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Office of the President

November 30th, 2018

I am saddened that I need to insert a dark chord as we approach the joyous seasons of Advent and Christmas. In the interest of
healing and transparency, however, I am obligated to inform you that I recently became aware of allegations of sexual abuse by a
Saint Ignatius faculty member who worked here during your time as a student at Saint Ignatius.
The complaint from a 1981 graduate stated that he was the victim of sexual abuse by a person who was on the faculty at Saint
Ignatius in the early 1980s. That faculty member left the school in 1982. I can tell you that I was deeply troubled by his letter and
reached out to him to apologize for what he had suffered. His complaint was also reported to the Provincial Office for the USA
Midwest Society of Jesus as well as to civil authorities. The Province will also offer the victim immediate access to counseling and
therapy at Province expense.
The fact that it took more than 30 years for this victim to come forward speaks volumes about just how painful his experience
must have been. No one should have to suffer what victims of sexual abuse have been made to suffer. As the current president of
Saint Ignatius and as a member of the Jesuit community, I am deeply and profoundly saddened by what I have heard. At the same
time, I am inspired and impressed by the courage victims have shown in sharing these painful memories.
Even though we were not aware of these incidents, Saint Ignatius has taken a number of steps over the years to protect our
students from predators. We encourage students to approach any adult at Saint Ignatius – priest, teacher, counselor, campus
minister or staff member – to report any behavior that concerns them. Our policy requires any school representative who knows
or suspects that a student has been subjected to any abuse to immediately notify the civil authorities. We would immediately
notify the parents or legal guardian, offer counseling and pastoral support, and keep the name of the accuser confidential. If the
report were credible, we would immediately suspend the accused person from his or her position, and cooperate fully with the
investigating authorities. This policy has been in place for over fifteen years and is strictly enforced.
The care and safety of our students is paramount to us. All of our faculty and staff share a commitment to the mission of
developing each young man and guiding him in his journey to Christ. We do not tolerate any form of abuse, and we absolutely
do not support any efforts to protect abusers. In today’s environment, if students told one another about inappropriate behavior,
someone would come forward and we would address the allegations immediately.
While facing these challenging allegations is extremely difficult, I want to communicate my unwavering support for victims of 1
sexual abuse, no matter when it may have occurred. If you were the victim of sexual abuse by any Saint Ignatius High School
faculty member, staff member, or volunteer, I hope you will tell me your story. I can be reached directly by e-mail (rguiao@
ignatius.edu), by U.S. Mail and by phone (216-651-0222 x201).
Thank you for your prayers for Saint Ignatius High School and for anyone in our school community who suffers in any way.
Please know you are constantly in my prayers as well.

Rev. Raymond F. Guiao, S.J.


Saint Ignatius High School • 1911 West 30th Street • Cleveland, OH 44113 • 216.651.0222 • www.ignatius.edu

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