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Phase I Kaunlaran Village NBBS Navotas City

Email Address: kaunlaran_hs2000@yahoo.com
Tel. Nos. 351-0912 Telefax: 351-2540

School Learning Episode

English Department


In working environment and organization, one must recognize and resolve conflict between co-
workers, otherwise it will result to poor job performance, inadequacy and delay. It is normal to have
misunderstanding with your workmates due to some reason. However, continuous torment with one another
will be really alarming for each other’s performance.

Many conditions drive conflict such as an individual lacking self-confidence in his ability to perform
required duties. This might generate defensive reactions to co-worker who request assistance. In addition, an
employee might feel that he has an unfair workload. Furthermore, a conflict might occur based on a co-
worker's misconception.

This SLE will come to discuss “SELF-DISCLOSURE” that will improve one’s way of treating
others specially in working environment. As we go deeper in understanding our co-workers specially with
someone that we had misunderstanding and problems before that we might not be able to disclose for better
and harmonious camaraderie within the working stations.

I. Objectives
a. Provide insights about self-disclosure
b. Reflect on one’s own attitude and behavior
c. Resolve personal or inner conflicts

II. Topic


III. Development

A. Activity
1. Defining Self-Disclosure
2. Benefits of self-disclosure
3. Criteria for appropriate self-disclosure
4. Barriers to constructive self-disclosure

B. Activity 2

a. Johari’s Window
C. Analysis

Why do you think it is important for us to have self-disclosure among workmates?

(Explain your answer)

D. Abstraction

a. The Johari’s window

E. Application

a. Using the Johari’s window (Group/Pairing)

F. Closure

a. Self-disclosure: a key to stronger relationship

Prepared by:

English Teacher


English Teacher

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