)
 Fourier’s law can be applied to a metal wall through
which the conduction of heat is taking place.
 Area of the wall = A, m2
 Thickness of the wall = L, m
 Face of the wall is maintained at a uniform, definite
and higher temperature = t1, K
 Face of the wall is maintained at al Lower, but
uniform temperature = t2, K
 The flow is right angles to the plane A and is
assumed to be in steady state.
 Consider a thin section of thickness dL at an
intermediate point in the wall.
 This section is parallel to the plane A.
 For this low Fourier’s Law may be applied as

dQ  kAdt
 .
d dL
 Where Q= heat transfer, J
Ѳ= time, s
K= proportionality constant, W/m.k
t= temperature
 The constant, k is a function of temp, but
independent of length.
 The minus sign indicates the decrease in temp in the
direction of flow.
 dt/dL represents the temp gradient.
 Heat transfer equation for steady state

dQ  kAdt
 const  q  .
d dL
 Where q= Rate of heat transfer, J/s or W.
 The temp diff in intermediate section is not known.
 We know the temp at two faces of wall.
 The area, A, may vary with L, but is independent of
 So by separating variable we can write
q.dL  kdt
 .
 Integrating equation between the limits
 L = 0 when t = t1 and L t2 t1
 L = L (total thickness)
 when t =t2 

q dLA   kdt
  kdt

q.L Km(t1  t 2)
 .  Kmt
 Rearranging the equation q .

 Where Km = mean proportionality constant

 In steady state heat transfer q remains constant.
 ∆t indicates driving force.
Km. A
 Comparing the equn with rate = driving
 Resistance = L / Km.A.
 Fourier’s law thus used to define the resistance
quantitative term.
 The coefficient of thermal conductivity is quantity of
heat that flows across a unit surface area in unit
time, when the temp drop is unity.
 The thermal conductivity depends on the materials
used and temp.
 Thermal conductivity of liquids and gases is small
compared to solids so the resistance is high.
 In case of steam jacketed vessel the kettle ( inner
surface) must have good conductivity so that max
amt of heat passes from steam to the contents.
 Copper have high thermal conductivity.
Substance Thermal Conductivity, k [J/(s · m · C°)]

High conductivity
Aluminum 240
Brass 110
Copper 390 High conductivity
Iron 79
Lead 35
Silver 420 High conductivity
Air 0.0256
Hydrogen (H2) 0.180
Nitrogen (N2) 0.0258
 The metal used for jacket must have poor thermal
conductivity to prevent heat loss.
 Thermal conductivity values are useful to construct
the evaporator and heat exchanger.
 Heat transfer by conduction is often important in
equipment such as fluidized beds, rotary kilns, spray
Compound resistance in Series
 Consider a flat wall constructed of
a series of layers.
 Thickness of the three layers = L1,
L2, L3
 Area of the entire wall = A, m2
 Temp drop across three layers =
∆t1, ∆t2, ∆t3, K.
 Resistance of 3 layers = R1, R2, R3.
 Total temp drop ∆t= ∆t1 + ∆t2 +
Compound resistance in Series
 The rate of flow of heat through several resistance
series is analogues to the current through several
resistance in series.
 There fore, R = R1 + R2 + R3.
 As per Fourier's law R = L/K.A
 There fore, R1 = L1/K1.A1, R2 = L2/K2.A2, R3 =
L1 L2 L3
 Now, R   
K 1A K 2A K 3A
 Entire heat must pass through a resistance series ,
heat q = q1 = q2 =q3.
Compound resistance in Series
 ∆t= ∆t1 + ∆t2 + ∆t3.
q.L1 t 2  q.L 2 . t 3  q.L3 .
t1  . K 3A
K 1A K 2A
qL1 qL 2 qL3
t   
K 1A K 2 A K 3 A
 L1 L2 L3 
t  q.   
 K 1 A K 2 A K 3 A 
t  q.R1  R 2  R3 R
Compound resistance in Series
R1  R 2  R3
 The contribution of temp drop to the total temp and
individual resistance can be expressed
mathematically as
 ∆t : ∆t1 : ∆t2 : ∆t3 :: R : R1 : R2 : R3.
Compound resistance in Parallel
 When several solids are placed side by side with their
edges touching, and direction of heat flow is
perpendicular to plane of exposed face surfaces.
 We can assume that temp drop taken place across
each solids is constant. ∆t = ∆t1 = ∆t2 = ∆t3
 The total surface area available for heat transfer is the
sum of individual area of solids.
 The total heat transfer is sum of individual heat
transfer. q = q1 + q2 + q3.
K1. A1.t K 2. A2.t K 3. A3.t
q  
L1 L2 L3
Compound resistance in Parallel
 K1. A1. K 2. A2. K 3. A3. 
q  t.   
 L 1 L 2 L 3 
1 1  L
q  t. 
 R
 KA
 R1 R 2 R 3 

 This is the final equation for heat transfer through a

resistance in parallel.
Heat transfer through a Cylinder
 In heat exchanger, hot fluid or steam is passed
through the circular pipe.
 The hot fluid transfers the heat to inner surface of
the pipe wall.
 Further heat transfer takes place by conduction
through a pipe wall.
 Consider the heat is flowing from inside to outside of
the hollow cylinder.
 Consider a very thin cylinder at the centre of the
Heat transfer through a Cylinder
 Mean thermal conductivity of
material of cylinder= Km, W/mk
 Temp of inside surface, higher
=t1, K
 Temp of outside surface, lower
=t2, K
 Radius of the cylinder = r, m
 Thickness of the thin section =
dr, m
 Radius of inner wall= r1, m
 Radius of outer wall= r2, m
 Length of hollow cylinder= N, m
Heat transfer through a Cylinder
 The heat flow is considered as parallel and the rate of
heat transfer can be written as:

 kdt (2 rN )
q .
 Where 2ПrN is the area of the heating surface, i.e.,
the interior of the cylinder.
 The mean surface area may be written as
circumference multiplied by length of cylinder.
 Separate the variable radius and temp.
dr  2 Nk
 dt
r q
Heat transfer through a Cylinder
 Integrating the equation within the limits of
dr  2 N
r2 t2
 r = r1, when t = t1 and
 r = r2, when t = t2. 

q t1 kdt
 This equation is used
dr 2 N
r2 t1

To calculate the rate of  r

 
q t2
Flow through a thick r1

Walled cylinder. 2 Nk
ln r 2  ln r1  (t1  t 2)
2 Nk (t1  t 2)
ln r 2 / r1
Heat transfer through a Cylinder
 The rate of heat flow can be expressed as
coefficien t  Area  temp .diff
q 
lengthofme tallayer
A ( t1  t 2 )
q  k
By comparing equation A(t1  t 2)
q k
2  Nk ( t1  t 2 ) L
ln r 2 / r 1
kA ( 2  Nk ( t 1  t 2 )
t1  t 2 ) 
L ln r 2 / r 1
A 2 N

L ln r 2 / r 1
Heat transfer through a Cylinder
 L is the thickness , it is related to thickness of the
tube, i.e.,(r2-r1) of the cylinder. This is substituted
for substituted for L and rearranged to obtain A
(mean area of a cylinder)
2  N ( r 2  r1)
ln r 2 / r1
 A may be considered as 2 ПrN.
 From the equation mean radius may be considered
as ( r 2  r1) ( r 2  r1)
r 
ln r 2 / r1 2 .303 log r 2 / r1
Heat transfer through a Cylinder
 rm = is called logarithmic mean radius.
 Logarithmic mean is less convenient than the
arithmetic mean. The arithmetic is sufficiently
accurate, if the tube is thin walled.
 The value r2/r1<3.20 reflects that the wall is thick. If
arithmetic mean radius is used, the result will be
within 10% of that obtained by equation that uses
logarithmic mean.
 The value r2/r1<1.5 reflects that the wall is thin. If
arithmetic mean d is diameter used, the result will be
within 1% of that obtained by equation that uses
logarithmic mean.
Conduction through fluids
 Conduction in liquids usually small and this presents
a considerable obstacles for heat transfer.
 Conduction in fluids is because of eddies set up by
the changes in density with temp, which is observed
in the boiling of liquids.
 Conduction through fluids rarely occurs in practice,
except when heat flows through thin films.
 Here the thickness of the film is not exactly known
so above eqn can not be applied.
 This difficulty can be over come by use of surface
 When heat flow is achieved by actual mixing of
warmer portions with cooler portions of the same
material, the process is known as convection.
 The heat transfer in fluids occurs on account of
actual mixing of its layers.
 Two type
 1. Forced convection
 2. Natural convection.
Forced Convection
 Mixing of fluid may be obtained by the use of a
stirrer or agitator or pumping the fluid for
 Such a process in heat transfer is designated as
forced convection.
 E.g. some type of tube evaporators, the evaporating
liquid is forced through the tubes under pressure.
Natural Convection
 Mixing of fluid may be accomplished by the currents
set up when body of fluid is heated.
 Such a process is known as natural convection.
 E.g. in pan evaporators, convection currents are set
up in the evaporating liquids.
Natural Convection
 When heat is passed through tube, stagnant films
are determining the rate of heat transfer.
 When fluid exhibits viscous flow, the velocity is zero
at the actual surface of the wall. It means that the
layer of fluid adjacent to the wall acts as a stagnant
 A comparatively stagnant film can be observed even
in turbulent flow. At the centre, the fluid is
turbulent, while at the centre the fluid exhibits
viscous flow.
 When steam gives up latent heat, water will
condense on the surface of vessel. The heat must be
conducted through this water film.
Natural Convection
 For heat transfer in a tube, heat must pass through
the stagnant film by conduction.
 Normally, thermal conductivity of fluids are low.
 The conductivity of the stagnant film will be still less
 E.g. A film of water has a resistance of about 500
times and that of air film is about 13,000 times
greater than a copper sheet of the same thickness.
 Thus, the resistance offered by these films is large for
the heat flow.
Forced Convection-
Individual heat transfer coefficient
 If mixing of fluid is obtained by means of stirrer or
agitator or pumping the fluid for recirculation, is
known as forced convection.
 E.g. some type of tube evaporators, the evaporating
liquid is forced through the tubes under pressure.
 The heat transfer coefficient depends up on many
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