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I N T HRE E V O L! M E S .

V O L . I .

L 0N D 0N

O T L E Y, C O N D ! I T S T RE E

1 843 .
P R E FA C E .

IN the autumn of a p arty o f friends

1 84 ,

male and female started from M anheim o n

, ,

an expedition up one of the lovely valleys that
‘ shelter those mo untain streams whose beauties
Q scarcely y ield the palm to the pro ud R hine,

whose tributaries they are . The party was

numero u s ; and for the first two or three days ,

all went right . But j ust as they were about to .

escape from the wors t roadside inn it had yet


been their ill luck to fall in with a mountain ,

storm broke overhe ad with such fury and of ,

iv P REFAC E .

such duration as t o render the narro w pre

, ,

p i t o us road —bad enough in fair weather
perfectly impas sable for a few days especially ,

fo r the ladies whose fears magnified the

i n co n

v e n i e n ce s o f the venture .

Thus weather bound in the full est meani ng


o f the word— an incessant cold rain altern ating

with a high sharp wind by day and early ,

biting frosts by night that made the smoky ,

stoves of mine host crammed ful l of green


wood and his unswept uncurtained rooms a

, , ,

luxury the spirits of the society and the ,

general stock of patience was much tried , .

P as sing under silence those n ameless priva

tions whose enumeration would fill a volume
, ,

but which any traveller whom chance or ca

price has led into the more unfrequented parts

of G ermany will have no trouble in calling
back to his remembrance , I will barely hint
at the b lue devils that seized upon and tor

me nte d each in turn ; and though to record

the sighs and yawns and s undry exclama
, ,

tion s were a hopeless task

, , I will declare that a ,

more complete specimen o f immeasurable ennui

—ennui of the deepest darkest hue—was never ,

seen .

There was not a musical instrument in the

whole house ! N ot one of the ladies had strung
her blue or pink ribboned guitar on the top
o f a bandbox—bandboxes having been most
ungallantly prohibited by the male portion of

the society . N ot one of the gentleme n had

with him so much as a flu t e -
cane , or had
smuggled even a J ew s harp into his pocket !


The heavy iron tipped ,

o ak, that helped to
climb the rocks was alone , d l o rd re da

jo ur

and the gentlemen s sh oting jackets boas ted’

o -

little more in the way of musical resources

than pocket combs -
. D raught or chess board
nay even the very oldest pack
, of cards —would
V l P RE FAC E .

have been hailed with delight , h ad the landlord

of the S tork been able to produce any such ;
but he seemed not even to have an inkling of
such town fangled notions and there were no

other resources left the travellers but those

of the i r own conversational powers . As poli te
ness precludes controversy and people invariably

t i re of assenti ng to each other s propositions ,

these soon flagged ; and—in de fault of any of

those pink bound volumes that

G ali gn ani strews
with so untiring a hand over all the highways
and by -
ways of the C ontinent and of whi ch , ,

stran ge to say not , o ne copy had found i ts way

in the scanty luggage of the travellers —i t was ,

at last agreed that story te lling should -

fill up
the blank ; and those who in the co urse , of

those few days domestication had betrayed the ,

slig htest anecdotical powers were now un me rci ,

fully plied to exert those powers on an enlarged

scale . Anythi ng would do the ladies said ; ,
P REFAC E . vii

but when divers subjects were started it came ,

to light that, they did not like pure fiction ;

it required a master hand to make anything

of it ; somethi ng that had really happened

always had an interest of its o wn that would
greatly aid the manner of the telling —i n short ,

the historic al was decided upon , u na

v o ce .

Needles were soon plied by delicate white

fingers whils t the
, m ale portion o f the audience ,

with laudable feelings of tender reminiscences

of their schoolboy days busied their hands ,

in cutting out figures on their sticks , or inde n t

ing them in min e host s already much damaged


tables .

The bravest among the gentleme n then de , ,

voted themselves to the slippery task o f amusin g

others . They succeeded however so well that
, , ,

it was suggested that the Tales which had whi led

away the ennui o f a chosen few might per , ,

chance render the same service to others if

, ,

given a wider circ u lation by means of the Pres s .

In vain did he upon whom the chancy task of

E diting them w as forced grumble and represen t


how under di fferent circumstances the same

things assumed different aspects and how much ,

the partiali ty of friendly listeners may bli nd

them to the defects of the productions they
patronise . All was of no avail ; the fiat had
gone forth from lips that woul d take no denial ,

and the E ditor now perhaps stands committed

, ,

pas t redemption .



V O L . I.

I WAS yet a very yo ung man and but just


gazetted as a second lieutenant whe n my ill


luck ordained that I should be sent with many ,

other E nglish prisoners to Toulon ; at which


place N apoleon s name being held in e ven


more enthusiastic reverence than elsewhere o ur ,

prospect o f comfort was not re assuring


M any o f my countrymen have complained

o f the su f
ferings they endured and the hard

treatment they met with in this time o f proba


tion ; but I must con fess much of this was

drawn upon them by their o wn obstinacy in
refusing to remain at large o n parole —fan alter
native generally o ffered and which though it
, ,

B 2

debarred the prisoner from any chance o f an

early release made at le ast the detention less
, , ,

irksome Of the few who preferred a compara


t i v e ly free s ejo ur in a town to the gloomy c o n

fi ne me n t o f a prison I was o n e o f the first ,

and I soon found I had made proof of no small

sagacity in my choice .

The French are o r at least were when I,

knew them but that s a long while ago —a

— ’

very polite kindly race and evinced a generous

, ,

sympathy in favour o f the poor prisoners who

came in their way o f whi c h I at least am a
, , ,

grateful instance I could not however afford

, ,

to remain an idler o n the p a vé and was soon ,

obliged to chalk o u t for myself some plan fo r

procurin g a livelihood M any in my situation .

might have been tempted t o adduce as a motive ,

for s o doing the difficulty of receiving regular


remittances ; I owned the truth —I had none to

receive .

I knew something of music more o f draw ,

ing could paint very tolerably in water colours


in short I was not deficient in that smattering


de s a rts d ag réme ns which —fo r at that tim e


artists did not everywhere abound as at presen t

might I thought s uffi ce to help me o u t o f
, ,

my diffi c ulties I soon indeed go t more pupils

, ,

than I had ti me to attend to and found that ,

their kindness contributed even more to my

comfort than their money I n some families .

acquaintance ripened into friendship o r what ,

general ly answers as well if not better for , ,

social e njoyment— A uto intimacy u nfettered by

the duties and cares that friendship entails upon
its votaries .

Of these families I must mention o ne in


particular The father though very rich would

, ,

n o t a fford his daughters the accomplishments

deemed so i n dispensable to modern education

at the usual costs yet was n o t unwilling to

bestow board and lodging upon any one who

wou ld consen t to instruct them on those terms .

The proposal implied the comforts o f a social ,

though not a luxurious home and was accepted ,

by me with infinite pleasure ; and a source o f

pleas ure it proved i n every sense during the
, ,

many years o f my cap t ivity .

D oubtless I could dwell with untiring co m


p lac e n cupon these reminiscences o f my youth

y ,

and o f those w i th whom its heyday was spent ;

but as the) might prove more wearisome than

interesting and do not bear upon the po i nt

, ,

I will at once m ake you acquainted with the

only member o f this family who h as any refer
ence t o my story and whose introduction I

may as well premise by stating that although , ,

the most singular mortal that ever fell in my

way he was at this period my c onstant co m

panion an d o n e o f the men I have liked best


o f all those young o r o ld I ever associated

, ,

w ith not exc l uding the o fficers o f my mess

, .

M r Chaudon thi s was his name —was past


sixty at the head o f no incon siderable compe

t e n cy a confirmed bachelor and being god

, , .

father besides to all the younger children

, , ,

great expecta tions were entertained o f h i m ; a

circumstance that led my friends to make very
flattering advances to the old gentleman who , ,

in his turn availed himself o f them in a manner


to justify the presumption that he meant to

repay them o n e day in full Thus were we .

continually thrown i nto each other s soc i ety ;

an d as I spoke French with great fluency ,

despite the dissi mili tude o f o ur ages tastes , ,

habits an d above all n ation ality we soon

, , , ,

became great cronies .

In order to make you understand o ur dissi

mili t ude and points o f attraction more clearly ,

I mus t even at the risk o f being thought te


di o us di late a little on o ur characters and peen


li ari t i e s Al though barely twenty and rather


good lookin g than other wise I was more fond


o f read i n and thinking than most men

g p os

sessed of these advantages especially in the ,

profession I had embraced Of a very cheerful .

temperament endowed with that most precious


o f nature s gifts —whi ch I have eve r striven to

retain th rough fair and foul—the power o f being


eas ily pleased and amused I was thus far quali ,


fl e d to meet half way his natural bibli oma nia

and national g a i e té de coeur But the lead ing .

feature o f my mind was coolness o f judgment

so at least I and my friends qualified it ; those
, ,

who were not so well disposed towards me

called it want o f imagination ! be t hat as it
may anything o ut o f the common routine o f

life and of the beaten trac k of ideas has ever ,

appeared to me extravag ant preposterous ,

and never took root in my brain S ome said .

this w as a happy gift ; but so probably did , ,

not think my companion who w as in nothi n g


more opposed to me than in this particular .

M onsieur Jules Chandon s sixty years had

cooled n one of the fire o f youth His over .

abundance o f imagination by leading him c o n


s t an tl
y from t h e practical to the theoretical ,

and rendering impossi ble the co n stant applica

tion and persevering attention necessary to all
professions but especially that which he had

— —
adopted th a law had mate ri ally i n t e rfe re d w i t h
his advancement ; and ne ver having risen above
mediocrity in spi te o f strong natural powers
, ,

he h ad in consequence retired from its arduous

, ,

duties even before hi s age j ustified the measure

but his w as the contemplative disposition and
the studious habit which invest a life o f ease

with charm .

D uring the twenty years that my worthy

friend had found himself at liberty to follow the
ben t o f his own inclinations he had devoted ,

I used to laugh heartily at the frankness o f

my frie n d s vanity ; but if like most o f his


countrymen he was addi cted to much talking

, ,

especially about hi mself and even to boasting


o n occas ions st i ll did he more than counter


balance these slight pecul i arities by his many

and rare quali ties M ost o f my leisure hours

were devoted to his soci ety ; and thi s circ u m

stance was doubly fa v ourable to me tending , ,

as it did to exercise my intellectual faculties

, ,

and to keep me o u t of harm s way for the ladies ,

o f the S outh o f Fran c e are very fascinati ng I ,

assure you .

One day calli ng according to my wont to

, , ,

s hare his de mi e t a s s e d e caf é after a very early


dinner I was somewhat surpri sed to find hi m in


a less vivacious humour than ordinary His .


fit o f silence embarrassed me and p a r ma ni e re ,

de co nte na nce I began to survey the various o b


je c t s that surrounded me although habit

, had
made them perfectly familiar The small white .

curtained windows always opened to the mild


breezes of Provence letting in the e ffulgence o f


a southern sun through the tempering me di um


of a couple o f t al l trees which shaded his little

flower garden the perfume the latter exhaled
in that luxuriant clime —all this I had enj oye d
before . My eye wandere d to the well stored -

bookcases o n either hand o f the d o or—to the

door itself with i ts W a tte a u pan els representing

puffy rosy swains making l ove in a very playful

, ,

and becoming manner by the intervention of

a flute o r bagpipe to smiling courtly looking
, ,

shepherdesses with a profusion o f roses and


sheep and doves to enhance the poetry o f the

conception —the quiet lamp o n the co nso le

placed carefully in front o f a dish o f waxen

fruits under glass — the landscape over the door ,

in which the village church did no t forget to

chime the h our with more precision than m any
a Bregue— the magnificent bo ule cabinet no ,

longer appreciated fo r i t s o wn meri ts retained ,

in a corner o u t o f respect fo r the past—the

pictures all daubs in their way and merely
interesting as family portraits —the very prints
, ,

hung round the wall were known to me i n


all their details I gazed mechanically from

, ,

that representing the d eath of the unfortunate


Louis ! V I to that of the J e u de P a ume and the


C oronation of Napoleon R eminiscence rather .


than political opinion seemed to have guided the


choice o f those engravings several o f which ,

were portraits o f celebrities c ontemporary w ith

himself—Mesmer Puysegur D E slo n and a few
, ,


others whose names escape my memory more

, ,

o r less famous in the annals o f ma netism

g .

“S trange men and bold those said Chau ”

, ,

don following the direction of my eyes as they


rested on the last named personages .

D reamers ! idle dreamers I answered with

, ,

a shrug dreamers if n o t knaves and ,

villains .

Far to o sweepi ng a c onclusio n said Chau ,

do n .
“ M ay not a sc i ence exist though folly ,

and knavery may have abused it ! M ay n o t

the fairest flowers spring up from the same soil
that will bear a toadstool

Perhaps said I but the mere chimera o f
, ,

the brain I co n sider to be a most barren ground ,

productive of little better than the thorns o f

dispu t ation .

“Then you take upon y o urse l f to d e ny al


together the existence o f M esmerism and its

, ,

e ffects for good or for e vil

I should indeed feel inclined to do so
, , I ,

replied “but that I do not consider myself


su ffi ciently master o f the subject to give a de

cided opinion .

Far be it from me to deny that M esmerism

has had its Charlatans and its victims —but so
has medicine and yet what science is nobler !

Has n o t religion itself had its abuses !
” “
But I timidly urged public opinion h as
, ,

so completely done j ustice by the votaries o f

“I t is natural my young friend hastily i n
, ,

t e rru p t e d Chaudon that the first who wander

through unknown regions and bring back n e w ,

stores of ideas and facts to others should ex ,

pose themselves by communicating them to

, ,

ridicule and animadversion Fo r strange to say .

, ,

fond as he thinks himself o f change and eager ,

as he is in its pursuit all novelty is hateful to


man—but this is o n e o f the many contradictions

o f his nature Thus we see ignorant people

ever ready to laugh at the si mp le st truth which


h as escaped their sphere o f intelligence P erfect .

incredulity o n all points is an infalli ble token o f

the total absence of intellectual development ;
none know how to credit what is new to them but
persons o f cultivated understanding .

True said I ; but if it be folly to reject
, ,

wi thout investigation any propos ition whatever

, ,

surely it is more foolish to admit any theory as

true without due proof .

G ranted sai d the o ld ma

granted ;
but h o w few ever pause to balance a question ,

however vital its import The greater portion .

o f mankind decide at once without being able ,

to adduce any better reason for their decision

than caprice o r prej udice I dare say your .

opinions my young friend are not based o n

, ,

firmer ground .

W ithout renouncing my scepticism I grace ,

fully yielded this point .

“I thought as much ” said he without


having duly weighed the arguments p ro and co n

in your o w n mind merely becaus e those are

stigmatized as enthusiasts and dreamers who

have given into the system Fa uss e h o me my .

young fri e nd, and w o rldly p rude nce are the ,


graves o f science and discovery N o w if y o u .


will patiently listen to a few reasons I c an

adduce in favou r o f the existence if not the ,

merits o f animal magnetism I thi nk I c an c o n ,

vince you o r at least l ead you o n the road to

, , ,

conviction .

M ost w illingly said I , .

Then we will adj ourn to the beach and i n , ,

the face o f nature s sublimest work discuss o n e


o f her deepest mysteries .

The o ld bo nne had soon helped my friend to

exchan ge his flowered silk robe de chambre for
a coat o f somewhat antediluvian fashion —fo r he
sti ll clun g to former habits and had renounced ,

neither his q ue ue powder n o r shoe buckles ;

, ,

and having donned this somewhat antiquated

apparel he sallied forth with me to enjoy the

invigorating sea breeze Hardly had we come .

within view o f the waves when he took up the ,

subject o f discussion precisely where we had

left it with the air o f one who sets regularly in

for a prose I confess I had forgotten it al


together .

M esmerism said he “might perhaps as

, , , ,

justly be called sympathy ; that word more ,


familiar to -

understanding will bring the

o ur ,

notion o f t h e thing more clearly to o u r minds .

I t is the great link that binds man not only to ,

man but to the creation thro ughout all its


parts and causes everything in nature to ac t


upon the rest in some way o r other Every .

object of which we are conscious must I hold , ,

be made evident to us merely by sympathy ;

and where sympathy ceases there must percep

tion cease also N o o n e thinks of denying the


influence of the emanations from plants waters , ,

and mines upon the human body If then .

, ,

these inanimate things possess a spirit that

escapes them in an impalpable form i n de p e n ,

de n t y o f their more palpable qualities — i f in ,

animal life we do not doubt the power of the

s nake to fascin ate its fluttering v ictim why ,

should man the most perfect o f created things

, ,

be incapable o f emitting a portion of hi s spirit

in an invisible but no less active man ner
, .

M aladies are catching said I laughing
, , ,

but they c an hardly be called the workings o f

the spirit but beyond tha t
“Are n o t s i ghs yaw n s an d laughter i nfe c
, ,

it that dreams so often shadow forth to us

coming events though in a misty doubtful
, ,

form ! How is it that o u r o wn thoughts are

apt to reflect facts and suggest consequences
, ,

the most unlike what bare s u pposition founded

on probability would have prompted which ,

yet subsequent events justify ; that some people

have been known to foresee the time and
manner o f their death years before it actually
took place ; o r h o w to account fo r that most

ordi nary phenomenon s o ordinary as to have
passed into a proverb — the sudden appearance
among us o f those we talk o f,even when least
expected ; or o f the letter at whose delay we

but that mome n t wonder ; o r o f an object to

which chance alone directed our thoughts ;
and yet w h o has not often experienced some
thing o f this sort himself ! I n short the endless

catalogue o f presentiments and coincidences ,

sympathies and antipathies all come as I b e

, ,

lieve within the range of magnetis m and are

, ,

but e ffects of that primary cause I will not


pursue this theory in all its branches it would ,

lead us t o o far and perhaps make u s lose

, , ,

sight altogether of the p o i nt de dep a rt for it is a ,

field for thoughts as infinite as space .

“Yes said I laughing “your world o f

, , ,

thought is indeed illimited ; it is in good ,

sooth that o f dreams Chaudon o f course you

, .
, ,

who admit so willingly and defend so warmly ,

the fashion able bubbles o f modern philosophy ,

will not dare to laugh at the follies and d elu

sions o f o u r forefathers—astrology and its long

chain of errors .

I consi d er astrology at best but an idle

question put to nature which if answered , , ,

could produce no use f ul result But I have .

not the slightest doubt the planets have as

much influence upon o ur constitutions as they
exert over other sublunary bodies S o far there .

may be s ome foundation for the medical system

o f the A rabs so much in fav our during the

M iddle A ges ‘

When phys i cians said I laughing s uf


, , ,

fe re d their patients to di e o f the disease whilst ,

they were quietly awaitin g the proper moment

indicated by the stars to administe r the saving

potion .

Every system has its flaws I t is in vain .

that human ingenuity shi fts its ground Per .

fe c t i o n is no t attainabl e said Chaudo n gravely ;

, ,

an d I a m s o me t i rri e s t e mp t é d to fear that even

, ,

in these enlightened times o f ours excess o f ,


light often blinds us to what o u r ancestors saw

and o u r descendants may yet s e e S cience .

my you n g friend has its rotations like every

, ,

other thing in th i s world The wheel is eter .

nally revolvi n g and objects are lost sight o f in


the movement to appear again after the neces


sary lapse o f forgetfulnes s I t is thus that rea


li ty an d speculation n o w stand forth from an d ,

then sink back into the shadows o f time ; that


opposite systems are n o w enthusiastically ad

mi t t e d anon rejected with scorn ; and that human

knowledge is ever turning round truth as does ,

the e arth around the sun like it to feel the ,

alternation o f night and day There can be no .

doubt but m any things we n o w rail o r laugh

at will o n e day be taken up again with avidity .

M agnetism classified by M esmer w as k n own

, ,

throughout all ages and has served in turn to

, , ,

the deceptions o f the priests of Isis and those


of other and more modern creeds w as familiar -

to the natural philosophers o f the D ark Ages ,

and formed the gro u n dsto n e o f those cures by

sympathy that created so much wonder in
these simple days Magnetism i n fac t and
, ,

the vag ue dreams it may Inspi re, the errors it

sometimes gives ri se t o the cri mes to which .

it has in many instances undeniably minis

t e re d —, magnetism veiled and unrecognised
, ,

was the source o f most o f those trials for sor .

cery and magic to W hi ch we could find no

key except by admitting this s c ience and its

phenomena .

I n short said I according to your views

, , ,

magnetism existed always and everywhere

t o ut, dams to ut

c e st .

A ssuredly,
my young friend ; that makes part

o f my theory of the harmony o f nat ure . .

Yo u feel doubtless said I “ the beauty ,

, ,

o f these lines

Fro m h arm o ny , fro m he av e n ly h armo n y ,

Thi s un i ve rs al frame b e gan ;
From h arm o n y t o h arm on y ,

T h ro ugh all t h e c om p ass o f t h e n o te s i t ran ,

T h e di ap as o n clo si n g full i n man


I confess they have ever appeared to me


fraught with the deepest meaning .

Chaudon listened to my translation o f these

beautiful lines imperfect as it was with evi
, ,

dent satisfaction .

We feel alike there he said warmly grasp

, ,

ing my hand . A h my young fri end M ilton

, ,

was a mighty spirit—a natural philosopher as ,

well as poet ! I have n o doubt h ad he lived ,

in o ur days he woul d have been a devoted


adherent o f M esmer .

I could not refrain from laughing heartily

at a thought which seemed to me so truly
preposterous .

“A nd why not ! asked my o ld friend red


dening very much at the same time and

why not pray ! Is it not a sublime thing even

to dream o f a power that could heal both mind

and body renovate the wearied spirit in the

sinking frame and cause the lamp o f li fe to


burn with a fresh glow when about to sink for


ever ! Think what a sublime mission were that

o f the good man here below if he could infuse

a portion o f his vigo ur mental and corporeal

, ,

int o the misled and the su ffering ; if he could ,


by this means m ak e w ickedness openly avow


and turn a way from its dark designs alleviate ,

but a few o f those multifarious evils that afflict

o ur organs defeat what is bad and promote
, ,

what is excellent This was poor Mesmer s


dream—worthy i n deed of a philanthropic genius

like his when he first conceived that re sp o n
sive nerves could enable the magneti z er not
only to read the thoughts but even to guide ,

the w ill and the feelings o f the being subjected

to his influence empowering him like a mighty
, ,

conqueror to cast the S pirit he had enslaved


into chain s .

You allow then said I , that M es

, ,

mer was a mere visionary ! — his system a

dream !
N ay I fear you have m isunderstood me
, , ,

he replied .I would assert that its happier ,

influences are still a matter for much doubt .

I must in conscience admit they rather exist

in t h e contemplation of the well intentioned -

than in the regions o f reality ; n o r am I less

prepared to o w n that its dangers S 6 far o u t
balance its possible and speculative advantages ,

as to make its general practice a great evil .

It were an ample field f or quackery and

the grossest deception I exclaimed , if given ,

fair play .

Far worse than that he replied My

, .

views o n this subject de lusive extravagant as

, , ,

they are deemed o n many others have been ,

sobered down by a very sad story so early ,

grafted o n my memory as to have sunk into

my very soul and which h as inspired me at

once with a firm beli ef in and a salutary terr o r


o f the power o f magnetism

by associating it ,

i n my mind with the very worst species 0

abuse o f w hich it is capable This morning .

whilst rummaging among papers long laid aside

as useless and well nigh forgotten my eye

lighted upon some documents referring to this

same affair ; and the sight awakened a lo n g
train o f painful reminiscences which your pre ,

sence alone to co nfess the truth but partially


dispelled I have more than half a mind t o


relate the melan choly ta le to you in support ,

o f th at agency s power whose very existence

o u deny and as alas ! but t o o melanc h oly

y , ,

a proof o f the misery it may inflict .

enacted where the heroes o f the story fi e tte d


away their hour on the human stage where ,

every obj ect o ur eyes rest upon has probably

been gazed at by them a hundred times over
he re where their feet must often have trod I
, ,

feel I can best talk o f them their sorrows their , ,

deceptions ; and you will perceive that mag

n e t i s m alone can account for things so passing

strange that they will appear beyond belief

, ,

and yet for the truth o f which I can vouch ;

for my father from whom I h ad all t he details
, ,

was himself deeply implicated in the affair .

Indeed he not only related it to me but talked

, ,

o f the matter over an d over again ; and I still

possess the papers concerning it which he had ,

carefully preserved .

I t was early in the year 1 7 2 6 whe n my ,

father M onsieur Jules Chaudon then a young

, ,

man left his native town M arseilles to come

, , ,

an d pr actise here as an a v o ca t He kne w no .

o n e i n Toulon except an o ld relation o f his

, ,

who had caused him to be bred up to his own

profession intending to pass over to him his

c lze n te lle

when he grew o ld an d tired and

, ,

bequeath him his fortune at his death The .

first epoch had arrived ; and it was o n this

account that my father although an only so n
, ,

was sent forth from home to try his fort une in

life The o ld gentleman was a confirmed vale

t u di n ari an ; and my father s existence would

have been but a dull o n e had not the solici ,

tude o f his parents provided him with those

means of honest recreation which are a young ,

man s best safeguard on entering li fe against


illicit and de grading amusements He had .

letters o f introduction to two o f the most re

sp e c t ab le families o f the city One such in .

a provincial town where society is so confined


to e ate rie s and classes is sufficient to ope n to


every tolerably connected youn g man the doors

o f that society to which he by birth belongs ;

and when once admitted his own misconduct ,

can alone close them against him .

I know now a days you ng men far fro m

- -
, ,

seeking such quiet circles vote them dull and ,

stupid and avoid them as they woul d the


plague caring for nothing but noisy and doubt


ful company ; that horses actresses and orgies

, , ,

C 2

a ppear to them the ze n ith of fashion and the

acme o f enjoyment But it was not so in my

father s day ; and had it been I think I may


safely aver that such would not have been his

inclination .

One o f these letters was addressed to a cer

tain M adame C adi ere s the widow o f a rich

merchant who kept a very good house and

, ,

was a lady o f some figure in this city She .

was the mother of four children one of whom , ,

her eldest son was married and had left the ma

, ,

ternal roof ; but the three others two sons ,

who were preparing for the clerical profession ,

and a daughter— still resided with her when my

father first visited the family .

Before entering upon the history of this fa

mily and its connexion with my father I think ,

it advisable to give you an idea of the first i m

pression its various members produced upon
him and describe his youthful feelings as cir

c u ms t an t i ally as I may This will help to bring


more vividly before y o u the actors of t h e drama

which I a m about to recount .

His recol lection o f that first visi t was so


stro ng an d he so often recurred to it in the


latter years o f his life that every detail of it is


as present to my mind as if I had actually been

there . Upon the strength o f his introduction ,

given by a very n ear relation of M adame C a

di é re s—perhaps also upon that o f his future
, ,

expectations h e was at once invited t o joi n
her party at her country house situated within -

a convenient walk from the town where he was ,

received with a frank and hearty cordiality ,

which is now fast fadi ng a way even from o ur

southern provinces .

I t was then customary to dine at the hour

when lunch is now se rved ; and this n eces
s i ta t e d another meal between dinner and sup

per that generally wen t by the n ame o f colla


tion at which however n othing solid was ever

, , ,

o ffered— fruits and creams in summer co mfi t s ,

and cakes in winter were its only i ngredients

, .

The family were at collation when my father

entered Madame C adi ere s was taki n g her

coffee wi th a few respectable look ing matrons -


at o n e end of the room ; w hilst a group of

laughing young girls clustered round a marble

table at the further extremity were enj oying ,

their strawberries and cream They were i n

the very s weetest seas on of life j ust budding ,

into womanhood—for the most part o f that ,

rich dark voluptuous beauty peculiar to o ur

, ,

clime and laughing with the exhilarating


merriment which is a no less distingu ishing

characteristic o f its sunny influence .

My father was at first so dazzled with this

galaxy o f loveliness that he could scarcely dis

cern any individuality in the fair as semblage ;

but his attention and admiration soon became
exclusively rivetted on o n e as dissimilar in
form and expression to the others as in his ,

eyes at least she was superior

, A lthough .

rather below than above the middle stature, her

figure was sufficiently rounded to betray her
age —she was just turned seventeen and mo ulded ,

into the perfection o f grace Her hair simply


parted o n the brow and brought to the back o f

her head in a w reath of tresses whi ch seemed ,

by their weight to set at defiance the thraldom

o f the combs and sky blue ribbons that co n

fined them was o f so brilliant a hue that it

, ,

well deserved the term golden Her eyes


generally sought the ground with a modesty o f

expression that seemed the chief characteristic
o f her physiognomy and imparted to it an u n

nameable charm ; but when raised they were ,

o f a blue br i lliant and vivid as the pu re s t s u m


mer sky and as calm and serene in aspect


Her features were delicate and regular ; no

smile hovered round her small and well formed -

mouth ; her looks were grave beyond her years ,

even unto severity ; h e r skin daz z lingly fair as


though it had caught a reflection from the

snows o f the N orth did not co n trast more with

the dark complexions o f her companions than

did the composure of her c o untenance and
bearing with the animation that distinguished
th e m My father always told me that in the

mi dst o f this group she put him in mind o f a


Christian virgin surrounded by the houris o f

t h e M ah o me d an Paradi se .

I n spite o f all his e fforts he could not keep

his eyes o ff this little circle and had b are ly p re

sence o f mind sufficient to answer the polite ,

encourag ing observations addressed to him by


the matrons whilst sipping their favourite beve

rage A t last M adame C adi ere s very conside

rat e l conducted him towards the party he so

much longed but had n o t the courage to j oin
, , ,

saying at the same time it was not fair to keep

, ,

h i m away from the society best suited to hi s

age .

My dear C atherine said M adame C adI e re s

, ,

addressing o n e o f the young ladies this is the ,

stranger o f whom I spoke to you this morni ng

—h e is to be for the futu re l a mi de la ma is o n


and it is in this light I wish y o u and your

brothers to treat him fro m this even ing forth .

P ray my dear endeavour to make h i m as co m

, ,

fo rt ab le as y o u can amo n gst you until their

return .

A t this address all eyes were for o n e instant, ,

raised to my father s blushing counte n ance the

ne x t they were demurely fixed o n the floor .

M ademoiselle C adi é re s invited him to be seated ;

the tones o f her voice were s i n gulzfi ly clear
and decided but very sweet ; an d he perceived

Jith delight that the speaker was the very girl

whose personal appearance had so much struck


only be based o n regu larity o f conduct and

steadiness o f mind is fast passing away alto

gether from my degenerate countrymen Fo r .

give thi s di gression o f an o ld grumbler I .

cannot omit now and then morali z ing espe ,

c i all when talking with the young to whom I

y ,

t hink my opinions and adv ic e may be o f some

use .

My father soon found that his awkwardness

excite d the risible faculties o f his young com

panions in no ordi nary degree w h o exchanged,

nods and looks and smiles anything but flat t e r

ing to hi s vanity M ademoiselle C adi ere s and

another young lady called Eleonore R aymond

, ,

whom my father observ ed fo r the first time as a

plain nay the only plain o n e o f the party
, , ,

endeavoured by their gravity to check this

inhosp i table merriment and he felt grateful for

the support thus afforded him .

But vain were the endeavours o f the former

to make him take any share in the conversation
that was going forward or partake o f the colla

tion ; his excessive embarrassment for a time

neutrali z ed all the e ffects o f her kindness and ,

of his keen sense o f the ridicule attached to his

want of assuran c e S till no o n e felt pity for

him but Catherine ; the others finished by

fairly giving way to their mirth which M ade,

m o i s e lle R aymond although far from j oining

, ,

did not attempt to palliate by any gracious

display o f sympathy o n her o wn part n o r di d ,

she in any way assist Catherine in her weary

task of relievin g hi m from his state o f trial .

A t last his power o f volition triumphed over

his sheepishness and he became more able t o
attend to what was passing aroun d hi m if not ,

actually to mix I n I t .

The repas t which had seemed to hi m i n


s u fferably long while it lasted soon came to


what he n o w considered a too early termination .

The whole party passed into the garden w here ,

the elder l ad i es sauntered carelessly about ,

whilst the younger sought divertisement at a

swing and apparently found it if a judgment
, ,

might be formed from the peals o f laughter that

soon issued from the thick grove within which
t he swing was placed M ademoiselle C adi é re s


stood at the entran c e i n the atti tude o f a not


very interested spectator ; and my father gazed

at her from the parlour door with an admiration ,

which little as he was conscious o f the fact

, ,

was depicted i n every li ne o f his spe aking phy

si o no m
g y .

Myfather in h i s day was reckoned t he

, ,

handsomest man in Toulo n Cast in a He rc u .

lean mould his figure was dev o id o f all clu msi


n ess and his s w arthy countenance bore evi


dence in its correct but somewhat stern li nes

, ,

that the strength o f his mind corresponded with

that of his frame He looked what nature had .

turned him o ut a fine specimen of a vigorous

, ,

fiery and resolved race ; but his vigour was


tempered by goodness his fire by reason and , ,

his resolves were guided by wisdom I n short .


if ever man came nigh unto perfection that ,

man w as my father ; and I his son am not the , ,

only person now livin g w h o can bear testimony

to this as sertion .

Of his personal advantages as well as of his ,

undisguised and ardent admiration o f her

daughter M adame C adi é re s seemed very lei

s urely tak i n g c o ni zanc e from a sh o rt di stan c e

g ,

and after a somewhat prolo nged examinatio n ,

o f which he was scarcely aware o f being the o b

e c t she came up to him and at once embarked

j , ,

upon a conversation that cau sed him no small

s urpris e .

My daughter she said seems to have

, ,

found favour in your eyes My father felt

himself blushing crimson D o not be dis .

tressed she continued kin dly
, If y o u think
, .

her pretty you are o f o n e mind with all Toulon

, ,

I believe and there is nothing o ffensive in it ;


but it reminds me that I have a duty to perform

with regard to yourself Forewarne d fore .

armed as the saying goes ; I had better let y o u


at once into the secret o f my Catherine s views ’


S he never means to marry ; so you see it were , ,

no u se in the world you r falling in love with

her .

M y father was even more astonished at the

manner than at the matter o f the good lady s ’

communication but could n o t help own ing i n


his secret heart there was some ground for the

warning premature as it was since h e felt so
, ,

u nwill ing to rece iv e it S ome remark o f his

. ,

trite and commonplace elicited further e x p la ,


“Yes she said

Catherine is a singular
being —gifted beyond the gifts o f ordinary
, ,

women —and who unless I be much mistaken

, ,

will run through no ordinary course o f life I .

cannot help thinking and many o f my friends


are o f the same opinion that she w ill o ne day ,

shi ne forth as a brilliant light o f sanctity S he .

is an d has always been an angel why may

— ,

she n o t become a saint !
My father thought it was something very
like a fall instead of a promotion to quit an
angelship for a saintship ; but he w as too pru
dent to give vent to the juvenile sarcasm and ,

suffered the old lady to proceed who flattered , ,

by his deep attention opened her communi ,

cative vein .

S he intends to devote herself wholly to

religion and to permit n o earthly affections to

interfere with this great object of her li fe Fro m .

earliest chi ldhood piety has been the corner stone


of her existence I could cite to you instances


of her fai th and chari ty fo r e ight days run ni ng ,


and never have done S o perfect a creature .

never was ; so meek and humble —so un c o n

scious o f her merits yet so aboun di ng in Chris

tian virtues ; her first communion alone would

furnish matter for a volume her soul was more
spotless than her v e il and her fervour amazed

and confused even the reverend Father Alexis

hi ms elf One Instan c e of her singul ar de v otion
will suffice Imagine sir that whe n scarcely
, ,

turned of seven a deli cate puny child—for my

, ,

Catherine n ever was strong she insisted upon ,

tendin g the sick at the hospital where o n , ,

acc o rm t o f a contagious disease ragin g within its

walls even the most necessary attendance failed


the poor invalids But Heaven spared her to


me then to make I doubt not an example o f

, , ,

her in this land and in these days o f growing

unbe li ef such examples are indeed needful .

M ademoiselle C adi ere s seems indeed from , ,

your account a person o f no ordinary cha


racter observed my father mechanically as


, ,

she paused in her narration .

Ordinary ! certainly not ! exclaimed the
eager mother In infan cy she d i slike d and

avoided the idle games o f —

other children cast
away from her the toys in which they de
lighted A s she grew vanity and frivolity the
, ,

thirst for admiration and love of dress tha t ,

mostly influence other young women had no ,

hold o n her Books o f devotion were her


dearest companions ; to aid the poor to co n ,

sole the affl icted her chief pleasures Thus

, .

has she from day to day improved in virtue

and grace until she is the wonder of all who

know her S he begins already to be much


talked of I do not wonder at it nor shall I


be astonished at anything she may turn o u t for ,

I myself was very pious and always prayed ,

above all things that my children might be so

too I kne w I bore no ordinary bein g i n my

bosom even before her birth I could n o t .

i —
touch aught that had life in t not a mouthful
o f anything coarse o r nutritive could pass my

lips ; like the hermits o f yore herbs were my ,

food and water my drink until after she w as

born .

Perhaps said my father , you d estine ,

M ademo i selle Catherine to the veil !

lively and pretty though somewhat fli gh ty and


coquettish but marriage tames down all super


abundance o f spirit and once fairly settled she ll
, ,

grow steady enough I dare say S he h as an, .

uncle a judge in M ontpeli er who might be o f

, , ,

use to you in your profession M ari e R e b o ul .

and M ademoiselle la R ue again belong to , ,

commercial families and are very well o ff the


former is rather heavy an d n o t over bright in the

head it is true but some people are o f opini on
, ,

that fools make the best wives—as to the latter ,

her avarice is a guarantee fo r her economy ; she

would take care o f your gains and a thrifty ,

housewife causes the house to flourish Ah ! I .

had forgot to mention E leonore R aymond ; she

is very rich indeed ; but though a catholic
herself has protestant relations and that s an
, ,

obj ection However I have given you the


ca rt e da
p y
a s you may n o w think o f whom

o u please provided it be not o f Catherine
y , .

This abrupt and extraordi nary warning ,

though doubtless well meant o n the whole di d,

more harm than good ; for by the pleasure with

whi ch my father li stened to the mother s rhap

s o di cal
encomiums o f her daughter he already ,

felt himself a lover for wh o else but a lover can


un derstand a mother s praise o f her child But


with a t act that was at that time rather the

instinct o f nature than the growth o f experience ,

he was at no loss t o discover how matters stood

in the family He saw that the affection o f

M adam e C ad I e re s for her handsome gentle ,

daughter whi ch partook o f a sort of involuntary


respect for her imagined superiority was mixed ,

with no small alloy o f pride and ambition To .

make y o u fully understand h o w ambition could

be gratified in this C i rcumstance I must remind ,

you—o r rather inform you for y o u may chance


never to have heard o f the influence o f religion

among us previous to the revolution .

The different classes of society were then so

dis tinctly marked that there was no possibility

o f passing the boundary which di vided the ti e rs

é ta t from the aristocracy W ealth talent

, ,

beauty genius the gifts o f fortune and o f

, ,

nature were alike inad equate to smooth away


the obstacles that lay between the unprivileged

an d the pri vil eged, howe v er deficient the latter

might be in equivalent merits N ow as is usual .


i n such cases the secondary classes had nothing


so much at heart as to pass the forbidden frontier ,

and in proportion as they neared that point ,

were they considered and looked up to by their

o w n society . S uch was the power o f the
priesthood however that what nothing else
, ,

could e ffect religion could ; and before its


members all doors fl e w open all artificial ,

barriers fell R oyalty itself was fain to humble


its head be fore the cowl and the veil had,

precedence o f the coronet Hence perhaps .

, ,

the secret o f many a misnamed religious calling ,

the source o f many a fe rvent devotion and o f a

certain mania for saintship a prevailing distem

e rat u re o f mind at that epoch which was a

p ,

convenient channel for female ambition .

My father perceived without much di ffi


c ulty that M adame C adl e re s was silly bigoted

, , ,

and very ambitious To such a woman the


thought o f givi n g the world a saint and a ,

pretty o n e — for ugly female eminences are


always at a discount would mos t naturally

present itself ; and chance havin g met her half


way in the merits and disposition o f her d au gh

ter what more natural than tha t she should

hail the prospect with delight !

That Catheri ne had wholly yielded up her
young soul to the feelings thus carefully instilled
into her w as evident and what might have been

expected But my father began to suspect that


a warm imagination lay concealed beneath her

calm exterior and he could not help thinking

that she was more cal c ulated to bless a husband

and children with the sources of love lying as
yet unrevealed within her young bosom than ,

for the frigidity of a monastic seclusion He .

approache d the object o f his meditations and ,

timidly asked why she did not mingle in the

amusements of h e r friend s .

Because they do not amuse me she re ,

plied .
“ When the thoughts are often fixed
on grave subjects it becomes di fficult to bring

them to bear o n lighter things .

Altho ugh the observation might have seemed

affected and odd in most girls o f her age ,

Cathe rine s manner was so simple an d n atural

that there was no possibility o f misunderstan d


ing her Whatever she said came spontane


o u sl to her lips and w the o f

f spring f her
y , as o

thoughts ; but those thoughts her very nature
— had taken a forced and unnatural bent .

I understand

said my father “By re
, .

maining fixed too long o n any o n e object the ,

mind is apt like the limbs to lose its elasticity

, , .

Yo u are perfectly right M ademoiselle C athe ,

rine but ought we not in such a case to apply

, ,

t h e same remedy we use for the body — a

change !
S urely there is no need of remedy where

there is no evil w as Catherine s answer ; and

my father dared n o t yet venture his real opinions

o n so delicate a theme .

When t h e party again gathered togeth e r he

felt al most relieved fro m his former e mb arass
ment so fast had hi s imagination familiarized
, ,

h i m with those who m M adame C ad i ere s had

so amply described to him ; but neither the
languishing voluptuous beauty o f M arie Lan

gi eres whose long silken lashes fell over orbs


t hat glowed w ith passion ; nor the lustrous ,

laughing eyes of the merry Mademoiselle G uy o l ,


whose light step seemed scar c ely to t ouch the

earth and whose e sp i eg le ri e lighted up an i rre gu

lar but very pretty face nor any grace o r char m

, ,

o f any o f t hem could induce him to change


his former impression o f Catherine C adi ere s ’

incomparable superiority in short he was fast ,

yielding himself up to the all delightful illusions -

o f a first love .

M ore than once he attempted to enter

into something like conversation with M ade
m o i se lle R aymond next to whom he sat ; but

the fi i gi d di sagreeable manner of that young


lady so totally discouraged him that although , ,

he could perceive she was the most intimate of

Catherine s companions he could n o t make up


his mind to win her good graces ; and more ,

over doubted the possibility o f the achieve


ment .

The young men o f the family came home

ve ry late but the evenin g being inviting for
, ,

a walk they accompanied my father back t o


to wn D uring that time he had an opportunity


o f perceiving that they partook in a g r eat de ,

gree o f their mother s poverty of intellect and



entered fully into her views and opinions with

regard to Catherine whom they evidently fan

c i e d must , o n e day become the footstool o f


their o w n promotion in the church and cause ,

the elevation o f the whole family My father .

listened with apparent acquiescence to all they

advanced on this subj ect but determined in , ,

his own mind to carry o ff the prize if he could

, ,

des p ite all the saintships in the world .

N ow began for him the golden dreams

, ,

of youth mingled w ith the realities o f li fe

, .

G rounded in excellent stu dies gifted with a ,

fine organ and natural eloquence he soon made ,

way in his profession whilst his good qualities


intercourse wi th the world gaining for him a
su ffi cient ease o f manner to set them o ff .

began to develop themselves and in a very ,

short time he beca me a general favourite with

young and old He was quoted as an example

to the sons and looked upon as a very desirable


suitor for the daughters But the parents were


not alone in discovering his merits ; he was

n o t slo w in perceiving that M adame C ad i ere s

h ad prophesied ri ghtly in assuring him that he


ground in her esteem an d that her pre ference


w as inse nsibly ripeni n g into a warmer feeling .

The bare possibility o f such a thing sufficed to

gild every hour o f his life with sunshine How .

often did he picture t o himself the rapturous

j oy with which he would clasp the dear girl

to his bosom his o w n his Catherine for life
, , ,

With what downcast eyes and blushing cheeks

would she still even when a wife receive him
, ,

o n his return home ; and how he would teach

her lip to smile and something sweeter still

, .

How quietly but yet cheerfully would she

, ,

f ulfil the little home duties that make home

so comfortable the only comfortable spot o n
earth How her meek virtues would clothe her

in a lasting beauty that like his love would

, , ,

grow with coming years A ll the dreams o f an


honourable love were his He would sit gazing .

on her in silence by t h e hour together rapt ,

in thought wh ilst a glowing ardent admiration

, ,

filled his breast equally inspired by the sun


beam playing o n his mistress golden tresses ’


the passi n g pallor of her cheek o r the soft mur ,

mur o f her voice I n short love made him


a poet .

Having no reason to conceal these sentiments ,

they soon became pretty generally known and ,

formed the topic of conversations it was sometime s

his chance to overhear One autumnal evening

as he was quietly reclining against one o f the

prim tall box hedge rows in M adame C adi ere s

garden a fe w of her merry young guests hap


pened to seat themselves o n the other side o f

the leafy barrier ; and unconscious o f his vi

ci ni t
y, handled the subject wi th no great cere
mony .

A s for me said M arie L an gi e re s as if in

, ,

reply to something previously advanced I am ,

sure I do not see why the C adi é re s should

refuse M onsieur Jules Chaudon I am eve n .

better connected than Catherine ; my uncle is

a j udge ; I might hope for a de at least before , ,

my name whenever I chose to change it and

, ,

yet I don t know that I should have refused

him myself had he proposed to me
, .

“Nor I said M ademoiselle G u o l “although

, y ,

he is so grave, and likes so little the theatre .

However if she should marry him it is a com fort

, ,

to think that he will never take her to P aris ,

D 2

where it is my great ambition to reside fo r an v ,

girl with tolerable looks is said to cut an n u

common figure there .

Fo r my part exclaimed M ademoiselle


R e b o ul I had rather marry him than that old


M onsieur R enoir whom my parents wish me to


w e d fo r all that he is so rich and certainly as

, , ,

most people would think the best match o f ,

the two .

N ot I p a r e x e mp le
, returned M ade mo i ,

selle la R ue whose predilection for money


M adame C adi e re s had touched upon in her

first conversation with my father ; I wish M on a

sieur R enoir would ask me that s all ! Were he ,

fifty times as o ld and as ugly I d accept him at ,

t h e very first asking I f fortune be not hap.

o f it

p i n e ss tis

better half says my gran d ,

mamma and I believe her

“That s dutiful said M ademoiselle G u o l

’ ”
, y ,

laughing ; and n o w yo u ng ladies let s see if ’
, ,

we shall each of us be gratified in o ur dearest

wishes Here is a daisy I pluck for M arie

L an gi ere s ; I ll tear each leaf o ff with a y e s or

a no alternately an d we ll se e with what word

, ,


t he last will fall that will be fate s decision


Come say pretty daisy Shall Marie Lan

, , ,

gi eres marry a Chevalier o r a monsieur do or , ,

eve n an o ffic e r— she would so fain be a fine lady !

e — —
Y s no y e s no — N o ! ha ha ha ! laughed
, ,

the merry girl ; she ll marry an underwriter

after all o r an usher o r a schoolmaster o r

, , , ,

l l —
perhaps take the ve l We l let s see ! n o w .

it s my turn S hal l I ever see Paris ! Again

the flower says —no S hall Mademoiselle R e


boul marry R enoir no Well that s stran ge !


A nd M arie de la R ue shall she find a Croesus ,

for a su i tor — no Well that s odd ! S hall ,

! ”
any one of us marry at all I wonder But ,

the harmless flo wre t seemed ! npropitious for ,

— “
again it determined no ! Well that s stupid ! ’ ”

said Mademoiselle G a yol impatiently ; I ll “ ’


know if Catherine will accept M onsieur J ules

My father did not hear the conclusion o f the
childish trick for Catherine herself came up

the alley in which he sat and he had not y e t ,

su ffi cient courage to put the question to the

only true oracle the sweet girl herself
, .

A short time aft er this my father witnessed ,


a strange incident which I must n o t omit to


relate fo r it bears upon the story

, .

I t was a frequent amusement o f the i n h abi

tants o f Toulon to make excursions into its de
lightful V i ci nities o n which occasions the o ld

axiom o f the more the merrier seemed to be the

order of the day ; and in the summer season
, ,

gay caravans were constantly seen issuing from

the town gates .

M adame C ad i e re s had invited a large party to

accompany herself and her bevy o f young co m
panions o n a visit to a cave o f celebrity in the
neighbourhood that had served as a resting

place to some saint o r other but ninety two ,


and ninety three hav e so sadly confused these


superstitious traditions that I cannot precis e ly


inform y o u o f the whereabouts nor the exact ,

obj ect o f their curiosity o r devotion I only

, .

kno w it was to answer both ends and that my ,

father was as usual in v ited to make o n e o f the

, ,

This place was at a considerable distance
from the town to which it was agreed they

should return by moonlight be i ng t o o many ,


for their servants accompanied them—to have

anything t o fear from the unsettled state o f the
roads. G ay was the little band and none ,

gayer than my father The warmer glow whi ch


the sun o f the south gives to man s spirits as it ’


lends a richer hue to its flowers a s weeter fra ,

granee to its breezes ripening all it lights upon


to a more finished existence imparted to the ,

whole cavalcade a tone o f hilarity to which o ld ,

and young master and man yielded without

, ,

control and all laughed in the face o f smiling


nature around them Even Catherine seemed


to a certain degree infected with the general


cheerfulness though her enjoyment i n n o way


in terfered with her usual re p ose o f manner .

M y father rode the whole day by her side n u

reproved by herself and unmolested by others
, ,

as though his right to that place o f honour was

silently acknowledged by all Catherine spoke

freely and feelingly on all subjects and though

not brilliantly witty her frank an d gentle

earnestness imparted to her conversation a

charm which rendered him perfectly insensible
to the gloomy s ilence maintained by her i nse p a

rable friend M ademoiselle R aymond whose

, ,

j oyless countenance and chilling as pect m ade

her like unto a shadow thrown across their path .

The merry devotees reached t h e aim o f the i r

pilgrim age in safety performed th eir somewhat

protracted devotions and refreshed themselves


with a plentiful cold repast the ingredients for


which had been brought fro m town in large ,

baskets wherewith a couple o f stro n g mules


had been laden .

Up to this time every thing had been most

favourable ; but when their meal was fi nished ,

and they prepared to return the sky which , ,

had gradually assumed a threatening appear

ance poured forth a shower of rain as violent

as it was unexpected forcing every one to c over

, .

The same tree sheltered my fa ther and M ade

mo rse lle C a di ere s n o r did either seem to feel

the circumstance an annoy ance .

They all fancied the C loud would soon spend

its fury an d the weather clear again such sud
, ,

den and apparently causeless atmospherical

changes being very common in o ur climate ;
but i n stead o f mendin g matters grew wors e

afforded at least protection from the wind

, , .

E scaping his gras p she uttered a few angry


expressions in a sharp tone such as he never

, ,

thought to have heard from her lips ; an d ,

cowering down upon the field amid the rank

grass laid by the rain panting breathless with

the excess o f terror she lay in dangerous ,

proximity to the tree .

Fortun ately however the hurricane was not

, ,

of long duration and the an soon became filled


with calls and shouts as o n e by o n e the scat

, , ,

t e re d members o f the party emerged from their

various places o f refuge The young ladies .

looked all the lovelier fo r the u navoidable dis

array o f their costume in spite o f pale cheeks

and lank hair ; but the elder dames were gre ater
su fferers by thi s trivial mishap and more con ,

cerned fo r its consequences They looked .

disconsolately at the rain which although the , ,

wind had ceased continued t o pelt them most


u nmercifu lly —then at their dripping clothes

, ,

and at the lowering heavens to which the dusk ,

o f eveni n g now began to impart an additional

obscurity and fin ally calle d upon the aged


serv ant who acted as guide to j oin them in a

, ,

hasty consultation .

My father all this time stood near M ade

, ,

mo i se lle C adI e re s to whom he did n o t v enture


again to speak S he still lay apparently insensible


in the wet grass and he was much relieve d by


the approach of M ademoiselle R aymond who ,

stepped up to the prostrate Catherine and ad ,

dressed her i n a decided man ner .

R ise Catherine —fo r shame —why will you


ever remain a child ! R ise I say ! D o you ,

not see that all is over ! I hope these ladies

are not going to remain here all night o r ride ,

in their damp clothes ; y o u and I at least must , ,

walk forward .

M ademoiselle R aymond spoke rather with

an air of authority than affection and my father ,

observed with surprise that it produced an al

most instantaneous e ffect Catherine rose at

her bidding and walked o n with the passiv e


obedience o f a child looking with reviving con


fi d e n ce into her stern features .

Ah ! thought my father
” “hers is a weak

as well as a gentle spiri t an d requires no less


guidance than support—the most amiable o f all

C haracters for a wife Well I am able to a fford

her both .

“I t is n o t easy t o understand said M adame


C adi ere s i n an apologetic manner to the co m


pany fast gathering around “h o w so gifted a


being as my C atherine so superior to others o f


the same age and sex c an be afraid o f thunder

, ,

an d tremble at the wind To be sure I was


alway s a dreadful coward i n these things but ,

that s no re as on why
I t is the weakness o f her nerves said ,

E leonore R aymond somewhat sharply ;

, they
are singularly irritable though you will n o t

perceive it and I advise you not to expose her


any longer to this cold shower bath than y o u -

c an help.

Though the advice was ungraciously give n ,

its wisdom went directly home to the mother s ’

heart ; besides it accounted favourably fo r a


weakness i n her daughter s character which she

ima gined to be a flaw and she gratefully availed


herself o f this opportunity o f turni n g the atten

tio n of the listeners into another channel .

It was promptly decided that they should

proceed on foot along a cross road leading to a
village well known to their guide where they ,

hoped to find an inn o f some sort o r other The .

attendants were to bring up the rear with the

mules and baggage .

A gain it fell to my father s lot t o escort

Catherine and E leonore The latter gave him


little o r no trouble ; it was but seldom she

n eeded his assistance and n ever his encourage

ment N ot so his fairer companion ; not a


step coul d she advance alone A s the gloom .

deepened she looked around in vague ap p re


h e n s i o n ; now fancying a bat was flying about

her head now that a toad leaped before her

in the pathway ; then that dark figures fli t t e d


along behind the hedgerows ; started at the

sound of her o w n voice and feared to look ,

back lest she might behold—she could not


herself say what .

For all these imaginary terrors E leonore

every now and then reproved her friend in no
gentle tone ; and my father perceived with ,

disple asure that her remonstrances had more


weight with Catherine than his gentle p e rsu a

sions He could have wished M ademoiselle

R aymond at the other end o f the world ; but

still Catherine s tremblin g hand rested o n his

arm He could distinctly feel her heart beat


against it ; she called o n his name with soft

and timid accents and he felt happy as young
, ,

lovers ord y can feel and wished it might be


permitted to walk o n thus hand in hand , ,

throughout all space and time .

A t last an inn was di scovered I t was .

crowded with wayfarers su rprised by the storm ;

and all that the surly hostess would o r could
do was to allow this new influx o f visitors to

dry themselves by the kitchen fire and to pass -


the n ight in a large comfortless room boasting ,

no beds and very little furniture o f any kind ;


along the walls o f which she di stri buted heaps o f

straw for their accommodation ; and poor as this ,

was they had reason to congratulate themselve s


upon it ; for it was w ith the utmost difficulty

they obtained that no strangers should share
the apartment with them .

A fter much scrambl ing and l aughi ng o n


t he part o f the j u niors and much gr umbling o n


that o f the seniors the disasters o f the evening


w ere tolerably repaired ; and all busi e d them

selves i n maki ng preparations as best they could , ,

fo r the enj oyment o f rest rendered doubly n e


ce ss ar by the exertions o f the day

y .

Catherine who had by this time completely


recovered her equanimity provided with the , ,

most engaging sol i citude fo r her mother s c o m


fort A few cushions taken from the mules by


her brothers and arranged by her o wn careful


hand and a coverlid borrowed from the hostess


! by a miracle clean and fresh

) soon made the ,

o ld lady a tolerable couch M adame Lan gi é re s


pillowed herself o n her daughter s shoulder ; ’

M esdemoiselles la R ue and R e b o ul were equally

eager in di splaying their filial affection ; whilst
M arie G uy o l kept in exercise the gallantry o f
the few young men who had neither mothers
nor sisters to claim their attention .

E leonore R aymond stood pensively gazing

o n the various movements o f her young friends ,

w ith an expression o f sadness not habitual to

her austere c ountenan c e an d whi ch softened


its harsher lines My father approached her


and inquired if he could be o f any service .

N o I thank you
, she replied in a less , ,

abrupt tone than usual .

I thought y o u looked as if you missed

something he said apologetically
, , .

You were right she answered When , .

I behold these happy children and paren t s thus

occupied and anxious fo r one another I miss
, ,

my own mother .

Tears started to her eyes as she spoke and ,

her voice trembled For the first time she .


appeared to him n o t absolutely repulsive S he .

is not pre t ty thought he but decidedly inter

, ,

esting He would have continued a conversa


tion begun i n a tone so conge ni al to his o w n

feelings for he was the best o f sons ; but M a

demoiselle R aymond suddenly turned her back

upon him and moved o ff to another end o f

the room as if ashamed of her momentary


communicativeness .

S he has not a bad heart ; but what a surly ,

uncongenial temper thought my father ,


A t l ast e v ery th ing and every body was


sweets o f the former However this is a digre s


sion re v e no ns a no s mo uto ns
, .

I t h as often been said and my father felt ,

o n this occasion the full force o f the observa

tion that nothing ripens Inti macy faster than


a j ourney or anything resembling it Weeks

, .

months o f almost daily associations in the usual


routine o f society do n o t mature a buddi n g


a ffection rub o ff the mutual diffide n ce and

, ,

e ace the doubts which are its chief impedi

ff i

ments like a whole day spent together I t has

, .

something o f the familiarity o f domestic habits ;

nor is it possible for the fair lady to maintain
herself withi n the strong ramparts o f icy reserve ,

when exposed to the incessant skirmishes o f

polite attentions needed kindnesses and all the
, ,

chances that throw young people o n such occa

sions into each other s way I see by your smile


my young friend that y o u think my comp ariso n s


and sentiments as ro cco co s as myself ; so I will

even o n with my story .

Fo r the first few hours every thi ng was ,

hushed in the large crowded chamber and every ,

o n e slept o r seeme d to sleep

, Catherine was .

W rapt in the peaceful slumbers of a child from ,

which even the loud snorings o f her brothers

were un equal to arouse her To t h e you n g .

lover s enamoured fancy she seemed more lovely

in this placid gentle repose than in her most

, ,

ani mated moments But he loved as we o f


Toulon an d M arseilles love ; whether she spake

o r was silent laughing o r sad , k ind o r other ,

wise her last mood ever seemed the most fasci


n ating and herself more perfect with every


p as sing hou r .

M idnight tolled from the neighbouring church

in thi n sharp accents denotin g by the meagre
, , ,

sound how much it stood in need o f fresh


bells My father started at the chime and


looked around M ademoiselle R aymond was yet


in the same position ; M arie G uy o l had drop

ped asleep in the midst o f her frolics like a
, ,

wearied Hebe ; and her admirers had glided to

a heap o f straw not far o ff doubtless with the

intention o f n ever losing sight o f their divinity ,

where nature having overcome them they lay

, ,

in a state of the deepest oblivion S carcely .

h ad the hour ce ased to chime when the m oo n , ,


emerging from the cloud that had hitherto

veiled her shone forth in uncontrolled b ril

li an cy streami n g full through the curtainless


windows upon Catherine s reclining figure My ’


father dreadi n g lest t h e light should disturb


her was about to seek t he means of excluding


it when suddenly she rose to a sitti ng posture

, ,

and stretched forth her hands anxiously .

I must dress my hair she said in an , ,

a udible though lo w voice ; but I cannot find


my comb—I fear it is left behind .

He was surprised at the extraordinary de

mand and no less so whe n the elder brother

gently roused the younger who immediately ,

produced the desired object .

N ow bring m
’ ”
That s right she said , e a .

mirror How c an I braid my hair without o n e !


Thank you N ow take away this odious ker


chief s o Joseph don t stand in my light


My father was startled ; for it w as he and ,

n o t her brother who stood bet ween her and


the light of the moon He moved o ff saying .


to Joseph as he did s o ,

I am afraid my presence annoys M ade

mo i se lle C adi ere s


N ot the leas t in the world was the reply , .

S he is not even aware o f it I f it interests


you to watch her j ust now y o u may do so pro

, ,

v i d e d you do not attempt to wake her .

B ut she is no longer asleep .

S he is
, answered Joseph with a smile , .

Have y o u never before witnessed an instance

of somnambulism ! My poo r sister has been
subject to this affl iction since her childhood ;
it is however fast wearin g o ff
, , But hush ! .

she is about to sp e a
Joseph bring t h e light nearer
, .

He lighted a candle and placed it by her

with great precaution and my father then per

c e i v e d that her eyes were completely closed .

One brother at her desire held the candle the

, , ,

other the mirror —then removing t h e silk ker

, ,

chief she carefully unbraided her tresses and


su ffered them to flow in natural luxuriance

down her shoulders .

I have often heard i t said by those who had

known her that Catherine s hair was finer than

any they h ad ever seen Of the purest palest


gold colour and of the softest most silken

, ,

tissue it fell in glittering sho wers about her and

, ,

literally veiled her person The only touch o f .

vani ty her fi i e n ds and detractors had been able

to trace in Catherine was in reference to thi s ,

beautiful ornament o f nature A menial hand .

was never suffered to profane it but she braided ,

and smoothed it herself with peculi ar care

and setting at no ug h t the perverse taste of the

time when ladies b e fri zzle d and bespangled


themselves most unmercifully she gathered ,

them up at the back o f her head in a simple

G recian knot aware doubtless that this sim
, , ,

p li c it
y displayed their beauty to the greatest

possible advant age and would now and then p as s


a sky blue ribbon through the m with a coquetti sh


and beco ming grace .

M ost men besides admiri ng beauty in its


more broad and general acceptation are devoted ,

to some separate individual grace S ome praise

, .

a small foot othe rs o ffer their homage at the


shrine o f a snowy well formed hand a third


fancies beauty rests in the eye my father had

always a caprice for fine hair and this charm in ,

M ademoiselle C adi é re s although so strangely ,

exhibited made no small impression o n h is


imagination .

The light caught the long rich locks as she

carefully combed and separated th em and even ,

occasionally played o n her closed eyelids with out

d i sco mp o s m g her A t last she seemed satisfied

and well she might be so for the most expert ,

practitioner could not with open eyes and in ,

full daylight have achieved the work better

, .

S he then rose to her feet and made towards the

windo w feeling with her hands fo r a curtain
, .

There s no shutting o ut the moon she


said . Well it can t be helped I t is b ut fo r
, .

o n e night t o morrow I shall be home again


S he must be awake said my father in a , ,

whisper to Joseph who watched his sister nar ,

ro wl
y without
, however attemp ting
, to impede ,

her movements S he speaks quite con


n e ct e dl y .

S he
is asleep notwithstanding and we must
, ,

be careful not to wake her fo r that the physician ,

declares is the only danger .

Catherine walked indeed somewhat h e si t at , ,

i n gly with outstretched b an ds like a bli n d person

, , ,

o r o n e groping in the dark yet contrivi n g with ,

singular nicety to avoid coming in contact with

any person o r object that stood in her way ad ,

dres sing herself to Joseph alone as if u nco n ,

scious of the presence o f any other .

S he next approached the table where E leo

nore sat w h o by a slight movement betrayed
, , ,

that she w as either aroused by the circumstance ,

o r what is more probable had never slept a t

, ,

all Catherine took up the light ; my father


sprang forward to snatch it from her uncerta in

hold but M ademoiselle R ay mond interfered
, .

G ently pushing him back she too k the candle


stick from Catherine s unresisting han d saying

, ,

with her wonted abruptness ,

G o to yo ur bed Catherine ; night is the


time for sleep G o and rest
. .

Catherine hung her head like a chided child ,

and moved slowly to her couch S he knel t by .

its side and recited her evening prayer in a

s weet though s mothered voi c e
, S he never .

o mitted to cross herself at the appropriate

places and even gently str uck her breast at

certai n words expressive o f penitence and h u

mi li ty ; then laid herself do w n and in another , ,

instant seemed as c al m and motionless as though


her sleep were unvexed even by dreams .


hood and its graces were rapidly growing u pon

her ; “you never advocated a cause more
warmly than M ademoiselle R aymond does

yours at this moment I can as sure you ,

Before he could frame a reply she had urged ,

her horse forward and headed the cavalcade .

Her words whether spoken in j est o r earnest

, ,

somewhat disconcerted him He could not help .

fancying they came nearer the mark as to the ,

fact of his merits being under discussion than ,

the speaker herself w as aware o f though he ,

became nervous at the bare thought that Cathe

rine might be prej udiced against him by the
harsh opinions which in spite o f M ademoiselle

G uy o l s assertion he doubted not her friend


entertained o f him as well as o f all the world


besides .

The weather though cloudy and uncer tain


in the morning cleared up in the course o f the


day and young and o ld recovered their spirits

, ,

which had been damped by the mischance o f

the previous night But when my father again

j oined Catherine all his e ffor ts to resume the


u nembarr assed confidential tone of the eve


were unsuccessful ; long pauses interv ened in

their con versation which E leonore as usual
, , ,

took no trouble to fill up But whether this .

chilling restraint originated with himself o r

M ademoiselle C adi é re s he was at a loss to ,

determine This trifling check naturally ren


dered their ride back to Toulon less agreeable

than their departure ; still my father o n the ,

whole w as sorry w hen it was over and felt that

, ,

this excursion had rivetted his chains .

M atters remained for a few months in statu

quo The intimacy continued obviously e n

c o u ra e d by the mother and anything but dis

g ,

c o ura e d as he thought by the daughter His

g , , .

parents to whom he had openly declared his


feelings and intentions approved highly of his


choice and thus all things looked propitious

, .

He fancied too that Catherine s disposi t ion

, ,

gradually became modified by some u nknown ,

cause or other but which he did n o t fail with

, ,

the sanguineness of youth to attribute to his ,

own growing influence S he seemed every day .

less of a saint and more o f a woman This .

change while it damped the ambitious hopes


E 2

and di sconcerted the personal views o f her

friends gratified him unspeakably All parties

appeared to soften towards him ; even her

brother s jealousy diminished i n exact ratio

, ,

as the hopes they had built upon their siste r

began to wane .

I t was a g ain spring Catherine and her


mother had removed to their country house ,

where my father continued to be an e v ery day

visitor ; and he determined at last to venture , ,

o n the grand question whose answer was to fix


his future happiness o r misery But it would .

be wearisome to relate and incredible t o believe

, ,

how often he went to the house with the firm

resolution that that very evening should be the
last o f suspense and returned without even

havin g hinted at the subject nearest his heart .

Whenever he attempted to bring himself to t h e

point his courage failed him Uncertainty w as
, .

bliss compared to the m i sery a rejection would

i nflict .

A t last he took heart and made his proposal s


in due form to the mother S he was evidently

, ,

by no means taken by surprise ; her answer


w as fair and candid —i t revealed her i nner most

thoughts .

“I t were my duty as a mother sh e said to

, ,

decide for my inexperienced daughter in so

grave a business and most mothers in my co n

dition would unhesitatingly and gladly avail

, ,

themselves o f such an o ffer as y ours so eve ry ,

way satisfactory are yo u r prospects your con ,

n e x io ns , and especially your o w n qualities .

But my Catherine is so superior a bein g that ,

what would be wisdo m in the mothers of ordi

nary daughters would be folly in me S he is
, .

the only authority to whom I can refer you in

such matters ! if she accept you no o n e can be ,

more willing than myself to call y ou son However .

di fferent may once have been my h o p e s an d v i e w s

for my daughter —whatever wishes I m ay still
entertain in my secret heart —I do no t feel jus

t i fie d in depriving her of the earthly advantages

that P rovidence may throw in her path besides ,

if she do not rej ect you it is a proof heaven


willed her not to be o f the elect ; but if as I ,

believe she be o n e of the chosen then are such

, ,

proposals as yours merely the test by which h e r


virtue is tried S peak to her yourself M onsieur


Chaudon —I will not seek t o Influence her

either way—w e must all abide by her decision .

He was received by M ademoiselle C adi ere s

with the same kind smile that ever greeted him
but someho w it assumed a more sisterly ex
, ,

pression than usual in his disturbed fancy

, .

S he listened to him thro u ghout— and though ,

awkward enough at first he grew eloquent ,

with his su bject with a calm grave attention , ,

and a collectedness of manner that almost ,

damped his hopes S he blushed once o r twice


indeed at the ardour o f his expressions but

, ,

never turned away her head nor trembled nor , , ,

in short shewe d any o f those symptoms o f


embarrassment and fear so reass uring t o a ,

lover s doubts
A nd now she said in a firm though gentle
, ,

tone now that I have listened to all you have


to say pray do the same by me and do not

, ,

interrupt me I have long guessed the prefer


ence with which you honour m e I ndeed .


E leonore opened my eyes to it the day we r o de

m e ntio f
re d the very excur
back from ! she

sion the incidents o f which I h ave detailed


to you ) and I would then have renounced

your acquaintance although a source of much


re al pleasure but for her advice which I thought

, ,

wise like everything she utters

, D o not .

j udge hastily C atherine she said ; you are

, ,
’ ‘

perfectly aware o f M onsieur Jules qualities ; ’

give yourself the time to be just to them and to ,

know your o w n heart Try it by every test in


your power before you consider it altogether

Heaven s a mistake might cost y o u dear
’ ’

S he spoke at great length o f my being mis ~

led by vanity—delusions o f all kinds—o f the

necessity o f giving my feelings fair play I .

yielded to the truth o f her observations I .

thought you then as I still do — and I feel a


pride in owning the fact — a man whom I could

love because I esteem —to whom I could wil

li n gly gladly yield up my destiny

, , My father s .

heart bounded with j oy But .

— Oh ! those ,

buts ; how they trifle with our best hopes in

life and nip them in the b u d as a hoar frost
, ,

does the early spring blossoms but though ,

I could have been content to wed you co ul d

have loved you I did n o t because I loved G o d


more an d wish ed to devote myself wholly to his


service Interrupt me n o t I entreat I gave my

. .

self a fair trial saw y o u every day—rece ive d


your attentions—courted rather than avoide d , ,

the opportunities of j udging your merits—an d

every day asked my o w n heart the question
you have put me to day The answer has -

invariably been the same I am not destine d .

fo r the calm j oys and easy duties o f a house

w ife my vocation speaks loudly in my bosom ,

haunts me in my dreams and points o u t to me ,

the path I must tread .

My father v ehemently c ontradicted her as

sertion and blamed her desire fo r a c o nv e n

tual life .

You m i stake she said with a quiet smi le
, , ,

I d o not wish to tak e the veil N othing can .

be further from my thoughts o r desires The .

idle dreamy existence o f a nun appears to me

, ,

the most insignificant and useless o f any My .

sphere o f action and o f feelin g m u st be e n

large d not curtailed
, N o ! my mind is fi x ed

o n other points To t ake u p o n e day the

, ,

consternation pity and admiration The heart

, , .

o f an angel seemed unveili ng itsel f He knew .

she spoke not vain calculated w ords —that they


welled from her inmost soul But beautiful as .


he thought the aspirations of that soul he ,

deemed her views visionary and was convinced ,

that time would prove thi s even to hersel f .

S uspecti n g that after all she was more attached

, ,

to hi m than she was aware o f he did n o t ,

renounce his hope s at once and frankly told ,

her so .

S he s mi led and sighed at the same time ;

but he obtained the permission to continue the
trial with the result o f which she said having
, , ,

forewarned him—since he w as willingly court

ing error and di sappointment—she w o ul d n o t ~

have to fear the reproaches o f her conscience .

The words with which she closed the inte r

view were bal m to the wounds she h ad inflicted ;
If ever I sho ul d change my determination ,

which is not likely rest assured it will be in


your favour only .

After this explanation my father was very

unhappy but no t h o pe less ; an d co ntin ue d hi s

visits to the house Indeed his footing there


seemed exactly the same as heretofore and a ,

stranger to the circumstances o f the case would

never have guessed but that he was an accepted ,

not a rejected suitor .

Upon bei ng informed o f her daughter s ’

final decision M adame C adi ere s feeli ngs were


o f a mixed kind S he w as glad and sorrowful


proud and humbled ; for should C atherine,

accomplish her destiny in obscurity she like , ,

most mothers would not have been best pleased


to see her dau ghter remain a spinster whilst ,

she would have the m o rtificat i o n t o behold the

fair scions of almost every other matron o f her
set more o r less advantageou sly settled But .

she was consoled by the reflection that my

father s love would in al l probability outlive hi s

, ,

refusal and that she could at any time secure


him if nothing better turned up .

My father as I have said suffered himself

, ,

by no means to be discourag ed ; he even h e

came every day more convinced that he was
, ,

gaining ground in Catherine s affections that’


her childish adherence to early plans and fan


t as t i cnotions was giving way to the voice o f

nature and the force o f truth He was not the .

only o ne to perceive that she was gradually de

scending from those i maginary spheres wherein
her young imaginati o n had been foolishly suf
fe re d to wander ; that the tone of her feeli ngs
was growing more natural and that her ,

thoughts were be c oming more bent towards t h e

real i ties o f life Fools and the env i ous de

p lo re d the change ; but all peop le o f sense

rej oiced especially the young men of the town
, ,

for C atherine was blessed with a good inherit

ance as well as with beauty and goodness .

I t w as very much the fashion with the

idle youths o f the day—not being as now, ,

allowed to dabble in politics ere they were

fl e dge d to make a great parade o f gallantry .

I t was one of their customs to elect every now ,

and then some fair idol o f the hour who w as

, ,

adulated talked over and rhymed at until she

, , ,

either wedded or faded when a n e w election ,

took place Catherine from earliest dawn o f


womanhood had been the standard be lle o f her


o w n society ; but at this epoch o f her li fe her

, ,

lovel iness ripened into such fulness as to become

the theme o f universal homage Offi cers and

students a sp i ra nts de ma ri ne an d seminarists

, ,

all agreed in electing her with o ne voice the

, ,

queen o f beauty ; and strove with envious,

emulation to throw themselves in the way o f


the young girl who could not take a walk round


the ramparts or look o u t o f her windo w by the


merest chance without encounterin g a host of


eager eyes ready to drink in the most casual of


her glances .

My father was more distressed than flat

t e re d by the general homage thus rendered

to the object o f his affections ; for he dreaded

the appearance o f competitors to the prize
which he was so eager to snatch to himself ;
nor were his misgivings altogether without
foundation .

One young man who had just arrived from


a northern province to j oi n his regi ment quar ,


t e re d for the time at Toulo n v iewed Cathe


rine with a deeper purer admiration than t h e

, ,

idle throng He belo nged to the privileged


classes ; for he not only had a do before his


name but bore o n e o f those made illustrious


in the annals o f o ur country by the deeds o f


his forefathers His fortune was not inferior


to his birth ; yet he did not disdain a few ,

months after his arrival to depose all these


advantages at M ademoiselle C adi ere s feet and ’


entreat her to share them with him .

Catherin e unhesitatingly refused T o under


stand fully t he merit o f this rej ection I must ,

again remind you of the state o f society pre

v i o u s to the R evolution . The king in the fairy
tales who wedded a shepherdess ten di ng her

flock scarcely conferred upon her a greater


honour than did the gentleman o f those days


upon a bourgeoise in making her his spouse

, .

One must bear in mind the different pos i tion

o f the e n tilh o mme ri e at that epoch and how
g ,

inconceivably greater were its advantages to ,

understand clearly that such a refusal was

actually a sacrifice .

I n this case too the young lady could not

, ,

re as onably object to the person o r mental qua

li t i e s of the lover . Youthful tolerably good

look ing thoroughly enamoured o f her he pos

, ,

to take up the reins she had once suffered to

escape from her hands .

G rat ifie d as my father w as at this decis i on o f

his mistress so favourable to his o wn wishes still
, ,

he felt daily more anxious about the issue o f his

suit His own ardent devotion together with
. ,

that o f the rejected o ffi cer con t ributed to spread


the fame o f Catherine s charms ; and he doubted
not but rivals would spring up from every quarter .

They soon indeed became numerous as black

berries ; but M ademoiselle C adi ere s was as i n
exorable to her many lovers as ever was that
model of female truth and excellenc e fair P e ,

n e lo e hersel f Thus my father s fears again

p .

gave way to brighter hopes Her manner to .

him conti nued the same as ever ; still he fan

c i e d he now and then could trace the semblance

o f a blush o n her countenance when he ven ,

t u re d to praise ; but her damask cheek w as

habitually tinged with so soft a glow that h e ,

might easily have been mistaken .

M ademoiselle R aymond who in spite of

, ,

her uncourteous chilling demeanour he could

, ,

not but th i nk was we ll d isposed towards him

, ,

since the kind advice she had once bestowed i n

his favou r might perhaps best have informed

him o f what he really had to expect ; fo r she

possessed the whole o f Catherine s confidence ’

I ndeed though constantly surrounded by the


young ladies he h ad met on his first visit t o

t h e house Ca therine s intimacy dated with


them but from the epoch o f her first co mmu

n ion having received their religious i n struc

tions at the same time and from the same ,

person With the Catholics especially in the


narrow circles o f provincial life this often forms ,

a bond that lasts throughout existence ; at any

rate is seldom broken during the first fe w years

that elapse after the event But E leonore R ay .

mond was a friend from the very cradle as it ,

were and o n e whom Catherine could love and


trust without reserve They were co n stantly


with eac h other ; and more se rious in disposi

tion graver in man ner than their youthful
, ,

companions often kept aloof and t o themselves

, ,

even in moments o f the greatest apparent s o

c i ab i li t
y .

Although my father was fully aware of the


immense power o f a female companion and

confidante in the furtherance o f a love affair
and it may be imagined that a certain degree
of intimacy had arisen between them from their
daily meetings for the space of a couple o f
y ears —there was that about M ademoiselle
R aymond which checked all advance to fami
li ari ty A lways with C atherine she seemed

like the shadow side o f a bright picture in


which objects are so indistinctly represented ,

that the beholder can with diffi culty discern

them When spoken to it was impossible t o

decide whether she was affronted o r pleased ,

amused o r wearied when listening to the c o n


versation o f others S he w as kind to C atherine


alone — communicative with n o o n e els e to

every other individual without exception her , ,

manner was cold to repulsion .

My father could not often overcome a cer

tain disagreeable sensation when addressing ,

her e ven though convinced she had once acted


a friendly part towards him and might do so ,

again Bu t o n e evening finding her alone in

, ,

the parlour while the company were dispersed


mo ise lle C adi ere shad grown to be so stale an

a ffair that the intelligence o f their marriage

would scarcely have elicited an exclamation ,

when suddenly a new star appeared in their

hemisphere and roused the inhabitants o f o ur

good town from thei r momentary torpor .

A mo n g the numerous beehives o f cowls and

shaven crowns that Toulon possessed it boasted ,

a seminary o f Jesuits and several establish


ments belonging to the order of M ount Carmel .

The latter certainly had more partisans in the

town than the former ; and even the Lord Bishop
himself was supposed to favour them greatly .

The Carmelites had the best pre achers the ,

guidance o f the most fashionable souls and , ,

in short carried it with a high hand ov e r the


Jesuits .

For a long while were the latter forced to

bear this mo rt i fic at i o n —not without complaint
o r murmur it is true ; but still they were com

e lle d to yield the step to their rivals That

p .

this could not last for ever that somethi n g must


be done was certain ; but what that something


should be it took some t i me to consi der—as


much indeed as a few years it would seem , ,

since my father had spent alre ady a couple in

Toulon before they thought o f the expe d ient
which they finally fell upon .

They had—namely in o ne o f their c o mmu


n i t i e s at A ix —a preacher who was singularly


distinguished by his eloquence and fiery zeal .

His reputation had spread far and wide over

the country and his order considere d him as

one o f its most u seful members S uch a perso n .

only could be opposed to the barefooted Car

m e li te s with su c cess He would bear down

every thin g before hi m at Toulon as he had ,

done wherever he had appeared ! the triumph o f

the Jesuits and t he defeat o f the Carme l ites

would be complete .

This man was accordingly called to Toulon ,

under the title o f R ector of the R oyal S emi

nary o f Chaplains to the N avy He was ex .

e c t e d with great anxiety by the rival parties

p ,

and with intense curiosity by the whole town ;

for the Jesuits had artfully enough contrived that
many interesting r umours should be afloat re
specting their new champion .

The gossips o f the place took up t h e subject

with avidity The success o f the new preacher

in the pulpit his incredible zeal for the con


version o f erring souls the mighty persuasions


by which he brought new votaries to the church ,

his power over the hearts o f men or rather ,

women— for among them it wo ul d appear his , ,

talents had be en chiefly exercised — were the

theme o f every conversation from the highest ,

to the lowest circles The Carmeli tes indeed


assumed a scornful incre d ulous smile as if very

, ,

well as sured that all this great stir would turn

o u t much ado about nothing whilst the Jesui ts ,

looked as if about to celebrate a T e D e um fo r

victory .

A t last the news o f the reverend father s


arrival was spread throughout the town I t was .

announced that he would preach at the church

o f the Jesuits o n the ensuing S unday ; and
until that hour o f trial he was carefully kept

from prying eyes lest his novelty should wear


o ff .

The decisive S unday at length arrived .

The moment the doors o f the church were


only re deeming point about the man—large ,

dark and fiery it scanned the assembled crowd

, ,

with a glance o f fierce assurance that seemed

the prologue to su c cess and was not devo i d o f a

sort o f rude dignity .

Hi s v oi c e was at first husky but cleare d by ,

degrees until it be c ame lou d an d full and like

, , ,

his glance seemed to search every consc i ence


and des c end into every heart .

He chose a simple text and developed it ,

with s ing ular persp i cuity avoi d ing to over


burthen it with hyperbolical amplification His .

periods were we ll rounded without e x agge ,

ration ; every sentence h ad a poin t every word
a meaning ; his comparisons were just though ,

su fficiently flowery to be graceful ; his argument

was close and rapid —i n short my father said ,

he might have been a lawyer an d an u n co m ,

mou ly good o n e .

A s a preacher that d ay his success was ,

complete The Carmelites were routed ; and


the Jesuits looked that ine ffably humble an d

meek triumph o f wh i ch women an d monk s
on ly hav e the se c ret .

From that day the issue o f the quarrel was

not dubious Father G irard s celebrity daily

accrued to the no small satisfaction o f his order

, .

His eloquence and ambition took bolder flights

as he gre w more at home i n his new residence
and soon the town was filled with the account
o f the proselytes he was making .

G radually the churches of the bare foote d


Carmelites were deserted their preachers voted


tame their confessors unsatisfactory and the

, ,

tide of public favour was rapidly ebbing from

them Father G irard understood marvellously
, ,

the art o f warming the zeal o f elderly ladies ,

and making the m denounce and renounce the

pleasures in which they could scarcely continue
t o take a share ; but he had for some time n o

opportunity o f exercising his power o ver the

minds of the junior members o f the community ,

and this for a reason which I must explain .

Catherine w as considered by all the young

girls of her age o r thereabouts as their model
, ,

and guide in reli giou s matters ; and though

many were anxious t o try the new confessor ,

they dared not even so much as manifest their

VO L . I . F

desire openly before it had received the sanction


o f her example But there reigned a great


curiosity among them to discover her opinion

upon the subject ; for although resolved to
abide by it they were naturally desirous that

her views should coincide with their o w n .

Though she had attended his sermons several

times without ever dropping the slightest hint

about the matter in question they did not think


fit t o mention it until such time as she should

afford them a fair opening fo r so doing They .

felt confident that she would explain herself

one day o r other and awaited the moment in

silent but e ager expectation .

I n their anxiety concerning the all absorb -

ing question they forgot other topics that had


lately much engrossed them such as the ap ,

p ro ach i n
g nuptials of M arie L an i ere s
g and
M arie La R ue which promised to be very

brilliant the former being about to unite her


self with the only so n o f a f e rmi e r g e ne ra l who ,

h ad just O btained a sa v o nne t te a vi la i n as it w as


called ! a position among the aristocracy by ,

means o f the purchase of an estate to which a ,


her coterie j oyfully accepted the invitation ,

which include d no gentlemen except Cathe ,

rine s brothers and my father whom she treated

, ,

with the same confidence as t hough he in reali ty

made part of her family .

The sitting amused him not a little at the

time ignorant as he was o f the influence it

would have upon his o w n fate and that o f all

prese n t How little did any o f those there

reunited revelling in th eir youth and their


prospects laughing rather to ease their heart o f


its fulness o f j oy than at the objects that raised

that laughter —how little did they dream they
were nearing with careless dancing steps the
, , ,

abyss that was about to engulf them .

Catherine sat in childish state in a p urple

, ,

velvet chair of antique shape that had been ,

brought down from the lumber room fo r the -

purpose o f giving the meeting a more imposing

e ffect On her right o n a plain tabouret sat
, ,

the languishing M arie L angi ere s who already ,

spoke confidently o f soon having a tabouret

a la c o ur ; and next to her was pla c ed M ade
mo i se lle La R ue who remarked on the cc

casion that once in her new home such vile

, ,

things as these me s qui ns settees should never be

seen On Catherine s left was M ademoiselle

R aymond and next to her my father

, The .

two brothers stood behind their sister s chair as ’


gentlemen o f honour ; and opposite to her sat

the p iqua nte Marie G u y o l whose pretty head

p assed that o f all the rest by o n e good half so ,

that as she h erself observed she might easily

, ,

have been mistaken fo r the president .

The girlish fancy that had inspired these

arrangements was a happy augury in my father s
eyes ; the more Catherine s character would ’

lose o f its loftiness and austerity the more ,

likely and near seemed the realization o f his

hopes When silence was established and all

were willing to listen Catherine began


“I know my dear friends she said that ”

, , ,

you have long tacitly awaited my decision

upon a grave and important point—namely ,

whether it be best to adhere to the Carmelite

priests who have hitherto guided an d e m

lightened o ur consciences o r choose a n e w


director in the person of the celebrated Father


G irard, ofthe Jesuits I feel flattered by your .

reliance o n me but would n o t misuse it by


seeking to influence you in a matter where con

s c ience alone can decide But I o w e it to my .

self, as well as to y o u to lay before you the real


cause o f the line o f conduct I myself am about

to pursue which might otherwise be imputed

to motives furthest from my heart It is not .

Father G irard s brilliant eloquence that h as

touched me n o r am I dazzled by his great


reputation for I should have resisted both these

impulses as being too worldly to induce me to

resign my soul into the keeping o f a stranger .

N o ! it is the wi ll o f Heaven You all re .

member S t John s D ay when Father G irard


preached at the church of t h e Carmelites T h e .

service being over I was about to depart when

, , ,

cros sing the porch I happened to meet him and

, ,

caught his eye as I had often done before

, ,

resting upon me A t the same instant an


angel form appeared visibly to me pointing ,

towards him and a voice distinctly murmured


in my ear This is the man wh o is to lead

thee u nto Heaven I well nigh fainted with.

whilst C atherine s eye —lighted up wi th the

secret t riumph of a devotee who fan cies her ,

self singled o ut by Heaven as an object o f

p e ci al
p re dile ct i o n —so ugh t i n vai n fo rsy mp at h y
in their grave countenances But the rest of .

the party expressed their admiration o f the

secret ways o f P rovidence and Obviously at ,

t ach e d the most ri diculous importance to this as ,

my father then thought it fantastic communi ,

cation .

He could at the time scarcely listen to

, ,

C atherine with common patience ; but fre

quently in after times did he remember the de
tails o f her recital with much interest for they ,

a fforded him the first clue to the unravelling o f

a succession o f mysteries upon which for years ,

his reason could throw no light .

The general curiosity being sated the suffrage ,

was loud i n favour of Father G irard who was ,

henceforth to direct all the tender consciences

there present For although not favoured like

M ademoiselle C ad i ere s with an especial call

, ,

they conceived that she had merely been the

chosen vehicle whereby Providence deigned to

make manifest its will unto them Catherine .

was too much carried away by the elation o f

her spirits at the moment to notice the reserve
and silence of Eleonore which was evidently

intended as a reproo f A s to my father he was


merely an gry with the fuss made about what he

conceived at best but an extraordinary h alluci
n ation which he thought it u n pardonable in

Catherine to bring thus forward For the rest .


he cared but little who was the director o f her

conscience ; G irard was old and ugly and in , ,

his opin i on would do quite as well as another


When however at last M ademoiselle R ay

, , ,

mond s opinion was thought o f and solicited he


perceived she viewed the matter in another

li ght

I am sorry to say she answered I di ffer

, ,

from you all—most especially from Catherine

but opinion i s personal and we are all at

liberty to think as we please We have been


trained from childhood by the worthy Father

A lexis o f the Carmelites — what we know of
o u r religion we o w e to his c are Hi therto he .

h as had the sole management o f our co n sciences ,

F 3

and we are not worse than our neighbours .

Why should we suddenly turn ungrateful for

, ,

the many benefits which we have so often

acknowledged and pain o ur good kind old
, , ,

confessor ! Thi s I regret to say seems to me

, , ,

at least a mere love of change caprice

, , ,

imitation I for one am quite certai n o f having

, ,

n o part o r parcel in Catherine s vision and I ’


am not likely to be visited by o n e myse lf I .

shall not therefore attend Father G irard either

, ,

at the confessional o r even at m as s though I ,

allow him to be an excellent preacher .

A murmur o f disapprobation went round the

circle and the words heretic—heretical relations
, ,

more than once reached my father s ear to whose ’


memory they recalled what M adame C adi é re s

had told him o f M ademoiselle R aymond s
situation and parentage .

He was deeply impressed with the good

sense o f her remarks and the clearness with

which they were delivered ; but they had evi

de n t ly given o ffence for the others did not

again address her and even Catherine s manner

was cooler than usual until the party broke up .


before so many bias sed persons as were there


to night she said because the mere fact o f

my poor mother whom I do not remember

, ,

and her relations whom I have never seen

, ,

having been protestants is enough to create a ,

strong prej udice against me ; but you I am ,

sure are not so bigoted and will not misun

, ,

d e rs t an d me if I tell y o u that I object to Father

G irard as a confessor for Catherine o n account
of his zeal The good fathers who have u ntil

now guided us used all their e fforts to maintain


my poor friend within the bounds of real piety ,

and prevent her imagination from taking too

wild a flight They thought of her happiness

and their duty only and were not like this , ,

idol o f t h e day struggling for notoriety I


h ear that o f him which convinces me he will

be but too gl ad to have such a disciple and ,

will make o f her an instrument for the ad

vancement o f his o wn vainglory and ambition .

But I am afraid she added hesitatingly y o u


, ,

will think it very h o ld in o n e so young so i n ,

experienced to advance such opinions

, .

Bei ng re assured o n this point she continued ,


N ext to the danger o f over exciting a -

young person so predisposed t o religious e n th u

s i as m as Catherine is there will be another and

very serious evil attendant u pon this There .

will arise among these young ladies an emula

tion of holiness a struggle to get furthest in the

esteem and good graces o f their teacher who ,

will know h o w to turn this rivalship to the

advantage of his reputation His disciples will

no longer consider religion a duty but desecrate


it into an occupation —an amusement to fill up

the void that must at tim es be felt in such a
quiet life as ours The loftier feeling o f religion

will be lost in the hearts o f many amid its

, ,

grimaces .

M ademoiselle R aymond had reached hom e

before my father coul d utter a reply ; he would
have been puzzled indeed how t o frame o n e
, ,

and he felt grateful fo r the circumstan ce that

releas ed him from the necessity of so doing .

He required time to think over all she had said ,

and to reflect o n the strong masculine good

sense she had that evening evin ced If she .

has not m any o f the graces o f her sex tho ught ,

he, she has some o f the qualities ours sheof -

is sincere clear headed and plain spoken The


very woman o n e would select fo r a fi i e n d .

From that hour dated a total revulsion o f

feeling in favour of M ademoiselle R aymond .

When once a woman has honoured a man with

any portion of her confidence however slight
, ,

and finds that he respects it from that time


forth he is no lo nger indifferent to her and it is ,

his own fault if he do not improve the opening

thus afforded him The evil spell that had

kept so long asunder two beings formed to

understand and appreciate each other was n o w
broken ; and henceforth whenever they met
, ,

E leonore and my father spoke freely and kindly

to each other .

The change which E leonore had foretold ,

took place more rapidly than either she o r my

father expected and extended even to the fami

lies and friends o f the young ladies Through .

its tender o ffshoots the wily Jesuit was re ge n e

rating the whole o f the T o ulo na i se society o r ,

rather filling it with reports o f his o wn fame .

N one dreamed of noticing my father s growi ng

her by the others with a stoical indi fference

, ,

which my father thought did more credit to her

nerves than her heart .

A change had indeed come over everybody

, , .

M arie L an gi ere s seemed like Pygmalion s


statue to have become animated under the


hands o f Father G irard and M ademoiselle

G uy o l to forget her smiles and to learn the use
o f fro w ns for the advantage and better teaching

of the young aristocratic officers o f the garrison ,

whose fligh t y homage she had b u t lately re

c e i v e d with so much pleasure E ven M ade .

mo i se lle La R ue forgot her ruli n g passion and ,

spoke of the blessing o f poverty w hich gives a ,

meek spirit As to the approaching nuptials o f


some o f the youn g ladies it seemed that by a , ,

tacit understanding a subject so full o f levity


and worldliness was altogether to be esche wed .

They walked as though they dreaded the con

tact of anything so material as earth even w ith ,

the soles o f their feet ; and their eyes sought

the ground as if to avoid the subjects o f scan dal
with which the air around must be filled Con .

fe ssi o n communion and penan c e employed all

, , ,

their days holy converse with each other their
evenings and melancholy meditations their
nights The great reform that the rector had

wrought in these lovely young p u pils soon

became k n own and his power in reclaiming and

purifying soul s was the theme of every tongue .

The Jesuits deemed their triumph complete

but the Carmelites bided their time with that
quiet untiring patience o f which men of the

world cannot even form a conception ; for it

requires the leisure o f the cell or the solitary
closet to admit o f the constant recurrence o f
the same idea and the te n sion o f the mind o n

o n e and the same point for any le n g t h o f time .

Hence the patient enduring resentment which


from time to time has been known to actuate

monks and prisoners — i n short all those

doomed to inactive incomplete existences


But of all the alterations produced by Father

G irard s arrival none was so evident as that

wrought in Mademoiselle C adi ere s . E very

time my father beheld her— and his opportuni
ties for so doing were gradually curtailed h e —
found her less like herself—the heroine o f hi s

first dream o f love ; and yet rapid as was the ,

process o f the change he was watching with

such poignant regret many months elapsed

before it was complete ; and he was compelled

to confess to his o wn heart the s ad tru th that
Catherine was indeed a new but not an i m
, , ,

proved being .

Her manner was strange and fantasti c .

Whenever the subject mentioned before her

had no reference to religion she either sat ah ,

s trac t e d with folded hands and uplifted eyes

, ,

the image of pious me di tation o r testified by , ,

fretful tones her impatience o f the topic I n

, .

stead however o f listening with liv ely interest

, ,

—as might naturally enough have been con

cluded when religious discourse w as intro
d uce d she was restless and dissatisfied until

she had the lead in the conversation Then .

sh e w ould break o u t in the most fl i h t rhap

g y
so di e s about visions and martyrdoms saints and ,

devils temptations and submissions ; in short

, ,

her language was mystic and her ideas con

fused S he assumed a loftiness a triumph in

look word and action that seemed plainly to

, , ,

O bviously undermined Vanity had indeed .

, ,

mi ngled with and stained every thought e v ery

, , ,

feelin g .

He might still have worshipped the saint ,

even whilst renouncing all earthly commune

w ith her and enshrined her within the niche

o f re membrance as some vision o f a better

world ; but there was in C atherine s sanctity ’

a spiritual pride a mixture o f S aint Theresa s

raptures in t h e rr wild sincerity with a desire

, ,

to unveil the mysteries o f her heart to the

world that it might be amazed an d worship
, ,

which in itself was su fficient to destroy the

, ,

illusion in one so clear sighted as my father


Perhaps he would hav e been more blind had ,

his o wn feelings n o t been wounded and his ,

pride hurt by t h e growing and marked coolness


of Catheri ne which extended even to her


once beloved E leonore S he delighted now in


the society o f none but those who like hersel f; ,

were under Father G irard s direction The ’


intimacy of these young ladies but lately dif ,

fe ri ng so much from each other in temper

taste and prospects was —to borrow their o w n

, ,

quain t exaggerated style o f expression —a bond


o f union ; they were but as o n e in submission

and love to Heaven and Father G irard and ,

through him and with him o f Heaven s elect

, ,

I t was indeed clear enough to the meanest

, ,

comprehension that he was the c orner stone o f


this alliance for they met as it seemed merely

, ,

for the pleasure o f talking of him and spent


all their powers o f figurative language in the

ever renewed struggle o f outstripping o n e

another in the most fulsome and extravagant

ad ulation of h i s sanctity .

If their evenings were thus devoted to ki n d

reminiscences o f him who had so far succeeded
in insinuating himself into their good graces ,

their days were no less so to his society and the

time he could consecrate t o them within the pre
ci n c ts o f the church not s u ffici n g to the necessities

o f their consciences towards the close o f the year


he began to attend some of them at their homes .

M ademoiselle C ad i ere s w as not yet o f the

number thus honoured—a circumstance which
appeared to mortify her not a little although ,

her poor friend M ademoi s e lle L angi é re s state o f’


health —so delicate as to cause the delay o f


her marriage — might well justify the preferen c e


which at this epoch the reverend father testified

, ,

in her favour .

My father s visits at the C adI e re s were now

’ ’

so evidently barely tolerated not desired by , ,

any member o f the family that it requi red all ,

the fortitude o f a lover to persevere in them .

But what would he not have borne rather than ,

be altogether banished from his mistress s pre ’

sence ! Whilst all were thus occupied with

one object and he was overlooked if not for
, ,

gotten his only comfort was the society of

M ademoise lle R aymond With her at least

, ,

he could talk o f Catherine abuse Father G i ,

rard and dwell o n his grievances confident


in the luxury of a sympathizing listener—for a


change had also come over E leonore no less ,

advantageous to her than that o f Catherine w as


the reverse Her sternness and coldness had


gradually melted in their growing intimac y .

S he proved herself a tru e friend in hi s affli c

tion cheering him to look for w ard with hope

to the future infus in g consolation for the pre


some d egree the loss o f the first and greatest


his existence had yet known .

M ademoiselle R aymond s store o f consolation


however diminished rapidly Her bulletin o f


Catherine s state o f feelings gre w every day

more alarming so far at least as regarded my

, , ,

father s chance o f happiness and —as both he


and Eleonore conceived i t —o f her o w n .

Her situation w as indeed such as to warrant , ,

some anxiety o n the part o f her friends Father .

G irard forbidding all books but those which he


chose to denominate holy had substitu ted for ,

light moral essays the dangerous romances o f

, ,

the catholic religion The imagination o f poor .

Catherine was fast ripening at the fires o f S aint

Theresa s ecstasies o f divine love and saint


A nthony s temptations in the desert both

which to the reflective mind must appear but
, ,

the self deceits o f poor erring mortals who had


, ,

lost their path in li fe in seeking that to heaven .

Her mind naturally weak yielding and affe c

, , ,

t i o n at e requiring to maintain its equilibrium

, , ,

a calm serene state was by this constant e ffe r

, , ,

v e sce n c e o f thought wearied beyond its power , ,


and in danger o f being destroyed altogether .

A lready her health began to suffer from this

feverish excitement ! her nights were restless ,

o r visited by the most appalling visions ; and

her mother so obtuse in the ordinary matters


o f life soon became painfully sensible by the

, ,

state of her daughter s nerves of the necessity ,

o f medical assistance and earnestly consulted


Father G irard o n the subject But the rector .


who saw or pretended to see in the altered

, ,

state sinking frame and disturbed slumbers of

, ,

his young penitent nothing but t h e workings


o f the D ivine S pirit strongly opposed the inter


v e n t i o n o f an earthly power proposed his o w n ,

aid —a measure j oyfully accepted —and finally

, , , ,

established himself as a constant v isitor at the

house o f the C adi é re s .

This step was decisive as to my father s foot
ing in the family The mother gave the final

blow to his still lingering hopes which she said , , ,

Catherine herself would long since have done ,

but for her innate dislike to wound the feelings

o f ano ther .I t became incumbent on her how ,

ever to speak since M onsieur Chaudon ap

, ,

VO L . I . G

d very inse nsible to the elo uence of
pe are q
silence S he observed that as C atherine was

decided never to marry she felt it unjust t o


herself as well as to him to continue to e n

courage attentio ns which could be o f no use
to either party and certainly gave no pleasure

to the receiver ; in short maidenly modesty in


the daughter and maternal prudence in the


mothe r alike m oved them to forbid his appe ar


ance at their house for the future .

My father received his sentence o f banish

ment in the deepest silence suffered no shadow,

in hi s countenance to betray the inward pain ,

but permitted M adame C adi é re s woman fashion , ,

to turn the dagger i n the wound without

wincing .

“I really do not know M onsieur Jules o n

, ,

whom you can now turn your eyes for a wife ,

con tinued the loquacious lady ; and yet it is

time a handsome young man like you and o n e ,

O f such promise with such good prospec ts

, ,

should think seriously o f the matter Yo u .

suffered M arie L an gi ere s to slip through yo ur

fingers I t is true poor thing she has no
, ,

evident disappointment there s M arie G a yol
, ,

n o w she has turned o ff the o fficers that used to

swarm around her like so many tro ublesome

mosquitoes — she might do very well S he has
, .

no money it is true —is o r rather was a li ttle

, , ,

lightheaded but Father Girard h as put lead


enough in it by this time I warrant you He , .

would put some in an air balloo n an d cause an ,

opera dancer to repent I verily believe S he

, .

is a pretty girl M arie G uy o l ! S till my father


maintained his perverse silence There re .

mains i t is true that half pagan half heretic

, ,

M ademoiselle R aymond she continued with a , ,

frown ,
she has plenty o f m oney to make one
forget her unc om eliness ; b ut ah what can
e fface the uncomeliness o f the heart that comes

not unto G od !
I thought M ademoiselle R aymond gave full
satisfaction to the directors o f her conscience
The Fathers Carmelite Lukewarm drowsy
set as they are —Catherine s soul languished

beneath their care like a flower in the shade

, .

— —
N o warming u p no elevating they understood
nothing felt and saw nothin g they would

rather have turned away my Catherine from the

glorious path she is about to tread than like , ,

Father G irard borne her onward in it with a


mighty hand .

“I have no doubt sard m father with a ”

y , ,

bitterness he could not check that M ade ,

mo i se lle C adi ere s will shortly stand forth as a

candidate for the honours of the calendar l
A nd you for the hand of M ademoiselle

R aymond I doubt as little answered M adame
, ,

C adi ere s with ill suppressed choler

, .

My father looked full in the lady s face and


bowed .

This was too m u ch for the mother s patience ’


S he had expected—nay secretly de li ghted in ,

the idea of having to encounter a lover s ravings ’


and to her amazement had to deal with a co m

, ,

posed collected man who did not p ut himself

, ,

at her mercy for o n e single instant I t is sur .

prising ho w much women participate in their ,

dealings with men in the feline propensity o f


experiencing pleasure in in fli cting a pan g I .

mean of course in love matters for in all others

, , ,

I have ever known them comp assionate and


kind ; but thi s instinct o f their nature is so

strong that it dies but with them The moth e r

still indulges in it by means o f her daughter .

Yet after all it is but the promptin gs o f an i n

, ,

nocent vanity .

M adame C adi ere s was sadly hur t on thi s o c

casion for she had n o t di scernment enough to

s e e beneath the surface When my father took


leave he uttered none but ordinary phrases

, ,

thanked her fo r past kindnesses and for having ,

endured his society so long — wished all happi

n ess , for the future to herself and her fair

daughter —was very sorry to have troubled her


with a love that had no merit but its sincerity ,

and bowed himself o u t o f the room with all the

grace he could assume .

P r epared as he was for thi s conclusion to the

early romance o f his life it caused him a shock
, ,

and an exquisitely painful one N ot only had


he to lament the loss o f a hope t oo fondly ,

cherished but also to regret ever having su ffered


himself to be drawn into illusions that evide n tly ,

never had the slightest foundation in reality .

The preference the something more than


sisterly affection he on c e imagined that Cathe


render prob ble n ay almost unavoidable b u t
a , ,

which at the moment they are broached seem

, ,

to u s from o ur peculiar state o f mind at the

, ,

very antipodes o f possibility and we are i n ,

d ign an t at being foretold that which it pleases ,

us n o t to thin k about ; but the experience o f

riper years teaches us not only to bear this
handling o f o u r finer feelings bu t even to i n ,

fliet it on ourselves We have so often fancied


o u r sorrows etern al and yet forgotten the m

, ,

th at we willin gly anticipate and permit others

to s uggest to us those consolations which are
within our reach and o f which we are not sorry
, ,

in due time to avail ourselves For it is

, .

another and no less approved truism that e n ,

durance in woe is a luxury only sought and ‘

y ielded to by the extremely young in feeling ;

thos e whose hearts pas sion o r the world has
tried recoil from pain as from an old enemy
, ,

whose might they have t o o cruelly experienced

to be willing to face again Hence the callous

ness of age But I am again at my o ld trick


o f steering wide of my subject .

A lthough o ffended at what he concei v ed to


be a gross insinuation under the circumstances ,

my father was n o t childish enough to give u p an

intimacy which sui ted him merely to prove the

falsehood of the lady s suggestion the more


especially that he cared but little what she

thought and was but too painfully convinced that

Catherine never gave herself the trouble o f

thinking about it all or indeed anything else

concerning him On the other han d he was


not disposed to do any thing whatsoever out of

pique or to make a silly parade of an i n di ffe r

ence he did not feel ; he therefore remained

on precisely the same footing with E leonore as
before .

I am afraid I have made use o f a great many

words to explain a fact which but a fe w would

have su ffi ced to establish —n amely that there ,

was in my fa ther s character a manlin ess which

even at this early period of his life displayed

itself in every point of his conduct He bore his .

sorrow well — denied it to none but obtruded it,

o n no one he felt no resentment against Cathe

rine or her family for his sound unde rstanding

t old h i m he had n o reason to feel an y They .

G 3

had never deluded him with false hopes —their

conduct had been strictly honourable from first ,

to last ; but at the same time that he acqui tted


them o f inj ustice towards himself he gave up at , ,

once and for ever all idea o f possessing Cathe


rine plainly perceiving that they were not suited


for each other and that happiness even should

, ,

unforeseen circumstances prove eventually fa

v o u rab le to its completion could never attend ,

their union .

From this time forth my father devoted the

energies o f his mind to the career he had em
braced and all his leisure hours t o M ademoiselle

R aymond whose strong mind could fully under


stand and cope with his altho ugh she had not ,

disrobed it o f those gentle sympathies whi ch

make the society o f women especially u nder ,

a fflictio n s o attrac tive S he also was soon given

, .

to understand by C atherine that her friendship ,

was o n e of those earthly pleasures which it was

incumbent upo n her to resign as interfering ,

t oo much w ith her religious duties Had .

E leonore followed the same course with her

self— n ay if even at that late hour for C athe
, ,

ri ne s sake she would put h e r co n science u n der


you in her prayers said M ademoiselle R ay


mond ; and I still persevere in believing that ,

but for Father G irard she would ultimately,

have yielded to your wishes .

I t is better thus said my father and what

he said he thou ght far better thus at least ,

fo r myself if not fo r her
, .

He inquired then with some curiosity what

, ,

spell could possibly have been exercised over

the female imagination by o n e whose austere

bearing and still more austere language seemed

, ,

but little calculated to make amends for his u n

gainliness o f person ; and by what means so ill
endowed an individual as Father G irard had
contrived to revolutionize the whole existence o f
those w h o had been drawn within his circle .

His very austerity she said was to many

, , ,

women a charm Their weakness required a

, .

s tay which his severity afforded ; their self


love was fla t tered by the importance which he

attached to every trifle connected with his peni
tents ; there was a species o f voluptuo u sness in

this petty sinning constant reproof performance

, ,

o f daily penances and the necessity o f satis


his exalted notions o f righteousness I t

fy i n g .

was a perpetual excitement which chased away ,

all languor from the min d and kept it in u n ,

wearied exercise The d ivine love in short

. , ,

as taught by Father G irard had in some sort ,

the advantage o f an earthly one I t kept its .

votaries awake .

One o f his fair penitents however already , ,

began to find all this flurry a bore rather than

a pleasure This was M arie Langi ere s Her
. .

inclinatio n indeed for the rector—enthusiasm

, , ,

her torpid temperament prevented her feelin g

for any o n e had been o n the wan e at an early
epoch of their acquaintance ; for her v ery nature
revolted against the excitement that fascinated
others and which had acted so perniciously o n

her health as to cause the breaki n g o ff o f the


brilliant marriage she had been on the eve o f

accomplishing ; nor could she help entertaining
some resentment against Father Gi rard—the
author as she conceived it o f her disappoint
, ,

ment S omething o f this sentiment had already


transpired before E leonore who determined to ,

avail herself of it in order to be the better a n


c o ura nt as to what was passing among the

Je su i t s vo taries


A bout this time my father and M ademoiselle


C adi ere s began to excite much o f the public

attention and that in a manner the most fl at

tering to the vie ws o f both He young as he


was had so distinguished himself by arduous


study and close attention to his profession that ,

he was entrusted with a caus e o f some note

and di fficulty The brilliant style in which he

w o n it and that when opposed to o n e o f the


shrewde s t and ablest la wyers o f the time made ,

a great sensation The powers o f hi s mind now


ripened and developed themselves under the

sunny influence o f public approbation and ap
p lau se ; and it soon became evident that his pro

gress in the honourable profession to which he

belonged would be atte nded with no ordi nary
success His parents were proud o f the u ni

versal praise he elicited E leonore warmly c o n


gratulated hi m ; but where was the sympathy

o f her at wh ose feet h e would have laid his

buddi ng laurels A ll engrossed with self as he


had but too much reas on to kno w .


many E leonore had been right i n predicting


that Ca therine would become the mere i n stru

ment of party spirit and personal v anity What .

mattered it to t he Jesuits in general o r to Father


G irard in particular that her future prospects


were blasted by the errors of her j udgment at ,

the very period o f woman s life when she has

to decide for its weal or its woe ! What mat

t e re d it that her health gav e way under the

weight of emotions she had not the stre n gth

to bear ! W hat was she in the eyes o f an am
bitions priest when weighed in the balance

with the furtherance o f his o wn private views

o f elevation !

W e shall live to see Father G irar d a car

dinal and Catherine a canonized saint ; and

s aints are never calendared until after death ,

said E leonore one day to my father who an ,

s we re d but by a sigh .

Thus had they each entered o n a separate

path of life who a few short months before
, ,

it was but natu ral to suppose were destined to

end their days together .

There was now no pause i n my father s ’


career N ot willing like many young me n

, ,

vain of a day s applause to rest after his first


success he progressed steadfastly upwards


mounting step by step the weary ascent ;

, ,

never pausing to take breath n o r turning ,

round to admire the prospect b ut keeping his ,

final aim and nothing but that in view he

, , ,

slowly but unerringly n eared the goal of fo r

tune Poor Catherine too held o n her course ;
, ,

from visions she passed to miracles and gre w ,

with every day more sick and more saintly , ,

drawing towards her all the praise the town

could spare fro m Father G irard .

Though not her equals in sanctity o r in repu

t a t i o n nor such favourites o f Heaven or Heaven s


interpreter at Toulon as Father G irard sty led


himself the health o f his other disciples grew


every day more precarious This was more par .

t i c ularly the case with M aii e L an gi ere s R oused .

from the natural sloth o f her disposition it was ,

not to a pleasing animation but to a state of ,

nervous irritability so strong as t o re n de r it

, _

impossi ble to behold her without d reading its

c onsequences upon her rea on w hich E leonore s
, ,

thought was already tottering o n its throne


This belief she grounded o n a circumstance ,

certa inly o f a nature calculated to s uggest it

her former disinclination to her confessor h ad
ripened into a most vehement antipathy ; no
expression o f vituperation seemed of su fficient
force to gratify this apparently insane hatred
for she could assign no motive for it and yet ,

she could not live o u t of his presence S o irre .

s i s t i ble indeed had this feeli ng become that ,

when he could not come to her she sought ,

hi m out wherever he might happen to be at


the time S he strove neither to conceal n o r


palliate this glaring contra di ction inexpli cable ,

indeed except by the adoption o f E leonore s


supposition .

Upon hearing these evil tidings my father ,

became seriously alarmed about Catherine ; he

was not however without some hope tha t she
, ,

too might experience a portion o f that young

lady s feelings o f repulsion for Father G irard a


sentiment which he would have hai led w ith de

light as the first step towards a more happy

and healthy tone of mind He therefore e u


E leonore s account o f her visit to Catherine

astonished and perplexed my father not a little

at the time He could not understand o r fathom

any more than E leonore herself the pheno ,

m enon she described n o r w as it until M esmer

had revived the science o f animal magnetism
among the studious and revealed it to the idle

vulgar that my father fancied he had at last


obtained the key to the mysteri es which for so ,

many years baffl ed his ingenuity That I have

, .

adopted his v iew o f the subject is but n atural ,

considering by whom the tale was told and the ,

manner in which it was represented to me at an

age when impressions are most easily rece ived
and retained The bent o f my mind too
, ,

the systems and studies I afterwards adO p te d ,

confirmed me at a later period in the opinion

, ,

thus early form ed I t is for you unbiassed as


you are by all such circumstances to account ,

fo r the strange facts I am now about to relate ,

if you can in another and a more satis factory


manner .

E leonore found less trouble in gaining admit

tance to Catherine than she had expected ,

every o n e being fro m ho me at the ti me o f her

visit except M ade moiselle C adi ere s whom ill ,

health kept confined not only to the house but

, ,

to her room Upon hearing she was alone


E leonore unhesitatingly took her way to the

well known little chamber where they had spent

so many happy ho urs together .

Catherine was reclining listlessly on a couch

, , ,

her head propped up by a deep crimson cushion ,

which by its harsh contrast caused the paleness

, ,

o f her features to be more apparent A t the .

slight noise caused by E leonore s entrance she
started up in nervous alarm and on perceiving

who was the intruder o n her solitude she b e ,

came yet more agitated Uncertainty hesi


t at i o n a sort o f reluctant shame seemed to

, ,

overwhelm her ; but when Eleonore approached

with open arms she threw herself into them
, ,

and sobbed aloud o n her bosom Mademoiselle .

R aymond gently led her back to the couch sat ,

by her side and still retaining her hand in


hers with the other stroked down her hair with


a soothing fondness Her manner was i m


pressed with an eloqu ence that needed no


words ; C atherine evidently felt and understo od

it fo r when she could control the vehemence

o f her first emotion she said in a to ne o f

, ,

gentle reproach
Oh ! E leonore why d id you leave me fo r

so long o r ever !

One word o f recal would lo n g ere thi s , ,

have brought m e to your side said E le onore , .

Why did y o u not speak it sooner !
Oh ! b ut y o u k now not you cannot know
how wretched how mi serable I have bee n —we

have all be en h o w unhappy I n o w am you —
have come t o o late E le onore ,

Hush Catherine ! D o not as us ual fly


into extremes errors may be repented o f and


repaired Father G irard dismissed and J ules

, ,

Chaudon recalled Op en yo ur heart to me


C atherine without reserve ; I am still as ever

, , ,

disposed to do you what service I may .

I have not de s erved this E leonore s aid , ,

Catherine ag ain thr owing herself o n her friend s


neck and i ndulging i n an excess o f feeli ng

, ,

w hich as such exhibitions were most foreign


and uncongenial to Made moiselle R aymond s ’


S peak not it was the hurried reply

of , .

I t is i mp o ssi ble or I had long since thrown h i m


of. But I cannot N o ! any thing but tha t !

S o says M arie L angi ere s and yet she hates ,

Yes ; it is the same with us all more o r ,

less E leonore he is a te rri ble man Yo u don t

. , .

know his power ; you do n o t dream of i t —you

wh o ne ver were exposed to its influence If

you were always there by my side with your
hand o n my burning head and with those calm , ,

penetrating eyes fixed on mine as now always , ,

thus then perhaps I might free myself from


him from every thrall l

My poor Catherine your mind wanders ! ,

exclaimed her friend fo r a moment thrown o ff


her guard ; then reassuming as naturally as she


could the cold severe tone she had al ways found

from experience to soothe best any casual
irritation in her friend she said ! Come ,

Cath erine y o u must exert your reason and not ,

give way in this childish manner—you know I

cannot abide it Come tell me as rationally as
, ,

o u c an all about Father G irard and yourself

y , ,

from beginning to e nd .

I will obey you said Catherine in a calmer


tone whilst a sudden and striking change came


over her features which had assumed a more


languid expression as E leonore s manner softened

S u ffer your hand to rest on my bro w as you ,

did before nothing clears my ideas better—so


t hat s right

— my other hand in yours Oh ! .

had you never left me Eleonore it had perhaps, ,

fared better with me I see y o u are impatient


that I should proceed and yet I scarcely know,

how to do so all is confusion in my brai n di s u

cord in my heart S ometimes I think Father


G irard the best the most holy o f men and

, ,

myself a wretch to doubt hi m ; at other times ,

I see in him but the vilest an d worst o f mankind .

I t has ever been thus with me since I first ,

knew him I have lost all power o f dis cri mi


nation — I had almost said o f thought ; but no , ,

that is my misfortune I still th ink and that too , , ,

differently from him ; but this is only when he is

away When he is present I am his slave
. ,

enthralled by his will even when i t is most ,

opposed to m ine I sometimes cannot help


fancying that he has bound me by some power

VO L . I. H

ful unhallowed spell which I vainly struggle to

, ,

break —, at others I again believe him sent to me


by Heaven o n a special m i ssion o f grace ; and


my sufferings whether in body o r mind a most

, ,

sign al favo u r Then I accuse myself o f faint


heartedness in not being able to bear up against

them and weep over my o wn frailty o f purpose
, ,

and the weakness that makes me rebel against

the will of Heaven and unworthy o f the trials
which are awarded me .

But of what trials are you speaking

inquired E leonore with some curiosity
, Do .

you mean the regret you feel at having per ,

m i tt e d a comparative stranger to exercise an

undue influence over your mind and cause an
estrangement betwee n y o u and those who m

cherished you ! That indeed h as been a trial , ,

to others as well as to you

That it is true has cost me man y a sleep
, ,

less night — many a tearful day said Catherine ,


The struggle between the impulses o f my

heart and what I conceived to be a duty was a
severe o n e H e bade me di scard you from my

thoughts but this I coul d not do and when le ft

, ,

she exposed to vie w some rather severe and but

recently healed wounds .

E leonore was mute with surprise .

Yes continued C atherine these are the

, ,

i n fli c t i o n s with which the devils are permitted


to visit me d uring my trances ; but do not


look so shocked there is more fear than pain


attending them —my soul alone is conscious at

such times my body lies i n a state of torpor

that deadens feeling .

This is passin g strange said M ade moiselle,

R aymond as she closely examined the marks

thus subjected to her observation These are .

but too real and cannot well have been self


inflicted even in the worst fit o f o f


Insanity y o u wo uld say added Cath erine

, , ,

with a mourn ful smile ; I am not insane — but ,

oh I often dread becoming so

D o these fi t s —these t rances come over you ,

by day or by night !
“Both they sometimes rouse me from my
sleep but strange to say it is but to another
, , ,

sort of sl umber— a numbness steals over my

frame whilst my mind wakens to activity .

You describe but the state o f dreamin g ,

which is common to all remarked E leonore
, .

A y resumed her companion ;
, but dreams
do not extend to the waking moments This .

phenomenon overtakes me when I least expect

i t whilst talking or walking—even at meals

I ha ve read of people being drugged into a

forced sleep said E leonore thoughtfully
, , .

But Father G irard gives me nothing nor is ,

he always present at such times When he is .


my slumber is more peaceful and I feel more ,

tranquil on waking I n his absence the fits are


torture and on their leaving me I am totally ex

hansted .

“I f you do not attribute these accidents to

Father G irard how do you account for them

unto yourself and others demanded Eleonore , ,

who was de srro u s to sift the matter to the

bottom and to probe her friend s feelings t o the

uttermost before venturing o n adv i ce or even

, ,

o n conclusions .

Why I have already told you I sometime s

, ,

fancy he has charmed me ; but am more often

inclined to think myself like S aint Theresa o n e
, ,
1 50 M A GI C AN D ME S M E RIS M .

of those ele c ted to su ffer and to love and unto ,

whom mysteries are revealed in visions through

whom and upon whom miracles are wrought .

Th is is a most extraordi nary delusion O h ,

serv ed E leon o re carried away by the feeling o f


the moment beyond the reserve whi ch it was

her desire to mai ntain until the close o f the
conference .

I t is perhaps natural y o u shoul d think so

, , ,

to whom nothing has been revealed said her ,

friend with a slight shade o f hauteur

, B ut .

fi o m earliest childhood I was unlik e others


and I believe destined to higher things ! and I

cannot but believe that Father G irard has been
especially appointed to guide me in the path

which I should tread .

Fatal error ! burst involuntarily from E leo

nore s lips A nd bethi n k you Catherine if it , ,

be an error it may cost you dear


If it be an error ! ay indeed E leonore ! , ,

the t hought were madness but no ! it cannot
b e —I will not be lieve it Listen to facts ! I

know nothing else will have any weight with

you ; but s urely to the m you must yi eld belief ,

v o t i o n.On the contrary an u n nameable u n, ,

accountable feeling o f repulsion at times p o s

sessed me which I could with difficulty control

Well this was again counteracted by his alter


n ate severity and praise Thus even whilst


secretly dislikin g hi m person ally I derived ,

great benefit from his spiritual guidance I t is .

remarkable that M arie L an gi ere s Anne G uy o l , ,

and all his penitents have felt exactly like me


i n t his respect The bri ght side o f my ex


i ste n c e I may even call it its glorious sunshine

w as the hope I entertained of treading in the

footsteps o f the blessed virgins who adorn o ur

church He taught me to believe myself called

to the same path as that o f my holy patroness ,

sweet S t Catherine of S ien na All the bright

. .

dreams o f my childhood came back to my heart

with renewed freshness I was like o n e sud.

d e n ly transported to the summit of a high

mountain whence the eye could bathe itself in

the blue o f the heavens the green o f the valleys

, ,

the radiance o f the setting sun I looked b e .

yond the very heavens and I was proud and ,

v ery happy My mother and brothers also


encouraged me in my new vocation to the ,

utmost of their power They already saw the


halo of canonization encircling my brow ; bu t

we were all too vainglorious—I especially I n .

vain did Father G irard warn me of the dangers

o f thi s self exaltation ; nothing could damp my

glowing ardour ; the warning was overlooked ,

but the punishment was not lon g in overtaking

the fault . One day—I had already been a
whole year under his care —h e breathed gently
on my brow and looked full into my eyes as he

did so From that hour I have been his slave

. .

He often repeated this form and each time it ,

drew the chain tighter that bound me to him ,

unti l I had no will but his I could neither .

act nor feel as I pleased nor even think Thu s


I became if I may so express it estranged

, ,

fro m my own self Oh —but you c annot u n


d e rst an d me —indeed how should y o u I canno t

, ,

myself —this perpetual struggle bet ween my


own will and that o f another gliding into my ,

very being was the dark side of that period of


my existence A t last you an d Chaudon were


exclude d from o ur house ; and since the n how ,

H 3

e v er great hav e been my mental sufferi ngs in

c onsequence o f that event Father G irard at ,

le as t h as no longer tormented me o n the s ub

I had alre d y h ad many visions o f a
j e ct . a

mystic and holy character all o f a nature to ,

flatter my inordinate vanity ; but now came o n e

predicted by Father G irard in whi ch I was ,

told I shoul d be po ssessed for more than a year

by evil spirits to whom the power o f torment

ing me should be given in order that a soul in


much pain sho uld be freed from purgatory .

Fro m that time my trances have changed their


heavenly form fo ul fiends have haun ted me


under every shape and burnt woun ds into my


flesh which upon wakin g I still found there

, , , .

Father G irard told me this was n ecessa ry to my

soul s weal and to the perfection o f my charac

ter as well as implicit blind obedience to hi m


i n all things A ll this have I undergone ; but


I have suffered in body and mi n d enough to

win the crown o f mart yrdom ; my health is ,

indeed so impaired that I could no longer

, ,

e i ther confess or take the communi on if it ,

were n o t that Father Gi rard atte nds me d aily


impossibility a clog o n my thoughts a seal on

, ,

my lips which all the war m impulses of my


heart and even the force of habit are i n ade

, ,

quate to vanquish This is o n e o f my greatest


to rments which I am sure you who knew me

, ,

when the outpourings of my spirit flowed as

freely from my lips as water from i ts source ,

will be well able to imagine .

There may be a remedy to all this said ,

E leonore thoughtfully
, .Have you thought

of none !
E xorcism might afford a relief to my soul ,

and a phys i cian to my enfeebled frame ; but it

is for my own future weal and glory that all
this should be u n fli n chi ngly borne H o w high .

the price at which both are bought none shall ,

ever know but mysel f Oh ! E leonore c o n


c e i ve
, if you can what are my feelings ; when
, ,

in spite of all that he can say I sometimes ,

doubt if my path is a right o n e — d read that I

am altogether misguided — that Father G irard is
the only evil spirit which torments me ! When
tha t idea crosses my brain I am for hours the

prey to despairing regrets and the bitterest


remorse Then he comes and talks me over


or barely looks at me —fo r he reads my thoughts

at a glance —and I repent my miserable guilty
doubts so that my soul is ever dark and trou

bled as the most tempestuous night .

“I t was once clear as a summer morni n g


said E leonore spiritedly why should not the

, ,

mists that Obscure it clear up again ! If you

would but trust in my advice as y o u once did, ,

perhaps all might ye t be well .

How ! What would you advise ! said

Catherine looki ng up into her friend s face
, ,

w ith renovated hope lighting up her waste d

features as a ray o f autumn s paly sun is often

seen to play on a sickly flower .

E leonore paused in doubt h o w to proceed .

S hould she discuss the character o f the director

with his half enlightened proselyte and endea

vour to convince her of the absurdi ty and

villany of which she believed her th e victim
or had she better trace o u t a planfor the future ,

without attempting to throw too much ligh t

upon the past ! A two fold reason i nduced her

to determine upon adopting the latter measure .


In the first pla c e she could come to no clear


un derstanding o f the means and ultimate plans

of the Jesuit ; and secon dly the little light that
, ,

gli mmered forth from the darkness was not o f a

nature calculated to suit the capacity o f her
friend ; for E leonore tenderly as she was ,

attached to C atherine was perfectly aware o f


her o wn great superiority in intellect .

Well Catherine if you really wish for

, ,

adv i ce li sten to mine which I am willin g to

, ,

support by every means in my power I have .

friends in Paris I shall go and visit them ; you

, ,

under pretence o f seeki ng to benefit your

he al th by change o f scene will accompany me , .

Father G irard cannot purs ue you thither ; and

o u wi ll there find more consoling and g e ntle
g uides that wil l soon quiet your al armed and

disturbed con science Other objects too will

, ,

divert your mind from its present painful ten

sion . N erv e you rse lf but with the courage
necessary to break your present fetters and ,

time and I will contrive to smoothe yo ur way

before y o u


N e v er ne v er 1 ”
answere d M a dem oise ll e

courser unrestrained by bit and bridle about

, ,

to spring forward on his mad career E leonore s .

self possession wavered before the wildness o f


her gaze and she could not repress an e x cla


mation of alarm .

Oh yes ; you think me insane and are

, ,

more than half afraid of me said C atherine , ,

with a strange irritability ; but I care not what

you think
But dearest Catherine why fly o ut thu s at
, ,

me for a thought I have never expressed .

Oh ! because I s a w you thin k it .

This ans w er somewhat startled M ademoiselle

R aymond who was not pleased that Catherine

contrary to her wont possessed su fficient dis


c e rn m e n t to read her unspoken thoughts ;

j ustly displeased too w ith the acerbity o f her
, ,

m anner she involuntarily assumed a sterner



I have then been mistaken she said coolly , , ,

drawin g herself up to her full height as she rose ,

from the couch “ I w as induced by the firs t


glow o f your welcome to believe that it was ,

sincere and that your feeli ngs were u n changed

, ,

at least towards me I see my error ; for had


it been so you could have declined my advice


without rudeness o r scorn I perceive you.

n ei ther know your o w n mind nor can a

pp re ,

ciate mine ; so I had better leave you until it ,

i s your pleas ure to recal me .

D o n o t part thus dear dear E leonore ex

, , ,

claimed Catherine tenderly throwing her arms

, ,

around her ; I will do and say whatever y o u

please D o n o t look thus angrily at me I i m

p lo re you ; your love is all that remains to me

of the happy past—do n o t withdraw that which

o u h av e but so lately restored to me
y .

If this be your wish Catherine then try to

, ,

be more consis tent in your conduct .

“I cannot it is not my fault I a m very

; .

sorry and very very ill E leonore —far more

, , , ,

so than you o r any one else can imagine and

ag ain the poor girl hi d her pale face in the
bosom of her friend and gave vent to her agita

tion in a succession of hysterical sobs .

M ademoiselle R aymond in spite of her usual


clearness and rapidity of j udgment was com ,

p l e te l
y at fault
, at this moment what to say or ,

do, even to think A few hours o f undi s

or .

t urb e d medi tation were necessary to enable her

to collect herself and to decide upon the course


o f conduct which it would be most advisable to

pursue One thing she felt intuitively—namely

. ,

that the least appearance o f hesitation o r u n

certainty o n her part o r any appeal to C a ,

therine in her present o dd unsettled frame o f ,

mind was so much ground lost in her esteem

, ,

and in consequence a forfeiture of that i nflu

, ,

ence over the unhappy girl o f which she had ,

once possessed so large a share and which had ,

n o w become so all important to the welfare -


at least o f o n e o f them That she might keep

, .

all her advantages t herefore and gain time to , ,

reinforce her position she decided o n le aving ,

the house for the pre sent .

Well C atherine she said gently e x tri cat
, , ,

ing herself fi o m the embrace of her weeping


companion I will exact nothing o f you


just now but w hat I believe you both able and


willing to perform D o not tell Father G irard .

of my visit and let me kno w when you are


most likely to be alone that I may come again ,


le c t e dn e ss
which tended to combat this opinion ;
yet there were but too many fli gh ty assertions
she had no other means o f explaining .

My father was deeply moved by M ademoiselle

R aymond s communi cation ; but hesitated in

coinciding with her concerning Catherine s state
o f mind .

The constant super excitement o f the brain


under which she h as laboured for the las t two

years is it is true well calculated to produce
, , ,

this result said he ; but if really affl icted by

this infirmity I suspect Father G irard has


hu rried it o n by some foul practice o r other ,

which may o n e day be brought to light Far .

from having the real interest o f his church at


heart I believe hi m to be o ne of those men


who actuated m erely by personal motives an d


ambition would not scruple to employ means


to obtain their ends before which even fan at i


c i s m would recoil We must however sift this

, ,

matter thoroughly before passing judgment .

But when he came to ponder over this sub

e c t i n the silence of his own closet he was to
j ,

the full as embarrassed as M ademoiselle R ay


mond in tracing o u t the machinations of which

, ,

b e doubted not Father G irard had been guilty

, .

He could indeed find no clue to them what

, ,

ever excep t by adopting Catherine s own ver


sion of the affair and di sgracing his reason by


admitting the truth of all those tales of enchant

ment and sorcery which the enlightenment of
his day already began to class amo n g popular
errors .

He pored over the pages o f Cornelius A grippa ,

and other writers o n the same mystic subjects ,

without bein g able either satisfactorily to refute ,

o r unscrup ul ously to admit the truth o f the


strange doctrines they contain .

He foun d that they described as a means ,

o f enchanting or in other words mastering the

, , ,

passions and affections o f indi fferent persons ,

the very acts to which M ademoiselle C adi ere s

alluded when speaking ofher confessor breath
Ing upon the brow and steadfastly gazi n g into

the eyes of the person upon whom it is designed

to operate whilst the fi x i ty of thought was

declared a necessary accompaniment t othe fix i ty

o f gaze recommended This proceedin g was

averred to be infallible ; and could my father ,

but have reli ed on this exp o sition not only ,

might the incoherences o f poor C atherine —the

singular description she h ad given o f the state
o f h e r soul under Father G irard s direction


in some measure be accounted for but also hi s

, ,

mysterious power over his other peniten t s as ,

well as the moral changes and contradictions

which each had exhibited i n turn .

You will wonder perhaps that he di d not

, ,

laugh at what in the days o f the great p h ilo so


p h e rs then about to dawn o n France — the ,

harbingers o f the storm t hat was to shake her

to her very foundation and root up for a time
, ,

at least all her ancient and respectable uses

, ,

together with her ab uses —wo ul d have been


termed old women s stories But in his youth


sorcery was yet accredited among the mass ;

and tho ugh consigned to ridicul e by a few of
the h o lde r spirits o f the day the fancy o f the

many even in the better clas ses still clung to

, ,

the traditional delusion .

My father whose mind w as yet fresh from


N ature s mint ready to receive every impression

, ,

hovere d for some time between the fluctuating


playing upon the mind especially in youth
exalting and debasing it by turns it is easy , ,

without the assistance of any extraneous agency ,

to affect the reason if not actually to destroy


its equilibrium Yo u m ay further urge and


with equal truth that so complete is the power


which he who w ields skilfully t h e dangerous

weapon called enthusiasm may obtain over his
miserable v i ctims it remains no difficult task to

sway not only their ju dgment but their feelings

, ,

also I t is indeed the knowledge o f numerous

, ,

cases handed down to us in history and even ,

still ofdaily occ u rrence in which fanaticis m co n


ducts to crime — to madness—even to death

that has caused me so metimes to hesitate i n

my conclusions .

Had this however been the Jesuit s real

, ,

hold o n M ademoiselle C adi ere s it is not likely ,

that she would have struggled so painfully with

the influence he exercised over her ; she would
rather have y ielded cheerfully and wholly to it .

But it is averred by the most experienced

writers o n the subject of magnetism that the ,

operator has an unli mited power over t h e


pati ent obtained by the concentration o f his


own thoughts and their transfusion into the


mind o f the person subjected to this process ,

either by mea n s o f manipulation which supposes,

consent in the party concerned ; or by the mere

attraction of gaze and sympathy with s urround

ing objects submitted to the ordeal o f magne

t i s m by the o n e party and unconsciously much

used by the other ; which does not imply con

n i van ce . This w as the case with M ademoiselle
C adi ere s and all the worthy Father s penitents


who yielded to or rather su ffered by an artifice


whose very nature and existence was totally

unknown to them .

When once affinity is established between th e

m aster and t h e patient — o r victim a s the c ase

may b e —that stran ge psychological phenome n on

takes place o f which I have often read in works

on magnetism but which I have never witnesse d

, ,

o r even heard o f in real life exce pt in the case


o f M ademoiselle C ad i ere s I mean that state o f

high exaltation of the nerves which permits ,

spirit to commune w rth spirit without the grosser

intervention o f the organs of speech —when ,

V O L. I. I
1 70 M A GI C A ND M E SM E RI S M .

the half formed thought is met by a correspond


i ng thought and the unspoken unspeakable

, ,

feelings are at on c e conveye d to a heart that

throbs that mus t throb with sympathy —
, ,


communion so full o f h armony that when we ,

first contemplate its nature we are ex c usable i n ,

believing it to belong to spheres and to beings

o f a higher order than ourselves an d the little ,

world that contai ns us but when we bethi nk


ourselves of the further consequences o f this

latitude and perceive that the will of man the
, ,

noblest hol iest of his attributes is also to be

, ,

e nchained by the same mysterious li nk between

a stron ger and a weaker mind while both are ,

yet clothed within their frail human tenements ,

liable to be shaken and riven by human passion ,

we shudder and turn away from the picture of

mental degradation which this subject may
o ffer to o ur V iew .

The antagonists of Mesmer have advan c ed a

fact; whi ch i f true as it seems likely enough t o

b e — would he ar me o u t in my supposition o f
h i s sc i en c e be ing applicable to th i s particular
case . They assert that magneti sm i s highly

ne t i smbetween persons o f unequal morality ,

in which the weaker party has been compelled ,

in spite o f its purity to ad opt the loose senti


ments and principles o f the stronger and more

dissolute to be a thraldom past the human

powers o f enduran c e I see by your i ncre du


lous smile you belie v e rather i n the possib ili ty


o f corrupting human purity than o f forcin g its ,

barriers ; well —I think differently But then .


I am a confirmed believer in this mysterious

agency whose nature is I o wn startling enough
, , ,

at the first glance .

Having given you a faint outli ne o f the

pretensions o f this doctri ne in order to enable ,

you to understand in what manner I apply it

to this particular case I will return to my s tory
, .

When Mad emoiselle R aymond next called

u pon Catherine she was n o lon ger alone
, .

Father G irard was closeted with her ; an d

M ademoiselle C adi ere s confidential maid de

livered her the somewhat ungracious message ,

that she was entreate d not to come again to

the house as her friend could in no case see

her This was a relapse which E leon ore had


no t expected to take place so soon ; but as she

saw that for a time at least nothing more was
, ,

to be done in the matter she departed , .

S ome weeks more elapsed during which little,

transpired at large of what passed at the C a

d i ere s beyond the fact of Father G irard s daily


— nay hourly—presence there and the rapid

, ,

progress of his fair penite n t in sanctity The .

chapter of miracles was freely broached by him

self and her brothers ; the c uriosity o f the public
was stro ngly excited ; and e v en the bishop the ,

worthiest soul alive dropped a fe w hints that

, ,

proved he began to feel a growi ng interest in

the subject The Carmelites still shook their

heads ominously and shrugged their shoulders


at the bare mention o f these things with an

affected contempt which could not veil their

real mo rt i fic at i o n The Jesuits triumph was


complete radiant ; and they bore the palm


over all competi tors at Toulon without dis

pute .

S u c h was the state o f affairs whe n all of a, ,

sudden the news was spread about the town


that Mademoiselle C adi ere s was about to e m


brac e the veil Various reasons were as signe d


for this step and di ve rse convents named of

, ,

whi ch o n e would be selected by the young

saint to become the theatre o f her future glory .

M ademoiselle R aymond was however informed , ,

by M arie Lan gi ere s whom she still continued


o c casionally to visit that Father G irard had


appointed the conve n t o f S t Clare o f Ollioules


as the future residence o f C atheri ne whom she ,

described as most unwilling to enter it S he .

declared also that M adame C adi ere s though

, , ,

fully sharing the reluctance of her daughter ,

was like herself unable to resist the imperative

, ,

monk who would suffer no contradiction

, .

S he loathes the very idea o f a convent said ,

M arie L an gi ere s in conclus ion

, and is growing

daily less religious I fancy But what then !

, .

If that horrid man w i lls it o f course she must


take the veil .

These words roused Eleonore s attention ’


S he found upon a closer investigation that all

, ,

the pecul iarities she had remarked in Cathe

rine s discourses as betraying an incipient i n

sanity were developed almost to a greater de


other ; and indee d as all personal i nterest in


the a ffair w as fas t subsiding in his heart he ,

soon discovered that he had enough to think o f

in other quarters and had no time to waste in

fruit less brooding .

N ot so with M ademoiselle R aymond Ho w .

ever superior in intelligence to the mass o f young

women o f her age especially at an epoch when

the education o f women was very deficient still ,

the monotony O f her pursuits left her ample lei

sure for the development of her feminine curi
o si t and this was a subject t o excite it to the
uttermost .

“If said my father to her ofte n recurring


remarks on this subject if you think there i s

a chan ce o f your being able to move M ad e mo i
selle C adi ere s from her purpose I would advise ,

you by all means to attempt seeing her before

, ,

she sets o ff for the convent Once there she .


wil l find it perhaps impossible to return to the

world even should she desire it
, .

Could y o u contrive to speak t o her urge d ,

E leonore .

Her eyes were keen ly fixed on hi s c o un te


nan ce The colour mounted to his very brow


as he felt conscious of the ga z e ; but he returned

it and it was M ad emo i selle R aymond s turn to

bl ush .

I f I thought any eart hly exertio n o f min e

could save M ademoiselle C adi ere s he said I , ,

would not spare myself be assured o f that ; b u t


I am convinced that any interposition o n my


part would but hurry o n Catherine to her fate .

I f I could unrav el the mystery and prove but ,

half the v i llany I suspect i n Father G irard I ,

woul d a ve nge her ; but I must n o t forget that ,

I have no right whatever to interfere with t h e

concerns o f that youn g lady when even that o f ,

friendship has been withdrawn fro m me ; and

my positio n as a rejected suitor should mak e

me doubly reserv ed in all my proceedings .

“But w ill you quietly sit by and see Cathe

rine t ake the veil !
“You must hav e t o o muc h sens e m g o o d
y ,

young l ady was the an swer accompani ed by
, ,

an arch smi le not to see that had I even the


right I can no longer hav e any reason for


oppos ing such a meas ure After all if the .


I 3

family C adi é re s pre fer their T a rt ufi e to all

else in the world who may gainsay them ! But

o u know very well the opinions I must perforce

entertain o n this subject ! I cannot understand
why you shoul d insis t on maki ng me repeat
them so often .

M ademoiselle R aymon d s tell tale cheek mi ght


have enlightened him as to her drift and M a ,

dame C adi ere s prophecy whi ch when spoken

, ,

two years back had so grievously displeased


hi m n o w fli t t e d across hi s mind but this time

, ,

certainly without c ausing any di sagreeable

emotion .

That Eleonore was not too deeply hurt at

his being so resigned o n the chapter o f Cathe
rine s re tiring altogether fro m t he world was


evident from her manner growi ng even more

free and unreserved und er the i nfluence of his
answer .

The footi ng o n whi ch they stood together

W as peculi ar as indeed Made moiselle R ay
, ,

mond s whole bearing an d character was reputed

to be Circums tances allowed her o n many


points a greater latitude than other young


women o f he r age are ordinari ly perm i tted i n

1 80 M A GI C AN D M E SM E RI S M .

still remained inaccessible to others to the no ,

small mo rt i ficat i o n o f all the speculative sons

and p arents in o ur good c i ty G reat therefore .
, ,

was the outcry a g ainst what was almost deemed

an impropriety —their marriage w as spoken o f
as a certa in ty ; then as n e ither party took the

trouble to notice the many hints thrown o u t

before the m on this subject and as weeks grew ,

to months and the thing remained in statu

quo and M ademoiselle R aymond refused o ffer

after o ffer and yet solemnly pledged her word

, ,

i n so doing that she was under no pre engage


m ent people set down this intimacy as o n e o f


the bizarreries o f the heiress and turned to the ,

discussion of some newer topic .

My father as I have said had accepted Eleo

, ,

nore s friendship as a substitute for Catherine s

love wi thout much reflection ; but independently

, ,

of the gratitude he owed her who had softened the

sharpness of his fi rs t disappointment he soon ,

discovered in her qualities calculated to fix his

esteem .

The uprightness and candour which she dis

played o n every occas ion e v en the most trivial
, ,

her fair and dispass i onate j udgment e v en in


those things that con c erned her most the ,


generosity of heart that overlooked the foibles of

others which her o w n keenness o f intellect

rendered so glaring the firmness of her cha

rac t e r and principles that kept her in everythin g


and at all times true to herself and to oth ers

these sterling qualities so rarely fo und in the

opposite sex that we may fairly term them


masculine m ade her at once an object of his

, , ,

respect and admiration N o r was she devoid .

o f those femini n e inspiratio n s which teach e v en ,

the most gu ileless o f womankind how to i n

rat i at e themselves with those whom they are
desirous o f pleasing Habit t o o often recon
, ,

ciles men to the very plainest exteriors ; and

my father had long since discov ered that M ade
m o i se lle R aymond whose figure and eyes were

really fine did not belong absol utely to that

, , ,

category—her society had become indispensable

to him Her superiority to all the women it

had ever been his fortune to meet with w as by ,

this t ime an established fact in his own mind ;

and had he been forced to forego her intimacy
and renounce her friendship the pain would ,

have bee n s c ar c ely less though perhaps o f ,


another C haracter than that which he felt when


separated fi o m C atherine In short though he


would doubtless have written better verses in

favour o f the latter he would much rather have

chosen the former for the companion o f his li fe ,

now that he had a fair opportunity of compar ing

their real merits .

But although the progress of this attac hment


was so gradual o n his part that it w as almost ,

imperceptible to himself M ademoiselle R ay ,

mond s preference fo r hi m had dated from the

beginning o f their a c quaintance I t was p ro .


bably the struggle she constantly maintai ned


against her o wn heart when she perceived that


her friend s beauty had cast her into shad e ,

that caused her usual reserve to deepen int o

ungraciousness and gloom T o o generous to

resent his choice and too modest not to ac


q uiesce in its justice she su ff

,ered n o feeli n g of

mo rt ificat i o n o r envy to dim the purity o f her

long established friendship with Catherine S he .

was careful not to permit the slightest trace o f

her weakness to become evident we ll knowing ,

that C atherine would not have encouraged any

atte ntions like ly t o di stre ss he r, and she was

o f, or indeed even approached the haughty

Jesuit .

S he was also struck w i th the alterati on that

ha d taken place in his whole person and manner .

The latter had grown abrupt and presumptuous

— the former more rep u lsive than ever A .

restless fiery look that seemed at once t o dread

, ,

and yet defy oppos i tion gleamed from beneath


his shaggy eyebrows whilst the hollow o f his


cheeks and corpse like pallor ha d even increased


although those who remembered him o n his

first arri val at Toulon might hav e deemed the
thing impossible .

M ost o f M ademoiselle R ay mo n d s remark s

were made from a house opposite to that o f

M adame C adi ere s t o which she had contri ved

to obtai n admission at first for the express p ur


p o se o f laying in wait for a favourable o p p o rt u

mity of executing her proj ect of speakin g with
Catheri ne previous to her departure ; but she
soon became aware what an ample field was
thus afforded for general obse rvation In any .

other cas e her innate delicacy o f mind and ,

indeed her perfect indi fference to the concerns


of strangers w o uld hav e made her shrink fr o m


such a mode o f gratifying her curi osity ; but

she conceived that her love for Catherine gave
her a right to inquire more closely into actions
which but for the baneful influence o f a stran

ger rising suddenly like a cloud between them

, ,

and which she tr usted might yet in ti me be

blown away woul d have been laid bare to her

like her o w n .

S he could often catch a glimpse o f M adame

C adi ere s bathed in tears ; a circumstance that

convinced her how painful was the sacrifice she

was about t o make in suffering her daughter s ’

departure But Catherine was so completely


confined to her room which had no other look


o u t but upon the yard that she could form no


idea of her real feelings That Father G irard .

wielded the sceptre of domesti c power with a

most tyrannical sway was obvious from a series
o f trivial occurrences that came within her
notice ; and her dislike to and distru st o f the ,

man amounted to disgust as she perceived how


unscrupulously he took the most op en and

unfair advan tag e o f the weak almost sottish , ,

infatuation of the C adi ere s .

Finding all her endeavours to obtain speech


of her fri end vain she had rec o urse to letters

, ,

with no better success S he soon indeed .

, ,

became convinced that none ever reached their

destination ; and finally she h ad the mo rt i fica
, ,

tion o f seeing her friend safely depos i ted in a

travelli ng carriage by the side o f An ne G uy o l ,

and another of Father G irard s most devoted
adherents by that worthy pers onage himself

The mode o f de p arture at that time part ook

but little o f the hurry o f o u r present habits ,

nor were leave takings as unceremonious then

as n o w ; so that M ademoiselle R aym ond had

time to reach the carriage before in spite o f the ,

J e sui t s impatience the ponderous vehicle had


yet been put in motion E leonore s bare head .

and careless attire denoted the eagerness of the

moment ; and no sooner had the Father s angry ’

exclamation drawn C atherine s eyes towards ’

her than she seemed conscious o f her fi i e nd s '

devotion and grateful for the fee ling

, .

“Thank you E leonore thank you dearest !

, , ,

I will pray for you murmured she in scarcely
, ,

audible accents .

Catherine do not leav e us sai d E le onore
, , ,
1 88 M A G IC AN D ME S M E R I SM .

the large dark severely express iv e eyes of

, ,

Mademoiselle R aymond .

Leave us M ademoiselle he said i n a tone

, , ,

o f ill suppressed rage ;

“leav e this holy maiden ,

whom you n ever approach but with the attempt

to lead her astray from a path of light which
you have not the grace to follo w G o I say .
, ,

he continued raising his voice in the nerv ous


i mpatience o f the moment abo v e the pitch o f ,

decorum and grasping at the s ame t i me the

, ,

arm of the young lady in no gentle o r reserv ed

manner .

G o ! impious heretic o r and
he compressed the arm he held i n a rude rough ,

manner equally unbecoming his hab i t and the

, ,

sex o f her whom he addressed .

You forget yourself said M ademo iselle ,

R aymond coolly drawing herself up and seek

, ,

ing by a slight gesture to release herself from

, ,

the bold grasp o f the Jesuit but instantly ceas ,

i ng the e ffort upon dis c o v ering that it would

not avail her .

“I t is not I it is o u l—you ! A n excess ”

y ,

o f resentm e nt for which there appeared scarcely


s uffi ci ent c ause seemed about to transport


the Monk beyond the bounds o f decency In .

vain did the C adi ere s mother and sons and the
, ,

young girls in the carriage exhort him to be

pacified ; it was evident that rage was fas t
mas tering his reason when E leonore bending
, ,

her tall form towards him whispered a few


words in his ear .

N o spell spoken by necromancer ever pro

du ce d a more magical e ffect A hue still more

ghas tly than usual overspread his countenance ,

—hi s trembling hand released the frail arm it had

grasped as though no longer able to retain i t ,

his knees knocked against each other his eyes ,

rolled wil dly i n his head —the most abject


terror was depicted in every feature ‘

Had .

E leonore stabbed him the change could not


have been more sudden o r more striking It

, .

was so much so that M adame C adi ere s ex

G ood G o d ! what h as happened to the
reverend Father ! —what has she done to
h im !

N othing, assuredly madame said

, , E leo
nore . But what is he doing to you ! R ob

bing you of your d aughter and yet y o u know ,

n o t how to resist !

A n embarras sing pause ensued to which ,

M ademoise l le G uy o l put an end by o rderi ng

t h e coachman somewhat fier c ely t o dri v e o ff
, , .

Father G irard seeme d to breathe anew as the

wheels began slowly to revolve and the co ach ,

man s whip c racke d cheeri ly i n the air M a


d ame C ad i ere s re entere d the h o use abruptly


as if un willing to mark the progress of the

vehi c le that was he ari ng from her what she held
dearest o n earth The Jesuit w i thout speak

I ng anoth e r word hastily darted up the street

, ,

following the carriage with rapid stri d e s whilst ,

the brothers remaine d roote d to the spot .

E leonore s keen eye c aught the figure o f Cathe
rine at the next turning as leaning with her
, , ,

whole bo dy o u t o f the carri age window she ,

stretched forth her arms towards her— the next

i nstant she was o ut o f sigh t Whether the .

movement had been an adieu or an appeal , ,

was a point which it troubled much M ade mo i

selle R ay mond to decide Luckily for all

parties the early h o ur at wh ich thi s scene took


presence and con trol ; he will hardly dare to

follow her to the sisterhood if indeed he could , ,

quit Toulon He believes however his object

, ,

attained ; her person and fortune are secured to

the church and he will now turn his thoughts

to some other victim perhaps M arie L angi ere s

, .

G od grant you may be right said M ade ,

mo i s e lle R aymond ; but she looked very much

as if she could not bring herself to share his
opinion .

Catherine s departure and the manner o f it

, ,

had put an end to all E leonore s hopes o f a

reconciliation That unfortunate being would


probably now for the rest o f her life be dead

, , ,

to the m and to the world as completely as ,

though t he grave had closed upon her ; and ”

having mourned this easy to be foreseen event

long before it actually took place both my ,

father and M ademoiselle R aymond felt them

selves very much at liberty to think o f each

other —the only other object o f interest that


stood in their way beingwithdrawn fro m them .

I will cut a long story short—o r o n e that

might be spun o u t int o su ch—no r detail to you

by wh at rapid gradations my father became

aware o f the real nature o f his attachment to
E leonore — that she alone could render him
truly happy Neither will I dwell o n the man i

ner in which he communicated this discovery ,

nor o n that in which it was received M ade .

mo i s e lle R aymond was free from all even the

slightest shadow o f coquetry and probably ,

would have been thought upon the whole too

, ,

deficient in that respect by a vulgar minded -

m an ; but my father was as superior to the

generality o f his sex as she was to hers and was ,

able to appreciate her every quality The frank .


candid admission she at once made o f the state

o f her feelings even previous to the existence

o f his own love for her was received by him


with delight and gratitude He wondered in .


his soul how he could ever have pre ferred the


rose to the pearl— Catherine to E leonore ; but


as he e x re sse d i t in after life one was the

p ,

romance the other the reality o f love I t is

, .

right and proper that youth should have its

dreams and manhood its happiness
, The first .

choice o f the heart depends so much o n cir

V O L . I. !

cu ms t an ce s, an d o n the imag in ation and every ,

man s tastes and opinions alter so much with

time and experien c e that the object o f hi s


boyis h passion would seldom if obtained c on

, ,

duce to the happiness o f his after years .

M y father s proposal came at a most fortunate
and critical moment for poor E leonore In a .

very short ti me her minority would cease ; her

guardi ans had determined o n leaving Toulon ,

and had she wished t o remain there she wo uld ,

have found it no easy matter to procure a home .

I will not tell y o u o f all the tittle tattle o f -

the town when this news was m ad e publi c by


the parties whom it most c oncerned After .

having loudly predicted it nearly three years

before it h ad any basis o n truth they would not

credit it even fro mthe lips o f the future couple

, .

I t was not until the parents o f M onsieur Chau

don came from M arseill es in great haste to
, ,

attend the fi a nga i lle s o f the young people that ,

at last the thing was believed ; and then agai n , ,

it gave rise to as much j ealousy and ani madv e r

sion to as many heart burnings and c alumnies

as tho ugh su c h an event had been a flagrant act

1 96 MA GI C AN D M ESM E RI S M .

himself took a special interest o n a cc ou nt o f ,

the extraordinary graces w i th which she was

gifted and bein g moreover personally know n
, ,

to the superior —she was re c eived with singular


honours ; and all the strange unusual condi ,

tions he made in her behalf were ac quies ce d i n

without demur .

But his after proceedings and her o wn at , ,

t ach e d a still greater importance to Catherine ,

and brought her before the public in a far more

glaring manner than heretofore Abandoni ng
almost entirely his concerns at his seminary more ,

to the satis faction o f his superiors than to the

e di fi cat i o n o f his other penitents the whole o f ,

Father G irard s t i me was taken up with j our

n eys to and fi o m Ollioules ; and the s dul o f

C atherine oc c upied his attention so exclusively

as to cause much jealousy and dis c ontent among
those whom it had long been his habit and was ,

now more than ever his duty to attend to ; for ,

they all seemed to live b u t in his presen c e .

M arie L angi ere s M adame la R ue an d her

, ,

daughter were loudest in their complaints o n


this occ asion and stood forth the representa


t ive s as it were o f the male co nt e n ts

, , .

A mo n g these neither l ast nor least were the


C adi ere s ; nor were they slow in maki ng their

u neasiness known S erious rumours now began

to circ ul ate about mi racles having been wro ught

upon Catherine v isibly and palpably impress

ing her w ith the sign manual o f special “

tion ; and they soon became n o t only univer
sally discussed but credited in every circle
, ,

drawing the attention o f the clergy and the

great in a marked manner towards the c o n

, ,

vent The nearer she approached the culmi


nating point at which they had lo n g desired to

see her the greater became the mo rt i ficati o n

o f her relations at having the saint o f Ollioules ,

as she was now called removed beyond their ,

sphere her glory profiting utter strangers rather


than themselves This was certainly the first


consid e ration that roused the indignation o f her

brothers who if they were not brought into
, ,

notice by her means had but little advance


ment to h o pe for in their profession

The mother doubtless was in fluenced by
, ,

tenderer and less i nterested motives Her great .

source of anxiety that which really pressed


heavily o n her mi nd was the s tate of her


daughter s health which seemed materi ally i m


paired since the last few months S he re .

ro ach e d herself constantly with having yielded

to Father G irard s persuasions in delaying to

call in me dical aid w hi lst she had yet an o p


o rt u n i t o f so doing S he felt moreover se

p y .
, ,

v e re l the loss o f her idol—fo r C atherine might

be called such in the fullest sense of the word ;
and her confidence in and reverence for Father, ,

G irard began to di minish from the moment she


n o longer beheld in him the promoter o f; but

rather the bar to the realization o f those plans


and ambitious desires which she had cherished

in her bosom for years But Father G irard was .

n o t proba bly very desirous o f sharing the glory

re d ounding upon him fo r having made a saint ‘

with any o n e else n o t even with the D ominican


o r the A bb é whose interest in their sis t er was


thus completely neutralized .

A t Ollioules as at Toulon Catherine had

, ,

trances ecstas ies and fits o f a character that

, ,

almos t bordered o n epilepsy A t other times .


she seemed to walk talk and exist like o n e in

, , ,

a perpetual dream The miracles spoken of had


combatting her growing pride i n her o wn sur

passing sanctity and the privileges it drew down

upon her from heave n .

My father was much pained at the growing

honours o f Mademoiselle C adi ere s A convie .

tion he could no longer repel induced him to

believe they were due to imposture alone ; and
that Catherine herself— his but so lately beloved
Catherine —was the chief impostor I t was most

reluctantly that he adm itted this truth even unto

himself ; but his reason spoke loud enough to
silence the pleadings o f his heart These mi

racles and wondrous signs fro m above —this gift

of prophecy in o n e so simple minded and little

enlightened—this power of penetrating into the

secrets o f consciences reading the darkest my s

t e ri e s of the human heart —o f divin g with equal

skill into the past and future —seemed to him ,

not as to the superstitious and illiterate vulgar a

, ,

voice from Heaven speaking to the amazed mul

t i t u de through the lips of an innocent and fa

v o ure d agent but rather the well played comedy


o f an artful priest pe rformed by a no less cun


ning stager When he re fle c ted how p ure an d


spotless was her m ind at the epoch o f his first

introduction to her and then thought o f her

actual position so young and brought up i n

, ,

such reserve and obscurity and yet exhibiting


herself in so glaring a manner to public notice ,

displaying acting so consummate as to deceive

and blind men of the strictest honour and o f ,

no mean capacities he shuddered at the moral


depravity which so much perse v erance an d bold

ness in falsehood betrayed .

These feelings o f disgust weighed heavily on

his spirits ; and altho u gh he permitted them to
be apparent to n o o n e else he frankly comma

n i cat e d them to E leonore Her answer was,


as usual calc ulated to dispel the clouds fro m


his brow .

Yo u are kin d e nough to say y o u hav e some

c onfidence in my judgment she said ; , allow
me the n like so many others to perform a pil
, , ,

grimage to Ollioules ; I shall then be better able

to t e ll y o u how much o f all these reports that
affect you so painfully is founded in truth ; fo r
exaggeration has doubtless laid on its colours
with no sparing brush I shall also I doub t
, ,

it 3

no be able to detect how far C athe rin e is her


self the dupe o f her own imag ination I will .


at all events be a careful observer o f all that I


may be permitted to see and will report every ,

thing most faithfully eve n in its m i nutest de ,

tai ls M ay I go to O llio ul es

The approbation she sought was not with

hel d ; and Eleonore always prompt in following

up a n idea w as that very day o n the ro ad t o


S t Clare s
. M any and o f vario u s k inds were
, ,

the wayfarers she fell in with—all bound to the

same goal as hersel f S he ad dressed several .

females who evidently belonged to the lowest


clas s and di sc o vered that their trust in t h e new


saint o f Olli oules was i ll imited ; and as they

seemed sufficiently burthened by mise ry and
illness already E leonore thought it a cruelty to

seek to lessen the comfort which their strange

delusion afforded them They re c ounted t o her .

the most incredible facts that had occurred to

some o f their friends and relations through the

intervention o f the Holy Virgin o f S t Clare s .

as they called Catherine The stories they re .

cited in spite o f her utmost e ffor ts to repress


mond was e ver above the trivial occurrences o f

life that so often disturb less well strung nerves ; -

and she sat quietly surveying the scene u n co n ,

scious perhaps o f the e ffect her cal m demeanour ,

and the depth of in t elligence reflected in her

lustrous eyes was calculated to produce o n the

beholders Having been for some time the sub


je c t o f much scrutiny especially from the aris


t o crat i c end of the room she was n o t surpri sed


when a young lady detached herself from the

group and took a seat beside her
, .

You are o f Toulon madam I presume !
, ,

said the stranger in tones the slight hauteur of

, ,

which was almost veiled by their sweetness and ,

whose accent w as decidedly Parisian .

E leonore guessed the rank o f her interlocutor

at a glance ; and though cer tainly not in the
habit of conversin g with o r even o f seei n g,

marquises out o f their glass coaches she was ,

far from being overwhelmed by the c o n de sce n

sion o f the pretty sprig of aristocracy who h o -b

n o u re d her th u s far .

I am , was the reply conveyed in M a


demo iselle R aymond s mo s t ungracious man



The lady was evidently shocked at the wan t

o f respect even o f co u rtesy
, to which she had,

exposed herself and was about to turn away in


disgust ; but a second thought seemed to pre

vail with her ; for pushing aside the profusion

o f curls an d laces that obscured her features ,

she exhibited them in full to M ademois e lle

R aymond whose gaze in spite o f herself was
, , ,

rI ve t t e d by their exquisite loveliness although ,

time and the fatigue of an agitated life had

, ,

already somewhat dimmed their brightness .

The impertinence of a slightly turned up but ,

most delicately formed nose was fully amended ,

by the gentle smile that played o n her ripe and

pouting lips The re lay a world of love in her

deep hazel eyes fringed with darker lashes ;


and the grace o f courts and the assurance o f ,

fashion rather than that o f rank was revealed

, ,

in her c areless attitude .

Then she said
, y o u must know some

f —
thing o this thi s she paused a moment ,

as if embarrassed to find the fittin g expression

this youn g person she continued remark
, ,

ing the s ardonic smile that lighted up for a

moment th e gravi ty of the T o ulo n e se lady .

I do was the blunt ans w er ; we have

been friends from earliest ch ildhood .

R eally oh ! c harming ! Then you can


tell us all about her C o me come she cried .
, ,

o u t in a gleeful t o n e t o her companion come

, ,

we have what we want .

I do n o t understand sai d E leonore laugh , ,

i ng
, what you want ; but if it is me o r any i n ,

formation I am able to afford ho w c an you make ,

s ure o f securing either .

The handsome and an i mate d Parisian lady

turned her soft eyes upon her with a stare
expressive o f anything but pleasure and already ,

her lips opened doubtless to utt er some

, ,

u ngracious reply which woul d certa inly not


have furthered her views with the person she ‘

addressed when another came forward whose

, ,

counte n ance though s c arcely less beauti fu l than


that o f the former speaker was more t ouched by ,

time and e v idently had e v er been o f a thought


ful cast .

“Ah ! come my dear M ad am to my assist

, ,

ance said the repulsed fair o n e if you wo ul d

, ,

while away ti me and proc ure some li ght o n


high di stinction in the capital —the o n e an

acknowledged wit the other a beauty ; but her

utter ignorance o f Paris and the exalted sphere

in which such orbs were accustomed to move ,

prevented these discoveries from being o f any

service to her with regard to satisfying her
awakening curiosity A C anoness and a Phi

lo s o p h e r were two qualities which united in o n e ,

and the same person might have s ufficed to


betray a name but too well known to the public ,

had E leonore been less provincial ; but as it ,

was the ladies were perfectly safe fro m di sco v ery

, ,

so far as she was concerned .

“Being o f this neighbourhood t o wh i ch we


are perfect strangers said she whom E leonore
, ,

had heard complimented o n her talents i n a ,

natural and simple manner w hich in proportion

, ,

as it was freer from co urtly graces and mi na u

de ri e s than that o f the other was more congenial

to the person she addressed perhaps y o u will


be kin d enough to inform us if there be any

truth in the extraordinary things that are re
ported concerning this new marvel o f Provence .

I s she so beautiful so gifted an d ab ov e all so

, , , ,

! ”
trustworthy as pe o ple say

The deep thoughtful blue eyes o f the lady


were fixed o n M ademoiselle R aymond s with ,

an C xpression that said as plainly as words


could have spoken it she felt confident o f


obtaini n g a satisfactory answer to he r question .

E leonore rose with that involuntary feeli ng o f

respect which the mere presentiment o f tale n t i n
others awakens in those who are conscious o f
possessing some share o f it themselves and she
unhesitatingly replied
The you n g lady you hav e come to see o u t
o f mere curiosity has been most lovely and ex

c e lle n t
, and was once truth itself W hat she .

may have become during the fe w months we

have not met I can scarcely determine until I
have again seen her ; and it is that purpose

which has drawn me here t o day -

I understand said the stranger with a deep
, ,

sigh she has been during that time in this

convent ; and sincerity is n o t always the lesson

best taught in cloisters .

D uring the full hour that intervened previous

to Catheri ne s appearance there ensued between


the two courtly friends and Eleonore an ani

mated c olloquy i n which the latter was u n

conscio usly drawn o ut by the extraordinary con

v e rs at i o n al powers o f the el d er lad y who joined ,

to much depth o f thought a gentle earnestness

o f manner that pleased M ademoiselle R aymond ,

and made her overlook at the moment though ,

it afterwards came back t o her memory most

distinctly a few startli ng paradoxes bold views
, ,

of religion and fligh ty ones o f morality which

, ,

were c alculated to amaze a mind like hers firm ,

in womanly strength o f principle but which ,

soared not beyond the limits assigned to her sex

by education and society The other lady t e s

t i fie d now by her wearied looks and yawns an d

, ,

n o w by a few sparkling phras es shini n g through ,

the di scourse like the facets o f a diamond and ,

brin gin g a smile even to M ademoise lle R ay '

mond s grave lips that her wit more brilliant
, ,

than soli d was o f that light order which distils


j ust as mu c h essence from the flower o f all

things as it can conveniently retail to a crowd
o f a d mirers that has no time to be charmed too

long ; whereas the honey the other had gathered ,

whether o f a good or bad quality was evidently ,

extra c t e d for her o wn use the w orld only ,


“Pr in c ess A de l ai de s perhaps murmured

, ,

the other .

Perhaps was the answer ; but it was ac


companied with a deep sigh which shewed the ,

heart was not quite so light as the gay roving

glance would have bespoken it .

The heavy dark c urtain so sco m fully de

, ,

scribed by the fair advocate of the capital after ,

s undry j erks and tugs was withdrawn ; and a


novice appeared behind the grate s eated in ,

state in an antediluvian arm chair from the -


o ld hard stu ffed arms o f which the bras s knobs


appeared ready to drop with age Beside her .

w as a p ri e D i e u to match with two miserable


looking thi n tapers burning before it ; and a

flaming heart surmounted by doves wrapt i n a

chas te embrace c u t delicately out o f paper by


the cunning hand o f some o f the sisterhood ,

and resembling the lace like tracery o n e finds -

o n some o f our bo nbo ns boxes stood o u t in ,

relief o n a dark coloured missal placed upon it


On either hand o f the novice a few nuns had

grouped themselves self importance and idle

curiosity be ing strongly stampe d upon their


These me squi ne details were taken in at a

glance by the trio who stood yet aloof from t h e

grate and raised a smile that shewed how

, ,

unfavou rable t o the e ffect intended are the toy

like resources o f the catholi c faith when ad
dressed to cultivated intellects o r even to such

as have been ripened by the mere influence o f

elegant habits and the refinements attendant
u pon wealth and rank .

The poorer class o f c ourse were more e di fie d

, ,

with this little display however simple ; but


Catherine herself occupied most their attention ,

and they drew nigh to where she sat with an

expression o f holy confide n ce ennobling in itself

the object to which it was addressed .

The few persons there present that belonged

to the higher order o f society grouped them
selves i n the background as their inferiors

crowded o n the first ranks but occasionally


caught glimpses O f the young saint thro ugh the

wavin g motions o f her votarie s .

Catherine far from looking pale o r dejected


as when last Eleonore beheld her had a colour ,

i n her cheeks so bri ght and transparent as to


c ontrast with the waxy whiteness o f her brow

and hands in a manner that al most betrayed the
hand of art rather than that o f nature ; and the
l ustre of her eye and the deli c acy o f her
features were heightened beyond the degree
that is ag reeable by this lovely but unnatural
tint The novice s veil shroud ed her slight

figure and lent ad di tional digni ty t o the pe rfect


o v al of her physiognomy ; but it was n o t the

well known lineaments n o r e v en the unusual

colo uring that startled E leonore —i t w as the


expression pervad ing that on c e familiar c o un t e

nance and making it as strange to her eye as

tho ugh it h ad never rested o n it before .

There was a radiance o n the brow a lig ht in ,

the eye a suavity in the smile hovering ro und


the half unclosed lips the very impress o f hea


v en itself seeming to s urround her lovely head

with a halo o f refulgent li ght invisible to mortal ,

eye except by the reflection it cas t up o n her


irradia ted countenance .

S he s a saint—one h as only to look on her

t o say so ! exclaime d o ne o f the common
women i n e c stas y
, .

of nature as well as those o f affli cted hearts .

Here is a lock o f my daugh ter s hair Oh tell ’


me —tell me in the Virgin s name ! something


about her sweet lady l ,

Catherine looked earnestly at the lock o f

soft dark hair which had been placed by the

sobbing mother in her hand put it o n her ,

heart and kept it there some time when she

, ,

said in low but distinct tones as audible as if

, ,

they had been spoken in the ear o f each person

in the room
I see your daughter ; she is very young
almost a child —and very beautiful .

S he is but fifteen murmure d the grieve d

parent .

S he lies on her snowy bed all decked o u t ,

in white The marriage wreath binds her dark


locks and the small gold ring glitters o n the


third finger o f her left hand But the lights for .

the dead are burning at her head and at her

feet ; people in mourning are kneeling around
her ; a young man is weeping ; —yes she is ,

dead —I see the seal of death upon her brow ! ”

N o no not dead ! ex claimed the w o
, ,

man putting forth her hand and clasping in

, ,

the anguish o f the moment that o f the young ,

novice who in turn held it tightly imprisoned


within the grasp of her o w n slender delicate ,

fingers .

Woman ! woman l—why should y o u doubt

that the hand o f G o d has withdrawn what it
h ad given ! But though you r lips move in
prayer and speak of submission your heart
, ,

murmurs and rebels against his will I t is all .

o f no avail ! The physician has spoken i t — the

priest has read the prayers for the dead over

her friends have wept her loss What more

would y o u know !
A y but it must be a trance —a lethargy !


said the mother impetuously the despair at her

, ,

heart drying up the tears at their source .

But fifteen and so fair my only darling

so happy too ,The priest had but just spoke n

the blessing—the husband pressed his lips to

hers for the first time all her little ailings had
ceased—she looked as bright and smiling as t h e
angels —an d as she turned from the altar fel l ,

— —
into my arms de ad l no no ! impossible i t ,

V O L . I. L

is false I tell you ! and so I would tell the


angels were they to come o n earth and tell me

so I t cannot b e —they laid her o n her bridal
bed in her wedding clothes ; but it is now six

days ago and yet no trace o f death has come to


mark her for his prey Her hand is not yet .

cold —her face is pale but not discoloured , .

Oh sweet S aint o f O llioules say the priest


and the doctor are wrong—that she is but in

a swoon oh say so and I will worship y o u

, ,

C atherine agai n looked intently at the lock
o f hair w hi c h the mother had given her pressed ,

it to her bosom and after a somewhat protracted


pause replied

N o you must no longer resist the ord ers of


the physician nor refuse the dead the peaceful


grave Let flowers spring up from the bed o f


sod where must rest your innocent child Her .

sleep is that of eternity—her heart is broken .

Broken l shrieked the mother broken ! ,

Oh no, the lark that sang at her window was


n o t gayer than she .

“The fibres o f that heart were t o o weak to

22 0 M A GI C A ND M E sM E Iu S M .

Then after a short consultation as it appeared

, ,

o n e o f them again came forward and announced

that those who had any more demands to make

o f the novice should hasten as she wo uld not ,

be much longer able to reply to them .

The humbler votaries seemed now far less

anxious than previously to draw near the S aint
o f S t Clare s and after some hesitation observed

, ,

that as their betters were waiting they would

, ,

retire for that day Thi s design they soon


put into execution bearing the still insensible


woman in their arms whom with the sudden , ,

and warm impulse o f southern natures they ,

were now more intent upo n reviving an d con

soling than concerned about the business that

had brought them thither The few ladi es who .

were there lingered not long behind but seem

, , ,

i n gly too painfully affected with what they had

j ust witnessed to have the courage to expose
themselves to anything o f the kind left the ,

parlour with looks and gestures suffi ciently i n

d i cat i v e o f their deep conviction o f the super
natural agency visible i n Catherine .

A s they were moving away the strangers , ,


who still stood at E leonore s elbow spoke in ’


low hurrie d tones that gradually became audi

ble discussing the propriety of remaining yet

awhile o r of following the example set by


others .

A fter having come so far said the graver ,

lady who w as the first to recover her compos ure

, ,

“it were absurd to depart thus unsatis factorily .

To have made all this fuss and yet to lack the ,

co urage to face the matter out ! Nay if y o u ,

go I stay and see we are not alone and her

, , ,

glance plainly intimated that M ademoiselle

R aymond was the presence alluded to .

“M ay be but I like not the aspect the thing


has taken answered the other tremulously
, , .

A t a distance it looked a very amusing


p la i s a nte ri e but,it is a very di f

f erent matter
now I tell you I do not feel nerve to go

through it .

N onsense my dear ! urged the other with
, ,

reviving spirits it is I assure you but a well

, ,

got up comedy ; it is easy for this pretended

marvel of the place to gain intelligence of what
has been pas sing so im mediately in her vicinity ;

the trick is a stale o n e and ought not to be ,

palmed o ff with success upon a person who

knows so much of the world as you do .

“But really I began the other hesi ,

t at i n gly .

Yo u must, ma allow yourself to

t o ute be lle ,

be persuaded overruled even if y o u please ,

by me in this affair Let us advance bravely

, .

hand in hand and you w ill soon see that to

, ,

unexpected visitors of whose identities and


history she must be wholly ignorant her ,

an swers will be altogether of another nature .

S he will get embarras sed speak nonsense o r , ,

take refuge in an obstinate silence ; and after

what y o u have this mornin g seen it will per , ,

haps be a soothin g conviction to yo u r m i nd


that she is nothi ng but an impostor .

Truly if I co ul d bring myself to believe


so but before the timid beauty had time to

finish her sentence her companion had taken

her by the hand and with gentle violence


bro ught her close to the grate .

E leonore who h ad not lost a syllable o f the


foregoing di alogue although it was spoken in


cease their formal opposition to the burial


taking place according to custom and police

regulations—all this was a matter o f notoriety ,

and caused much discussion amo n g the public ,

who began to shew manifest alarm lest the

ceremony O f interment should be in some ,

cases too promptly performed ; a possibility to


which the rumours excited by this event gave

some colour What E leonore had j ust wit

n e sse d therefore was n o t conclusive evidence

, ,

o f her friend s veracity S he might still be


acting a part though M ademoiselle R aymond


was forced to acknowledge that in that case she

had proved a most consummate actress .

We have been informed you can divine as

w ell the mysteries of the future as declare th ose

o f the past said the bolder o f the two ladies to

Catherine with a somewhat incredulous smile

, .

W e would have a proof o f the latter talent that ,

we may repose more trust in the former .

T he nuns were at first struck dumb with, , ,

this irreverent mode o f addressing their saint ;

then suddenly gave vent to their reprobation in
terms of anything b u t p laci d reproo f To their

vehement objurgations the o ffender replied in

the most winning and honeyed phrases evi ,

d e n tly anxious to make up for her mistake and ,

succeeded after a time though not without ,

di ffi culty in laying t h e storm she had raised


The softened sisters withdrew from be fore their

idol to whose person they had momentarily

formed an impenetrable barrier ; peace w as

restored and the lady prepared herself to ad

dress Catherine in more appropriate terms .

I t is n o t to gratify idle curiosity o r to ,

dissipate an hour of languor that we open our ,

gates to the followers o f folly or mundane

van ities Our motives for departing from the

strictness of our rules are of a graver higher ,

nature said o n e o f the nuns who seemed
, , ,

both in manner and rank above the rest and , ,

who w as addressed as the mistress of the novices .

“I t is that the grace and light whi ch it has

pleased G od to bestow upon this humble maiden ,

and which exalt her above her years and station ,

may peradvent ure recal an erring soul from its

, ,

career of mortal sin and turn it to repentance


, she added wi th a severe look and marked

L 3

emph asi s —“
o r to confound pe rchan ce shame , ,

less sceptic i sm that would seek i n the brightness

, ,

o f the sun itse lf a proof of the darkness w hich


it advocates .

The repro ach cut deep into the soul of the

youn ger lady who devoutly crossed herself ;

but the elder cast an inquiring glance on the

nun in whom the fl e e mas o n ry o f education and

manner had at once revealed to her practised

eye an equal N or was she mistaken M adame
. .

de L E sco t the mistress o f the novices at the


convent o f S t Clare o f Olli oules w as a lady

, ,

by birt h as well as breeding The result o f this .

discovery was a slight bow o f acquiescence in

the stranger ; who now turning to Catheri ne , ,

and extending her left hand through the wi cket ,

whilst with the right she still tightly grasped

her companion as if afraid that she would break

away and leave her alone and un as sisted to get


o ut of the dilemma in which she had placed

herself said in a grave submissive tone

, , ,

You behold two women who would wi l ,

li ngly atone by the future for many an error in

the pas t if they but knew how ; they are com e

Yours has been a stormy youth lady , .

Your besetting si n was pride ; it is humbled ,

n o t b roken A mbition w as your idol ; to i t


y o u have sacri ficed duty and honour — for it ,

stifled alike the voice of your heart and that o f

your conscience —y o u broke the vows that bound
you to heaven the tie that bound you to earth

—you forgot your convent and later your child, , ,

in the guilty pursuit o f a guilty aim Yes you . ,

have known the court well and i ts hollowness ,

and deceit I t makes me su ffer to think of


such things —to behold them is pain very great ,

pain Yo u have known power too but that

, ,

dream is over now ; pleasure pomp and power , , ,

are alike left behind in the rapid flight o f time .

Born to obscurity fate has elevated y o u o n i ts


pinions for a time to fling you back into your


native element Your son inheriting your gifts

, ,

and perchance some o f the errors o f your

, ,

j udgment will rise o n this hemisphere a brilliant

, ,

star but will deny you in his hour of triumph

, ,

as you have denied him in his helplessness .

Yo u rejected a mother s care —a mother s j oys

’ ’

will ne v er be yours B ut the past may y e t be


atoned —to the world by your talents to heaven ,

by sincere contrition
E nough —enough said the lady haughtily , ,

tearing her hand from the novice “ I t is now .

your turn madam addressing her companio n
, ,

The latter stood as if rooted to the spot by

some irresistible power As her friend fell .

back she inv oluntarily extended her hand to


t h e saint who seized and kept it in hers fo r a

, ,

fe w moments without speak ing then gazed ,

intently at it for a few more as if willing to ,

read in the almost imperceptible lines o f the


rosy palm the secrets of the heart whose throbs


were almost audible .

I t i s fair to look upon an d yet there is ,

blood on that hand she said The lady gas ped
, .

for breath and closed her eyes whilst a slight , ,

but visible shudder passed over her frame .

Yes there is blood—i t sickens me to look


at it

I have n o t spilled any, murmured the fair

penitent . Oh ! if you know aught you surely ,

know that
“N ot you —

, but it was spilt through y ou ;


your smil es were his destruction Had he looked


less often into your bright eyes never knelt ,

a t your feet—had he not been s u rpri sed there

by a jealous a princely lover—his doom h ad

never been sealed Yes that is what weighs


heaviest on your heart All your manifold sins


—your broken vows— your adulterous amours

your shame —your hours o f dallian c e and o f
guilt are all light forgotten o ffences compared
, , ,

with that one fatal consequence o f your levity .

He lov ed you with all the devotion o f a reck

less an erring but a truthful heart ; and you
, ,

accepted the homage that was to prove h i s ruin ,

thoughtlessly carelessly ; but he was hand


some youn g high born y o u lo ved hi m too I I i s

, ,

portion was the rack and t he wheel —his noble

blood was spilt as though it had been that o f
the meanest boor that ever crawled Yes he .

loved you well—your name was o n his dying

li ps ; and yet your head rested again o n his
princely rival s bosom ; you heard him call a

cowardly revenge justice ; you drank in his


cup sat in his halls wreathed gay flowers in

, ,

yo ur locks for hi s banquets, and the pale spe c tre


escaped the knowle dge even o f such rec l uses

as the virgins o f Ollioules The literary fame o f

M adame de Tencin had indeed survived in the ,

world o f Paris the renown o f her beauty and


her intrigues ; but nought could mitigate their

heinousness in the eyes o f the nuns though ,

swallo wed up for the moment in the deep

, ,

interest created by the supposed hero ine o f the

tragical event just alluded to —the death of t he
young Count de Hom e s — which was yet fresh
in every mind .

Altho ugh all creditable historians hav e agreed

in charging him with the o ffence fo r which he
su ffered yet there were many at the time espe
, ,

c i all among the privileged classes to which he

belonged who were inclined to doubt both t h e

j ustice o f his sentence and the R egent s motives

for enforc ing it with a relentless purpose so

much at variance with his usual easiness o f
temper The dissolute habits of the Prince

naturally led the suspicious to couple this n u

wonted severity with some portion o f the scan ~

daloue chronicle of his life ; and they as serted

that j ealo usy of the Count s success wi th one o f


the very few objects o f his gallantry for whom

he ever professed or felt a real passion the
, , ,

lovely M arquise D e P arabere s was the real ,

cause o f his secret rag e against D e Hornes ,

which a chance accident by involving the ,

Count in a mysterious and criminal affair had ,

favoured . Others there were who affi rmed ,

that the desire to oblige law and protect his ,

system was the only reason for this act of i n


clemency .

However slight the foundation for such

rumours may have heen and however obv i ous

the motives of those who brought them into

circulation still n one can read the sad fate of

this ill starred young nobleman without feeling


some surprise perhaps e ven suspicion at such

, ,

un wonted and in some details almost malig


nant severity as the R egent displayed in a case

, ,

where so many attenuating circumstances might

have pleaded in favour o f the culprit His .

extreme you th his illustrious origin his more

, ,

t han doubtful sanity o f mind his quality o f ,

foreigner— the mean condi tion and lost character

o f his accusers —all these were so many facilities

afforded t o the Prince s mercy But vainly di d


the highest in the real m humble the pride they

almost invariably opposed to the R egent o n

every possible occasion to petition the youth s

life or at least a commutation of the sentence


into inflicting death in a more humane manner .

Vainly did they implore that his blood which ,

c laimed affinity to that o f the R egent himself ,

should not be disgraced by a p e ine i nfama nte

the voice o f pe tition and that of mercy were
alike disregarded ; and at the early age of nine
teen the handsomest youth o f the day perished

like the lowest and worst of malefactors .

The general outline of this sad story was as ,

I have said but too well known to admit o f


what had just passed not be i ng fully u n de rs t O o d

by all present ; and there ensued at its close a
pause o f surprise and indignation during which

the unfortunate woman who had so powerfully

excited the latter feeling in the bosoms o f the
quiet sisterhood was shoved by her friend more
, ,

dead than alive into the chaise that had brought


them to the convent door .

I t was the rattle o f its wheels that first re


of an excellently got up exquisitely played,

co medy that only wanted a little better setting


o ff in the way of decoration to be perfect or if ,

it were a strange awful mystery of natu re

which she had for the first time beheld Ho w .

long she might yet have remained thu s absorbed

and unmindful of time o r place it is impossible ,

to say ; for a light though firm grasp was laid


on her arm she started looked up in surprise


, ,

and my father stood before her .

I have been present almost since the very

first moment he said though you did not see
, ,

me lost as I was in the shadow of the entrance


door I have seen and heard everything ; so


trouble not you rself to relate what it were pain

to describe nor attempt to explain what hard ly

admits of explanation I am not ashamed to


confess it it was a womanish curiosity that


brought me here ; but I am glad o f the impulse ,

let its cause be what it may since it has brought


me to you at the right moment .

M ademoiselle R aymond indeed had cause to

rejoice at his timely presence Her nerves .

strong as they naturally were had been nu ,


usually shaken and she needed an arm o n


which t o lean a gentle and sympathising but


firmer mind than her o w n to lead her by

degrees if not thoroughly to understand in all

its details o r to obliterate the general impres


sion o f that morni ng s procee di ng at least to


calm the ag itation it had excited and to regu ,

late the ideas i t had engendered .

A s to my father pu z zled and perplexed he

, ,

once more turned over many a dusty volume ,

that only perplexed and puzzled him the more ,

then ceasing from his unfruitful labour v o lun ,

t ari ly
though not without a strong e ffort he ,

dismissed the subject altogether from his mind ,

and trusted to the future to throw m ore light

upon it than his reason torture it as he would
, ,

could well afford at the present moment .

I may as well here mention that when at a ,

later period M ademoiselle R aymond had occa


sion to visit P aris and the ladies D e Tencin


and D e Parab ere were pointed o u t to her notice ,

she had no difficulty though meeting them in a


calmer lighter scene i n recognising in them

, ,

the strangers o f the parlour at S t Clare s and .


when at a still later period D A le mb e rt the

, ,


former s natural son shone conspicuous in the


bright but bane ful c onste ll ation that for a time

illumined the horizon of French literature ,

when hi s name was pronounced along with

those o f Volta ire R ousse au D iderot and the
, , ,

rest that name recalled involuntarily to all

, , ,

who had been present at the scene we have

described Catherine s all usions c oncerning him


N o r was the fact thought less remarkable that

when at las t at the re quest o f the phy sician s

and desire o f the authorities the body o f the ,

young gi rl whose sudden decease had caused

such general sensation was submitted to an ,

topsy it was di scovered that the cause though

, ,

totally unsuspected w as very natural

, The .

heart had burst ; which as the poor child had ,

been for the last few years subject to constant

and violent palpitations and was otherwi se o f a

very delicate c onstitution w as not a matter o f ,

mar vel to the faculty .

The events whi ch led to the sketch I have so

rapidl y traced took however many months i n
, , ,

developing themselves ; and some time had


dame C ad I e re s thought o r had ever thought o f

her ; but the recollection o f the daughter soft
ened her toward s the mother to whose folly ,

she could not but remember that she owed her

own felicity ; and she sai d in a gentle tone

And so I could wish ever to remain But .


pray is there anythin g in my power by which I


can testify my friendship at this momen t !
Oh yes —many things replied the o ld
, ,

lady a c cepting a pro ffered seat

Yo u see I .

a m sadly afraid I have been altogether mis

taken i n Father G irard although not in my

daughter as you mus t now admit
, .

M ademoiselle R aymond n o t choosing to fill

up the pause which M adame C adi é re s here
made fo r an answer the latter continued

Yes there will be a S aint C atherine of


Toulon as there is o n e of G enoa and o f S ienna


as fo r that heresy itself cannot deny it although

, ,

I have heard it denies saints altogether How .

ever that signifies nothing—mine cannot be


talked away ; but I will candidly o w n you were

right in thinking Father G irard sel fish and
overbearing My son the D ominican and
, ,

even the ecclesiastic have come to the same ,

conclusion .

And is it merely to impart this discovery

that you have done me the honour of this

visit ! said M ademoiselle R aymon d whose ,

patience was ebbing fas t .

Oh no—not exactly said the expansive

, ,

matron I came to ask your advice your ,

assistance o n a very difficult point for a mother


to decide about I have j ust received a letter

from Catherine .

Have y o u it by you said M ademoiselle

R aymond with reviving interest
, what does

it contain !
Why you must kno w that neither I nor my

poor girl ever liked the idea of her going into a

convent S he al ways declared herself loudly

against the plan N0 no ! Catherine was des .


tined to be a saint but not a nun Father , .

G irard however insisted in spite o f all her

, ,

tears and protestations —h e also wrung a forced

consent from me His taking her to Ollioule s .

and that too wh en she was very ill and needed

, , ,

nothing so mu ch as a mother s care ’

VO L . I . M

You might you ought to have prevented


this ; but perhaps it may not be t o o late said ,

M ademoiselle R aymond endeavo u ri ng to cu t ,

short the wearisome repetition o f facts with

which she w as well a c quainted and which had ,

ceased to be o f paramount interest to her I .

hope Catherine is n o worse Hav e y o u seen .

her lately !
N o t very recently ; but when I last saw
her I thought my heart would break only to

look upon her S he is so changed she looks

as if she had j ust risen from her grave .

M adame C adi ere s put her kerchief to her

eyes and E leonore did not feel wearied by the

sight o f this natural sorrow n o r at the mo d e in ,

which it was expressed but pressed her visitor s


hand in sym pathizing kin dness .

Well Father G irard s power be ing at an


end with Catherine it wil l be e as y to put a


stop to all this she said, E xert yourself but

a very little and you will recover her
, .

There s the di fficulty ; the poor ch il d is

completely in his hands —she c an t withdraw ’

he rs elf fro m him but wants us to do i t ; she

244 M A GI C A ND ME S ME R I SM .

What can be hi s motiv e fo r this strange

insistance said E leonore thoughtfully e u , ,

de av o u ri ng in her o w n mind to find a C lue

to the seemingly aimless labyrinth o f the J e
suit s system o f persecution


He says it is to humble my poor Cathe

rine s pride ; but if you but saw her she

, ,

already looks more dead than alive The con .

vent kills her by inches and yet the order ,

o f S t Claire is very mild

. What will she n o t

have to suffer if forced into o n e o f a more

austere description ! I cannot brin g myself to

think o f it .

But after all my dear madam what can

, ,

Catherine object to so much in a convent life

she dislike s m arriage M ademo i selle R ay

mond blushed deeply as she spoke .

Ye s ; and some people doubtless think , ,

themselves lucky that she does .

E leonore forbore fro m answering the taunt

with o n e in the same bad taste for which the ,

e fforts o f M adame C adi ere s at o n e time to , ,

obtain her hand and fortune fo r o ne of her sons ,

might have afforded her an ample opportu nity ;


but as I before have had occasion to say she w as

, ,

superior if not to all the weaknesses of her sex

, ,

at least to those that take their rise in narrow

n ess o f mind o r badness o f the heart Her .

spirit was as noble as her feelings were ge

nerons S he could utter a reproach but never

a sarcasm —she could blame but never turn ,

any o n e into ridicule I fear there are not


many like her o r we should se e the world


abounding with better brough t up families

But this is again a digression—

forgive it me I ,

entreat I hav e cause to d well on this subject


with pleasure .

M adame C adI e re s was utterly unable t o u n

de rst an d such sentiments and accordin gly , ,

without p any attention to the delicacy of

the yo s silence sh e added i n the tone
, ,

of one deeply affronted

But although Catherine does not like the
notion of matrimony as you say she loves her
, ,

home and her mother .

S he is happy in possessin g e i th er said ,

M ademoiselle R aymond with a sigh , .

Besides continued the mother i n eage r
, ,

vindication of her child you should remem,

ber that the life she leads is not an e asy o n e for

a sick girl accustomed to all t h e indulgences o f

home To be rous ed in the depth o f night


from sound refreshi n g sleep to attend mid

, ,

night prayers—to kneel o n the cold marble

and above all to abstain from meat all the
, ,

year round—are physical sufferings which ordi

nary beings such as you and I can easily c o m
, ,

prehend But t o these are added moral stru g


gles o f which we can have no notion The

, .

latter o f course come from Heaven and c an t ,

be helped ; but it is my duty to spare her those

unnecessary trials which can be o f little use in
ele vating such a soul as hers but must b ring ,

her body to premature decay I am proud and .

happy to see the palm o f the saint in Cathe

rine s hand but I hav e not the courage to see


her wear the crown o f martyrdom .

N or I could I but see in w hat manner it


were possible to extricate o n e who will n o t be

That is just the point o n which I came to
consult Having fully explained my motives

But dear madam if it is M onsieur

, my ,

C haud o n s advice you require why not ask it

, ,

personally o him
f ! Yo u know him and must
, ,

be convinced o f his kind feelings towards you

and yours .

That is what I could not feel sure of and as

he has experienced so much disappointment a t
o u r hands o f course we feel delicate in aski n g

any service o f him .

But surely n o t n o w when his being in a

, , ,

state of consolation is officially anno unced ,

answered E leonore laughin g “ I t is at the .

, ,

best an exaggeration o f delicacy G o to hi m ;

, .

I c an assure y o u o f a kind welcome .

Oh I have no doubt S till he might resent

, .

the p ast ; my sons and even I were obliged to , ,

treat him with grea t distance ; well you kno w ,

it all and so

I see that you totally misconceive the whole

a ffair my dear madam said M ademoiselle
, ,

R aymond ; but if you will follow my advice

though it seems after all it is not for that you
, , ,

came here —you will sit quiet for a few minutes

lo n ger when M onsieur Chaudon whom I ex
, ,

pe ct every instant w i ll be able,to satisfy all

your doubts .

This was said with a malicious smile and ,

produced instantaneously the desired e ffect

, ,

M adame C adi é re s rose and took her leave ; b u t

in so doi n g she thrust a sadly crumpled note
into E leon ore s han d sayin g
‘ ’

This is from Catherine Oh ! do n o t .

abandon us
E leonore willi ngly forgot the silly vain w o ,

man the moment the mother spoke in Madam e


C ad i é re s S he promised her assistance and


her promises were sacred as oaths .

The letter contained but these words

you do not w i thdraw me hence my ,

mother I perish !


On re adi ng these few w ords M ademoiselle ,

R aymond s emotion was great ; but of co urse , ,

its fi rst impulses were controlled by the wise

hand that i n future was to guide her destiny .

I t was agreed that both her future husband and

herself should go to Ollioules an d try to gain ,

M 3

admittance to the saint They had e v en fixed


the day for this joint v i sit when a sudden fit


of sickness interfered with M ademoiselle R ay

mond s wishes and my father went alone
, .

A fter some demur for at first he was not
, ,

willing to let Catherine know who sought an

interview with her apprehensive o f a refusal

he gave i n hi s name which proved the real


s e sa me to the parlour grate o f S t Clare s ; .

where in the habit o f a novi ce o f that orde r

, ,

Catherine awaited hi m .

Had he not been prepared to meet her he ,

could never have recognised in the colourless , ,

worn emaciated being who now stood before


him wi th pendant arms half open lips and a

, , ,

wan brow fro m which all intelligence ha d


faded the obj ect of his early adoration

, .

Her v estments hung loosely round her

shr unken pers on that no longer exhibited the

graceful outlines of ripening womanhood wh i ch

had once di stinguished it They were t o o , ,

donned with a negligence contras ting much

with the scrupulous neatness o f attire whi ch
she was wont to di splay ; but the c hange that

! n i t ed with the familiarity o f past times that

, ,

all awkwardness might be removed o n her part ,

should she feel any i n addressing him for the

first time since she had so unkindly dismissed
him .

! ”
A re y o u sorry to see me Catheri ne he ,

said gently looking steadfas tly at her as he

, ,

spoke — for he remembered E leonore s as ser


tion that this was the most e ffectual m eans she


had d iscovered o f securi n g her attention .

T he novice turned her eyes languidly from

his fixed gaze and answered in a low toneless
, ,

voice that struck painfully o n his ear like the

, ,

harbinger of approachin g decay .

O h no ! why should I 9—1 am never glad


o r sorry at anything now .

“But you would be glad to leave the c o n

vent I presume
, A t least I have been told as

much .

“Yes if Father G irard will allow me ; b u t


he won t h e never will

S he uttered these

words despondingly and su ffered her head to


fall o n her breas t .

E xert your o w n w ill but for a moment and ,


you are free urge d my father

, Your mother

is ready to receive you back to her arms so ,

are your brothers so is E leonore all who have

, ,

e v er known and loved y o u ; and here am I ,

with full authority to claim you in their name

, ,

if y o u will but allow me to do so .

Yo u l y o u want to take m e away fro m
here This is very very kind and more than I
, ,

deserve at your hands —she blushed slightly


as she made this allusion to the past —“ but it ,

cannot avail me Yo u had better not put your


self for ward i n this matter ; don t thwart him ’

he will not bear to be thwarted .

That is spoken more like yo ur former self ,

dear Catherine though not in the same tones

, .

Yo u seem very feeble ; you must really return

home were it only for your health s sake A s


for me I neither seek to o ffend nor yet dread

, ,

to do so in a fair cause any breathing mortal ;

, ,

monk or soldier are alike to me in that respect .

Besides why sho uld this redoubted Jesuit wish


to immure y o u here or any where else


“Because he w ishes my speedy death now

he has ceased to like me ; that is why he wishes

me to go to S aletta He may cheat others with .

fair words but from me he cannot hide his


thoughts .

I dare say you know him thoroughly said ,

my father delighted a t see i ng the soulless


apathy which at first sight had seemed to him

, , ,

to have usurped in her the place o f every fac ul ty ,

gradually giving way as something more o f life ,

and human interest lighted up her eye I t was .

t o him as if the mists o f night were slowly

rolling away from before a well kno wn prospe c t .

He rej oiced in the chan ge slight as it was and , ,

was pleased to ascribe it to the beneficial e ffe c ts

o f his presen c e but her voice had still the same
monotonous husky powerless sound that so
, ,

painfully grated o n his ear o n whi ch still hung ,

the soft silvery tones that had on c e ch armed


hi m .

But knowing hi m and h is purposes well

, ,

he conti nued why n o t defeat them !

“I may not muttere d the novice with a”

, ,

slight shudder .

Then why wri te to yo ur mo ther t o take

y o u away

A lthough well aware h o w powerful are the

rays o f the human eye o n all those to whom
reason is denied either in o ur o wn species or
, ,

even in the most wild o f the animal creation ,

my father had recourse t o the means re co m

mended b v E leonore to command both Cathe
rine s attention and goodwill without much


trusting in th e ir e ffi cacy S everity indeed he

, ,

believed to be operative to a certain extent , ,

over all weak intellects even when n o t actually


disordered ; but never had he so stro n g an

evidence o f that doctrine s truth as in this ’

instance which he frankly owned to me made

, , ,

him ful ly understand the nature o f animal mag

n e t i s m though at the time he vainly struggled
, , ,

to class it und e r any recei v ed denominati on ,

o r define its boundaries .

The m anner of the young girl underwent a

marked chan ge at the same time that her whole

person assumed an air o f passive obedience ;

an animated expression instantly pervaded her
features nor did she attempt to withdraw her

hand from the firm grasp that held it .

“Yes she said as if i n c ommun io n w i th her



own thought rather than with reference to th e

subject under discussion yes y o u me an it , .

well by her and by me Oh no you are not .


like Father G irard ! Your hand cools it does ,

not burn .

Well then let yours rest in i t and answer

, , ,

k —
freely and fran ly D o y o u lo ve Father G irard
“Oh n o no ! almost shrieked Catherine

, ,

Ours is a bond of hatred n o t o f love He , .

has bewitched me I tell you —that is o ur only


. But do not mention this I t maddens
, .

me to think o f it
“I must insist continued my father au th o ri

, ,

t a t i ve ly
“painful as the inte rrogatory may be
to both I n what way has t he spell you co m

plain o f worked ! ”

Yo u see me after months o f absence and ,

you ask said C atherine reproachfully Is, .

there anything left of what I once possessed !

Youth beauty happiness— h e has wrenched
, ,

everything fro m me ! His words have mocked

my ears his thoughts bewildered my brain
, ,

his wickedness seared my heart From the firs t .

hour his u nhallowed breath warmed my bro w ,


fever has throbbed in my pulses madness burnt ,

my brai n remorse gnawe d into my heart My

, .

nights have known no rest my days no jo y , ,

my conscience no peace M y life has been but .

a protracted torture and you ask me in what


manner the spell has worked !
My father was startled at this s udden display
o f vehemence and though prepared fo r some

s u ch ebullition by E leonore s account o f her ’

own observations still this strange exhib i tion


o f feeling aroused his deepest interest .

Yo u have suffered much I he mechanically ”

exclaimed still retaining within his the passive


hand whic h C atherine thou ght not o f with

drawing .

M uch ! she repeated with a bitterness O f


accent that seemed for a moment to restore

, ,

some tone to her voice —

M uch l more a .

thous and times more than you o r any human

, ,

being who has not been in that fie n d s power ’


c an guess ! Oh ! b ut w e re I t o speak for hours


I never could tell all I have suffered My .

whole existence is wrecked in this world and , ,

perhaps i n the next ! Al l I loved he bade me


circumstan c es hav e felt a mean triumph in it ;


o r admitting that he was influenced by more


gentl e and gentlemanly feelings some weakness ,

might have come over him and the past become ,

lended with the present N ot so my father . .

His character was as firm as it w as noble The .

latter quality indeed rarely exists where the

, ,

former 1 s missing That which had been was

, ,

i n his mind irrevocably separated fl o m what


was C o n s t i t u tro n ally free fl o m the infirmity


o f melancholy brooding he never looked back ,

wards i n life but ever cheerily forward When

, .

he heard therefore this confirmation o f a fact

, ,

long since suspected by him he w as grieved ,

for Catherine s sake but not for his own fo r his

, ,

affections were n o w unreservedly in the poss e s

sion of E leonore ; nor was he depraved enough
to misunderstand the words of the wretched
inmate o f S t Clare s as they welled fro m the


depth of uncontrollab le feeling .

A s he paused to consider in what manner h e

should avoid uttering anything consistent with
the truth without o ffending the young girl she ,

continued w i th increas i ng warmth


Oh you cannot fancy such an existence as

mine has been I could not love I could not

pray— that was worse than all beside I thought .

blasphemies even whilst the world called me


holy My soul is lost ! lost for ever that fiend

has possessed himself o f it ! and suddenly
tearing her fingers from my father s grasp she ’

wrung her hands in the very wil dness of

despair .

Brighter days began my father .

Never never ! she exclaimed You .

know not I am lost I rretrievably lost in this
, ,

world as in the next h e has robbed me o f
every thing—my faith and my hope—even o f
N ay Catherine you speak wildly ; y o ur
, ,

innocence who could taint !
S he covered her face with both her han ds ,

and the tears forced their way through her

slender fingers .

What can this mean Catheri ne ! I must ,

I insist on knowing .

Yes said the poor girl slowly withdrawing
, ,

her han ds and exhibiting o n her wan cheeks


two hecti c spots yes —I kno w what I say —I

am disgraced—h e h as robbed me o f e verything
home and friends—my G od and my early
love —h e has left me nothing—nothi ng—not
’ ”
even a woman s honour .

My father was spee c hle ss with am az ement .

M uch as he had pondered o n Father Gi rard s

character and the possible motives o f his


strange conduct towards C atherine this leading ,

o n e had never struck him ; and when M ade

mo i s e lle R aymond r e cited how she had caused

the Jesuit to tremble at the mere epithet ,

seducer which she breathed in hi s c ar on the

morning of Catherine s depart ure for Ollioules


he had not suspected the full meaning which

both the young lady and the priest attached to
the word He fancied indeed she me ant to
, ,

reproach him with seduc ing a young girl from

her home and friends inducing her to adopt a

c ourse o f life diametri c ally opposed to her real

i nclinations and their wishes ; but the coarser ,

broader acceptation o f the word he had deeme d

inapplicable in referen c e to C atherine had not ,

even Father G irard s di sgus ting appearan ce

those with whom she came in contact answered ,

the questions he put w i th almost childlike

frankness the whole web o f iniquity was laid

bare to his scrutiny Father G irard s aim he



now plainly saw was t o elevate himself in his


order by mean s of his votaries and proselytes ;

but his ambition though strong was not the
, ,

master passion o f his soul His baser grosser .


instincts came athwart it and neutralized his,

other well ordered plans for bettering himsel f


This had been more glaringly the case with

Catherine C adi ere s ; whose peculiarities o f
mind had presented him with a gloriou s o p p o r
t u n i ty o f satisfying his ambition had not her ,

beauty too fatally tempted hi m from the pursuit

of his primary object He would howev er .
, ,

have succeeded in blendin g the glory o f p ro

s e l t i s m with the indulge n ce o f his c ynical

l ibertinism had not C atherine s violent remorse
, ,

and the moody melancholy that preyed on her

health together with the general attention she

excited agitated him with the fear that his foul


secret might be discovered .

This then was the re ason why he insisted o n

, ,

her removal to S t Clare s where he hoped all



chance of discovery would be buried with her

beneath her nun s veil The resistance how


ever which Catherine and her frie n ds opposed


to his wishes on this point both incensed and ,

embarrassed him ; b u t he w as determined to

overcome every diffi culty ; for his profane an d
licentious passion drew h i m still towards his
wretched victim by a spell as powerful as any

that he himself could raise .

But either fear getting t h e better o f h is


inclination as a marked ch ange in the lady
abbess s manner warned hi m that her suspicions

were roused o r as u sual with depraved beings

, , ,

the very violence o f his passion wearing it

o ut
he finally saw less o f its object ; an d a t ,

last formed the project o f removing her alto


gether from any co mmunication either with

himself o r others —hence his diabolical deter
mination to bury her wrongs and her sorrows in
the living tomb of a Carthusian cell .

What a mas s O f vices—what a tale o f m i s

fortun e did the fe w words he elicited fro m
Catherine s lips re veal to her compan ion ! He

V OL . I.

could hav e wept over her as a father over a

favourite child and he felt i t would have been
a pleasure at that moment to crush the vile
, ,

Jesuit li ke a venemous reptile under his h eel

, .

But his was a profession that teaches self

control better and tames the passions earlier
, ,

than perhaps any other His warm and gene .

rous nat ure had not indeed become chilled

, , ,

but merely guided by the habits o f self p o sses -

sion it imposes He dared not trust himself to


s p eak lest he should utter aught that he might


repent o f ; but his flashing eye and quivering

lip betrayed the se c ret struggle within and hi s ,

sympathy w ith the victi m more than words

could have conveyed When he felt conscious

of having s u fficiently mastered his first i ndi g

n ant emotion he gave , vent to the grief that
filled hi s heart for the ruin o f o n e whose wel

fare i n spite o f his alienated a ffe c tio n he yet

, ,

held so dear and whose overwhelming w retched


ness—t ose very loss made her still dearer

, .

My poor Catherine he exclaime d clothing ,

his sympathy i n the words o f tenderness with

an almost feminine intui tion o f c ompassio n

repeatedly with his hand her l ook be c ame still ,

more strange .

Yo u have l oved me well she said ; your ,

advice must be the best ; but y o u must no t be

so sad or my heart will break I f I could only

get home again I should then at least sink

, , ,

quietly into my grave .

Yo u s ha ll return home I promise i t sai d .


my father ; and his words seeme d to c o nv e y

assuran c e to the poor sufferer .

But continued he surely you c an afford
, ,

me consolation o n so me points M ake my mind .

easier o n the past and the future by confessing ,

yourself the involuntary agent o f a fraud not ,

a participator in i t —a pretended saint in short

, , .

S ay so my dear girl ; for your sake as wel l


as mine say so


The tone o f my father had bec o me gentle

and imploring as he tried to coax Catherine
into a convictio n which b e conceived an indis

pensable prel iminary to any steps he might

think fit to take o n her behal f But to his .

gr e at surprise his manner produced exactly the


contrary result to that which he was desirous o f

e ffecting .

am not obliged to think like other people

I ,

ans wered Catherine the permanent irritability ,

o f her shattered nerves being in nothing more

obvious than in the fi t fuln e ss of her mood ; it

seemed to vary with every tone and turn o f her
interlo c utor “I may b e a saint or a sinner

o r both for aught that others may wish me to


be I scarcely know myself what I am ; it


is not likely therefore I should be able o r

, ,

willing to tell even you .

C atherine I hoped to hav e listened t o


kinder language the expression o f gentler feel


ings o n your part I am sure if the mos t .


devoted the most brotherly sentiments can


deserve such I may claim as a right some return


o f friendship .

D oubtless y o u are very go o d ; an d if my


poor head were not so confused if my pulses ,

did not throb so I am certain I should be and


should say all you desire ; but I do not know ,

how it is I cannot fix my thoughts The

, .

pleas ure I had in first seeing you is ebbing

fast Perhaps she added with a slight degree
, ,

of emb arrassment and perturbatio n perhaps ,

o u had better go
y .

To be thus c o olly discarded after havi ng met

with so warm a recept i on and especially after ,

having been made the depositary o f her sad

secret appeared to my father a con clusive

e v idence of insanity in the poor girl and a ,

momentary doubt o f the truth of all she had so

lately narrated flashed across his mind .

I were worse than an idiot he tho u g ht , ,

to take o ffen c e at her incon si derate u n co n ,

n e c t e d conduct — and most unfeeling as well as


unreasonable R eassuming therefore the se
, ,

v ere aspect which the knowledge gleaned from


that morning s experience pointed o ut as most
calculated to gain his end he said coldly ,

I shall depart Catherine when I fee l i n

, ,

c li n e d to do so but certainly not before I have


obtained fro m you a promise

G o — go she exclaimed in a l ow hurr i ed ,

tone interrupting him as it appeare d without

, , ,

even being aware that he spoke I feel

nervous uneasy—I am sure somethi ng is wrong

, .

Oh now I have it ! H e is at the Conv ent


gate Leav e me I entreat o r he will visit

, ,

upon me your presence here ; if y o u hav e any


why do you thus remain rooted to the spot !

G o ! perhaps you may yet have time to evade
him by gliding for a few moments along the
C loisters until he is passed But no she c o n

t i n u e d after another slight pause

, it i s to o



late his foot is on the stairs i n two m i nutes ,

he will be here ! ”

S urprise kept my father mute The sol itary .

parlour window lay outside the grate at the

other end o f the room and though o f favour
, ,

able dimensions i t would have been impossible


for C atherine to glance through it even had ,

she looked i n that direction ; but her eyes had

fallen as I have said o n the opposite wall with
, , ,

a n intensity of gaze as i f desirous o f question

ing t h e dark oaken panels with which it was


adorned The singularity of her manner absorbed


him at first too much to admit o f any inter

, ,

ruption o n his part ; but when he had re ,

covered from his astonishment he was about to ,

tax her fo r yielding to so strange an hallucina

tion when a heavy step was heard outside the

parlour then a hand was laid on the lock i t

t urned an d Father G irard entered t h e room
, ,

wi th a perturbatio n of spirit which he could

scarcely conceal beneath the veil—and thi n

enough it was o f commo n decency His .

countenance moulded by N atur e into a most


scowlin g aspect looked absol utely savage with


scarce contained rag e His step as he entered


the parlour was even more haught y than usual ;


he walked up at once to the grate behind which ,

stood his victim trembling in every limb con

, ,

t e m p lat i n h i m with a fixed and mournful

gaze as the poor bird mus t gaze at the snake

that is said to fascinate ere it destroys .

How is this ! exclaimed Father G irard in ,

a loud peremptory voice

, I had forbidden
you to receive any more visits even from your

nearest and dearest and I find a man with you


Catherine — Catherine ! are you then decided, ,

to forfeit the last particle of my good will -

I t was not I who wished —who asked

faltered the poor overaw ed creature as sh e
, ,

clung to the grate fo r support ; and her lids

drooped heavily on her moist orbs and her ,

head fell back on her shoulder as if her senses


were about to leave her .

N 3

But resumed the mo nk in his hoarse

, ,

tones that fell o n the tympanum like the croak


o f a disturbed crow but you consented to

speak to him I t is lucky I was o n my road

hither e lse ,

E lse what S ir Jesuit ! said my father i n

, ,

t e rp o si n g his person between the confessor and

his fair stricken penitent

, E lse what ! I t is

I rather who ought to say G o hence and you ,

to obey I t i s my respect for her alone that


s hields you —
Take a timely warnin g meddle

n o t again w i th her o r anyth i ng concern ing her

, ,


Leav e us —leave us this instant ! almost ”

screame d the priest, in the excess o f hi s rage .

D epart and let us never meet again on earth

, ,

who never can meet in heaven !
Beware canting hypocrite what words you
, ,

speak and from this hour forth what deeds

, , ,

you do ! There is a place o n earth where we

should have met face to face but for h e r sake
, ,

N ow y o u know me her avowed protector b e

, ,

ware o f foul deali ngs fo r a brother s eye is


up on her I
276 M AG I C AND M E s M E R I s M.

which as I live I will bring all the energy

, , ,

every capability with which G od has gifted me ,

to blast to ruin to hi ll y o u as ruthlessly as you

, , ,

have blasted ruined and killed he r But o n e

, , .

step further o n e little ac t o f inj usti ce and o p


pression more and the n we me e t , .

With these words my father t urned away ,

and strode hastily o u t o f the apartment with ,

o u t casting a single glance behind at the faint

ing form o f his once beloved C atherine as , ,

releasing her hold of the iron bars that sup

ported her she sank heavily O u the floor ; nor

did he mark the terrified quiverin gJesuit w h o , , ,

lost i n his fears was not even aware o f his co m


panion s situation


My father felt that the ecclesiastical arm

alone was long enough to overtake the priest
its grasp alone stro n g enough to compel him
the o n ly influence indeed that could be brought
, ,

to bear i n order t o save Catherine since the

, ,

i ne rt i a and timidity o f her natural friends and

protectors would paralyse the e ffects o f their

sympathy But how to implicate himself in

this affai r, w i thout i nj ury to Catherine in any


w ay , he scarcely knew .

Chance howev er as
so often happens at the very moment when an

affair seems most complicated to o ur puzzled

brains and we in vain endeavour to find the

right way o u t o f i t served h i m very sat i sfac
t o ri ly at the present crisis .

A family co u ncil was to be held at o n e o f

the aristocratic mansions o f the town that very
evening where as matters of interest were to
, ,

be deliberated upon and contending claims dis


cussed ln private previous to their being de


bated i n public most o f the parties brought


with them their legal advisers among whom ,

was my fa t her A s he never allowed private


fee lings to interfere with the duties o f his avo

cation o n his return from Ollioules his first

care was to prepare immediately fo r the even

ing s task This he did n o t only by bestowing


upon his toilet the necessary degree o f atte n

tion but by forcibly banishing from his mind

every thought unconnected with the interests

he was about t o espouse .

A lways scrup u lously punctual it was ofte n ,

the you n g lawyer s fate to find himself the first


at his re nde z vo us o f business especially when,

he had to do with patrician clients I t was so .

on this occasion W h en he had de file d through


the double ro w of expecting footmen who stood

ranged along the anteroom awaiting t h e guests ,

and was formal ly ushered by the valet whose

d uty it was to announce into the grand saloon
, ,

brilliantly lighted up as if for grand reception

, ,

he found himse lf the solitary tenant o f its S plen

dours I ts many candelabra s revealed without

di spelling the gloom o f its rich crimson hang

in gs The light o f the tap e rs fell cold and nu

fl i e n dly o n the white polished surface o f the

marble co nso le s and tables that stood between
the tall windows gli ttere d o n the gildi ng O f their

bases an d played mysteriously in the depths o f


the m irrors that overhung them The stiff .

backed sofas and cha irs ranged i n awful preci


sion against the walls sombre and rich looked

, , ,

to his unaccustomed eye l ike so man y S panish


dons awaiting for the k ing s presence In short


the cold mag nificence o f an apartment furni shed

a la Louis ! I V . and o f dimensions o f the most

lofty des c ri pti on n o t much re li e ve d from the


The O ld man looked wistfully round as if ,

seeking some one whom he expected to meet

there ; and as my father stepped respectfully
for ward to greet him he b e Came aware that he
, ,

and no other was the individual o f whom the


Bishop was in quest I n a fe w brie f, simple


words but full o f apostolic eloquence in which

, ,

he sought to bring over my father to the views

o f peace fo r the establishment of which he had

forced his o w n presence and counsel o n the

conflicting parties h e communicated the obj ect

that had induced him to precede the others .

He s ucceeded perhaps all the better in his

, ,

Christian mission that my father was extremely


averse to the meaner parts o f his professio n ,

which often consist in fanning into a devastating

flam e the passions o f men—sometimes even of
those between whom nature and duty should
for m an indissoluble bo nd Far from considering

the worthy Prelate s interference in any way

d isadvantageous to himself he entered eagerly ,

into his views ; and promised to open them to

his colleagues in a manner that should prepare

them to support or at least prevent their


o pposing the amicable arrangements which i t


was the Bishop s wish to promote


The P relate mingled in his conversation a

fe w paternal remarks an d eulogiums o n my

father s conduct and talents with the grace

peculiar to the sphere in which he habitually

moved and with the sincerity o f a k ind

heart .

The young lawyer was much flattered by

this proof o f his dawning reputation H e had .

scarcely dared to h O p e that his merits should

be acknowledged in circles where the names o f
the obscure o f other classes seldom penetrate ,

and where consequently to be known at all

, ,

argues no small degree o f notoriety By the .

way it is worthy of remark that those young


men who so loudly proclaim t h e i n c are le ssn e ss

of praise their indifference to pub lic opinion
, ,

and think thereby to stamp themselves with the

seal o f superiority seldom if ever rise above
, , ,

the most vulgar mediocrity I t is only he who .

has an ai m in V ie w who u rges forward in the


lists o f li fe and meets bravely the shock o f co rn


petition —he only who values t he laurel wreath

2 82 M A GI C AN D M E SME RI S M .

that can e ver hope to w i n o r deserv e to wear it

, .

— — —
The poet the painter the hero all need the
spur o f some such ennobling influence to charm
o r dazzle the world . Oftener t o o does this , ,

unnatural affectation o f disdain in the young

arise from the consciousness o f utter nullity and
want o f those powers which enable the more
favoured to gain applause than from any real ,

insensib ili ty to its value The heart that beats


with jo y at merited d istinction is the only o n e

worthy o f receivin g it .

My father s heart was elated at that instant

with a justifiable pride but still he forgot not


those who had an interest in it even in his ,

hour o f triumph . A vaili ng h I mse lf o f the

moment when the Bishop havin g obtained his

aim and apparently e x hausted every topic o f


conversation was evidently me ditating a retreat

, ,

he arrested his attention by introducing at once

the subject uppermost in h i s thoughts .

I have this day heard he began “

, ,

Toulon is about to lose o n e o f its palms o f

glory and yield i t up to S aletta I t is said
, .

t o o i n a se c ret manner ; but I can s c arcely


with the respect due to the rank o f the speaker ,

he replied with apparent carelessness


Oh no this is no cas e of domestic tyranny
— i t is re ferable merely to the S aint o f Olli
oules whom Father G irard it appears wishes
, , ,

to remove to the community o f Carthusians at

S aletta that she may as he says shine else
, , ,

where having e di fie d enough at S t Clare s

, .

and Toulon .

All the no ncha la nce o f the g ra nd s e ig ne ur

gave way at once in the Bishop before the ,

roused and instinctive feelings o f the priest .

How is this —the S aint o f Ollioules to be

snatched by the C arthusians o f S ale t t a from o u r\

dear sisters of S t Clare s ! Yo u must be mis


taken M onsieur Chaudon this cannot be I

I have heard it this day from the novice s
o wn lips and yet when I heard too that your
, , , ,

lordship s sanction to so important a measure

had neither been obtained nor even soli cited I ,

unhesi tatingly declared my disbelief in the

power of any member of the clergy to e ffect it .

Your clear and quick insight young sir , ,

does your j udgment credit ans wered the ,

Bishop warmly
, We he ar meekly we t rus r
, ,

o u r honours and dignity—wield also o u r apos , ,

t o li cal sceptre mildly and with due reserve in


all things whenever we can in con science do


so ; b u t for the sake of o u rselves o f o u r suc c es


sors and above all for that o f the church we

, , , ,

may not permit that dignity to be slighted ,

that power to be braved nor that sceptre to be


put aside .

I dared to believe so modestly put in my


father and even t o predict that you would

not think it meet to permit any other diocese to

appropriate the glories o f your o wn ; for I ,

argued the high dignitaries o f the church have


to consult policy as well as all other rulers ;

and such a step w ould be an error as tending ,

to displease o ur many excellent religious c o m

mu n i t i e s the boast o f this town who all con
, ,

ce i v e they have a greater right to a native

celebrity than those o f other territories—but I

am afraid I weary your lordship .

, ,

N ay proceed you n g man proceed im ,

patiently u rged the Bishop now evidently ,

d eeply interested in the conversation and ap ,


prehe nsive lest the arrival o f the expe c ted

guests should put an end to their colloquy .

Your lucid views are peculiarly agreeable t o

me they perfectly c oincide with my o w n .

My father whose artful pause had only been


made that he might ascertain to a certain ,

degree the impression produced by his words

, ,

n o w continued with in c reased as surance


I also urged that the town as well as the ,

clergy would expect their beloved lord to pre

serve to them their young countrywoman in ,

whom they take so much pride .

Of co urse said the venerable Bishop
, of

course sound policy and duty and the care o f

, ,

my o wn dignity alike require my interference


i n this affai r—require I may say an i n s tan t a

, ,

n e o us resolute interference ; unless indeed
, , ,

he added the S aint o f Ollioul es herself has


been guided in this as i n former resolves by a

, ,

heave n ly voice which to di sobey were sinful


even i n the highest and most mighty o f this

earth .

My father perceived by these words the , ,

shoal o n which he might strike in his endea


upon his o w n authority in a cas e o f so much

delicacy when our good town is honoured with

t h e presence o f a lord bishop .

Oh ! but he shall be taught an d Toulon ,

sh all see that none can brave with impunity


their lawful superiors replie d the Bishop with
, ,

dignity . Providence has placed me at t h e

head of the flock and I were a bad shepherd if

I su ffered the sheep to be stolen from me in the

dead o f n ight as it were I thank you my
, .

young sir—heartily do I thank you for your ,

timely warning I t would not have been


seemly in me to have learnt this t o o late and ,

might have involved m e in great diffi culties

with o u r neighbours o f S aletta ; but the
prelate slightly hesitated ; then resuming the ,

air o f calm dignity habitual to him which in , ,

the uncommon animation o f the moment had ,

bee n somewhat ru ffled he continued , of

course the latter part o f o ur conversation and


its subject will remain strictly private for a time

perhaps only for this eveni n g ; I must impo s e
secrecy o n you and ,

What more he might have added w as i n


by the arrival o f my father s col

t e rru p t e d

leagues ; his reply to the last words o f the pre

late was therefore conveyed i n a mute but low
obeisance which was acknowledged by his

lordshi p with a most affable n o d as he retired

from the apartment ; nor di d he reappear until
t h e valet o f the chambers announced the arrival

o f the expected parties who awaited nothing ,

bu t his presence to open the evening s debate


The worthy prelate was received by all pre

sent however hostile their feelings towards

each other with the deepest reverence ; the


doors were then closed and the business o f the


evening began in earnest .

The diffi culties that opposed the bishop s ’

pacific mission were n o t small for bitterness ,

o f feeling was at its height and man y o f the ,

profession gave advice the most contrary to his

desires ; nor woul d he perhaps in spite o f the
, ,

high veneration in which he was he ld have ,

succeeded had it not been for the eloquent


manner in which my father laid his views and

wishes before the as se mbly n o t failing to point ,

o u t adroitly to each individually how a fair

, ,

V O L . I . O

accommodation would best fu rther the person al

views of each ; so well di d he perform this self
imposed task that his success w as complete
, .

A ll the preliminaries to a fair compromise

were then settled ; and the delighted bishop
reaped the grateful thanks o f the soothed as
se mb l before the deliberations o f the evening
closed which considering the habits of those
, ,

days had been indeed protracted to a very

, , ,

late hour I t was m idn ight when my father


w as summoned to the door of the good bishop s

coach to receive his acknowledgments for the

able manner in which he had supported his
measures duri n g the last few hours hintin g at , ,

the same time that his services should n o t be


forgotten any more than his timely warning


about the sai nt of Ollioules My father re .

turn ed home t o o agitated by all that had passed


in the course o f the day to court even the sem

blance o f repose but pacin g the narrow limits

o f his bachelor s apart ment with hasty strides


he according to his wont resolutely endea

, ,

v o u re d to class and arrange the chaos o f

thoughts and emotions that filled his bre ast ,

the sadder ones could not he felt be the result

, , ,

o f a single night o f meditation although it ,

afforded suffi cient leisure to trace o u t both for ,

himself and the unfortun ate obj ect of his solici

tude the line o f conduct most ad visable to

pursue with regard to Father G irard and to the ,

rest o f th e world .

There is perhaps no better composing draught

, ,

to administer to the human passi ons when ,

excited than a well weighed firmly embraced


formal resolution o n any point whatever This

, .

is for most people of all difficulties the greatest

, , , ,

for the very simple reason that weak minds are

more abundant in this world than strong ones
as my father s however belonged most de

, ,

c i d e dl to the latter order he did not experience

y ,

any such embarrassment ; and in p u rsuance o f ,

t he measures he had resolved upon the very ,

first rays of the sun escorted him to the house

of Madame C adi ere s where he was soon ,

closeted in earnest conference with Catherine s ’

brothers .

A couple o f hours later the D omini can was ,

on his way to the Carmelite convent where he , ,


t oo, claimed and obtained a long interview with

Father Alexis the former confessor and director

of Mademoiselle C adi ere s and not long after ,

Father Al exis was s e en on his road to the

episcopal palace where in his turn a pro
, , ,

tracted audience was granted him .

For the rest of the day great animatio n

seemed to prevail within its usually quiet walls .

Members of the divers religious orders were to

be seen gliding in and out of the gateway with ,

visible traces o f agitatio n o n their ordinarily

impassible countenances The lights burned

late in the good old Bishop s chamber and the


G rand Vicar who shared with a fe w more

, ,

privileged councillors the honours of his table

, ,

le ft him not before the evening meal being


concluded the Bishop retired for the night


Whilst the train he had laid was thus slowly

taking fire my fa ther kept himself aloof fro m

it and was t o all appearance a careless unin

, , , ,

t e re s t e d obser v er ; but E leonore with whom he


spent the better portion o f the day knew better ,

than to s uspect him of indifference as to its

resul ts .

N o r were they backward in manifesting them

selves A t twelve o clock precisely next day

, ,

the G rand Vicar was seen accomp an ied by two ,

other o f the most confidential satellites o f the

Bishop all three seated in great pomp in the
, , ,

G rand Vicar s phaeton exhibiti ng in their

, ,

whole air and manner an incre as e o f dignity

, ,

that seemed to proclaim the importance o f the

mission o n which they were bound .

M any idlers stood still gazing after them , ,

as they rattled over the roughly paved streets -


and here and there a casement was flung open

at the sound and a c u rious female head thrust

out I n the streets through which they had t o


pas s in order to ga in the M arseilles gate there ,

were however a few houses whose occupants

, ,

denoted a greater interest in their procee di ngs ,

and who evidently were no strangers to them .

A t the first floor of the one might be seen my

fath er and his affian c e d bride j oyfully watching ,

the progress of the clerical vehicle although its ,

tenants did not appear aware o f the circum

stance But shortly afterward s as they e n

countered t h e watchful glances O f M adame


tion which they seemed to imagine their pas sage

must excite nor did the i r inves tigating glances
detect any emotion o f curiosity o r surprise in
the visage of the we ll trained porter whose -

brow was as dark and chi lling as his habit .

N ot such however was the appearance o f

, ,

t he Carmelite convent Heads were to be seen


in every quarter and anxious eyes peering from


beneath every cowl at the very first glimpse


of the Grand Vicar s well known equipage


The reverend fathers within and those without

exchanged glances o f inte lli gence which were ,

soon converted by the former at leas t when the

, ,

latter were o u t of sight into looks o f the most


uncontrollable triumph for if the Jesuits n u ,

conscious o f the cloud that was lowering s o

near over their heads had paid little or no

attention to the all important fact that the G rand


Vicar was o n his road to Ollio ules in company

with the P rior o f the C armelites —whose zeal ,

fo r his order was as notorious as the talents

which enabled hi m to display it to advantage ,

the Carmelites were better instructed as to the

impending storm and enj oyed already in antici

pat i o n the victory they were about to achieve

over their proud rivals though little guessing

h o w complete — how immeasurable it was des

tined to be .

The next day explai n ed satisfactorily the

movements o f the preceding o n e I t was n o w .

publicly reported tha t the G rand Vicar had

proceeded to Ollioules to clai m Mademoiselle
C ad i ere s in the Bishop s name that she had

been most willingly delivered into his hands by

the Lady Abbess herself, who contrary to ,

expectation seemed anything but mortified at


t he loss ; that in short Catherine was restored

, ,

to her home and her friends and the Bishop ,

had issued forth his interdiction against Father

G irard to prohibit him from atte nding her any

more in the light of confessor and had ap ,

pointed Father Nicholas the distinguished Car


m e li t e I have already alluded t o in h i s place, .

This intelligence sounded like the trumpet o f

j udgment in the ears of the Jesuit ; like the
be lls o f a Te D eum in those of my father and
E leonore ; resolving however that his o w n
, ,

participation in this event should remain per


unknown — perhaps indeed it was already

fe c t ly , ,

forgotten o r still unsuspected by those whose

, ,

more active interference h ad been but the mere

result o f his adroit instigations my father
form ed a determina tion to resume his visits at
the house which he felt certain none would

n o w forbid A ll moti v e indeed for refusing

, ,

hi m admi t tance had long ceased t o exist ; and

it was a matter o f moment to poor C atherine
that some wise hand should now re unite and -

guide the broken threads of her destiny .

EN D O F V O L. I.

T . C . S avrll, Pr mt e r, 1 07 , S t M art i n ’ s La ne , Ch ar mg C ro s s
. .

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